
yofelapachelogger_: bug 981898 when you get back00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981898 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "plymouth theme 12.04 - missplacement of the lower right part makes the logo very ugly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98189800:11
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Peace-yofel: fixed :)09:08
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BluesKajHiyas all11:46
Peace-BluesKaj: hi11:48
BluesKajHi Peace-11:48
Peace-BluesKaj: activated my ppa :D11:48
BluesKajok, good :) what package(s)?11:49
Peace-BluesKaj: for the moment just one :D11:50
Peace-i plan to do every package for my stuff 11:50
BluesKajI see, which pkg is it , Peace- ?11:51
Peace-BluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~nowardev/+archive/ppa/+packages11:52
BluesKajoh right 11:54
bulldog98Peace-: your naming convention isn’t right11:55
bulldog98you should use UPSTREAMVERSION-0~ppa111:56
Peace-it was a testing package11:56
bulldog98all right11:56
Peace-just to see if lauchpad would have worked 11:56
bulldog98you could also try to ask the debian guys, if they include it, but that’s a long way to go11:56
Peace-oh well i plan to do my own ppa for my personal and friends11:57
Peace-infact i have already done the kde-peace-settings hihihi11:58
tsimpsontechnically, it should be -0ubuntu1~ppa1 (for example), because dpkg has a confusing versioning system11:58
Peace-i am doing even for vlc service menu11:59
tsimpsonunless it already exists in debian, then <debian version>ubuntu1~ppa1, or if it has an ubuntu version -<debian version>ubuntu<ubuntu version +1>~ppa. welcome to packaging...11:59
tsimpsonif it's a new package in both debian and ubuntu, that's fine12:00
Peace-tsimpson: debian ? what is it? LOL12:01
tsimpsonthe ~ppa1 actually makes 0.3.0-0ubuntu1 higher12:01
tsimpsondpkg --compare-versions  will become your friend :)12:01
* Peace- saves command12:01
tsimpsonfor instance: dpkg --compare-versions 0.3.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 lt 0.3.0-0ubuntu1 && echo true || echo false12:02
tsimpson(which should echo "true")12:02
* Peace- saves what tsimpson has said .. would become usefull12:07
bulldog98Riddell: btw have you uploaded the calligra translations?14:10
yofelbulldog98: calligra-l10n is up from what I see14:14
bulldog98yofel: hm calligra is fully untranslated here14:14
bulldog98and at the translations page the German is completly empty14:15
yofelhm, lemme check when it was uploaded, before or after the fixed l10n setup14:15
bulldog98yofel: Wed14:15
bulldog98and pkg-kde--ools was uploaded at Thu14:16
bulldog98yofel: it was 3h before the fix was uploaded14:17
yofelhm, calligra itself rebuilt though14:17
yofelso at least the pots should've been imported on launchpad14:17
bulldog98yofel: yes they are, but no translation14:17
bulldog98except the translation provided by the launchpad team, which is not the way it should be14:18
yofelbulldog98: best ask dpm if you need to re-upload the translations for that14:19
bulldog98dpm: do we need to re-upload the translation for calligra?14:19
yofelhe's not here14:19
yofelhm, not online right now14:20
bulldog98hm it’s we14:21
Riddellbulldog98: calligra probably needs a language pack export15:30
Riddellask dpm for details when he's around15:30
bulldog98Riddell: the translation in lp isn’t uptodate15:30
Riddellbulldog98: that's surprising since the templates never existed before the most recent upload15:34
Riddellbulldog98: hmm maybe the l10n needs uploaded again15:34
RiddellI might just do that for luck15:35
RiddellScottK: calligra-l10n uploaded should you be around for approval15:36
DarkwingWho did the graphics on the website?16:23
JontheEchidnasheytan, I think16:28
Darkwinghmmz, I think the main graphic needs to be re-worked.16:34
DarkwingThen again...16:34
DarkwingRiddell: ping16:34
RiddellDarkwing: hi16:43
DarkwingRiddell: Care for a PM16:45
ScottKRiddell: OK.  I'll llok.17:00
ScottKlook even17:03
