
countfuzzballHey all, I'm running a standard ubuntu server base install and links is taking forever while it's 'looking up host'. How do I make it more speedy?01:10
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oldos2erthis channel01:23
oldos2eris quiet tonight01:23
|Anthony|what is the default firewall solution in precise?02:07
|Anthony|is it still ufw?02:07
blami|Anthony|: in beta it is ufw (but i've migrated to shorewall since i'm familiar with it)02:10
|Anthony|is ufw the planned firewall for final release?02:10
|Anthony|and i'm assuming that it is still disabled by default :/02:11
blami|Anthony|: i think it was disabled (allow all) when I installed 12.0402:11
|Anthony|that's the traditional setup with ubuntu02:12
|Anthony|always wondered about that02:12
blami|Anthony|: as 12.04 is my first ubuntu installation i didn't know and was surprised a little02:12
|Anthony|always seemed silly to me... firewall is installed but disabled by default02:13
blami|Anthony|: fedora has very permissive set of default rules02:14
|Anthony|so does windows iirc02:15
blami|Anthony|: windows has also api for trojans to create new rules :)02:15
|Anthony|love it02:15
jbuncherIs there anyone in here who works on the python/numpy/scipy stack?02:16
keithclarkAny ideas why www.skype.com will not work on any of my computers?02:30
matt_I'm having trouble accessing samba shares for the past few days, any idea what's wrong?03:01
matt_Recently, I've been unable to access Samba shares on 12.04, has anyone else had this issue and hopefully resolved it?03:13
boumahello, i finally got beta2 to boot after going back to oneiric and running update-grub03:56
boumanow it lock up while the kernel is initalising hw03:57
boumanouveau dosnt work. ive got a gtx550ti03:57
boumaim wondering what the best way to proceed would be? i guess disable nouveau at boot if possible?03:58
snadgeyou guys are on crack!04:01
snadge173mb of updates.. i updated yesterday ffs :p04:01
|Anthony|bouma, what was happening when you tried to install beta2? What was the issue that caused you to go to oneric and updating from there?04:06
bouma|Anthony|: ive installed it about 5 times _every_ time at the end of the install it gave an 'error migrating data' ..04:07
boumawith and without network04:07
boumabtrfs gave a different wierd problem where i mounted the nonbooting install with another ubuntu and found a @/ dir and @home/ in the root04:08
boumaext4 hasnt done this, the / looks ok, but grub install is being skipped or something, it seems04:08
|Anthony|i think that this might be above my pay grade04:08
boumawell im happy to repeat everything from an empty drive04:09
|Anthony|are you able to use the 12.04 live media?04:09
boumaive got a 500gb drive just for this purpose04:09
boumawhen i boot the live media with no intervention the screen goes blank and can be interacted with04:10
boumawhen i add nomodeset ? i think (looking for the jot on a piece of paper) as a kernel param it loads the install04:10
boumafrom then its ok, the browser and every app i could click on worked fine04:11
|Anthony|yeah, you might need to use nomodeset for the first boot and immediately install nvidia binary04:11
boumaincluding unity etc, although i miss the ability to hit flagkey- type some letters <return> and have it run the first result04:11
|Anthony|i had to do that here04:12
boumayou mean the first boot to the installed partition after the cd is finished04:12
|Anthony|this link is helpful iirc:04:12
boumaso is this an unrecognised bug04:13
boumaor what?04:13
|Anthony|idk :/04:13
|Anthony|but i know that the information contained in that link got me up and running04:14
scar3crowI want to change the icon next to my username from the boring "blank figure" there to my .face. how would I do that?04:39
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|Anthony|scar3crow: not a specific answer, but i'll bet it's buried in there somewhere if you're brave04:51
scientes$ gnome-shell --replace & sleep 5 && metacity --replace05:32
scientes[1] 1998905:32
scientesWindow manager warning: Log level 16: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject05:32
scientesWindow manager warning: Log level 16: Error registering polkit authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject (polkit-error-quark 0)05:32
scientes[1]+  Segmentation fault      gnome-shell --replace05:32
scientesgnome-shell and unity broken with the new kernel05:32
scientes(for me)05:32
mohan1Does anyone have problem with the Animations add-on for compiz?  IT crashes top panel, launcher (And dash won't open too)05:54
mohan1I updated yesterday.. and this has started!05:54
scientesgnome-shell and unity wont launch, only gnome classic06:07
stiltzkinHi folks...just installed Lubuntu 12.04 to disk to try it out, but it won't boot at all. GRUB installed fine, installation went fine, but when I select Ubuntu on the list it just sits there with a blinking cursor. Recovery mode does get me to terminal, but not to X or the login screen. Any ideas?06:09
stiltzkinIf I choose "continue with graphical boot" it hangs after "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility." What's going on here?06:12
BlakJakanyone else experienced odd wifi problems with 1204?06:18
stiltzkinAny help much appreciated. I assume I'll just have to suck it up and reinstall.06:18
Dr_willisclarify the problem..06:18
BlakJaki have two machines, quite different in hardware terms, both experiencing dropouts in wifi, both running 12.0406:18
BlakJakone of which ive been using with 10.04/10.10 previously without a problem06:19
BlakJakthe other is dualbooted windows/linux and windows is fine06:19
y0om4can i upgrade from oneiric to precise using commandline?06:25
bazhangy0om4, you did not read the upgrade link?06:28
y0om4i do an apt-get upgrade and it does not show up06:28
y0om4it si not seeing that there is an update06:28
bazhangy0om4, what version are you on now06:29
bazhangy0om4, there wont be that kind of notification from the update manager until 12.04 is released06:29
y0om4how do i upgrade then06:29
y0om4if it is not shown06:30
bazhangie on or around 4/2606:30
bazhangy0om4, to the beta? ie now?06:30
y0om4yes, i want to do the beta upgrade06:30
y0om4then I will upgrade again when it is release06:30
y0om4can i do that06:31
y0om4i cannot do it or what06:32
tehoweIf you install the beta you're on a certain set of repositories.. perhaps there's a way of replacing all the Oneric repos with Precise ones though I can't say for sure06:32
y0om4the url in the topic says that 12.04 LTS shoudl pop up in update-manager-d06:34
bluefrogwhen it will be released06:35
tehowe> < bazhang> ie on or around 4/2606:35
bluefrognot when it's in beta06:35
scar3crowand it doesn't?06:35
y0om4well how do i upgrade to the beta version06:35
y0om4i don't understand06:35
bluefrogy0om4, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade06:36
y0om4i am telling you that 12.04 does not show up06:37
y0om4i am running 11.1006:37
y0om4i want to upgrade to beta06:37
scientesgnome-shell and unity wont launch, only gnome classic06:37
y0om4how do i make sure i am running 11.10?06:38
tehowey0om4, it won't show up from Oneiric until release date - your option IIRC is to save off home and do a fresh beta2 install - voila, you're running Precise06:39
y0om4then i would lose my files, right?06:39
tehoweNot if you've saved off /home06:39
Dr-WillisBackup your home dir and any other imporntant stuff..06:40
bluefrogcan upgrade if you want06:40
Dr-Willisthats a good idea to backup in any case. :)06:40
y0om4i will just wait until later this month then06:40
scar3crowsudo do-release-upgrade –d06:41
tehoweDo you really want to be dloading gbytes every day for bugfixes anyways? By this point you may as well wait the couple extra weeks until it goes stable06:41
y0om4the final will be released later this month?06:42
y0om4what does lts mean?06:46
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)06:46
y0om4how come websites say how to install 12.04 and they say that they installed the LTS version back last winter?06:47
Dr-Willis11.04 is the last LTS release06:48
Dr-Willisor was it 10.04.. i forget. :)06:48
Dr-WillisI dont worry about lts.06:48
tehowe10.04 ... 12.04 ... see if you can pick out the pattern. 12.04 is going to be supported with free bugfixes for like 5 years or something when it drops06:50
cccangelhey guys, I have been using ubuntu over the course of the last couple of years more heavily but I do not remember sound quality of a mic because i typically was running ubuntu on a desktop.  I have ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop and I have looked at multiple ways of reducing that horrible static noise a minimal and having my voice record loud enough at the same time.06:50
cccangeli tried playing around in alsamixer just now... and it really didnt help.06:50
cccangeland like other people on the forums, its not a hardware problem for windows doesn't have this06:51
tehoweIIRC sound ppl can be found around #ubuntustudio channel... as general rule of thumb, get your input as loud as can be without overdriving preamp06:52
cccangelyeah i tried that.... and it made me really quiet even though the mic was at 100%... so join #ubuntustudio instead?06:53
tehoweIt's a variant distro of Ubuntu designed for sound, yeah06:54
cccangeloh wow... hopefully their packages are designed to be downloaded into a pre-existing ubuntu... ill go ask .06:54
tehoweI'm actually tracking that myself... instructions aren't updated yet but for preview see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation06:55
cccangeloh really? ill look at the page.06:58
cccangelim just getting sick of pigy backing off of windows drivers for where i have trouble doing it in ubuntu...06:58
cccangeli want to do this change before win8 comes out and making windows 7 obselete...06:58
tehoweYeah, why pay for a whole new ride on Windows. The basic idea is, there will be a PPA for a realtime or low latency kernel, and some meta-packages for the different UbuntuStudio features eg, Video/Audio/Animation07:00
cccangeltehowe, do you recommend me using the ubuntustudio-desktop or is there a way to integrate all with unity without the applications having dependency problems?07:01
tehoweA major piece fo the puzzle will be an pdate to 'Ardour' that will allow MIDI+ multitrack audio recording in the same program, giving Ubuntu users something to compete with eg; Nuendo07:01
scar3crowI suppose I have to wait for the server image?07:01
tehowecccangel: I'd like to see the updated instructions so I can test that myself - I'm in the same poitions as you. UbuntuStudio uses XFCE natively rather than Unity07:02
cccangelit looks like they replace it on your ubuntu installation and this 12.04 already in beta ... i might run the risk of breeaking packages.07:03
cccangellawl... maybe i should rollback for now.07:03
tehoweOr try latest UBuStudio daily package in VirtualBox07:03
tehoweNM that would suck for latency07:04
cccangelyes big time07:04
cccangellike some, i stick with my dual core processor...07:04
cccangelno need for an "overpowered" computer07:04
tehoweIt's just audio for cyring out loud... so I'm rooting for that project myself, hope it works out :)07:05
cccangeli guess i can just dual boot this for now07:05
y0om4after 12.10 gets released, how come 12.04 will still be updated instead of making people upgrade to 12.10?07:06
y0om4would there be a benefit to keeping the 12.04 over the 12.10?07:06
valdur55y0om4, 12.04 is LTS version.07:07
cccangely0om4, its the difference between wanting bleeding edge updates over stability updates07:07
scar3crow12.04 will be the first LTS i stick with ;)07:08
tehowe12.10, 13.04, 13.10 all would be more focussed on trying new stuff rather than having arrived at a safe, stable point... look up Debian stable releases on Wikipedia eg to get an idea of how the Ubuntu release schedule relates to Debian stable07:08
cccangeli tehowe , thats what i thought each LTS cycle is in close cycle with Debian cycle?07:09
tehoweAnd then you can jump to 14.04 in a couple years once the bugs are worked out of the next major visionary leap in Ubuntu... I'm saying 3D desktop :)07:09
