
dogmatic69ls -al .fonts/ | wc -l00:11
dogmatic69that would give a count of files right?00:11
dwatkinsincluding . and ..00:13
dwatkinsbut the count would also be incorrect as you're doing a long listing, use -1 (number one) to show just filenames, dogmatic6900:14
dogmatic69ye, also extra line at the top00:14
dogmatic69ah, that is better00:14
dogmatic69just has the extra line now, think its file size00:15
dogmatic69ls -l .fonts/ | wc -l == ?00:15
dogmatic694543 :D00:15
dogmatic69can I complain about inkskape taking 5 minutes to open?00:15
dogmatic69libre office opens within 5 seconds00:17
dwatkinsstrace is your friend00:22
dwatkinsstrace -fro /tmp/inkscape.trace path/to/inkscape/binary00:23
dwatkinsstart inkscape up like that, then examine the trace file to see what's hapenning before and after the delay00:24
dogmatic69doing it now00:24
dogmatic69(inkscape:10054): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",00:24
dogmatic69done that 4x and stuck now00:25
dogmatic69need a ajax loading thingy00:25
dogmatic692.6MB file00:27
dogmatic69dwatkins: its doing stat on virtually the entire hdd00:29
dogmatic69in that trace, there are masses of stat("/path/to/random/files")00:30
dwatkinsok, that may or may not be the problem00:31
dogmatic69all sorts, images, svgs, documents, configs in .evolution etc00:31
dogmatic69also on my mapped network drive which could be the problem00:31
dwatkinsmight be worth looking up bugs relating to delays starting inkscape, dogmatic6900:31
dogmatic692300+ calls to stat00:32
dwatkinsbug 488247 might be worth a read, dogmatic6900:33
lubotu3Launchpad bug 488247 in Inkscape "Inkscape is slow starting" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48824700:33
dogmatic69dwatkins: thanks, seems they just need to implement cache00:42
dogmatic69should be an easy one00:42
dwatkinsah good00:42
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meetis there any game related channel?06:06
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AlanBellmorning all09:01
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:25
brobostigonhi dwatkins09:35
* dwatkins hands brobostigon a small plastic dinosaur holding a cupcake09:58
* brobostigon takes the dinosaur, and plays with it on his desk, and make dinosaur type noises.09:59
gordonjcpand we shall call this land "our land"10:00
SuperEngineera quick question re 12.04... I have no "system" [alert] sounds though all sound tests check out ok.10:17
SuperEngineer am I experiencing a bug or experiencing intended behaviour?10:17
StevenRSuperEngineer: are system alert sounds enabled?10:27
StevenR(I have them disabled, but I guess that's not the default)10:28
SuperEngineeryes - and test out ok, the directory is there, the sounds are there, all programs using sound are ok.10:29
SuperEngineerStevenR, in fact I have just gone back to sound settings & they *all* work from there, but not in 'real' use.10:33
* StevenR goes to grab an iso to spin up a test vm10:34
SuperEngineercheers StevenR10:35
StevenReta 15 mins probably10:35
StevenR(iso in 5, VM in another 10 or so)10:36
SuperEngineerbtw... the System Ready sound is ok, the "Ubuntu wiggle" desktop sound I hear rumoured is disabled to keep the ISO to Cd size [even though still included!] so that is dubious - but *no* other alert sounds work at all in real use10:38
gordonjcpman I'd love it if all the alert sounds would stay disabled10:39
SuperEngineergordonjcp, - then disable them?10:39
gordonjcpSuperEngineer: they don't stay disabled10:40
gordonjcpthey need to be *gone*10:40
SuperEngineergordonjcp, it appearsa you the "reverse" of my fault ;)10:40
gordonjcpit's bloody annoying10:40
SuperEngineergordonjcp, - then disable them by removing the folder holding them?10:41
gordonjcpwhy would you want your computer to make silly noises all the time?10:41
gordonjcpSuperEngineer: because when you update Ubuntu, they come back10:41
gordonjcpand doing an update appears to reset them all back to enabled10:42
SuperEngineergordonjcp, oh - didn't think of that10:42
gordonjcpwhat I ended up doing was setting all the sounds to zero-length files and setting them immutable10:42
* SuperEngineer puts on dunces hat10:42
SuperEngineer...but if personally like the occasional 'blob' sound or real alert when needed.10:43
SuperEngineer*but I10:43
gordonjcpI'm sure the resetting it back to defaults is a bug10:43
