
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos Good morning!06:45
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode06:45
superflyinetpro: will do (re: e-mail)07:32
kbmonkey_good morning07:49
=== kbmonkey_ is now known as kbmonkey
superflyhi kbmonkey07:52
kbmonkeyhello superfly. we can feel some winter weather07:54
superflycan you? it was hot here last night07:55
superflythe breeze was in the 20s07:55
superflyand then it rained a bit tooo07:55
kbmonkeythere's a cold front in kzn07:55
superflywas awesome standing outside with the warm wind and the rain falling down on you07:55
kbmonkeyrain is always nice07:57
nuvolari*rumble rumble rumble*08:36
* nuvolari is grumpy at Vodadum08:36
=== barns_ is now known as barns
magespawnEvening all.16:45
magespawnI am off see you a little later.16:52
kodezgreetings everyone22:00
kbmonkeyhi kodez 22:05
kbmonkeywhats up this Saturday eve22:05
kodezhi kbmonkey. how are you? i am just relaxing. i can't sleep22:06
kbmonkeyI'm trying out ncurses in python22:07
kodezwhat's ncurses?22:07
kbmonkeysleep is overrated sometimes, other times one dies for it :p22:08
kbmonkeyncurses is a library to draw ascii on the terminal22:08
kbmonkeyfor making CLI apps with windows/input etc22:09
kodezkwl. where can i learn more about ncurses?22:11
kbmonkeyI'm using http://docs.python.org/howto/curses.html22:12
kbmonkeybut that may be a bit technical unless you plan to code for it22:12
kbmonkeyin fact, I'm not sure why i'm doing it at this hour on a sat, but oh well :D22:13
kbmonkeycoffee is wearing off, too22:13
kodezlearning doesn't have a time frame22:16
kbmonkeyindeed :]22:17

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