scar3crowany way to install vuze without open source java?07:10
Dr-Willisinstall the closed source java?07:10
cccangelhmm... tehowe ... ubuntu studio team doesn't recommend 11.10 because of unforseen team problems?07:10
scar3crowdone.... still installs icedtea07:10
Dr-WillisYou did it wrong then i guess. :)07:11
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.07:11
tehowecccangel: They hand't completed transition to XFCE and a bunch of developers left the project]07:11
cccangel... thats enough to convince me to get the last release then...07:11
cccangeli may end up learning XFCE or something so i can start contributing to these projects07:12
cccangelive been wanting to major in software programming for a while...07:12
tehowecccangel: There is an ubuntustudio dev channel, can't remember exactly where it is... but they say they should be ready for a new release when 12.04 drops. All moving parts moving in harmony07:13
cccangelubuntustudio-dev ?07:13
scar3crowhmph.... or sure now it installs07:14
cccangeli was going to stick with LTS 10.04 ... but... out of the box back then drivers were so much plug-n-play ready... it took more effort.07:15
tehoweI'll be a willing guinea-pig for trying Studio out on an UNity/Cinnamon/Gnome system and XFCE if I can install it as well - why not have them all :D07:15
cccangelexactly :)07:15
cccangeli have no problem dual booting distros... i just have a problem liscening software...07:16
cccangelwell just to microsoft07:16
cccangeli have no problem liscening wow07:16
tehoweThough Cinnamon PPA hasn't been working on my netbook for a while now... wuh-wuh-wuh07:16
cccangeltorrent ftw07:17
cccangeli actually debated with multiple people in my area that play games that use torrents to download like 10 GB games along with downloading dvd images of distros... since puts less strains on servers and also ends up being faster.07:18
cccangelthis whole thing about controlling p2p is crazy.07:19
cccangelBlizzard uses p2p technology07:19
voozeAnyone running Gnome Shell in 12.04? In 11.10 there was a lot of bugs (like filezilla not being able to drag and drop) anyone know if such issues have been solved?07:19
tehoweI noticed that desktop ISO doesn't give you choice of adding Ubuntu to [Windows Drive 1] or [unallocated Drive 2] it just installs to 2, so anyone wanting a neutral data drive's got to unplug it to defeat braindead Ubiquity logic and get Windows and Ubuntu to play nice on the same physical drive07:19
cccangeland a lot of f2p07:19
cccangelmeh... i do advanced settings07:20
cccangelinstall windows to a mini partition of like 80 GB and allocate the rest for distros07:20
cccangelall manually07:20
cccangeland i have them all share the one swap partition07:20
tehoweYeah, but there's a sweet spot between that and the choices offered to new users - skipping drive A in favour of drive B dumbs it down a bit too much IMHO07:21
cccangelthats why i actually am trying to start back up Ubuntu community in my area... it died... and i am starting at my college campus07:22
cccangelgoing to show people comparisons between ubuntu and windows by running windows in virtual box07:23
cccangeland i will be showing off Ubuntu 12.0407:23
cccangelthe speech is actually on the day it launches i think07:23
cccangelubuntu 12.04 scheduled to released April 28 right?07:24
tehoweI don't even think there's an LTS party planned in Toronto... they've got it set up for Waterloo (techtown) but not here... sad... too n00bish myself to get such a thing rolling.07:24
cccangelwith seeing microsofts move on the industry over the past couple years...07:24
cccangeland what they did to android07:24
cccangeli cannot go into the industry thinking I want to continue advocating their business model07:25
voozeAnyone running Gnome shell in 12.04? I want to hear about bugs etc. before i switch from linux mint or Arch linux.07:25
cccangelill go into #ubuntu-offtopic07:25
tehowePrecise is coming along at a good time when Vista, etc. are coming off free support and other ppl are probably wondering about 'upgrading' to Win 8. So use that yeah07:26
scar3crowvooze: no probs here07:26
voozescar3crow: do you use filezilla perhaps?07:26
cccangeltehowe are you a moderator in here? its hard to tell...07:26
scar3crowI do indeed07:26
voozecan you drag and drop ? Because that was a bug in 11.1007:27
tehoweHeh no I've just had a burst of helpful energy07:27
cccangelsince its dead enough... can we talk offtopic in here or no?07:27
scar3crowdunno, haven't tried... 1 shake07:27
scar3crowdrag & drop works just fine07:29
cccangelwhere can i find canocical's calendar?07:29
voozescar3crow: ah nice, thank you. You can see here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/filezilla/+bug/858146 old bug..07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 470799 in filezilla (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #858146 filezilla crashes on drag'n'drop" [Medium,Fix released]07:30
tehoweLike https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases ?07:30
cccangeloh swwet... April 26, so basically two days to push out updates just in case anything breaks with upgrades which most likely wont happen.07:31
tehoweSo you folks know Canonical just put out word for hiring Smartphone division chief? I'm not upgrading my N900 until Tizen or Canonical puts out a phone now :D07:33
tehoweLunuxfon FTW07:33
cccangeltehowe, one thing i don't like is they are putting their OS on a device that microsoft has been goign after smart phone companies to collect royalties off the android07:34
cccangeli would be happier if they made a complete OS replacement for the android ... or something.07:35
cccangeli was actually willing to buy a USA made Caconical smartphone...07:35
richardlxcwhen will ubuntu smartphone be made ?07:38
cccangelfrom what i read, they wont have anyone make hardware for them. they are making ubuntu for android.07:39
scar3crowalready done ;)07:39
richardlxcvery exciting news:)07:40
cccangelscar3crow, what you mean already done? (http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android)07:41
cccangelit doesn't show anything saying this project is released to the public yet as far I know.07:42
scar3crowsaw it somewhere07:43
scar3crowthinking, maybe not.... meh07:43
cccangelill end up having to buy a new android phone ... hopefully metropcs starts getting enough customers in southern usa to get more attention from phone companies to get some more decent phones made...07:44
sin-badHi. I'm tryig get quicktime support in firefox to work on precise. I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but still no joy.07:44
sin-badIs this the right place to ask for help?07:45
cccangelyes it is07:46
cccangelill have to research it i was waiting for somone who might know your answer immediatly07:46
cccangeli dont know a website that uses quicktime anymore07:47
cccangelhuh fifgured as much.  i just went to the website and it worked immediatly...07:49
cccangellet me see if i can figure out what i did07:49
scar3crowsame results07:49
fernihmm.. works for me also07:50
cccangelwait whart, your trying to install a different quicktime instead?07:50
sin-badNo I get the message saying I need quicktime installed when I try to watch a trailer07:51
sin-badI'm just trying to get it working. I installed libquicktime but no joy. Firefox, yes07:52
cccangelokay... so i go to http://trailers.apple.com . tell me what your doing and whats no joy.. no happy go go.07:52
cccangelso i can see whats up.07:52
sin-badOk,so I browse to http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/looper/, click watch now, select 480p07:53
scar3crowtry installing vlc07:53
scar3crowthat decodes just about everything07:54
OffGridOps12.04 New Install:  Running Ubuntu Tweak and cannot change Login Screen.  Is there another program which can?  Thanx07:54
sin-badI get a grey box saying "Get quicktime" and a link to the installation page07:54
cccangelsin-bad, works for me.07:55
cccangelwait i think i know...07:55
sin-badI have vlc installed and have it working on Onieric machines in the house. just can't get it working on my precise laptop07:55
cccangelI had to do this today to play a dvd...07:55
cccangel sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh07:56
cccangelor copy and paste... then restart firefox and see if that helps.07:56
cccangelif not ill see what else i installed today .07:56
sin-badI ran the script but still don't have Quicktime support.07:58
sin-badI have the VLC Web Plugin installed in firefox (mozzilla-plugin-vlc package) as well07:59
sin-badMy mistake it is browser-plugin-vlc. I'll try removing it. Then reinstalling it.08:00
scar3crowjust remove it, methinks08:01
sin-badOk removed and firefox restarted but still no Quicktime.08:03
scar3crowI'm stumped... those packages should work08:03
sin-badyeah I know :) I can usually get this working on older versions of ubuntu08:03
cccangeli got it working today08:04
cccangelbut i also installed a lot of restricted repos too08:04
cccangelis there a way to see history with apt-get and software center?08:04
sin-badYeah. /var/log/apt/history.log has all the commands and packages you've installed08:06
cccangelokay... what it is.. pastebin..08:07
cccangelthis is when i installed quicktime today...08:08
cccangeland then I installed some stuff tonight to watch encrypted content (netflix dvd)... http://pastebin.com/2Z7gSXr208:09
cccangelfor all i know something i installed this evening since i dont typically see webpages using quicktime much other than quicktimes website, i dont know...08:10
cccangeli guess I could remove all of that.08:10
cccangelhere ill do that.08:10
sin-badcccangel don't break your machine. I have libquicktime2 installed. It's like the browser doesn't know the lib is installed.08:14
scar3crowrename /.mozilla and regenerate the folder.... (you can always change back)08:17
scar3crowjust a thought08:17
scar3crowI have done that08:17
cccangeli want like time-machine where i can batch remove things i install...08:18
cccangelwithout having to individually look through synaptic08:18
scar3crowthen install with scripts ;)08:18
cccangeli dont know how i installed.. it says automatic08:19
scar3crowI'll slit my wrists, now08:19
sin-badOk I'll try renaming the .mozilla folder08:19
scar3crowit cant hurt08:19
cccangelscar3crow, want to go to greenoaks? its located nearby here... hopefully you can get there fast enough...08:20
sin-badGot it! It wasn't the .mozila folder at all...08:20
scar3crowdo tell08:21
sin-badI installed the gecko-mediaplayer package which I think links firefox with mplayer whcih can play Quicktime08:21
cccangeloh yes08:21
cccangeli noticed i was able to play the quicktime videos in mplayer by right clicking and selecting an option08:22
cccangeldidn't know that meant anything... but it was cool.08:22
scar3crowmplayer :(08:23
sin-badI have trailers with sound playing which is great. I don't have the option to play in mplayer even with that installed08:23
sin-badI like vlc much better than mplayer for movies but I'm happy to have both installed to watch trailers08:24
scar3crowtotem has come a long way, too08:24
cccangelwell for me it says "Open with "Movie Player""08:24
scar3crowpersonally, I'm a vlc guy08:24
cccangeloh wait08:24
cccangelits actually opening in Totem.08:24
sin-badThat for your help cccangel and scar3crow. I'm really pleased to get this working. I've been at it for a few hours now.08:25
scar3crowI dinna do nuthin08:25
cccangeldid you see a package i had installed?08:25
sin-badno I was searching for plugins with sudo apt-cache search .*firefox.*mplayer.*08:26
sin-badand when it came up I figured that might be the missing piece08:26
cccangelby the way, about my audio issue, the person in ubuntustudio said they pretty much the same stuff that ubuntu uses for audio recording from a mic.08:28
sin-badThanks again for your help. Ahh, now I can put the computer away and go have breakfast :)08:28
cccangelso i dont know... i really hate using my big headset for a video08:28
