
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
wgrantDoes someone have a Gmail account with which they can test bug #925597?22:50
_mup_Bug #925597: From address is ignored if DKIM is supported <email> <qa-needstesting> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/925597 >22:50
mwhudsonwgrant: probably23:02
mwhudsonwgrant: afk for 5-10 mins though23:02
wgrantmwhudson: That would be great, thanks.23:12
mwhudsonwgrant: so what do i need to do in words of 1 syllable?23:14
mwhudsonwgrant: send an email from a gmail account that is not registered in lp with a from: that is registered in lp?23:16
* mwhudson tries to remember the password for his other account...23:18
wgrantmwhudson: Yep, that's right.23:18
wgrantmwhudson: Which probably just means removing your gmail address from your account on qastaging23:19
mwhudsonwgrant: to 1@bugs.qastaging.canonical.com or something?23:19
mwhudsonah yeah that might be easier...23:19
mwhudsonqastaging appears to need a fresh hamster23:21
mwhudsonwgrant: ok, two mails sent23:23
mwhudsonwgrant: how often does it get looked at on qastaging?23:23
wgrantmwhudson: */15, I think. Let me check.23:23
mwhudson(sent to https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/pydoctor/+bug/409996)23:23
_mup_Bug #409996: nevowhtml needs tests <pydoctor:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/409996 >23:23
wgrantDid they contain commands?23:24
wgrantThe no-commands case is probably the only really interesting one.23:25
mwhudsoncommand-containing would need to be gpg signed in this case?23:26
wgrantNot from gmail.com, if the address is known23:26
wgrantThis change should still trust commands from gmail.com, but not if the From is registered but the @gmail.com is not.23:27
mwhudsondo we trust the from: for all gmail emails?  even if the sender: address is unknown23:27
wgrantPreviously we didn't fall back to the From if the authenticated sender wasn't registered, so the problematic emails just got dropped.23:28
wgrantThis change should fall back to the From, but remain unauthenticated.23:28
mwhudsonthis waiting is pretty tedious :)23:29
wgrant40s to go :)23:29
mwhudsondun dun dun23:29
mwhudsonwgrant: seems to have worked23:31
wgrantI was looking at prod23:31
mwhudsonyay mup23:31
wgrantBecause I used _mup_'s link23:31
mwhudsonthe mail from: the unknown address seems to have fallen into a hole23:31
wgrantmwhudson: The other mail had a @gmail.com from?23:31
mwhudsoni guess that's expected?23:31

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