
pmp6nlHello all.  I am switching to Ubuntu server on one of my laptops for testing.  Is there a way to get wireless working?00:02
onekenthomas_2y,  there is :P00:02
TackeriLogan: Thanks!00:02
isaac_Does anyone know why some mkv videos on ubuntu are all pixelated/blocky in some parts? I've tried ~5 different players. I've tried mplayer and mplayer2 nothing works. Windows it's fine.00:02
Logan_Tackeri: No problem.00:02
i7cisaac_: doesn't run on vlc either?00:03
isaac_Not vlc, either :/00:03
isaac_It corrupts at the same places across all the players00:04
i7cisaac_: you have your video card driver installed?00:04
isaac_so I assume it's a codec or something, but I'm pretty sure I have everything00:04
isaac_I think so, how can I check?00:04
i7cisaac_: eeehm, should be in the settings something called "Additional Drivers"00:05
isaac_Yeah, I have it.00:06
isaac_i7c, this is exactly the problem, btw. http://imgur.com/a/gBBNz pixelated and blocky like that00:06
isaac_While in windows, everything shows up correctly, so I know it's not hte video itself00:07
i7coh i had something like that too, once on windows. no idea how i solved it. but i'm too pretty sure it's a codec issue00:07
isaac_But I have every codec there is :/00:07
i7cyeh maybe there is some config issue00:07
i7cthose codecs have configs too, right00:08
isaac_That I've seen that places say I need :/00:08
korn788hello how do i make it so i don't premission every to i try to move a file or folder to /var/www/00:08
i7ckorn788: there are 2 ways. either you change the owner/rights of /var/www or you put a symlink in there, which is imho the better way00:09
korn788how do i symlink?00:10
e0ne199excuse me...00:10
i7ckorn788: go into /var/www and then sudo ln -s /home/<username/someplaceforwebsite linkname00:10
korn788i want to change the permission of the whole file system00:10
i7cisaac_: i'm sorry, i don't know more to help you :/00:11
e0ne199excuse me, i have a problem with my ubuntu 10.04...can you help me?00:11
i7ckorn788: a link redirects to another directory. so you can put everythin in your homefolder and edit there but it will appear like it is in /var/www00:12
i7ce0ne199: just ak.00:12
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korn788well ok then what about changing the rights00:12
i7cdo sudo chmod ugo+rwx /var/www00:13
korn788it didn't work so what about changing my account to be the owner00:16
i7ckorn788: why didn't it work?00:17
korn788because i still can't write to it without being root00:17
korn788and i need to be able to for phpbb300:17
i7cwhat happened when you did sudo chmod .... ?00:18
korn788nothing no message00:19
i7cdo namei -m /var/www     and post the line of www00:19
korn788f: /var/www00:20
korn788 drwxr-xr-x /00:20
korn788 drwxr-xr-x var00:20
korn788 drwxrwxrwx www00:20
ubuntu_hi guys im very new to this linux anyone mind giving me a quick hand?00:20
ubuntu_would be much appreciated00:20
Logan_!ask | ubuntu_00:20
ubottuubuntu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:20
i7ckorn788: okay the rights are set correctly. you should be able to write in the dir. how do you notice it doesn't work? changing owner won't help. it's something else.00:20
korn788because phpbb setup told me it wasn't writable00:21
ubuntu_i have just installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS i seem to be having a problem loading it from my harddrive have dual booted. I am very inexperianced with linux as i havnt used it before but when i turn my computer on it isnt giving me the option to select the linux i have installed on the harddrive as is just jumping straight into windows 7. Anyone no how to resolve this problem?00:22
i7ckorn788: try to do the chmod recursively00:22
i7ckorn788: sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /var/www00:22
korn788ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh IT WORKED!!! THANKS00:24
i7ckorn788: you're welcome.00:24
ubuntu_anyone :)? i no its a simple answer just i have no idea about my way around linux yet so am struggling to solve the problem myself and cant fiddle as im just booting from the usb at the moment00:24
Logan_ubuntu_: 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+1.00:24
korn788damn it was bugging me all day00:24
ubuntu_ok! thanks :)00:24
joejchow do i modify the panel??00:24
i7cLogan_: mhm well that problem isn't so specific for 12.04, is it? :D00:24
Logan_ubuntu_: Actually, well, I guess that isn't really a 12.04-specific problem.00:25
korn788ubuntu_ your trying to run linux but you go right into winows 7 right00:25
Logan_ubottu: You need to go into your BIOS.00:25
ubottuLogan_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:25
Logan_Oh crap.00:25
Logan_ubuntu_: You need to go into your BIOS. :-P00:25
ubuntu_i see00:25
Logan_Check your boot order.00:25
ubuntu_well the boot order should be ok00:25
korn788how did you install ubuntu live or wubie00:26
i7cubuntu_: if ubuntu installed the boot loader GRUB to the second harddrive it might matter.00:26
ubuntu_ive set it as usb then cd then the harddrive i have windows and linux installed on00:26
ubuntu_via usb00:26
Logan_ubuntu_: Oh, you installed it already?00:26
ubuntu_booted it from usb installed on  a harddrive partition00:26
Logan_See what i7c said.00:26
ubuntu_from what i could gather it looked like a grub problem? but im not 100% sure00:26
i7cubuntu_: you have linux and windows on different partitions of the same hd?00:27
i7cubuntu_: did you select/see something about where to put GRUB? (dont know exactly, haven't installed ubuntu in a while)00:28
i7cubuntu_: it needs to be on the MBR of your hd00:28
ubuntu_i didnt see any GRUB options anywhere00:28
ubuntu_it didnt ask me anything about GRUB00:28
joejchow do i modify the panel? right click doesnt sem to work00:29
i7cubuntu_: well i think you might install it know, afterwards. but i'm not expert at that. should be possible by loading the live session again and installing it tho00:29
korn788how did you install ubuntu00:29
i7ckorn788: he wrote that already00:29
korn788oh yea00:29
korn788dont watch tv and give help at the same time00:30
ubuntu_followed that guide00:31
korn788so you installed windows and linux from usb00:31
korn788i would have used wubie00:31
ubuntu_install ubuntu after windows part00:31
ubuntu_wubie better?00:31
CamCcould somebody please help me with a mono upgrade?00:31
gnul0veris using ubuntu server00:31
Logan_ubuntu_: Wubi is easier to set up.00:31
ubuntu_ill reformat and do it i guess00:32
gnul0verinstalled gnome on ubuntu server00:32
korn788wubi and if you dont linux ubuntu then you can just uninstall it like any other windows app00:32
sepokiDoes anybody here knows a good tutorial to learn shell script00:32
CamCI am running 10.4 with mono 2.4.4 and need to upgrade to 2.1000:32
gnul0veri had to install Xorg on ubuntu server to make the gnome work00:32
ubuntu_i dont really want it to run via windows00:33
ubuntu_i want to dual boot00:33
gnul0verCamC apt-get update00:33
ubuntu_it installed all fine from what i can see just wont let me boot into it00:33
Logan_CamC: mono 2.10 isn't in the repository for Lucid.00:33
korn788wubi does dual-botting00:33
ubuntu_skips it00:33
gnul0veryou need to be root00:33
ubuntu_ah brilliant00:34
ubuntu_ill try it out00:34
ubuntu_thanks guys ! :D00:34
CamCLogan_ do I need to add a new repository?00:34
gnul0veryes it does korn00:34
thespockhey i was wondering what do you guys use for hosting?00:34
ChaoticanarchyXanyone know if ubuntu 11.10 64 bit has any problems with ATI Radeon 9200's?00:34
korn788no problem i use wubi for a long time till i got a pc for just linux00:34
Logan_CamC: According to the mono website, you can use a repository called Badgerports to get the newer version of mono in Lucid. One sec...00:34
xangua!ot | thespock00:34
ubottuthespock: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:35
xangua!anyone | ChaoticanarchyX00:35
ubottuChaoticanarchyX: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:35
ChaoticanarchyXor older ATI video cards?00:35
korn788my linux00:35
korn788is what i use00:35
gnul0verubuntu rocks00:35
CamCLogan_ thank you00:35
korn788but if your new to hosting anything it can be a pain00:35
Logan_CamC: sudo add-apt-repository http://badgerports.org/ && apt-get update00:36
gnul0veranyone ever tried ubuntu in a cloud00:36
bluemoon44life is pain00:36
korn788if your on windows lol]00:36
axisyson dash first match some search can be invoked by enter.. how do I invoke the second match?00:36
axisysshort from using mouse00:36
Logan_CamC: Once that's done, you should be able to upgrade to the newer version of mono through Update Manager.00:37
joejchow do i modify the panel? right click doesnt sem to work00:37
axisyss/some search/from search/00:37
bigbrother_bonsoir tout le monde !00:37
gnul0veris running windows under xen on ubuntu server00:38
xanguajoejc: try while holding Alt or Shift, what do you want to modify¿00:38
trismjoejc: if it is the gnome-panel in 11.10, alt+right click or sometimes alt+super+right click00:38
CamCLogan_ I am running via putty shell, will Update Manager still work?00:38
Logan_CamC: Then just do sudo apt-get upgrade00:39
gnul0veroh yes. this isn't the linode room.00:39
joejcxangua, i want the clock to not be in the middle00:39
CamCI thought that Logan_ ok thanks00:39
gnul0verlinode is awsome00:39
CamC*sorry (overtype), Thanks Logan_00:40
TilelesBrutoHello, everybody would like to know if you have to run GeoVision in a VM with Windows 700:41
gnul0veris anyone going for comptia linux +00:41
xangua(19:36:13) Logan_: CamC: sudo add-apt-repository http://badgerports.org/ && apt-get update - the full instructions are on the site itself  http://badgerports.org/00:42
Logan_Yeah, you'll probably need the key as well.00:42
Logan_sudo apt-key add <filename>00:42
Logan_You can download it here: http://badgerports.org/directhex.ppa.asc00:42
CamCok looking now00:42
Logan_CamC: ^00:42
Logan_xangua: I gave him Terminal instructions since he's using a shell.00:43
Logan_xangua: The site doesn't appear to provide those.00:43
wolfricis there anyway to move a window to a different monitor like you're able to move them to different workspaces?00:43
gnul0verthe whole point is to use workspace00:44
isaac_i7c, OK, so using ffplay filename playes it with the correct colors and no pixelation! But, there's no gui :/00:45
gnul0verto move around windows00:45
isaac_Any ideas?00:45
Pelisanyone know how I can set my audio playback to my usb headset.. it is listed in hardware but not selectable as an output device00:46
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gnul0verare you root PElis00:46
Pelisgnul0ver:  No I am not root00:46
gnul0veryou might need to  be root00:47
gnul0verto set permissions00:47
i7cisaac_: :-/00:47
CamCLOgan _ getting this error  ..  Error: 'http://badgerports.org/' invalid00:47
Logan_CamC: For which command?00:48
gnul0verif im thinking what your thinking about00:48
CamCsudo add-apt-repository http://badgerports.org/ && apt-get update00:48
Logan_Logan_> sudo apt-key add <filename>00:48
gnul0verahhh yes the sudo command00:48
Logan_<Logan_> You can download it here: http://badgerports.org/directhex.ppa.asc00:48
Logan_CamC: ^00:48
CamCsorry I dont understand00:49
gnul0vera key is a long string CamC00:50
CamCok I see the veeery long string00:50
CamCwhat do I do with it00:50
gnul0vercut and past00:50
gnul0verand use the command00:50
=== massimo is now known as Guest91355
gnul0versudo apt-key add00:51
gnul0verit will ask for your password00:51
wolfricgnul0ver: i assume you meant no to me00:53
gnul0ver yes00:54
gnul0veryou need a monitor splitter cord00:54
gnul0verto use two monitor together00:54
wolfricgnul0ver: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1414155 just found this00:55
wolfricworks quite well00:55
e0ne199hello again, btw  i have a problem with my ubuntu 10.04...this happened after upgrading my ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04....my partitions (except file system) always disappear and they can't be mounted from nautilus  whenever i open gparted or i don't plug my removable drive in first before booting...do you know how to solve it?00:56
=== fhawerfga is now known as hakkFaiF
e0ne199hello? anyone?00:57
ProgrammerKidi finally set up ubuntu to how i like it00:58
hakkFaiFfully uninstalled?00:58
ProgrammerKidnetbeans, python idle, eric ide eclipse :D00:58
ProgrammerKidskype caffine :D00:58
ProgrammerKidthe works00:58
=== mkv is now known as m4v
ProgrammerKidits nice00:58
xangua!ot | ProgrammerKid00:58
FloodBot1ProgrammerKid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
ubottuProgrammerKid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:58
ProgrammerKidbye pplz00:59
e0ne199hello, can you help solve my problem?00:59
hakkFaiFwhat is your problem00:59
e0ne199 hello again, btw  i have a problem with my ubuntu 10.04...this happened after upgrading my ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04....my partitions (except file system) always disappear and they can't be mounted from nautilus  whenever i open gparted or i don't plug my removable drive in first before booting...do you know how to solve it?00:59
hakkFaiFsetup external drive01:00
hakkFaiFor puppy01:00
hakkFaiFdont u know about these distros01:01
HappyPuppyHi ~ excuxse me ~~ my Firefox download list is always empty . what's wrong with it ?01:02
hakkFaiFlist of what01:03
e0ne199btw do you know what is wrong on my system?01:03
e0ne199about that problem?01:03
HappyPuppylist of downloaded files .  the windows come out if you press Ctrl+Shift+Y01:04
hakkFaiFi think first is the stupid bootloader01:04
hakkFaiFthey didnt fix grub console01:04
isaac_I have a problem, if I play a video using ffplay it plays correctly, but if I use MPlyaer, vlc, or etc the video is pixelated. I can't get subtitles to work with ffplay. The file is mkv, btw.01:05
e0ne199are you talking with me <hakkFaif>?01:05
hakkFaiFyes dude01:05
foobArrrgigabit ethernet, 1 ubuntu pc, 1 windows pc, windows share mounted on ubuntu. I can download from the windows pc with about 70MB/s, upload speed is only about 8MB/s though. what could cause that?01:05
hakkFaiFcome quiry il tell u how to fix this shit01:07
e0ne199so the problem is on bootloader?01:07
ohptlabsfoobArrr, not sure but i know my upload speed in the last twenty years has never been the same as my download speed no matter if its on a local ethernet or on the internet01:07
pangolinhakkFaiF, no cursing please01:07
e0ne199btw my problem is actually about mounting my partition, how can it be connected to bootloader anyway?01:08
hakkFaiFis that a bot, fixing my language01:08
pangolineven if I was a bot you still are not allowed to curse in here01:08
tomeHi, can anyone point me to how Ubuntu (at least on amazon ec2) doesn't ask for a user password when the ubuntu user tries to sudo? I'm thought it would be in the sudoers file but I didn't see any NOPASSWORD01:09
ohptlabstome: why would you have that sort of security risk?01:09
foobArrrohptlabs: by factor 10? I doubt that. unless you're talking about adsl or something similar. anyway, upload was a lot faster yesterday.01:09
tomeohptlabs: that's the default setup, I'm trying to understand how they get it to occur01:09
e0ne199hello? :(01:09
ohptlabstome: for the livecds i thought only01:10
hakkFaiFmay i disterb someone excusite hearing?01:10
ohptlabsfoobArrr, it was simply an observation, not a fact, im not all that good with hardware hacking, at least with computers01:11
ohptlabstome: does man sudo have it listed towards the end?01:11
tomeohptlabs: I don't see anything strange in man sudo output01:13
ohptlabsfoobArrr, the one thing i can think of is perhaps the one can only read off the harddrive at around 10Mb, i know my non scsci drive is like that01:13
tomeohptlabs: I am new to Ubuntu, but I see references to old versus new sudo behavior01:15
markvmStrange stuff with my first dd experience. I did a dd of one partition of 500gb to the partition on the second harddrive that is 750gb, it worked but now in windows it shows up as the 500gb partition but i don't see the extra space, and in disk management it does not show up to use the remaning space?01:15
tome"Note that they will still require a password (thus giving you the normal behaviour you are so used to)."  from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers#Shutting_Down_From_The_Console_Without_A_Password01:15
markvmis that normal01:15
foobArrrohptlabs: dd can read with 126 MB/s from that disk01:15
ohptlabsmarkvm, did you dd the one drive directly to the other?01:15
tomeohptlabs: but somehow there is that ubuntu user, perhaps specially treated in Ubuntu EC2 distro?01:15
markvmno the partition on the drivesd01:15
=== Eledran is now known as zz_Eledran
ohptlabstome: try man sudoers, there are alot of options there01:16
markvmdd if=dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sdb101:16
markvmlike that01:16
markvmsdc1 is 500GB and sdb1 was 750gb01:16
ohptlabsmarkvm, thats why01:17
markvmnow the 750gb drive is just a 500GB partition but i can't see the extra space in windows01:17
Sonic132Ok guys I got a Grub issue. I decided to go back to Windows Only until the latest Ubuntu is released. But when I deleted the Ext4 partition. It stopped booting entirely (dumb noob mistake). How do I fix it?01:17
foobArrrit's not a smb issue, openssh-server + winscp gets the same 8MB/s :/01:17
Sonic132Furthermore, now I got 'grub rescue' prompt01:17
ohptlabsmarkvm, you wanted to dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/mnt/sdb101:18
escottSonic132, boot a windows repair disk and fix the windows mbr01:18
tomeohptlabs: to clarify: I'm trying to understand what Amazon's EC2 setup does to get their default 'ubuntu' user to be able to sudo without a password. Looking at /etc/sudo, there is a root = ALL(ALL:ALL) ALL    and  %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL  [of which ubuntu user is a member] but none of those specify NOPASSWORD01:18
Sonic132escott: Would that be a 'Repair Install'?01:18
tome(that is, /etc/sudoers, typo)01:18
ntr0pyAnyone here got typo3 4.5 LTS working with php5-pgsql?01:18
escottSonic132, you can find images online01:18
ohptlabstome, that could be because the password for the user is a null string?01:18
escottSonic132, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Create-a-system-repair-disc01:19
Sonic132escott: I have a disc. Just wanted to clarify whether it was a Repair Install.01:19
tomeohptlabs: It looked like it was disabled with passwd -l, but I"ll double check again.01:19
escottSonic132, also http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/01:19
ohptlabstome, the only sudo ive ever been able to do with outa password is on livecds01:19
Sonic132escott: Ah...yeah it's a little late for that as the disc burner is on the system in question.01:19
tomeopenvoid: do you know how livecd achieves that no-password sudo?01:20
escottSonic132, burn it on another system01:20
Sonic132escott: My other system doesn't have a burner.01:20
escottSonic132, boot a linux liveusb and download/burn a windows disk then01:20
tomeohptlabs: the /etc/shadow for ubuntu has a second field as !<chars> so I believe that is not blank, but disabled.01:21
escottSonic132, or just ask someone local to make you one01:21
Sonic132escott: Thanks for your help so far. Is it possible to fix it from a Mint Live Disc? So that the bootloader (grub) will work again? Because from what I understand grub was on the partition I deleted.01:22
ohptlabstome,  i don't anymore, but i know i used to so it can't be too difficult, though i really thought it was something in the sudoers file01:22
escottSonic132, all you really need is to boot windows once and then you can fixmbr. inside windows. so reinstall linux so as to get grub back on the mbr, boot to windows and fixmbr there. then remove linux. alternately you can play around in the grub menu to try and get the chainloading commands correct01:24
isaac_____How do I use subtitles with ffplay?01:24
ohptlabstome, glancing through the man page of the sudoers file i noticed that NOPASSWD is an option01:25
Sonic132escott: I think that was the way I should have done it. But I just skipped straight to remove the partition that had linux (and grub).01:25
escottSonic132, try set root='(hd0,msdos#)' then chainloader +1 and boot that. for different values of #01:26
tomeohptlabs: but that is not used on the ec2 instance01:26
Sonic132escott: Type that into grub rescue?01:26
tomeopenvoid: I pasted the amazon ec2 sudoers lines above... it does give ALL(ALL) ALL to admin which ubuntu belongs to, but that still should ask for a password01:26
escottSonic132, you can try. not sure if it will work, but you can try. end of the day its path of least resistance/how long you want to try things01:27
ohptlabstome, yeah i'm not really sure as i dont have that to play with01:27
tomeohptlabs: thanks for your input. Something funky is going on, I will find it : )01:28
Sonic132escott: Tried it and am rebooting. Will let you know.01:29
tomeohptlabs: I'm an idiot : ) they have a local file in sudoers.d01:30
tomewhich of course uses NOPASSWD01:30
kollyare ubuntu spin-offs allowed for discussion here? eg Zorin0s01:30
tometab completion didn't work the same (on my machines it shows a list, on this machine it just stopped at the directory, so I thought it was empty)01:30
Sonic132escott: It's giving me an 'error: no such device...'01:31
Sonic132escott: Any command to give me a list of devices. Then I can redo your command with the devices corrected.01:31
GH0Hello, I seem to be having some issues with my newly installed server. When I go to connect to it/ping by hostname, it fails to give a response. Pinging/connecting to the ip address works fine. Bind9 is installed on the machine itself, and ufw is currently disabled. How can I get the machine to respond to pings by it's hostname? The /etc/hostnames file is currently listed with a
GH0localhost server01:31
GH0Fudged that file name a bit. /etc/hosts :)01:32
escottSonic132, i think ls lists devices and partitions01:32
GH0I have been googling for an answer, but of all the pages that I pulled up, everyone's answer was to add a entry to the local machines hosts file to point to the device, or use Static DHCP on a router. Which neither of those are feasible.01:33
GH0I am also not part of a domain so I can't setup BIND as the master DNS Server either.01:33
escottkolly, as a general rul the ones with ubuntu in the name yes, the ones without no01:33
Sonic132escott: Yeah 'ls' worked. hd0 is valid but there is also 'hd0,msdos1'.01:33
Sonic132escott: There are several with msdos attached to them actually.01:34
escottSonic132, that just means its an msdos partition type (as opposed to gpt) not that it *is* msdos01:34
Sonic132escott: I think I'm going to go find a Windows disc. This is going to probably get totally trashed if I keep screwing around with it.01:35
RageGermaybe anyone would help me, i do a ls on a /home/sites/ which contains some folders named after the domain. now i want to ping every single hit only once to see which ipadress the bound to, how i can do this?01:35
escottSonic132, you cant hurt anything by trying to chainload partitions01:35
Sonic132escott: Oh I think I see.01:35
chenjoin #ubuntu-cn01:35
escottSonic132, the only thing you can hurt this way are your fingers trying to do the typing01:35
Sonic132chen: You forgot the / before join01:36
ntr0pyWhich postgres php module would i need for typo3 "Typo3 Installation Error: The following PHP module(s) is/are missing: one of: (mysql,mssql,oci8,postgres,odbc_mssql)"?01:37
ntr0pyphp5-pgsql wont work01:37
Sonic132escott: Ok once I enter the command you suggested with varying #. Do I reboot? Because it's sitting there with a '>' and a flashing cursor.01:38
holmserI have been following this tutorial for setting up NFS shares http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html01:41
holmsertutorial has been completed, I can mount the shares on the server01:41
escottSonic132, you have to type something to make it boot that set of commands01:41
escottSonic132, i generally dont bother to mess around in the grub interactive menu01:42
escottSonic132, maybe the command is "b" not sure01:42
holmserUnfortunately now I am only able to view the 2 subfolders in the mounted directory, and none of the files01:42
holmserany idea what could cause this?01:42
Sonic132escott: Well it's not an interactive menu. It tells me nothing until I enter something. Then 99% of the time it tells me it's not a valid command.01:42
Sonic132escott: Kind of like DOS01:43
celthunderholmser: permission issue?01:43
holmsercelthunder: I'm not sure what my permissions need to be for nfs share to work properly01:43
holmserI'll try 77701:43
RageGerdo there exists any shellscript channel?01:43
holmserpermissions are already 77701:44
celthunderholmser: 777 is usually not recommended01:44
celthunderRageGer: yes probably there are plenty of scripts/channels for shells01:44
holmsernot too worried about it at the moment, these machines get wiped once a month or so01:44
Sonic132Anyone know grub rescue commands to allow me to boot to Windows after deleting /grub and the entire linux partition?01:45
escottSonic132, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:45
Sonic132escott: Was reading that and getting information overload. Didn't seem to have much to help with grub rescue commands.01:46
yakster_hello all… general ubuntu question…. what would cause audio to sometimes work and other times not?01:47
Sonic132escott: Also, it says the grub folder must exist and contain the proper files. Which is does not.01:47
escottSonic132, i think the whole rescue boot prompt is rather useless. just "be prepared" and keep a linux live usb on hand01:48
Sonic132escott: Ok thanks.01:48
sacarlsonanyone have a link to booting an iso from grub2 with a menu entry for ubuntu 11.10 32bit,  I just tried this http://www.panticz.de/MultiBootUSB and it tells me it can't find the file01:51
sacarlsonit must be this it doesn't like: linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/iso/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso noeject noprompt01:52
rbrooksgrub2 boots isos01:52
xanguasacarlson: have you tried multisysem¿ i use it on my usb stick http://liveusb.info/dotclear/01:53
xanguaeasier to set up, got al ubuntu flavors and other distros easily01:53
rbrooksubuntu isos it needs the grubconf which is in /boot01:53
rbrooksor that01:54
hello2u08i need some help with a problem01:54
[Relic]any disk cleaning util that shows progress?  I want to switch file systems but I want to purge and clean the whole drive before I do that01:54
hello2u08my problem is that i got the PPPOOOOFF effect while enabling cube view in ccsm, but now it won't let me reinstall unity01:55
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BryanRuizi broke my sudo with no password by using the command "sudo usermod -G whatever bryan" now im not sure how to fix?  any ideas?  I already tried adding myself to EVERY group02:01
tomeBryanRuiz: what is the result you want to achieve?02:02
BryanRuiztome: to use sudo with no password02:02
escottBryanRuiz, boot a livecd or boot the rescue system and then usermod -a -G admin bryan02:02
escottBryanRuiz, if you got the livecd route you have to chroot in02:03
BryanRuizescott: "groups" shows im already in admin02:03
escottBryanRuiz, and sudo doesn't work for you?02:04
BryanRuizsudo works02:04
BryanRuizescott: sudo with no password is broken now02:04
BryanRuizescott: even though i have an entry in my sudoers02:04
BryanRuizim not sure how i broke it02:04
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escottBryanRuiz, then you must have removed yourself from whatever "no password" sudo group you had set up02:05
BryanRuizescott: i thought .. hm02:05
escottBryanRuiz, thats not a default config option, so its something you must have added02:05
BryanRuizescott: i thought i set up by user02:05
hello2u08i fixed my problem myself, thanks for the help02:06
jjgalvez__does anyone know if gnome-shell has its own openGL settings like compiz does? (I know I should probably ask specifically about mutter)02:06
BryanRuizescott: my sudoers http://pastebin.com/rt82ZsS302:06
BryanRuizthink i fixed it escott02:08
GhilHey there!02:08
BryanRuizcrap. nope02:08
escottjjgalvez__, what do you want to see in those settings?02:09
BryanRuizgot it02:10
Ghilcould someone please help me for a second? I'm trying to install Ubuntu (latest beta) using the liveCD..and the LiveCD, while booted, display a blank screen. is there anyway to work around that?02:10
[fields]I don't seem to have sound.  But my motherboard has headphone inputs at both back and front of the box.  I see nothing when I type this at terminal: lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"02:10
xangua!pangolin | Ghil02:10
ubottuGhil: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:10
escott!precise | Ghil, but its probably !nomodeset02:11
ubottuGhil, but its probably !nomodeset: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+102:11
jjgalvez__escott: just wondering about sync settings. I know that Compiz has separate config options for this, just wondering if there is something similar in gnome-shell02:11
GhilI'm sorry, I've been away from linux for a while now.02:11
escott!nomodeset | Ghil02:11
ubottuGhil: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:11
GhilThank you so much.02:12
Ghilnow on to read, install, and come back here :P02:12
Sonic132Ok I'm back. The Windows Disc idea failed. So I am runnning from a Mint Live Disc. How do I go about installing Grub from here?02:12
escottSonic132, just install a minimal mint, thats the easiest thing to do, otherwise you have to mess around with lots of things to create the partitions and set them up02:13
triscuithttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair sonic02:14
Sonic132escott: What's the bare minimum then? Mind you, it's KDE Mint. Lost my Gnome disc.02:14
GH0Hello, I seem to be having some issues with my newly installed server. When I go to connect to it/ping by hostname, it fails to give a response. Pinging/connecting to the ip address works fine. Bind9 is installed on the machine itself, and ufw is currently disabled. How can I get the machine to respond to pings by it's hostname? The /etc/hostnames file is currently listed with a
GH0localhost server02:14
GH0I have been googling for an answer, but of all the pages that I pulled up, everyone's answer was to add a entry to the local machines hosts file to point to the device, or use Static DHCP on a router. Which neither of those are feasible.02:14
GH0I am also not part of a domain so I can't setup BIND as the master DNS Server either.02:14
Sonic132Also, love the window switcher. It's beautiful.02:15
arcaicoAnyone had problems with ubuntu 64bits?02:17
escottarcaico, no02:17
Freaaky3on3 on low02:18
jjgalvez__arcaico: nope, I've been running it for years02:18
ShapeHello! Can I install Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 11.10? Are there any bugs or is it a straightforward process?02:20
escottShape, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell02:20
Shapeescott: and that's it?02:20
xanguaShape ubuntu oneiric already uses gnome3, 3.2 exactly02:20
xangua!nounity | Shape if you mean gnome-shell02:20
ubottuShape if you mean gnome-shell: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:20
ShapeYes, I meant Gnome shell. Thanks a lot guys!02:22
Shapeis it necessary to install he gnome-tweak-tool? or will it run by itself after I install it?02:22
gdm__I tryed to change gdms login background and now I autologin as the user gdm02:23
civixierhi guys. I just bought myself a ux21e and installed lubuntu in it. I have noticed that it has some heat issues, even after I have done everything I can to reduce the temp. So far the idle temp is somewhere inbetween 55-60C. I want to underclock my cpu, but it already is at the limit. Theoretically, what could happen if I lower the frequency from 800mhz to 700mhz even though the limit is 800mhz?02:24
civixierwill cpufreq even allow it?02:24
escottcivixier, you would usually undervolt in that situation as well, but that would require some kind of bios support02:25
bobo37773civixier: I think cpufreq is capable of this.02:25
[fields]I have onboard sound, but ubuntu doesn't seem to see a sound device, can anybody help?02:26
bobo37773civixier: It may be problematic though. I say just stick with "ondemand"02:26
escottcivixier, you might want to look at powertop02:26
[fields]I am curently upgrading to 11.10, hoping it may resolve my audio problem.02:26
civixierescott: I looked around in the bios for this, but I couldnt find anything about it =/ I stumbeled upon powertop when I googled for solutions and it looks interesting :)02:27
civixierbobo37773: problematic like I can permanently damage my computer or problematic as it will go away after a reboot?02:28
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:30
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.02:32
Shape!uninstall programs02:32
Sonic132escott: Installing Mint now. I feel like the problem is finally almost solved.02:33
jo-erlendI could really use some help with a serious issue. Windows really broke my md RAID. I added a question on AU: http://askubuntu.com/questions/122155/windows-broke-my-md-raid-unknown-raid-level-100000002:34
ShapeHow Do you completely install ufw? sudo apt-get uninstall ufw?02:34
Shapesudo apt-get remove ufw ?02:35
bynwShape: i think ufw is installed by default, so yes you can remove it via apt-get or symantic or other package managers02:36
bobo37773civixier: Well. It wouldn't go away after a reboot unless you changed the config file back. I doubt it would do permanent damage to your machine though. That temp may not be abnormal. Not all computers are the same. My last computer (hp (I have come to despise hp)) ran from 65-80c all the time. Which governor are you using?02:36
Shapebynw: indeed it is. I just want to install iptables.02:36
wahbenhey guys, I was experiencing HD problems, so I installed a new HD. Now I am trying to move my Windows to the new HD, from Linux. I created a new partition with fdisk and dd /dev/sdc1 /deb/sdb1 , all that worked. I also tried to copy the MBR with dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb bs=446 count=102:36
wahbenbut os-prober fails to find the new installed windows.. why?02:37
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P02:37
bobo37773deadsoul: hello02:37
wahbenoh crap I think I found out why... Windows 7 has a boot partition.. which I failed to copy02:38
wahbenwell.. tahnks for your help yall!02:38
Shapewahben: Good to know!02:38
Shapewahben: If I ever encounter the same thing I will have you to thank!102:39
wahbenShape cheers!02:39
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austin182I am building a new rig, how much should I spend on a graphics card? any suggestions?02:41
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bobo37773How to clone tty output to external monitor? Is there an xrandr alternative for console output?02:42
Shapeaustin182: Depends what you use it for. Any gaming or graphics design that you do?02:43
austin182I want to use Adobe Illustrator Cs5 and Flash02:44
Shapeaustin182: Sorry, I have no experience with those programs and I don't know how much they require.02:46
bobo37773austin182: A lot :p Eh my requirements when I was shopping was --  1) nvidia   2) ddr5   3) at least 1gb            I have been pretty happy so far.02:46
austin182Oh its okay, but yes I want to do graphic design...so how much should I spend?02:47
austin182Okay sounds good! Its hard to build a PC on budget02:49
ghilAnd back. Thank you again for the help, it worked wonderfully :)02:50
MrUnagiOh that sinking feeling when you restart a remote computer......and it doesn't come back online02:53
ghiloh -_-02:54
jolahow much watts do I need for a i5 2500k with 16gb ram and no gfx card (for now)?02:54
MrUnagiIs there a way to have openssh kick on sooner so if a restart hangs I cam figure out why?02:54
austin182I love Linux it brought my $20 PC back to life!02:55
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.02:56
keithclarkCan anyone else in Canada access www.skype.com at the moment?02:56
jo-erlendkeithclark, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com02:57
ghilI'm accessing it, and I'm in Quebec.02:57
test_i can in ontario02:57
MrUnagiI can in Ohio02:58
songxkwhich verison is easy to use02:58
keithclarkhmmm...I have no access at all from any of my computers.  I cannot access www.skype.com from any browser.02:58
songxkkeithclark  are you in chinese?>02:58
MrUnagikeithclark: Try the ip02:59
keithclarkMrUnagi, and the ip is?02:59
keithclarkI can ping it fine02:59
songxkwe can  not browser too many sites in china02:59
songxkit is  so harmonious03:00
MrUnagiDoes ping not return the ip?03:01
Shapekeithclark: I can and I'm in Vancouver03:01
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:02
keithclarkMrUnagi, Ok, I've tried the ip at and still no access.  Just times out03:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:04
