
=== daker is now known as daker_
=== daker__ is now known as daker
Amozcjohnston, u alive?19:29
cjohnstonwhats up Amoz19:31
Amozjust wondering if you know who's taking care of the help.u.c wiki cjohnston :=19:39
dakerhey mhall119 or cjohnston21:07
cjohnstonAmoz: the docs team IIRC21:08
dakercjohnston: look at this http://pastebin.com/CckkM2JW21:09
cjohnstonwhat about it21:10
cjohnstonits a bad idea21:10
dakeri am not sure if it's good to insert the html inside the trans21:10
dakerbut i want to add the event url after the openid/login/?next=21:11
dakeropenid/login/?next={{ event_obj.get_absolute_url }}21:11
dakerbut it's not accepted21:11
mhall119daker: have you gotten your visa yet?23:32
dakermhall119: no :/ i can't applie now, since the visa application needs the passeport informations, and i'll the passeport on monday23:33
mhall119aw, so we won't see you at UDS afterall23:33
dakermhall119: maybe next the next UDS :)23:34
mhall119well, that leaves 3 weeks, I don't know how long it takes23:34
mhall119but it's government, so I'd be surprised if it's less than 3 weeks23:34
mhall119daker: hopefully23:34
mhall119daker: when you're sure you won't be able to attend, please email Marianna back so maybe your sponsorship spot can go to someone else this cycle23:35
dakermhall119: to be honnest i am not sad, i had the chance to be sponsored which is something i didn't expected, this mean i am making a very good progress, people are interested in what i am doing and this make me very happy.23:39
Amozhmm, do where can I find the docs team?23:39
dakerAmoz: #ubuntu-doc ?23:41
Amozdaker, thank you23:48

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