cccangellol... can i like force load the opensource drivers for the headset to load for the internal mic to see if it has filters that the internal mic driver doesnt have?08:29
WhoopieHi, I'm facing an issue with gnome3 classic. When watching a Flash video in fullscreen or putting virtualbox in fullscreen mode, the gnome-panel top and bottom bars are not hidden. It works with unity and gnome-shell. Any idea?08:31
cvrWhoopie: are u using compiz or no compiz?08:32
Whoopiecvr: compiz08:32
cvrWhoopie: i think there is a setting in the compiz settings thing about fullscreen video08:33
Whoopiecvr: it's the "legacy fullscreen support", but there's no change in behaviour. Just checking with metacity.08:36
Whoopiecvr: metacity works.08:38
petsoundstrying precise on eee pc, three fingers tapping (middle click) isn't working. is this a known issue? also any workaround?08:38
petsoundselantech touchpad08:39
cccangelaHH! fancy multitouch ...08:39
cccangeli have a hard time when i accidentally two touch the touchpad creating a wierd result08:40
cvrWhoopie: yeh I remember the problem when ubuntu was running on gnome2 and went to compiz metacity was fine and compiz would show the bars, thought it was that setting I had to change08:40
scar3crowidgames run better on ubuntu than on windows08:48
scar3crowin wubi no less08:48
Whoopiecvr: resetting the compiz settings helped. It's working now.08:55
cvrWhoopie: nice one08:56
scar3crowI was having that prollem for the longest time08:56
scar3crowall my games wouldnt load on top of the panels :/08:57
countfuzzballHey all, I'm running a standard ubuntu server base install and links is taking forever while it's 'looking up host'. How do I make it more speedy?09:14
cccangeli love seeing the terminal dance words to show everything I am installing and logging it... makes me feel like i know myself.09:18
scar3crowhaha ccc09:19
cccangeloh yes... i just want to use my favorite text editor to learn C++...09:20
cccangeluhm.. unless gedit actually has error handling for such thing..09:20
cccangelwhich would be blantantly awesome09:20
cccangelmeh.  im installing eclipse.09:23
topyliaren't gedit plugins pretty simple to make?09:23
Manneverumy problem is that pangolin beta screwed upgrade an I left with broken libc6 package, so I finally got it purged from the system and now I am booted from DVD but I cannot install it again. The problem is that preinstall script cannot run (http://pastebin.com/LbkVYvfU) and I cannot override it. How to install libc6 on /mnt mounted root being on live DVD?09:51
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=== cccangel-away is now known as cccangel
nonix4Is dpkg --set-selections and/or apt-get dselect-upgrade supposed to be able to handle multiarch? On amd64 that combination seems to install some i386 things instead of amd64...10:35
nonix4(attempting to install rest of the (graphical) stuff that was installed on another precise installation on another box that was installed as text-mode system from altcd initially)10:37
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Manneveruno one is able to help me10:41
nonix4Manneveru: ... with?10:42
Manneverunonix4: installing libc6 on pangolin root mounet under /mnt from live cd10:43
Manneverunonix4: mounted10:43
Manneverunonix4: libc6 package were broken during system update10:44
Manneverunonix4: i got in uninstalled but know I have a system without libc (unable to boot)10:44
nonix4well I've used schroot previously... but for that case I think you may need to use dpkg that resides outside chroot, that is dpkg --root=/mnt10:46
bekksManneveru: You have to somehow unpach the contents, and copy them to your broken system - OR grab your backup and use it.10:46
* nonix4 thinks reinstalling libc6 .deb with dpkg --root=/mnt should work10:47
bekksnonix4: At least thats worth giving a shot.10:48
Manneverubekks: no backup :-( [lame I know] however if I am using --root or --instdir the instalation fails on preinstall script10:49
Manneverunonix4: fails on preinstall script10:49
bekksManneveru: Then you have an entirely broken system.10:50
Manneverubekks: any chance to fix?10:50
rymate1234ubuntu 12.04 beta is quite stable10:50
bekksTime for backing up all valuable contents now, and reinstallation.10:50
bekksrymate1234: Thats a topic for #ubuntu+110:51
Manneverubekks: or reinstall with keeping existing partitioning? due to btrfs I have /boot sparately10:51
voozeHow do i enter "Gsettings" to edit a gnome shell theme?10:51
nonix4Manneveru: hmm... actually may need to do a root-swap (bit like schroot) for it to work - pre/postinst scripts tend to expect normal locations for everything, so what you want is being inside chroot but running the dpkg binary from outside of it (--bind mounted to /mnt)10:52
rymate1234this is ubuntu+1 bekks10:52
bekksManneveru: However, but reinstall :)10:52
bekksrymate1234: I'm sorry :)10:52
rymate1234lawl :P10:52
nonix4Manneveru: that --root expects to have pretty much everything mounted under the target tree though, including /{dev,proc,sys,run} etc...11:01
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
nonix4reinstall/cloning q: how to make dpkg --get-selections / set-selections actually result in same selected packages in the destination?11:09
nonix4(or what to use instead of those if those are not up to snuff)11:10
Manneverubekks: does ubuntu installer allows me to install on existing partitioning? how to force that?11:22
scar3crowManneveru: just don't format... but I don't suggest it11:23
Manneveruscar3crow: the installer is not obvious to me in many places I know that by default it partition it as it likes11:24
Manneveruscar3crow: I once tried to select option with my own partitioning but that somehow failed11:24
scar3crowtry again11:24
Manneverui do not want to spent again couple hours resizing partitions to fit /boot on ext2 at the beginning11:25
albert23Manneveru: if you still  want to try to rescue libc6, the instructions here are from a problem in hardy, but may still work for you: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-March/000401.html11:25
nonix4looks like I've hit bug #879324 :-/11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879324 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get dselect-upgrade prefers multiarch over native" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87932411:26
countfuzzballHey all, I'm running a standard ubuntu server base install and links is taking forever while it's 'looking up host'. How do I make it more speedy?11:41
penguin42does it eventually get there?11:43
countfuzzballYes, it does.11:44
penguin42does it get there fast if you use an IP rather than host name?11:44
countfuzzballI'll check11:45
AlanMorgan__Hello. I reported a bug that seems to have been fixed now, but it hasn't been marked as "Fix Released" (it's still on Confirmed). Would it be a faux pas for me to change it to Fix Released?11:45
AlanMorgan__https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/977134 that is the bug.11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977134 in unity (Ubuntu) "Nothing is typed in HUD if dash was open" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:45
bekksManneveru: Your setup is broken - just reinstall including format, but without repartitiong your harddisk.11:45
countfuzzballYeah, it does instantly, penguin4211:45
countfuzzballDNS look up problem then I guess?11:46
penguin42AlanMorgan__: Given it is listed as affecting someone else it's probably best to add a comment saying it's fine now for you, ask if the other person sees it anymore, give it a few day and if they don't reply then yeh mark it fix released with a comment saying you don't know what fixed it11:46
penguin42countfuzzball: Right, so do ping's and the like resolve quickly11:47
AlanMorgan__Thank you, penguin42. :)11:47
countfuzzballYep they do, instantly. Even uncached ones that I haven't visited yet.11:47
penguin42countfuzzball: odd, if I had to guess then I'd bet it's some type of IPv6 resolve weirdness11:48
countfuzzballpenguin42: Already disabled ipv6 stuff. Or at least /proc/sys/net/ipv6/all/disable_ipv6 now reads 1.11:48
penguin42countfuzzball: run a tcpdump while you start lynx and see what's going on?11:49
lan3yhi is there anyway to stop the hdd constantly spinning down? i've looked in the power settings but there is no setting, i remember there use to be an option in earlier versions of ubuntu11:49
fernicountfuzzball: do you have more than one nameserver listed from where it tries to resolve names?11:50
lan3yit's getting a bit ridiculous waiting for the hdd every couple of seconds11:51
countfuzzballferni: /etc/resolv.conf only has, which is my router11:51
penguin42countfuzzball: It might be doing a AAAA resolve (over IPv4) and the router might just be dropping it or something similar - a tcpdump should show11:52
somethinginteresanyone having an issue with Nvidia drivers making the PC unusable. Slowed to a crawl with graphical glitches etc? Had to revert to open driver11:53
countfuzzballpenguin42: well, there seems to be a line or two that says: AAAA? www.google.ie11:54
nonix4somethinginteres: just slower than pre-precise... open driver on the other hand spams my logs enough to fill /var and as such is unsuitable for me atm...11:54
delacusing STA drivers from jockey for broadcom bcm4312. Drivers work right after installation, but get disabled on reboot. Problem is that ssb loads even when blacklisted which stops wl from loading. Any ideas?11:55
penguin42countfuzzball: Right so look at the tcpdump and the times - where is the gap?11:55
somethinginteresnonix4: in my case the top bar wouldn't draw icons. I could move mouse but not click anything. about 3-5min for a menu to finally pull down but only the blur of the menu as it tried to draw it on screen.11:55
somethinginteresnonix4: HDD load light wasn't active so it didn't appear to be HD stress. Loading a previous kernel (thus loading a new default xorg.conf) "fixed" the problem. ]11:56
countfuzzballpenguin42: here's the output for the tcpdump: http://paste.ubuntu.com/930916/ First one is at 12:52:05. Next one is at 12:52:2011:56
boumahello, beta is up and running. but i did need nouveau.nomodeset=011:58
penguin42countfuzzball: Yes so I think it's still doing AAAA queries, and I don't see any responses to them so perhaps the router is just dropping them rather than doing something sane12:02
countfuzzballpenguin42: is it possible to get the system to not send IPV6 AAAA queries to my router? The network I'm on is made of only 4 computers, so IPV6 locally here isn't needed.12:04
penguin42countfuzzball: Yeh I think it is, I can't quite remember the magic for it12:05
CQhello, I just upgraded, and I can logn in, but get the desktop with no WM ... any ideas?12:11
CQwell, the terminal has a scrollbar on the right, but no title bar to drag and move it, and no way to resize... I'm using the gnome-fallbakc desktop12:13
scar3crowneed a mythtv expert plz12:21
somethinginteresscar3crow: you want #mythtv-users12:25
somethinginteresscar3crow: np12:25
countfuzzballOk, so I've added my ISP's DNS nameservers to my /etc/resolv.conf and links2 looks up the host name instantly. My only concern is if I switch networks while on the move, will I experience slow downs due to looking up another ISP's nameservers?12:43
kpowcountfuzzball, probably just a bit if the dns servers allow requests from the outside at all12:44
rymate1234hey all12:45
kpowcountfuzzball, but dhclient sets it automatically anyway if u use dhcp on the move12:45
rymate1234I have a small issue12:45
rymate1234My scroll wheel has reversedd12:45
rymate1234scrolling up scrolls down12:45
rymate1234and scrolling down goes up12:45
kpowrymate1234, rotate your screen upside down then and it will be ok?12:45
rymate1234kpow: q_q12:46
kpowrymate1234, go to settings, mouse settings, reverse scroll directions (at least that's how it is on my kde)12:47
fernicountfuzzball: or you can use googles and, works everywhere12:47
ironmhello. There is some regression with ubuntu-sever 12.04 due to VM insallations on XCP host (xen) from a local iso image file (compare to 11.10 where it works as expected)12:51
o2simo20does compiz run with unity on ubuntu 12?12:59