keithclarkMrUnagi, It sure is.  Every other site I try works fine03:04
MrUnagikeithclark: Ipconfig /flushdns03:04
ShapeDo I need motherboard drivers and other drivers like in Windows?03:04
ShapeOr just the graphics driver?03:04
keithclarkMrUnagi, ipconfig?03:04
MrUnagiYea ipconfig /flushdns03:05
MrUnagiThen try03:05
xangua!msgbot | Shape03:05
xanguayou start to flooding the channel :/03:05
ubottuShape: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".03:05
keithclarkMrUnagi, ipconfig:  No command found03:05
Shapexangua: thanks!03:05
bobo37773MrUnagi: ipconfig? hahahaha03:06
matt_I'm having trouble accessing samba shares, it always fails to get the file list, but it works fine on other machines, any ideas what's wrong?03:06
MrUnagiOh I hate myself03:07
delacI installed broadcom STA drivers through jockey, and first the wlan worked correctly but after restart it was disabled. Doing rmmod ssb and modprobe wl, the wlan starts to work again. So the problem is that the right kernel modules do not "stick". Any help?03:07
keithclarkMrUnagi, bobo37773, and the command is?03:08
MrUnagikeithclark: Apparently ubuntu doesnt cache dns so forget that03:08
MrUnagibobo37773: Thatll be 27 lashings for me03:08
bobo37773keithclark: I can access that ip here. Must be a dns issue or something.03:09
MrUnagiI further realized why I despise windows when I tried to set up smb over Ssg for my dad03:09
MrUnagiYou have to modify the driver, add ip addresses, this, that blah, what?!03:09
keithclarkbobo37773, odd it just is happening with that site just to me.03:09
MrUnagikeithclark: Restart?03:09
matt_I want something similar to Samba shares on my Ubuntu box, but better for linux, what are my alternatives?03:09
keithclarkMrUnagi, no,all my machines are the same03:10
bobo37773keithclark: Hmm. Try a different dns server. Like google or something03:10
MrUnagikeithclark: Restart router03:10
bobo37773this ^^03:10
MrUnagimatt_: What features03:10
MrUnagiDo you want03:10
keithclarkbut for just that site????  It makes no sense to me03:10
MrUnagiNfs good locally for speed03:10
bobo37773keithclark: can you ping the ip?03:11
austin182Is their a alternate program to Adobe Flash?03:11
keithclarkbobo37773, yes03:11
MrUnagiSftp is good remotely03:11
matt_MrUnagi: basically, I just want to be able to watch movies or listen to music from my main computer on any other computer (assume non are running windows)03:11
bobo37773keithclark: packets all going through?03:11
keithclarkbobo37773, yes03:11
bobo37773keithclark: hmm. That is a strange one. Do you use networkmanager?03:12
MrUnagiMatt nfs03:12
keithclarkbobo37773, I have no idea03:12
MrUnagimatt_: Nfs but im also partial to afp03:13
austin182Is there a alternate program to Adobe Flash??03:14
MrUnagiaustin182: Silver light?03:14
bobo37773keithclark: It almost definitely a dns issue. Unplug your modem (remove the battery if relevant) and unplug your router and then plug them back in. Or you can try using a different dns server like google or something to test pretty sure it is
chen /join #ubuntu-cn03:15
austin182Well like a open source?03:15
keithclarkbobo37773, I will try.  Odd though that just that particular address03:15
matt_MrUnagi: thanks, looking into NFS03:15
matt_MrUnagi: any idea if that's accessible with Android devices?03:15
MrUnagiBut if you want portability I'd stick with smb03:16
MrUnagiOr you can do multiple03:16
bobo37773keithclark: not really that odd if you think about it. The sites you visit regularly may have the dns information cached in your router or something.03:16
MrUnagimatt_: Will the android be connecting inside or outside the netowrk03:17
matt_MrUnagi: inside03:18
Urge4VertAnyone here have any experience with LIO and targetcli?03:19
ZenGuy311what are some cool projects i can try or run on a vps?03:20
fellayaboyhow do u update a .conf file..or in other words apply what u just wrote in a .conf gile...i believe its source whateverfile.conf03:21
zerobytefellayaboy restart the daemon03:21
bobo37773keithclark: Have you eliminated the browser as an issue? Are you running a lot of plugins or anything? Not sure if Ubuntu uses nscd but if it does this should flush your dns --->   /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart   (as sudo / root)03:22
fellayaboywhere are daemons usually stored..im very ignorant03:23
ghilThere. Everything's set up (almost, Xinerama hates me -_- ) and woah, Ubuntu has changed a lot since 7. o.O03:23
bobo37773fellayaboy: It depends on the application.03:23
bobo37773ghil: Nice.03:23
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ghil40 minutes for everything to be set up? that's insanely nice.03:24
keithclarkbobo37773, ok, modem and router restarted.  Still no luck03:24
bobo37773keithclark: You restarted computer too right?03:25
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ghilI was about to ask where where the window options...then I noticed it got appleified. :P03:26
keithclarkbobo37773, yup03:26
bobo37773keithclark: Dumb question --> Are you running a firewall or an ipblocker?03:26
sp3ckfellayaboy: sudo /etc/init.d/pptpd restart 03:26
keithclarkbobo37773, nope, every other site works03:26
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bobo37773keithclark: Hmm. No firewall means it must be your dns. There is no other conclusion to come too. You should have an icon for your network connections. Right click on it and go to "Edit Connections..."03:28
sirriffsalotI have great talent in screwing my computer up... Long story short I need to save some files from my encrypted home folder via a live CD, anyone got ideas on how to do this?03:28
sirriffsalotTried a few things from googling the matter but nothing has worked so far03:29
keithclarkgoogle dns is again?03:29
rbrookswhat live cd?03:29
sirriffsalotUbuntu live cd:p03:30
bobo37773keithclark: Did you catch that ^^03:30
sirriffsalotCould someone that knows what to do please help, it's vital:)03:30
luserssirriffsalot: Start off by installing lvm2 and cryptsetup...03:31
sirriffsalotlusers: on a live cd?03:31
luserssirriffsalot: If you're talking about full system encryption, then yes, that's lvm2 and cryptsetup on livecd (since they don't come with live cd) -- but if you're talking about home encryption only… That might be different thing.03:32
sirriffsalotlusers: I want to save/copy some files from my encrypted home folder to a usb drive before I reinstall ubuntu:)03:32
luserssirriffsalot: How did you install encryption on home folder? Just a checkbox (on Ubuntu)?03:33
sirriffsalotlusers: I did it through ubuntu installation cd03:33
sirriffsalotlusers: I can't access ubuntu because I unabled a nvidia graphics driver card without enabling another so...03:33
sirriffsalotlusers: been trying to be able to login again but it just goes to power save so I figured I might as well reinstall03:34
luserssirriffsalot: Just home only? Not the whole system?03:34
luserssirriffsalot: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/ -- This?03:34
sirriffsalotlusers: Just home folder:)03:34
keithclark_bobo37773, still no luck even changing dns server to google03:34
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Did you try this program already --> ecryptfs-recover-private03:35
sirriffsalotlusers: yes, that03:35
sirriffsalotlusers: want me to try doing that?03:35
sirriffsalotbobo37773: No afraid not03:35
sirriffsalotbobo37773: should I?:)03:35
luserssirriffsalot: Sure. I'm going away now. Word of disclaimer. I never used that stuff.03:35
sirriffsalotlusers: ok..:) Cheers03:35
sirriffsalotbobo37773: do explain?03:36
bobo37773sirriffsalot: That is what Ubuntu recommends. It sounds like you need something user friendly. Here you go: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/en/man1/ecryptfs-recover-private.1.html03:36
bobo37773keithclark_: Next thing I would try would be to access the ip from behind a proxy. I really don't see why all this is necessary though. What country are you in?03:37
sirriffsalotbobo37773: looks promising! Where do I download this from?03:37
ghilOkay..I think I'm going to need one last bit of help, if you all don't mind. While the nvidia settings recognize the second monitor, it's basically blank; ubuntu doesn't use it. How to make it extend the desktop to that monitor? (Weirdly, when I tried Xinerama, it gave me two wallpapers...but the whole Unity was gone.)03:37
sp3cksirriffsalot: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html (tutorial for ecryptfs)03:37
keithclark_bobo37773, Canada03:37
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Type the command in your terminal or sudo apt-get install programname03:38
sp3cksirriffsalot: never tested it but it seems promising03:38
sirriffsalotsp3ck: will try both, starting with bobo's aproach;D03:38
sirriffsalotbobo37773: hang on03:38
bobo37773keithclark_: I am in the states and it is working here. Use a public us proxy and see of that works.03:38
keithclark_bobo37773, this is turning into the biggest mystery03:38
mage-_yhow do i work this03:39
mage-_ywhere do i go to learn irc03:39
keithclark_bobo37773, all others in Canada seem to work03:39
bobo37773keithclark_: It has been a while since I heard something this strange too.03:39
sirriffsalotbobo37773: E: Unable to locate package ecryptfs-recover-private03:39
bobo37773keithclark_: It worked?! What did? A proxy?03:39
keithclark_bobo37773, nothing worked03:40
bobo37773sirriffsalot: The link I sent you. The first line --> "Provided by:"03:40
bobo37773keithclark_: Oh. Did you try a US proxy?03:41
keithclark_bobo37773, not sure how03:41
bobo37773keithclark_: Do you have any other machines on your network? Can they access this ip?03:41
sirriffsalotbobo37773: sorry for my clumsiness... could you please explain what to do? I'm slightly confused:/03:41
`KorvinI'm trying to setup wireshark to sniff the connections going in and out of this android app, I have it emulated. How can I set up an interface that lets this happen?03:42
keithclark_bobo37773, all computers have the same problem.  All running Ubuntu03:42
cloyd800I'm having problems creating a desktop executable for Eclipse.  I have it pointed to /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop -- I've edited the permissions of the file, but when I try to run it, it says Permission Denied. What do?03:42
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Do you still have the link I sent you? It says on the top line --> Provided by: ecryptfs-utils03:42
sirriffsalotbobo37773: ah yes! I get it now, hang on03:42
`Korvinclone1018, gksudo03:43
`Korvinif using ubuntu, if kubuntu kdesudo03:43
bobo37773keithclark_: Send me the address again. I want to take a look at it. Also, send it as a domain (not the ip).03:43
cloyd800I'm having problems creating a desktop executable for Eclipse.  I have it pointed to /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop -- I've edited the permissions of the file, but when I try to run it, it says Permission Denied. What do?03:44
keithclark_bobo37773, http://www.skype.com03:45
sirriffsalotINFO: Enter your LOGIN passphrase... Passphrase:  Error: Unwrapping passphrase and inserting into the user session keyring failed [-5] Info: Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs    =(03:46
ansiCan someone help me with Aptana please...i am really desperate as this thing dosent work.. no preview.. even after adding apache and setting in Aptana.. please.. i am new to ubuntu and linux03:47
sirriffsalotsp3ck: that was the output of your solution by the way03:47
ansiexptremely frustrated at the moment pls some one help me03:47
bobo37773keithclark_: What? Oh man. Yeah that is quite an interesting issue03:47
ansiCan someone help me with Aptana please...i am really desperate as this thing dosent work.. no preview.. even after adding apache and setting in Aptana.. please.. i am new to ubuntu and linux03:47
ansiCan someone help me with Aptana please...i am really desperate as this thing dosent work.. no preview.. even after adding apache and setting in Aptana.. please.. i am new to ubuntu and linux03:47
ansiCan someone help me with Aptana please...i am really desperate as this thing dosent work.. no preview.. even after adding apache and setting in Aptana.. please.. i am new to ubuntu and linux03:47
FloodBot1ansi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
boumaolder grub rescue guides suggest starting with grub> find .../stage103:48
bobo37773keithclark_: That domain redirects. Try this --> http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/home03:48
boumabut it seems that doesnt apply with grub203:48
boumahow to trigger ubuntu to 'rebuild' the grub menu im running 11.1003:49
[fields]I have a dell inspiron 531 tower, now with 11.10.  Ubuntu doesn't seem to see an audio device, there is clearly onboard audio on both the front and back of tower.  Does anyone have advice on an easy way to get simple sound?03:49
scar3crowbouma: sudo update-grub03:49
boumai know eg, when you install certain packages it automatically reconfigures the boot menu, and detects other os's03:49
ghilWell, everything's fixed naow. Twinview finally activated perfectly :p Thanks again all for your help :)03:49
keithclark_bobo37773, timeout03:49
boumascar3crow: thanks so much03:49
bobo37773[fields]: Anything showing in alsamixer?03:49
boumacool it found the install of precise on sda1, which the installer wouldnt make bootable03:50
boumahopefully now i can boot into it03:50
bobo37773keithclark_: Something is blocking you. How about this -->
lusersbobo37773: Ah. Cool new automated process for ecryptfs.03:51
bobo37773lusers: Oh cool. You figured it out?03:51
[fields]bobo37773: I don't know a thing about alsamixer03:51
keithclark_bobo37773, nope, timeout03:51
bobo37773[fields]: It is a terminal application. Type it in a terminal03:52
[fields]sound settings > hardware ... shows no devices to choose from.  Output is dummy.03:52
[fields]bobo37773: I tried that and don't know the path to it03:53
[fields]bobo37773:   ahhh, wget03:53
bobo37773[fields]: Wait what?03:53
[fields]bobo37773: nah, that didn't help03:54
[fields]bobo37773:  how can I get alsamixer for terminal?03:54
sirriffsalotbobo37773:  this is strange, I followed this guide03:54
bobo37773keithclark_: I have no idea what to tell you now. Try a different web browser. Try a proxy. Make sure you do not have a firewall blocking you. Other than that I have no idea.03:55
sirriffsalotbobo37773: and yet the output of terminal is this: root@dreamstudio:/media/55269a73-877e-4abb-931c-dab900d7d3bf/home# adduser --no-create-home sirriffsalot2 adduser: The user `sirriffsalot2' already exists. root@dreamstudio:/media/55269a73-877e-4abb-931c-dab900d7d3bf/home# cd /media/55269a73-877e-4abb-931c-dab900d7d3bf/home/sirriffsalot2/ bash: cd: /media/55269a73-877e-4abb-931c-dab900d7d3bf/home/sirriffsalot2/: No such file or03:55
sirriffsalotbobo37773: says that "sirriffsalot2" already exists and yet I can't mount it:-S03:55
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Are you sure it's not already mounted? Open a terminal and type -->   sudo fdisk -l03:56
DkozHello I am new to Ubuntu, can someone help me with my problem trying to install it on my toshiba satellite?03:57
MrElendigDkoz: only if you tell us what is wrong03:57
bobo37773[fields]: Open a terminal and type --> alsamixer      is what I meant. But if your sound card is not being recognized at all it is a different issue probably. Is this install an upgrade or a clean install03:57
sirriffsalotbobo37773: does it have to be unmounted for me to mount?:S03:57
MrElendigDkoz: as verbatime as possible03:57
[fields]bobo37773: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory03:58
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Well yeah. But I meant just browse to the location /media and see if it is there03:58
sirriffsalotbobo37773: yep, sec03:58
[fields]bobo37773: I went to /usr/bin to try the same and got the same response03:58
sirriffsalotbobo37773: you mean the "media" file in my live cd or in my actual install?03:59
ghilhere's a question: what's your favorite IRC client on Linux?03:59
Dkozwell I intially installed by whipping out windows 7 and was successful. Once I did an update on the Ubuntu 10.04, it didn't boot saying need to load kernel. I tried looking for solutions, didn't find any. So I decided to reinstall and since then it won't go past the ubuntu installation logo03:59
bobo37773[fields]: Yeah. I don't know. I don't run the latest ubuntu so they have probably made some changes I am unaware of.04:00
bobo37773ghil: irssi04:00
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Oh thats right. Is there a partition icon on the desktop?04:01
[fields]bobo37773: I think I don't have the alsamixer program... I found their website but I was hoping for an easier download install like apt-get04:01
sacarlsonhow do you setup the mini.iso file to boot from a grub2 menu entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom ?  any examples or links?  it's seems it's not a casper type boot so?04:01
sirriffsalotbobo37773: uhm no04:02
bobo37773[fields]: Yeah   -->   sudo apt-get install alsa-utils     should be something like that04:02
sirriffsalotbobo37773: just the "Install" icon04:02
[fields]bobo37773: "alsa-utils is already the newest version."    Thanks for your help tho.04:03
sirriffsalotbobo37773: I'm on a "dream studio" install CD by the way, but it is still ubuntu, so please treat this as if it were ubuntu:)04:03
bobo37773sirriffsalot: The command you ran was --> sudo ecryptfs-recover-private        right?04:03
sirriffsalotbobo37773: yes04:03
sirriffsalotbobo37773: let me try again just in case04:03
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Yeah no big deal. I dont run ubuntu anyways. Just trying to help04:04
Viking667really quick question. I've got icons on my desktop, how do I tell nautilus not to start up with a desktop? (It's starting automatically)04:04
sirriffsalotbobo37773: I get this error when typing in the password: Error: Unwrapping passphrase and inserting into the user session keyring failed [-5] Info: Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs04:04
sp3ckViking667: you mean a .desktop file? dont understand what you're saying..04:05
sirriffsalotmi3: hey:P04:05
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Did you see this --> The  destination  mount of the decrypted data is a temporary directory, in the form of /tmp/ecryptfs.XXXXXXXX04:05
sirriffsalotbobo37773: not in the terminal output no...:(04:06
mi3I am getting an error "Build failed" when I am trying to customize my Ubuntu 11.04 iso from ubuntu customization kit, here is the log from the build.log in the tmp folder http://pastebin.com/b304BruU04:06
Viking667When I log into my session, I get a desktop with icons. I'm trying to find out how to stop those icons from appearing. i.e. I want a blank desktop04:06
bobo37773sirriffsalot: ls /tmp04:06
sirriffsalotbobo37773: dreamstudio@dreamstudio:~$ ls /tmp/ keyring-QJI6mk     pulse-FhJiuD7aXpOb  unity_support_test.0 orbit-dreamstudio  pulse-PKdhtXMmr18n  virtual-dreamstudio.NUx26Q plugtmp            ssh-PJhBBNQf358104:06
ide_taskUsing ubuntu 11.10, when I lock the screen and want to re-enter, there is now a "visual keyboard" at the bottom of the window. I don't know how it appeared and I want it to disappear, what should I do?04:07
mi3any suggestions?04:07
scar3crowViking667: install gnome-tweak-tool04:07
sp3ckViking667: which version of ubuntu do you run?04:07
Viking667I'll look at that (again)... thanks04:07
Viking667 uh, 11.1004:07
ghilwell that's better.04:07
bobo37773sirriffsalot: Nope. I don't see it. I wish I could help you more but I got to go now. I will try to come back later if you are still here okay04:08
lusersbobo37773 -- Not me. I don't have a problem with ecryptfs and does not use Ubuntu. I thought that command was to recover a password, but not the system itself (from livecd). :)04:08
sirriffsalotbobo37773: cheers..:)04:08
bobo37773lusers: Oh I see. Please assist sirriffsalot if you can.04:08
sirriffsalotlusers: ???:D04:08
sirriffsalotlusers: is there hope?04:09
sp3ckViking667: scar3crow is right the easiest is gnome tweak tool otherwise " gconf-editor to switch /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" set it to true or flase (i think)04:09
ide_taskAnyone has an idea?04:10
sirriffsalotlusers: any ideas mate?:)04:10
Viking667sp3ck: sheesh. NOW you come up wit that key. That's the one I was looking for... thank you.04:11
Viking667hm. Seems there's no schema for that key.04:12
ide_taskOK, well, found: "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver embedded-keyboard-enabled false"04:12
ide_taskI wonder how come I have managed to set it to true in the first place :/04:13
Viking667ugh. thanks.04:13
m477fn + f4 decreases  brightnes in my laptop, is it possible to write for instant bash script which do that?04:13
scar3crowhow am I to resize my wubi swap file; anyone?04:15
sp3ckscar3crow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How_do_I_increase_my_swap_space.3F04:16
scar3crowsp3ck: tyvm04:18
sp3ckscar3crow: nothing mate04:18
scar3crow(thanks to idsoftware I am increasing my wubi install to 60GB) :P04:20
ide_taskAt the command line, how can you get the list of packages installed for which part of the package name contains a string? Ie, like yum search xxxx or rpm -qa|fgrep xxxx04:22
ide_taskOr eix -I under gentoo04:23
mondaydpkg-query -l04:25
sp3ckide_task: dpkg -l04:25
mondayide_task: dpkg-query -l04:25
sp3ckide_task:  else? huhuhuhuhuh04:26
mondayide_task: that will list all of them.04:26
ide_taskYep, just saw that04:26
ide_taskIn fact, both commands output the same result04:26
ide_tasksp3ck: no idea, I don't use slackware nor arch :p04:26
mondayide_task use the |grep -i search-term04:27
mondaythat will narrow down what you are looking for.04:27
ide_taskNo need, it seems, dpkg{-query} -l xxxx does the job04:27
sp3ckdpkg -l | grep a_search_term04:27
ide_task(though it outputs a lot of info which I don't need, looking up how to narrow it04:28
mondayide_task: or use dpkg-query -s packagename04:28
mondayI like the grep myself.04:29
ide_taskAh, crap, dpkg* require the _exact_ package name04:29
ide_taskOK, grep it is04:29
mondaytry dpkg-query -W search_term04:31
mondayor -S search_pattern04:31
mondaybetter making dpkg-query -S search_term, example dpkg-query -S term04:32
ide_taskmonday: tried -S, though it will also search through files (a combination of yum search and rpm -qf=04:32
mondaythat will show you a few terms.04:32
scar3crowdumb question: ideal swap size with 8GB RAM?04:33
Dr_willisdepends on your needs.04:33
songxktoo many04:33
Dr_willisyou would need 8 gb+ some more for hibernate/suspend to work properly04:34
Dr_willisor less if you dont.04:34
mondayide_task: dpkg-query -W *term*04:34
mondayalthough grep is pretty easy.04:34
scar3crowty Dr_willis04:34
Dr_willisand with that much ram. you most likely want to run 64bit os also..04:35
mondayscar3crow: with that much ram you can probably get buy with 1028M04:35
scar3crowalready do ;)04:35
ide_taskmonday: excellent! That is what I was looking for, thanks!04:35
mondayide_task: glad to help.04:36
daneshello, is there a program similar to tortoise svn for ubuntu?04:36
MrEntropyis there a "backports" type site for ubuntu? Specifically, for ARM04:37
sp3ckdanes:  tortoise plays very well for ubutnu as far as i know04:37
danessp3ck, what do you mean? Install it with wine?04:37
sp3ckdanes: you can install it via soft center04:38
m477fn + f4 decreases  brightnes in my laptop, is it possible to write for instant bash script which do that?04:41
cloyd800are there any programs out there that allow you to make a System Restore point for Ubuntu?04:45
xanguacloyd800: ubuntu oneiric comes with one already, can't remember it's name04:46
cloyd800deja-dup just tends to backup and restore files, but I want a full image restore04:46
cloyd800+1 mhy_, exactly what I was looking for, thanks.04:48
sp3ckdanes: (and it runs from terminal with "thg")04:48
danessp3ck, how can I add it to the menu that pops up when I do a right click?04:49
cuzzoHow would I go about finding out which version of WebKit is installed on an Ubuntu computer?04:51
sp3ckdanes: ubuntu version?04:52
danessp3ck, 11.1004:52
PrabzI'm using Ubuntu 11.10. My system randomly logsout and restarts. A dmesg output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/930519/ . Unity 2d gives a segfault. Any help?04:54
danesI want to see a DVD movie but I got this msg: Could not read DVD. This may be because the DVD is encrypted and a DVD decryption library is not installed.04:55
daneshow can I make it work?04:55
sp3ckdanes: theres a bug with the nautilus extension so think about http://rabbitvcs.org/ seems good and has a nautilus ext04:56
sp3ckdanes:  see how to install from repo http://matthiaskraaz.blogspot.com/2012/02/tortoisesvn-for-linuxdebianubuntugnomen.html04:57
danessp3ck, thanks04:57
danesby any chance do you know how can I play DVDs?04:58
sp3ckdanes: np04:58
sp3ckdanes: np04:58
Prabzsp3ck, any help regarding my problem?04:59
sp3ckPrabz: could you rewrite ? i had a dc right before... sry05:00
DrManhattanwhat command can I use to see what v4l devices are attacked to my system05:00
scar3crowdanes:  install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:00
scar3crowand addons05:00
Prabz I'm using Ubuntu 11.10. My system randomly logsout and restarts. A dmesg output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/930519/ . Unity 2d gives a segfault. Any help?05:01
ide_taskPrabz: you should collect information about that segfault and open a bug05:02
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Prabzide_task, what more information do I need about this? and how to proceed about collecting it05:02
ide_taskPrabz: ideally a core dump -- I don't know whether one is generated by default, you should ask about it in your bug report05:03
raevenAnybody on?05:04
Prabzide_task, ok. I'll do that. thanks!!05:04
sp3ckPrabz: yes, this is much better!05:04
raevenHaving an annoying problem, here - Trying to use palimpsest to log onto my server, and root login spits back an error saying stdin: is not a tty. Anybody know how to fix this?05:05
bobo37773lusers: Did they figure it out? The encrypted partition thing05:05
stiltzkinHi, I have a quick question about partitioning. I can never seem to get this right...I want to use the alternate installer to create an encrypted / and swap using LVM. I'm just confused on the order in which this needs to be set up. All of the guides I've read online are equally unclear.05:09
stiltzkinI've done it before, so I know it can be done, but the menus for crypto and LVM have changed a bit since the last time I've done this. Anyone good with setting up dm-crypt/LUKS?05:10
sp3ckbobo37773: i think he left05:10
raevenMaybe someone who recently logged on can help me with this: looking to fix a login error when using palimpsest to manage a remote server05:11
stiltzkinBasically I just need to know which order to do this in. Do I set up the / partition for use as "physical volume for encryption" or "physical volume for LVM?"05:11
josh_xubuntu 11.10 can never reboot for me when i press restart05:12
stiltzkinOr, do I not set it as either, and set it as the filesystem type I want to use and then add it to the crypt, or add it to the LVM? There's a lot of variables here and this is like my fifth time erasing changes and trying again.05:13
pilotbubi ran ubuntu on an x86 core and it inspired me to hackintosh... I guess I'm too used to rock solid operating systems but hats off to you guys for enduring it on behalf of the rest of us in the interest of futuretech05:14
urbancommandostiltzkin, I guess it depends how you want to setup your environment05:15
urbancommandolvm if you want to raid it05:15
urbancommandoI alway encrypted my hds05:16
stiltzkinurbancommando, OK well that's easy to explain. No RAID. Just want to use XFS for 300GB /, 8GB swap, and then obviously a 250MB ext3 /boot that doesn't get encrypted.05:16
stiltzkinI think I understand everything about this except the order it's done in, like whether LVM or crypto gets set up first, and what to mark the partitions as "used for"05:17
bobo37773sp3ck: Oh okay. Thanks.05:17
urbancommandoare you installing ubuntu server?05:18
urbancommandoor ubuntu 11...05:18
stiltzkinNo, Lubuntu 11.10 (LXDE variant, but the process should be exactly the same)05:18
m477fn + f4 decreases  brightnes in my laptop, is it possible to write for instant bash script which do that?05:18
MHA_hello all05:19
urbancommandostiltzkin, I guess I have to ask you what do you want do with your hd1 and hd2?05:20
stiltzkinurbancommando, not sure what you mean by hd1 and hd2...this is a single-disk machine.05:21
urbancommandothe way I have mine setup is, I have my hd2 as my /home05:21
urbancommandoahh ok05:21
stiltzkinI'm running through this guide again to make sure I didn't just screw something minor up last time: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/05/10/how-to-install-ubuntu-11-04-on-an-encrypted-lvm-file-system/05:21
urbancommandostiltzkin lvm first crypto last05:24
urbancommandocrypto always last05:24
stiltzkinurbancommando, yeah I may have picked "physical volume for encryption" and then tried to set up LVM last time, double checking05:25
urbancommandoim assuming you have a 500 gb hd05:26
urbancommandopilotbub lol can you pass me your hash05:27
savrto install grub-efi; I do the following; apt-get install grub-efi; update-grub ?05:30
stiltzkinurbancommando, I think I've got it actually...I must have messed up with selecting crypto first, or selecting a filesystem instead of using the partition for LVM. Lol thanks for the help anyway!05:31
Prinlerhey everyone05:32
lREDlhey im getting the same error as this http://askubuntu.com/questions/98928/error-processing-xl2tpd05:33
savrscar3crow, for efi booting. My laptop has windows 8 and ubuntu and is set to boot on efi05:33
lREDlits unanswered and I was wondering if any of you can help?05:33
Prabzthis is a strange thing I observed. while "top | grep <progname>" gives the line of that program, same thing doesn't work for "top | grep unity" , although several unity-2d processes are being listed in top05:33
Prabzanything I'm doing wrong here?05:34
urbancommandostiltzkin, once you hit the option with the crypto, its going to complete the install05:34
lREDlIm getting this when ever I try to sudo apt-get any thing sha256sum mismatch jdk-7u3-linux-x64.tar.gz05:34
lREDlOracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.05:34
lREDldpkg: error processing oracle-java7-installer (--configure):05:34
lREDl subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 105:34
lREDlErrors were encountered while processing:05:34
lREDl oracle-java7-installer05:34
FloodBot1lREDl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:34
codemaniachello ubuntuites05:34
shapeI need to reset the terminal keyboard shortcuts. Can anyone please help me?05:35
codemaniaci cannot configure my micromax 310G midem in Ubuntu 11.1005:35
stiltzkinurbancommando, yup, just finished. Thanks again! Sometimes I just need to slow down enough to type my problem out and then I smack myself when I figure out what I did wrong :)05:35
Prinlerto many people in here to get help LOL05:35
lREDlsilly me forgot to use a pastebin05:36
stiltzkinlREDl, looks like you have a broken package05:36
codemaniaclsusb just cannot detect the device05:36
lREDlyea I got that05:36
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lREDlhow do I fix it05:36
timo^desktopshape: Open a terminal, click file, and somewhere there you'll find them05:36
stiltzkinlREDl, I'm trying to recall how I fixed this in the past...05:36
stiltzkinlREDl, have you tried "sudo apt-get -f install" ?05:37
codemaniacanyone here o help me out05:37
lREDlnope let me do it now05:37
urbancommandowow to many people with problems lol05:37
urbancommandoopen a ticket plz lol05:37
lREDljust ran it05:37
scar3crowI installed oracle java 7 with update-java05:37
shapetimo^desktop: Yes but I need to reset them to the Defaults and I dont know how because I dont see any options for that05:37
lREDlsame thing poped up at the end05:37
scar3crowworked like a charm05:37
lREDl http://paste.ubuntu.com/930545/05:38
lREDlsame exact thing05:38
stiltzkinlREDl, ok, try "sudo apt-get purge oracle-java7-installer"05:38
timo^desktopshape: isn't there a 'set to default' option?05:38
shapetimo^desktop: nope05:38
lREDlI did that before05:39
lREDlit was actaully the first thing I did05:39
stiltzkinlREDl, and it won't remove the package?05:39
urbancommandolREDl are you using ubuntu 12.X ?05:39
lREDlyes but its the error as the thingy I posted before05:39
scar3crowfor java05:40
lREDlits this error http://askubuntu.com/questions/98928/error-processing-xl2tpd05:40
lREDlso its not 12.04 related05:40
scar3crowmy bad05:40
savrto install grub-efi; I do the following; apt-get install grub-efi; update-grub ?05:40
stiltzkinlREDl, it may be a problem that you're running prerelease, sometimes packages break. I've had problems with Java especially. That error you're posting is not at all specific to your package. It's a generic error.05:40
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urbancommandoRED you should go to the other channel05:41
lREDlok so how would I fix it/remove it stiltzkin05:41
urbancommando12 is so buggy05:41
lREDlnot for me05:41
urbancommandothat what i thought in the beginning05:41
lREDlive been using it for a month just had to update compiz05:42
lREDlthen it was fine05:42
stiltzkinlREDl, I think you'll find your solution in here: http://www.khattam.info/solved-subprocess-pre-removal-script-returned-error-exit-status-2-error-2009-08-04.html05:42
lREDlbut I can't use 11.10 since the nvidia drivers are wonky for me05:42
lREDland thanks <stiltzkin>05:42
Jordan_Usavr: You always use grub-install to install grub. Also, if you're installing grub-efi you need your EFI System Partition mounted to /boot/efi/ (you should set this up via /etc/fstab so that it will always be mounted there). Why do you want grub-efi though?05:42
stiltzkinlREDl, word of caution, messing with your packages like this can brick your system. I of course assume you have important data backed up before doing this.05:43
urbancommandoahh Jordan_U for the rescue05:43
savrJordan_U, because I boot windows from efi for faster booting05:43
urbancommandokk Jordan can help all of you05:43
shapeI need to reset the terminal keyboard shortcuts. Can anyone please help me? To set the shortcuts to DEFAULT05:43
lREDl<stiltzkin> im just toying with Ubuntu atm Im poking around05:43
savrJordan_U, right now I need to hit 12 and select legacy boot to get ubuntu05:43
lREDlnothing important is on this parition05:44
stiltzkinlREDl, Alright. What were you trying to do before you got this error? Installing Java 7?05:44
Jordan_Usavr: Just be aware that most Linux graphics drivers don't cope with a lack of BIOS very well at the moment.05:44
lREDlwell I had just started a fresh install booted up installed rebooted then started installing some stuff then went and installed java then BAM error05:45
savrI thought efi has going to be better for linux Jordan_U05:45
stiltzkinlREDl, did you install Java from Sun's packages or from the Ubuntu repositories?05:45
lREDland the thing you sent me didn't work05:45
lREDlstill getting the error05:45
lREDloh well geuss il just reinstall ubuntu05:46
savrwhat ever happened to the sensors-applet package?05:46
savrI can't find it on my apt-cache05:46
PrabzlREDl, reinstall isn't the solution05:46
stiltzkinlREDl, you searched your /var/lib/dpkg/status for your offending package?05:46
lREDl1 sec05:46
urbancommandolREDl I believe you can have one or the other java install05:47
urbancommandoso you would have to remove the other jdk java and then install the oracle05:47
lREDlI allways remove OpenJDK before I install Sun java05:47
lREDland I found them05:48
lREDlso how do I remove them05:48
stiltzkinlREDl, have you done update-alternatives to select the correct JRE?05:48
lREDlhow do I delete files from the terminal05:48
stiltzkinlREDl, OK, well in that case just follow the rest of the guide, I believe this is what I had to do for some package that returned the same error.05:49
savrlREDl, rm -rf /05:49
savrpath to file05:49
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:49
stiltzkinlREDl, do not run that command. It will erase your hard drive.05:49
lREDlyea I know05:50
lREDlthe rm commands05:50
lREDlare big no noes05:50
urbancommandolREDl use a wild card "sudo apt-get purge openjdk*"05:50
sp3ck|RED|: DO NOT RUN THAT!05:50
lREDlI aint that big of a terminal noob XD05:50
stiltzkinStill don't like to see anyone posting that, people have been tricked by it before.05:50
lREDlyea I was about to run it then I remembered it tad sleepy XD05:51
Jordan_UlREDl: This channel isn't for Ubuntu 12.04 support, period. Please move to #ubuntu+1.05:51
urbancommandolREDl after then add the ppa if you havent done so and update/install05:52
operatorpliki'm join us05:52
lREDlJordan_U this error isn't a 12.04 error05:52
