
lsvyofel: so, it is the right one.  You were right about using the md5sum ;)00:02
Daskreechlsv: Well if you want to know gwenview and dolphin both do that so you can grep through those code bases or you can read the spec on freedesktop.org00:02
Daskreechor listen to yofel  :)00:03
lsvyofel: I still can quite get it, must be the spaces in the path.00:03
lsvDaskreech: haha00:03
Daskreechpermafrost: can you ping the card?00:03
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lsvwell thank you yofel and Daskreech00:20
Daskreechken: hmm?01:46
[Relic]any dick cleaning util that shows progress?  I want to switch file systems but I want to purge and clean the whole drive before I do that01:51
[Relic]guess I need a new keyboard that has letters on it again  :)01:51
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Daskreech[Relic]: what counts as a purge?02:14
[Relic]I got a few other drives from misc computers I may want to use soon to so some sort of empty space overwrite02:19
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[Relic]looking for something that at least shows say % done or something like that to see how long it will take02:20
Daskreech[Relic]: but by purge you mean scrub all data?02:27
[Relic]would like to be able to purge free space only too, does dd do that or just whole drives?02:28
DaskreechSo you want to scrub all data but only where there is no data?02:29
[Relic]I want #1, zero? the whole disk and #2, zero? the unused areas on the disk02:31
Daskreechdd will do the whole disk02:31
Daskreech there was an application in Ubuntu that would do free space but I don't know if they still have it02:32
[Relic]can dd do each partition?02:34
Daskreech[Relic]: Yep Or portions thereof02:39
[Relic]then I will use that02:40
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Daskreech[Relic]: The parts thereof are not data based but location based02:46
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GH0Alright, I am having more issues. Getting really ticked off. Right now, when I log in, I am presented with a graphic on the background and can right click and get the right-click menu, but I have no taskbar and no plasma widgets.03:58
GH0This is immediately after performing apt-get update & apt-get upgrade03:58
GH0Either Kubuntu is fucking with me, or something is wrong. This is the fourth time I have had to remove one of the updates for me to have a functioning desktop. The problem is I don't know what update is causing it. Restarting kdm service, deleting my .kde folder, none of that is helping.04:01
DaskreechGH0: Easy with the language. What did you do?04:01
GH0Installed Kubuntu, ran sudo apt-get update, then ran sudo apt-get upgrade. Restarted and now I am left with a semi-functioning desktop that only responds to left click.04:01
DaskreechWell it doesn't normally respond to right click :)04:02
DaskreechOn Left click do you get add new panel ?04:02
GH0Yes, and when I add a new panel, the graphics look screwed up.04:03
DaskreechIs there a better explanation of screwed up?04:03
GH0It looks like the panel is artifacting. That is the best explanation that I can give you right now besides taking a picture.04:04
GH0Actually, I can't take a picture as my phone is dead04:05
dskreechGH0: Sorry. Something killed my connection04:13
dskreechGH0: Did you respond to my query on the panel?04:13
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GH0dskreech, yes, after letting it sit for twenty minutes everything magically begin to work.04:24
dskreechGH0: Hooray I guess?04:24
GH0Though, I think I may be fit with the problem of the hostname not broadcasting or responding to other machines.04:24
dskreechTried testing it?04:24
dskreechfaitdarkness: Hello04:25
GH0Yeah: Ping request could not find host server. Please check the name and try again.04:27
GH0Right now, I have a localhost and server04:27
GH0I have googled this problem, but the resolutions that have been put forth are run your own dns server (which I intend on doing, but the setup/guide that is given out is for domain groups) or add an entry to your hosts file which isn't feasible because I have guests that access this server.04:28
lanc3rwhats your problem GH0?04:29
GH0when I attempt to access my server by it's hostname on the network, it isn't responsive. If I access it by it's ip address, it works fine.04:29
GH0No, just the server itself. "ping server" or vnc'ing into server:1, samba (which I know I can set in the config for), etc.04:30
GH0I do have apache installed though, yes.04:31
lanc3ri dont know man, the only server experience i have is hosting a few games.04:32
dskreechWell you need the DNS entry then04:35