Debroo2simo20, yes i have it.. dont now how.. :P13:00
Debrohow i can run unity and gnome panel in the same time13:01
o2simo20and can i remove that weird side menu and just have a normal menu like in maverick 10.10?13:01
o2simo20like applications|places|system etc13:01
o2simo20or is that a lot of messin about?13:02
RobinJUnity 3D won't work for me, and I'm trying to figure out why. But the Unity support test doesn't seem to be working either.13:02
RobinJrobin@robin-VirtualBox:~$ /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p13:02
RobinJXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".13:02
RobinJError: GLX is not available on the system13:02
RobinJAm I missing some kind of package?13:02
BluesKajrunning ubuntu on a VB ?13:04
BluesKajgraphics driver most likely13:05
RobinJBluesKaj, got the vbox guest additions installed13:05
RobinJbtw, is it still any use to report minor/papercut bugs for ubuntu 12.04?13:06
BluesKajRobinJ, have you enabled desktop effects/compiz or whatever they're called in unity13:09
RobinJI can't13:09
BluesKajRobinJ, then VB isn't the platform you want ...dual boot might be the best for you13:11
RobinJ... djeez13:12
RobinJI'm not goign to install beta software on a physical machine13:12
RobinJand if it works for everyone else, then why doesn't it work for me?13:12
BluesKajdunno , do you have the right graphics driver enabled , maybe the guest additions needs some configuring13:13
BluesKajsao you install it in a VB where it's even less stable and less likely to work :)13:15
RobinJat leats there it can't harm my system13:16
RobinJthat's what virtualbox is made for13:16
BluesKajI'm running 12.04 , with no probs13:16
BluesKajbut not unity13:17
RobinJyeah, and i thought i was running 11.10 alpha, without too lmuch probs, until it decided to try and melt my laptop to a block of plastic13:17
BluesKajkde 4.8.2 here and it's working great13:17
BluesKajsure RobinJ  ... as if !13:17
RobinJwhat a surprise13:18
kpowRobinJ, yea well im using dell v131 laptop and it does the same, no power management capabilities whatsoever13:18
o2simo20doesnt maverick 10.10 use gnome3 not gnome2?13:19
RobinJBluesKaj, as you can see, not trolling13:19
RobinJBluesKaj, if you still don't believe it: http://minus.com/mdRt76f6P/1613:19
RobinJand the fact that a week later my laptop's battery died probably wasn't a coincidence either13:20
RobinJso I'll stick with VirtualBox, if you don't mind ;)13:20
BluesKajRobinJ, if your worried about probs why run it in the first place ,or run it on it's own partition so it's seperate from any other OS13:20
RobinJ"it's own partition", that won't stop the overheating13:20
RobinJthis is what virtualbox is made for13:21
kpowhow well should ubuntu run on a laptop with only vt-x and no vt-d?13:21
BluesKajso it doesn't overheat while on VB ?13:21
kpowBluesKaj, while on VB windows manages everything ubuntu just has a virtual environment to think it manages stuff13:22
RobinJBlueSkaj, not as long as my host os isn't Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha ;)13:22
RobinJor beta13:22
RobinJor probably rc as well13:22
RobinJbut back to the point, how do i get this glx thingy working?13:23
arianithifi, I'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 but update-manager -d doesn't find any new release.13:23
kpowRobinJ, do u remember what kernel caused ur overheating?13:23
RobinJarianit, beacuse 12.04 isnt released yet? :p13:23
BluesKajwel RobinJ , you're the first person to complain about overheating and battery power , that I've seen ...wonder if it an impropr setting13:23
GirlyGirlarianit: it isn't out yet13:23
RobinJkpow, just a moment, i'll searcxh through my email for the bug report13:24
kpowRobinJ, ty13:24
arianitGirlyGirl, I know, Beta213:24
RobinJif my internet connection wants to cooperate...13:24
ironhalikhmm, how is it exactly with nouveau drivers in 12.04 and how current they are?13:25
RobinJkpow, it happened with a certain range of kernels. everything above 2.6.35, but not anymore at 3.1 as far as i can see13:25
RobinJand only when using nouveau drivers13:25
ironhalikand is it a good idea to install x updates ppa13:25
kpowRobinJ, ok thanks13:26
BluesKajRobinJ, 11.10 alpha , why 11.10 ?13:26
RobinJBlueSkaj because that was the current alpha version at the time...?13:26
BluesKajupdates/upgrades are obviously in order , no wonder you have probs , RobinJ13:27
RobinJand will you look at that, hadn't noticed yet: "This bug affects you and 8 other people"13:27
BluesKajyou need to upgrade to full release of 11.1013:27
kpowRobinJ, from what i see on google its a kernel bug introduced in 2.6.38 up to 3.2 on vanilla kernels, with some differences in versions on different distros due to patches13:27
RobinJnot really a problem on 3.1 though13:28
kpowRobinJ, yea probably because 3.1 on ubuntu was patched against it, but it got to mainstream kernel onlu on 3.213:28
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kpowkpow, anyway, take it up with #kernel and try to sue linus for damages i guess13:29
kpowRobinJ, , anyway, take it up with #kernel and try to sue linus for damages i guess13:29
RobinJkpow, i particularly like this comment someone made on the bug report: "The lack of community and developer support to tackle or even admit the existence of this problem has caused me to fear something is seriously amiss."13:29
RobinJthat's exactly what I experienced at the time as well13:29
RobinJgot kicked from every channel because they thought it was impossible and i was just trolling, at the time13:30
RobinJthe same thing just happened with BlueSkaj: "<BluesKaj> sure RobinJ  ... as if !". the problem is that people seem to be blinded by the fact that it's open-source or something, so in their eyes everything's perfect.13:31
RobinJthe arch linux channels are the worse i've seen so far, actually :p13:31
kpowOpen source has no bugs! just misused features, stating otherwise is blasphemy13:31
RobinJkpow, exactly like that :p13:32
georgelappieshow can I disable the silent boot. i.e. I want to see the messages running up the screen of the system booting until X kicks in?13:32
RobinJbut back to the point, does anyone know how i can fix this?13:33
BluesKajRobinJ, I can see why get kicked , deliberately misinterpreting what ppl tell you ...welll good luck with your 11.10 alpa ..and you expect it to be perfect ?13:34
kpowgeorgelappies, edit /etc/default/grub and remove quiet splash from cmd line13:34
kpowRobinJ, 11.10 final is fixed13:34
RobinJ"deliberately misinterpreting"? explain :p13:34
kpowRobinJ, apt-get dist-upgrade13:34
RobinJkpow, yeah i know, have you looked at the date of the bug report? it's from a while ago13:34
BluesKajRobinJ,"so in their eyes everything's perfect"13:35
BluesKajI never said that13:35
RobinJdon't take everything literally13:35
kpowRobinJ, anyway im running 12.04 beta2 and i have no issues with temperatures except that as i said earlier, it doesn't support any power management capabilities of my laptop13:35
RobinJcan we finally get to the point.... -.-13:35
RobinJkpow, i know, running it on my laptop as well. but i want to try out unity 3D, not the fallback thing13:36
BluesKajno there's no point . you insist on running an old alpha release , this chat is for 12.0413:36
DebolazI'm not sure if its specific to 12.04, but its the OS I'm using at the moment so I'll take the liberty of asking here: When I hold alt-shift, xev says its interpreted by the system as the meta key. Why is this?13:37
RobinJ.... are you even reading what i'm saying?13:37
RobinJhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/858916 << BluesKaj, please read the date on that bug report for me ;)13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858916 in Linux "[2.6.35+] Laptop overheats." [Undecided,Incomplete]13:37
RobinJthis is NOT what i'm here about13:37
kpowRobinJ, as i said, the bug _should_ be fixed now, run 12.04 latest and watch temps for a while is my best advice, sorry i can't be more helpful than that13:37
RobinJi'm here about a problem with ubuntu 12.0413:37
RobinJ<RobinJ> robin@robin-VirtualBox:~$ /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p13:38
RobinJ<RobinJ> Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".13:38
RobinJ<RobinJ> Error: GLX is not available on the system13:38
RobinJTHIS is the problem13:38
RobinJthe 11.10 thing was something completely different13:38
RobinJso does anyone know how to fix it?13:39
kpowRobinJ, nvidia right?13:39
RobinJyeah, but in virtualbox13:39
RobinJand don't tell me the card is incompatible with linux or something, because then i'm going mad. i was recommended this card in a linux channel :p13:40
holsteinRobinJ: that doesnt matter... driver support can change13:40
RobinJin a month time?13:41
holsteinRobinJ: sure... in 4 seconds ;) ...update the kernel, and its broken :)13:41
CQRobinJ have you tried asking in #vbox ? I thought that the display driver was virtualized in the guest system...13:41
RobinJholstein, i thought this was ubuntu, not arch linux :p13:41
holsteinanyways... *if* it did work, you should be able to make it work13:41
holsteinRobinJ: the OS doesnt matter.. we are talking about hardware support13:41
RobinJCQ, the GLX problem seems to have something to do with ubuntu, not virtualbox. don't you think? >.<13:41
* BluesKaj invokes the ignore option13:42
holsteinRobinJ: keep in mind, ubuntu/canonical is not doing anything to prevent your hardware from functioning13:42
kpowRobinJ, u seem to have a faulty library, follow the steps in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174178313:42
RobinJholstein, i hope so :p13:42
yofeljust to make sure, GLX works fine on the host system?13:43
CQRobinJ depends, in  the guest or in the host? if its in the guest, and the guest has a virtualized video driver, then thats probably different than when you're on a real video card13:43
RobinJyofel, host system is windows13:43
holsteinRobinJ: personally, i have had bad luck getting 3d to "forward" through to vbox guest... and i just use them without 3d13:43
RobinJkpow, stuck at the first step in #413:44
RobinJldd: /usr/info/glxinfo: No such file or directory13:44
yofelIIRC I use 'virtualbox-guest-x11' to get 3D in my VM, but would have to start it to check13:45
yofelRobinJ: glxinfo is in mesa-utils13:45
delacusing STA drivers from jockey for broadcom bcm4312. Drivers work right after installation, but get disabled on reboot. Problem is that ssb loads even when blacklisted which stops wl from loading. Any ideas?13:48
kpowdelac, try lsmod, see who uses the ssb module, and blacklist it too13:49
kpowdelac, just a thought13:50
delackpow: must admit that I didnt thought that. going to check. thanks13:50
delackpow: well, nothing seems to require ssb, so it's not that...13:52
kpowdelac, so i'd move the module to /root for backup and run depmod -a again13:53
delackpow: can you be more specific?13:55
kpowdelac, cd /lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION; find |grep ssb -- then move the file to /root, then run depmod -a and reboot, assuming you configured the correct module load13:56
yofelyou can just use 'modinfo ssb' to find the filename13:57
kpowyofel, ty13:58
lan3ydoes anyone else have a rendering bug on the global menu in unity? the application titles have random pixels of green around some letters making it look very messy13:58
lan3yit only happens on my netbook so i'm guessing its the intel atom graphics, what little it has14:00
delackpow: didn't try that yet. but my older installation, where the wlan does work, also seems to have the ssb.ko in the same location and everything works fine there. So I think there should be another way that removing it altogether...14:01
kpowlan3y, my suggestion is to try kubuntu to rule out unity bug14:01
lan3yi'm 99% sure it's unity, it's the only place the buggy rendering happens in the whole system (in the top bar)14:02
RobinJkpow, no use... even glxinfo tells me it's missing the GLX extension14:02
kpowRobinJ, add nvidia drivers library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH then, should then appear correctly when u run ldd14:04