ScottKRiddell: Accepted.  I uploaded python-qt4 to precise-proposed with a fix to the dbus mainloop problem the Ubuntu One guys have been having.  We'll need to get them to test and then we'll have to decide if it goes in -release or -updates.17:05
ScottKIt should also fix quite a number of PyKDE related issues as well.17:05
shadeslayeryofel: I didn't realize you grew a beard :P17:36
shadeslayerKDevelop 4.3.1 ready to be packaged18:05
* shadeslayer packages18:09
sneleshadeslayer: are you the maintainer of kde telepathy ppa?18:11
shadeslayersnele: kind of18:12
shadeslayerrequesting 0.3.1 ?18:12
snelewell, kind of :)18:12
sneleI just wanted to know do you plan to update it to 0.3.1?ž18:13
shadeslayerhmm ... I'll look into it18:14
shadeslayerCan't give a ETA atm18:14
sneleok. thank you.18:14
sneleno need to hury. when you have spare time :)18:15
snelethanks again18:15
DaskreechWhat's in 0.3.1 ?18:20
DaskreechIs there a set of release notes?18:20
shadeslayerDaskreech: mostly bug fixes18:22
ScottKshadeslayer: Also should we shove 0.3.1 into precise.  Since it's in Universe now we still could.18:23
shadeslayerScottK: I'll look into the changelog and confirm if we want it in the archives ( Most likely going to be a yes from my side )18:24
micahgBug #982450 18:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982450 in koffice-l10n (Ubuntu) "package koffice-l10n-fr (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: tentative de remplacement de « /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/fr/thesaurus/index.cache.bz2 », qui appartient aussi au paquet calligra-l10n-fr 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98245018:25
ScottKRiddell: ^^^18:25
DaskreechScottK: \o/18:26
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shadeslayerScottK: should we get this into the archives ? https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/office/kile/repository/revisions/6d16356f0fe8a7ecc64c823a93536fdfef18b3cf/diff19:05
shadeslayerIt takes care of the utf8 issue with kile19:06
Ezimwill kubuntu 12.04 have later on kde 4.8.3/4.8.4 and so on?19:08
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DaskreechEzim: Dpm19:09
ScottKshadeslayer: Seems worthwhile.19:09
ScottKEzim: Yes.19:09
DaskreechEzim: I don't see wy not. That's been true for every release of Kubuntu19:09
ScottKDaskreech: Not every.19:09
ScottKLucid and later plus Intrepid.19:09
DaskreechWell since we had PPas19:10
Ezimthx 19:10
ScottKNo.  We had PPAs since Hardy.19:10
EzimI am glad that we have new sponsor after 12.0419:10
Ezimthat will make things easier. i hope they will keep supporting us.19:11
ScottKIt's since upstream adopted an bug fixes only policy for point releases (from KDE4) and since we got permission from the tech board.19:11
ScottK(with Intrepid/4.1 as a special exception because it really needed it)19:11
DaskreechI'm glad you think of Kubuntu in terms of We :)19:11
EzimDaskreech, I think every one that do something for kubuntu should feel that way.19:12
swecarpEzim,  even i say we but i just report anny bugs that i can find19:14
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Ezimswecarp, +119:14
* Daskreech hugs swecarp and Ezim 19:21
swecarpty Daskreech 19:23
GirlyGirlHey no hugging in the channel19:24
* koolhead17 laughs19:25
swecarpGirlyGirl,  u jellous19:25
GirlyGirlAnyone else seen the new plymouth splash in 12.04 ... seems like we are moving from blues to grays19:25
BluesKajcmake isn't working here , trying to install git konverstaion , claims it can't find the compiler in the default path , but the compiler is definitely there 19:26
GirlyGirlWhat's so special about git konversation?19:27
BluesKajGirlyGirl, yeah i have the dreary grey one 19:27
BluesKajit's upposed to have new options that 1.4 doesn't19:27
yofelBluesKaj: did you run 'sudo apt-get build-dep konversation' ?19:28
BluesKajno I'm installing from git , yofel19:28
yofelwell, the build-deps will be about the same19:29
BluesKajok , I'll give that a try , thanks yofel19:29
GirlyGirlswecarp: I'm not jealous but hugging really belongs in the #kubuntu-hugs channel19:31
yofelcan we please not create even more channels...? It's fine to hug here, it's weekend after all19:32