gordonjcpSuperEngineer: I don't, because it comes through the speakers10:44
gordonjcpand interrupts whatever else is playing10:44
gordonjcpbloody irritating, you're playing some music, a window pops open for something with an earsplitting "WHOOONK!"10:45
SuperEngineerthen stop making errors causing alerts or closing programs or doing other normal things !10:45
gordonjcpalso, the pulseaudio thing is stupid10:45
gordonjcpwhy would you want two programs to make noises at the same time, especially when the sound plays about ten seconds after the app actually fires the event10:45
SuperEngineer...as per several previous - it's not a problem for me... alert sounds are not working ;)10:46
SuperEngineergordonjcp, just a thought... are your "annoying" system sounds in 12.04 or older distro?10:54
gordonjcpI tried 12.04 on my desktop but I only have 2G of RAM10:55
gordonjcpso I can't even get a desktop up10:55
* StevenR watches the VM's installer progress bar *creep* across the window10:55
* SuperEngineer hands gordonjcp a plate full of sympathy10:55
SuperEngineerStevenR, don't let it hear you call it a "creep" - it will fail in retaliation!10:56
gordonjcpSuperEngineer: I really hope that the final version of 12.04 needs less memory10:57
gordonjcpSuperEngineer: I've got it "running" on a core i5 at work with 4G, it's kind of usable10:57
gordonjcpas long as you don't open any programs10:57
dwatkins12.04 needs more than a gig or RAM? wow10:58
gordonjcpit appears to need more than 2G10:59
* StevenR allocated 4G for the vm10:59
StevenR*sigh* it's still installing :S11:00
SuperEngineergordonjcp, just a thought - i've only got the same as you - it's fine - apart from the alert sounds11:01
SuperEngineer[as in - fine & fast]11:02
StevenRoh. wow. that booted up rather fast11:03
SuperEngineergordonjcp, I'd be having a looksee inside the pooter itself if I were your good self11:05
* StevenR runs updates11:05
StevenRSuperEngineer: alert volume turned up?11:06
SuperEngineerStevenR, yup11:06
gordonjcpSuperEngineer: for what?11:07
StevenRSuperEngineer: ~/.xsession-errors show anything failing?11:07
SuperEngineer[only to 100% - not tried higher - though that shouldn't be neccessay if it's not a bug]11:07
SuperEngineerStevenR, hang on pretty please - I'll have a looksee11:08
dwatkins12.04 is using just under 1 GB of RAM on my virtual machine, which has 1 GB allocated to it.11:08
StevenRdwatkins: is that the "free" or -buffers/cache value? (see free -mt)11:09
StevenRthe kernel will cache as much as it can11:10
dwatkinsStevenR: http://paste.ubuntu.com/930847/11:11
StevenRdwatkins: so actually using 403MB11:11
dwatkinsyeah, so 'using' in the sense there's a lot of cache, yeah11:11
dwatkinsI couldn't say how much swap was used during installation, of course11:12
StevenRSuperEngineer: tried a different sound theme?11:13
SuperEngineerStevenR, tried them all11:13
StevenRSuperEngineer: is this an upgrade or fresh install? HAve you tried a new user?11:14
SuperEngineerStevenR, the only stuff showing in xseesion-error relate to video with Cairo dock - which is working fine actually - nothing that could be related to a sound or sound related call11:15
SuperEngineer[in fact *everything* shown in xsession-errors & .old are *all* actually working 100%11:17
SuperEngineerStevenR, thias is a fresh install from beta1 onwards11:17
SuperEngineerfully uodated11:17
StevenRmaybe try a fresh "test user" ?11:18
SuperEngineeryeh... that could worth a try [but I'm not expecting much difference] ;)11:19
SuperEngineer[just tried the quick option running as guest - tna]11:21
SuperEngineerbbs - gonna try as a new user user11:22
penguin42does anyone know what a 'Locally Integrated Menu' is?11:29
penguin42now will you tell us?11:32
popeygoogle it, omg had an article with a screenshot11:32
penguin42so it turns the top level menu into a drop down on an icon?11:34
penguin42ah ok11:36
brobostigonmy phone has finally decided, to upgrade itself, from google marlet, to google play.11:39
brobostigonwell, it does seem alittle more resource friendly, and alittle faster.11:39
MartijnVdSI've upgraded my Galaxy Nexus to 4.0.411:45
MartijnVdSCamera is fast again now11:45
* brobostigon is back on 2.3.711:46
SuperEngineerStevenR, you still here?11:58
arsenwhy does zgrep have a max number of arguements :/11:58