RobinJ? the ldd command works fine14:04
RobinJlibGL.so.1 => /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libGL.so.1 (0x00007fcda5850000)14:05
RobinJ << according to the forum post this is how it should be14:05
yofelRobinJ: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log please?14:05
yofelso we see what driver is actually being used14:05
kpowdelac, see http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg351306.html   make sure you blacklisted the module properly14:07
yofelRobinJ: it's using the virtualbox driver as I would've expected. How did you install the nvidia driver?14:08
RobinJI didn't14:08
yofelit loads the glx extension from nvidia though...14:09
yofelso it has to be installed14:09
kpowyofel, do u think it will work with nvidia driver at all with the VB abstraction layer in place? i dont think there's access to native card functionality from within VB14:09
yofelkpow: not sure, but I would agree that it's unlikely14:09
yofelbut currently the VM uses the vbox driver with nvidia glx module14:10
yofelthat really can't work14:10
RobinJah whatever14:12
RobinJscrew it, i'll just start over14:12
kpowRobinJ, you can try 2 things14:12
yofelRobinJ: if you don't have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf remove any nvidia-current or nvidia-current-updates package14:12
RobinJbtw, does anyone know where i can finbd the "first run setup script" in ubuntu 4.10? :p14:12
kpowRobinJ, what yofel said is #1, then #2 is to configure X with nvidia drivers instead of VB drivers but i doubt it will work14:13
RobinJi setup Xorg wrong in my 4.10 virtualbox >.<14:14
RobinJoh come on14:15
RobinJsudo apt-get purge nvidia-current fixed the 12.0414:15
delackpow: so, moving the ssb.ko and doing depmod -a didn't help. even the ssb still loads. the blacklisting is automatically done by the jockey in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm43.conf and it seems to be ok (blacklist ssb).14:15
RobinJthank you yofel :p14:16
delacis it possible that initramfs is bypassed on boot?14:23
RobinJer.... can the OS even boot without it? :p14:23
delacRobinJ: well, I do not know, that's why I asked :)14:25
sab0I was trying to install it from terminal by using the command sudo apt-get install google-talkplugin_current_i386.....but giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/ ..can any one help please14:26
sab0i was asking help in ubuntu channel for this but no one could help me in last 2o minutes,hope here some body can help me14:27
bazhangsab0, you already got an annswer in #ubuntu14:27
bazhangsab0, dont crosspost in multiple channels14:27
sab0bazhang, NOP14:27
bazhang<mneptok> sab0: the package is google-talkplugin (no _i386)14:28
sab0bazhang, i got ans but not helpful,what can i do?14:28
bazhangsab0, what version of ubuntu are you on14:28
sab0bazhang, 10.0414:28
bazhangsab0, this is channel is for 12.0414:29
sab0bazhang, if you want check all the ans i got in ubuntu channel14:29
bazhangsab0, again, dont crosspost, dont post in the wrong channel either14:29
RobinJ10.04? not 4.10? chame :p14:29
sab0bazhang, none of them were helpful,i know its for 12.04 but atleast i can ask help14:30
bazhangsab0, then be patient. dont post here unless you are on 12.0414:30
RobinJsab0, yeah, and if it doesn't work out here you can always ask help in #windows or #gentoo as well =D14:30
FernandoMiguelis it possible to bond two types of diff interfaces? say a ppp0 and an eth?14:30
rymate1234I get an error when running jd-gui14:31
edlikplease help. I upgraded to 12.04 and now I can not connect using my usb wifi adapter and have no wired connection at desktop, stuck using stupid windows14:31
rymate1234./jd-gui: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:32
rymate1234any help?14:32
FernandoMiguelrymate1234: let me guess14:33
FernandoMiguela 32bits app?14:33
FernandoMigueltry installing ibgtk-x11-2.0:i386 ?14:33
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
rymate1234E: Unable to locate package libgtk-x11-2.0:i38614:37
rymate1234E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libgtk-x11-2.0'14:37
FernandoMiguelgo up a level than14:37
FernandoMiguel!search  libgtk-x1114:37
synapsedo I need to goto 10.10 before I can get to 12.04?14:38
synapsevia update-manager14:38
synapseIm using 10.04 right now14:38
rymate1234I would recommend a clean install14:39
FernandoMiguelnot sure !14:39
FernandoMiguel11.10 goes directly14:39
FernandoMiguelI "think" other LTSs can jump directly too, but not sure14:39
FernandoMiguelworse case you have to go 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.0414:39
FernandoMiguelclean install of 12.04 takes 10 mins tops14:40
synapseI dont want to do a clean install14:40
FernandoMiguelall those 4 upgrades takes an entire afternoon... if all goes well14:40
synapseuhh, because I have tons of stuff on here14:40
rymate1234synapse: uh, backup?14:40
FernandoMiguelsynapse: dpkg --getselections > packages.txt14:40
synapsepersonal files, whatnot14:40
FernandoMiguelsynapse: dpkg --setselections < packages.txt14:40
FernandoMiguelapt-get -dselect14:41
FernandoMigueland you are done14:41
pangolinjust wait the two weeks and you won't need to do any magic14:41
FernandoMiguelbrb... testing a bond14:41
FernandoMiguelpangolin: ??14:41
rymate1234synapse: wait 2 weeks for release14:41
pangolinFernandoMiguel, if he waits two weeks for the official release he will be offered to upgrade to 12.0414:42
nonix4FernandoMiguel: bug #879324 breaks that procedure for me...14:42
pangolinLTS to LTS is supported14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879324 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get dselect-upgrade prefers multiarch over native" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87932414:42
rymate1234wat about my error? :(14:44
pangolindoesn't seem that package exists in the ubuntu repos14:45
pangolinwhat exactly caused this error to appear?14:45
pangolinno swearing please14:45
pangolinit doesn't help and hurts my eyes14:45
gnomefreakis the error on pastebin?14:45
rymate1234pangolin: I launched the application14:45
pangolinrymate1234, what application?14:45
rymate1234./jd-gui: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <------ the error14:45
gnomefreakpangolin: he said fAck14:45
rymate1234pangolin: jd-gui14:45
pangolingnomefreak, obfuscation is the same as typing it properly14:46
pangolinjd-gui is also not in the repos14:46
rymate1234pangolin: I know that, I downloaded it14:46
gnomefreakill be right back something just happened to irssi14:47
pangolinok well, see if that site also has a download for the dependencies it requires14:47
gnomefreakthat is really messed up. ok pangolin can you please repeat your last comment to me.14:48
gnomefreakthat == terminal/irssi14:48
pangolingnomefreak, obfuscation is the same as typing it properly14:48
gnomefreakit happening again damnit14:48
pangolinrymate1234, try installing libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-014:49
gnomefreakpangolin: k14:49
nonix417:47 < pangolin> ok well, see if that site also has a download for the dependencies it requires <-- if you can see that...14:49
pangolingnomefreak, what is happening?14:49
gnomefreakthe bottom line of irssi is rising up the terminal and the channel name is gone as well14:50
gnomefreakim getting "sh: 1: play: not found"14:50
pangolinhmm, not running irssi so i can't tell you if it is happening here also14:50
nonix4gnomefreak: something trying to play a sound effect?14:50
gnomefreakbrb im going in #irssi to see if the know14:50
gnomefreaknonix4: nope no sound here14:50
rymate1234pangolin: didn't work14:51
nonix4irssi works fine for me... and doesn't play sound effects14:51
gnomefreakit seems to be dropping to bottom and rising again14:51
nonix4gnomefreak: you have anything else running in the xterm/whatever you're running the irssi inside?14:51
pangolinrymate1234, best advice I can give is see if the site has a forum or a channel on irc14:51
gnomefreaknonix4: no14:51
gnomefreakhold on let me get a shot posted of the issue14:51
nonix4gnomefreak: temp workaround would be hitting ctrl-l14:51
rymate1234if there isn't, I'll install wine q_q14:52
gnomefreakoh cool14:52
gnomefreakthan what the hell is it?14:52
nonix4well if something is invoking "play", you could make a script named such that simply records who is calling it...14:53
nonix4#!/bin/sh   # newline    ps -f14:54
nonix4err, without "-", ps f  :)14:54
nonix4possibly redirect it to file to avoid clutter in irssi window14:55
gnomefreakhere is a screenshot http://imageshack.us/f/829/screenshotfrom201204151.png/ and no comments about the wallpaper :)14:55
nonix4gnomefreak: printf '#!/bin/sh\nps f >> ${HOME}/play.debug.txt\n' | sudo tee -a /usr/local/bin/play ; sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/play15:04
nonix4on one line. That should stop your irssi screen corruption and log the reason for it in play.debug.txt15:05
gnomefreaknonix4: run that in irssi or terminal or make it a bash script?15:07
nonix4run that in terminal, it creates a shell script in /usr/local/bin that will be invoked instead of printing that error message15:07
gnomefreaknonix4: thanks15:08
nonix4somewhere in the log file will be a line "\_ ps f", and the two lines above that will tell you what actually called that15:08
gnomefreak[sudo] password for gnomefreak:15:10
gnomefreakps f >> ${HOME}/play.debug.txt15:10
gnomefreaknonix4: ok what log fine?15:10
gnomefreaki dont remember there being a *irssi.log15:11
nonix4play.debug.txt will appear in your homedir when you hit the scenario where the corruption would have occurred earlier15:11
gnomefreaknonix4: thanks15:12
gnomefreaknonix4: there is nothing in my home dir for that. is it something that i have to wait for to happen?15:13
gnomefreakalso i dont need to load the script when i log onto irssi do i?15:13
gnomefreaknonix4: i found it or it just showed up15:17
nonix4gnomefreak: so is there actually "irssi" near the "ps f" line in play.debug.txt or did some other process call it? what kind of arguments were passed to "play"?15:18
gnomefreaknonix4: can you please take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/931180/15:19
gnomefreak^^ the wholle small file15:19
gnomefreakis the beep beep script causing this?15:20
nonix4gnomefreak: hmm, not directly invoked by irssi, weird... "beep beep"?15:21
gnomefreaksince it didnt fix what i wanted it to i can get rid of it15:21
gnomefreak/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/play /home/gnomefreak/.irssi/scripts/beep_beep.wav15:21
gnomefreakits the second to last line15:22
gnomefreakand alot of other lines15:22
nonix4Yup that path to scripts tells it quite clearly. If you'd want to actually hear that line, you'd need to have a play program (from eg. sox) installed.15:22
gnomefreak5 times in all15:22
gnomefreakah ok ill drop it than thanks15:23
nonix4*hear that .wav15:23
gnomefreaknonix4: no sound at all in terminal here15:24
nonix4gnomefreak: so then you'd better be looking for "visual beep" instead15:24
gnomefreakeven irssi beeps are gone, that is why i tried that script15:24
Debrohow i can execute program with JDK 64bit, what command i shold use15:24
* gnomefreak doesnt do java but would depend on the program i would guess15:25
nonix4gnomefreak: well you could change that "/usr/local/bin/play" do whatever you wish, but this a bit off-topic here :)15:26
gnomefreaknonix4: thanks for your help15:26
gnomefreakthats why i have about 40 channels im in atm15:26
nonix4Debro: haven't tested that stuff on precise yet, but what does "dpkg -S $(which jdk)" print for you?15:30
Debrononix4, i have jdk 1.7..15:30
nonix4Debro: well the reason I'm asking is because of multiarch bugs possibly making the answer non-trivial...15:31
gnomefreakthaqt comjmand gives me a error15:32
gnomefreakdpkg -S $(which jdk)+15:32
gnomefreakwith out the +15:32
nonix4yeah it will if you have none in path15:32
Debrononix4, i get lot of data15:34
nonix4actually guess it will in any case... "java" instead of jdk might work better :)15:34
nonix4Debro: openjdk-7-jre-headless ?15:34
Debrocan somone say what comand is tu run jar file with jdk 64..??15:35
