
NQTropichow are we all doing?00:25
kanliotwatching this00:25
* KM0201 is doing good.. :000:26
kanliotnow watching this00:27
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
NQTropiehey all06:30
bioterrorNQTropie, hi06:35
NQTropichi :)06:48
NQTropicjust testing out my new mobile broadband usb on netbook06:49
NQTropicfor travel usage tomorrow06:49
bioterrorseems to work06:56
NQTropichow are we all doing?08:31
kalle_r_Hi, does Lubuntu has any nerds for a packager or translator? :)13:12
kalle_r_ups, needs* xD13:14
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
RoastedI just installed "Desktop Sharing" on Lubuntu and cannot find it. Am I crazy or did it install under a weird name?15:27
Unit193Roasted: Alright, what is "Desktop Sharing" and where did you get it?16:38
exploitableIs it possible to install Lubuntu from Ubuntu using "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop"? Because it doesn't seem to work... (but it works when I try to install Xubuntu using xubuntu-desktop)!?16:56
Sentynelexploitable: it's possible and it works; you might need to select the correct environment from the login screen though17:05
exploitableSentynel: is LXDE faster than Xfce?17:15
kanliotmaybe it's faster.  nobody is sure17:16
Sentynelexploitable: the overall resource usage should be lower in lxde than xfce; "faster" is a more difficult question to aanswer17:16
kanliotmainly it has less bloat than xfce17:16
exploitableOk, thanks. I'll give it a try next weekend :)17:17
kanliothey is there a wiki for screen resolutions not getting detected?  I'm trying to help somebody on the forum17:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:28
kanliotty unit19317:29
kanliotbetter than i hoped for!17:30
kanliotany objections to adding that page to the help wiki page?17:30
Unit193Err... What? Don't take from that page and put on another, that'll leave 2 places to update it and that's just silly.17:31
kanlioti'll post what i do and you can review it17:33
kanliotis the start menu on lubuntu called the lxde menu17:52
kanliotor is there a proper name?17:52
bioterrorlxmenu or something like that17:53
smile4everbye :)18:30
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
twistolimeHow do I change the light blue color "panel" at the top of chromium? I've tried playing with a few settings in the look and feel settings, but nothing affects chromium19:53
Unit193You'd have to change that in chromium I'd think, maybe themem but I bet not.19:54
twistolimeAs in, install a theme from chrome webstore?19:55
twistolimeIt must be configurable19:55
Unit193I'd think so as well.19:56
Unit193twistolime: Settings > personal stuff20:00
Unit193(Chromium on a really slow computer over ssh, :D)20:00
Unit193Closer to the end.20:01
gordonjcpI gave up on chromium20:02
Unit193Yep, purged it a while ago.20:02
gordonjcpit's pretty, but it's so slow compared to firefox20:02
gordonjcpand apparently there's no way to get rid of that annoying "this file may harm your computer" when you click on a pdf20:03
Unit193Nope, but it's slower compared to firefox, and I'm running v13.20:03
twistolimeUnit193: i dont know how i missed that! Changing it to gtk+ theme is perfect!20:09
twistolimeSo firefox 11 is fast than chromium?20:11
twistolimefaster than20:11
Unit193Hmmmm... Been a bit since that one for me, but I'm not fond of chromium in the first place so you can run some tests and see what you think is correct.20:12
twistolimeAlso: I changed default font on lubuntu from ubuntu 11, to ubuntu 10. It looks great except window title font didnt change. How do I change that?20:14
Unit193I'd think it'd be in with the rest in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml20:15
twistolimeGot it. Thanks Unit19320:20
Unit193Very good.20:21
genoobiehey all20:29
genoobiejust downloaded / installed wine from the synaptic pkg mgr20:30
genoobiecannot find the app20:30
Unit193You use wine to run other programs, you don't exactly use wine itself.20:34
=== mh0- is now known as mh0
maykoarglebargle! WTF is it with me, *ubuntu, and mic/sound issues?!22:09

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