
steffen123hello, i'm trying to figure out the command to run to get the list of services started on boot. i've found the upstart docs and read everything that looked relevant to me but i still havent figured it out... any pointers would be appreciated01:51
steffen123this is on a ubuntu 11.04 headless server01:52
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SpamapSsteffen123: because of the parallelism and event based nature, its hard to say on a modern system what gets started...07:09
SpamapSsteffen123: there is a visualization tool though, that will show you a graph of events -> jobs that helps07:10
SpamapSsteffen123: its called 'initctl2dot'07:16
SpamapSsteffen123: initctl2dot && dot -Tx11 upstart.dot    <-- will show you your system's "graph"07:20
JanCalso, there isn't a fixed list of what services are started on boot, as that might well depend on external circumstances...10:20
JanCor if you look at it from a more narrow angle, only jobs with "start on startup" are started directly because you are booting, all the rest gets started because of other events  ;)10:23
steffen123ok thanks for the advise12:02

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