Debrois this correct: java -d64 -jar??15:36
Debrononix4, what?15:36
nonix4that java command sounds familiar, yes... don't have any jdk installed atm though.15:37
bazhangrymate1234, ?15:42
rymate1234my bouncer vps is bbac15:42
nonix4Debro: what I was concerned about was whether you actually have a 64-bit version installed or not...15:47
Debrononix4, i have JDK 1.7 64bit15:48
bekksDebro: java -version15:48
bekksIf that returns 64Bit, then just run java -jar file.jar15:48
Debrobekks, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b04); Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01, mixed mode)15:49
Debrobekks, wierd why is shows 1.6..? if i installed 1.7...?15:50
bekksBecause your PATH is set to find the 1.6 before 1.715:51
bekkswhich "java" returns what?15:51
Debroi have 2 java versions..?15:51
bekksrun: which java15:51
* nonix4 ponders whether that thing uses alternatives... and points to /etc/alternatives/README15:51
Debrobekks, did ubuntu came with java?15:52
Debrowhich java retur: /usr/bin/java15:52
bekksDebro: It doesnt matter. Whatsthe output of "ls -l /usr/bin/java"15:52
jbichaDebro: sudo update-alternatives --config java15:52
Debrobekks, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Apr 12 20:10 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java15:53
bekksThen invoke the command jbicha just gave you15:53
Debroi get 3 selection paths15:54
bekksThen choose one.15:54
Debrobekks,    * 0            /opt/java/64/jre1.6.0_31/bin/java   1         auto mode; 1            /opt/java/64/jre1.6.0_31/bin/java   1         manual mode15:55
Debro; 2            /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java      1         manual mode15:55
* gnomefreak sticks with default but that is just me15:55
bekksDebro: Use a pastebin please.15:55
Debrobekks, ok15:55
Debrobekks, http://pastebin.com/9K4DD2FU15:56
bekksSo its very clear that your system chose "1" as the default.15:57
Debrobekks,  what i realy cant understand is what java im using and why i have 3 java...15:57
bekks"0", not "1" is your default.15:57
Debrobut they are the same?15:58
bekksDoesnt matter really :)15:58
bekksWhy exactly do you need to run 1.7?15:58
Debrodont now i just read that it is new..16:00
bekksThen you dont need it :)16:00
Debroso i installed it.. i want run 64bit java so it can work better..16:00
bekksThe system default "0" is 64bit.16:00
bekksAnd it wont work "better" just because of the 64bit.16:00
Debrocould you help me delete 1.7?16:01
bekksJust use your package management system to remove it.16:01
bekksYou could remove it using the Software Center, e.g.16:01
bekksOr synaptic, yes.16:01
Debrobut i installed it with comands from terminal16:02
bekksThat doesnt matter.16:02
Debrohow to find it?16:02
bekksBy searching it?16:03
Debrojdk dont see any installed java16:03
bekksI doubt that.16:03
bekksThen search for "java" or "1.7.0"16:03
Debrosorry but i realy cant find it..16:05
bekksThen use a pastebin to provide the output of "dpkg -l | grep -i jdk"16:06
Debrono output..16:07
bekksWhat were the commands you installed java with?16:07
Debroi thin here.. http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/16:08
bekksManual installation m(16:08
Debroi also add plugin for chromium16:09
bekksAnd that guy has no idea of the shipped openjdk 1.7.0 in pangolin.16:09
bekksYou manually installed it, you manually remove it.16:09
Debrois there any way to do complete removal16:10
bekksRemove it manually.16:10
bekksDid you understand what you have done there following your link?16:11
bekksYou manually created a directory, and moved some stuff in there.16:11
Debrohmm.. ok so i what command i have to use..16:11
Debroremove or rm?16:12
bekksthat are the same commands ;)16:12
bekksRemove that directory you created - done.16:12
Debrothis was to create sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0  so now i must write sudo rm -p /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.016:14
Debrobekks, both commands will work?16:14
bekksPlease read "man rm" on how to remove a directory.16:15
Debrook, will do it laiter.. coul you help me more this this java what i have automatic..?16:16
Debrobekks, it will work in chromium?16:19
jbichain the future, you should just install openjdk-7-jre from the repositories, OpenJDK 7 is the reference implementation of Java 7 now16:21
snadgewhat does that make oracle's java 716:21
Debrosnadge, oracle that is old sun java16:21
Debrojbicha, openJDK is same as Sun Java?16:22
Myrttijbicha: sadly openjdk isn't approved by some systems that require Sun/Oracle one16:22
penguin42jbicha: As long as things work with it - things like eclipse for android dev are sometimes a bit fussy16:22
snadgeandroid dev kind of requires sun/oracle java 616:22
Debroawww i dont undastand anymore what i have to do.. :P16:23
Myrttior certain Nordic identification/bank systems16:23
snadgei have 4 versions of java installed :p16:23
snadgeopenjdk 6/7 and sun/oracle 6/716:23
jbichaDebro: I don't know what you need, but I'm guess you just want the Oracle Java 6, not everything works with Java 7 yet16:23
snadgetheres a script you can use to switch between them16:23
penguin42ah the wonders of Java16:24
Debrojbicha, yes could you help me..?16:24
Debrojbicha, i dont now what java i have installed and i dont now how install Oracle Jave 6 64bit..16:24
Debrojava is allways problem for me..16:25
snadgeany of them will play minecraft16:25
snadgeas long as you update lwjgl.. thats all that really matters ;)16:25
penguin42snadge: I think that was the previous high target; now if eclipse will work most people will be happy16:26
snadgeid like to see android development be compatible with java 716:26
snadgeandroid 4 actually compiles with openjdk 6.. which is a start16:26
Debrosnadge, you run minecraft on ubuntu..?16:26
Debrohow to do that...?16:26
snadgeinstructions are on mojangs website.. install java16:27
snadgei created a script called mc which i put in /usr/local/bin16:27
Debrogive me link please16:27
gnomefreakhow do i get sound-juicer to save as mp3. the restricted formats wiki is out dated by a lot16:27
nonix4penguin42: you do know what kind of crappy secu...spyware several banks are attempting to force down the throats of their users under the disguise of "java"? and actually having JNI's rootkit-equivalents there...16:28
penguin42nonix4: Oh I hate to think! There's no way I'm doing any banking on my phone; the only time I ever do any it's in a separate clean VM booted off an ISO16:29
gnomefreakor another easy to use ripper that will change .wav to .MP316:29
Debrosnadge, ther is not much instructions...16:29
jbichagnomefreak: did you try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras?16:30
gnomefreakjbicha: yes16:30
gnomefreakubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.16:30
snadgeDebro: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre16:31
Debrosnadge, will it get me 64 bit?16:31
gnomefreakwhy not use 716:31
nonix4penguin42: I prefer diskless nbd boots on proxied/whitelist-nat'd connectivity...16:31
snadge7 isnt required.. and you need to update lwjgl, otherwise it crashes16:32
Debrosnadge,  why not install oracle 6?16:32
snadgebecause that involves more effort16:32
snadgeubuntu has stopped packaging it due to license restriction from oracle16:33
Debrosnadge, ok what next?16:33
gnomefreakeven lame didnt help damnit16:34
snadgethen you download the minecraft.jar from the link i gave you16:34
gnomefreakbrb smoke and think16:34
Debrosnadge, have it...16:34
snadgeand launch it using the command thats right underneath the link to the minecraft.jar ;)16:34
Debroi must create sh file?16:34
snadgeyou can.. or you can right click on the jar file and say open with java16:35
bekksOR just run java -jar filename.jar16:35
Debrowhat you say about this: http://corbindavenport.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-play-minecraft-on-ubuntu-1204.html16:37
Debroi have created it before but it dont open  minecraft16:38
bekksCreated what?16:38
DebroMinecraft.desktop file with comands in that link...16:39
snadgethose instructions are okay.. apart from the ones on how to install sun java.. which is obsolete/overkill16:39
bekksAll you need to do is to run that java command...16:39
Lace57run minecraft with java - jar command16:39
nonix4java -jar "$(find ${HOME} -name minecraft.jar)"16:41
nonix4(that should work as long as you have one of such jars;)16:41
Debroi want create shortcut for it so i posted link how i did that... but that dont open jar16:42
bekksFIRST, ensure that that command works at all.16:43
bekksAfter that, you still can create a desktop entry.16:43
Debroahh i understand why...  i removed /home/user/...16:44
Debronow it works thanks16:44
snadgeafter its ran the first time.. running it from your home dir is the correct way16:45
Debroso now i have sun and open jdk which one is default..?16:46
bekksLook it up.16:46
bekksWith the commands you used above.16:46
Debrobekks, do i need install plugun for chromium16:48
Debrobekks,  how to do that..?16:53
bekks0415 175251 < jbicha> Debro: sudo update-alternatives --config java16:53
bekksLike you did above ;)16:53
Debro bekks, i did this: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre so now i need do sudo update-alternatives --config java for what java?16:55
bekksJust type and press enter afterwards:16:55
bekkssudo update-alternatives --config java16:56
bekksAnd you will see whats your current default java.16:56
Debrobekks, see again this ( http://pastebin.com/7PhUAQVt )so what is default java..? it is in auto mode?16:58
Debroand than I wanted to install 1.7 i did use thease commands (http://pastebin.com/Qcqzeg2g) do i need remove them..?17:00
bekksThe default is the one with the leading *17:00
bekksAbove, you wanted to remove 1.7 - would you mind to decide first, what you want to do?17:00
Debrobekks, sorry my laguage is wrong... will explain again.. :)17:02
Debrobekks, when i did install 1.7 (before some days) I used that commands.. do i need remove them?17:03
bekksI told you above.17:03
bekksIf you want to remove them, do so.17:04
Debrobekks, but i dont now how to remove for expamle this: sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java" 117:05
Debroor i'm missing something here?17:05
bekksDebro: Then take a look at "man update-alternatives" and you'll find the option to remove an entry.17:06
Debrobekks, but if i remove all forder 1.7.0 will it also remove those commands? i just dont now how all things works..17:07
bekksNo, it will not undo that commands.17:07
bekksI just told you how to get more information on how to undo that command.17:08
Debrobekks, ok thank you! 1st i will remove folder from jvm...17:08
bekksFirst, you will read the information I told you about.17:09
bekksYou have to _understand_ what you are doing there.17:09
gnomefreakanyone ever use/used Asunder?17:09
Debrobekks, ok.. :)17:11
gnomefreakseems asunder is easy to use :)17:14
Debrobekks, is there ang way to remove alternatives with gui..? or i need to use this command: --remove name path17:16
Debroi think i can do sudo nautilus and then go to place where they are stored..17:18
bekksNo, there is no gui method.17:20
AxzAnyone having issues with gnomebaker on 12.04?17:26
bekksSomeone has, for sure.17:27
Axzwell cant get it working17:27
Axzinstalling going fine but running it no chance17:27
jbichaAxz: gnomebaker was removed from Ubuntu last summer https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnomebaker/0.6.4-1ubuntu117:29
Axzreason why?!17:29
jbichaI recommend you try brasero which is installed by default17:29
Axzwell i;m trying but miss stability of gnomebaker17:30
bekksI'll recommend using k3b17:30
jbichait's not very stable if it doesn't work any more... http://bugs.debian.org/59089017:30
ubottuDebian bug 590890 in ftp.debian.org "RM: gnomebaker -- RoQA; obsolete, dead upstream, unmaintained, doesn't work with current kernels" [Normal,Open]17:30
penguin42bekks: Yeh, the UI on k3b is hopelessly unobvious - but it does work17:30
Axzjbicha, yeah then best stick with brasero i hope its getting better in future17:32
bekksAxz: Hopeless hope :)17:32
