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LLStarkshi, i haven't been able to get the nouveau module to load for the past few weeks02:23
LLStarksi get FATAL: Module off not found.02:23
LLStarksnot sure what that's supposed to mean02:24
SarvattLLStarks: that means you have nvidia-current installed i believe02:26
Sarvattcan't use wayland with it installed02:26
Sarvatterr cant use nouveau sorry02:27
Sarvattnouveau is aliased to off in the nvidia package02:27
LLStarksthat's harmful towards my hybrid-graphics testing02:28
LLStarksi can't switch drivers on the fly02:28
Sarvattof course you cant, nvidia sets up alternates for all of the mesa and x crap you  need to be using to use nouveau02:29
LLStarkswell, i could before02:29
LLStarksbut now i can't02:29
Sarvattit hasnt changed in a few releases02:29
LLStarksi'm getting invalid symbols and crap02:30
Sarvatti dont know what you're doing but assuming bumblebee, update-alternatives switching to mesa needs to be called switching to mesa instead of nvidia the same as it has for the past few releases02:30
LLStarksnouveau.ko will not load02:30
LLStarksno matter what02:30
LLStarksi'm not worrying about mesa or the ddx02:31
Sarvattusing the nvidia alternates sets up the blacklist for nouveau02:31
LLStarksalias nouveau off02:32
Sarvattnothing has changed there, i dont know what changed for you recently because thats weird, its been 2 releases since its changed02:32
Sarvattusing nvidia does that02:32
LLStarksthis is new02:32
Sarvattnew as in 11.0402:32
LLStarksdon't do this02:32
LLStarksit's not necessary02:32
Sarvattdont tell me, tell tseliot, or tell whatever stuff you're using outside of the distro thats not calling update-alternates to switch to mesa when you switch to nouveau02:33
LLStarksleave the modules alone, alternates are the only thing that need to be messed around with until PRIME lands later this year02:34
Sarvattthe alternates set up the blacklist, if its switching it should be fine02:34
Sarvattmaybe whatever you're using isn't calling update-initramfs to remove the blacklist from the initrd?02:35
LLStarksit's not switching02:35
LLStarksif i want to use wine, i need to modify the ld_library_path02:35
LLStarksafaik, nouveau loading first does not harm nvidia-current02:36
Sarvattsure it does, it refuses to load if you do it02:36
Sarvattnvidia prints messages about how you need to blacklist nouveau to use it02:37
LLStarksit's not a problem for me if nouveau is available02:37
LLStarksor loaded for that matter02:37
LLStarksthe focus should be on keeping the card off using bbswitch as opposing to letting any driver load unless explicitly modprobed02:38
SarvattLLStarks: keeping bbswitch internal to something not in any distro doesn't help that cause :) bbswitch is awesome.02:40
LLStarksSarvatt, well, it's the one thing that none of the people at dma_buf prime haven't considered03:08
LLStarksthere is no other acpi solution03:08
LLStarks*people hacking away at03:08
alex_mayorgaCan anyone here look at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=745481 should I file it to launchpad too?20:35
ubottuMozilla bug 745481 in Untriaged "MapsGL doesn't render properly on nouveau" [Normal,New: ]20:35
Sarvattalex_mayorga: wow, you can use mapsgl on nouveau? its a constant stream of gpu hangs on intel, i'm amazed webgl on mesa isn't blacklisted in firefox but other webgl pages do work fine20:48
alex_mayorgaSarvatt: I could until a few days ago =(20:53
alex_mayorgaFiled it on Launchpad as the problem happens on Chromium Bug #981883 20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981883 in xorg (Ubuntu) " MapsGL doesn't render properly on nouveau" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98188320:54
alex_mayorgaAsk me anything =)20:55
LLStarksmapsgl just sucks20:57
Sarvattchromium shouldn't even allow webgl on mesa 8 because its busted, what chromium are you using?20:57
LLStarksit doesn't work right with snb20:57
tjaaltonalex_mayorga: could you file it upstream? :)20:57
alex_mayorgaSarvatt: 18.0.1025.151 (Developer Build 130497 Linux) Ubuntu 12.0420:58
