
jrgiffordyano: yeah, thats nice.00:45
jrgiffordi'm going to try and convince dad to swap the house over to ipv6.00:45
yanoi realize that my sites aren't working over ipv6 :-(00:49
yanoi think something is wrong with apache, because the domains are resolving to the correct ipv6 addresses00:49
yanowoot got it to work, apparently the last time i restarted my routes dissappeared00:52
yanosweet, now i can ssh proxy ipv6 connections from firefox00:55
yanojrgifford: you watching the cyberpunk video?01:03
jrgiffordyano: no, i had to leave, dad wasn't feeling good.01:27
jrgiffordI think I'll run a devops 101 discussion or something tomorrow. just for kicks, since i'm really enjoying this stuff.01:29
jrgiffordquickly re-setup a dual boot for my other laptop, install virtual box on it and fire up a few other VMs or something.01:30
BiosElement2I really dunno why people contact tech support for help and choose to call me a liar for stating the facts. >.> Don't ask if you don't want to know...08:36
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
canthus13wh  Indiana Linux Fest... It's like a ghost town. 5 vendors.13:50
dzhocanthus13: where?13:51
* dzho googles13:51
canthus13On the plus side, I got my BSD horns this year. :) they have tons of them.13:52
dzhoah, right by the airport13:53
canthus13Right under the flight path, even.13:54
yanoi see the Rock N' Roll hall of fame induction is today. traffic is going to be terrible14:33
jrgiffordyeah, it will be. the weather won't help much either. :\14:35
* yano checks the weather14:36
jrgiffordit was raining earlier on my way in.14:36
yanoooh thunderstorms! :-)14:37
yanoi might be outside today, :-P14:37
gilbertpaultag: nice work on the gcc47 build failures :)15:42
paultaggilbert: thanks man :P15:42
paultagI hate stuff holding back progress15:42
paultagwhat's new, gilbert?15:43
gilbertnot a whole lot actually15:43
paultagwell, no news is good news :)15:43
gilberthow about you?15:43
gilberti like how you tagged your post "frasier"15:44
paultagnot much, finally got my last +1 for NM, so I'm waiting on AM, which is cool. Work's great, a bit tired, but s'all good15:44
paultaghahaha, every blog post I have has one goofy tag :)15:44
paultagI like noticing which people notice :)15:44
gilberthaha paultag playing sociological experiments15:45
paultaggilbert: how's life @debian.org? :)15:47
gilberti dunno, it doesn't really seem that different yet actually...15:48
gilbertkinda weird15:49
paultagYeah, I'm sure it's really only debian-private and people bugging you for sponsorship :)15:49
gilberti still feel restricted.  i've been trying to fix the state of wine but i'm not really getting anywhere15:49
paultagoh jeez15:49
paultagwine's a mess from what I can tell, what's blocking you?15:50
gilbertpaultag: there is absolutely nothing going on now in debian-private except boring vacation notices15:50
paultagyeah :)15:50
gilberthaven't really got any sponsorship requests yet15:51
gilbertdid get a key signing request, but when i asked the guy what he does for debian, he never replied back15:51
gilbertso oh well15:51
paultaggilbert: wow, that post from msp is fucking lame15:52
paultaggilbert: yeah, lame. Oh well :)15:52
paultagthis is one giant ugly thread15:53
gilbertoh yes indeed15:53
paultaggilbert: you could do a hostile NMU ;)15:54
gilberti know, but that's bound to stir a lot of trouble15:54
paultaggah, this thread is a mess15:54
paultagyeah, for sure. Totally joking :)15:54
canthus13Whee. This MySQL dude is a bore....15:55
paultaggilbert: dude, last 5 messages were yours15:56
paultagthat's so lame15:56
paultaghow do they not say "Here's the commit bit, go nuts"15:56
paultagcanthus13: :)15:56
canthus13"Don't use ext2"  Who the fsck is gonna use ext2 on a database server built after 2001?15:56
canthus13You'd have to put in extra work to install with ext2...15:57
gilbertpaultag: i have no f'ing clue.  its rediculous.  right now i'm sort of just making a point15:58
paultaggilbert: keep making it, this thread is a fucking mess15:58
paultagthis is what gives Debian a bad name15:58
paultagold versions and grumpy maintainers15:59
gilbertand the social intractibility of allowing stogy maintainers to do this kind of thing15:59
paultagyeah, totally15:59
gilbertoh, and some random person has started a new thread about in on -devel just now...whee!16:01
gilbertnot sure what i want to say there...16:01
paultagoh man16:01
paultagI'm so happy I'm not on d-devel16:01
gilbertyou really should be as a prospective dd16:02
gilbertit doesn't get as ugly as it used to16:02
paultagI was on it for a long time, but it's just flame-war after flame-war16:02