GH0Yes, but in past installs, the entry prepopulates everything. I will try restarting my router and all other boxes tomorrow and see if that fixes the problme. Right now it is juyst time for me to chill out and go to sleep. I need to unwind04:39
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lanc3rfire it up.04:40
dskreechIt should propogate that's true04:41
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vipinHi anyone please explain me why rekonq take too much time at the very first load of web page. Once the very first page loaded. Even if you close and open the rekonq. It load the page fast. I'm using rekonq06:02
vipinVersion 0.9.106:02
DaskreechWOuldn't hazard a correct answer without knowing more but maybe it's the DNS lookup?06:04
DaskreechChromium does the same thing here06:05
vipinI'm able to see google chrome or any other browser donot have this behaviour.. Only for rekonq you can notice this very clearly in kubuntu 12.04 beta2.06:06
DaskreechThis happens once you boot up?06:11
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naftilos76hi, what does akonadi do? Does it just keep emails as a list in a db or also keeps attachments and main body contents?07:52
DaskreechAh right I had noticed that beforehi08:06
Daskreech3[D[Clk;;lk/window 208:06
Daskreechnaftilos76: It's a cache for data so if you have attachements small enough it will keep them in the DB08:08
Daskreechok sorry for the outburst but the keyboard froze08:08
guyvdb_Hi, I downloaded kubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso. When I boot there is no install options. When I run live CD I get a login error and then a username/pasword prompt (login manager). What is going on?09:21
Peace-guyvdb_: bad iso ?09:22
Peace-download again09:22
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:23
guyvdb_hmm.. how can i check it09:23
guyvdb_:) thx09:23
guyvdb_where is the checksum for kubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso I do not see it on the download page09:25
guyvdb_oops found it09:26
guyvdb_checksum is correct.. any other ideas... could it be a bad burn?09:27
Daskreechcould be there is a way to check the CD when you boot it up09:27
guyvdb_ok.. but it seems strange there is no "install" option in the first menu displayed09:28
guyvdb_will try reburn09:28
DaskreechWhat are the option given?09:28
guyvdb_boot from cd / boot from disk / check cd / one other -- i thing test mem09:29
guyvdb_thing = think09:29
DaskreechCheck CD is the way to check the CD when it boots up09:30
guyvdb_I am trying that now09:30
guyvdb_I have not looked at KDE since 3.5, I had a look at it by installing it on my ubuntu 11.10 and it is pretty awesome. Going to try it out on a new machine I am building09:31
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amichairkubuntu-devel-release-upgrade on oneiric says 'no new release found' - how do I get it to upgrade to precise beta (or is it RC by now)?10:18
guyvdb_reburnt the cd and all is working now... thanks for the help10:18
amichairkubuntu-devel-release-upgrade on oneiric says 'no new release found' - how do I get it to upgrade to precise beta (or is it RC by now)?10:37
ltlynx Hello everyone! I've just installed Kubuntu 11.10 on my netbook it has an Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM. My problem is startup sound is delayed it doesn't play after the animation but it plays along with notifcations. What do I need to do to make it play ahead of the notifications?10:47
BluesKajHiyas all11:46
meNthao/ BluesKaj11:51
BluesKajhi meNtha11:52
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c0p3rn1cI'm having trouble using activities on KDE 4.8.2, if I enable the option, "Different widgets for each workspace",  they widgets disapear and I can't get them back, is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?12:43
Izinucsc0p3rn1c: have you changed workspaces to see if they are there?12:45
JJeronimooh wait, I can however put widgets on my desktops12:47
JJeronimojust not the ones in my preconfigured activities12:48
JJeronimois it possible to link activities to a virtual desktop?12:55
JJeronimowait ... that maybe defeats the purpose :)12:57
JJeronimono it doesn't12:57
* JJeronimo found a nice website about switching activities http://hanschen.org/2011/05/15/7-ways-to-switch-activities/13:00
burhanin the default kubuntu irc client, how do you setup authentication?13:51
Xabsterwhats the name of it? i replaced mine13:52
burhanah got it.13:53
* burhan first time kubuntu user13:53
burhanI really couldn't stand unity :/13:53
Tm_Tburhan: you mean identification to freenode? place your account password to server password field13:53
Tm_Tyou might like to prefix the password with <youraccountname>:13:54
burhanreally? I just added it to the default identity13:54