nothing-newnice to join here17:55
nothing-new12.04 will have Gnome-shell and Unity both?17:56
nothing-newanyone know it please?17:56
trismnothing-new: yes, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell; to get gnome-shell too17:59
nothing-newtrism, I did not actually download the beta , Just waiting for the final date.18:00
nothing-newAnd try to know the future of it18:00
voozeIs there an easy way to remove all unity-files and only keep gnome-shell?18:00
Debrosynaptic maybe?18:01
nothing-newvooze, http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-and-use-the-latest-version-of-gnome-shell , http://askubuntu.com/questions/6302/how-can-you-remove-unity18:01
Debroin use/lib/jvm i have 4folders and 1 shortcut what can i remove?18:09
nothing-newtrism, Perhaps we will be able to switch to classic interface permanently?18:11
gnomefreakno unity 2d is it18:12
trismnothing-new: the session you select on the login screen will be remembered, so use whatever you like18:13
Debroguys do you now where alternatives is stored and how can i remove them..?18:13
gnomefreaki dont think you can "remove" them18:14
gnomefreakremove package and the choice will be gone18:15
bjsnideryou wouldn't want to remove the alternatives system18:15
bjsniderit makes a lot of things work smoothly at a low level18:15
bjsniderin other words, that you don't notice18:15
gnomefreakwhy would you want to18:16
Debroi will show you..18:17
Debroi did all this to install oracle java 1.70 64bit :http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/18:17
Debrosomone sad that i dont need it so now i have to remove it...18:18
gnomefreakDebro: you dont need what?18:18
gnomefreakyou do _need_ alternatives, if you want a working system18:19
nothing-newI see some peoples are happy for 12.04 as they could use classic interface18:19
Debrojava 1.7.0 because 1.6.. is better so i alredy removed folder from jvm directory, and now i just have to remove this command: sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java" 118:20
gnomefreakyou cant use classic in 12.04 AFAIK18:20
gnomefreakif you dont want 7 use 6 if that is what you want. just choose it in alter....18:20
bjsnideryou have misunderstood the instructions on that site18:20
bjsniderthey tell you the commands to run18:21
bjsniderjust run them18:21
bjsnideryou don't have to "remove" anything18:21
Lace57man.. Unity sucks18:21
gnomefreakthan dont use it18:22
Lace57i am not using it :)18:22
Debrobjsnider, i did all commands now i want use openjdk it is easey18:22
bjsniderDebro, oh, i see what you're asking. you want to undo that18:22
gnomefreakthan no need to make remoarks like that, join a non support channel if you want to complain18:23
bjsnidernow you don't want to use oracle's stuff anymore18:23
gnomefreak2 hours and you gave up?18:23
nothing-newLace57, correct!!! +118:24
bjsnideri have to go away for awhile. just send him to maybe the wiki page for openjdk. that should have the alternatives commands to restore openjdk as the java provider18:24
GirlyGirlFor some reason apt-get seems to be really slow! No matter what mirrors I chose. In fact downloading google-chrome was really slow too (from google's servers) and downloading the same .deb with Kget worked quickly18:24
gnomefreakbjsnider: i wont be here18:24
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: we have chreome in repos18:24
GirlyGirlgnomefreak: Did my question have anything to do with chrome?18:25
GirlyGirlgnomefreak: Besides I said chrome not chromium18:25
gnomefreakdownloading google-chrome was really slow too (from google's servers)18:25
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: it is the same18:25
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: name is different because its non-free18:25
GirlyGirlgnomefreak: Yes referring to the fact that apt-get is being slow even on non Ubuntu servers (google's chrome represitory)18:26
GirlyGirlgnomefreak: They are not entirely the same (chrome and chromium)18:26
gnomefreakother than name and minro changes to get by the nonfree licenses they are the same18:27
Lace57anyone else having chrome show the aw snap page occasionally when browsing youtube?18:27
GirlyGirlMy problem has nothing to do with chrome but to do with apt-get downloads and represitory refreshes being slow18:27
GirlyGirlchrome was just mentioned to test whether it had to do with mirror overload18:28
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: i dont think it is the servers that are slow18:28
Lace57im talking about my probs not yours18:28
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: if it was the servers than it wouldnt be all servers (including googles)18:28
GirlyGirlgnomefreak: I believe I said the same thing18:29
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: you made it sound like you were getting it on all servers18:29
gnomefreakyou sad apt-get and googles were slow18:30
gnomefreaki thought you were asking/saying they were slow bedcause of the servers18:30
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:31
Debrobjsnider, yes i want to remove it can you help me..?18:31
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: i know18:31
* gnomefreak still an op18:32
GirlyGirlgnomefreak: Is English not your first language? I said that apt-get was slow and to prove the point I mentioned that I had already tested mirrors and non Ubuntu represitories (google's)18:32
jeroenpraatI have a 64 bits processor (Intell i3-2100 CPU). When downloading/installing beta 2, do I need the  'PC (Intel x86) desktop CD' or the '64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD'? I'm confused because it's saying AMD.18:33
gnomefreakGirlyGirl: yes but i have alot of windows open and some keep popping open18:33
nonix4jeroenpraat: amd6418:33
jeroenpraatnonix4: thanks, I installed the wrong one. Maybe it's better to make it more clear it is also for Intell CPU's?18:34
gnomefreakjeroenpraat: you can use eithere18:34
jeroenpraatgnomefreak: That's right, because I'm working on a 32 bit Ubuntu now, but I want to have the 64 bits of course. Should be faster, right?18:35
nonix4jeroenpraat: depends :)18:35
gnomefreaknot really18:35
gnomefreak32bit has better support though18:36
penguin42jeroenpraat: It might be, especially on machines with lots (more than about 4GB) of RAM18:36
jeroenpraatI have 4GB ram18:36
penguin42gnomefreak: It's getting a lot closer these days18:36
gnomefreakpenguin42: cool :)18:36
jeroenpraatand I boot from a SSD drive18:36
penguin42gnomefreak: And with +1 you can always install some i386 packages easily18:36
TheSimkinhow is 32 bit better support?18:37
bekksI'd like to know that too.18:37
nonix4some code does benefit a lot from 64-bit - crypto can get even +100% speed :)18:37
gnomefreakTheSimkin: some things dont work as well on 64 as they do on 32 but its been something that has been working on for a while18:37
nonix4(for microbenchmarks, which'll typically represent tiny fraction of reality)18:37
TheSimkingnomefreak: got anything specific?18:38
TheSimkinrendering vids gets about 20% boost from 64bit iirc.18:38
gnomefreakTheSimkin: it used to be mozilla apps (that is where i was concerned) as for other apps i cant tell you anymore i havent used 64bit in a really long time18:39
penguin42some things can end up worse; things with LOTS of linked lists because the pointers are worse - but it's rare18:39
nonix4main "advantage" for 32-bit is number of binary blobs available for that...18:39
jeroenpraatI have a asus gt520 nvidia card. 32bits or 64 b?18:39
penguin42gnomefreak: Not really a problem anymore18:39
bekkssince years :)18:39
gnomefreakpenguin42: i know with mozilla its not but i dont concern myself with much wore than that anymore18:39
nonix4... but most of even those blobs work fine with multiarch18:39
TheSimkinamd64 is awesome, i think you guys are holding an old grudge18:40
TheSimkinflash used to be buggy/impossible on amd64, but now works.18:40
* penguin42 agrees with TheSimkin18:40
TheSimkini can't think of any other problems18:40
gnomefreakTheSimkin: so were other addons for mozilla apps18:41
jeroenpraatand I boot from a SSDrive. Works this better with 32 bit or 64 bit?18:41
nonix4some "java" apps use 32-bit jni crap.18:41
penguin42jeroenpraat: No difference18:41
TheSimkingnomefreak: where. not any more.18:41
TheSimkinjeroenpraat: i don't see how a ssdrive would affect the choice of 32 or 64bit...18:41
gnomefreakTheSimkin: i know that most mozilla support is the same on both archs now18:41
DanaGwell, except on Windows.18:42
gnomefreakflash is still iffy on some18:42
DanaGNo 64-bit official releases for Windows.  But that's off-topic.18:42
TheSimkinwho cares about windows18:42
penguin42gnomefreak: 64bit is so common now I wouldn't be surprised if it starts tipping to 32bit being less supported18:42
DanaGFlash for me is crappy in both places, in different ways.18:42
TheSimkindid you see adobe won't be making a generic linux client any more18:42
TheSimkinyou will only get it if you use google chrome18:42
TheSimkinflash is garbage anyhow18:42
jeroenpraatSo if I understand you advise to reinstall to 64 bits?18:42
DanaGGreat, it's like the IE6 proprietary crap all over again.18:42
penguin42TheSimkin: But difficult to get away from18:43
penguin42jeroenpraat: If it's working I wouldn't bother reinstalling, if you were doing a fresh install anyway I'd go with 6418:43
nonix4yeah the differences are so minor that reinstall may be waste of time18:43
* gnomefreak might try 64 again maybe with 12.1018:43
jeroenpraatI have a dual bot with win7 64 bits and that works great. firefox is 32 bits? I understand Ubuntu 12.04 has a 64 bit?18:44
* nonix4 hasn't used 32-bit since... 6.06 or so18:44
DanaGtoo bad multiarch doesn't mean universal binaries.18:44
* bekks hasnt used 32bit since 2002.18:44
DanaGHaving a drive that's bootable on 32-bit and 64-bit systems would be handy.18:44
jeroenpraatpenguin42: I just installed 12.04 beta2 2 days ago. It's new pc, so reinstalling is not very difficult18:44
gnomefreakDanaG: chroot18:45
* GirlyGirl uses 32 bit on her Intel Atom and Pentium 418:45
jeroenpraatand for my home folder it shoudnt be a problem to switch from 32 to 64, right?18:45
penguin42GirlyGirl: Have you tried 12.04 on your P4 ?18:45
DanaGgnomefreak: or btrfs subvolumes18:45
GirlyGirlpenguin42: Yes18:45
DanaGThough, i won't use btrfs until fsck stops being vaporware like it's been for, oh, at least 1 year.18:45
penguin42GirlyGirl: Nod, insisting on PAE is causing some older machines problems18:46
GirlyGirlpenguin42: P4's support PAE18:46
DanaGyup, like some Pentium M systems I have lying around.18:46
penguin42DanaG: If you install from Xubuntu it's fine18:47
ferniI'm running 12.04 on a Pentium M18:47
nonix4DanaG: I've actually used 32-bit grub chainloader to load 64-bit grub located on a partition, with shared /home along other installations on that host... that could easily be extended to be bootable on both 64-bit & 32-bit, although still too convenient...18:48
jeroenpraatguys, i just want to know one final thing: reinstalling to 64 bit (itś 15 m time for me). does that affect my files in my /home folder?!18:50
penguin42depends where you put /home18:50
julionetoHi all18:50
julionetoFolks, I have a weird problem here...18:51
penguin42jeremydei: If you used a single partition with /home and the OS in the same partition it will wipe /home18:51
jeroenpraatpenguin42: my /home partition is a separate harddrive, root is on the SSD18:51
julionetoFirst, I couldn't resize my original partition to install the latest 12.04 build18:52
julioneto(with tha same live cd)18:52
julionetothen, I just deleted it all and tried to install everything new18:52
penguin42jeroenpraat: OK then, as long as you are careful to install on the correct drive, then it should leave the /home ok, then tell it to mount your /home afterwards (that might be a little tricky)18:52
julionetoBut it freezes as long as a finish with my personal information (key, user, etc)18:54
julionetojust... freezes18:54
julionetoNow, for example, I have waited for the copy of the files, then set my informations... and now a have to wait... for... nothing18:56