SuperEngineerStevenR, no difference under a new user... guess it's a bug - no need to track down hardware or software - thanks for the suggestions12:01
* StevenR nods12:03
bigcalmAfternoon peeps :)13:03
sagacievening bigcalm13:03
* bigcalm checks his watch13:04
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* SuperEngineer thinks hmmm - could get to like this Pangolin thing - darn!13:09
popeypip pip bigcalm13:10
bigcalmHazar, a wild popey appears13:11
SuperEngineer[yeh -must have finished playing Angry13:12
popeyjust finished washing up after making sunday roast actually ☺13:12
bigcalmThen it might be time to dig13:13
* bigcalm desires lunch, but Hayley isn't ready for it13:15
popeybigcalm: you should join snowflake irc ☺13:15
bigcalmpopey: you should msg me the details :)13:16
bigcalmAh, found the info13:17
SuperEngineerwhoops - just tried the "How to create a Wikipedia Unity lens for Ubuntu" - big screen crash - my fault ☺13:37
=== Guest61019 is now known as issyl0
ali1234can i get apt to automatically install build-dep whenever i install a package?16:10
tsimpsonI suspect the answer is "no", because that would be an odd thing for it to do16:19
ali1234why would it be odd?16:19
tsimpsonwhat would be the purpose if that?16:19
ali1234what i really want to do is recursively install build dependencies for everything16:19
tsimpsonbut, why?16:20
ali1234because i hate waiting for build-deps to download16:20
tsimpsonno, why do you need build dependencies  for *everything*?16:20
ali1234so that i'll never have to get interrupted waiting for build-deps in the middle of trying to do something16:20
tsimpsoninstalling build-deps is fine, but build-deps of build-deps etc, seems insane to me16:21
tsimpsonbut, if you really want to, you could create a script named apt-get in ~/bin/ that intercepts the apt-get command and also installs build-deps etc16:21
tsimpsonie: I doubt anyone has published a tool to do that already, so you'd have to make it yourself16:22
AlanBellcould do it as a bash alias16:27
dwatkinsWhat am I missing not installing build-deps? I don't tend to compile from source.16:29
shaunoyou could probably wrangle something with DPkg::Post-Invoke, but I'd be really quite cautious of sending dpkg into a loop16:32
penguin42ali1234: IMHO it would be more useful to get dpkg-buildpackage to install the build-deps when it realises they're not there16:35
ali1234unless i don't want to recompile with dpkg16:35
penguin42ah well if you're building it and configuring it different then it might have different build-deps16:36
ali1234which is why i want as many as possible already installed16:36
ali1234because then i'll have to wait for less to install16:36
* AlanBell is being very English and doing a bbq in the rain16:48
penguin42are the chicken watching?16:52
penguin42or do they have an erm...more active part in the bbq ?16:53
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
AlanBellnot this time, they are just spectators17:12
AzelphurWhat's a good thing to use to send money instead of paypal?18:20
AzelphurThey just nuked a friends account :<18:20
MartijnVdSAzelphur: just "send cash to a friend" type of thing?18:21
MartijnVdSbitcoins :P18:21
AzelphurMartijnVdS: haha, we would use bitcoins but he needs to purchase stuff from retailers that only accept USD18:22
MartijnVdSSo.. direct bank transfer?18:22
Azelphuralthough it is bitcoin related business18:22
MartijnVdS(those are instant in .nl, don't know about the UK)18:22
Azelphurcould do, but I dunno how well banks do with the whole currency conversion thing?18:22
MartijnVdSIt's their job ;)18:22
MartijnVdSBut sending money to another country might take longer18:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Is it all in one country, or are you in different ones?18:24
Azelphurdifferent countries18:24
Azelphurhe's canada, I'm UK18:24
MartijnVdSCanada, that's better than the US ;)18:24
Azelphurluckily paypal lets him refund recent transactions18:25
Azelphuror they would have eaten $1000 of mine :/18:25
Azelphurrefunded it all back to me and I'll send it to him a different way haha18:25
MartijnVdSAzelphur: My bank has a page (one for each country) on how to wire money there18:25
AzelphurMartijnVdS: that's pretty handy18:26
MartijnVdSAzelphur: maybe yours does too?18:26
Azelphurmy bank is santander18:26
Azelphurthey don't do anything handy ever18:26