burhanI guess no way to use irssi style /ignore here :/13:55
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Tm_Tburhan: I believe it has very similar ignore14:01
Tm_TI'm irssi user myself though14:01
burhanI can't believe kubuntu installs mysql-server as a dependency14:02
robertzaccourI've got a problem trying to launch Kdenlive "kdenlive MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will not work until this issue is fixed." any suggestions?14:04
phypsilonhi everybody14:13
phypsilonhas anybody experienced high cpu usage by virtuoso-t with 12.04 Beta 2 ???14:14
Peace-phypsilon: me no14:19
dirty-greenbonjour ?14:31
Peace-!fr | dirty-green14:32
ubottudirty-green: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:32
BluesKajphypsilon, yes I have , but since the last upgrade/dist-upgrade it stopped that behaviour14:34
BluesKaj!pm | phypsilon14:38
ubottuphypsilon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:38
sunderwhy is acmkdir (part of autotools) not in apt?14:59
tsimpsonwhat is "acmkdir" supposed to do?14:59
sundersetup a new project structure for c/c++15:00
sunderits part of gnu autotoolset15:00
sunderwell, its part of it if you go to their sourceforge project15:01
sunderbut if i pull up autotoolset in Muon, it is not in that package15:01
sunderand its not its own stand alone package either15:01
sunderi dont understand why, google is of little help15:01
sundernvm, looks like i need to use autoproject instead (im guessing)15:06
tsimpsonsunder: autotoolset is not a GNU project (though it's under the GNU GPL)15:08
tsimpsonso it's just not packaged in Debian and subsequently Ubuntu15:08
sunderhmm, what does it mean to be a GNU project then? are there *no* non-gnu packages in debian?15:09
sunderyou mean autotoolset as a whole (autoconf, automake, etc) is not a gnu project, but the individual components can be?15:11
tsimpsonno, a GNU project is a project created and maintained by GNU. I just meant that it's not part of the GNU autotools project, which is a standard way to configure things15:11
tsimpsonautoconf and automake are not part of autotoolset, it's part of autotools15:11
sunderi guess i see15:12
sunderi found autoproject, it appears that does what acmkdir does15:12
sunderfrom reading high-level descriptions of them both :)15:12
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robertzaccourYes kdenlive launches fine in 12.0415:43
venky80anyone using external monitor with their laptop in kde 4.8.2 I would like to compare my setup with yours all my settings are reset after restart15:59
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zeushi - i have a question..: my mouse is crasy..  jumps allways to my 2. Monitor (i have 2 monitor) grafic: nvidia  - anyone know the matter?16:03
venky80zeus can you verify that your settings is remembered after restart?16:04
zeushalf  an hour ago the xserver worked well... i install some programms like superkaramba etc. an now i have the problem...16:06
zeusthe old xorg.conf i haved backuped - but reset it won't work16:06
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jacobraskHow do I upgrade my installation to 12.04? There seem to be some bug fixes in mtp that I need and I figured I might just as well upgrade now instead of waiting17:12
Sentyneljacobrask: sudo do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade to the development release17:12
tsimpsonjacobrask: use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu instead :)17:13
tsimpsonbasically run "kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade"17:14
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jacobraskkubuntu-devel-release-upgrade says "No new release found"18:28
jacobraskMaybe I used 12.04 when I reinstalled this machine in late frbruari or something, but /etc/lsb-release says 11.1018:30
Daskreechjacobrask: If it says 11.10 I'd beleive it18:54
Sentyneljacobrask, Daskreech: interesting; I get the same result (no new release found), and I'm definitely on 11.1019:01
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DaskreechSentynel: what are you looking for?19:10
Daskreechjacobrask: do-release-upgrade -d ?19:10
SentynelDaskreech: that and the kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade tool both return "no new release found"19:12
jacobraskDaskreech: same19:12
SentynelI'm not personally trying to update, just verifying jacobrask's result19:12
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Daskreechjacobrask: hmm Might want to ask in #ubuntu+119:21
VolsporAnyone using 12.04 beta?19:32
DaskreechVolspor: That would be in #ubuntu+119:33
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huskcan anyone reccomend a Kubuntu compatible VPN provider? tried iPreditor with no luck20:24
