
astraljavaAlright, Colin confirmed the upload of -meta is done, so Saturday's images should have dssi-host-jack on them. Let's double-check ASAP.00:52
ScottLoutstanding, thank you astraljava 01:31
astraljavadssi-host-jack comes with a dist-upgrade, now, so there should be no reason why it wouldn't be found on the images.11:16
astraljavaBut oh how I love it that the -meta version number is 0.99, someone gotta find something to fix so that we can release a 1.00 version with this finest LTS release thus far. *grin*11:17
lenBug #98169816:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981698 in phasex (Ubuntu) "phasex crashed with signal 7 in pa_shm_create_rw()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98169816:18
lenBug #981704 16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981704 in aeolus (Ubuntu) "aeolus crashed with signal 7 in pa_shm_create_rw()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98170416:24
lenScottL, astraljava Two of our sound generators crash on startup.16:26
lenseem to crash PA sometimes while they are at it.16:27
lenHow do I get pulse to NOT respawn?16:51
lenGot it.17:10
lenOk, it doesn't make any difference if pulse is running or not.17:13
lenOn the upside Hexter works...17:16
lenxfce4-mixer crashes when pulse is not running ;-)  (BTW it is still what comes up when selecting "sound settings" from the tray icon.17:19
lenpavcontrol no longer seems to restart pulse...17:46
lenOops, when do we get focus follows mind or eyes or something...17:55
* knome wants "focus follows something" too18:05
* astraljava would appreciate "focus follows it's own intuition"18:51
astraljavalen: Oh well, if anyone has time to work on those crashes, feel free. I won't have time until a bit over two weeks from now. Unless I nail down MacBook Pro quickly and have some virtualization going rather soon-ish. But I'm expecting to have those fixed as SRUs.18:53
lenI think it is a mix of new pulse libs and apps built against the old ones18:55
lenBeyond my grasp though... I have flagged one of them as affecting pulse too. So maybe it will get a few looks.18:56
lenastraljava, both 1386 and AMD64 ISOs have built today...18:58
lenPlaying with qtractor, I can record a midi sequence and play it via the standalone hexter. But I can't load get any sound out of hexter if it is loaded directly in qtractor as a module... I guess I need to do some reading.19:02
lenXchat no longer seems to put itself in the tray.19:08
lenReboot fixed it.19:39
lenOk, qtractor works... figured out the hexter as a module thing.19:47
lenAudio recording with qtractor works too. Had fun figuring out my wiring externally.21:35
lenmudita24 works as it should. It would be really nice if there was an _easy_ way to turn off pulseaudio.21:37
lenPA is using 10% or more CPU all the time. Output devices are turned off, the connections in the jack patch bay are disconnected... 21:42
lenTwo hours, some with midi and audio activity, no xruns. But I have had PA as low activity as I could while still running.21:44
astraljavaI'm a little annoyed with it's CPU hogging. But I have no idea whether there's anything to be done about it.22:59
lenastraljava... an on/off switch would be nice. Still at 4hours and 2 xruns (right after starting guitarix) Its doing ok.23:38
lenI am thinking a record mode makes more and more sense.23:38
lenzynjacku is in effects menu but should be in the sound Generators menu23:52
lenAdd that to your list ScottL23:53
lenI can't test all the mixers as many are hardware specific.23:53

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