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://www.santander.co.uk/csgs/Satellite?appID=abbey.internet.Abbeycom&c=Page&canal=CABBEYCOM&cid=1210607023591&empr=Abbeycom&leng=en_GB&pagename=Abbeycom%2FPage%2FWC_ACOM_TemplateA2#Sending a payment to someone overseas;18:27
Azelphurah fun :P18:27
Azelphurbesides that though, is there any replacement for paypal that doesn't suck balls.18:28
dwatkinsI think they pretty much have the market cornered, Azelphur.18:32
ali1234santander sucks man18:33
MartijnVdSWestern Union?18:34
MartijnVdSCanada needs to join the EU -- it would make this a lot easier/cheaper ;)18:36
penguin42they should apply, I mean distance wise it's probably as close as some other places18:37
MartijnVdSpenguin42: policy-wise as well.. and it'd annoy the hell out of the US :)18:37
MartijnVdSpenguin42: Plus they already have your queen.. so it's a small step!18:38
penguin42hey hey - lets be careful who is having our Majesty18:38
MartijnVdSOK "they share a queen with you".. better?18:38
penguin42sharing nowt - they can have a bit of Prince Phillip if they really want18:40
MartijnVdS\o daubster18:54
MartijnVdSdaubers: if you start making music, we need to call it "daubstep"18:54
daubersMartijnVdS: I'm still learning the banjo if that helps18:54
gordonjcpyes daub | flite -f -18:55
constrictorhas anyone had any luck installing the lenses from here? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/10-unity-lenses-scopes/219:24
constrictorsorry http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/10-unity-lenses-scopes/19:24
constrictorapt keeps telling me the ppa is not found http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/10-unity-lenses-scopes/19:25
MartijnVdSconstrictor: which version of Ubuntu are you running?19:26
MartijnVdSthis is an article from January, Unity has changed since then19:26
MartijnVdSconstrictor: those PPAs are for 11.10 (oneiric)19:26
constrictorah i see19:26
constrictorMartijnVdS: are there any for precise yet?19:27
MartijnVdSlots of lenses for precise19:28
MartijnVdSno idea where, but I've read people were making them19:28
constrictoris there one ppa or are they all over he place19:28
constrictori found one if youre interested. The one I was looking for was for my google contacts and I think there's one for precise here19:29
MartijnVdSFirst: think of what kind of lens you want19:30
MartijnVdS then: go look for it19:30
* MartijnVdS considers http://www.voltaicsystems.com/fuse4w.shtml19:46
bittinthe trunk kernel is kinda stable in DebianPPC :o19:47
AzelphurIs there a useful editor so I can see what my readme would look like on github?19:49
Azelphurtrying to write it in a text editor with no idea of the line length and stuff always results in bad19:49
MartijnVdSDon't people call it "README.md" on github?19:49
MartijnVdSso.. look for a markdown viewer :)19:49
Azelphuraha, I found a live preview site on it19:50
Azelphurhttp://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/preview.html \o/19:50
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daubersping AlanBell20:40
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daubersCan I ask for a set of CD's please? Am organising a stand at the NADAR rally for the reading hackspace so would have space for Ubuntu CD's :)20:42
AlanBellsure, want to wait for the 12.04 ones?20:42
AlanBellwhen is the event?20:42
daubersYes please :)20:42
daubers17th of June20:42
AlanBelloh great, no problem then20:42
daubersIt's only £7.50 for a stand if the UUK folks wanted to look at getting one20:43
gordonjcpa radio rally that happens shortly after I get paid!20:44
AlanBellday after my birthday20:44
gordonjcpI was going to go to Blackpool today but I get paid on Tuesday...20:45
Azelphuranyone know how to check if a key is signed with gpg?20:56
bigcalmIs there a way to view binary files in hex?21:00
ahayzenbigcalm: GHex may do the trick21:05
ali1234how do i get to the indicator icons with the keyboard?21:05
ali1234mouse stopped working :/21:05
ahayzenali1234: Press F10 then use the arrow keys21:05
ali1234didn;t work21:06
ali1234SDL mouse grab has messed up unity21:06
ali1234alt tab doesn't work21:06
ali1234alt ` doesn't work21:06
ali1234i can't click on anything at all21:06
ali1234i can press windows-tab to get to launcher icons21:07
ali1234i can click on things inside the focused window but clicking n a different window does nothing21:07