Sentynelhusk: I use witopia; they provide an openvpn-based system, which works fine with *ubuntu20:26
huskSentynel cheers will look20:27
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Guest11969is kubuntu desktop suported in 12.0420:29
BluesKajGuest11969, kubuntu-dektop is part of kubuntu by default , hence it's supported by all kubuntu OSs20:34
jstaniekHi, any kubuntu 11.10 users here willing to help? Just run Calligra Kexi to see if the package works. http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=221&t=10144920:38
Guest11969how do i install kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu 12.4?20:39
BluesKajGuest11969, open a konsole / terminal ,  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:40
BluesKajGuest11969, but don't use the muon/software center to update any packages , it's buggy , if you have synaptic installed use that , if you don't , sudo apt-get install synaptic , in a terminal20:42
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BluesKajGuest11969, or you can use the terminal and do , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:44
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Terry_Good morning, all20:44
Terry_I'm in Qld, how about you?20:46
BluesKajQld ?20:48
BluesKajOntario Canada20:49
Guest11969how do i add open as administrator entry in nautilus context menu?20:49
Terry_whats the time there?20:49
BluesKaj alt+F2 , kdesudo nautllus20:50
BluesKajGuest11969, ^20:50
BluesKaj4:50 PM here20:50
=== amichair__ is now known as amichair
amichairis do-release-upgrade -d (run on 11.10) supposed to install 12.04 beta?20:51
yofelamichair: yes20:51
Terry_Wow its 0651 AM here, mate20:51
amichairyofel: and if is says 'No new release found'...?20:52
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BluesKajamichair, make sure you update and upgrade in 11.10 first . it will speed things up20:52
amichairBluesKaj: already up to date20:52
yofelamichair: what is Prompt= set to in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?20:52
yofelI think it'll only work if that's set to normal20:53
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amichairyofel: lts. strange, since software-properties-kde is set to 'normal'20:55
yofelamichair: bug 94487620:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944876 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "changed mapping of release_upgrades_policy causes software-properties-kde to set the wrong policy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94487620:56
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* BluesKaj looks forward to fun with kubuntu 12.10 ... 12.04 is already becoming old to me :)21:00
yofellol, +1 :D21:00
amichairI hope ath9k gets fixed too... this is barely usable21:01
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Terry_hi, isme21:05
BluesKajyofel, yeah  cmake doesn't work on 12.04 .... it says the compiler is in the wrong location , even tho it's in the right path21:05
yofelBluesKaj: can you remove the contents of the build folder (i.e. the cmake cache) and try again?21:06
yofelI can build konversation fine here21:06
BluesKajfrom git ?21:06
BluesKajdep-build just installs 1.421:07
yofelBluesKaj: "sudo apt-get build-dep konversation" -> mkdir build -> cd build -> cmake .. -> http://paste.kde.org/45763421:10
yofeland that's konversation from git21:10
yofelthe apt command is to install the build-dependencies21:11
DaskreechBluesKaj: Part of the reason taht I like Kubuntu is that it offsets the KDE cycle. So I can spend time screwing around with a broken Kubuntu till it releases then in about a month I cna start playing with a broken KDE till that releases :)21:11
DaskreechSo I don't get bored to easily21:12
DaskreechI don't think I could survive them being too much in sync21:12
DaskreechFOSS is ridiculously sad21:12
amichairyofel: it looks like the bug is just the order of options in the gui combobox. reordering the combo according to the options (Never last instead of first) would work no?21:14
yofelamichair: maybe, I didn't look at the code long enough - I'll try to get a fix in that just shifts the index by 1mod321:17
amichairyofel: the additional bug is that when u run do-release-upgrade,  or at least the man page or help, should say something about that settings and how it affects behavior21:17
yofelthe GTK UI uses a dbus api now which works, but that's something for 12.1021:17
yofelamichair: feel free to file a bug about that21:18
amichairyofel: I thought it would be simpler to just reorder the combo items in main.ui, or more straightforward at least21:18
amichairyofel: but... whatever works :-)21:19
