
SpamapSChmEarl: thats a bit weird, since Ubuntu doesn't to my knowledge use /usr/lib6400:05
ChmEarlSpamapS, do you have an amd64 install? take a look at /usr00:07
MasterZuFuis anyone available to assist me with an issue with ip configurations?00:08
SpamapSChmEarl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/930305/00:12
SpamapSChmEarl: no /usr/lib6400:12
SpamapSMasterZuFu: I can try, though I'm only here for about 5 more minutes :)00:12
MasterZuFuok. well....right now i'm trying to get a static ip on the server00:13
MasterZuFueven though i edited /etc/network/interfaces00:14
MasterZuFuand it says that eth0 is not configured.00:14
MasterZuFuright now it's on eth2.00:14
MasterZuFui don't even see an eth0, it was there before, don't know what happened to it now...00:14
MasterZuFusudo ifup eth0 doesn't work either.00:15
JanCMasterZuFu: eth0 is now named eth2?00:15
yakster_sudo ifconfig eht0 up00:16
yakster_eth0 up00:16
MasterZuFuecho: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device00:16
JanCMasterZuFu: you should probably look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules00:16
JanCMasterZuFu: did you change the NIC recently?00:17
MasterZuFui changed a couple things. it's a virtual box server hosted on a windows 764bit box.00:17
MasterZuFui had to change firewall rules to allow all to the specified ip address:
MasterZuFubut for some reason, my router has given it the ip
MasterZuFuooops, those are backwards, it's supposed to be 103, but it gave it 10500:18
MasterZuFuand eth0 isn't there anymore, now it's eth2, and eth2 has the wrong ip00:18
JanCMasterZuFu: it probably got renamed because you changed the emulated network card type, or because the MAC address changed00:19
JanCsee the file I mentioned earlier where rules are added in case of such changes (and feel free to edit/delete it, I suppose)00:21
MasterZuFuuh...ok. one sec00:21
CalifHi, I'm trying to setup a linux box to accept an ipv4 address, but it takes an ipv6 address anyway00:22
MasterZuFuit's got three dif rules in it. don't know what any of these mean.00:22
MasterZuFulooks like a mac address though00:22
Califi have a modem running something called dmzplus mode, which dhcp assigns a public ipv4 address, I see the address it's supposedly giving my linux box, but its not the same address on the linux box00:23
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Califcan anyone suggest how this might be happening?00:23
Califthis setup has worked in the past00:23
CalifI moved a bunch of equipment around today, and this started00:23
JanCMasterZuFu: can you put the contents of that file on a pastebin?00:24
MasterZuFuit'll take a sec. it's on a nother computer00:25
ChmEarlSpamapS, thanks for the paste -- without that symlink my filesys is RO! I don't why the symlink fixes it00:28
JanCMasterZuFu: so it seems the VM is still emulating the same hardware, but changed the MAC address a couple of times...00:28
MasterZuFuodd. i fix this how? just delete the rules and restart the vm?00:29
JanCMasterZuFu: is that the complete line BTW?00:29
MasterZuFuuh.....not sure. that's what it shows on my config.00:30
MasterZuFuthat copy and paste at its prime.00:30
JanCcopy & paste from what?  ☺00:31
MasterZuFufrom the terminal in the vm to the pastebin in the browsers00:31
JanCthe lines starting with "SUBSYSTEM" aren't longer than that?00:31
JanCI mean, if you are using an editor, you might have to scroll to the right...00:32
MasterZuFuoh crap....it is..... O.0 i didn't even see that00:32
MasterZuFuuh....crap how do i copy that? O.o00:33
JanCuse 'cat' or enable wrap in your editor or ...  ;)00:33
JanCanyway, remove the lines that currently end in NAME="eth0" and NAME="eth1" then change the remaining line from "eth2" to "eth0"00:36
MasterZuFuthere. that's the whole thing.00:37
MasterZuFuso i should just delete the whole thing?00:38
JanCMasterZuFu: that would work too, yes00:39
MasterZuFuok let me see how that does.00:39
MasterZuFuand then restart the vm?00:39
JanCit will generate a new rule automatically then00:39
JanCMasterZuFu: I hope it doesn't create a new MAC address every time you restart it?00:40
JanCmaybe only when you change something about it...00:40
MasterZuFualright. seems that worked. however, i'm still not able to connect to the website hosted on it. local host within thevm works fine.00:47
MasterZuFutyping in the ip of the server on the host computer won't bring up the website, neither on a separate laptop.00:47
ChmEarlSpamapS, there is no penalty of downside to making /usr/lib64 (symlink), it can only save trouble and avoid problems00:48
ChmEarlor downside00:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #982012 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.97.3+dfsg-2.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98201201:21
tashisn't there some ubuntu package that mirrors two servers?01:23