julionetonothing happens18:56
julioneto(I have tried Beta 2, and the latest build)18:56
julionetoany idea?18:57
penguin42julioneto: Can you ctrl-alt-f1 when it apparently freezes?18:57
julionetoat the moment I set my informations and click on "continue"/"next"18:58
julionetoWithout no explanation18:58
CaptainKnotshello...how would I go about adding a ppa for the latest kernel to ubuntu 12.04? I've only found the site where I can manually download the deb files18:59
julionetoI'll up a screenshot18:59
jeroenpraatpenguin42: I did tens of ubuntu installs, mostly with a manual partition scheme (separating home and root). would be no problem. I was just wondering if 32 bits and 64 bits has influence on normal files, but I understand it's only the binaries18:59
julionetohere it is: http://i44.tinypic.com/5plxg8.png19:00
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
* penguin42 disappears19:01
fmmsanybody else seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/982518 on precise?19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982518 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Impress crashes every time when clicking on Outline/Note/Handout tab" [Undecided,New]19:03
jeroenpraathere we go! Rock & Roll!19:07
GirlyGirl_fmms: Maybe some gnome integration component as I'm using it on Kubuntu with the kde integration components19:08
julionetoThis is my bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/95095219:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966294 in GStreamer "duplicate for #950952 gstreamer hangs when accessing webcam (on specific hardware)" [Medium,New]19:09
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
julionetoBut... I don't see any solution =/19:09
DanaGweird: I'm getting this on my serial console:19:10
DanaGThe disk drive for /home is not ready yet or not present.                  Continue to wait, or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery                   Spawning maintenance shell19:10
DanaGNo maintenance shell appears on the serial console.19:10
GirlyGirlI'm experiencing this bug in 12.04 and its really annoying https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11899919:12
keito_hi, just upgraded to 12.04 from 10.10 and my mail settings in evolution aren't recognised, nor are my stored emails.  How can I get Evolution to see them?19:21
GirlyGirlkeito_: How did you upgrade to 12.04 from 10.10? via 11.04 and 11.10?19:41
fnordismgirligirl: open a terminal19:43
fnordismthen sudo update-manager -d19:44
Areckxwhen i installed using usb unetboot19:44
fnordismand you can update first from 11.04 to 11.10, after them restart and do the same again19:44
Areckxit never installed network manager19:44
Areckxso iam unable to connect to the wifi19:44
fnordismgirly girl are you a dudette?19:44
AreckxI installed from windows vista and durin install I used a single partition and formatted19:45
Areckxso there is no windows period19:45
AreckxI have access to a mac19:45
Areckxand am on my iphone now19:45
Areckxwhere can i find the deb file for betwork manager19:46
fnordismareckx somewhere in the ubuntu repository19:46
Areckxand also, rhe system settings has a menu option but soesn't open anything19:46
Areckxso ubuntu.com?19:47
fnordismor in apt/cache19:47
Areckxand I use sudo dpkg -i19:47
fnordismor something19:48
ssfdre38ive been waiting for 2 weeks for the patch of this error http://paste.ssfdre38.com/2 how can i fix it19:59
edlikplease help. I upgraded to 12.04 and now I can not connect using my usb wifi adapter and have no wired connection at desktop20:05
scar3crowanybody else pleased with the addition of Quake?20:19
fmmscan anybody reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/982518? can anybody tell me why my apport does not kick in?20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982518 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Impress crashes every time when clicking on Outline/Note/Handout tab" [Undecided,Invalid]20:30
skeldoes update-manager support p2p yet?20:44
fnordismwhy p2p?20:48
skelfnordism: because mirrors get overloaded every release20:51
skelfnordism: why not p2p?20:51
fnordismskel: no20:52
fnordismthose mirrors are on universities on 10gb lines20:52
skelfnordism: ok champ. if you say so20:53
fnordismjust try to find a less busy mirror20:53
skelfnordism: yeah, thats a good use of my time :) switching from mirror to mirror until I find one less busy.20:53
fnordismlol do them at night20:54
skelfnordism: you20:54
skelfnordism: must be a user experience expert ;)20:54
fnordismi do my dist upgrades at night, that happens once a year20:55
fnordismskel: no I'm just a dalek20:56
kklimondawhat sucks is that the main archive gets overloaded and we can't work easily on SRUs around release time ;)20:56
skelblizzard gets it, using p2p would take a huge load off the mirrors and also reduce the bandwidth costs for the sponsors20:57
kklimondaskel: what I do is updating after RC release, but before the final one (well, I don't do that anymore as I update systems well before RC)20:57
fnordismthose p2p thing makes ubuntu even more buggy and complicated20:57
kklimondaservers aren't overloaded yet, and I only have to install a few updates after that20:57
kklimondaskel: does it mean you are volunteering to work on that? ;)20:58
fnordismtoday the current release of compiz crashes if xbmc starts in full screen, sorry what a mess20:58
skelfnordism: they would build the protocol support into update manager.. not make people use transmission etc.. I think you're not on the same page20:58
skelkklimonda: sure :) I guess I could20:58
skelI'm upgrading now at 60kb/s20:59
fnordismi think those p2p stuff isn't the way to go for my opinion20:59
Areckxthis is a mess, there are too many missing packages20:59
skelfnordism: we could easily make it optional and have direct to mirrors by default20:59
Areckxand I have to install them one by one20:59
Areckxis there a better solution?20:59
kklimondaAreckx: your question is too.. incomplete21:00
AreckxI am unable to connect to the internet and system settings doesn't open21:00
Areckxubuntu 12.0421:00
fnordismbulbul 12.04 with the samba bug?21:00
Areckxdell inspiron 172021:00
Areckxnetwork manager and lib------ files are missing or damaged21:01
fnordismareckx, reinstall it21:01
Trewasskel: there already are several dead projects combining apt and bittorrent21:01
AreckxI am havibg teouble reistalling too21:02
fnordismthe BT protocol isn't recommended for such small files21:02
AreckxI have also tried different istros21:02
skelTrewas: ok, and?21:02
Areckxand unetbootin21:02
Areckxusing usb to install21:02
skelTrewas: you mean like to use for a starting point?21:02
fnordismyou need something like KAD21:03
skelTrewas: I'm just going to try and find the update-manager source21:03
Areckxshould I try reinstalling 12.04 or should I use an earlier version?21:03
skelbut Canonical would have to setup the original seeds and sign them etc.. I alone can't just make the update-manager p2p capable21:03
Trewasskel: the projects have not been successful for some reason, probably mostly because bittorrent is not good with small files, other reasons probably how to control who/when runs the "seeds" and that mirrors are fast enough most of the time21:04
fnordismmaybe something based on python21:05
fnordismskel: ask leonardo da vinci21:07
Areckxoh I think thia will sork21:07
Areckxdownloading 10.04 lts21:07
Areckxand will use makestartupdisk to put it onto usb21:08
AreckxI will format usb before21:08
fnordismi think you have to wait for zonky zebrule till apt manager with p2p21:08
skelTrewas: hm I see the point about the overhead on small files.21:08
Areckx40 minutes until download complete21:08
skel3 hours remaining on my upgrade21:09
FernandoMigueljpds: W: Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [Mirror: http://mosel.estg.ipleiria.pt/mirror/distros/ubuntu/archive/]21:31
FernandoMiguelI've been getting that for over a week21:31
bekksFernandoMiguel: Then change the mirror you are using.21:31
FernandoMiguelbekks: look at the repo :)21:31
FernandoMiguelit's a list of auto detected available mirrors21:32
bekksFernandoMiguel: How does that change what I just said?21:36
FernandoMiguelbekks: that's an auto list exactly for us don't have to worry about failing mirros21:37
FernandoMiguelbekks: I already have two other static mirrors added21:37
FernandoMiguellike main a close server21:37
mickstepHi I just loaded 12.04 today and Unity flaky running on top of nvidia-current on my 8800 GTS, is this a known issue because I couldn't find any discussion of Nvidia issues for 12.04 on the forum21:43
ironmgood evening. It looks like ubuntu-server 12.04 nor wheezy iso image files can be used local (on dom0 of XCP 1.5) for installation. The installation breaks because of CD-ROM driver issue21:57
ironmRegression: Error - Ubuntu-server 12.04 installation as VM on xen-server 6 (use of local iso file) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/98243021:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982430 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Regression: Error - Ubuntu-server 12.04 installation as VM on xen-server 6 (use of local iso file)" [Undecided,New]21:58
Areckxunknwon keyword in configuration file: gdxboot22:15
Areckxvesamenu.c32: not a COM32R i22:15
Areckxjust made a usb boot image from ubunth 10.04 lts is86 iso22:17
AreckxI think it's supposed to be ams6422:18
Areckxwhat's the difference?22:18
DaekdroomThe difference is that the AMD64 image has support for x86-64.22:20
Areckxwhat is that?22:21
trismAreckx: you may want to try unetbootin to make your usb for 10.04. usb-creator tends to add options not supported by older releases (at least when I've used it), and you have to manually edit the files22:21
DaekdroomYou should get it if you have a CPU that supports 64-bit.22:21
DaekdroomIf you don't have a lot of RAM, you should prefer i686 instead.22:21
AreckxI have had several problems with unetbootin22:21
Daekdroomand this is not the channel for 10.04 support.22:22
kklimondaAreckx: you can't make 10.04 usb pendrive with 10.10+ ubuntu ;)22:22
Areckxi'm running 12.04 currently22:22
kklimondaAreckx: well, it will work but you'll get an error like that - pressing enter should make it boot22:22
Areckxit keeps on repeating the line22:23
kklimonda(there has been a new syslinux release after 10.04 which made 10.04 ISO incompatible with syslinux from 10.10+ - really unfortunate if you ask me, I'm still preparing 10.04 usb disks to this day ;))22:23
Areckxi only have access to this iphone and my ubuntu22:23
kklimondaAreckx: try typing "linux" and pressing enter22:23
Areckxcould not find kernel image22:24
Areckxmy 12.04 has many packages missing including lib-----  and betworkmanger22:25
Belial`does anyone still have the issue when the launcher is set to autohide, after clicking on an icon in the launcher, the launcher immediately hides itself again while the mouse is still hovering over it?22:25
Areckxso i  am unable to connect to the interbet on thay machine22:25
kklimondaAreckx: live then22:25
Belial`i was hoping there was a way to keep the launcher revealed until the mouse was taken off the launcher completely.22:25
kklimondaAreckx: try typing "live" instead of "linux" ;)22:25
AreckxI think that worked22:25
Areckxit's booting22:26
Areckxand which room is for 10.04?22:28
Areckxthankyou for helping!!22:28
keithclarkAny ideas on how to get my built in microphone to work?  It has not worked since upgrading to 12.04.22:33
kklimondadoes anyone else have problem with bash completion?22:39
kklimondawhen I type $ cp /et<tab> it doesn't add a trailing slash, but a space22:39
kklimondaso I can't quickly complete subdirectories22:39
kklimondahmm, looks like some local fubar22:41
keithclarkkklimonda, yes, seems to work for me here.22:45
Punk_Unityhey yofel22:48
Punk_Unitythanks for yesterday, helping me and all22:48
scar3crowBIG problem: cannot sudo sh <filename> ... permission denied22:49
=== areckx_ is now known as Areckx
FernandoMiguelnite folks!23:48

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