
strathegm1Getting the following error on mythweb after upgrade to .25 - Warning at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/tv/upcoming.php, line  91: !!NoTrans: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()!!00:17
strathegm1Recordings and Videos will list after a reboot - but eventually stop loading.00:19
strathegm1And Frontend stops responding00:20
Zinn[pastebin.com] Mythbuntu .25 Upgrade Problems - Pastebin.com00:25
tgm4883strathegm1, is the backend and frontend on the same box?00:26
tgm4883and why do I see a frontend log when you posted a mythweb error00:26
strathegm1having several issues - don't know if they're related00:28
tgm4883well where do you want to start00:29
strathegm1Well - mythweb is not as important as just using the frontend on my backend.  I just get long loading indicators when trying to view recordigns and videos.00:30
strathegm1As far as I could tell the upgrade to .25 went smoothly.  used the mythbuntu-repos00:30
strathegm1Guessing this is the primary issue here - " Protocol version check failure.#012#011#011#011The response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION was empty.#012#011#011#011This happens when the backend is too busy to respond,#012#011#011#011or has deadlocked in due to bugs or hardware failure."00:31
tgm4883sounds like it00:32
tgm4883on the backend, what does this say 'dpkg -l mythtv-backend'00:32
tgm4883just pastebin this00:32
tgm4883'dpkg -l myth*'00:33
tgm4883and what release are you on00:33
strathegm1I tried setting my backend ip to actual lan address - instead fo the
Zinn[pastebin.com] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked - Pastebin.com00:35
tgm4883and what about this00:36
tgm4883dpkg -l libmyth*00:36
strathegm1Mythbuntu release?  Like Oneiric?00:36
Zinn[pastebin.com] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked - Pastebin.com00:37
tgm4883hmm, all that looks ok00:38
strathegm1master backend address is set to hostname00:38
strathegm1is that ok?00:38
strathegm1or should it be an IP00:38
tgm4883hostname should be fine00:39
tgm4883you can set it to IP to be sure00:39
strathegm1lcoacl backend was set to - should I set it back to loopback address?00:39
tgm4883go ahead and open MCC and gather the logs via mythbuntu log grabber00:40
Zinn[pastebin.com] Gathered following logs === Xorg Log === === Mythbuntu Version === === Syslog == - Pastebin.com00:49
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tgm4883strathegm1, seems to start crapping out at "Apr 14 20:20:07"00:52
tgm4883you only did a mythtv upgrade?00:53
tgm4883strathegm1, I'm not sure the issue, you might try over in #mythtv-users00:57
strathegm1download mythbuntu-repos, installed, ran sudo apt-get update.  then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then sudo apt-get upgrade00:57
tgm4883yea that should be fine00:57
tgm4883technically you don't need both  "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then sudo apt-get upgrade", but that shouldn't hurt anything00:58
strathegm1I might just end up backing up database - wiping boot/os partition and installing 11.10 again00:59
strathegm1never seems to be worth all the trouble00:59
strathegm1but I always seems to have issues doing upgrades like this with the repos00:59
tgm4883yea I just did that today for a 12.04 install00:59
tgm4883strathegm1, you have a strange setup then01:00
tgm4883the repos shouldn't have any effect on that01:00
strathegm1how strange could it be?  hybrid box, hdhomerun tuner01:00
strathegm1I use /storage/mythtv to store everything01:01
tgm4883IDK, but there are a lot of other users of the repos that don't have this issue01:02
strathegm1I was using Mythtv Player for Windows to watch recordings from my Windows box01:02
strathegm1worked pretty good01:02
tgm4883I'm assuming that is why there was a complaint regarding protocol mismatch01:02
strathegm1Yeah - I got the mismatch message on the mythtv player too01:02
tgm4883If you got the mismatch on the frontend then you are definitly doing something wrong01:03
strathegm1not on the frontend - just the windows player01:03
strathegm1I tried using the mythtv for windows build frontend - that seems to be a bit too unreliable though01:04
strathegm1Will 12.04 include .25?01:04
strathegm1oh hmm -where do I Get a 12.04 release of mythbuntu01:05
strathegm1I only see 11.10 on mythbuntu.org01:05
Zinn[cdimage.ubuntu.com] Mythbuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) Daily Build01:05
tgm4883we don't advertise unreleased builds on the website anymore01:06
strathegm1Oh ok -thanks.01:06
strathegm1gonna use linux live usb creator.  should work great.01:10
strathegm1tgm4883: any major downsides to using 64-bit build?01:10
strathegm1Maybe I'll try to nail down my HDMI audio EDID issues this time around.  What a pain.01:12
strathegmtgm4883: installed 12.04, I've tried maybe 3 or 4 different backups.  all give me these problems with mythweb.  I can use my frontend - but uit still seems rather slow to load recordings screen.03:17
strathegmI should of tried mythweb before dropping clean database03:17
strathegmIs there a clean database copy somewhere I can restore?03:18
strathegmwill this /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql be ok?03:19
strathegmguessing database upgrades didn't go very well.   just gonna have to reconfigure everything and start fresh.  scavenge db for channel info  probably.04:07
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* sabhain wonders if he can run a frontend with current software with a backend that is slightly less up today (.25 FE, .24 backend)13:28
mrandsabhain: I fell offline for a while, but you absolutely can not mix versions.16:43
sabhainthanks for the confirmation mrand16:49
x2awsjust installed mythbuntu .25...  anyone know how to use http live streaming?23:51

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