ScottKYes.  Please.  No moar channels.19:32
GirlyGirlIt was a joke. Besides that channel doesn't exist19:32
ScottKProbably does now.19:32
* Daskreech hugs GirlyGirl 19:32
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BluesKajyofel, Unable to locate package build-dep , do i need a repos/ppa 19:35
yofelBluesKaj: build-dep is an apt-get command19:35
yofeli.e. apt-get build-dep, not apt-get install build-dep19:35
BluesKajyeah , so i thought , but ... ?19:35
BluesKajoops :)19:36
Peace-kde-vlc-servicemenu uploaded19:36
DaskreechAny chan that has apachelogger is a huggy chan19:36
swecarpist u ppl that are working with telepathy 19:43
Daskreechswecarp: Hmm ?19:45
Peace-seems german 19:45
swecarpDaskreech,  what19:46
Daskreechswecarp: which people working with telepathy ?19:49
swecarpthe kubuntu develepors i mean 19:49
DaskreechThey work with anyone who wants to be worked with :)19:50
yofelswecarp: shadeslayer has a ppa for it, and we gave it some testing during beta, but the telepathy devs are in #kde-telepathy19:50
yofel12.10 should use telepathy by default19:50
* shadeslayer missed stuff19:50
swecarpty yofel  19:51
shadeslayeryofel: bug 772631 was quite fascinating to read :D19:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772631 in kile (Ubuntu) "kile don't insert the symbols on the left panel after a click" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77263119:52
yofelwho the hell puts table metadata into pngs...19:52
yofeloh right, they do19:52
shadeslayerthey also use stupid utf8x latex packages which require you to install about ~200 megs of texlive-latex-extra19:54
shadeslayeratleast they fixed that upstream19:55
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shadeslayerScottK: New kile is here : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/kile_2.1.0-1ubuntu2~ppa2.dsc20:02
ScottKshadeslayer: Then on to KDE telepathy.  I think we promised them 0.3.1 would get in.20:05
shadeslayerI'm doing KDevelop right now though20:05
shadeslayerwill look at KTP over the next week if time permits20:05
* shadeslayer looks at schedule20:06
ScottKWe're running out of time.20:06
shadeslayerbah, ktp has too many modules for me to do alone, I need someone to help then20:08
ScottKyofel: Can you help with ktp?20:16
yofelunlikely, I'll be rather busy this week20:17
ScottKMaybe bambee_.20:17
ScottKapachelogger_: shadeslayer is apparently in need of a minion.20:18
shadeslayerah yes, a minion will do just fine20:18
Ezimguys you now any linux chat client that support msn videochat?20:19
EzimBluesKaj, dont think so. not last time I tried.20:21
BluesKajerr emesene20:21
BluesKajempathy, Ezim20:23
EzimBluesKaj, for the moment of the instant messenger no one support20:23
EzimI have tried should be added.20:23
EzimBluesKaj, are you sure?20:23
Ezimlast time I tried empathy it did not work also20:24
BluesKajEzim,, well it claims to work in it's desciption20:25
shadeslayerRiddell: could you also follow up on http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=221&t=101449 ?20:26
EzimBluesKaj, http://blogs.gnome.org/xclaesse/2011/12/19/updates-on-xmpp-support-in-msn/20:27
yofelshadeslayer: that looks to me as if libqt4-sql-sqlite isn't installed - and our kexi doesn't seem to even suggest it20:29
yofelshadeslayer: OR the reporter means it doesn't work at all - which shouldn't be the case20:29
shadeslayerThe report is pretty incomplete tbh20:30
yofelpinotree and svuorela were talking about sqlite and kexi for their packages yesterday on oftc20:31
BluesKajEzim, have you tried windows live on your browser ...dunno if it works , I don't do video chat with msn , google chat works for us 20:32
EzimBluesKaj, does not support.20:33
BluesKajwhat doesn't support ?20:34
BluesKajok Ezim nm20:38
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shadeslayerKDevelop testers needed : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages21:03
DaskreechEzim: None are supporting it MS justreceently locked them out 21:37
ScottKshadeslayer: kile uploaded.22:09
ScottKNow kde telepathy.22:11
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