bazhangoperatorplik, stop that05:52
Jordan_UlREDl: 1: You don't know that for sure and 2: It doesn't matter. #ubuntu+1 for 12.04, no exceptions.05:52
stiltzkinlREDl, it doesn't matter, if you're running 12.04 it's still technically OT here. But I think you got your fix anyways.05:53
lREDlubuntu+1 is kinda dead too05:53
lREDlohh well I think Il just leave this install until the release of 12.0405:53
lREDlthen wipe it clean05:54
rbrooksfresh ubuntu wipe05:54
xlREDlxwell im off cya05:55
mohan1Is there a way protect from running the rm command for harddisk erase?05:55
shapeI need to reset the terminal keyboard shortcuts. Can anyone please help me? To set the shortcuts to DEFAULT05:56
urbancommandoshape are you talking about ctrl+alt+T ?05:56
chongmohan1: files have permission05:57
shapeurbancommando: I know that is the shortcut to start the terminal. Once in the terminal I want to reset keyshortcuts that I binded05:57
shapeurbancommando: to defaults05:57
shapeurbancommando: i.e. Ctrl+c is copy paste instead of terminating a running program.05:58
stiltzkinHey, I've got a random unimportant question, just wondering if anyone has noticed that if you use disk encryption, the very first time you boot your computer the login screen looks nice and pretty, with a little box for you to type your password in. But every subsequent boot after that, the screen is just text-only. Why is that?05:59
urbancommandoshape what version of ubuntu are you using?06:02
shapeurbancommando: 11.4006:03
lusersshape: Ctrl + C usually terminate the running program. You surely mean SHIFT + CTRL + C?06:05
mi3I am using ubuntu customization kit to customize my ubuntu 11.04 live cd, and I get an error, here are the details from the tmp folder http://pastebin.com/b304BruU06:05
meetis there any game related channel?06:05
meetwhere i can ask for setting up server for lan gaming etc..?06:06
bazhangmeet, ask in #freenode please06:07
shapelusers: I know, but I modified the copy shortcut06:07
mi3any suggestions?06:07
shapelusers: I modified many shortcuts, and I just want to set everything back to default06:07
meetjoin #freenode06:08
y0om4the launchbar does not disappear, it is staying stuck06:08
y0om4how can i unstuck it06:08
lusersshape: It is probably somewhere in ~/.gconf (or gnome2). It's a hit or miss.06:09
lusersshape: /home/chris/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal, I think.06:10
shapelusers: isn't there a command to just reset it?06:10
urbancommandoshape when you have terminal open can you go to edit->profile then select Profile to use when launching new terminal?  recreate all your shortcuts06:10
shapeurbancommando: yes06:11
lusersshape: I have no idea how. Install gconf-editor and find out where terminal stuffs get stored… From there, do gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/path/to/terminal06:12
shapeurbancommando: But it still keeps them06:12
lusersThat's my best guess.06:12
BlakJakI dont suppose anyone running 12.04 has had odd wifi problems recently?06:12
shapelusers: okay, I'll see if that will work, but only if I don't find an easier way. I'm a novice and I dont want to mess with files at the moment.06:13
bazhangBlakJak, #ubuntu+1 for that please06:13
TechIsCoolhey everyone I am having an issue with grub I think I get an error saying error no such disk. http://paste.ubuntu.com/930574/06:18
y0om4I have 11.10 installed, can I upgrade to 12.04 using a command prompt?06:18
Dr_willisy0om4,  yes06:19
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:19
shapelusers: urbancommando: I FOUND IT! The command is: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/gnome-terminal06:23
y0om4the page says I can upgrade only from ??.04 to .10 within the same release06:23
y0om4it does not say you can upgrade to the next release06:23
y0om4through download06:23
y0om4i mean commandline06:23
bazhangy0om4, sure you can06:23
DaemonFCdon't you have to go with whatever the next release was to the one you have, and then onto the next one from there, and so on? (I know LTS can go from one LTS to the other or to the next regular release though)06:24
DaemonFCI've never been that far behind but my dad emailed me the other day and mentioned he was still using 11.0406:24
bazhangDaemonFC, yes06:24
y0om4whats the name of 12.04?06:25
bazhang!precise | y0om406:25
ubottuy0om4: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+106:25
DaemonFCbazhang, So his path would be 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04 -or- a clean install? That's what I told him I thought it was.06:25
bazhangDaemonFC, correct06:26
urbancommandoshape congrats ima save that.  sry tits and muff hair on tv lol06:30
shapeurbancommando: Same here! But I can multitask! XD06:32
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:33
TechIsCoolcan anyone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/930588/06:35
urbancommandolol minuteman06:39
shapeDoes anyone know why Fedora's Disk-Utility is telling me my HDD has problems (190 bad sectors and on yellow alert) yet in ubuntu it's the same but it's on Green alert and it doesn't alert me?06:41
TechIsCoolurbancommando: you like the computer name06:41
lasers`shape: Sorry for slow response. That sounds about right. :)06:42
=== lasers` is now known as lasers
rdw200169shape, without any specific knowledge of what gui tool you're using in either OS, I can venture to say that there is a different threshold on what is 'green' between Fedora and Ubuntu; let me suggest you hit the command line and dig deeper into the S.M.A.R.T. status (etc...) of that bad drive06:45
shaperdw200169: it's the default gnome-disk-utility that comes with both systems06:46
zykotick9shape: i've experienced the same thing - fedora picking up on HD error, prior to ubuntu.  In my case, the drive was bad...06:50
rdw200169shape: yeah, don't trust the drive, start making backups now06:51
rdw200169shape: prices are so low these days, its silly to think you should keep that around06:52
rdw200169shape: when its throwing errors; *trust* me on this one06:52
Dr-Willisdont trust any drive.. always have backups...06:53
zykotick9Dr-Willis: true that!06:53
Dr-Williswonder if ssd's have shown their reliability yet. :) need to get one someday.06:53
shaperdw200169: The funny thing is it has 5 years warranty from seagate and I've only used it for 300 days.06:54
zykotick9Dr-Willis: not sure about reliability, but oh man they're fast.  Most significant update i've ever done to a pc ;)06:54
shaperdw200169: And my 6 year old seagate that is 80GB that I have the system on has no bad sectors.06:54
shapepretty shitty to return a 2TB drive that lived 6 times less than a 80 GB one06:55
zykotick9shape: what's the saying "they don't build things like they used to" ;)06:55
rdw200169shape: then get a new drive ASAP, migrate the stuff you want to keep (or two and setup a raid) and rma the old one06:55
ide_taskUse software RAID, meh06:55
rdw200169shape: I RMA a commodity drive about once a week at work ;)06:56
G00byDr-Wills: I second the SSD's been using one at work for over a year and just recently installed on in my MacBook Pro. Hands down the best upgrade by far06:56
shaperdw200169: Yes, of course. I just have to wait 2 weeks for my paycheck. The thing is this drive is supposed to be the backup one! LOL06:56
shaperdw200169: But yean thanks for the tip. I am actually interested. How come ubuntu doesn't alert me, and how can I set the threshold so that it's like in Fedora06:57
Dr-Willisi recall older releases of ubuntu that were very paranoid about disks going bad.. said good ones where going bad. :)06:57
chicognuwhen the next stable release of lts will be available ?06:57
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)06:57
rdw200169shape: thats a good question ;) I don't have the answer b/c I don't use gui tools06:58
Dr-Willis12.04 =  2012 4th month. next lts06:58
shaperdw200169: Then do you have a link to provide me with documentation regarding terminal commands about that?06:58
ide_taskchicognu: as Canonical releases one every two years and the last one was in April 2010, the next is April 2012, therefore 12.0406:58
chicognuide_task, so until the end of mouth will be a stable release ?06:59
rdw200169smart: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools06:59
ide_taskchicognu: I don't know the ETA, but by the end of April, 12.04 ought to be out, yes07:00
shaperdw200169: you mean "shape"07:00
rdw200169shape: yup, sorry ;)07:00
shaperdw200169: Also, what is the maximum bad sector number that makes a HDD bad/and should be replaced07:00
ubottuThe Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule07:00
chicognuide_task, if I install the beta version, I will need to download again the stable ? the stable is a total diferent iso ?07:02
chicognuor will be just some updates need ?07:02
zykotick9!final | chicognu07:02
ubottuchicognu: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.07:02
rdw200169shape: how much are you willing to lose?  I'll give you a good piece of advice: never ever ever ever trust a hard drive; its a spinning magnetic disk platter thing!  This is why RAID is so important ;)07:02
shaperdw200169: Yes, but what if I buy an external one and just back up once in a while. Skipping RAID.07:03
zykotick9rdw200169: s/RAID is/backups are/07:03
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
rdw200169zykotick9, very true; not all of us have the luxury of remote site backups and SAN ;)07:04
ide_taskchicognu: what ubottu said, or just wait for the final release to be out, it's a mere three weeks away now07:04
shaperdw200169: That should be good enough, right? I don't really have important data, in case all die. Just media and stuff.07:04
shaperdw200169:  Thanks for the link and for your help btw. I will brb for a few minutes.07:04
rdw200169shape, no prob07:04
ide_taskRAID is essential, as much as backups are07:05
ide_taskRAID ensures uptime, backups ensure data safety07:05
zykotick9ide_task: RAID is more likely to fail then a single drive (rule of increased complexity).07:06
ide_taskNow I wish ceph got stable fast07:06
rdw200169ide_task, zykotick9 i think RAID is important in OS situations, not necessarily (but not excluding) data storage situations; as such, if a drive goes bad in a 'must not go down' system, with a nice RAID array with a hot spare, it will auto failover in the event of a failover, and I can migrate in a new hot spare quickly07:06
scar3crowmirrored drives are always nice :-/07:06
ide_taskzykotick9: erm, I don't know where you got that, tbh07:06
savrcan orcale java be install as a package in precise?07:06
filippociao a tutti07:06
filippopotrei avere la lista??07:06
rdw200169savr, i don't think so, considering all that open source distro license things that happened07:07
zykotick9rdw200169: i agree RAID is good for uptime for servers, for desktops it makes no sense to me personally07:07
ide_taskzykotick9: in my experience, RAID is _more_ reliable than a single drive -- I have had three failing disks, and weren't it for RAID I'd have lost all my data07:07
savrrdw200169, meh :(07:07
ide_taskI use I/O a _lot_07:07
rdw200169savr, i'm right there with ya; they pulled the sun-java partner packages in 11.04 and now i have to keep a local copy07:08
rdw200169ide_task, as do I07:08
savrI wish aptana supported open java07:09
zykotick9ide_task: any RAID requires more then a single drive, thus there MUST be more likelyhood of any one failing.  The added complexity of RAID adds another point of failure... so it's MORE likely that RAID will have some issue then a single drive (BUT, it might be recoverable with RAID, with a single drive - less so)07:09
savronly reason I'm installing the orcale version07:09
ide_taskzykotick9: I see your point of view, but as far as I'm concerned, a soft RAID drive is a single drive, not two -- and as such it is more reliable07:10
ide_taskAfter all, if a drive fails, the MD does not07:11
rdw200169zykotick9, ide_task RAID isn't the problem here; its stable, secure, reliable, especially in its (expensive) harware variants; the problem is when over-zealous admins have several arrays on one server, ea. with their own LVM volume group, and lots of huge over-extended ext3 partitions that can't be fsck'd... now THAT's a problem of overcomplication ;)07:11
ide_taskrdw200169: yeah, fsck'ing is a probme with ext3, but less so with ext4 and btrfs though07:11
auronandacesavr: you can install oracle java, it's just not available in the repo due to oracle's licensing, also 12.04 issues in #ubuntu+1 until its released07:12
* ide_task wants ceph upstream, fast07:12
pawan_tejwanimy computer is not connecting to internet though it has access to LAN... The internet is working perfectly fine on windows but I don't know what mistake i'm doing that caused internet connection to go off! (Its connecting to LAN but not internet). I have access to CMDA dongle which helps me connecting to internet in ubuntu 11.1007:20
x010100xpawan: could be gateway access problem07:22
manjrempawan_tejwani, so you are connting the usb dongle directly to the linux box and its not connecting ... is that it?07:23
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: the USB dongle is working fine but my home network (through router wired and wireless) is not connecting to internet, thought its working on windows07:23
manjrempawan_tejwani, what i am trying to know is if the dongle is connected to some router or is it directly connected to some machine07:25
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: its directly connected to ubuntu machine.07:25
manjremhmm ... and even from your linux box you are not able to access the net07:26
pawan_tejwaniyup from my linux box I am not able to access internet via router , but from dongle its possible.07:26
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: what should i do so that it works fine... when I installed ubuntu it was working perfectly fine... I configured it via NetworkManager with manual IPs it worked fine then too but when I rebooted the system it now doesn't connect !07:28
manjremnow ... do you want to connect via a dongle or router07:30
pawan_tejwaniI need to connect via router07:31
pawan_tejwanidongle is temporary.07:31
manjremare you able to ping your router07:31
pawan_tejwaniyeah I am able to07:31
auronandacepawan_tejwani: why were you using static ip?07:33
AlconAzulapplications for ubuntu for operations anonops??07:34
pawan_tejwaniauronandace: because I want to configure apache for LAN sites07:34
shapeIn ubuntu, do you need to install drivers for other components even though everything works? i.e. in Windows you have to install drivers for motherboard chipset, monitor, sound card, LAN card etc.07:35
manjremshape, in linux you dont need special drivers as such .. if need you will be prompted for the same07:36
auronandaceshape: more often than not, no. but you might need to install graphics drivers. depends on your hardware really (also if using broadcom wireless)07:36
AlconAzulshape there are applications for ubuntu on the web for anonops07:36
shapeYes, it actually prompts you for video like nvidia, but I was curious as to why it doesn't require them. And why Windows can't do that07:37
auronandaceAlconAzul: what is anonops?07:37
manjrempawan_tejwani, what is your default gateway?07:37
ide_taskshape: it is very rare when you do, Linux has the broadest hardware support of any operating systems out there, its soft spot is really graphics. Even WiFi is not a problem at all, now, and hasn't been for a few years already07:37
ide_taskAlconAzul: who cares?07:37
pawan_tejwanirouters IP address is the default gateway :
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: routers IP address is the default gateway :
shapeSo the blunt question is, how come windows, when they charge so much per system, can't do that. It seems a pain in the ass to get 10+ drivers for all the components just to install the system07:38
manjremtell me what happens when you do "nslookup google.com"07:38
auronandaceshape: most drivers are in the kernel by default on linux, in windows they are usually 3rd party packages especially for more exotic or newer hardware07:38
ide_taskpawan_tejwani: is that a hardware router or a Linux box? If the latter, 1. is IP forwarding activated and 2. do you snat on your outgoing interface?07:38
shapeauronandace: So, if I just installed the nvidia driver, I'm good to go?07:39
manjrempawan_tejwani, check in network manager if your dns is configured07:39
ide_taskshape: it is not that they can't -- they won't. They have the hardware manufacturers write the drivers for them07:39
shapeI see07:39
manjrempawan_tejwani, also let me know the response for "ping"07:39
pawan_tejwaniide_task: its the hardware router. its working perfectly fine on windows07:39
auronandaceshape: as long as you use the one from the repo, the one from nvidia may or may not work, the one in the repo is tested and known to work07:40
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: dns is configured in router itself so I put ip address same as routers in dns. and I have put openDNS ips in router for dns address.07:40
manjrempawan_tejwani, so what is the outcome of nslookup and ping?07:40
shapeauronandace: I've used the one from the repo. And it's installed and it's working (as I'm typing). I was just VERY SURPRISED I don't need to install anything more. Usually when I install windows it takes forever to install everything.07:41
ide_taskshape: welcome to Ubuntu ;)07:41
manjremshape, that why linux rocks07:41
shapeThe thing is, unless you need super specialized software, I also don't understand why most people don't use linux. Because what they use their computers is just normal stuff like surfing the web, naughty movies and email.07:42
ide_taskshape: Linux (the kernel) supports more than 50 architectures and runs on hardware as small as the Raspberry Pi or as huge as the fastest supercomputers in the world, so a PC is "nothing" to support07:42
Prabzshape, although that's the case, if the manufacturer provides linux drivers, and they're up to date, they're any day better in functionality and feature set07:43
auronandaceshape: be happy that you are aware of linux and try and encourage others to use it if it fits their needs07:43
ide_taskPrabz: manufacturers have started to understand -- if they want hardware support for their hardware in Linux, they should have the driver be upstream07:43
shapePrabz: So the linux ones are just generic sort of. Just so that the system can communicate with the components? And that the manufacturer ones are the tweaked ones" ?07:44
shapeauronandace: Of course. I always do that actually. Open source should be the standard, not the proprietary stuff.07:44
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: This is the output of ping its resolving the names to IPs but not able to exchange packets... tested with other sites also ... http://fpaste.org/Cubf/07:45
ide_taskshape: Linux handles pretty much all busses, I/O etc and provides interfaces to implement for that and that hardware, most of the time hardware vendors just have to implement these interfaces and they are good to go07:45
auronandaceshape: i wish that were true, reality is nasty though07:45
ide_taskshape: but some hardware is indeed generic, such as hard disks -- you will positively never have to write a driver for a disk, or install one07:45
Prabzide_task, shape, Well, for instance, Dell has this bluetooth radio device.. it has a lot of other features including audio routing through bluetooth, PAN, etc.. These aren't available  unless you use their drivers07:46
shapeide_task: Of course.07:46
ide_taskWere it be IDE, SATA, SCSI, SAS, FC, SSD...07:46
ide_taskPrabz: are you sure this driver is not upstream?07:46
somethinginteresHi all, I want to execute a script each time a dvd is insert into my machine. How can I achieve this?07:46
ide_taskIf so, they are making a mistake07:46
manjrempawan_tejwani, there is something wrong with the routing on your box ... please help me with the output of "route -n"07:47
Prabzide_task, shape, Even Windows 7 started using this no-driver approach. It will run without those drivers, since it has an inbuilt standard generic driver.. But to make use of the full feature-set, it is recommended to use the manufacturer-provided drivers07:47
shapePrabz: Yeah. When i asked the question I had Windows Xp in mind. I haven't used Windows 7 because my computer is a bit old and from what I've seen it's a useless resource hog.07:48
Prabzide_task, well, those drivers aren't available for linux.07:48
ipv6hermithey guys, I'm running xubuntu natty.  I just did an update which included a kernel upgrade and a nvidia package upgrade. this broke X11 on my system.  I loaded a previous kernel and X11 worked.07:48
Prabzshape, windows 7 is the best thing that happened to windows. Although it is still closed, but it is no longer a hog as its earlier versions07:49
Prabzthough I like ubuntu better because of its truly open and customizable approach07:49
somethinginteresipv6hermit: did you whole PC basically freeze and have weird visual artifacts on the screen?07:49
manjremyes i agree with Prabz, win 7 hogs more07:49
auronandaceshape: xp is over a decade old, hence all the driver installation you need to do07:49
TransistoI Need some help,  I have installed XRDP to access my ubuntu host remotely, but when connecting I do not see any top bar or side bar (launcher) I cannot even start a terminal07:49
ipv6hermitsomethinginteres during boot it kind of froze.  and there was a weird flashing of the boot splash screen when I pushed ctrl-alt-delete07:50
shapeI have installed win7 on a different computer and I remember it used a lot of ram for example and had lots of services running07:50
Prabzmanjrem, I said win7 isn't as much a hog as its predecessors07:50
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/930656/07:51
shapePigdin or Empathy?07:51
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: I again and again have to disconnect from home router to connect to internet... :(07:51
manjremPrabz, i was just messing with you man ... i like win 7 compared to its predecessors07:51
auronandaceshape: i use pidgin07:51
ide_taskshape: any well behaved OS will use as much RAM as it has available, it doesn't mean all RAM used is actually active -- in fact, most of it is used by the fs cache07:51
ide_taskJust like Linux07:51
Prabzmanjrem, :P07:52
shapeide_task: I see07:52
Transistoare there any comercial remote desktop that "just work" I could add to my ubuntu07:52
hyperstationhello anyone?07:52
PrabzTransisto, use teamviewer07:52
=== helphp is now known as sebastian
hyperstationi have a problem with my ubuntu..07:52
auronandaceTransisto: check out teamviewer07:52
Prabzit has a linux version available07:52
scientesshape, windows and linux report free ram differn't (also differn't linux apps report it differntly, there are caches you can measure)07:52
sebastiancomo estan todos07:52
scientesTransisto, use VNC, like tightVNC07:53
shapescientes: Thanks. I didn't know that. :)07:53
Prabzscientes, VNC doesn't necessarily work with windows server07:53
voozeI'm going to install ubuntu 12.04 beta2.. And i want to keep my Home folder (I currently have Linux mint 12) Home folder is a partition itself (on /home) and filesystem for itself (/) Should i do somthing special under install to make my old home folder work under new system?07:54
scientesPrabz, works just fine07:54
scientesPrabz, and its alot less propritary07:54
ide_taskvooze: nothing required AFAIK, the installer will detect this and do what is required07:54
Prabzscientes, windows clients are quite buggy though07:55
ide_taskIf there is _one_ domain where Linux has long surpassed Windows, it's installers07:55
scientesPrabz, so is propritary software, and well, windows in general07:55
manjrempawan_tejwani, is not a valid IP address for the netmask ... changing the IP assigned to eth0 to may be or something should do the trick07:55
voozeide_task: so i should just choose the "easy" option under install or still take "Advanced" like i use to do?07:55
Prabzscientes, especially the free versions of VNC07:55
scientesPrabz, i've used VNC with windows just find, I use -X with unix-like, but tightVNC works fine07:55
ide_taskvooze: do as you just do usually07:55
TransistoWhy don't XRDP to show the lauch bar ? I cannot do much of anything without it.07:55
scientesPrabz, dont use the official VNC, use TightVNC07:55
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: I am trying that07:56
Prabzscientes, will try that out07:56
Python132oWhen I do a backtrace with gdb I get lines like "07:56
Python132o#0  0xf6aaa9ad in Sys_Error_Internal(bool, char const*, char*) () from /home/x/engine.so07:56
Python132o"   Is there a way to make the backtrace print offsets from the module so that it would be like engine.so+0x00012307:56
voozeide_task: Okay i will try :) thanks07:56
Python132oSorry... damn newlines07:56
ipv6hermithey guys, I'm running xubuntu natty.  I just did an update which included a kernel upgrade and a nvidia package upgrade. this broke X11 on my system.  I loaded a previous kernel and X11 worked.07:57
manjrempawan_tejwani, so its working now?07:59
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: no man I am pasting the configuration details for my home network, please check it out if I am wrong somewhere.07:59
pawan_tejwanimanjrem: where to paste screenshots ? I am not aware of !!! can you please let me know ?08:01
tokinwhitemanDoes anyone know how to change size of / partition with 12.04 beta2 installed? Can I only resize the volume during install?08:02
ide_tasktokinwhiteman: do you use LVM?08:03
violinapprentokinwhiteman: use the gparted live cd, but you may have to mount the root partition and edit the /etc/fstab file to get the boot working correctly08:03
tokinwhitemanI don't know what that is so, know.08:03
tokinwhitemanSo do i just burn it to a cd? would a usb work?08:04
violinapprentokinwhiteman: yes, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/08:04
frezeehow can i read kallsyms from userland ?08:05
tokinwhitemanwell i already have gparted installed. Can I make that bootable off a usb?08:06
violinapprentokinwhiteman: you will not using whats currently installed on your machine, you need a live cd/usb08:07
manjrempawan_tejwani, do it the same way you were doing it before08:09
txdv_is there a site where i can look up what packages Precise08:10
txdv_Pangolin is going to have?08:10
violinapprentxdv_: packages.ubuntu.com08:11
xworldHai guys , I want to install sbmanager in ubuntu 11.10 i downloaded and comiled , and i got an stuck when it shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/930668/08:11
txdv_there was only an entry 'precise' so i  failed to comprehend08:12
somethingintereshow can I determine the volume id of an inserted disc on the fly?08:12
txdv_but thhanks anyway08:12
violinapprentxdv_: it's a categorized list of packages in each ubuntu release08:13
violinapprensomethinginteres: blkid ?08:13
xworldanyone know how to install sbmanager in ubuntu 11.1008:14
somethinginteresviolinappren: Yep that's the ticket08:15
violinapprenxworld:  sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev08:17
violinapprenxworld: and run ./configure again08:17
tokinwhitemanso i am trying to download unetbootin through the sofware center and keep getting this error "Traceback (most recent call last):08:17
tokinwhiteman  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 202, in _process_transaction08:17
tokinwhiteman    self.fix_incomplete_install(trans)08:17
tokinwhiteman  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 867, in fix_incomplete_install08:17
tokinwhiteman    with self._frozen_status():08:17
FloodBot1tokinwhiteman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:17
tokinwhiteman  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 17, in __enter__08:17
AreckxAreckx: grub rescue> Areckx: ubuntu 12.04 Areckx: dell inspiron 1720 Areckx: entire partition  Areckx: network manager wasn't installed among many other packages from usb install using unetbootin (o whatevr it's called) Areckx: so Areckx: I downloaded linux mint 9 and did the same, said missing operating system and eventually Areckx: now I can't even boot into ubuntu 12.04 Areckx: grub rescue is the only option? Areckx: or can i try anot08:17
Areckxusb method? 1:14 AM Areckx: ls  Areckx: (hdo) (hdo,msdos5) (hdo,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) Areckx: ls for any of these yields Areckx: error:unknown filesystem08:18
violinapprenxworld: you will be notified of missing "devel" packages, you need to install them and run ./configure again08:18
Myrttitokinwhiteman: pastebin is your friend08:18
Myrttiplease use it08:18
tokinwhitemanlol my bad fella's, n00b here ;)08:19
Areckxhello sorry for the giant message08:19
Areckxdoes anyone have any ideas?08:19
violinapprentokinwhiteman: OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/aptdaemon-frozen-statusqkH8rX'08:19
violinapprentokinwhiteman: is your /tmp on / ? try removing some files to free up space08:20
tokinwhitemansee my root patition was set for 5gb and apparently that isn't large enough08:20
AreckxAreckx: grub rescue> Areckx: ubuntu 12.04 Areckx: dell inspiron 1720 Areckx: entire partition  Areckx: network manager wasn't installed among many other packages from usb install using unetbootin (o whatevr it's called) Areckx: so Areckx: I downloaded linux mint 9 and did the same, said missing operating system and eventually Areckx: now I can't even boot into ubuntu 12.04 Areckx: grub rescue is the only option? Areckx: or can i try anot08:20
Areckxusb method? 1:14 AM Areckx: ls  Areckx: (hdo) (hdo,msdos5) (hdo,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) Areckx: ls for any of these yields Areckx: error:unknown filesystem08:20
violinapprentokinwhiteman: 30 GiB is large enough, IMHO08:20
tokinwhitemanviolinappren../tmp shouldn't that be on /home08:21
shapeIn ubuntu?linux, can a program keylog (i.e. pidgin) and get your root password? And if it can't what's stopping it?08:21
violinapprentokinwhiteman: no08:21
ipv6hermithey guys, I recently had a system update that included a kernel upgrade to kernel 2.6.38-14.58. This upgrade caused X11 to stop working.  what's the best way to roll back to the previous kernel?08:21
MyrttiAreckx: you're getting cut off because the text is too long. It's not very legible like that. Also please don't repeat the question that often - the population of the channel hasn't noticeably changed since you last pasted that08:22
tokinwhitemanWell that's why I'm downloading unetbootin so i can use the live usb gparted to add some more space08:22
ipv6hermitI used grub to load the previous kernel and the system works fine.  I'd like to just keep using kernel version 2.6.38-13.5708:22
AreckxI got into recovery mode.... nvm08:23
violinapprenipv6hermit: one workaround is to make it the default entry in /etc/default/grub .. you need to file a bug report08:23
xworldanyone know how to install sbmanager in ubuntu 11.1008:24
BixagGood Morning Peoples! Can someone please help me edvise on hardware for running Ubuntu and xbmc? I been leaning towards an i3 2105 processor whit hd300008:24
AreckxAreckx: grub rescue> Areckx: ubuntu 12.04 Areckx: dell inspiron 1720 Areckx: entire partition  Areckx: network manager wasn't installed among many other packages from usb install using unetbootin (o whatevr it's called) Areckx: so Areckx: I downloaded linux mint 9 and did the same, said missing operating system and eventually Areckx: now I can't even boot into ubuntu 12.04 Areckx: grub rescue is the only option? Areckx: or can i try anot08:24
Areckxusb method? 1:14 AM Areckx: ls  Areckx: (hdo) (hdo,msdos5) (hdo,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) Areckx: ls for any of these yields Areckx: error:unknown filesystem08:24
violinapprenxworld: install the package i mentioned and continue with the same install procedure you were using08:24
MyrttiAreckx: didn't I just tell you that a) do not repeat that often, please have patience b) your text is illegible and too long08:25
violinappren!bugs > ipv6hermit08:25
ubottuipv6hermit, please see my private message08:25
Areckxoh sorry08:26
Areckxit's hard to keep track on my iphone lol08:27
AreckxI typed that into another channel and could only copy paste08:27
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: So I am trying to remove some stuff through the software center and it tells me the same thing, I/O error:there is no space left08:27
xworldviolinappren, thanks for the replay ,. libbz2-dev  package is already installed08:27
violinapprenAreckx: it appears you've a badly broken installation, back up your files and do a fresh install08:27
violinapprenxworld: and ./configure gives the same error ?08:28
Areckxhow can i do this with a usb drive?08:28
Areckxi have no cdr08:28
xworldviolinappren, yes .08:28
tokinwhitemanAreckx: do you have access to windows?08:28
Areckxno, mu girlfriend's mac but she's using it08:29
xworldviolinappren, I want to do any upgrade for ubuntu 11.10 to install this ?08:29
tokinwhitemanAreckx: I never used a mac to make a live usb. I'm sure there is a program there.08:30
AreckxI have a iso setup with linux mint 9 using unetboot08:30
violinapprentokinwhiteman:  try: sudo apt-get clean08:30
Areckxwhat's it called? unetbootid?08:30
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: I did that, just try again?08:30
violinapprentokinwhiteman: yeah, it should have cleared some space08:31
Areckxbut when i hold f12 to selet booy device and select usb, it says missing operating system08:31
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: so that cleared the apt-get cache?08:31
violinapprentokinwhiteman: yes, the downloaded .debs08:32
xworldviolinappren, yes ./configure also gives the same error08:32
violinapprenxworld: what ubuntu version are you using?08:33
xworldviolinappren, 11.1008:34
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: thanks man, I love learning new things. Got an different error this time.http://paste.ubuntu.com/930696/08:34
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: seems the software center fixed it08:35
somethingintereshow can I execute a command on CD mount?08:36
xgt001hi is there any hp fan control app in ubuntu universe?08:36
violinapprenxworld: paste the errors again08:37
xworldviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/930668/08:38
Areckx'm going into bios to change boot order08:38
violinapprenxworld: paste the output of:  apt-cache policy libbz2-dev08:39
=== Tiktalik is now known as Sleeptalik
Areckxtokinwhitenan any luck?08:40
xworldviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/930710/08:40
Areckxtokinwhiteman; any luck?08:40
Areckxtokinwhiteman: any luck?08:41
Areckxdamn irc...08:41
Areckxso... I need to read every document about 10.0408:48
AreckxI have a livecd of ubuntu 10.0408:48
Areckxit is stalling08:48
Areckxuncompression error08:49
Areckx- System halted08:49
bekksAreckx: Then download the iso file again.08:49
sandkingcan someone tell me if there's some good place to get fortune files? :]08:49
AreckxI did that with the unetind08:49
AreckxI selected x6408:50
sandkingi'm looking for some good Dune fortune source08:50
bekksAreckx: You downloaded again?08:50
Areckxshould I try the 32 bit?08:50
violinappren!enter | Areckx08:50
ubottuAreckx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:50
Areckxoh ok08:50
Areckx!enter | violinappren:08:51
BrokenArrowso this is bugging the snot out of me08:51
ubottuviolinappren:: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:51
BrokenArrowhaving some audio issues08:51
bekksAreckx: Would you mind to answer my question please?08:52
violinapprenAreckx: ?08:52
AreckxI said it08:52
BrokenArrowi was dinking around in mixer now i have no sound other then static from mic if i turn the mic way up08:52
violinappren!sound > BrokenArrow08:53
ubottuBrokenArrow, please see my private message08:53
shape!sound > shape08:53
dibblegoon ubuntu 64-bit my flash plugin keeps crashing in firefox08:53
ubottushape, please see my private message08:53
Areckx!sound | Areck08:53
ubottuAreck: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:53
BrokenArrowummm. im no newb08:53
violinapprendibblego: where did you install the flash plugin from ?08:54
Areckxirc is  cool08:54
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: the unebootin livesub won't boot08:54
tokinwhitemanjust says boot error08:54
violinapprenAreckx: if you want to "experiment" with the bot privately, /msg ubottu08:54
violinapprenAreckx: not on here08:54
violinapprentokinwhiteman: of what iso?08:55
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: gparted-live-0.12.1-108:56
violinapprentokinwhiteman: i *think* that ubuntu includes gparted on the live cd, so if you have a bootable ubuntu cd/usb, try booting it up and looking for it in the application list09:01
tokinwhitemanviolinappren: that makes sense, i'll download the .iso again09:02
dibblegoviolinappren: apt-get install flashplugin-installer09:02
