
imbrandonI've always like the command + key like a mac VS ctl + key, i can hit cmd with my left thumb and not have the ctl problem you speak of07:02
imbrandoni guess it would be the super key on a winddows keyboard but i think alt and super are reversed on a mac keyboard, the cmd it closest to the spacebar07:03
imbrandonnot sure , havent looked at one in so long07:04
=== themadmonk is now known as forestpiskie
forestpiskiemorning czajkowski09:08
czajkowskiI'd like to wake up once this weekend to no drama in pings :/10:30
laoshiczajkowski, can you help please - or tell me who can? trying to update administrators on http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-dk i happened to give sole rights to wrong person, and shut all of the Danish administrators out17:58
laoshiso I should be happy to be granted adm. rights again...17:59
cjohnstonlaoshi: in the loco team portal or in launchpad18:01
laoshiin the team portal18:02
cjohnstonwhats your ID18:04
cjohnstonor name18:04
cjohnstonand when did you change the rights18:04
cjohnston(how long ago)18:05
laoshiab. 5 minutes ago18:05
cjohnstonok.. give it about 30 minutes and let me know if it resets itself18:05
cjohnstoni thought wetook away the ability to change admins18:05
laoshiapparently not -18:06
laoshihave to go now - but will return later this evening18:06
laoshithanks for looking into it18:06
cjohnstonah.. i did, it just hasnt landed yet18:06
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bkerensacjohnston: I am around for a bit20:27
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* bkerensa leaves for lunch21:39
jo-erlendthe Ubuntu documentation for BtrFS scares me.23:26
jo-erlendthe only thing I understand completely, is that if I rely on documentation from the btrfs developers, I will break my system completely.23:27
jo-erlendusing snapshots is completely incomprehensible in Ubuntu. Can someone explain how I can do it?23:27

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