BluesKajyofel the tutorial I was following was incorrect for 12.04...compiling with make now21:23
yofelamichair: could be, I'll have to ask mvo though what an effect that'll have overall21:23
BluesKajyeah Daskreech , i have too much time on my hands , so i get bored sometimes21:24
EzimDaskreech, kubuntu 11.10 with kde 4.8.2 have been solid for me21:31
Ezimnothing of really importance bugs me21:31
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DaskreechEzim: Which is why FOSS is interesting You can never update if you don't want to or ride on code streaming from the developers keyboards21:34
EzimDaskreech, true.21:35
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randomDudemy system tray panel widget is refusing to collapse its width to an acceptable width ( the width of its visible child icons )22:16
randomDudeeach time i add it to the pane, it some times takes up half the screen width with only five items in it... resulting in massive sections of blank space... screen is 1920x168022:17
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amichairI ran kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade, when installing packages X died and I re-logged in, now apt-get install -f says "Internal Error, No file name for libapt-pkg4.12" - how do I fix this?22:54
Daskreechapt-cache policy libapt-pkg22:55
amichairDaskreech: N: Unable to locate package libapt-pkg22:56
tsimpsonamichair: try just running the updater tool again and maybe it'll just resume22:56
amichairtsimpson: the updater says there's nothing to upgrade (since it thinks it already did, I guess)22:57
tsimpsonoh, you should trick it by editing a couple of files22:57
tsimpsonlet me just remember which22:57
amichairtsimpson: and that will fix the broken packages better than apt-get? doesn't it use it internaly anyway?22:58
tsimpsonit should do, because it does a better job of upgrading than just apt-get22:58
tsimpsonthat's why it was invented ;)22:58
amichairoh, I thought at this point it's just running apt-get dist-upgrade22:59
tsimpsonamichair: in /etc/lsb-release change "DISTRIB_CODENAME" to oneiric, then just make sure your sources.list and files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ are all pointing to oneiric or disabled. then run the updater23:00
Daskreechtsimpson: /etc/lsb_release? :)23:04
tsimpsonyeah, that one23:04
DaskreechBah did't hit pagedown23:04
tsimpsonchange the other values as well, I'm not sure if I change one or all the last time the updater failed23:04
tsimpsonand maybe /etc/issue{,.net}23:05
DaskreechBreaking on a apt package isn't great bythe way23:05
DaskreechI had apt uninstalled once23:05
Daskreechwas't fun23:05
amichairtsimpson: did all that and ran the updater, and it gives an error message saying there are broken packages that it can't handle and need to be fixed using apt-get23:08
tsimpsonooh, that's not so good23:09
Daskreechcan yu pastebin the error ?23:11
tsimpsonI haven't seen a completely broken apt/dpkg system in a while23:11
DaskreechI have v_V23:12
Daskreechpatience is a tricky jump for a grashopper who jumps too quickly23:13
amichairDaskreech: the do-release-upgrade error? I closed it already... it was in the gui, and just said in user-friendly english that some packages are broken and that they need to be fixed first using apt-get (or synaptic), no details23:14
Daskreechamichair: run it from the terminal then23:15
tsimpsonuse "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" in the terminal23:16
tsimpsonso it doesn't use the gui method23:16
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amichairok, I set things back to precise, and ran apt-get -f dist-upgrade, and it seems to be doing something23:20
amichairlet's see what happens...23:20
Daskreechwell amichair went poof23:22
Daskreechand back! :)23:22
amichairyeah, the wireless drivers suck (when booting into windows on this laptop, wireless works great, but here it gets disconnected every few minutes and takes its time reconnecting... really annoying)23:23
amichairI'm running apt-get -f dist-upgrade, and it seems to be downloading a bunch of stuff23:24
amichairdarn it, back to the error: E: Internal Error, No file name for libapt-pkg4.1223:28
DaskreechOK that's a sign resolution of the packages is running at least23:28
amichairapt-cache policy libapt-pkg4.12 says: Installed: 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu823:33
amichairDaskreech: any idea what to do?23:35
Daskreechamichair: pastebin the whole policy output23:42
amichairDaskreech: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/931861/23:43
amichairand http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/931864/23:44

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