violinapprendibblego: im use the adobe-flashplugin from the partner repository,  works fine most of the time09:04
dibblegoviolinappren: what is the partner repository?09:04
violinapprendibblego: you will find it in Software Sources09:04
violinapprendibblego: after enabling it you will be able to install 3rd party software packages has been tested by canonical  like skype and flash09:05
violinapprendibblego: that have been *09:06
dibblegoalrighty, here goes then09:09
dibblegoI still see "The Adobe Flash plugin has crashed."09:10
=== yashshah_ is now known as yashshah
violinapprendibblego: uninstall the flashplugin-installer first09:11
CelltechWhat are minimal disk iso's09:12
dibblegoviolinappren: I had09:13
violinapprendibblego: did you restart firefox? also check about:plugins in a new tab09:14
dibblegoviolinappren: yes, Shockwave Flash 11.2 r20209:15
Xtremehello, guys my ubuntu seems slow.. how can i speed it up?09:16
y0om4what directory does apt-get use to download files in? i need to clear that directory for space09:16
Xtremei noticed applications are taking more time to start09:16
bekksXtreme: Define "slow" please.09:16
jriby0om4: see the "clean" and "autoclean" commands in « man apt-get »09:16
violinapprendibblego: does that happen on a specific site or every site that uses flash?09:16
Xtremebekks: application takes time to start09:16
bekksy0om4: "sudo apt-get clean"09:17
dibblegoviolinappren: I am seeing it on github and I have seen it on a few others lately09:17
DarthKegRaiderXtreme: Also, what version are you using?09:17
violinapprendibblego: even in other browsers?09:18
XtremeDarthKegRaider: 10.409:18
dibblegoviolinappren: no, only firefox09:18
violinapprendibblego: what version? see in help > about09:19
urbihi why i cant listening any sounds from my ubuntu ??09:19
dibblegoviolinappren: 11.009:19
violinappren!sound | urbi09:19
ubottuurbi: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:19
guyvdb_Hi, what channel is kbuntu supported on? #kbuntu seems empty09:19
urbithx ;d09:19
LjLguyvdb_: it's called #kubuntu09:20
jribguyvdb_: #kubuntu09:20
Santhello..i'm trying to install linux kernel 2.6.27 in virtual box. i started from source n compiled it. Now i have vmlinux file and i wanted to know if it is sufficient to create a bootable iso from it or i need to make it bootable somehow?09:20
lostpwhello, can anybody help me withe bumblbee and the libgl.libs. my problem is that i want to start an program whitch uses the libgl but i dont want to do this with my nvidia card09:20
bekksSant: No.09:21
violinapprendibblego: try running firefox in safe mode and see if the problem persists: firefox -safe-mode09:21
bekksSant: All you have to to is to copy it to your /boot in your VM, create a grub entry, and to install the modules. You really should go about creating .debs for y new kernel instead of installing it that way.09:21
jrib!helpme | Xtreme09:22
ubottuXtreme: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude09:22
dibblegoviolinappren: same problem09:22
violinapprenSant:  that's something for qemu/kvm .. not virtualbox09:22
LjLviolinappren: why wouldn't it work in virtualbox?09:23
Santbekks: i am relatively new to linux. How can i create a grub entry in vm?09:23
violinapprenSant: with qemu you can boot the kernel directly, no need to create an iso09:23
bekksSant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile09:23
bekksSant: You should read that document and do it that way, not the manual way you are approaching.09:23
Santok thanks...09:23
bekksLjL: It will work, but it far more complicated :)09:24
violinapprenLjL: it cant boot a kernel, as far as i know, but a whole OS, see man qemu09:24
lostpw can anybody help me?09:24
Santviolinappren: is it not possible to boot kernel directly without iso?09:24
bekksSant: No.09:24
DarthKegRaiderXtreme: Ensure that your software is up to date for a start.  Also, is it every application, or only a specific few?  Do you hear any sounds?  Is there any other feedback you can supply from logs?09:24
jjava501looking at cfdisk /dev/sda how do you know which partition ubuntu is installed in?09:25
violinapprenSant: bekks: yes it's possible, see the man page of qemu09:25
LjLSant: it's possible with qemu, they just said that. it's not possible with VirtualBox, because VirtualBox emulates an entire PC so you can only boot whatever you can boot on a real PC09:25
bekksSant: And for booting a kernel with an ISO, you need qemu, not vbox.09:25
bekksviolinappren: As I just said ;)09:25
violinapprenbekks: withOUT an iso09:25
LjL(i still don't get why a kernel bundled in an ISO wouldn't work with VirtualBox)09:25
Santbekks: but a lot of places i have seen vbox using iso to boot09:26
bekksSant: Right, and ISO that boot an OS, and not just a single kernel.09:26
bekksThats the difference.09:26
violinapprenLjL: it would but it wouldnt be any different from any other operating system, qemu is special in that it has direct support for linux kernels09:26
Joseph_Hello all09:26
Santoh ok ..so that means i cannot boot a single kernel  in vbox09:26
bekksSant: Yes, for the fourth time :)09:27
Joseph_I am a new Ubuntu user, I am a very new user (4 hours ago) and I have some simple questions09:27
violinapprenJoseph_: hello, go ahead and ask :)09:27
Joseph_Can I install windows 7 in virtual box when all I have are the factory disks and bootable disks that i burned for myself in windows 709:28
Santokay...thats quite an enlightenment..will have to change approach09:28
Joseph_within ubuntu09:28
Joseph_or Recovery disk09:28
bekksJoseph_: Thats not an Ubuntu problem, please join #vbox09:29
Joseph_ok thank you09:29
MrNatewoodIs there a way to check when(what time) did I resume my laptop from suspend?09:29
violinapprenJoseph_: you can install almost all popular operating systems under virtualbox on ubuntu, windows included09:29
Santbekks: could you also suggest where i can begin with kernel programming? some website or something?09:29
bekksSant: I gave you a link.09:30
violinapprenMrNatewood: /var/log/kern.log?09:30
Santok i'll check that09:30
MrNatewoodviolinappren: Thanks!09:31
jjava501what  prerequisites are required for a partition to have ubuntu installed?09:33
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violinapprenjjava501: just enough space? it can/will be formatted during install09:34
jjava501Does it have to be bootable?09:34
violinapprenjjava501: not in a DOS sense, no09:35
zykotick9jjava501: no, grub doesn't care about the bootable flag09:35
jjava501What is the purpose/use of the linux Swap partition?09:36
oCean!swap | jjava50109:36
ubottujjava501: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:36
zykotick9jjava501: virtual memory (hybernation), you should probably use one09:36
scar3crowjjava501: I can help with partitioning if you want09:37
=== szal_ is now known as szal
shapeWhen you scroll forward in vlc, the timestamp appears. Is it possible to disable this? The timestamp numbers are huge and are over the video.09:39
Manneveruis here any guru about debian packages system or better know installaion system09:42
violinappren!ask | Manneveru09:43
ubottuManneveru: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:43
Manneverui have a problem with libc6 package09:43
Manneveruubottu: right09:43
jribManneveru: give full details on one line (use paste.ubuntu.com if you need to paste errors, commands, and logs)09:43
rfictuswho wants to help fix my screen brightness quickkeys ??09:46
Manneverumy problem is that parbolign bet screwed upgrade an I left with broken libc6 package, so I finally got it purged from the system and now I am booted from DVD but I cannot install it again. The problem is that preinstall script cannot run (http://pastebin.com/LbkVYvfU) and I cannot override it. How to install libc6 on /mnt mounted root being on live DVD?09:49
Manneverumy problem is that pangolin beta screwed upgrade an I left with broken libc6 package, so I finally got it purged from the system and now I am booted from DVD but I cannot install it again. The problem is that preinstall script cannot run (http://pastebin.com/LbkVYvfU) and I cannot override it. How to install libc6 on /mnt mounted root being on live DVD?09:50
LjLManneveru, Precise Pangolin (if that's what you mean) is supported in #ubuntu+109:50
ManneveruLjL: thx i'll move there09:50
shapeI remember back when I had Ubuntu 8.10 and was looking for help that this channel was going crazy. Question after question, so many people looking for help. And now it's quite compared to that. What actually happened? Less people using ubuntu? More people looking and finding the problem on google? Any idea what happened?09:53
o2simo20hi all09:59
Areckxhi there09:59
AreckxTrying out different versions of ubuntu until I find the right one for my system10:00
AreckxI know that once linux has been configured properly, it will work for a long time without failure.10:01
bekksDid you compare the checksum(s) of the iso(s) you downloaded?10:01
Areckxeven though it doesn't work out of the box like other os10:01
AreckxI skipped that part10:01
o2simo20need a little info about Precise Pangolin, im usin Maverick Meerkat, and im goin to switch to Precise Pangolin on the 26th / 27th10:01
bekksAreckx: Well, dont skip it, since maybe your download is just corrupted.10:02
o2simo20it uses a different interface, like a side menu on the desktop10:03
o2simo20whats the name of that10:03
zykotick9o2simo20: unity10:03
o2simo20ah thanks zykotick910:04
o2simo20what does Maverick Meerkat use?10:04
zykotick9o2simo20: gnome210:04
o2simo20ah ok, so is it possible to run gnome and not unity on ubuntu 12?10:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:05
zykotick9o2simo20: but there is a gnome2-like environment for 12.04LTS... not sure on details10:06
zykotick9o2simo20: actually #ubuntu+1 might be a better place for your questions about 12.0410:06
goksuhi everyone :)10:11
goksuI'd like some advice concerning a Raid 5 arrangement.10:12
bekks! ask | goksu10:13
ubottugoksu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:13
goksuraid 5 = 4 disks -> 1 failed. now have new and better drive but I keep getting a "not large enough to joın array".10:15
YBinnenwegI am having problems using openGL acceleration in Runescape. I installed java, and it Runescape runs from my browser, but when I try to switch to openGL acceleration it tells me this is not possible. I am using Chromium browser, and my GPU is the ATI Radeon X1950XTX. I didn't install any other GPU drivers, I used the ones that came with Ubuntu 11.10.10:15
goksubecause new drive is 4096 sectors versus the 512 and ı need to allıgn10:16
bekksgoksu: I doubt thats the reason.10:17
bekksgoksu: Just the the overall size of the new disk, it is smaller. But not due to the 4k blocks.10:17
=== cccangel is now known as cccangel-away
YBinnenwegIs there anyone in here who can help me with that problem?10:19
bekksWe dont know.10:19
YBinnenwegOk, thanks.10:19
bekksYBinnenweg: And the shipped drivers most likely arent capable of 3D.10:19
YBinnenwegHmm okay10:20
facefacein the update gui, google-chrome-stable is there, but I can't check the box10:20
facefacewhy is that?10:20
YBinnenwegwell I tried installing the fglrx drivers, but it totally disabled 3D, even in Gnome 310:20
bekksfaceface: Which Ubuntu do you use?10:20
facefacebekks: you'll laugh10:20
bekksYBinnenweg: Then something went wrong :)10:20
goksubekks: total byte size is identical. after alignment block count is even bigger. I plan on doing a resize of the raid through resize2fs and mdadm--grow. will it work? I have data on the disk.10:21
YBinnenweghmm.. scumbag ATI10:21
facefaceUbuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron - released in April 2008 bekks10:21
bekksgoksu: If you have valuable data on that array, you have a backup of it. If not, just recreate the array.10:21
=== cccangel-away is now known as cccangel
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.10:22
YBinnenwegbekks: "Additional Drivers" doesn't show me anything though :/10:22
oCeanfaceface: 8.04 desktop edition is end of life, no more updates provided10:22
goksubekks: the array size is 6terabytes. I do not have enough space to backup. that was why I had raid in the first place. for a little space.10:22
oCeanfaceface: ?10:23
facefaceI see google-chrome-stable listed in the gui, but not clickable for update, why is it there?10:23
bekksgoksu: So the data isnt valuable, since you have no backup. Basically. :) A RAID is NOT a backup at all.10:23
oCeanfaceface: because no more updates are provided.10:23
facefaceoCean: oh, why is it listed as an update?10:23
sacarlsonanyone able to install ubuntu 10.04 alternate with a usb driver or better yet from an added menu entry in grub2? seems it can't find the cdrom at install10:24
oCeanfaceface: because updates exist, just not for 8.0410:24
facefacestrange... I guess the goolge repo isn't distro specific10:24
goksubekks: a raid5 has some basic backup. I lost a drive and it still works. cant loose a second though. that is why I need to get that forth drive active.10:24
goksubekks: thanks.10:24
oCeanfaceface: because it's end of life, 8.04 discussion is also offtopic. You should upgrade or re-install more recent release10:25
facefaceright, it isn't10:25
bekksgoksu: a RAID NEVER has a backup.10:25
facefaceoCean: how come your last comment isn't off topic too?10:25
facefaceanyway, thanks for help10:25
facefacepower to the old hardware ;-)10:25
bekksgoksu: However, unless you can backup your data, I wont play with resize2fs and mdadm --grow10:26
* dwatkins thought recent Ubuntu versions ran quite well on old hardware10:26
goksubekks:  thanks.10:29
goksuneed to go. bye10:29
konstantin_anybody there?10:31
Laurenceb_can anyone help me with wifi?10:32
shape!ask > Laurenceb10:32
savranyone using 12.4 with ruby1.9 and rails 2.3?10:32
Laurenceb_i have issues with my wifi running slow, then disconnecting, then i cannot connect10:32
shape!ask > Laurenceb_10:32
ubottuLaurenceb_, please see my private message10:32
Laurenceb_i have to press the "wireless association" button on my router to connect10:33
Laurenceb_any ideas? is this a ubuntu issue or my router being weird?10:33
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shapeI don't think I can help you fully, but what Router do you have?10:35
Laurenceb_BT homehub10:35
Laurenceb_i wonder if its hand firmware remotely upgraded10:35
shapeLaurenceb_: Do you have other computers connected to the router via wifi, and if you do, do they drop the connection as well?10:36
Laurenceb_shape: unfortunately not10:36
Laurenceb_i need to try with a windows machine10:36
Laurenceb_ok, ill try and grab an XP machine to test with10:37
shapethere are ways to test the wifi in ubuntu, to check if everything is working properly (i.e. drivers, etc.) via command line10:37
Laurenceb_ok, go for it10:37
shapebut I'm not that experienced in ubuntu so perhaps someone else might help you in that area10:38
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sacarlsonI can't beleave you can't install ubuntu 10.04 alternate with a usb flash drive, you get can't find cdrom.  do any of the newer alternate iso files fix this problem?10:44
zykotick9sacarlson: did you try unetbootin?  might be worth a shot?10:45
ltlynxHello everyone! I've just installed Kubuntu 11.10 on my netbook it has an Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM. My problem is startup sound is delayed it doesn't play after the animation but it plays along with notifcations. What do I need to do to make it play ahead of the notifications?10:45
sacarlsonzykotick9: no I can't even use the usb i'm doing it from a grub2 menu entry,  this system has only 256 meg and old bios with no usb boot support10:46
sacarlsonzykotick9: and no working cdrom drives10:47
azertyulhow to enable telnet when it not present ?10:47
zykotick9sacarlson: well good luck (with 256MB RAM, seems like a waste of time to me)10:47
sacarlsonzykotick9: it's just a server10:48
sacarlsonI think I should try the lubuntu but I'm not sure if it will have the same problem or not10:49
jribsacarlson: why wouldn't you start with ubuntu server edition?10:50
sacarlsonjrib: that also has the same problem with can't find cdrom from a grub2 menu add10:50
jribsacarlson: how did you create the usb?10:51
sacarlsonjrib: the system still has a running partition to boot ,  from there I edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom to make install with an iso file10:52
Knows_Nothinghave a problem with postfix, has anyone postfix knowledge?10:52
bekks! ask | Knows_Nothing10:53
ubottuKnows_Nothing: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:53
juniouryep tell10:53
Knows_Nothingk thanks bekks10:53
sacarlsonjrib: I run into this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148651510:53
Knows_NothingI cant "send" a mail to my postfix server. The mail is in the log, but i get (on my web email account) a mail back with the title "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"10:54
jribsacarlson: and what happens when you try the solution posted in that thread?10:54
sacarlsonjrib: I think they do it from a usb were as I don't10:55
jribsacarlson: well they mount the iso, can't you do the same?10:55
junioursacarlson chang you boot order kepp usb to first10:55
sacarlsonjrib: but I'm thinking about trying something like it but first I'll try lubuntu10:55
jrib!install | sacarlson10:55
ubottusacarlson: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:55
sacarlsonjuniour: this old system won't boot usb, no bios support10:56
jribsacarlson: there might be some useful info on those wiki pages too10:56
juniourthan install with ubuntu live cd10:56
sacarlsonI did also try the mini.iso but can't figure that out eather10:57
sacarlsonjuniour: no working cdrom drives any place around here any more10:57
jribsacarlson: there's a link on the wiki about installing from an existing linux install.  I'd give that a read-through.  I also believe the instructions given in the thread linked from the original forum thread you posted would work; you just need to read and apply it to your situation10:59
sacarlsonjrib: that's the method I am presently using10:59
sacarlsonlooks like lubuntu might work as it only requires 128 meg mem11:03
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voozeHow do i enter "Gsettings" to edit a gnome shell extension?11:08
case_hello, I need to find and old Firefox version (10) to run my integration tests, but I am not able to find one. Any suggestions?11:10
HeliusCrongoogle old versions of FF11:10
case_HeliusCron: I can only find v3, I need 1011:11
HeliusCronthats for windows sorry11:13
case_you're saying I should use Windows? :)11:13
nelson8874I have dual boot. Windows 7 and Linux Mint. I want to install ubuntu over mint, and substitute it. Is it possible?11:14
viveshenjust run mint off stick11:14
nelson8874viveshen: sorry, i don't understand....11:15
LjLnelson8874: it's possible and should be pretty easy11:16
scar3crownelson8874: totally... if you have a seperate /home ;)11:16
LjLnelson8874: just select manual partitioning in the installer, and use your Mint partition(s) as your Ubuntu's new partition(s)11:16
LjLnelson8874: but yes, mind your data, because by default they will be lost11:16
nelson8874LjL: will i not screw grub?11:17
LjLnelson8874: well you will lose Mint's GRUB, but Ubuntu will install its own version and that should be fine11:17
nelson8874LjL: and will it make a new clean dual boot?11:18
LjLnelson8874: if all goes well, yes. it's supposed to recognize Windows automagically and let you dual-boot11:18
HeliusCronanyone running truecrypt with a dual boot of win7/ubuntu?11:19
UnconventionalTI have a question. If I'm running Ubuntu and gnome, and I want to install K apps (like Krita, for example), ubuntu downloads the entire oxygen icon set. Is there any way to have all of my KDE apps use gnome icons, instead?11:19
nelson8874LjL: ok. I will try it. If you don't see me in a few min/hours, thats because i f*** my pc... :)11:20
LjLnelson8874: good luck :P11:21
UnconventionalTEssentially, all I'm asking is if there's a KDE icon theme that can just symlink to all of the Gnome icons.11:22
shapeDoes anyone know if you can set up Thunderbird with Hotmail imap?11:32
scar3crowshape yep11:32
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cassiopeia_is it possible to make "grep" post the first line of a file, then "grep" the rest of what i specify?11:43
cassiopeia_and still have it play nice with | column |11:43
MonkeyDustcassiopeia_  use awk11:45
bbyim in11:48
bbyping www.google.com11:49
bbysomeone there?11:49
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...11:49
cassiopeia_cat someCSVfile.csv | column -s, -t | less -#2 -N -Sn| grep 'takemetothemoon' // i have that command ?to pull lines from a large .csv file, how would i use awk instead to pull the first line and still have the ability to pull specific lines or grep for data11:53
boobieswho wants to help me run through recommended updates??11:55
dlentzrun through recommended updates?11:56
lan3ywe should take people as seriously as their nick names on here11:58
boobiesdlentz: yes, please tell me which ones are absolutely essential11:58
dlentzdo i get multiple choice?11:58
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boobiesdlentz: yes, 27011:59
Wiz_KeeDhey guys11:59
dlentzboobies, you generally install all of them unless you have a slow net connection11:59
boobiesdlentz: but if i do that, my quick brightness keys don't change screen brightness no more11:59
ghilOh, the nice feeling. waking up in the morning, starting your computer, and see Linux there for the first time in a while. :P12:00
boobiesdlentz: only bar moves12:00
root1Jotak : -----12:02
dlentzboobies, the only essential updates are security updates12:02
boobiesdlentz: true but i can't play nexuiz now12:02
bunny69what is the good cpulimit tool that can work with multicore?12:03
boobiesdlentz: which updates is essential to get the graphics card running optimally12:03
dlentzboobies, depends on your graphic card12:03
lan3yboobies, the driver is a good place to start12:03
Stanley00bunny69: what do you mean by "cpuimit"?12:03
boobiesdlentz: true but which one is it ?12:04
lotusI find that the volume control in ubuntu only effects the volume between range 0% (minimum) - 20% (max)  -- any higher and it just doesn't change.12:04
lotusHow can I get more precise control over my volume?12:04
dlentzboobies, what GPU do you have (look at lscpi command if not sure)12:05
dlentzlotus, have you tried alsamixer?12:05
boobiesdlentz: how to run the command ?12:05
lotusdlentz: Hitting "volume +" on my keyboard is changing the levels in alsamixer (I'm watching it happen)12:06
dlentzboobies, open a terminal?12:06
lotusdlentz: actually, the volume is being increased on "Master" but nothing changes.  The volume below "20%" is being changed on "Front"12:06
lotusdlentz: For clarity, when "Front" meter moves up and down, the volume _actually_ changes.  When "Master" moves up and down, the volume remains constant.12:07
boobiesdlentz: lscpi is not a known command12:07
dlentzsorry, lspci12:07
PsiKlopshi. i want to install avidemux on Oneric. can i add the debian multi media repository: deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org wheezy main non-free  or other to my sources.list ?12:08
dlentzlotus, i'm not sure :\ (i don't use gnome.unity or pulseaudio)12:08
lotusdlentz: yeah I'm just in gnome classic but w/ pulseaudio (10.04)12:09
dlentzPsiKlops, avidemux is in the repo12:09
dlentz!info avidemux12:09
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu7.1 (oneiric), package size 761 kB, installed size 1992 kB12:09
paissadhello guys, what do Ubuntu version always get released on thursdays ?12:09
PsiKlopsdlentz, not in mine unfortunately ... very strange but true12:10
lan3ypaissad, in time for a long weekend of getting it working and set up just the way we like it :D12:10
dlentzlotus, so you want your volume keys to control 'Front'?12:10
lotuspaissad: So they're ready for download friday morning before work, install friday after work, setup over the weekend, and be ready by Monday for use?12:10
lotusdlentz: yes, in increments of 2 or 5%12:10
lotuspaissad: just a guess12:10
llutzPsiKlops: then check your sources.list, change mirrors12:11
paissadlotus: lan3y okay12:11
fredrik_how do I gzip all files and subfolders into one big zip-file?12:11
paissadfredrik_: you mean how to google that ?12:12
auronandacePsiKlops: wheezy? are you using a debian repository on ubuntu?12:12
lotusfredrik_: I think you use tar cvzf file.tar.gz folder_to_compress/12:12
llutzfredrik_: tar czf bigfile.tgz /folder12:12
lotusfredrik_: the v flag is for verbose12:12
fredrik_paissad, isnt ubuntu on irc better than google it?12:13
fredrik_llutz, thanks!12:13
lotusfredrik_: lots of people like to see you put a little effort into finding the answer yourself12:13
krzysztofCześć, jest wstanie udzielić mi porady, dot instalacji wtyczek flash na xubntu?12:13
PsiKlopsauronandace, no, i thought wheezy would compair more to oneric12:13
lotus!translate krzysztof12:13
dlentzlotus, fire up gconf-editor and look at apps/gnome-settings-daemon , there may be a setting ther12:14
auronandacePsiKlops: never mix debian and ubuntu repos, things will break12:14
PsiKlopsauronandace, but i wanted to12:14
lotusdlentz ty~12:15
llutzPsiKlops:avidemux should be in the standard-repos. check your sources.list and change mirrors if yours aren't holding it12:15
PsiKlopsllutz, yoo, thanx12:15
llutzpsakrii: make sure to have "multiverse"  enabled12:15
llutzsry psakrii, not you12:16
lotusdlentz: looks like only the keys are listed in there.  Thanks for the idea, though!  :)12:18
lotusdlentz: also, volume_step was in there :)12:18
lotusdlentz: actually, volume_step helped.  I set it to "1" instead of "6" and now I can just operate in the 20% range12:19
lotusit's like increments of "5" on the "front" slider12:20
* dlentz gives lotus thumbs up12:20
lotushaugh fie!12:21
lotusyeuah!  ;P12:21
* lotus goes back to work12:21
* dlentz goes back to drinking12:22
codemaniachello ubuites12:24
dmorrison42Quick question. I tried searching out the answer, but I couldn't understand what the answers meant.12:24
codemaniacanyone uses micromax 310g modem at ubuntu12:24
meNthasomebody have experience with ralink wifi and ubuntu?12:24
derpladeehey guys is it possible to output your sound on one of the other mini jack ports? like i have one for sound, one for microphone and one for .. something else12:25
derpladeecan i output my computer sound to the mini jack that's "intended" for microphone input?12:25
dmorrison42How can I add padding to my filenames? IE 1 songname.mp3 = 001 songname.mp312:26
dlentzderpladee, http://voices.canonical.com/david.henningsson/2011/11/29/turn-your-mic-jack-into-a-headphone-jack/12:30
derpladeedlentz, thanks!12:31
mastavrahello all12:32
mastavrahello all12:32
codemaniachello mastavra12:33
mastavrahow are you12:33
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appi_uppihow to extract DSDT from the bios on ubuntu 10.0412:40
appi_uppiwhat's the command?12:40
appi_uppii'm trying to recompile DSDT as my system is getting heatedup12:41
akemlast time i played with DSDT tables i bricked my motherboard.12:41
appi_uppioh my god12:42
appi_uppibut do you know how to extract DSDT from the bios?12:42
akemhad to flash the BIOS cauze the table was messed up, didn't worked.12:42
oCeanappi_uppi: probably need acpidump (it's in the repos)12:42
akemcan't remember i used some Win32 intel tool iirc...12:42
appi_uppii see12:42
sstaplaying with your BIOS is a good way to toast the machine12:43
appi_uppibut can anyone tell the me exact command to extract information from bios/12:43
oCeanappi_uppi: dmidecode shows lots of information12:43
oCeanappi_uppi: see, this page http://www.arunviswanathan.com/node/63 mentions both dmidecode and acpidump12:44
appi_uppibut i'm not modifying any bios settings12:44
appi_uppijust trying to recompile dsdt12:45
appi_uppii will see that link12:45
sstayou don't think the system table is a BIOS setting?12:45
ironmhello. Please allow me one question: how is it possible (if at all) to create a local ubuntu install repository from a ubuntu-server iso image doing it offline? Thank you in advance for any hints.12:46
appi_uppissta, yes it is12:46
ironmappi_uppi, thank you. do you know how?12:46
oCeanironm: this page describes how to setup PXE boot server, that's probably what you're after https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer12:47
ironmthank you oCean12:49
o2simo20is it like a structure? like linux> x11> gnome or linux> x11> unity12:50
o2simo20so in ubuntu 12 i can install gnome2 instead of unity or will this brk some stuff?12:51
Therion87GNOME2 isn't in repos anymore is it?12:51
dlentzo2simo20, gnome2 is dead, but lives on in zombie form as "MATE"12:51
oCeano2simo20: gnome2 is dead, no one is maintaining it. And 12.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel12:51
o2simo20thnks oCean and dlentz12:53
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.12:54
appi_uppioCean, not exactly :(12:55
oCeanappi_uppi: ?12:55
appi_uppioCean, no i dont know12:56
oCeanappi_uppi: I have no idea what you are talking about12:56
mouth1hi, what package do i need to play mp3?12:57
mouth1i see there are 2 packages doing the same thing in the ubuntu software center12:57
dlentzmouth1, it depends on which player you're using12:57
appi_uppioCean, i'm answering to your question12:58
mouth1"GStreamer extra plugins" and "Ubuntu restricted extras"12:58
mouth1both say that they play mp312:58
oCeanmouth1: you need the restricted extras: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:58
dlentzubuntu restricted-extras is a metapackage (just depends on other packages)12:58
sstathere's an mp3 player installed by default.  Banshee?12:59
mouth1dlentz, oCean  what does that mean exactly? i'm trying to learn the words :D12:59
oCeanmouth1: it's explained at the link I posted.13:00
dlentza metapackage doesn't contain its own software, it just grabs other packages13:00
dlentzubuntu restricted extras grabs "gstreamer exta plugins"13:01
dlentzthat's why installing either one will enable mp313:01
mouth1and i should install the restricted extras?13:01
dlentzyes, assuming they're legal (of course)13:01
mouth1i wonder why it says "unknown" in the license information and not open source13:02
mouth1what do you mean?13:02
dlentzi mean that restricted stuff may not be legal depending on your locality and men in uncomfortable shoes may show up at your doorstep13:03
mouth1haha ok13:03
shapestop scaring the guy13:03
shapewho comes up at your door13:03
shapebecause of the damn codecs13:03
dlentzthe codec police!13:03
shapeand microsoft fonts13:03
sstanobody will come to your door probably13:04
shapejesus christ13:04
mouth1how would they even know13:04
shapefirst of all they have to know who he is13:04
shapeand that he got those13:04
shapeand you can't trace that13:04
shapeand it's not even illegal stuff13:04
sstathe point is that the stuff in restricted is licensed under various not-free terms.13:04
LjLok let's just leave it at "it might be illegal depending on where you live"13:04
appi_uppioCean, sorry.. i was suppose to answer to ironm13:04
appi_uppiironm, i dont know13:04
CQ_how can I figure out which packages are eating up the most space on my system?13:05
mouth1ok guys, i have another question… coming from windows and lots of malware problems i am afraid of just installing anything i don't know the source of or is open source...13:05
mouth1is restricted-extras or gstreamer-extras "safe"...?13:05
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mouth1but there is no source available and i am granting admin rights to it, right?13:06
LjLCQ_: dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -nr | less13:06
ironmappi_uppi, what do you mean exactly?13:06
prashant_123456how to decrease panel height in ubuntu 11.1013:06
sacarlson1ok my solution with lubuntu to boot from grub2 worked.  I should have used this a long time ago instead of working to get ubuntu alternate to boot from a grub2 entry13:06
dlentzsacarlson1, context might help..13:07
CQ_ljl thanks13:07
ironmoCean, it looks like XCP can't use PXE server for VM installations13:07
LjLmouth1, it's still packaged by Ubuntu, so you're only granting admin rights to the package's installation scripts by Ubuntu. then, the codecs/things themselves will only use whatever privileges you run them with (typically your user's)13:07
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:08
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appi_uppiironm, i dont know about the BIOS system table13:08
mouth1ok thanks LjL13:08
sacarlson1dlentz: I couldn't get ubuntu alternate to boot from an added grub entry to boot iso as it fails to find cdrom,  seems this but is not been fixed13:08
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ironmthank you appi_uppi13:08
sacarlson1but = bug13:08
appi_uppiironm, all i'm trying to sort out the heat up issue in my laptop13:09
dlentzsacarlson1, ah, i see13:09
dlentzappi_uppi, what kind of laptop13:09
omidoHi. i'm noob. i just installed ubuntu and want to update it and install some apps on it. ubuntu software center says " Waiting for Jockey-backend to exit". what should i do ?13:09
appi_uppidlentz, accer aspire 553613:09
jamjamanyone know a guide/link on clustering x86 ubuntu?13:10
ironmappi_uppi, I guess the overheating issue you have is due to compiz (in case you use it)13:11
omidoHi. i'm noob. i just installed ubuntu and want to update it and install some apps on it. ubuntu software center says " Waiting for Jockey-backend to exit". what should i do ?13:11
appi_uppiironm, should i remove it13:12
ironmappi_uppi, I use awesome as WM13:12
ironmyes appi_uppi  .. I would not recommend using compiz13:12
omidoplz help me13:13
appi_uppiironm, so shall i uninstall it from my system?13:13
mouth1omido: have you googled for the error message?13:14
ironmyes appi_uppi13:14
appi_uppiironm, thank you.. i will it now13:15
omidomouth1: I'm on ubuntu 12.04 beta. i'm not sure if the info about the beta software is available on google13:15
omidoi'm newbie13:15
mouth1omido: it is13:15
gvo12.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel13:15
omidoShould i keep using the 12.04 beta or use 10.04 or 11.10 ?13:15
ironmomido, there is still *only" beta version of ubuntu 12.0413:15
mouth1omido: i would not use 12.04 beta yet13:16
mouth1only for testing13:16
dlentzomido, does this command return anything?13:16
dlentzps -e | grep jockey13:16
gvoomido I agree with mouth113:16
mouth1install 11.10 and then when 12.04 is released install that13:16
appi_uppiironm, wow13:16
gvobeta software isn't for newbies13:16
kalle_r_Hi, is Ubuntu windows xp?13:16
appi_uppiironm, the heat has come down like anyting13:17
gvokalle_r_: sure13:17
ironmappi_uppi, ;)13:17
kalle_r_is Ubuntu XP poop compatiable?13:17
appi_uppiironm, shall i install awesome WM?13:17
gvoI've heard it said XP is poop/13:17
oCeangvo: please move on13:18
bondmain_So i just setup google authenticator on my ubuntu machine... and i was wondering can i make the code requried when logging into any of the tty as well as ssh... or is it ssh only?13:18
appi_uppiironm, shall i install awesome WM?13:19
DebolazHmm, how do I disable the behavior where shift-alt becomes the meta key?13:21
cuzzoWhat's the best way to install glib > 2.3?  I can't seem to get > 2.3 with apt-get.13:21
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GirlyGirlcuzzo: Why do you want that?13:23
cuzzoGirlyGirl, to install webkit from source.13:23
ResQuei think a word doc i have got has a mal vbscript in it. how can i open and view this vbscript with openoffice?13:23
ResQuei could not see anything to do with scripting on the menu, could someone point me in the right direction13:24
arianithi, kernels newer than 3.0.0-13-generic give me a blank screen. so although I have them uinstalled up to -17, they don't work. any ideas?13:26
georgelappieshow can I disable the silent boot. i.e. I want to see the messages running up the screen of the system booting until X kicks in?13:28
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sattu94I think Plymouth handles that..13:30
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satyanashgeorgelappies, But I remember something else being responsible for showing the ubuntu loading screen since 11.0413:32
bastidrazorgeorgelappies: remove "quiet splash" in /etc/default/grub  then sudo update-grub13:33
=== Michael91 is now known as starter
georgelappiesbastidrazor: its this line right "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash""13:36
bastidrazorgeorgelappies: yes, leave the "13:36
bastidrazorGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""  is what you want13:37
georgelappiesshot, thanks bastidrazor13:37
georgelappieslet me reboot :)13:37
bastidrazorgeorgelappies: you're welcome. be sure to sudo update-grub afterwards13:38
lotusbe sure to sudo rm -rf /* also ;P13:43
lotusno, no don't do that.13:44