tashif so, anyone used it before?01:23
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pythonirc101ChmEarl: fsck has fixed it for the past 4 hours...lemme see if it happens again in 1-2 days. Thanks for the help.01:52
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clu3I just need a simple FTP server that allows user to upload files, and an easy admin. Which one do you recommend?03:12
qman__I recommend not using FTP03:14
qman__SFTP is in all ways superior, is easy to configure, and is probably already installed as it comes with the openssh-server03:14
clu3qman__, sorry i was away. thanks for the reply03:30
ZorroTquestion: get mouse movement values (esp. x / y delta) to stdout, preferrably w/o x?08:09
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resnohey ive got a question about sas raid cards11:28
resnoim looking at buying one off ebay, is there anything i should stay away from?11:29
RoyKresno: it probably saves people here a lot of effort if you ask about the particular one instead of asking about all the bad ones12:45
resnoRoyK: is there something i should avoid?12:46
RoyKresno: it probably saves people here a lot of effort if you ask about the particular one instead of asking about all the bad ones12:46
resnoheh ok12:46
resnocan you put an sas card into a regular desktop mobo?12:46
resnoor does it use some kinda special connector?12:46
resnoah, i see12:46
resnonever mind12:46
RoyKit's just a SAS board12:47
RoyKwith SAS connectors12:47
RoyKpossibly mini-SAS12:47
RoyKwhich should accept SAS drives and SATA drives12:47
RoyKpossibly a mix12:47
resnoso, something like this ServeRAID M5014 SAS Raid Card LSI 9620 8i12:47
RoyKI use those without the RAID part on a few machines12:47
RoyKthat is, I have one with RAID-1 setup as well12:48
RoyKworks well12:48
resnoim considering going raid 5 when ever drives drop a bit more12:48
RoyKbut IIRC it lacks TRIM support, which might be suboptimal for SSD use12:48
resnoill be going sata drive12:48
RoyKbut generally, LSI SAS boards are good12:49
RoyKI mostly use those without RAID, though, for large storage systems, on openindiana/zfs12:49
resnoah ok.. im new to doing this, will it be pretty easy? drive issues etc12:49
RoyKit's simple, yes12:50
resnoand then i can use mdadm for raiding right?12:50
RoyKwell, either you get a RAID controller with 'hardware' RAID12:51
RoyKor you use mdadm12:51
RoyKwhich one to choose is up to you12:51
resnoyea, i dont want to be dependent on a hardware raid card... if it crashes12:52
RoyKif you choose to use software raid, which I _know_ works well, you can probably save a bit by choosing a HBA without the RAID part12:53
RoyKsoftware RAID is very well tested - I'd guess something like 95%+ of the NAS products out there, use linux software RAID12:54
resnowow, that much12:54
RoyKjust a wild guess12:54
resnosounds good and ill believe12:54
RoyKthat is, I've never seen one _not_ running linux software raid12:54
resnoyouve got to have like sized drives right12:54
* RoyK has a few 100TB systems12:55
RoyKthis one is rather neat http://paste.ubuntu.com/930997/12:55
RoyKonly ~80TiB, but still12:55
resnowow, nice12:57
RoyKbut on striped mirrors, which is rather fast ;)12:58
RoyKand with 2,5TB SSD cache...12:58
resnoRoyK: you cant run software raid on different sized drives right?13:02
RoyKyou can, but it's bound to be a mess13:03
RoyKgenerally you should never use differently-sized drives in *any* raid13:03
RoyKand there's no such thing as "hardware" raid, it's just the software being on a chip and not in the OS13:03
resnofair enough13:03
RoyKand - you should avoid using partitions and instead use whole drives in software raid - it eases growing things later13:04
resnothats been my plan thus far13:05
RoyKand if you want to run software raid, perhaps something like an LSI SAS 9211-8i might be better suited13:05
RoyKit has no RAID support (apart from mirroring), but it's affordable and fast13:05
* RoyK has a few of those controllers13:06
resnowhat dont you have?13:06
RoyKdunno :)13:06
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qman__I'm having a problem with exclude patterns in rsnapshot16:26
qman__exclude patterns that work when passed to rsync don't seem to have any effect in the rsnapshot config file16:27
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qman__well, fixed that problem, had to remove the quotes16:57
qman__would be nice if that were documented anywhere16:57
qman__now USB3 is acting up, looks like bug 64797316:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 647973 in linux "USB 3.0: xhci_hcd WARN: Stalled endpoint" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64797316:58
qman__apparently fixed in 3.2 kernel, but doesn't do me any good on lucid17:00
qman__guess I'll just use the USB 2.0 ports for now17:00
RoyKqman__: I'd guess a fix might come in a backport?17:08