ali1234can only change by windows-tab through launcher icons21:07
ali1234this is really weird21:09
ali1234well that was odd21:13
jacobwi've experienced that before when using a usb mouse in gtk environment21:15
ali1234i use a usb mouse in gtk all day every day21:15
jacobwi think the mouse button events are trapped by some window level21:15
ali1234yeah, it;s saomething to do with this SDL program i was just using for sure21:16
ali1234it grabs the mouse21:16
ali1234can't seem to reproduce it though21:16
daftykinsi'm sure you will when you next really need to get something done D21:17
daftykins* :D21:17
ali1234it was something to do with window focus21:17
ali1234cos i had to alt-f4 all windows until there were none, then i could click unity stuff... when it got focus by default21:17
jacobwthe only correlation i've noticed is with using gimp21:18
ali1234then i could log out and log in again21:18
jacobwso i find window focus plausible21:18
bigcalmWestern Digital or Seagate for 2 x 500gb SATA3 drives?21:43
daftykinsalways been a WD fan myself but i don't think it really makes any difference21:43
popeybigcalm: buy one of each21:53
bigcalmFor a raid21:53
popeyless likely they'll both fail at the same time21:53
bigcalmYou have a good point :)21:53
popeyi have had two drives from the same batch fail within a month or so of eachother21:53
bigcalmObviously you haven't been drinking 8.5% alc Belgium beer21:54
popey12.5% red wine actually21:54
bigcalm(best time to make online purchases)21:54
bigcalmI think the CO2 in the beer attaches the alc to hemoglobin. Thus a half pint of shandy will induce the same state as a pint of beer in the short term21:56
daftykinsmy friend got drunk enough the other night and woke up to confirmation order emails21:56
bigcalmDamn, if I can pontificate about this, I haven't drunk enough21:56
daftykinsback to the fridge with you! responsibly i mean...21:56
bigcalmI've ordered 8gb of ram, now for the hard drives21:57
popeyi ordered 3 ubuntu t-shirts whilst drunk once21:57
popeythey were withdrawn from sale the next day21:57
popeyso i have 3 of 72 that were sold ☺21:57
daftykinsdrunken popey dancing on the table with a laptop going CLOTH ME CANONICAL!21:58
daftykinssounds amusing :>21:58
hamitronI was gonna make a rude remark about running out of material, when making your size ;)21:58
directhexi wish i could afford a new pc :<21:58
hamitronbut na, better not21:58
directhexjust bought a new data drive, due to old one failing21:58
* Laney wants one of those intrepid t-shirts21:58
daftykinsdirecthex: what kit are you running?21:58
bigcalmhttp://www.ebuyer.com/272944-seagate-500gb-3-5-sata-iii-6gb-s-barracuda-hard-drive-7200rpm-16mb-cache-st500dm002 - and - http://www.ebuyer.com/241715-wd-500gb-3-5-sata-6gb-s-caviar-blue-hard-drive-7200rpm-16mb-wd5000aakx21:59
directhexi7 920, 585021:59
daftykinspff that's plenty new21:59
directhexbigcalm, i just bought a deathstar!21:59
daftykinsi've a Q6600 back home21:59
popeyi should put them on ebay21:59
bigcalmdirecthex: bwuhaha :)21:59
daftykinsdirecthex: i always thought you'd be a bad guy21:59
directhexbigcalm, first time i've paid for an ibm^Whitachi disk21:59
Laneyyou could... give me one for free :-)21:59
popeynot gonna happen22:00
directhexdaftykins, problem is, wifey has an i5 2500, and 697022:00
Laney:( :( :( :( :( :(22:00
bigcalmAs popey says, this should see me right enough :) I'm not out to fleece the company I work for22:00
popeyits my kids inheritance!22:00
hamitronisn't the 6970, basically a 5870?22:00
popeyand now22:00
daftykinsdirecthex: send 'er down the mines i say, earn for your toys :D22:00
popeyand fingers crossed a raspberry pi arrives this week22:00
Laneywhat's an i? :(22:01
daftykinsi'm off too, up early for builders again22:01
bigcalmYay, haven't used ebuyer for so long that they have forgotten my account :D22:01
daftykinsnn all \o22:01
* Laney has e6600 (H)22:01
bigcalmAh, wrong email22:02
bigcalmNight popey & daftykins22:02
daftykins(my lappy has an i5, just transcoded some SD content at zomgfast)22:02
daftykinsbigcalm: gl with your purchasing :>22:02
bigcalmTo buy new ram and 2 hdd, I was given a budget of 250 quid exVAT. Total order has come to 190.57 incVAT22:09
* bigcalm feels good about this22:09
zleapbigcalm, nice22:10
ali1234how high is the unity top panel?22:12
ali123424 pixels :)22:14
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