satyanashlotus, You could get kicked for that.13:46
shapewhat does that do?13:47
shaperemove what?13:47
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!13:47
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oCeanlotus: don't suggest that again13:48
elspuddyhi, how do i give full access to a mac drive in ubuntu ?13:49
synapseis it possible to do a dist upgrade to the 12.04 (pre-release) if I am running lucid?13:50
Horusofoz@shape by the looks of it (newb here) removes (rm) all the contents of from root (/*) with the -rf switches13:50
synapseor will in 2 weeks, will that functionalty be available?13:51
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shapeHorusofoz: It will actually let you do that? o_O?13:51
sstashape: it deletes every file on your system.  Not a command to be taken lightly (although some people seem to think it's funny to tell people to do it)13:51
bastidrazorsynapse: yes, its beta and buggy but it is possible to upgrade now13:51
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synapsebastidrazor: how do I do that?13:51
shapessta: what does -rf mean13:51
bastidrazorsynapse: sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:51
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shapewhere can I actually learn this stuff13:51
sstashape: recurse (descend into subdirectories) and force removal.13:52
rjmanshape: -r recurse -f force13:52
bastidrazor!teriminal | shape13:52
sstashape: manpages, various wikis, tldp.org, lots of practice and hard work :)13:52
shapebut if removes all files, how will it run?13:52
bastidrazorshape: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal   that'll help a bit13:52
synapsebastidrazor: that tossed an error saying it couldnt be done13:53
sstashape: you'd be surprised.  Don't worry about it though, just don't do it13:53
bastidrazorsynapse: what was the error13:53
rjmanshape: well, you won't be able to run it a second time...i don't think13:53
wyldeshape, because most of your running processes are loaded into ram. rjman correct :)13:54
shapeJesus o_O13:54
shapebtw, when i have something like13:54
shapea program pidgin for example13:55
sstanot unheard of for systems to stay up after it...for a while anyway13:55
ubottumirko_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:55
shapewhat is the command to type after it, so taht you see the options that you have13:55
wyldeuntil they need to access files on disk, heh13:55
wyldeshape:  usually -h or --help13:55
shapeoh ok13:56
shapethanks all!13:56
oCeanshape: it differs. Sometimes it is --help or -h or it might show you help when no option is given at all. Also, you can use manual pages by using the  man pidgin  command13:56
wyldeshape: for detailed info man <packagename>13:56
shapebastidrazor: thanks for the links!13:56
synapsebastidrazor: any tips/clues?13:56
shapeoCean: wylde: thanks!13:57
shapeAny good books on Linux to learn this stuff or is the wiki enough?13:57
compdocgoogle is as good as any book13:57
oCean!manual | shape13:57
ubottushape: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:57
sstalots of books, wikis, google, manpages13:58
oCeanshape: ^the manual is a little outdated, but still helpful13:58
=== Scrumps is now known as GH0
jacobraskNeither my camera nor SD card reader mounts and doesn't even show up in fdisk. I see in dmesg that they are added, and they worked a couple of weeks back. I used another cable though, which I can't find now, and I might've upgraded my kernel since13:58
sstathe Ubuntu manual is a userguide, not a technical work13:58
bastidrazorsynapse: it claims you may have unofficial packages not supported by ubuntu.13:58
shapeIs this good? A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming by Sobell13:58
Horusofozshape: If it helps - A Command Line Primer for Beginners - http://lifehacker.com/5633909/who-needs-a-mouse-learn-to-use-the-command-line-for-almost-anything13:58
synapseI did, I just commented them out of sources.lst13:59
rjmanshape: no books really help me...but www.linuxjournal.com gives good tips/projects with linux13:59
* SaZha *laughing* >everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents< why not "endless task"13:59
shapeThanks a lot guys! I have lots to learn now!13:59
sab0hi, I am using ubuntu 10.04,i want to install google-talk plugin,i downloaded it,but when i was trying to install it form terminal it was giving me the following error....http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/14:00
etzerdhello all14:00
sab0can any one please help me14:00
etzerdwhen the new version will be out?14:00
Milfwanna change language on my ubuntu server14:00
MilfWhat's the command?14:00
oCeanetzerd: plans are april 26th, but it will be available when it is ready14:00
bastidrazorsynapse: its not liking them being installed14:01
Milfit's supposed to be in english but yet showing me errors in french... what the hell ^^14:01
SaZhaanyone could tell me a shorthand for installing speech-recognition?14:01
SaZhaand maybe some code to understand gestures like eye-toy does?14:01
sab0hi, I am using ubuntu 10.04,i want to install google-talk plugin,i downloaded it,but when i was trying to install it form terminal it was giving me the following error....http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/  can any one please help me14:02
SaZhawanna have to kow my host when im getting angry, start insulting and sort before punching him14:02
robertzaccourI've got a problem trying to launch Kdenlive "kdenlive MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will not work until this issue is fixed." any suggestions?14:03
sstasab0: you downloaded a .deb?  You need to use "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb"14:04
skelsab0: what is your platform?  x86_64 or x86?14:04
sab0skel, x86_6414:04
Milfwanna change language on my ubuntu server, what's the shell command?14:05
skelsab0: that error looks like its trying to install on x86. did you get the right version?14:05
skelMilf: export LANG=14:06
Milfskel, LANG="en" for example?14:06
sab0skel, i will try 64 bit version14:07
ironmappi_uppi, I guess awesome is the right WM for users with long linux experience. If you want to try awesome you could download a bootable live image (booting from a USB stick) I have created in the past ...http://rsync.it-infrastrukturen.org/debian-live/binary-hybrid-wheezy-amd64-syslinux-awesome.iso14:07
killer1i dual boot ubuntu and opensuse and i want the grub of opensuse to be default14:07
skelMilf: take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale14:07
Milfskel thxxxx14:07
sab0skel, can you please tell me how can i check which version of ubuntu i am using 64/32 bit,as i am new in linux platform14:07
ironmappi_uppi, there is also a README file with required details: http://rsync.it-infrastrukturen.org/debian-live/README_debian-live-images.txt14:08
robertzaccourI've got a problem trying to launch Kdenlive "kdenlive MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will not work until this issue is fixed." any suggestions?14:09
jolassta, are you there?14:09
bastidrazorsab0: in a terminal type 'uname -m'14:09
wylde!patience | robertzaccour14:09
ubotturobertzaccour: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:09
flux242Hi, I'm trying to figure out if it possible to get notified if a davfs2 is mounted. Should udev help here and how the rule should look like in this case? At least SUBSYSTEM=="fuse" RUN+="/etc/showfuse.sh" doesn't seem to work14:10
wylderobertzaccour: you may also have better luck in #kubuntu.14:10
robertzaccourwylde, I waited several minutes, just trying to get some help14:10
appi_uppiironm, sure14:10
appi_uppiironm, thank you14:10
skelrobertzaccour: have you tried this? http://www.kdenlive.org/forum/ubuntu-1110-wont-run-kdenlive-mlts-sdl-module-not-found14:12
sab0skel, l am using 32 bit machine14:13
skelsab0: ok whats the package name for the google plugins you downloaded?14:13
killer1can anyone tell me how to choose default bootloader /grub in linux dual booting14:13
skelor what link did you download from?14:13
sab0skel, google-talkplugin_current_i38614:14
robertzaccourskel, I saw that before but how do I add the ppa?14:14
skelsab0: hm ok14:15
sab0skel, was trying to install it from terminal by using the command sudo apt-get install google-talkplugin_current_i386.....but giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/14:15
wylderobertzaccour:  apt-add-repository ppa:somethingelsehere14:15
mouth1are ati drivers any better than they were say 5 years ago? the fglrx for example?14:15
bazhang!addppa | robertzaccour14:16
ubotturobertzaccour: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details14:16
ezoeIs there a way to hide User Account from upper bar?14:16
ironmappi_uppi, if you are not programmer or system administrator another WMs like gnome, lxde or kde are "better"14:16
skelrobertzaccour: the fourth post shows you exactly what to type..14:16
ezoeSometimes, I unintentionally switch user because of this.14:17
hifibotHello ther .. Can anyone tell me how can i install xchat from here .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat14:17
robertzaccourskel, just tried the first post. brb after I try it out thanks14:17
skelsab0: I'm not on my ubuntu system atm otherwise I'd download the package and take a look at it. I don't have a shell on my tablet atm.14:17
RobinJwhen you install ubuntu 4.10 you get this little setup script at first run, can anyone tell me where i can find it? i chose the wrong video driver >.>14:17
Debrohow i can use unity with gnome14:17
appi_uppiironm, i'm a programmer but a great programmer :D... ironm i have remove compiz what do you recommend lxde or kde?14:17
skelDebro: you can't. thats like asking how you can use a toyota with your chevy14:18
skelDebro: you can make gnome behave like unity and possibly the other way around14:18
ironmappi_uppi, kde seems to be more comfortable however kde needs a lot of RAM compare to lxde14:18
sab0I was trying to install it from terminal by using the command sudo apt-get install google-talkplugin_current_i386.....but giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/ ..can any one help please14:18
skelsab0: can you give me the link where you downloaded the deb?14:19
appi_uppiironm, hmm14:19
appi_uppiironm, heat has come down14:19
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:19
sab0skel, http://www.google.com/chat/video/download.html?hl=en14:20
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: KDE doesn't need that much ram, its just that lxde needs less than normal ram14:20
ironmappi_uppi, yes .. it was due to compiz and it's hardware usage14:20
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: A typical kde session uses arround 320mb ram14:20
appi_uppii see..14:21
appi_uppithen will install KDE14:21
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: give me a sec I have one useful link for you14:21
appi_uppioh sure14:21
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: You are on 11.10?14:22
robertzaccourskel, I think I will try the beta version and see my luck there. I'd rather not have to switch to KDE just for 1 program if possible.14:22
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appi_uppiGirlyGirl, 10.0414:22
sab0I was trying to install it from terminal by using the command sudo apt-get install google-talkplugin_current_i386.....but giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/ ..can any one help please14:22
skelrobertzaccour: I understand, I have the same approach myself.14:22
satyanashA typical Fvwm session uses 30-40MB RAM..14:23
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: Hmm then it might be a bad idea ... kde in 10.04 is an old version and really not stable compared to the recent release14:23
ironmappi_uppi, why didn't you already move to ubuntu 11.10?14:23
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11501685&postcount=114:23
RobinJwhen you install ubuntu 4.10 you get this little setup script at first run, can anyone tell me where i can find it? i chose the wrong video driver >.>14:23
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, ironm oh14:24
mneptoksab0: the package is google-talkplugin (no _i386)14:24
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: Or you can wait for precise on th 26th and install kubuntu 12.0414:24
bazhangRobinJ, did you mean 10.04? 4.10 is not supported for a long time14:24
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, sure then14:24
mneptokironm: there are very good reasons to stay with an LTS release like 10.04 rather than update it to a non-LTS version. i do the same on a server here at home.14:25
RobinJbazhang, no, 4.10 =D14:25
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, I'm really depending on you people @ moment.. however i will also go through the release notes for compatibility with accer aspire 553614:25
ironmmneptok, yes ... if you use it as a server14:25
mneptokironm: desktop, too.14:26
bazhangRobinJ, there's no support for that here.14:26
appi_uppiironm, thank your very much14:26
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: What graphic card does it have?14:26
RobinJmeh i'll just reinstall it, it happens in 5 minutes anyway :p14:26
mneptokironm: try telling enterprise IT with 6,000 desktop seats that all their users have to upgrade every 6 months. watch the Windows license fly off the shelves.14:26
ironmmneptok, well .. I don't use ubuntu for desktop14:26
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]14:27
ironmyou are right mneptok  .. you can't do it .. tell 6'000 people to move every few months to another desktop14:27
mneptokironm: that being said, sitting on a NON LTS release is equally silly.14:28
Mikero_Hi all, is there a changelog available for Ubuntu 12.04 containing all driver changes/updates? Or does anybody know if the wlan driver have changed? I'm currently having major problems with my wlan connection chocking up every couple of minutes, disconnecting and reconnecting seem to solve the problem, but only for a couple of minutes.14:28
synapse<bastidrazor> synapse: its not liking them being installed14:28
synapseany ideas to remedy?14:29
mneptokMikero_: things like that come to Ubuntu from the upstream Linux kernel project.14:29
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, however as my Guru said i should be recompiling my DSDT i think14:29
bastidrazorsynapse: uninstall them.14:29
synapseforced to uninstall 3rd party to upggrade?14:29
ironmmneptok, just for private usage it is still OK .. better than use unstable coming version like 12.0414:29
mneptokironm: +114:29
SirHackalotHello everyone I am new here and I was wondering if someone could help me out with building the latest 3.4.0-rc2 kernel from kernel.org the modules always fail to compile giving me this error "ERROR: "__modver_version_show" [drivers/staging/rts5139/rts5139.ko] undefined!"14:30
mneptokironm: uhhhh ... "+1" in this case meaning "agreed" and not "wrong channel" ;)14:30
bastidrazorsynapse: it appears what ever they are is causing a conflict.14:30
ironmmneptok, I am speaking about 11.1014:30
ironmOK ;)14:30
=== GG111 is now known as Cent_os6
synapseok, well, what happens when 12.04 really comes out?  I can never upgrade?14:30
=== SirHackalot is now known as tarboxb
synapsejust because I have google chrome installed or something, shouldn't make a dist upgrade not work :/14:31
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.14:32
GirlyGirl!final | synapse14:32
ubottusynapse: please see above14:32
mneptoksynapse: dist-upgrade does not move you between Ubuntu versions.14:32
pangolinsynapse, you are not forced to uninstall 3rd party repos/apps. During the upgrade they get disabled and when the upgrade is complete you need to re-enable them.14:32
synapsethen I guess I don't know where I'm going wrong14:32
synapseI am using update-manager as well14:33
mneptoksynapse: are you trying to move from one release to the next?14:33
GirlyGirlOops thought I was in the +1 channel disregard14:33
synapsetrying to go from lucid to the pre-release14:33
synapsepre-release of 12.04 that is14:33
pangolinsynapse, that is not possible14:33
mneptoksynapse: i would strongly advise against that.14:33
coolproHello, I'm running Teamviewer on my remote computer. Though I forgot to write down the ID and Password. Is there any way to access that kind of data remotely?14:33
synapsecan I go from lucid to anything else?14:33
tarboxbHello everyone I am new here and I was wondering if someone could help me out with building the latest 3.4.0-rc2 kernel from kernel.org the modules always fail to compile giving me this error "ERROR: "__modver_version_show" [drivers/staging/rts5139/rts5139.ko] undefined!"14:34
compdoccoolpro, it would not be very secure if you could14:34
mneptokpangolin: 10.04 to 12.04 will be possible (LTS to LTS), but i'm not sure all that d-i/tasksel stuff has been ironed out thoroughly.14:34
pangolinmneptok, correct but not before the release14:34
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mneptokpangolin: right, because of ironing out such stuffs.14:34
coolprocompdoc: I can run shell commands as a root remotely.14:35
pangolinso, anyway, synapse for help with 12.04 or upgrading to it please use #ubuntu+114:35
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, you mean ubuntu 12.04?14:35
GirlyGirlappi_uppi: You wanted kde right?14:35
mneptoksynapse: wait until 12.04 is actually released. when it is, running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade" will get you 12.04.14:36
bastidrazorsynapse: looking at the top of that pastebin it shows that its wanting to upgrade to maverick14:36
synapseheck if I know14:36
appi_uppiGirlyGirl, i dont know if i can for it or just wait for ubuntu 12.0414:36
synapseis maverick next?14:36
synapseafter lucid14:36
mneptoksynapse: you need to wait until 12.04 is actually released.14:36
=== Luchian is now known as marius
synapsewhich is in like 2 weeks, right?14:37
mneptoksynapse: quite right.14:37
coolproso i'm just wondering if there is a way to get Teamviewer ID and Password, using shell commands as root.14:37
synapseright now it is syaing "ubuntu 10.10 is available"14:37
=== marius is now known as luchian
mneptoksynapse: look at the exchange pangolin and i had just above.14:37
GirlyGirlsynapse: yes they go in alphabetical order ... apart from the warty warthog and hoary hedgehog14:37
synapseis it safe to update to that?14:37
synapseI guess, do I need to update to 10.10 before I can goto the next one?14:38
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mneptokGirlyGirl: Breezy also.14:38
pangolinsynapse, if you wait for two weeks you will be able to upgrade directly to 12.04 but not before it is released officially14:38
GirlyGirlsynapse: No lts to lts upgrdes are possible but wait for the final release14:38
wyldesynapse: if you upgrade to 10.10 the you will have to upgrade to 12.04 when it is released in stages. 10.10 --> 11.04 --> 11.10 --> 12.0414:38
sab0I was trying to install it from terminal by using the command sudo apt-get install google-talkplugin_current_i386.....but giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/931095/ ..can any one help please14:39
mneptoksab0: i already answered you.14:39
synapseI see14:39
sab0mneptok, i tried but having the same error14:39
synapsethanks all14:39
mneptoksab0: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install google-talkplugin"14:40
sab0mneptok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/931142/14:41
KarateKip3Hallow! I want to install Ubuntu from USB, but how do I put Ubuntu on that USB-stick? Should I just extract the ISO and copy it? I tried that before, but i got some strange error. BTW, i am copying Ubuntu to the USB stick on a Windows 7 machine, then I transfer it to the machine where it will be installed.14:41
GirlyGirlKarateKip3: Are you using windows?14:42
mneptoksab0: which release of Ubuntu?14:42
GirlyGirlKarateKip3: Sorry didn't read ... use a program called unetbootin14:42
KarateKip3GirlyGirl: I am using windows to download and copy the ISO to the USB-stick, yes14:42
ironmdoes anyone use apt-mirror on ubuntu 11.10? .. I need the /etc/apt/mirror.list file for ubuntu. Thank you in advance ;)14:42
sab0mneptok, 10.0414:42
chrisinthedark1Random thing generator --> www.worandom.com14:42
GirlyGirlKarateKip3: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net  ... select the from iso option14:43
KarateKip3GirlyGirl: thnx, i will look for unetbootin14:43
wylde!info google-talkplugin14:43
ubottuPackage google-talkplugin does not exist in oneiric14:43
oCeanchrisinthedark1: wrong channel?14:43
mneptoksab0: i'm not sure that package exists in Lucid repos.14:43
=== xpert is now known as zmaj
ironmKarateKip3, do you have cygwin on your windows PC ?14:44
chrisinthedark1@oCean sorry14:44
chrisinthedark1oCean: sorry14:44
sab0mneptok, i dont know,thats why i am asking help again and again,if i can solve my problem theres not reason to ask the same thing14:44
mneptoksab0: on 11.10 (which i'm using) that package is in the Main repo, marked optional. apt tools should see it without adding or uncommenting other repos.14:45
GirlyGirlKarateKip3: Set your bios to boot from usb as well, I assume you know how to do that14:45
if124sab0: have you tried " dpkg -i google-talkplugin_current_i386.deb " ?14:45
mneptoksab0: on my 10.04 server, the package is also not available.14:46
sab0if124, i will try14:46
ironmdoes anyone use apt-mirror on ubuntu 11.10? .. I need the /etc/apt/mirror.list file for ubuntu. Thank you in advance ;)14:46
mneptoksab0: so it's not just you. 10.04 users do not have that package in a default repo.14:46
if124sab0: use sudo before it, i forgot14:46
sab0if124, thank you so much14:47
sab0if124, its done14:47
mneptoksab0: you could see if Google's Chrome repo offers that package by adding the Chrome stuff to sources.list14:47
sab0mneptok, thanks to you also,but when you dont know something please pass other,this is a place to help people14:47
mneptoksab0: excuse me?14:47
LilI'm diggin the new beta..14:51
edlikplease help. I upgraded to 12.04 and now I can not connect using my usb wifi adapter and have no wired connection at desktop14:52
mneptokedlik: 12.04 questions in #ubuntu+1 please14:52
FirePowiit can be a Driver Default ?14:52
=== vahid is now known as Guest77608
omidohi . i'm newbie . i just installed ubuntu 10.04 . how can i upgrade to 12.04 ? what version is good for me?14:53
Lilomido; avoid 12.0414:54
omidoWhat version of ubuntu is more suitable for a newbie like me ? at the moment i'm using 10.0414:55
mneptokomido: you will be able to upgrade that 10.04 to 12.04 in one go if you wait until 12.04 is officially released.14:55
sidneydoes Ubuntu use Nfs by default14:55
pangolinomido, you will be offered to upgrade when the release is official, 2 weeks.14:55
elspuddyhi, iv just put my old mac hard drive in my ubuntu  11.10 box , how can i give my sell full access to the drive ? ?14:55
mneptokelspuddy: you want to read the info on the Mac's disk?14:55
elspuddymneptok, yes so i cna back it up before formating it14:56
en1gmai googled "ubuntu release schedual" and it shows a stable version should be out in april. we are 1/2 through april now. is there a date that we can expect it to be released?14:56
sidneywhat file share system does Ubuntu use14:56
Toph2en1gma,,, someone just said, in 2 weeks14:56
mneptokelspuddy: i'm not HFS+ guru, but last i knew the kernel's support for that filesystem was kinda sketchy.14:56
en1gmai just joined this channel less then a min ago14:57
sidneyomido, ?14:57
pangolinen1gma, 26th see topic in #ubuntu+114:57
Toph2en1gma,,, ok,, sorry14:57
omidosidney:  ubuntu supports ext4 and ext3 . use ext4 . its better14:57
en1gmak thanks14:57
Myrttien1gma: usually it's the last Thursday of xx.yy14:58
elspuddymneptok, o.k thanks14:58
Myrttiomido: did you want to read the data already on the disk, or reformat it?14:58
omidoI'm newbie and i just installed ubuntu 10.04 . i wanted to make sure what version of ubuntu is right for me ? 11.10 or 10.04 or 12.04 beta?14:59
Myrttisorry, elspuddy ^14:59
elspuddyMyrtti, mainley read it,14:59
Lilomido: 11.1014:59
Myrttielspuddy: do you know what filesystem it is now? HFS?15:00
elspuddyi know i can read some of the drive, but say's i dont have access to read the users part15:00
sidneyomido,  what network personal file share system Nfs- sshfs-scp?15:00
elspuddydisk utillity says hfs+15:00
omidosidney:  sorry but i dont know about that .i'm newbie and i previously been using openSUSE and now i migrated to ubuntu15:01
coviHi all. I have some Chinese-named files on my computer. Some of them are displayed properly, and others are simply just a bunch of '?' question marks. What could possibly go wrong and how can I fix it?15:01
elspuddyMyrtti,  disk utillity says hfs+ , i know i can read some of the drive, its just says i cant read parts of the drive like the users folder15:03
Myrttielspuddy: it is possible that Linux doesn't support HFS fully15:03
Myrttielspuddy: however I'm not too wellversed in the details15:03
en1gmacant wait. i hope my wusb600n v2 (rt3572) will have native support for compat-wireless so i can get into promiscuous mode15:04
en1gmadoes anyone know if it will?15:04
KarateKip3I copied the latest 32-bit Ubuntu to a USB-stick using Unetbootin, but now when I boot on the target machine I get this error: SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Load error - Boot error, what could be wrong?15:04
elspuddyMyrtti, o.k thanks for the help :)15:04
reenignEesreveRso even when i've removed auto eth0 from my /etc/network/interfaces, eth0 does pop up as an interface15:08
reenignEesreveRcould anyone comment why is that?15:08
lafonlots of errors when starting up lucid normally. only way to get it to work is recovery start, resume normal boot, and then login via tty then run startx command15:11
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mouth1anyone running a ATI HD6850 graphics card?15:13
auronandace!anyone | mouth115:13
ubottumouth1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:13
mouth1haha ok thanks15:14
mouth1i have a HD6850 and want to install ubuntu and was wondering if that particular card is running smooth15:14
mouth1and wanted to ask if for that card it's best to use the open source crivers or the fglrx15:14
x010100xhello good day/afternoon/night15:16
auronandacemouth1: it apparently works but i couldn't tell you the performance sorry15:17
lafonmouth1, I have the 6670 and it works fine for me with open source drivers15:17
mouth1lafon: 3D, too?15:18
mouth1like unity3d or games15:18
auronandacex010100x: greetings15:18
carloc'è qualche italiano?15:18
lafonmouth1: 3D works-ish15:18
auronandace!it | carlo15:18
ubottucarlo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:18
lafonmouth1: and do you mean unity web or the other one?15:19
RoastedWhat's the package called in Ubuntu where you set up remote desktop preferences for people viewing your screen?15:19
lafonI've heard that fglrx provides better 3D support but i can't be sure15:20
auronandace!unity | lafon15:20
ubottulafon: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity15:20
mouth1what's unity web?15:20
KarateKip3I want to boot from a USB-stick that I prepared on a Windows 7 machine. What format method should I use? NTFS, FAT, FAT32 or exFAT?15:20
lafonoh right. thanks auronandace15:20
lafoni've got lucid so i forgot 'bout unity?15:20
auronandacelafon: unity is best forgotten i think :)15:21
lafonunity web only works on linux through LOTS of workarounds15:21
killedi dual boot ubuntu and opensuse linux ........and default grub is of opensuse ......so how i delete opensuse15:21
killedso that i dun get grub rescue15:21
auronandacekilled: setup grub from the ubuntu partition15:22
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an ubuntu box setup, it was able to access server.svcdpt.local, today it cannot.  That address works fine from windows though.  Ideas?15:22
lafonKarateKip3: did you use a program to create the usb or not?15:22
killedauronandace: can u explain me how15:23
GH0Hello, I sortave have an interesting issue here. I have apache2 installed, as well as apache2-common. However when I go to run the command sudo a2enmod ssl it comes back with the error "ERROR: Module ssl does not exist!". I just checked my mods_avail folder, and there is nothing listed. I attempted a reinstall of apache2-common to see if that would dump the module into the folder, but it doesn't15:23
GH0seem to have done the trick.15:23
Roasted"Desktop Sharing Preferences" What is the name of that package?15:23
GH0How would I be able to install the mod?15:23
auronandacekilled: sudo grub-install /dev/sda (assuming sda is where you have the bootloader)15:24
killedkk i will give it  a try : auronandace15:25
x010100xthere's a kind of tool who help me to make a restoring point, like restore the system before installing a package or soft15:26
oCeanGH0: that's weird, ssl mod should be part of the -common package.. what version ubuntu?15:26
GH0I think something is completely wrong with the installation. Is there a way to just clear out the entire apache2 installation (include etc, var/www, and other folders/files)?15:26
GH0Then start from scratch?15:27
auronandace!backup | x010100x15:27
ubottux010100x: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:27
oCeanGH0: hang on, I'll start a 11.10 VM, see if the ssl module is there15:27
GH0oCean, I know the module is there, I have it on another machine.15:27
GH0Rather (is supposed to be there)15:27
mneptokGH0: which Ubuntu release is this?15:27
Debrohow i can execute program with JDK 64bit, what command i shold use??15:27
mneptokGH0: oh, 11.1015:27
tbrownI have a question how can I get the most out of ubuntu in a virtual machine15:28
oCeanGH0: ahh, ok. Yes, in that case I think a reinstall apache again, after an apt-get purge apache2-common15:28
mneptokGH0: ensure that the -common package is actually installed. that's where mod_ssl lives.15:28
tbrownI have a question how can I get the most out of ubuntu in a virtual machine15:28
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killedkind of silly question but ...can u tell me how can i find where is my bootloader :auronandace15:28
scar3crowtbrown: use vmware15:28
auronandacekilled: how many harddisks do you have?15:28
AmisHello o/15:28
auronandacetbrown: define: get the most out of15:29
auronandaceAmis: greetings15:29
oCeanGH0, mneptok actual package name is apache2.2-common15:29
nelson8874LjL: i'm back again! it worked well.15:29
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an ubuntu box setup, it was able to access server.svcdpt.local, today it cannot.  That address works fine from windows though.  Ideas?15:29
killedi have one ntfs partion and one partition where ubuntu is installed and one partition where opensuse is installed :auronandace15:30
mneptokoCean: and apache2-common isn't a metapackage pointing to the 2.2? that Ungood.15:30
AmisI'm using 10.04 and I had to hard reset my machine which were unable to shut down. Now my networks are gone and the /etc/network/interfaces file only contains 2 entires for "lo" interface (an auto and an iface). How can I fix it so it can see the ethernet and wlan again?15:30
GH0Hm, would this be suitable to do? andrew@server:~$ sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-doc apache2-mpm-worker apache2-suexec apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common15:30
auronandacekilled: all on one harddrive?15:30
tbrownscar3crow: Okay thanks ya I been using virutalbox but I do like vmware auronandance: I mean get the most performance out of it using a virutal machine.15:30
GH0Just to make sure everything is gone and I am starting from scratch?15:30
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oCeanmneptok: apparently not, apt-cache policy says no candidate15:30
killedyea :auronandace15:30
mneptokoCean: ew.15:31
Wejqhi. Anyone could give me any goot tips for configuring wpa_supplicant for WPA-PSK with TKIP ?15:31
auronandacekilled: what is the output of: sudo fdisk -l15:31
RoastedQuestion - What is the name of the "remote desktop" package that comes with Ubuntu preinstalled?15:31
Wejqi am kinda confused when i see the output of my attempts to get it right15:31
killedauronandace :fdisk -l15:32
killedDisk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes15:32
auronandace!info vinagre | Roasted15:32
ubottuRoasted: vinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1574 kB, installed size 2580 kB15:32
killed255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders, total 625142448 sectors15:32
killedUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes15:32
killedSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes15:32
FloodBot1killed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
Roastedauronandace, that's not it.15:32
killedI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes15:32
scar3crowRoasted: vino15:32
Roastedscar3crow, I don't think that is either.15:32
AmisAlso more info: all I see is "Networking disabled" when clicking on the Wifi icon on the top bar15:32
auronandacekilled: use a pastebin next time15:32
RoastedI had them both installed...15:32
AmisHow can I restore the networks?15:32
auronandacekilled: so the answer is sda15:32
JonathonMy sys folder is appearantly corrupted now, Bad shutdown I guess, Is there any way to fix this? Or am I going to have to get the iso again ad boot that to fix it?15:32
tbrownis ubuntu 9.04 still supported?15:33
auronandacetbrown: no15:33
Roastedscar3crow, vino is the "desktop sharing"?15:33
Roastedscar3crow, where you set up your preferences so someone can remote in to your box?15:33
killedi should do this "sudo grub-install /dev/sda " auronandace as u said15:33
auronandacekilled: while you are in ubuntu yes15:34
tbrownauronandance: That explane a lot because I could not do anythink like commands and stuff15:34
scar3crowRoasted:  I am fairly sure15:34
tbrownUbdates I mean15:34
Roastedscar3crow, I install it on a lubuntu box and nothing comes up. I was thinking that wasn't the name of tha package.15:34
auronandacekilled: that way ubuntu's grub will be on the mbr and you can remove opensuse without messing up your bootloader15:34
Guest76793hey every one15:35
JonathonMy sys folder is appearantly corrupted now, Bad shutdown I guess, Is there any way to fix this? Or am I going to have to get the iso again ad boot that to fix it?15:35
auronandace!releases | tbrown15:35
ubottutbrown: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:35
scar3crowsorry Roasted: my desktop sharing seems fine15:35
scar3crowwith vino15:35
Roastedscar3crow, I'm just trying to get it installed on my lubuntu machine but it won't show up in the menu. It's beyond frustrating.15:35
Guest76793anyone know how to get the unity working on verson 11.04 have to use classic mode15:35
tbrownAuronandance: uboutu: Thank you15:36
auronandacetbrown: no worries :)15:36
killedthanx auronandace:it worked15:36
angswhat is the graphic card requirement for ubuntu?15:37
auronandaceangs: what have you got, it will work with almost anything15:38
nasa01Hi, I am trying to package libraries/programs (from svn) that have older version in the main repository -- how do I prevent apt from installing those libraries from the repo?15:38
auronandace!pinning | nasa0115:38
ubottunasa01: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:38
intelligentfoolcan anyone help me out? I'm having trouble getting apache to parse php and i'm not sure exactly what i'm missing15:39
angsI have 8bit onboard video adapter, would ubuntu 11.10 work fine with it?15:39
AmisHow can I restore lost networks after a hard-reset? I have "Networking disabled" under the Wifi icon on top bar and /etc/network/interfaces only have 2 entries for "lo", can't see any for eth0 or wlan0 or whatever they are called.15:39
tbrowndoes anyone know how to setup dns in ubuntu server15:39
auronandacenasa01: doing that though might result in quite a few dependency issues if you are not careful15:39
the-masterI have been trying to root my Samsung Stratosphere using the newest version of Ubuntu.  I am trying to use Heimdall.  Heimdall detects my device, but when I try to flash in the kernel, it says: Handshaking with Loke.  ERROR: Failed to receive response!.  Can anyone help me with this?15:39
Debrohow i can execute JAR program with JDK 64bit, what command i shold use??15:40
scar3crowRoasted: try: remmina15:40
nasa01auronandace, I hope to not create problems there as well.15:40
auronandaceangs: what brand, how old is it?15:40
nasa01auronandace, do you know of a way to do what I am trying to do?15:41
auronandaceangs: what point are you at? have you tried installing yet?15:41
angsauronandace: actually I dont know, I just found the pc on storage15:42
prakash__hello can any1 help me15:42
angsI installed ubuntu and it works fine, I am just surprised that it works fine15:42
auronandacenasa01: sorry, not sure, i prefer arch's pacman over apt-get any day15:42
the-masterPrakash, just ask your question, if someone can help you they will15:43