paultagI just sit on -announce :)16:02
paultagbut you're right, I suspect16:02
paultagalright, re-joined it. Let's see how long it lasts :P16:03
gilbertoh, one more thing about being a dd, i did vote in the election ;)16:31
paultaggilbert: haha, awesome! Good ole' Nota?16:51
paultag(kidding, I don't want to know :) )16:52
Cheri703_I am making progress in my sec+ study stuff!17:25
canthus13Cheri703_: Woo. :)17:25
Cheri703_I've finished 9/11 chapters, taken the practice tests after each, and have gotten 210/217 practice questions correct! \o/17:26
canthus13awesome. :)17:26
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
Cheri703granted, that is read it/test it, but I'm going to go back through and re-test17:26
* canthus13 should start that again.17:26
Cheri703let me know if you want my book once I am done, perhaps a trade for that laptop :)17:27
canthus13Sounds good. I'll prolly get that laptop in the mail friday.17:28
Cheri703ok, cool :)17:28
canthus13...yay for unprepared speakers.17:29
paultagcanthus13: heckle!17:29
canthus13paultag: he's using OpenSUSE. He's heckling himself.17:30
paultagI love heckling17:30
paultagoh man17:30
paultagso awesome17:30
paultagOpenSuSE is such a joke17:30
canthus13needs to add recordmydesktop... and OpenSUSE doesn't have it in the standard repos.17:30
canthus13so he had to add a repo and install it... over crappy hotel wifi.17:30
canthus13This is so slow I'm outtyping the connection.17:31
paultagtell him you've got a Debian ISO17:31
canthus13Hahaha. :)17:31
paultagI carry an Ubuntu stick for just such occasions17:31
canthus13He ignored me.17:31
canthus13and gave up.17:31
paultagoh man, fail!17:32
canthus13So he's gonna give his presentation without recording it.17:32
canthus13On creating your own domain with Samba and LDAP.17:32
* paultag cringes17:32
canthus13Poor guy works full time for SUSE.17:32
paultagoh god17:32
canthus13the MySQL guy was kinda blah, but fairly informative.17:33
canthus13and they have a hackerspace here!17:33
canthus13they're sharing their room with a bunch of lockpicking nuts. Pretty fun stuff.17:33
paultagoh cool17:33
paultagalright, i'm off for a while17:35
paultaglove y'alls17:35
Cheri703canthus13: I wish I could go to conferences :s I haven't heard back about this work from home thing (am SUPER anxious about it), if it happens, I will totally be travelling as much as possible :)17:36
canthus13Cheri703: Cool.17:37
canthus13Cheri703: speaking of which, if you need a ride to OLF, we can prolly pick you up.17:37
Cheri703Thanks! I will keep that in mind17:37
canthus13no prob.17:37
canthus13Cheri703: they're doing an all-day Python for Women workshop.  Looks to be pretty full, unlike the rest of the fest. :/17:46
Cheri703that's cool that they're doing it, bummer that the fest is not very well populated17:47
canthus13yeah. only 5 vendors showed. no ubuntu booth. :/17:47
canthus13Kit's having fun, though. :)17:49
Cheri703that's good :)17:49
canthus13Haha. Cute. :)17:49
Cheri703ok, off to work, have fun!17:52
canthus13later. :)17:52
jrgiffordyano: so, now when i tried to download another 3MB package, i get 16.4 kB/s. lol19:59
jrgiffordI think they are QoS'ing all package managers.19:59
yanojrgifford: yea, I was coding earlier over SSH and my SSH session timed out.19:59
jrgiffordyano: dang, that takes... a slow connection.20:00
yanojrgifford: actually the 1pm talk about Setting Up a Con network described how their network here is set up20:00
jrgiffordthank the lord for tmux and screen20:00
jrgiffordyano: ugh, i was at lunch then, otherwise i would have been in there.20:00
yanothey have a VPN through the hotel's connection that is able to shape traffic between it is sent from the ISP to the hotel20:00
jrgiffordoh, that makes sense. also explains why my IP is showing up at port clinton20:01
yanoyea, it's pretty complex20:01
yanoinstead of tunneling via ssh i'm trying a VPN20:16
Unit193Never really set one up, should do that at some point...20:18
yanono tunnleing or VPNing -- http://www.speedtest.net/result/1894680436.png20:27
yanoVPN -- http://www.speedtest.net/result/1894676026.png20:27
yanodid nothing20:28
jrgiffordyeah, its not really that nice.20:31
yanonope :-(20:35
yanois there a command to test bandwidth? besides just measuring the last number of downloading something with curl/wget ?20:35
canthus13yano: testing bandwidth accurately requires a server at the other end.21:04
yanocanthus13: yea, isn't there a command where it could do a speedtest like speedtest.net but via the cli? (where you feed in a server or something)21:05

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