
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
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pellaeonHi, is there any guide on manually backporting packages?09:18
micahgpellaeon: man backportpackage09:19
pellaeonuh, if I want to backport a package from precise to lucid, I must have precise?09:28
micahgpellaeon: no09:28
pellaeonI couldn't find backportpackage command on lucid09:29
pellaeonI have ubuntu-dev-tools installed09:29
micahgpellaeon: oh, yeah, that's only in oneiric on I think09:29
pellaeonSo what should I do?09:30
pellaeonAre there other similar tools?09:31
micahgpellaeon: well, it just adjusts the version for you, you can use pull-lp-source to get the code and then add a revision with a lower version on top (~lucid1~ppa1)  ~lucid1 would be an official backport09:34
pellaeonOK, I'll try that09:35
micahgpellaeon: which package is it?09:35
micahghave fun :)09:35
pellaeonHope this is not too difficult for a newbie...09:36
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paissadhello guys, why do Ubuntu version always get released on thursdays ?12:10
ockhamwhat's a good VM for testing Precise?12:19
ockham(under 11.10, that is)12:19
ockhamideally fast, lightweight, and no need to emulate another architecture than the host (amd64)12:20
jtaylorcan someone see what goes wrong here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvas-server/+bug/63424712:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 634247 in openvas-server (Ubuntu) "package openvas-server 2.0.3-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:57
jtaylorapparently also opccurs in precise but I can't reproduce it12:57
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cjwatsonockham: kvm works well as long as you don't need 3D passthrough13:42
cjwatsonI do nearly all my installer testing in it13:43
SpamapScjwatson: and the automated daily tests of the installer are run via kvm as well14:12
pellaeonHello, I was building gettext- inside pbuilder chroot, I encountered an error:14:30
pellaeonmkdir: cannot create directory `debian/gettext/usr/lib/': File exists14:30
pellaeonI am now in the shell (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Running_a_Shell_When_Build_Fails_.28Intro_to_Hook_Scripts.29)14:31
Nafallohey. is it to late to upload a build1 ?14:31
Nafallodovecot-antispam needs to get rebuilt against current dovecot, or it won't work.14:32
cjwatsonNafallo: in universe, should be ok14:32
pellaeonwhat should I do to solve this error?14:32
Nafalloexcellent. then I'll go ahead and find my gpg key :-)14:32
cjwatsonpellaeon: are you building a package you downloaded, or one you created yourself?  which exact version on which release/14:32
pellaeonfrom precise http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gettext/gettext_0.18.1.1-5ubuntu3.dsc14:33
pellaeonMy current version is lucid14:33
cjwatsonand your aim is to produce a backport of that version to lucid?14:33
* cjwatson tries it in sbuild to see what's going on14:34
cjwatsonI mean, your next step is to debug the problem :-)14:34
cjwatsonwhich is a creative task, in general14:34
pellaeonsome hints?14:34
cjwatsondon't have any until I've had a look14:34
pellaeonOk, i'll wait, thank you!14:35
cjwatsondebugging is far too general a subject to give general hints that are at all useful14:35
cjwatsonI assume you've already backported git or something14:35
cjwatsonor are you weakening that build-dep?14:36
pellaeoner, it's kinda complicated,14:36
pellaeonI have git PPA enabled, so I now have git 1.7.1014:37
pellaeon1.7.10 meets the reqiurement of gettext14:37
cjwatsoncan you give me the URL of that PPA, to save me time following your footsteps?14:37
pellaeonActually backporting gettext is just a step for me to backport ibus-1.4.114:39
pellaeonI don't know how to use sbuild yet, should I learn it? or pbuilder is just enough for my backporting work?14:40
cjwatsonI strongly prefer it, but since you have an actual problem to solve it's probably better to solve it first14:41
cjwatsonoh, I see, the problem is that the source has been converted to multiarch and lucid doesn't have that14:45
cjwatsonbasically you'll need to find the appropriate matching recipe in http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation and reverse the steps14:45
cjwatsonit's a shame the source didn't have a suitable build-dependency to act as a warning there14:46
pellaeonOk, thank you very much!14:47
cjwatsondoes ibus genuinely require the newer version, or is it sort of artificial?14:47
cjwatsonI don't see the build-dependency in question - what was the trail that led you to a newer gettext?14:47
cjwatsonit's possible that it will be easier to break the backport chain somewhere different14:48
pellaeonibus-1.4.1 depends debhelper-8.13.0 depends dpkg-dev-1.16.0 depends gettext_0.18.1.1-5ubuntu314:49
pellaeonI don't really know if ibus really needed it, this is my first time14:49
cjwatsona build-dependency on debhelper 8.1.3 is almost certainly for multiarch14:50
cjwatsonyou don't want that in lucid anyway14:50
cjwatsonso instead, you should reverse the Multiarch/Implementation recipe in ibus, and forget about the rest of that chain14:50
pellaeonSo you mean I have to patch it ?14:51
cjwatsonthe conversion was done in ibus 1.4.0-3, so you may be able to get hints from the diff between 1.4.0-2 and 1.4.0-314:51
pellaeonThanks for the hint14:51
cjwatsonthough it might not be a simple matter of just reverting that; I expect it might be a bit tangled up14:51
cjwatsonI guess you already know you might need to backport individual input methods as well ...14:53
pellaeonThank you, I'll study the code14:53
pellaeonI know that14:53
* cjwatson nods14:53
pellaeonI've got much to learn14:53
cjwatsoncertainly not an easy task you've set yourself here14:54
cjwatsonthough not intractable or anything14:54
pellaeonIs this too difficult for a beginner?14:56
cjwatsondepends how persistent you are :-)14:56
cjwatsonI can probably help at some point if you get completely stuck, but would rather not take away the learning opportunity ...14:57