auronandaceangs: linux has great hardware support, glad it works for you :)15:43
angsI installed vista, it works very shitty, although ubuntu has cooler graphics15:44
angshow come ubuntu works that good :)15:44
mouth1why does ubuntu show my disk as "SCSI4" in the installation? is that bad?15:44
auronandaceangs: welcome to open source15:44
angsthanks :)15:45
the-masterI have been trying to root my Samsung Stratosphere using the newest version of Ubuntu.  I am trying to use Heimdall.  Heimdall detects my device, but when I try to flash in the kernel, it says: Handshaking with Loke.  ERROR: Failed to receive response!.  Can anyone help me with this?15:45
rebeangs that's because Bill Gates sucks satan cock, and we don't15:45
auronandacethe-master: i don't think rooting devices is supported here15:45
piglitangs: Linux isnt so hard to understand anymore. 7 Years ago it was more difficult now it is usable even for people with brains and interest in pc's and no Linux experience15:46
scar3crowRoasted: terminal --> vino-preferences15:46
auronandace!language | rebe15:46
ubotturebe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:46
Roastedscar3crow, oh my gosh, there it is.15:46
Roastedscar3crow, why is Lubuntu so fail and not make this in the menu?15:46
the-masterAuron: If someone could direct me to where I need to go, that would be extremely helpful15:46
auronandace!alis | the-master15:47
ubottuthe-master: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:47
scar3crowRoasted: dunnu... i stick with ubuntu15:47
Roastedscar3crow, I'm thinking so too.15:47
Roastedscar3crow, or even Debian for that matter.15:47
the-masterAuron: Thank you15:49
=== Jacruth is now known as Ojoloco
erpoHow can my load average be 11 when my cpu usage is so low?  3.2%us,  1.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 95.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st15:49
Myrttierpo: slow harddrives, slow ram15:50
enigmassh: Could not resolve hostname jonis: Name or service not known15:50
auronandaceerpo: because it is an average, sometime the cpu is used a lot15:50
tsimpsonerpo: which number is 11? first, second, or third?15:50
erpo load average: 11.00, 11.02, 11.0415:50
erpoMyrtti: SSD. 4GB of DDR2.15:51
enigmahi .. when i try connect  using ssh to another pc i  got this15:52
enigmassh: Could not resolve hostname jonis: Name or service not known15:52
erpoenigma: Try jonis.local instead.15:52
enigmassh xxxxx@xxxxx15:52
froginvasioni've got some problems with jack server. at first any music player gave errors (not fatal) that jack server was not running, so i installed jack, started it using "jackd -R -d alsa". the same problem occurs (no music) but no 'no jack server running' message anymore. though aqualung, a player that is recommended to test jack playback is just running fine...15:53
mouth1why does ubuntu show my disk as "SCSI4" in the installation? is that bad?15:53
enigmathanks erpo  solved :)15:54
arbielHi there15:54
erpomouth1: Is it the right size with the right partitions?15:54
arbielI'm experiencing a difficulty with the unmounting of an iso file previously mounted without the sudo command. For that purpose, I added a line into my /etc/fstab file with the noauto,users options. Before issuing the mount command, I create a softlink to target the iso file I want to mount. The mount command works perfectly. The mount command (no parameters, no options) lists the mounted files, and this listing lists the iso file itsel15:54
auronandace!iso | arbiel15:55
ubottuarbiel: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:55
arbielSo the umount command does not accept the unmounting of the file without the sudo command. When I use hardlinks instead of softlink, everything works perfectly. Does anyone know where I missed an option to have the softlist recorded in the mtab file, or if this behaviour is faulty and should be recorded to the developpers ?15:55
WejqNeed help with wpa_supplicant to WPA-PSK with TKIP15:55
bazhang!wifi | Wejq15:56
ubottuWejq: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:56
iNealHow can I know if grub is working or not?15:56
auronandaceiNeal: boot from it15:56
iNealI mean on a server15:56
arbielubottu :  I'm sorry, I know how to mount an iso file as you instruct me to do. The problem is I do not want to have to use sudo15:57
auronandaceiNeal: servers need to boot too15:57
erpoarbiel: It doesn't make sense to allow users to mount a softlink because a softlink could go anywhere. You might as well allow users to mount anything anywhere. Try cdemu for your "mount as a user" needs.15:57
iNealI'm trying to update my kernel and according to the tutorials, it should work15:57
auronandacearbiel: why don't you want to use sudo for mounting?15:57
iNealThe kernel that is right now is not even on the gurb list anymore15:57
mouth1erpo: yes15:57
mouth1it is the right size and the right hard disk15:58
arbielerpo : I'm sorry, it makes senses. All this will be recorded into a bash script which I control15:58
erpomouth1: You're worried because it's a SATA/ATA disk and it's showing up as SCSI?15:58
froginvasioniNeal let grub regenerate it's config file and update accordingly, and are you sure the kernel is still on your hard disk?15:58
mouth1i have AHCI enabled in BIOD15:58
auronandacearbiel: so you want anyone to mount anything anywhere?15:58
mouth1does that matter?15:58
erpomouth1: That's normal now. Linux classifies a lot of SATA/ATA controllers as SCSI controllers. Continue. :)15:59
arbielauronandace : that's because users are disabled people, and the less they have to do, the better15:59
auronandacearbiel: and you don't see the potential security issues of that?15:59
iNealfroginvasion: I did regenerate the config. The old kernel (that i don't want) is not. And the generic one that I want is.15:59
arbielauronandace : there is no security problem. The situation is as follows : the PC to be used are not connected to anything, no Internet, no network. The iso files are Windows games which I want to run with Wine16:00
auronandacearbiel: how do you keep them up to date?16:01
erpoarbiel: Use cdemu.16:01
froginvasioniNeal i can assume you'd rather not reboot before your config is okay.  but i have no clue from here on16:02
erpoarbiel: It even has a nice GUI frontend called gcdemu.16:02
froginvasioniNeal you might be more luck in #grub channel16:02
iNealfroginvasion: thanks16:02
balii need the help of a C programmer16:02
auronandacebali: that is why you turn to #ubuntu?16:03
sudiptaI have a problem with conky.....its edges are not looking good with any theme....can anyone help?16:03
erpobali: Maybe try #c?16:03
arbielI don't need my PC to be kept uptodate. For the moment, the PC still use Windows 98. And if I want to update the system, I take a hard disk out , bring it home, connect it to my PC as an extrenal device, make a Clonezilla copy and bring back to the other PC16:03
auronandacearbiel: awesome, sounds like you have your bases fully covered16:04
bazhangsudipta, tried #conky ? read the beginners guide?16:04
arbielauronandace : sorry, I do not understand your sentence16:05
sudiptabazhang:it used to work well....dont know what hapeened16:05
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076  sudipta16:05
baliam using the ubuntu for school work16:05
auronandacearbiel: i meant you have a good strategy, you've thought it through well16:05
arbielauronandace : thank you16:06
baliI need to Write a program that defines the ten digits, through 9, as constants ZERO through NINE. Add these ten defined digits together and print the results. in C16:07
bazhangbali, ask in the C channel then16:07
balihow do i locate it16:07
auronandace!alis | bali16:07
ubottubali: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:07
Pumpkin-also, asking on IRC how to do your homework isn't always the best way to learn things ...16:08
bazhangbali, /join #c16:08
arbielIn fact, I solved my problem in creating a hardlink rather than a softlink. However, on the ubuntu.fr forum, when I reported this issue, I've been told by a user that he had had no difficulty in umounting an file event if he had used a softlink16:08
arbielSo my present point in coming here is rather to know if I should report a bug to launchpad or if I missed an option to have to softlink recorded into the mtab file16:10
sudiptaI have a problem with conky.....its edges are not looking good with any theme....can anyone help?16:10
bazhangsudipta, read the beginners guide I gave you16:10
auronandacesudipta: screenshot to the rescue!16:11
sudiptabazhang:sorry....this line was supposed to be on the other chanel...16:11
TechIsCoolcan anyone help me with a boot problem I can't seem to get it working I can mount the hdd in the live cd and see all the files but when the computer boots it flashes no disk found and then says sbin/init not found16:14
TechIsCoolI also tried to fix grub and here is what the output ran http://paste.ubuntu.com/930588/16:15
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tbrownsomething happen to the virutal machine when I was gone trying to install ubuntu and it just crashed16:17
auronandacetbrown: that is so totally awesome16:17
tbrownauronandance: lol I know right it like it cant get better than that right:)16:17
auronandacesudipta: ah yes, its a compiz setting you need to edit16:18
auronandacesudipta: hang on16:19
tbrownWhat is the best way to learn the command promt in ubuntu do you know a youtube videos that I can watch or something16:19
sudiptatbrown:"the more you practice what you know,the  more you know what to practice"16:20
bazhangtbrown, bash commands?16:20
=== Nano is now known as nekura
sudiptaauronandace:are you there?16:21
tbrownbazhang: what is bash commands16:21
auronandacesudipta: can you open ccsm? then window management16:21
bazhangtbrown, the stuff you type in the terminal16:21
auronandacesudipta: go to window rules16:21
bazhang!terminal | tbrown16:22
ubottutbrown: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:22
auronandacesudipta: In each of the following boxes add the following entry “class=Conky”. Skip Taskbar, Skip Pager, Below, Sticky, None movable windows, Non resizable windows, Non minimizable windows, Non Maximizable windows, None closable windows, and No Focus. This will force conky to remain below your windows and sit on all desktops16:22
exploitableIs there anyone using KDE, Unity and Xfce on the same machine?16:26
ProfessorBaconi always explore different window managers16:26
physically_fitanyone can tell me a good flash replacement/alternative that works in Chromium. thanks.16:27
auronandacephysically_fit: theres gnash and lightspark16:27
auronandacephysically_fit: how well they work varies considerably16:27
physically_fitauronandace, do they work in chromium?16:27
auronandacephysically_fit: try and see16:28
KarateKip3why do i need to do MD5 checksum when i download the ISO? When I download other software and install, there's no errors because error checking is already done in the datalink layer and etwork layer (OSI-model), right?16:28
physically_fitauronandace, thanks for the suggestions.16:28
DrArchehKarateKip3: the iso could be corrupt or modified on a mirror16:29
luxiusHello. So I found out my box drops eth0 and reconnects it using DHCP. I have hard coded it once, so it initially uses, but suddenly it decides to reconnect and use DHCP. Now ...16:29
luxius I found out it was set to DHCP in /etc/network/interfaces ... changed that to static16:29
luxiusbut WHERE does it "circumvent" this setting and use the DHCP I earlier setup?16:29
luxiusI mean static IP, of course16:29
jpdsDrArcheh: Then MD5SUM check it; it's probably not corrupted on the mirror as they're synced by rsync.16:30
auronandaceluxius: iirc networkmanager will overwrite /etc/network/interfaces16:30
DrArchehluxius: NetworkManager?16:30
auronandaceAnonV: greetings16:31
luxiusthanks, auronandace & DrArcheh - how do I get rid of it? =)16:32
luxiuscause it obviously don't work ...16:32
exploitableIs Lubuntu faster than Xubuntu?16:34
=== mang0 is now known as Seryth
auronandaceexploitable: it is lighter16:35
luxiusdoes anyone know how to get rid of NetworkManager?16:35
exploitableis it worth changing from Unity?16:35
Gnealuxius: install wicd16:35
auronandaceexploitable: depends on what you like and how bad your performance is on unity16:35
luxiusGnea, what is wicd?16:36
auronandace!info wicd | luxius16:36
ubottuluxius: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-6 (oneiric), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB16:36
luxiusexploitable, it is VERY MUCH worth getting rid of Unity16:36
exploitableauronandace: Well, I'm using a netbook....16:36
luxiusI don't need another network manager, do I?16:36
auronandaceexploitable: that doesn't tell me much16:36
auronandaceexploitable: ironically unity is meant for netbooks16:37
exploitableauronandace: The Netbook Distro?16:37
exploitableauronandace: But Unity is sooooo slow (and buggy?)16:37
luxiusUnity2d should use less resources, yes, but it's crappy and unstable16:38
MonkeyDustluxius  not according to people wjo like Unity16:38
auronandaceexploitable: i haven't tried it myself, i'll try unity when they release 12.04 though, but i expect i'll end up sticking with xfce16:38
Gnealuxius: why do you need to get rid of networkmanager?16:39
luxiusexploitable, I can recommend xfce16:39
ProfessorBaconi actually just started using unity, but on an older machine.  i like the new experience but it is pretty slow.  for example, changing from one channel to another in irssi takes about half a second.16:39
luxiusGnea, cause it doesn't work. I just want to use the settings in /etc/network/interfaces16:39
exploitableauronandace: I've used it before and it's very fast, but I think I'll try Lubuntu...16:39
auronandaceexploitable: hope its fast for you16:40
Gnealuxius: well, you can't simply "get rid of it", but using the interfaces file automagically overrides anything that NetworkManager does.  I like to keep it because it will tell me when my network connection has been established and not established, that's about all that it's good for to me.16:40
exploitableauronandace: Well, we'll see. Bye.16:40
Gnealuxius: unless the interfaces file is setup the 'original' way, that is, the way it was installed as, networkmanager just won't work16:41
luxiusGnea, I'm just curious why it used to connect with a static IP and suddenly reconnects using DHCP. The interfaces file was setup to use DHCP - so where are the other settings hidden, and why wouldn't it use those on a reboot?16:42
Gnealuxius: well, NM saves its settings elsewhere.  it sees that the interfaces file is original and then pulls its own config.  unless you tell NM to be useful for other users, it's only going to be used when you login16:43
luxiusGnea, that's actually smart, if it does indeed recognise changes ...16:44
luxiusGnea, good enough for me. Thanks for the answers =)16:45
Gnealuxius: cheers :)16:45
luxiusI usually find my help in #debian, because ... honestly, they know more about the core system. But they refused to help me with this when I mentioned Ubuntu.16:45
luxiusI can't blame them, they are religious zealots, like most people are, but ...16:45
GneaUbuntu is not Debian, and vice versa... the only thing that's similar is the package management system (.deb files)16:46
luxiusI know, but still? =)16:46
Gneathat's "core" :)16:46
luxiusOne did mention the location of interfaces (the file), which brought me to this point16:46
luxiuswhich was helpful while trying to mock me ... -.-16:46
Gneayeah, there are a lot of philosophical reasons why they won't do certain things... all within good reason16:47
JonathonHow can I delete a directory that when I try to delete only says Input/output error?16:47
luxiusyes, within good reason, but the reason stops when the arguments are flawed16:47
GneaJonathon: ooo, that's bad. you should reboot and fsck.16:47
luxiusGnea, I mean, it's still iptables, /etc/network, etc.16:47
JonathonGnea, fsck comes up clean, shows no errors at all16:47
DeLorean719I'm running a wireless card in monitor mode, is there a way to specify a channel for it (I'm playing with aireplay and it's telling me that the channel of the AP doesn't match the channel of my mon interface)16:47
Gnealuxius: that's where many people go wrong.16:48
GneaJonathon: force it: fsck.ext4 -f /dev/sdX#16:48
GneaJonathon: just make sure it's not mounted16:48
JonathonGnea, alright, I'll try that16:49
comgenJonathon : drop to terminal BUT first warning this will PURGE THE DIR or ANY FILE you target type : sudo rm -rf DIRnameHere  , see what happens16:49
Gnealuxius: well yeah, they start making excuses that have nothing to do with the actual problem. they consider themselves experts and to not know something is, to them, a sign of weakness. :)16:50
Jonathoncomgen, I get the same IO error16:50
Gneacomgen: that's what he's trying to do.16:50
luxiusGnea, thanks, that's EXACTLY what I was thinking.16:50
luxiusGnea, in a second I thought you meant "that's where most go wrong, it is NOT the same system"16:50
Gnealuxius: they lack that crucial bit that lets them consider a weakness as a strength, instead of simply attempting to purge it16:51
Gnealuxius: at any rate, this conversation has strayed toward off-topicness, but it was a good one, nonetheless :)16:52
=== synapse is now known as sorrow
comgenJonathon : sounds like disk / filesys issues if you haven't already boot into recovery try : e2fsck -cfv /dev/sda-device-here16:53
luxiusGnea, you're right on all accounts. At least I feel a bit less alone in the world now ;)16:53
Jonathoncomgen, Yea, I ran the fsck with the -f command, that found a bunch of stuff, so gonna remount now see if it's fixed16:53
comgenJonathon : the " -c " flag will also check for bad blocks - will take awhile to run - best of luck16:54
Jonathoncomgen, Thanks, but I believe the problem is resolved now :)16:55
JonathonOn to the next problem16:55
Nik05hey guys16:56
Nik05Is there a problem with passwd in Lucid?16:56
Nik05I wanted to change a password of a user and used sudo16:56
JonathonThe directory that was causing trouble was my sys directory, so now it's gone. Can I copy the sys from this livecd into the sys folder of my install?16:56
Nik05it asked for new password x2, and then it hang for 2 minutes16:56
Nik05after that it said password changed sucessfully16:57
comgenNik05 : sudo passwd  = will change roots password not the user just type passwd16:57
Nik05sudo passwd username16:57
Nik05that should work right? and is it normal that it hangs for 2 minutes?16:58
sorrowI noticed that the NOPASSWD doesn't work in /etc/sudoers in my lucid build16:58
sorrowalways still asks for the password when I use sudo16:58
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Nik05euh thats not my problem16:59
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Jonathoncomgen, The directory that was causing trouble was my sys directory, so now it's gone. Can I copy the sys from this livecd into the sys folder of my install?16:59
comgensorrow : add this to the very bottom of sudoers : %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL16:59
dr3mrohello . what is the best netbook to run ubuntu 12.04 with .. In egypt we don't have ubuntu shipped with computers and i need a netbook that is good performance and long battery life with 10 inch display that can run ubuntu unity 3d smoothly17:00
luxiussorrow, removing the password query is removing all security on your root account - are you sure you want that?17:00
dan__silly question sorry a bit new to linux17:00
dan__anyone no how to use a run file17:00
=== dan__ is now known as Guest41817
mouth1should i install "GStreamer extra plugins" or "Ubuntu restricted extras"?17:01
Nik05dan with sh17:01
bekksdr3mro: There are no "best" choices, and 12.04 is discussed in #ubuntu+117:01
Guest41817silly question sorry a bit new to linux. Does anyone no how to run a .run file i have been to the amd website to try and get drivers for my radeon hd 5 series but the files it has given me is a .run file which doesnt seem to want to work...17:01
Nik05make it executable then do ./foo.run17:01
jovindan__ sh fie.run or ./file.run17:01
o2simo20dr3mro: alienware m11x :P17:01
comgenJonathon : I would backup, reinstall / upgrade since you had system area file damage <<-- that's just my pref.17:01
Guest41817that aimed at me nik05?17:02
aaa801I have a ubuntu 11.1 dist running on a rack server i use for hobbie stuff, it is a headed unit, when i try and resume it from its standby thing it takes a long time for the pw box to popup17:02
Nik05you are dan17:02
aaa801is there any way i can make it either not go into standby17:02
Guest41817sorry changed my nick didnt realise i was hah!17:02
luxiusdr3mro, you should concentrate on the hardware, not what software you want to run on it (that's a different question) - as long as it's running the kind of machine code you need (i.e. x86, x64, etc.)17:02
Guest41817ok so make it an executable then do /foo.run17:02
Guest41817sadly i have no idea how to do it mind telling me in seriously basic terms?17:03
Guest41817this is the first time ive actually used / installed linux17:03
Nik05well start your terminal17:03
luxiusdr3mro, but you could check the hardware list for driver compatibility in Ubuntu repositories before buying anything =)17:03
jovinchmod +x file17:03
Nik05use cd to go to the directory17:03
junaidnaseerhi all, how can one see the parent directory of a deleted file using ntfsundelete ??? thanks ... :)17:03
mouth1should i install "GStreamer extra plugins" or "Ubuntu restricted extras"?17:03
gridbagwhere do you go to configure more workspacs? I see nothing in System Settings...17:03
Nik05do what jovin said `chmod +x file.run'17:03
comgenmouth1 : Ubuntu restricted17:03
sorrowluxius: yes17:03
Nik05then do `./file.run'17:04
mouth1thanks comgen17:04
luxiussorrow, then why not just log on as root? =)17:04
Guest41817o god im terrible at this17:04
Guest41817first times ive used terminal17:05
sorrowI'm sure someone is gonna inject some shellcode into xchat to root me17:05
Guest41817all new to me17:05
Guest41817appreciate the help btw17:05
* aaa801 whips out backtrack and aims at sorrow17:05
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comgensorrow : give this a read if you're worried about #ubuntu support : https://help.ubuntu.com17:06
tbrownI need to know were I can learn the command on ubuntu so I can work with the server17:06
luxiusGuest41817, I remember my first time on a linux (my own install, that is). I spent a good day or two trying to install nVidia drivers. Debian doesn't like anything without a FREE license. It involved compiling drivers and other stuff I've forgotten all about17:07
Guest41817haha yeah17:07
luxiusGuest41817, those days I didn't have this kind of help ;)17:07
Guest41817well im good with computers and starting get prettygood with web design but this is a whole other world17:07
comgentbrown : if you're new to linux servers give http://www.webmin.com a try17:08
Guest41817never used terminal or anything like it so its hugely different from what im used to haha17:08
luxiusGuest41817, welcome to it. If it doesn't discourage you I bet it'll broaden your perspectives on IT ;)17:08
auronandace!webmin | comgen17:08
ubottucomgen: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:08
fideltbrown: which "command"? or are you talking about general getting used to cli?17:08
Guest41817any other good sites to learn stuff? which i could book mark now?17:08
luxiusGuest41817, http://www.debian.org/ - even if you use Ubuntu, you should get familiar with Debian as well.17:09
luxiusGuest41817, just don't expect any "true" Debian users to help you, they disrespect Ubuntu plenty.17:09
Guest41817ah haha17:10
Guest41817well im sat here struggling with the cd function in terminals so im miles away from anything substantial to be honest17:10
Guest41817but ill save that17:10
luxiusand even though I use Ubuntu I usually find more help in #debian :P17:10
Guest41817is debian annother distro?17:10
luxiusUbuntu is built on the foundation of Debina17:10
luxiusDebian is strict, BUT stable for the same reasons17:11
luxiusTry to stear clear of Ubuntu bloatware, the Ubuntu Software Center is a good example. It doesn't work very well >_<17:11
Guest41817ok really rookie question here17:11
Guest41817im in terminal17:11
Guest41817i use dir i can see there is a download folder17:12
luxiusGuest41817, I see Ubuntu as a Windoze version of Debian core. That's not precise, but close.17:12
Guest41817to go to that folder would i use cd /downloads/?17:12
DeLorean719what's a decent maca ddress changer I can get from apt-get?17:12
o2simo20just cd downloads17:12
Juv1228hello, im having some issues with gnome under ubuntu 11.10 here17:12
luxiusGuest41817, get used to ls (list) as command, instead of dir17:12
tbrowncomgen: What is WebMin is a distro or something17:12
Guest41817ah damn its cap sensitive17:12
Guest41817was wondering why it wasnt working !17:12
bynwGuest41817: remember also that Linux is caSe SenSiTivE as well. So if the folder is Downloads you will need a D instead of a d17:12
Juv1228im using the 'gnome classic' at login and randomly it will crash of sorts and the theme goes to the bare bones looking one17:13
Guest41817yeah just had that problem17:13
Nik05Guest15469, cd Downloads ;)17:13
Guest41817ok so now im in the right folder!\17:13
luxiusGuest41817, case sensitivity is saved from the old Unix days, which seems irrelevant but is in fact ingenious.17:13
yeats!webmin | tbrown17:13
ubottutbrown: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:13
luxiusGuest41817, you should try tab completion. Type the first couple of letters, then hit the <TAB> key, it will try to complete your command/file name17:13
Nik05Guest15469, now time chmod +x and then the first letters of the file17:13
Nik05then press TAB, it will complete the file for you ;)17:14
tbrownThanks: ubottu17:14
Guest41817doesnt seem to have done anything...17:14
Guest41817what does the chmod function do?17:14
luxiuschange mode17:14
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testiI installed packages from a foreign repository. How do undo this? I don't remember the packages.17:15
luxiusyou change different switches on a file17:15
luxiusthe x is for executable, so it has to have the x flag to be executed17:15
luxiustry googling 'chmod' ;)17:15
Juv1228heres an example of what im talking about -> http://i.juvsoft.com/gnome-crash.png17:15
Nik05or type man chmod ;)17:15
luxiusyou NEED to know man17:15
luxiusman (for manual) is the command to look up help files on ALL (debian verified) commands17:15
Juv1228my usual theme is the default ubuntu one17:16
TechIsCoolI also tried to fix grub and here is what the output ran http://paste.ubuntu.com/930588/17:16
luxiusGuest41817, try typing "man man" and hit enter =)17:16
Guest41817there is just so much to learn haha!17:16
Guest41817its brilliant17:16
Guest41817heh i will do the man man stuff after ive got these drivers on17:16
Guest41817its just so different from windows17:16
Guest41817took me forever to find out how to open terminal17:17
Guest41817is brilliant17:17
luxiusright, well, you're in the exploration phase, man everything new. Like ... you can man sudo, man ls, man cd17:17
luxiusat least I think you can xD17:17
luxiusyup, all commands have a man page17:17
Guest41817so chmod makes it runable!17:18
Guest41817doesnt run it in terminal17:18
llutzluxius: you can't "man cd" since its a shell-builtin17:18
luxiusGuest41817, some other helpful tools are grep, more (or less - yes, commands are more/less), cat, tail ...17:18
luxiusllutz, okay, hehe =)17:18
luxiusllutz, I thought 'ls' was, too17:19
o2simo20different commands, man ls and man less17:19
Guest41817are there any good tutorial sites to learn linux and things like this?17:19
o2simo20different functions17:19
TorbenBetaGuest41817, of course there are.17:19
Guest41817no any good ones?17:19
gsrHi all.  I have a broken key, the "delete / dot".  Its also, luckily, one of the few keyboard keys I never use - so I just want to turn it off.  its keycode is 91, and "xmodmap -e 'keycode 91 = NoSymbol'" works.  I put that line in ~/.bash_profile, but when i login the button is still enabled.  Is there somewhere else I should be putting the command?17:20
luxiusGuest41817, in fact there are so many we don't know where to start ...17:20
physically_fitanyone can tell me a good flash replacement/alternative that works in Chromium. gnash and lightspark don't work in Chromium. html5 crashes too.17:20
MonkeyDustGuest41817  the best way to learn is by using it, like we all did17:20
Juv1228Guest41817, i found the easiest way to learn this stuff is to just google specific things that you are trying to accomplish17:20
luxiusGuest41817, best way to "learning by doing" is having case scenarios. You want to hook up eth0 to the internet? Fix it, you learn how iptables work.17:20
TorbenBetaGuest41817, do you search for Linux in general or Bash?17:20
Guest41817ah right well i guess ill start by that thats how i got it installed and so forth17:20
Guest41817linux is general17:21
Guest41817or ubuntu17:21
Juv1228anyway, has anyone else had gnome 'crash' its theme?17:21
gvogsr try putting it in .bash_rc17:21
Guest41817but i mean if there are so nice basic tutorial sites it wouldnt hurt17:21
Guest41817as its how i learnt most of my web design i no there are some great ones out there17:21
physically_fiti think i'll have to say bye-bye to Chromium then.17:21
luxiusthere are different distributions with slight differences in fs (file system) and package handling, but linux is linux, Guest41817 (that statement is SO wrong, but not for a newbie)17:21
Guest41817shame about dreamweaver and photoshop not working greatly on linux though17:22
Juv1228it randomly goes from http://i.juvsoft.com/desktop.png to http://i.juvsoft.com/gnome-crash.png17:22
comgenguest41817 : give this a read : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Oneiric17:22
gsrgvo: i think that would work, but wouldn't it execute it every time a new shell is opened?17:22
gvoYes, but so what?17:22
Guest41817definately need to learn alot so i can start hosting the websites i make17:22
luxiusGuest41817, most professional artists with computer literacy choose the Gnome paint program, anyway :P17:23
Guest41817bit of extra money never hurt17:23
luxiuscan't remember the name of it17:23
Juv1228the screen just flashes blank for a few seconds and then it comes back as that, but my session is unharmed.  the only way i have found to fix it so far is by restarting17:23
=== Guest41817 is now known as DanGeorge
gsrgvo: I guess it doesn't matter.  just that it defeats the purpose of having .bashrc and .bash_profile17:23
DanGeorgeone question i do have is17:23
DanGeorgewhy would amd make the .run file not executable?17:23
gvogsr Not really.  xmodmap affects the running shell.  Putting in a login script doesn't have any effect.17:24
DanGeorgewhy would they make it so i had to do the chmod function?17:24
luxiusDanGeorge, you don't copy the chmod flags17:24
luxiusDanGeorge, it's about system protection and system management control ;)17:24
gsrgvo: ahh i see,  thanks17:24
DanGeorgei see17:24
gridbagI'm in the workspace switcher, but there are no options!17:24
sstaDanGeorge: how would they make it executable?  It's your system, not theirs.  They on't get to decide what is and isn't executable17:24
DanGeorgeahh ive got so much too read17:24
DanGeorgei see..17:25
luxiusDanGeorge, any executable you download you will have to chmod +x first17:25
DanGeorgedamn so much to learn17:25
DanGeorgewell thanks for all the help guys! if you ever need some help yourselves dont hestitate to ask17:25
DanGeorgenot sure how i could help but alas17:25
DanGeorgetime for me to go make some dinner i think17:25
Nik05i have a question ;)17:25
Axzgood day people any idea why is gnomebaker not working on 12.04?17:25
Axzanyone else having same issues?!17:26
dreinullI'm in virtualbox and I upgraded from 10.04 to 11.10 via 04. Now gdm or whatever there is doesn't start. All I get is my console. Is there a way to fix this?17:26
Nik05But is there someone that know the problem that passwd hangs for 2 minutes after changeing password?17:26
gvoAxz: 12.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel17:26
comgenAxz : I switched to brasero  awhile back haven't had any probs17:27
Axzbrasero somehow takes ages to burn checking allot...17:27
comgenAxz : you can disable a few plugins which will speed up things <<-- up to the user tho17:28
=== ruben is now known as Guest20055
Rahulhow get out of x-mode in ubuntu ?17:34
tbrownrunning updates right know in ubuntu if I have package that I download to ubuntu what is the command that I put in to download the package17:34
gvoRahul: what do you mean by x-mode?17:35
auronandaceRahul: you mean you want to get to a tty?17:35
DanGeorgeSorry annother nice easy question im dual booting this ubuntu with windows 7 and installed ubuntu via wubi. When i start up if left would automatically boot into windows 7 rather than ubuntu anyway of changeing this?17:35
shaheenHi, I just installed ubuntu but I can't boot from windows anymore. my files are safe but when I want to boot to windows it crashes :(17:35
Rahulmy cursor showing x symbol and i am getting only terminal17:35
Rahulgvo, auronandace  did you get my question  ?17:36
auronandacetbrown: to update do the following: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade17:36
ardianany ideas on nvidia optimus ?17:36
gvoRahul: missing window manager maybe?17:37
auronandaceardian: optimus isn't really supported yet17:37
gvoRahul: how did you get to this stage?17:37
Rahulhow to install that gvo ?17:37
ardianauronandace, I have 2 Graphic Cards I also have the Intel one17:37
Rahuli have removed a lock file17:37
ardiancan I stop nvidia somehow ? and only use the Intel one17:37
Rahuli have removed a lock file gvo17:38
comgentbrown : if you downloaded a .deb then: sudo dpkg -i name-of-package-here  , apt-cache search something-to-look-for-here  , sudp apt-get install packagename-here anotherone-here and-so-on17:38
auronandaceardian: if there is an option to do that in the bios then you can yes17:38
gvoRahul: OK it was working before that?17:38
Rahulgvo : yes17:38
fidelardian: checked bumblebee?17:38
tbrownauronandace that what I ran to get the updates what is the command to run to get the package I download when I ran  dpgk ().deb it does not install all the way17:38
gvoRahul: reboot?17:38
ardianfidel, I only installed it not sure if It worked but it stopped the noise a bit17:38
auronandacetbrown: why are you downloading .debs manually? what are you trying to install?17:39
Rahulthen also same :( with cursor x symbol and only terminal17:39
ardianauronandace, I have FreeBios and right now my bios doesn't have something like that, should I try to upgrade the bios ?17:39
Rahulthen also same :( with cursor x symbol and only terminal  gvo17:39
comgentbrown : sudo dpkg -i name-of-deb-here  if he needs deps or broken : sudo apt-get -f install17:39
gvoRahul: that sounds strange.  Running Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu or?17:39
auronandaceardian: sorry, bit out of my range of expertise17:39
RahulUbuntu 10.417:40
RahulUbuntu 10.4 gvo17:40
ardianauronandace, np thanks17:40
tbrowncomgen when I type in the sudo apt-get -f install in Delets the file17:40
gvoOK well try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:40
comgentbrown : what are you trying to install17:40
mister2i'm trying to stream using vlc, and can't connect via udp or http. sap might work but i have no idea how to use that. vlc's site isn't very useful for help. does anybody know what might be wrong? :/17:41
tbrowncomgen: Vmware Player17:41
auronandacetbrown: why not use virtualbox or qemu?17:42
Rahulgvo, i will try it out thanks for info :)17:42
altereduddarmok and jalad at tanagra17:42
gvoRahul: if that doesn't work, edit the /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look at the end of the file for error messages.17:42
tbrownauronandance: Never mind am just going to do it on my windows am going to install the server on my virtual machine on my windows platform I met to say:)17:42
auronandace!vmware | tbrown17:43
ubottutbrown: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:43
gvoRahul: what "lock file" did you remove?17:43
mickstepHi, I have been using mdadm to create a 3 disk raid 5 array, however one disk got a bad superblock and the the array is degraded and running on 2 disks. However the third disk that got kicked out of the array had good SMART DATA, anyone familiar with how I can add the disk back into the array to be resilvered?17:43
Rahul../dpgk/lock file17:43
Rahul../dpgk/lock file gvo17:43
auronandace!fixapt | Rahul17:44
ubottuRahul: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:44
alteredudmickstep: delete the array on the missing disk17:44
comgentbrown : I would run " virt-manager " and " qemu-kvm " in place of vmware myself17:44
alteredudremove the missing disk from the array17:44
alteredudand add the disk again17:44