qman__maybe, would be nice17:09
qman__not going to upgrade that server for a while17:09
pangolinqman__, why not file the bug against 10.04 and see if it gets backported17:27
Patrickdkhmm, why not just use the 3.2 kernel?17:27
qman__because that would require upgrading to precise17:29
qman__and the last upgrade, hardy to lucid, didn't exactly go smoothly17:29
Patrickdkhmm, there will be a percise to lucid kernel backport as soon as percise is released17:30
PatrickdkI've been running 3.0.0 on lucid for awhile now17:30
qman__only reason I upgraded from hardy was my new network card wouldn't work with its kernel17:30
Patrickdkya, I'm going be running some tests17:31
Patrickdksee if I will upgrade before or after 12.04.117:31
qman__and ever since the upgrade I can't see fscks, my screen is just blank with a cursor until they finish17:32
Patrickdksounds like a video kernel driver issue17:32
qman__which is especially troublesome since I have an 8.2TB filesystem to fsck occasionally17:32
qman__just have to see if the disk activity lights are on and hope it's working17:33
JanCthat sounds like a bug17:34
qman__it's got something to do with plymouth, but I don't know what exactly17:36
qman__because I have a working screen, if I type stuff it shows17:36
qman__but my fsck isn't there and no key combinations bring it up17:37
qman__just really unhappy about the whole thing, I understand why they created this, but I don't understand why it's on servers too -- I used to just remove quiet splash and get exactly what I wanted, now it's basically impossible17:40
qman__spent days trying to figure it out on a different machine and gave up17:42
blendedbychrisany stunnel users around?18:14
blendedbychrisRelated question… do you need both private an public keys do terminate ssl connections?18:14
sm00xto terminate?18:17
blendedbychristern gibberish into non gibberish?18:18
JanCblendedbychris: I used stunnel way back when I still used Windows (~10 years ago, I think)18:21
sm00xterminate = stop, disconnect, dismantle18:21
sm00xat least AFAIR18:21
blendedbychrissm00x: http://www.f5.com/glossary/ssl-termination.html18:22
blendedbychrisit's a common term.18:22
JanCyou can configure stunnel to do any level of security/auth AFAIK18:22
blendedbychrisyou guys aren't helping :)18:22
JanCso basically, it depends on how secure you want to be  ;)18:22
JanCbut in the most common case, you need a secret key at the server end, and a public key known to the client18:24
JanCif you want to be sure the client is really who they say they are, you also need a private key at the client with a an associated public key known at the server end18:25
blendedbychrisJanC: I'm actually referring to https...18:27
blendedbychrisin that configuration there is no private key18:27
blendedbychriswhich is confusing to me18:27
JanCblendedbychris: like I said, I used it almost 10 years ago18:27
blendedbychriswell this question is a bit broad though18:28
blendedbychriswith https do you need both a public and a private key?18:28
blendedbychrisin order to terminate the request18:28
blendedbychrispem has both private and public keys18:28
blendedbychristhings you didn't know18:28
JanCright, so that config has private keys for each site?18:29
blendedbychrisboth private and public key are stored in the pem18:30
blendedbychrismakes sense now…. i was used to calling two files18:30
JanCyou need a different file at client18:30
JanCwhich only has the public key18:30
JanC(or at least a hash of it)18:31
blendedbychrisya i assume stunnel just send the public18:31
* kklimonda is reading about ubuntu orchestra and cringing at the usage rate of the "cloud" world18:47
kklimondawhat's the current story for deploying and managing ubuntu on servers and desktops in a small business?18:48
kklimondacan ubuntu orchestra be reused for that, or is it not enough without paying for landscape? if so, what would be a better approach?18:49
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cwillu!info linux-image19:06
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB19:06
cwillu!info linux-image precise19:06
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB19:07
koolhead17so silent here19:25
cwilluit's a sunday afternoon, what did you expect?19:28
koolhead17cwillu, :)19:32
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yaksterI know this is the server rm, but does ne one know how to set the default sound card for alsa21:42
lifeless!ubuntu | yakster21:52
ubottuyakster: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:52
lifelesssorry, I don't know the shortcut21:52
lifelessyakster: see #ubuntu21:52
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TheBeastis there a public git repository with all ubuntu packages?23:27
kklimondaI don't think do, we use bazaar and LP for that23:27
TheBeastok, sounds good23:28

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