pellaeonI understand, thank you very much!14:58
pellaeonBye, it's quite late here, good night14:59
* cjwatson ceremonially burns his maverick chroots15:05
SpamapSmaverick was my first release15:07
SpamapSfare thee well brave meerkat!15:07
cjwatsonyou always remember your first?15:07
* SpamapS also pushes it off into the hinterlands15:08
SpamapScjwatson: but does your first always remember you? :)15:08
* Laney discovers feisty..maverick chroots15:09
cjwatsona good question to which I do not honestly know the answer ;-)15:10
jbichaRhonda: should wesnoth-1.8 be removed from Precise since we have wesnoth-1.10?15:23
Nafallohrm. it got rejected.15:25
LaneyYes, do as I say!16:04
* Laney enjoys that16:04
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Rhondajbicha: Hmm, I'm uncertain, but probably yes because precise is an LTS release.18:21
* Rhonda . o O ( syncpackage wesnoth-1.10 )18:22
Rhondaoh, -d unstable18:23
jbichaRhonda: and you're going to drop wesnoth-1.9 from Debian too, right?18:24
RhondaThat for sure, but that is blocked from sync anyway18:25
ScottKjtaylor: Accepted inspircd.  If you're looking for something productive to do, I think asterisk really, really needs a merge before release.18:55
jtaylorScottK: yes I did already merge it, but a user complained18:55
jtaylorthe release in debian is supposed to be unstable18:55
ScottKDebian Bug 664411 has me concerned.18:56
ubottuDebian bug 664411 in asterisk "[CVE-2012-1183 - CVE-2012-1184] Asterisk: AST-2012-002 and AST-2012-003 flaws" [Grave,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/66441118:56
ScottKWe should at least get those taken care of somehow.18:56
LaneyDaviey loves asterisk18:56
ScottKThat's true.18:57
jtaylorsee bug 92002018:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 920020 in asterisk (Ubuntu Oneiric) "NOT FOUND answer on OPTIONS request" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92002018:58
jtaylorthere are patches from him for the sec issues, I'll have a look18:59
jtaylorok but they contain features from later versions ...19:00
ScottKNot having huge security issues at release is a great feature all by itself.19:03
ScottKIf they only way to get some of them fixed is to glom some other stuff in, then so be it.19:04
jtaylorI have a branch that merges asterisk if someone who actually uses it overrides paul I can upload it19:04
jtaylorprovided an ffe is given too19:04
ScottKDaviey: Know any Ubuntu asterisk users?19:04
ScottKGet something reasonable to upload and we'll figure out the paperwork.19:04
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verwilstif a package has been removed from the archive, with the note NBS, what does that mean?19:51
verwilsthttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/dlm-pcmk :(19:51
verwilstno more distributed lock for pacemaker?19:51
bobweaverhello there I a quick question that I must be missing in the debian packaging guide  Under depends do I have to put greater then or eq too on all packages ?   here is a example of  my control file.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/931775/22:30
ScottKbobweaver: You only have to specify a minimum version it you actually need a certain version.22:32
Zhenechbobweaver, you usually dont do equal22:32
Zhenechand then what ScottK says22:32
bobweaverZhenech,  so just > like    bash (> 3.0)22:33
bobweaveroff cource that is not the right version just a example22:33
jtaylorit must be (>> 3.0)22:34
ScottKUsually you use >= and specify the minimum version you need rather than > and a version less than you need.22:34
ScottKAnd jtaylor is right.  >> is the proper way to specify strictly greater than.22:34
Zhenechplease use >= minimum.version22:34
Zhenechand try not to include debian/ubuntu revision there unless really needed22:35
bobweaverI make my depends list by 1 taking a fresh copy of ubuntu server 12.04 then  make clone of that  in the og server run dpkg-query --list      then install package on clone run same thing then grep and awk and sed come into play      is this a good idea ?22:35
jtaylorin general no, but for some personal use maybe22:36
bobweaverlike grep -xvF -f og.txt wdep.txt22:36
jtaylorwhat kind of a package is it? e.g. for simple native code stuff there are helpers to generate to minimal dependencies automatically22:37
bobweaverthen that gets sent to new list and then I make list but I have been taking out the 2nd table that has versions I should leave22:37
bobweavercode is here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/zpanelcp/zpanelcp/files  it is a control panel alternitive to Cpanel22:38
bobweaverjtaylor,  there is that is cool . I am just starting out as you can tell. So thanks so much for that info22:39
bobweavermy goal is to learn how to package right (foloowing you all ) then partice partice partice and maybe one day I too could also be a ubuntu packager22:40
bobweaverOr at least know how to package right. IS there a mentore thing that you all do ? or a mailing list stuff that I can learn from ?22:42
bobweaverlike the debian mentor program22:43
jtayloryou can always ask questions but if you want to package something its better to do it in debian22:44
bobweaverWow I did not know that thanks so much !22:45
bobweaverIs there a thing for ubuntu like the debian mentor program ?23:18
ScottKbobweaver: Mostly asking here and people will answer.  There is also an ubuntu-motu list, but it's very low volume.23:27
bobweaverThansk ScottK  Did you join the debian mentor team 1st. I just want to kinda learn from others. if [ a <= debian mentor] then do $this  else  echo you should do $this1   ect23:31
bobweaverlike should I learn to use r ? or is it just so old that it is not worth it23:31
bobweaverI am going to read this and make look cleaner also :)23:33
ScottKI don't do much sponsoring in Debian.23:33
bobweaverThanks ScottK23:33
bobweaverI would also like to say that I am sorry about my spelling as I am nonsense word dyslisic23:36

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