Rahulokay thanks ubottu :)17:45
alteredudmickstep: http://www.howtoforge.com/replacing_hard_disks_in_a_raid1_array17:45
=== HelenB[Away] is now known as HelenB
gvoRahul: ubottu is a bot.17:45
mhts_mhtshey guys17:45
gvoRahul: tank auronandace17:46
Rahuloh lol :D gvo ... thanks auronandace :)17:46
mickstepalteredud: thanks that looks like it should do the trick17:46
auronandaceRahul: no worries :)17:46
ezoewonder why LC_COLLATE=C is not the default.17:47
Rahulauronandace : one question ?17:47
auronandaceRahul: yes17:47
ezoeanything other than that is unordered except ASCII glyphs.17:47
alteredudtrancentral, eternity sheep17:48
Rahulauronandace, do you all work for free?17:48
auronandaceRahul: everyone here is an unpaid volunteer17:48
gvoRahul: we work for each other.17:48
=== HelenB is now known as HelenB[Away]
Rahulauronandace , gvo : Cool !17:49
=== alteredud is now known as fnord
=== fnord is now known as fnordism
Rahulauronandace, gvo : this is your full work ?17:50
auronandaceRahul: no, just spare time, you can help others too if you like17:50
gbrtHi guys, I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 under a MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo 2.something...17:50
gvoRahul: Ditto17:51
gbrtAnd comparing with OSX...17:51
=== HelenB[Away] is now known as HelenB
gbrtIt is quite slower...17:51
mouth1yes gbrt17:51
gbrtI mean, havier...17:51
mouth1if you have a mac i advise you to use mac os x, sounds strange i know :P17:51
Rahulauronandace, gvo : cool , but i don't have knowledge of ubuntu :P17:51
gbrtNot saying it's better or worst...17:51
gvoRahul: You will17:51
tbrownis there a way that I can do remote access on ubuntu17:51
gbrtNaa, it doesnt...17:51
gbrtI truly understand...17:52
gvotbrown: vnc17:52
gbrtBut it is something like an experiment.17:52
Rahultbrown, use teamviewer :)17:52
gbrtI was just a little bit worried...17:52
fnordismis it possible to use openbox instead of gnome?17:52
auronandaceRahul: you'll quickly pick it up, i find i learn a lot more when helping others you'd be suprised how much you do know17:52
mouth1you can use virtualbox on os x to run ubuntu in a virtual machine alongside os x17:52
tbrowngvo: Is that already on there or do i install it in the software center17:52
auronandacefnordism: indeed17:53
gvotbrown: various flavors of vnc are in the repo.  I dont' think they are installed by default.17:53
gbrtWell, so this behavior is actually quite normal right?17:53
Rahulauronandace ,gvo:Nice , and its exciting17:53
gbrtIs there any other Ubuntu spin that may be "lighter" to use here?17:53
auronandace!lubuntu | gbrt17:54
ubottugbrt: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.17:54
mouth1gbrt: os x is made to run on your hardware, ubuntu is designed to run on any hardware17:54
gbrtYeah, I know...17:54
nothing-new12.04 will have gnome-shell and unity both?17:54
ddvsomeone know why --start-maximized is not working for Chromium?17:54
mouth1only unity i think17:54
gvogbrt: how are you measuring slow?17:54
tbrownAm just going to use VNC on my computer17:55
gbrtgvo, actually by "feeling"...17:55
auronandacenothing-new: both are available, unity by default, 12.04 questions in #ubuntu+1 until release17:55
gbrtPlease don't laught.17:55
Rahulgvo, auronandace : lets be in touch :)17:55
ubottutom73: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:55
tbrownNot VNC wow cant type RDV17:55
gvogbrt: It's probably your graphics software that's slow.17:56
gbrtgvo, agreed. Probably yes.17:56
andi3hi all, lb config -p ubuntu_desktop --mode ubuntu --distribution oneiric -m http://localhost:9977/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu --volatile false && sudo lb build, fails with tar: /root/tmp: Cannot open: No such file or directory. Have you tried to build Ubuntu with live-build ?17:57
gvogbrt: That;s not Ubuntu's fault.17:57
ddvsomeone know why --start-maximized is not working for Chromium?17:57
gbrtI'm planning to stop using it alongside with OSX... I intend to get another machine...17:58
gbrtWhat do you guys think about that Vostro one...17:58
angel282Hello, I need some help, I am trying to compile some open source and some library is missing "QtScript/qscriptengine.h: No such file or directory" any idea?17:58
gbrtThe 13"...17:58
gbrtFrom Dell.17:58
gbrtShould work well with Ubuntu, right?17:58
gbrtWell, gotta go...17:59
auronandaceangel282: have you checked to see if what you are trying to compile is already in the repo?17:59
gbrtThanks guys, thanks gvo.17:59
andi3does live-build (lb) suppose to work on Ubuntu?18:00
gvoangel282: you probably need a -dev package.18:01
auronandaceangel282: what are you trying to compile?18:01
angel282auronandace: some open source youtube downloader tool18:01
angel282gvo: which one?18:02
auronandace!info youtube-dl | angel28218:02
ubottuangel282: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2011.08.04-1 (oneiric), package size 33 kB, installed size 168 kB18:02
angel282auronandace: I know "youtubedl" tool, but I need this specific open source.. http://www.4kdownload.com/18:04
auronandaceangel282: their download section has .debs available for ubuntu, whay are you compiling?18:05
gvoangel282: use apt-file to search for files in the repo.18:06
angel282auronandace: so I can change the software name to something else (its GPL)18:07
auronandaceangel282: that makes no sense to me, have fun18:08
gvoauronandace: Probably wants to change the name and sell it as his own work.  ;)  (just kidding)18:08
auronandacegvo: i know you are kidding but i think you are right18:09
nemoSay, am I the only one who sees really unattractive hinting on the Unity top panel?18:09
nemois almost like the hinting is doubled18:09
nemolike, big green pixels18:09
nemoor other colours18:09
gvoI refuse to use Unity.18:10
=== stopostit21 is now known as epik
=== epik is now known as stopostit21
stopostit21how to join epikNet?18:11
rolloTomasihow can i search the comment section of "/list -y" to find channels with specific key words... ie. which channels have the keyword "social" in them18:12
bastidrazor!alis | rolloTomasi18:12
ubotturolloTomasi: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:12
nemogvo: ehm. my sentiments mostly. I was experimenting with it to see if it had gotten usable enough for my mom, who is still stuck on 11.04 and had already freaked out after *that* upgrade before I showed her how to switch to classic18:12
gvolol  mom's can freak easily.18:13
rolloTomasi ubottu:  gr8 thxs!18:13
auronandacestopostit21: /connect irc.epiknet.org18:14
stopostit21thank you!18:14
nemokinda weird though. p'raps some bug in the intel driver on this laptop. seems hard for me to believe no one else has noticed it18:14
* nemo tries completely disabling hinting18:15
auronandacenemo: do you have a screenshot?18:15
nemoauronandace: it wasn't the hinting, was the antialiasing18:16
nemoauronandace: wrong terminology I guess18:16
=== sylvain is now known as Guest50324
nemoanyway, gnome-tweak-tool changing antialiasing from RGBA to greyscale "fixed" it18:16
nemoor at least made it less horrible18:16
sstahopefully they've made it easier to remove unity18:17
auronandace!yay | nemo18:17
ubottunemo: Glad you made it! :-)18:17
nemoit does look like what happens in a web browser if subpixel AA is enabled, and you stack text on each other to get heavy text18:17
nemoI wonder if someone did that18:17
nemoyou get a rainbow appearance around the text18:17
* nemo shrugs18:17
auronandacessta: why remove it when you can start out with it not installed in the first place?18:17
sstaauronandace: point18:18
bynwauronandace: how do you not install unity in the first place?18:21
physically_fithow do i determine the Chromium version I am running?18:21
auronandacebynw: by using a different derivative: kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu18:21
physically_fiti click on Help and nothing appears18:22
auronandacebynw: or start with the mini iso18:22
gvophysically_fit: go to the "wrench" icon and click on about.18:22
tbrownwhat is the command for root in the terinmal18:22
physically_fitgvo, oh thanks i never use that icon. thanks again.18:22
auronandacetbrown: to open a root terminal: sudo -i18:22
auronandacetbrown: but be very careful18:23
auronandacetbrown: it usually is best to just use sudo when needed18:23
tbrownthank you :auronandance18:23
auronandace!tab | tbrown18:24
ubottutbrown: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:24
auronandacemaria_: greetings18:26
njabhelp your country in online game e-sim http://e-sim.org/lan.6740/18:26
auronandacenjab: no advertising please18:27
angel282auronandace: anyway thanks for your help (I found the missing package, it was "libqt4-dev"18:27
auronandaceangel282: awesome18:27
auronandaceangel282: i think it was gvo who said to use a dev package :)18:28
mouth1can you measure the temps in ubuntu?18:28
angel282gvo: sorry.. :) thanks for your help18:28
mouth1like CPU18:28
n-iCeHello I am in a big problem, I run linux in a live cd, but I want to get all my windows to linux in order to format windows and install linux in my hdd, the problem is that I moved something with gparted and the whole partitions of windows says unallocated space and I can't see the files, what can I do, thanks!18:28
gvoangel282: NP18:28
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mouth1n-iCe: did you apply any formatting?18:29
auronandace!info lm-sensors | mouth118:29
ubottumouth1: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.0-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 98 kB, installed size 476 kB18:29
n-iCemouth1: no formatting18:29
=== sig_wal2 is now known as sig_wall
mouth1n-iCe: then you can just restart the computer and boot windows18:30
mouth1from there you can copy the files to an external hdd18:30
mouth1and then install and delete your hdd18:30
mouth1install ubuntu18:30
gvoauronandace: Last time I looked, the sensors had to be configured for your specific hardware.  Has that changed?18:31
n-iCemouth1: I applied changes, but just not formatting, that's why now sasys unallocated files18:31
auronandacegvo: i must admit i've not given it a serious try so i can't remember18:31
=== ladder3 is now known as zz|ladder3|zz
mouth1n-iCe: why were you in the disk formatting anyway?18:32
gvoauronandace: Apparently they use a number of different devices and they software can't always determine what's installed.18:32
mouth1yo didn't want to delete your windows hdd did you?18:32
finish06can someone explain to me any reason why a normal person would want to build their own cloud?18:32
n-iCemouth1: To create a partition to save the files18:32
mouth1hmm never done that before18:32
mouth1don't you have an external hdd?18:32
sveinseDoes anyone know if there are any compability issues between LibreOffice and OpenOffice?18:32
Fyodorovnasveinse, yes they share files18:33
mouth1sveinse: isn't it the same source?18:33
oCeanfinish06: offtopic discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic please18:33
finish06oCean, thanks.18:33
tbrownHas anyone run windows 7 in ubuntu18:33
sveinseI have a spreadsheet which shows "#VALUE!" in certain fields when opened in LibreOffice, while works perfectly in (Win) OO...18:33
aciculatbrown: you mean inside a virtual machine?18:33
tbrownacicula: Yes18:33
aciculatbrown: i have yes, should work just fine with virtualbox or whatever vm system you use18:34
GirlyGirltbrown: W7 isn't the best performance wise under virtualisation. If XP suits your needs use that instead18:34
Fyodorovnasveinse, abiword should work18:35
delinquentmeis WINE the best option for running itunes on ubuntu?18:35
tbrownGirlyGirl: Thank you18:35
auronandacedelinquentme: or a vm18:35
delinquentmecheck auronandace18:35
=== zz|ladder3|zz is now known as ladder3
tbrownGirlyGirl: I dont know if you got my message but how long have you been into computers18:37
sveinseFyodorovna: Well, I'm not looking for an alternative. I'm trying to learn why it fails to use in Ubuntu. Else I need to reboot to win. Who wants that?18:37
=== headyadmin_ is now known as headyadmin
gvosveinse: did you try OO on Linux?18:38
spoonybardwhats an alternative for firebug in the terminal?18:39
auronandacesveinse: perhaps look at the changelogs in libreoffice, specifically calc18:39
tbrownWindows XP Home Edition Or Pro18:39
Fyodorovnasveinse, use libreoffice in windows it is supposedly being developed with more regularity18:39
gvospoonybard: How do you plan on debugging a web app in a terminal session?18:40
spoonybardyes nodejs18:40
GirlyGirltbrown: They have the same requirements18:40
sm00xFyodorovna, true true18:41
gvospoonybard: nodejs has debug build in.18:42
spoonybardits not possible?18:42
tbrownGirlyGirl: So why does it matter if windows 7 does not have a good performace and if windows xp has the sme requirement oh I see what you mean sorry about that:)18:42
gvospoonybard: node debug script.js18:42
gvospoonybard: Apparently it works like gdb, but I've never used it.18:43
gvospoonybard: Also there's something called node-inspector.18:44
wiiguyhello is it possible to replace ubuntu-desktop gui with xubuntu-desktop gui ?18:44
spoonybardgvo, i debug scrips with node-inspector18:44
gvoOK then what was the question? spoonybard18:44
spoonybardgvo, what i really wanted was something similar to firebug's net tab in the terminal18:45
wiiguyhello is it possible to replace ubuntu-desktop gui with xubuntu-desktop gui ?18:46
gvospoonybard: OK no idea, then.18:46
gvowiiguy: You might try installing xubuntu-meta18:47
wiiguyok i will try that :)18:49
wiiguythanks :018:49
auronandace!purexfce | wiiguy18:49
ubottuwiiguy: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:49
nemoauronandace: found the real fix18:49
nemoauronandace: and like most things since gnome2 was killed off, it is annoyingly convoluted :)18:49
nemoauronandace: if you want subpixel AA it isn't just a dropdown in display settings18:50
auronandacenemo: awesome, do tell18:50
wiiguyauronandace im running 12.04 :p18:50
gvowiiguy: After installation if you don't follow auronandace's suggestion, you'll have to select it at login.18:50
nemoauronandace: you have to fire up dconf-editor and go and set the pixel order there if you aren't lucky enough to already be on rgb18:50
wiiguyso dont thik that will work :)18:50
auronandace!12.04 | wiiguy18:50
ubottuwiiguy: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:50
nemoauronandace: once I did that (and I wasn't sure of pixel order, I just kept changing them until it stopped looking muddy)18:50
nemoall better18:50
OmmpanstheI need drivers for a wireless usb from levelone (WUA-0614), but I don't find them anywhere! I don't know if I need drivers of it is a problem of my computer. Note: sadly it works fine on windows xp :-(18:50
wiiguyah ok:)18:51
wiiguyguess wrong channel :p18:51
tbrownI can see why that windows 7 is really slow on the loading the installion on the virutal machine it just so slow haaa18:51
auronandacenemo: wow, convoluted was the right word18:51
nemoauronandace:  /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/xsettings/rgba-order dropdown FWIW18:51
nemobut. fonts look nice and smooth again. woot18:51
auronandacenemo: well done18:52
gvoOmmpansthe: You may have to use ndiswrapper to install the windows drivers.18:52
bram__hey, what was the virtual machine program you used?18:53
nemoauronandace: but. yeah. annoying. that used to be a nice friendly menu in config settings :(18:53
gvoOmmpansthe: if all else fails there's a payware driver loader I've used in the past, Linuxant.18:53
tbrownbram__ Are you talking to me if so put my name in the first line so we know who you are talking to18:53
auronandacenemo: i'll be trying out unity when 12.04 releases, i bet there will be problems18:54
Ommpansthegvo, Ill try. How to install it from a Internet-conected Ubuntu 11.10 x64 to a Offline Ubuntu 11.10 x32?18:54
gvoOmmpansthe: sneakernet is one option.18:54
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bram__tbrown: sorry, yes i asked to you18:54
gvoOmmpansthe: No wired ethernet connection?18:55
Ommpansthegvo, just in this computer.18:55
tbrownbram__: Yes Am running virtualbox but am thinking about running Vmware Player but I cant download it from the site it not letting me its saying that I deed not activated the account or something send me a a email and I deed it but it gave me an error so am going to try again:)18:55
gvoOmmpansthe: Is it a netbook?  Dump .deb files to a thumb drive.18:56
sm00xOmmpansthe, whats wrong with using Unetbootin ?18:56
Ommpansthegvo, both are table-computers (not laptops, I don't know how you call them). I'll try to use a pendrive and a .deb18:56
ravendo you know any live-vision-mixer with multi-camera support?18:57
finish06I have the asus p5q mobo, and need to use the two silicon image SIL 5723 sata ports... on a windows machine, I would d/l the driver that is on asus website, but this driver is not available for linux.. what can i do?18:57
bram__tbrown: for activating the account you need to verify the message in the email you registered18:57
gvosm00x: I think he has the OS installed, but the wireless port doesn't work.18:58
sm00xfinish06, really? lsmod and lspci18:58
tbrownbram__: Yes it send me a email but it just deed not work for me I deed not know what was wrong with the link or something:)P18:58
bram__tbrown: but i got the vmware player setup, you think i can pass it by email?18:58
finish06sm00x, .... really what?  what are lsmod & lspci?18:58
sm00xgvo, peaople should think and say more clearly18:58
tbrownYa try it tbrown2012fb@gmail.com18:58
sm00xfinish06 commands in linux18:58
Ommpansthegvo, the hardware is a wireless usb adapter. Are you sure that ndiswrapper can help?18:58
Ommpansthesm00x, I don't understand what is the relation about unetbootin and my problem18:59
sm00xOmmpansthe, can you say in normal english what you want to do?18:59
bram__tbrown: ok, i'll try it so18:59
Ommpansthesm00x, I want to use a usb-wireless-adapter. The full name is: LevelOne WUA-0614. It works in Windows XP with drivers. I don't know how to make it run on Ubuntu19:00
gvoOmmpansthe: Does the OS see it?  dmesg lists it?19:00
Ommpansthegvo, yes! it does! But I enter the correct password (WEP) and it doesn't work, it ask me again and again the password.19:00
parto_Hey guys, I have a Hp 530 laptop. When running on battery, it sometimes gets to around 60% of battery power and  just shuts down. No warning, nothing. Other times, it goes up to 25% and shows me the warning of battery low. Running ubuntu 11.04. What could be the issue?19:01
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
gvoOmmpansthe: That's a different problem. I think.19:01
fmmsanybody else seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/982518 on precise?19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982518 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Impress crashes every time when clicking on Outline/Note/Handout tab" [Undecided,New]19:01
Ommpansthegvo, I apologize to had misundrstood you then.19:02
tbrownbram__: Deed you send the email or something I need the linux one .deb19:02
auronandace!12.04 | fmms19:02
ubottufmms: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:02
sm00xOmmpansthe, plug in the USB adapter and use lsusb and lsmod19:02
Ommpansthesm00x, in console, right?19:03
fmmsthanks auronandace19:03
finish06I have my CD drive plugged into a silicon image SIL5723 SATA controller in ubuntu.... the OS does not see my CD drive... so I cannot burn anything...  why is it not seeing it?  It sees the 6 other SATA drives that are plugged into intel ICH10R southbridge ports19:03
gvoOmmpansthe: Do an ifconfig -a19:03
julionetoHi all19:03
Ommpanstheok, I'll do that in the other PC. I will copy the results in a pendrive.19:04
sm00xfirst lsusb, then lsmod, and only then ifconfig!19:04
silnerOmmpansthe: Have you seen this suggestion http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1300753 ?19:04
julionetoHave you ever seen this yet? http://i44.tinypic.com/5plxg8.png19:04
sm00xfinish06, lspci says what?19:04
tbrownI got the download thanks anyways19:04
julionetoUbiquity just freezes when I set my personal informations19:05
Ommpansthesilner, yes, but I don't know how to install it :shy:19:05
auronandace!12.04 | julioneto19:05
ubottujulioneto: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:05
finish06sm00x, http://pastebin.com/ZdBfvFAq19:06
gvoOmmpansthe: Temporarily turn off wep and see if it connects.19:07
sm00xfinish06 and rthat PCI controller is really working in Windows?19:07
finish06it worked with i had a hackintosh19:07
sm00xit doesn't show at all in the lspci, so solve that19:07
ravendo you know any live-vision-mixer with multi-camera support?19:07
bram__tbrown: no, but i will soon send you the setup, zipped in some parts19:08
sm00xmaybe it is not in the slot ?19:08
gvosm00x: if he's getting a request for wep login, he's got some kind of network connection.19:08
finish06sm00x, plugged in, I powered off a little earlier today and pulled it out of the port and then plugged it back in19:08
tbrownbram__ Ya I got it already thanks anyways19:08
rfictushow to check if I have 32 or 64 bit ubuntu installed?19:08
sm00xgvo, he need to use WPA2-AES19:08
sm00xall other wireless security is for dumfucks19:08
auronandacerfictus: uname -a19:09
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
bram__tbrown: you already got the setup?19:09
auronandace!language | sm00x19:09
ubottusm00x: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:09
sm00xwho is professional here? :D19:09
LjLsm00x: just don't swear.19:09
tbrownbram_: Am just going to do it on my windows clinet machine:)19:10
sm00xuseless morons is all I see, giving end-users wrong solutions19:10
auronandaceLjL: thanks, he was trolling in #reactos too19:10
dwatkinshow professional...19:10
bram__tbrown: nice, so you'll try later vmware player19:12
finish06well all conversation died with that.19:12
silnerThis is for a different driver Ommpansthe http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download#Download_latest_Linux_wireless_drivers but I imagine the process is similar. I've never had to do it (all mine cards worked out of the box)19:12
Ommpansthegvo, It works if I turn wep off! But I want some security, I don't want other people to access to my internet19:13
Ommpansthesilner, I'll check19:13
loculinuxspanish please19:13
LjLOmmpansthe: on one thing sm00x was right anyway, WEP is *very little* security. you should switch your network to WPA(2)19:13
LjL!es | loculinux19:13
ubottuloculinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:13
gvoOmmpansthe: OK well we've determined that the driver is working for communications/19:13
bram__WPA2 is the best security for wireless sure19:14
gvoOmmpansthe: so turn it off, log in , then turn it back on.  ;)19:14
OmmpanstheLjL, yeah, but my router is very old :-(19:14
LjLOmmpansthe: hm, consider replacing it. really, keep in mind that WEP can be cracked in literally 5 minutes19:14
OmmpanstheLjL, I'll save money for a open router ;-)19:15
=== headyadmin_ is now known as headyadmin
Ommpansthegvo, log in... log in = connected?19:15
gvoOmmpansthe: poor choice of words, sorry.19:15
bram__i think the wpa1 can work in some old routers19:16
Ommpansthegvo, you said: «so turn it off, log in , then turn it back on.» Log in = connect with the router without WEP. Am I right?19:16
Ommpansthegvo, hope that know you understand19:16
gvoOmmpansthe: I don't know if that will work but that's what I meant.19:17
netprofitquick q, why would i want to use add-apt-repository? meaning why would i want to add a repository outside of /etc/apt/sources.list?19:17
Ommpansthegvo, I'll try.19:17
netprofit(i am linux newb)19:17
silnerIt seems like WPS has been cracked too (on some routers) LjL, Ommpansthe so it's probably best to set up keys by hand19:17
Juv1228netprofit, im pretty sure apt-add-repository adds a new file into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:18
gvonetprofit: it doesn't add outside of sources. list it adds something to the file.19:18
Juv1228it also handled PPA's for you19:18
LjLnetprofit: well, without entering the question of whether a single file (sources.list) is better than a modular system, apt-add-repository also registers the repository's key, and can be used to quickly add PPAs19:18
gvonetprofit: or to sources.list.d/19:18
Juv1228http://i.juvsoft.com/desktop.png ---> http://i.juvsoft.com/gnome-crash.png19:19
Juv1228has anyone ever seen this happen on ubuntu 11.10 with gnome classic?19:20
keito_hi, just upgraded to 12.04 from 10.10 and my mail settings in evolution aren't recognised, nor are my stored emails.  How can I get Evolution to see them?19:20
Juv1228it happens randomly while i'm working. screen flickers black for a second and then comes back with the screwed up theme19:20
gvo!info 12.04 | keito_19:20
ubottukeito_: Package 12.04 does not exist in oneiric19:20
gvo!12.04 | keito_19:21
ubottukeito_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:21
netprofitthanks for the replies - so if lets say a version transmission-daemon is release but not listed in ubuntu's official repositories, then "updating the source list" would allow me to apt-get the latest version?19:21
gvonetprofit: Probably19:21
gvonetprofit: if you know what repo has the package.19:22
netprofitgvo: gotcha19:22
KlabautermannSomebody bere19:23
Ommpansthegvo, it doesn't work. I think that the other computer doesn't understand WEP.19:23
parto_Klabautermann     Hae19:24
bram__Klabautermann you need help?19:24
gvoOmmpansthe: "the other computer"  is the box with the usb wireless card?19:24
Ommpansthegvo, yes.19:24
netprofitthanks for the help guys19:24
xblind135hello, I am attempting to install some software I need for a class I am taking, and would very much appreciate any help i can get.19:24
xblind135I need libxul.so19:25
gvoOmmpansthe: So if you leave wep off you can connect OK still?19:25
xblind135from what I can find I need libmotif319:25
Ommpansthegvo, yes. No WEP = Connection19:25
bram__you can't connect with wep on?19:25
kyporhello all .. is there a way to change pinned icons in Unity Launcher? Especially WINE apps?19:25
bekksxblind135: Hopefully no one ever needs motif anymore :)19:25
bekksxblind135: Did you search packages.ubuntu.com to see whoch packages provides libxul.so for your ubuntu version?19:26
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gvoOmmpansthe: Try looking in one of the log files for error messages.19:27
xblind135yes, firefox should, but it seems to be broken19:27
gmachine_24Greetings earthlings. I use the command line to update my systems .. can someone tell me why using 'aptitude' vs 'apt-get' will install more pkgs? apt-get often returns msg that says certain pkgs are being held back19:27
Klabautermannyessssssssssssssss sure i need help19:28
Klabautermannthis is the reason why i am here19:28
gmachine_24Klabautermann, please ask your question or state your business19:28
kyporhello all .. is there a way to change pinned icons in Unity Launcher? Especially WINE apps?19:28
Klabautermannokay should i ask here my question or in query gmachine_24???19:28
gmachine_24Klabautermann, just ask19:29
xblind135XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/firefox-11.0/libxpcom.so: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Couldn't load XPCOM. That is the error i am getting19:29
Ommpansthegvo, can you specify the log file that I must look?19:29
gvoOmmpansthe: try syslog messages and/or auth.19:29
gvoI'm not sure which.19:29
gvoIf any.19:29
KlabautermannI have Ubuntu.19:30
KlabautermannNo  I must correct me19:30
KlabautermannI want to have Ubuntu.19:30
gvoOmmpansthe: Have you tried the complete 48 character hex key?19:30
KlabautermannBuuut the question is. Where can I get Ubuntu if not steal it???19:31
=== Sleeptalik is now known as Tiktalik
kyporhello all .. is there a way to change pinned icons in Unity Launcher? Especially WINE apps? Instead of the default wine icon19:31
KlabautermannNooo stop kypior19:32
Klabautermanni asked first!!!19:32
faryshtaHi. How do I use the "diff"  command to create a patch from local files?19:32
gmachine_24Klabautermann, really? http://www.ubuntu.com/download19:32
gvoKlabautermann: Be nice.  You dont' have to steal it.19:32
KlabautermannBut how do i get it from internet to my pc19:33
gmachine_24Klabautermann, read the instructions19:33
bekksKlabautermann: This is a chat _room_ aloowing several people to ask in parallel.19:33
xblind135How can I start a 32-shell on a 64bit install?19:33
Klabautermannbekks but if all ask each other nobody can understand19:34
zykotick9xblind135: what do you really want to do?19:34
bekksKlabautermann: We can. Be sure of that.19:34
Klabautermannbekks am i allowed to write with CAPS ON so taht people se me?19:34
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
bekksKlabautermann: We can see you without caps, so "No".19:34
Klabautermannokay bekks19:34
Shin_ /XDCC HELP19:34
xblind135I want to get my installation of the Xilinx ISE to work properly, it is only half working right now19:34
gmachine_24Klabautermann, stop. This isn't AOL. Go the the page I gave you; read the instructions. Come back if you have questions.19:34
Klabautermannyes i have bought usb drive and empty cd19:35
Klabautermannhow do i get it upon it19:35
gmachine_24Klabautermann, I am done with you.19:35
gvoKlabautermann: Read the instructions.19:35
zykotick9xblind135: no idea what you are doing.  but "linux32 bash" should start an emulated 32bit shell.19:35
Klabautermannwell all are talking about construction construction construction??? which construction???19:35
gmachine_24or, as we used to say. rtfm19:35
gvoKlabautermann, really? http://www.ubuntu.com/download  go to this page and read.19:36
Klabautermannok but this is so much...okay then i will report it to you if come back19:36
xblind135zykotick9: It is software used to do FPGA dev, it is for a class i am taking19:36
Ommpansthegvo, I am shocked. I didn't understand the syslog file, so I deleted it. Later I tried to reconnect again. It asked me the password, I wrote it again. It connected. I don't know how I fixed it :-|19:36
KlabautermannBut if I have questions i can come back yesss???19:37
gvoOmmpansthe: Good for you19:37
zykotick9xblind135: well, good luck.19:37
gvoKlabautermann: Sure19:37
ceti331anyone know there way around stl19:37
gvoOmmpansthe: Don't delete the syslog file....19:37
gmachine_24Anyone tell me why aptitude update will install pkgs held back using apt-get update?/upgrade?19:37
Ommpansthegvo, thanks for your time. Maybe the things that you tell me to write on console fixed it.19:37
ceti331beyond just using it,19:37
gvoOmmpansthe: are you sure you turned wep back on?  ;)19:38
zykotick9gmachine_24: aptitude != apt-get19:38
Ommpansthegvo, it would reapear again. I am used to deleted it each 2 weeks due to the big size (sudo rm -r /var/log)19:38
MonkeyDustgmachine_24  that's a difference between aptitude and apt-get19:38
Ommpansthegvo, I'll check XD19:38
ceti331i'm curious to know if there is a standard version of std::vector where capacity always = size, i.e. no information is stored relevant to dynamic resizing19:38
xblind135zykotick9: thanks, the problems i have seen people have had are all related to running this 32bit app on 64-bit machines19:38
MonkeyDustgmachine_24  another difference has something to do with kworker19:39
sstaceti331: maybe ask in #c++ ?19:39
zykotick9xblind135: you'd typically use "linux32 REALAPHERE" instead of bash19:39
gvoOmmpansthe: all the fils in /var/log take care of themselves.  Don't need to delete anything.19:39
gmachine_24MonkeyDust, thank you. Is it something I need to be concerned about? I have been using aptitude to update/upgrade sometimes because it does more; I'm assuming this is OK.19:39
Ommpansthegvo, yes, WEP is activated. Also a lock appears on the wireless logo. So the problem is solved, thanks for your time.19:40
xblind135zykotick9: REALAPHERE?19:40
gvoOmmpansthe: great.19:40
zykotick9xblind135: sorry, real application here19:40
Ommpansthegvo, how often they autodelete themselves?19:40
xblind135i see19:40
xblind135let me try it19:40
OmmpanstheI am going to dinner, I'll read this later ;-)19:40
gvoOmmpansthe: I think they keep about 8 copies around and then delete the oldest one.19:40
gvoOmmpansthe: but some files may have different rules.19:41
SqRt7744Does anyone know of a way to import .vcf files into ubuntu-one, or at least thunderbird?19:41
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gvoOmmpansthe: there's a program/script named logrotate that has a conf file at /etc/logrotate.conf, if you are interested.19:42
Areckxso I managed to boot into 12.04 so no more grub rescue19:42
Areckxnetwork manager is missing19:43
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:43
zykotick9Areckx: for 12.04 support please use #ubuntu+119:43
AreckxI can't download it on the machine19:43
bittinthe trunk kernel is kinda stable in DebianPPC :o19:43
gvo:Oops, sorry19:44
xblind135I got the floorplanner to run!19:45
=== ruben is now known as Guest27626
xblind135thank you, now I can at least get started on doing something useful for the class beyond installing software19:45
Ommpansthegvo, interesting. That would solve my space problem. Thanks again, dude.19:50
gvoOmmpansthe: NP19:50
Ommpansthegvo, NP?19:51
mouth1i heard that with the open source ati driver the system might use more electricity and the temperature and fans are higher19:52
mouth1can this damage my system?19:52
gvoOmmpansthe: no problem.19:52
n-iCehello I can't connect to my wifi, says SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-KILL I already did some commands to unblock that I found in google but nothing, still blocked, any ideas?19:52
mercedeslubuntu have a store19:52
mercedeslike ubuntu19:52
mercedeslubuntu have software center19:53
mercedesor not19:53
compdocwhat do you want to buy?19:53
mercedesnothing only install games apps etc19:54
compdocwell, most apps are free in both19:54
trismmercedes: you can install software-center in lubuntu, the repos are the same, but I don't think it will be installed by default19:54
compdoctheres a lot in the repositories19:55
mercedeshow i can install it19:55
trismmercedes: sudo apt-get install software-center19:55
compdocwhich desktop does lubuntu use?19:55
mercedesok thanks i will try it19:55
trismcompdoc: lxde19:56
mercedesthank i´m install it now19:57
compdocdoes it support gnome apps?19:57
mercedesi think yes19:57
guntbertn-iCe: rfkill usually means "hardware switch off"19:57
trismcompdoc: you can run gnome apps on any desktop, the only issue is how many libraries will be pulled in when you install19:58
n-iCeguntbert: what shoudl I do19:58
guntbertn-iCe: is there a hardware switch for the wifi on your notebook?19:59
mercedesone more question when i install software center it comes whit all the repositories19:59
n-iCeguntbert: no19:59
guntbertn-iCe: no fn-key combos to turn it on/off either?19:59
n-iCein dmesg says rtlwifi wireless switch is on20:01
=== nick_ is now known as Guest57388
mercedeswhen i try to install sofware center termina says that i need to try --fix-missing? or apt-get update20:01
trismmercedes: whichever repositories you have configured in software-properties-gtk, software-center will use20:01
guntbertn-iCe: then I don't know, sorry20:02
trismmercedes: can you pastebin the output?20:02
trism!pastebin | mercedes20:02
ubottumercedes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:02
gvotrism: maybe mercedes should apt-get update??20:03
mercedesi dont understand how i paste images20:03
SaZhanice name anyway20:04
trismmercedes: copy and paste the output when you try to install software-center here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us the link20:04
trismgvo: quite possible, hard to say without seeing the output20:05
mercedesok i now understand butt how can i get a screenshot20:05
epaphusCould anybody please give me an example how to have user1 write files with default permissions of 770 ?20:05
blnkI'm trying to get remote desktop to tunnel through SSH. I was wondering if I'm on the right track. I have the VNC client connecting to on port 5901, then I have SSH on the client local port forwarding port 5901 to 5900 of the server IP. does this sound even remotely correct?20:06
gvomercedes: highlight the text with the mouse/left key.  copy then paste into that paste.ubuntu.com window20:06
trismmercedes: don't need a screenshot, usually just the print screen button, but I don't know if lubuntu sets that up by default (although I see they install scrot, so maybe)20:06
mercedesi am pasting it now20:09
steveoliverin 11:10, how can I set Super key to a key combo like 'Control+Esc' or something?20:09
mouth1i heard that with the open source ati driver the system might use more electricity and the temperature and fans are higher20:10
scientessteveoliver, super key is binded to alot of thing in ubuntu, so dont do it20:10
mouth1can this damage my system?20:10
MonkeyDuststeveoliver  system settings, keyboard, shortcuts20:10
mercedesde tab of chromium freeze i can´t paste it20:11