alex_mayorgatjaalton: How?20:58
Sarvattoh maybe its just fixed in later chromium, not the one in the archive :( i'm on 20.x20:58
alex_mayorgaSarvatt: I use Mozilla's Nightly too and is the exact same bad rendering so I don't think is the browser20:59
tjaaltonalex_mayorga: fdo mesa, nouveau dri21:00
alex_mayorgaSarvatt: Where do you get latest Chromium from? The PPA I have hasn't been updated in ages21:00
alex_mayorgatjaalton: Let me give that a try21:00
Sarvattalex_mayorga: yeah its not, but mesa doesn't work well with webgl and needs to be blacklisted :( theres a very high chance any fix wont even be able to be backported to SRU to precise too now that nouveau is getting reworked21:01
Sarvattoh sorry i meant chrome not chromium, gave up on chromium because the daily builds stopped too21:03
alex_mayorgaMaybe I got that into myself https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=729817#c50 =(21:03
ubottuMozilla bug 729817 in Graphics "freezes and crashes @ nouveau_dri.so when on github" [Critical,Verified: fixed]21:03
Sarvatthmm INTEL_HIZ=0 fixes mapsgl on intel21:03
bjsniderSarvatt, how do you expect ivybridge to be working with precise in terms of stability and performance?21:04
alex_mayorgaI can tell that it was working fine some weeks ago21:04
Sarvattbjsnider: its awesome, unless you care about eDP or the limited 3 head support they have :)21:04
Sarvattinternal some video connection laptops use21:05
Sarvattbjsnider: 11.10 is great on ivybridge too, thats mostly what i've been doing since the OEM machines will ship with 11.1021:05
alex_mayorgahttp://webglsamples.googlecode.com/hg/aquarium/aquarium.html still works fine on Nightly, so maybe is Google's fault after all21:06
mlankhorstis ivy bridge out yet?21:06
Sarvattexcept it needs oneiric-updates, they broke things in vbios 2 times after 11.10 came out21:06
Sarvattmlankhorst: nope..21:07
bjsniderthe release date is the 23rd i think21:07
alex_mayorgatjaalton: Should I still file upstream?21:08
alex_mayorgaLooks more like a "page issue"21:08
mlankhorstdoes it overclock better than sandy bridge? :p21:09
Sarvattno clue, reference boards and laptops i have dont allow overclocking21:10
mlankhorstah sad, running my 2500k pretty stably on 4.6ghz 24/7, ivy would probably be slower than that :)21:11
bjsnidernot for graphics21:12
bjsniderthe metrics i've seen it hit are a lot higher than sandybridge21:12
Sarvattif you're overclocking a desktop its safe to say you arent using an IGP :)21:12
imbrandonok whom can i bribe with hardware to make my usb displaylink dvi adapter "just work" , its got me pulling my hair out21:20
jwiimbrandon: i think 3.4 has a new driver for those devices21:24
imbrandon3.4 ?21:24
imbrandonsorry i'm wayyyy un X knowhow, been hacking linux for years, X is black magic to me21:24
imbrandoni'm guessing Xorg 3.4 ? i'm on precise upto date with the xorg-displaylink driver installed21:25
jwiimbrandon: the upcoming 3.4 linux release :)21:25
imbrandonkernel :)21:25
imbrandonwell i kinda have it working 21:26
imbrandonits green screen on boot ( its a 3rd monitor ) other two are native diplay port on a mac mini21:26
imbrandonand i can add a conf file to the .d dir21:26
imbrandonand reboot and it works perfect21:27
imbrandonpeoblem is the other two are then out of commission 21:27
imbrandonso that is where i lay. broken and only 2 of 3 displays working :(21:27
imbrandonbut i do have an extra on my desk :)21:28
imbrandonusb adapter not display :)21:28
* imbrandon wonders off, anyone hilight my name if you have ideas , i'm game, and if it helps i'll send you one to keep if it takes that21:29
alex_mayorgaSarvatt, tjaalton : So should I upstream the bug?22:05
Sarvattalex_mayorga: it would be much appreciated if you would pass it along to bugs.freedesktop.org because it needs to go there to get fixed, but i dont think anyone will respond honestly and blacklisting webgl which you convinced mozilla to stop doing is the more appropriate option  :(22:10
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