steveoliverthanks, MonkeyDust20:11
gvomouth1: I understand you can change settings to make it behave but I have no idea how.20:12
steveoliverI didn't mean Super key, sorry -- I want to trigger "Dash home" with an arbitrary key combo20:12
steveoliveris there a "command" for that?20:13
gvotrism: I'm afraid we're asking too much of the poor fellow.20:16
OerHekssteveoliver, yes you can! type 2 x 'windowskey' and dash will open, sesame20:19
jenis it possible to have IMVU on linux?20:20
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Guest75412and if it is can someone tell me how to put it on there?20:20
davidI'm using xubuntu 11.10, and i was wondering about ssh, in ubuntu there is a gui ssh program available i was wondeirng how to get that on xubuntu?20:20
=== Guest75412 is now known as jennnnnn
bekksdavid: Erm, ssh provides remote terminal access - so your gnome-terminal or whatever is your "gui".20:21
davidi've used ssh with a filemanager before20:21
davidin ubuntu20:21
davidno terminal20:22
jennnnnnhow can I get IMVU on ubuntu?20:22
bekksdavid: Thats SFTP, not SSH.20:23
OerHeksjen, the beta on wine sounds promising >> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=269720:23
davidmy bad, how can i get that on xubuntu, i need a package name please :320:24
bekksssh == secure shell (terminal access), sftp == secure ftp (== things you can do with a filemanager)20:24
wyldedavid: openssh-server, it provides ssh shell access and sftp services.20:26
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davidis that easy to install?20:26
bekksdavid: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"20:27
wyldedavid: it's as easy as saudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:27
davidjust makin sure20:27
jennnnnnso imvu does work well on wine then20:27
davidty for your help :320:27
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mouth1gvo: how do you mean, change settings?20:31
azizblackboxhello! test! iam new here xD ;P20:32
guntbertazizblackbox: welcome,  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:32
=== 64MAA9YYX is now known as hybrid
UkeofJerseyOkay, 2nd time today:  I've got 10.10 with FF 11.0, with about 7 tabs that I always have open.  Ubuntu freaks out:  mouse moves but nothing in GNOME is responsive including any  keyboard shortcut.  I can hear the HD reading/writing like it's attempting to replace the Library of Alexandria.  After waiting for ~10 minutes for any keyboard shortcuts to catch up, I finally give up and hard restart.  Question is:  How do I find out what t20:36
davidhey how can i get the numbers I need to ssh into a computer?20:36
delinquentmedoes anyone have a solid reliable library for music transfers to the iPhone 4?20:37
guntbert!10.10 | UkeofJersey time for an upgrade anyway20:37
ubottuUkeofJersey time for an upgrade anyway: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.20:37
CQdavid ifconfig -a shows you your IP address20:39
jennnnnnim having trouble with my virtualbox20:39
UkeofJerseyI despise unity and tried a fresh install of 11.04 on this box (some old Dell with every old HD I could find).  It didn't end well because after I finally got the POS to finally look like 10.10 again it took a massive $#!T and I reinstalled everything 10.10 again...  Somebody have a distro that is already set to classic in every respect?20:39
jennnnnnhere is what it says20:40
mariockiUkeofJersey have you tried Mint20:40
skeldoes ubuntu update-manager support p2p yet? for updates and upgrades? Or do we still have to resort to third-party approaches like apt-p2p?20:40
guntbertjennnnnn: please ask in #vbox, they will better know what might be the matter20:41
jennnnnnthey never anser20:41
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Guest11969how do i add open as administrator entry in nautilus context menu?20:41
UkeofJersey@mariocki couldn't get mint 12 to fully boot.  Gave it one good college try with it taking me to an empty desktop, then I moved to the next distro20:42
thesheff17what is your question about vbox?20:42
guntbertjennnnnn: I didn't see you ask in #vbox20:42
jennnnnnive been there before and they never answer me, i get more stuff done here20:42
guntbertjennnnnn: but what you want in this case is not ubuntu support20:43
jennnnnnwell people in here use it im sure20:43
popeyskel: nope20:44
Guest11969how do i add open as administrator entry in nautilus context menu?20:44
UkeofJersey@mariocki to clarify:  "empty desktop" is a completely unresponsive pretty green screen20:44
skelpopey: aww ok =/20:44
guntbertjennnnnn: yes, but still - the topic here is "ubuntu support"20:44
UkeofJerseyeither way, my original question was to ask how to at least sniff out some clues as to what happened after I had to hard reboot20:45
UkeofJerseynice, general, UBUNTU question.....*cough*20:45
Guest11969how do i add open as administrator entry in nautilus context menu?20:46
mariocki@UkeofJersey, since its an old laptop its probably acpi that's causing the problem - see this http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=92637&f=4620:46
UkeofJersey??  Not sure how I gave the impression that it was a laptop OR that I cared to give Mint another shot....20:47
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:48
UkeofJerseyMy general Ubuntu question:  If my computer flips out and forces me to hard reboot, where do I find logs/dumps/etc to find out what the hell happened?20:48
wyldeUkeofJersey: /var/log/variouslogfiles20:49
guntbertUkeofJersey: in /var/log20:49
Guest11969how do i add open as administrator entry in nautilus context menu?20:49
jeroth_Can anyone help me? How do I change my Ubuntu 11.10 logon screen resolution?20:49
bunny68how do you find all pids of certain user?20:49
bunny68there was this nice command -u user20:49
UkeofJerseyaha!  Thank you, wylde and guntbert!20:49
bunny68can't recall damn it20:49
wylde!patience | Guest1196920:49
ubottuGuest11969: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:49
BigNukebunny68: ps ?20:49
bunny68BigNuke nope20:49
BigNukebunny68: well oO works fine here20:50
rinzlerExecuting grub-install /dev/sdb failed on installation.20:50
fnordismdarmok and jalad at tanagra20:50
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bunny68BigNuke i need pure pids, not other data20:50
UkeofJersey@wylde and guntbert:  quickly again, which log would probably be step one to find out why a CPU pegs and HD suddenly read/writes like crazy?20:51
BigNukebunny68: mkay20:52
wyldeUkeofJersey: syslog? boot boot.log?20:53
TechIsCoolhey everyone I have a bash script that I want the file placed in the working directory how would I do that?20:54
wyldeUkeofJersey: oh yeah, dmesg20:54
EroKaosI'm using Ubuntu 11.10 on a netbook. How do I reactivate my touchpad after removing the usb mouse? Right now, the touchpad stays deactivated after removing the usb mouse.20:55
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UkeofJerseywylde:  cool, I see some things that may be an issue, but what exactly is dmesg?20:57
rinzlerExecuting grub-install /dev/sdb failed on installation. Any ideas?20:58
wyldeUkeofJersey: shows boot info related to devices etc.20:58
wylde!dmesg | UkeofJersey20:58
ubottuUkeofJersey: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.20:58
wylde!ru | Kozla20:59
ubottuKozla: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:59
dictodudeiphonehi dudes20:59
jeroth_anyone know how to change the login screen resolution?20:59
dictodudeiphonejeroth_, try going into settings, display and there should be an option.21:00
renodeanyone know how to view a running process, being outputted to stdin, over ssh?21:00
jeroth_dictodudeiphone, no I need to change the login screens resolution. It is too high for my monitor.21:01
dictodudeiphonejeroth_, ok try google and go to ubuntu forums. they should have something on that.21:02
jeroth_dictodudeiphone, thats why I am here. :)21:03
delinquentmeubuntu 10.04  <<==>>  transfer music files21:03
delinquentmeubuntu 10.04  <<==>>  iPhone 4 transfer music files21:03
delinquentmeis this possible21:03
danand_hi all, if there are any mac book pro (8,2) owners out there I would be very grateful if they could pastebin the output of lsinitramfs <path to their initramfs image>. I am having a bit of trouble with mine - fails to find root file system which is usually the result of a missing module...21:03
maverick-sapienhi guys! Hws everyone?!21:07
f4tticusAny one have ThinkPad T420 and issues with ubuntu 10.10 coming out of suspended mode ?21:07
f4tticusGood, and you ?21:07
maverick-sapienM good too..i m a newbie actually.. This is the ubuntu channel..right??21:08
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.21:08
f4tticusCool, thanks Wylde lol21:08
wyldef4tticus: not what you want to hear I'm sure heh.21:08
dictodudeiphoneask me anything...21:08
maverick-sapienCan anyone tell me how can I start my own topic (or channel, whatever it's called)??21:09
f4tticusahaha not at all. I cant seem to find a fix and it doesnt help that its EOL21:09
f4tticusstuck running windows as host and ubuntu in vm :(21:09
f4tticusNot to sure Maverick, i would asume you need a server to host it on first off.21:10
wyldef4tticus: maybe an update will help anyway lol.21:10
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wyldemaverick-sapien: type /join <channelname>21:10
wyldemaverick-sapien: if the channelname you choose doesn't exist it will be created and you will have ops.21:11
rinzlerExecuting grub-install /dev/sdb failed on installation.21:11
f4tticuswhere is that hosted though...same machine this chanel would be on ?21:11
maverick-sapienlooks like I need an elaborate tut on how to use IRC.. Actually I joined cos I'm havin a problem with using USB drive in virtual host Scientific Linux 6.0 on VirtualBox running on Win 7 host..21:11
maverick-sapienUSB isn't getting detected  :(21:12
wyldemaverick-sapien: you'll probably have to see the freenode website about registering a permanent channel.21:12
f4tticusyou need to allow it to passthrough to the vm.21:12
maverick-sapiensorry virtual guest Scientifnc Linux..21:12
wyldef4tticus: yes, it will be created right here on freenode21:12
maverick-sapienDid evrything,,,added filter, installed extension pack..21:12
maverick-sapiennothing works..21:12
f4tticushavent used virtualbox in a while but its a setting up top, you need to mount the usb so it is detected on the vm not host.21:13
maverick-sapiensame startup message all d time.. -  usb read descriptor 64, error - 7121:14
maverick-sapienany idea hw to do that f4tticus??21:14
ficarraI have 2 questions. 1, when did software center become so slow, bloated, and such resource hog? 2, can I use the old software center?21:15
oxidizerhey anybody help me for this I was trying to install ubuntu on my laptop after booting and select install it show this " [  0.548104] Kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!21:15
ficarraI just opened it up, and my computer practically came to a standstill21:15
maverick-sapienBTW, when I start VBOx, usb automatically is stopped being read on Win 7 host..21:15
f4tticusMaverick, just look around in the drop downs from the VirtualBox window that the Guest is running in21:16
f4tticusit is there some where, it will say "Removable Devices" or somthing21:16
f4tticusthen select your USB device and mount21:16
=== xpert is now known as zmaj
oxidizerhey anybody help me for this I was trying to install ubuntu on my laptop after booting and select install it show this " [  0.548104] Kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!21:17
maverick-sapienIt doesnt have thtat many things to explore in the drop down menus..I have tried everything but USB just doesnt get read.. And this is a pretty common problem, which is solved for some, but unsolved for many..  :)21:17
wyldemaverick-sapien: how is scientific linux related to ubuntu?21:17
ficarraWhich brings me to my next question, why are sites not offering a .deb, only a link to the software center?21:17
f4tticusyeah haha i was goingto ask21:18
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:18
jriversI am currently running Natty, If I update to the newest version of Ubuntu...will I lose my files?21:18
wyldenot the one I wanted >.<21:18
maverick-sapienwylde....  :P Actually m a newbie here.. tell me, how do i start my own topic/channel in IRC??21:18
wyldemaverick-sapien: I told you already21:19
oxidizerhey anybody help me for this I was trying to install ubuntu on my laptop after booting and select install it show this " [  0.548104] Kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!21:19
wyldemaverick-sapien: you'd have better luck looking for support through the scientific linux site.21:19
ficarraOxidizer, you are skilled in the art of ctl + v21:20
wylde!patience | oxidizer21:20
ubottuoxidizer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:20
ficarraInstead of spamming the same message, over and over again, mind giving more info?21:20
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:20
jriversor just type the error into Google or something, that usually yields good results21:20
bunny68can you use pkill in a way so it kills all pids of some user BUT one?21:20
maverick-sapienoh yeah..missed ur message in this storm..sorry. I'll go learn first.. bye.21:20
maverick-sapienthanks though..21:21
ficarraBut seriously, am I the only one who notices a big difference in ram/cpu usage in the newer software center?21:21
wyldeficarra: I don't use it, I use either apt-get or synaptic.21:22
CesarGomezmsg NickServ identify 85061121:22
ficarraI usually just use dpkg -i21:23
wyldeCesarGomez: time for a password change... it's best to enter those type of commands in the server window.21:23
wyldeficarra: that works if you downloaded the package locally yes.21:23
ficarraYeah, I usually just download the package.21:23
bunny68CesarGomez i like your nick21:23
ficarraBut some people think that software center is the best way...21:24
wyldeficarra: apt-get install packagename, downloads and installs the package and it's dependancies.21:24
CesarGomezHello, ty bunny6821:24
bunny68yw CesarGomez21:24
bunny68so can you use pkill in a way so it kills all pids of some user BUT one particular process of a known name?21:24
ficarrawylde:  How do you add sources/partners?21:25
ficarraNever heard of this before21:25
CesarGomezwylde: lol sure xD21:26
JonEdneyHey gang, can someone explain this Disck Usage Analyzer for me a bit?  It says my / folder is at 100% usage, but the size is only 21.3 GB.21:26
wyldeyou can use the software sources gui in system.21:26
wyldeficarra: for ppa's you can them with 'apt-add-repository ppa:repositoryname'21:27
wyldecan *add21:27
CesarGomezwylde any idea ? how can i change it ?21:28
jriversWhile updating from a previous version of ubuntu to a more recent version, will I lose my programs and files?21:28
wyldejrivers: no, but you should keep backups regardless.21:28
wyldeCesarGomez: I'm not sure, I've never had to change mine21:29
bastidrazorCesarGomez: ask in #freenode21:30
CesarGomezk tks :D21:30
jriversDo you think an upgrade from Natty is worth it?21:31
wyldejrivers: that's entirely up to you. If you intend to upgrade to 12.04 you will have to anyway, unless you plan on a fresh install of precise.21:33
mouth1i heard that with the open source ati driver the system might use more electricity and the temperature and fans are higher21:34
mouth1can this damage my system?21:34
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mouth1do i have to monitor my temps to see if everything is alright?21:35
Guest1155is there any software in ubuntu to send sms and make calls through datacard?21:35
fnordismmouth1 no21:35
fnordismmouth1: if your computer starts smoking you don't need to monitor temps anymore21:35
awakecodingI'd like to get suggestions on software to install on ubuntu to host a private mailing list21:36
awakecodingsomething easy to manage, with a good spam filter option21:36
mouth1fnordism: lets say i have the same problem like the other guy (i don't think i have it) where his ati card using open source drivers is always on max temperature and fanspeed21:36
awakecodingany thoughts?21:36
mouth1that would damage it right?21:36
wyldemouth1: only if the fans couldn't keep up to the temp, or if the fan fails.21:37
fnordismmouth1: he's using a hot model21:37
mouth1hmm i don't understand :(21:37
dysoco|laptopAnyone having problems to install ruby-rvm ? I get a Dpkg error, I need to install Ruby 1.9.2 as soon as possible...21:37
fnordismthey do 120?C21:37
fnordismi use 1.21 jiggawatts21:38
mouth1fnordism: do you use ati?21:39
jriversGreat, thanks again wylde. Last Question; I am attempting to delete adobe air from my winetricks folder, yet it says it isn't there (it is) when i go to download it, it says I already have it installed.21:39
jriversAny tips?21:39
fnordismyes i used ati on my notebook21:40
jriversAlso the "it" I am refering to is the terminal21:40
mouth1what drivers did you use?21:40
fnordismnon proprietary21:40
fnordismthose default linux ones21:40
mouth1can you play 3d games and games through wine with those?21:40
mouth1i have a HD685021:41
fnordismi think they have some open gl support21:41
phillijwI've installed MonoDevelop from the apt but I'd like to use 2.8 instead of 2.6. Can I upgrade to the newer version using apt?21:41
jonathanellisI'm trying to get my Huawei E220 mobile broadband dongle working in Ubuntu 11.10 and coming up a blank. I have looked at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/868034 + http://thoughtsandideas.wordpress.com/2012/04/11/workarounds-found-for-huawei-e220-on-ubuntu-11-10/21:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868034 in modemmanager (Debian) "Huawei E220 and E1550 can't connect on Ubuntu 11.10" [Unknown,New]21:41
CesarGomezwylde u there ?21:41
ickefeshi guys. i have a (simple) question. if i want to give a user called ftpusers permission to write to the folder /car/ftp/ what comma nd line should i write? regards.21:41
edlik1can anyone help me get my wireless working again? Lost it after upgrade21:44
jonathanellisSorry. Pressed enter too soon. I'm trying to get my Huawei E220 mobile broadband dongle working in Ubuntu 11.10 and coming up a blank. I have looked at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/868034 and http://thoughtsandideas.wordpress.com/2012/04/11/workarounds-found-for-huawei-e220-on-ubuntu-11-10/. I have added “blacklist usb_storage” to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and then run sudo usb_modeswitch -v 0x1221:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868034 in modemmanager (Debian) "Huawei E220 and E1550 can't connect on Ubuntu 11.10" [Unknown,New]21:44
jonathanellisd1 -p 1003 -V 0x12d1 -P 1003 -R but I still dont know if the usb dongle is working. How do I check?21:44
dysoco|laptopAnyone knows how can I install Ruby 1.9.2 ?21:45
scriptoffAnyone knows a good java channel?21:46
dysoco|laptopscriptoff, #java ?21:46
scriptoffinvitation only21:46
dysoco|laptopDidn't knew21:46
dysoco|laptopDidn't know*21:46
mkanyicyhow can i change my username?21:47
phillijw#java is not invitiation only21:47
fnordismtype /nick meow21:47
phillijwyou just need to identify your nickname21:47
scriptoff Cannot join #java (Channel is invite only)21:48
fnordismi thought java is cold coffe21:48
phillijwI just went into it... it's not invite only. Try identifying with nickserv21:48
mkanyicyhow can i change my ubuntu login username21:48
fnordismusermod -l login-name old-name21:49
fnordismusermod -u UID username21:49
droid-0854#java print invite error21:49
jonathanellismkanyicy: I'm not sure you can change your username but you can certainly make a new one and then delete the old one after you have copied everything across21:49
jriversI need help deleting/Installing adobe air under winetricks. I attempted an install, it failed, now can't delete the corrupted file or install a new one. Help?21:51
danand_ /quit b21:51
jonathanellisCan anyone help me with mobile broadband. How do I check it is working?21:51
huskany suggestions please I need a good vpn provider for ubuntu, I tried iPreditor but had PPTP failures21:51
goddardhow can i add cron to the usergroup "nobody"21:52
goddardor set it to run as nobody for a script21:53
tadcanRan this command, where would I find the output $find . -name "*.ttf" -exec cp "{}" /dir \;21:53
yaksteris asound.conf and .asoundrc   interchangable?21:53
mkanyicyjonathanellis, no that will change my userid, i want to keep the same userid and stuff, but change the username from lets say 'bob' to 'foo'21:54
yaksterusermod -c "Real Name" -l new_name old_name21:55
ak47bhey i just created a website and want check how stong the securyty is so does anyone know how to ddos21:56
DeLorean719but I don't want your isp to get mad at me21:56
mkanyicyyakster, thanks, let me try that out21:56
droid-0854Ak this is ubuntu queations21:58
yaksterak47b,, not a valid web page…21:58
yaksterok, for alsa, when I boot, at random times I get no sound…21:59
yaksterso I am looking for asound.conf, don't have it…21:59
yaksterI do have ~/.asoundrc22:00
yaksterhow do I statically set the sound device?22:00
linux_is_my_herowhy would simple scan take forever to write a pdf?22:01
linux_is_my_heroFLoodBot1: any advice?22:01
yaksterneon here good with alsa22:02
=== bryan is now known as Guest53429
ickefeshi guys. i have a (simple) question. if i want to give a user called ftpusers permission to write to the folder /car/ftp/ what comma nd line should i write? regards.22:04
SquirrelNutZippeickefes, look at the group perms for the /car/ftp/ directory and then include the user you want to give access in that group22:09
ickefesso a folder can only have one static user? not a can do that and B22:10
yaksteri would like to install alas global, not per user, to reinstall alas i would apt-get reinstall alsa ????22:11
ickefescan do that but only owner/user, next step one group and then the rest (others)?22:11
SquirrelNutZippeno, by adding them as a member of the group that has access to that folder you give everyone who is a member of that group access to that dir22:12
SquirrelNutZippejust run the command 'vi /etc/group', then find the name of the group that 'owns' that directory, and add the user to the list of users already there22:13
ickefesi will try that squirrel. thanks!22:14
SquirrelNutZippehope it works the way you'd like22:14
ickefesi never thought setting up a simple ftp in linux would be so difficult :)22:15
SquirrelNutZippewhat kind of ftp server r u using?22:15
ickefesi am trying vsftpd.22:15
SquirrelNutZippeit might just be easier to config the user-you-want-to-give-access-to in the FTP server config file22:15
yaksterI like using webmin to manage my server graphically without having a real frontend22:15
SquirrelNutZippelol, I hear ya yakster22:16
ickefesi want a simple ftp on this laptop so that i can from my desktop download cd rips i have on the laptop22:16
SquirrelNutZippeCLI is for us 'old folk'22:16
yaksterwell then why even use FTP…22:16
yaksterjust sftp and there u go22:16
yaksterSFTP is on just because you use SSH to manage your system remote…22:16
SquirrelNutZippeickefes, so it's desktop-from-laptop?22:17
yaksteruse a sftp app, like on mac i use cyberduck, sftp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@123.45.678.9822:17
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SquirrelNutZippedo you want a quick, GUI-oriented way to do it?22:17
yaksteror smb22:17
ammar_ahmad1993xI wanted to ask if I download the latest version of ubuntu, will I get support for it?22:17
ickefessftp... never tried that22:18
yaksteryou'll need a program on the receiving end…22:18
SquirrelNutZippeicky, you can also install 'Teamviewer'22:18
SquirrelNutZippeon both22:18
yaksterwhat os are you on now?22:18
ammar_ahmad1993xI am on 11.1022:18
ammar_ahmad1993xI am talking about the beta22:18
ammar_ahmad1993xif I install it22:18
ammar_ahmad1993xwill I get support for it?22:18
SquirrelNutZippewill prolly only get "beta" support for it22:19
SquirrelNutZippei.e., "best effort"22:19
yaksterickefes, what os do you want to transfer to from your ubuntu machine?22:19
OerHekssupport for precise pangolin in #Ubuntu+1 until release22:20
ammar_ahmad1993xso will I be able to update it to the non-beta version afterwards22:20
ammar_ahmad1993xgreat :D22:20
zykotick9!final | ammar_ahmad1993x22:20
ubottuammar_ahmad1993x: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.22:20
OerHeksammar_ahmad1993x, backup your files & documents, before doing beta22:21
zykotick9ammar_ahmad1993x: only #ubuntu+1 for support22:21
ammar_ahmad1993xI also wanted to ask if I can write apps in vb.net and run them on ubuntu22:22
GraemeLionammar_ahmad1993x: Not really, no.22:23
cmondoes anyone know if editing Torrents already uploadet at piratebay is broken?22:23
netsurf3_just passing through but checkout mono ammar_ahmad1993x22:23
SquirrelNutZippeGraemeLion, will it work with mono?22:23
Jordan_U!ot | cmon22:23
ubottucmon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:23
GraemeLionSquirrelNutZippe: Somewhat.  Mono will let you do some things.22:23
ammar_ahmad1993xso which language do you suggest?22:23
SquirrelNutZippewhat's your goal ammar_ahmad1993x ?22:24
GraemeLionammar_ahmad1993x: Well, we do have limited C# support through mono, so you can use that, but you can't directly write in Visual studio and run on linux22:24
GraemeLionIt really depends on what you wish to do22:24
ammar_ahmad1993xI recently installed ubuntu on my laptop. I use visual studio on my windows machine to make applications. I wanted to create applications for Ubuntu OS as well.22:25
GraemeLionammar_ahmad1993x: Check out http://developer.ubuntu.com22:26
Areckxiiiiinstalling!!!!!! yes!!!!22:29
ammar_ahmad1993xgreat :D22:31
ammar_ahmad1993xthanks for the details22:32
GraemeLionammar_ahmad1993x: Enjoy! :D22:32
Lunar_LanderI notice that my firefox keeps being connected to livepass.conviva.com22:34
Lunar_LanderI was watching a stream on livestream.com earlier can that be connected to that?22:34
Lunar_Landeror is that something new from youtube or so22:34
Lunar_Landermywot says "Conviva provides real time streaming optimization and performance measurement for content providers to maximize their online video business. "22:35
kbrosnanthat is a direct quote from their website http://www.conviva.com/about22:36
Lunar_LanderI just wonder where that came from22:37
cespareI'm having trouble with applications hanging periodically, and I think it's because my ssd is occasionally becoming unresponsive. How can I verify this hypothesis?22:40
tomvolekHIi, I am tryign to set a cron job to run nights to backup some files, the script to back up is working. the cron does not.  my /etc/crontab entry lookslike:  15 40  * * *   tom    /home/neil/backups/acapbackup.sh    any ideas ?22:41
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ironmtomvolek, have you restarted crond ?22:43
phillijwI was running monodevelop 2.6 and meanwhile I installed 2.8 from badgerports. When I open the monodevelop link it opens 2.6. What gives?22:43
tomvolekah ironm no, thought the deamon will check for a timestamp on /etc/crontab and see if it has been changed22:43
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=== Guest55492 is now known as AnonALinfo
Octaneokay time to check otu 12.04 b2!!22:45
Areckxwhich are you currently running?22:45
Octane11.04 in a vm on this machine and 11.04 on my laptop... but that was after upgrading from 4.04 lol22:46
Octaneerr 5.04*22:46
Lunar_Landerkbrosnan, thanks for your help22:46
Areckxwhat pc model is the planned install?22:46
spaceneedleThru synaptic I removed two old kernels but after rebooting I notice that the kernels show up on the grub screen. How do I remove them?22:47
Octanedual core 3ghz22:47
=== bryan_ is now known as Punk_Unity
spaceneedleailurus does NOT work on Ubuntu 12.04.22:48
Octaneis Wubi available for 12.04?22:49
Punk_UnityOctane, should be22:51
aaasspaceneedle edit your grub menu..../boot/menu.conf? and run grub-update can't remember what it is for grub222:51
Octaneo :( http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/wubi-installation-changes-mooted-for-ubuntu-12-04/22:51
dlentzOctane, http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/02/call-for-testing-wubi.html22:53
derp_Hey all. So, is there an equivalent to ctrl + alt + delete in ubuntu 12.04?22:54
Octanedlentz thanks22:55
GraemeLionderp_: You can ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a terminal22:55
GraemeLionandthen CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back22:55
derp_GraemeLion: Alright... cool... and then list the processes that are running and kill the trouble maker?22:56
dlentzderp_, sudo apt-get install htop22:56
dlentz(then run htop_22:56
Nk26whats the best way to have something auto run on restart/boot? currently im cd /bin/znc and then running ./znc id like to automate that22:59
escottNk26, /etc/rc.local23:00
derp_Yeah, tried ctrl+alt+f1 and it worked, but f7 to get back did not...23:01
derp_Someone was saying something about htop (or something like that?).23:01
Octanestupid question but is it easy to repartition the partitions wubi creates at a later date if i want more room?23:02
escottOctane, wubi doesnt create partitions23:02
Nk26escott do i just add the directory ? so home/znc/bin/znc and it will execute that?23:02
petroshi guys! why with nvidia drivers installed the consoles (F1-F6) appears black?23:02
escottNk26, you should list the full path, but it runs as root which may not be what you want. if you want it to run on your login you can do that with your gnome-session-properties23:03
nicekiwiheyy, how do I access windows shares from within a Ubuntu VM with Virtualbox? Ive setup shares within VB but I dont know howto mount them23:04
zykotick9petros: have you tried (or are you currently using) a vga= or GRUB_GFXMODE= for grub?  I remember breaking nvidia's VTs trying to play with plymouth.23:05
nicekiwi:/ actually the shares HAVE mounted, but it says I dont have permission to access them23:05
escottnicekiwi, are you accessing guest files on the host or host files on the guest?23:06
escottnicekiwi, or are you sidestepping the whole thing and trying to do it as a network->network share?23:06
chocolatesHello, I used to have Ubuntu, but one day it became corrupted, and so did my Windows partition. In the end, I installed XP on the F drive, while the other two partitions were unused. Is there a way to combine the space of the other two partitions with the partition windows is on?23:06
Nk26escott im running ubuntu server does that make any difference?23:06
Nk26just using the account I created23:07
petros<zykotick9> yes, but it din't work23:07
escottNk26, if its a server you probably never login so put it in rc.local, but recall it runs as root23:07
gohdannicekiwi: if you using "normal" shared folders your have to use VBoxManage23:07
zykotick9petros: well, try to undo what you did.23:08
nicekiwiescott: hostfiles from the guest system23:09
escottchocolates, gparted on the livecd will be able to resize partitions23:09
nicekiwihow do i graphically manage users and groups in Ubuntu 11.10 which package do I need?23:09
chocolatesescott: But what if I want to give ALL the space back to windows, since ubuntu is gone?23:10
escottnicekiwi, then why not use the guest additions23:10
gohdannicekiwi: 'users-admin'23:10
escottchocolates, yes. im not sure how else to answer that23:11
nicekiwiescott: i AM using the guest additions23:11
nicekiwigohdan: that package dosnt exist in the standard ubuntu 11.10 repos23:12
escottnicekiwi, what are the permissions on the folder23:12
nicekiwiescott: where?23:13
escottnicekiwi, in the guest23:13
nicekiwiescott: looks like root and vboxsf23:13
nicekiwii doubt my user is in the vboxsf group thought23:14
gohdannicekiwi: have you tried VBoxManage yet?23:14
escottnicekiwi, then add yourself to vboxsf23:14
nicekiwigohdan: whats that?23:14
nicekiwiescott: how?23:14
gohdannicekiwi: read sections 4.2 in the manual23:14
escottnicekiwi, usermod -a -G vboxsf username23:14
gohdanor both, since they are sort of related.23:16
areckx_*Ding dong, the Windows OS is dead!!!*23:16
=== areckx_ is now known as Areckx
nicekiwiescott: still says I dont have permisson to view contents of the drive23:19
nicekiwigohdan: dosnt this just accomplish whats dont in the GUI of virtualbox?23:21
escottnicekiwi, sudo -i and see if you can see it as root. if you cant see it as root then its something in the host23:21
nicekiwiescott: i can see into it as root23:22
nicekiwiescott: I need to be able to access the share within digikam23:23
escottnicekiwi, if you want to paste the permissions of the folder and its contents we can look at it23:24
nicekiwiescott: how do i copy them?23:24
wylde!pastebin | nicekiwi23:25
ubottunicekiwi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:25
nicekiwiwylde: thanks, but not helpful23:25
nicekiwiescott: i mean how do i see them to be able to copy them23:25
escottnicekiwi, you just said you could see them as root23:26
nicekiwiescott: i can see the files within the folders..23:27
nicekiwiescott: how do i view the permissons of the folders within terminal?23:28
nicekiwiescott: dir just shows the folder names23:28
gohdannicekiwi: ls -l23:28
nicekiwiescott: http://pastebin.com/SnnsFztf23:29
RoastedAnybody have any experience with Lexmark X1185 printers? Trying to get the scanner portion of it working...23:30
escottnicekiwi, and as a member of vboxsf you cannot access the files?23:30
wyldeRoasted: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4971423:31
Roastedwylde, yeeeeeeeeep. been there.23:32
Roastedworking on a new lead I just found 2 seconds ago though23:32
RoastedI should have known with this being a lexmark I should avoid it. That company is so fail.23:32
wyldeRoasted: alrighty, lol so true.23:32
RoastedI just wanted a scanner to scan a bunch of tax documents I have, 15 dollars later on craigslist here I am with a lexmark clunker. :(23:33
wyldeRoasted: I have a dell all in one(re-branded lexmark) that I have a windows vm setup to act as a print server.23:33
nicekiwiescott: i logged and and in again after adding myself to the vboxsf group. works now :)23:33
=== Tiktalik is now known as Tiktalik|FOOOOOO
Roastedwylde, nice. I have a network laserjet here on the LAN. I just wanted a flatbed scanner to scan documents.23:34
=== Tiktalik|FOOOOOO is now known as Tiktalik|Food
Roastedwylde, so when I found this cheap all in one I snagged it almost before I realized it was a lexmark.23:34
wylderoasted, yeah printers can be a pain with any flavour of linux.23:34
phillijwprinters can be a pain with windows23:35
Roastedwylde, I haven't had too much of an issue as long as I stick with proper brands.23:35
Roastedwylde, I've had just as much, if not, more frustration with lexmark/windows as I've had lexmark/linux.23:35
kommandthats why I recommend windows ^^23:35
wyldeRoasted: true heh. Just not as difficult to get the fax/copy/scan options to work.23:36
Roastedwylde, my last comment still stands true. lexmark sucks on any platform. ;)23:36
nicekiwiescott: thanks :)23:36
OerHeksbest printer buy tip: check openprinting.org first23:38
wyldeRoasted: I went through the trouble of the VM just to use up the ink I have lol. Once that's finished I'll be shopping for a linux supported printer.23:38
Roastedwylde, good deal. I'll likely be shopping for a new scanner momentarily as I'm feeling rather homicidal the more I work with this junker.23:39
wyldeRoasted: I feel your pain! heh, been there :)23:39
wyldeRoasted: been here? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man5/sane-lexmark.5.html23:41
Dj_FlyBywhere is the config file for Apache2 in Ubuntu?23:41
wyldeDj_FlyBy: /etc/apache223:42
wylde!find libsane23:42
ubottuFound: libsane, libsane-dbg, libsane-dev, libsane-extras, libsane-extras-common23:42
Dj_FlyBywylde: thanks23:43
wylde!info libsane23:43
ubottulibsane (source: sane-backends): API library for scanners. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.22-2ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 3978 kB, installed size 12272 kB23:43
skulltipi tried upgrading to 11.10, it boots to a black screen with cursor, can't hit clt-alt-F2 or nothing. keyboard is frozen up23:44
=== zz|ladder3|zz is now known as ladder3
sdzHow can I configure a shortcut key to send a commonly-used string (maybe a username, email address, etc) to the current window? (running xfce4 if that matters)23:51
aaassdz lastpass lastpass lastpass...if you are talking about logging into things23:53
=== ex9t_ is now known as ex9t
Areckxwiiguy has a good quote23:55
=== jamie is now known as Guest99782
=== microp11_ is now known as microp11
txomonhi, is here someone with 2 screens and gnome-shell? I want to test something before reporting as a bug23:58
ghilsorry, I don't have GS installed.23:58
Octaneanyone here install ubuntu with wubi? if so, how big is your install size?23:59
ghilit's customizable in the Wubi options, normal is 16go but you can go much lower than that.23:59

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