
lenThe xfce-mixer is going to be a problem down the road (maybe sooner). We have no GUI mixer that can run when PA is not running for most cards.00:00
lenqashmixer might work... There is not much out there.00:32
lenOops qasmixer is the right name.00:33
lenHmm, I don't know why xfce-mix quit on me before when pulse was stopped. Seems to be fine now... maybe it was open while I stopped pulse or something. qasmixer works fine too, but uses more screen real estate.00:38
astraljavalen: The xfce4-mixer being the default mixer is due to no one uploading the changes I made to xfce4-volumed. Neither are the indicator-sound changes uploaded, so a new install still won't work with pulse's volume settings.04:26
cccangeli am going to school for computer science in programming ... what is the best languages to learn (the closest to linux I have learned is java)... but I have mostly learned microsoft technologies07:33
cccangeli am trying to see about specializing for linux technologies.07:33
astraljavacccangel: Most apps are written in C and C++, but some in Python, and a few in some others. Closest to linux doesn't mean anything, linux has compilers and/or interpreters for almost every language there is.08:01
cccangeli know, i used the wrong word.  i tried to mean more like java is more open source and taught me collboration between operatign systems rather than restricted my software to only windows.08:02
cccangeli think thats why it was great my high school taught me java first.08:03
cccangelso cool... methinks ill specialize with C++ at my university and shoot for working with a company in linux development'08:03
astraljavacccangel: Ubuntu has right from the start promoted the usage of Python heavily. It's loads of fun, too.08:15
cccangeli joined a group once... it was like gOS.. and they wanted me to learn python... i helped primarily with the CSS, DIV, and HTML at the time...08:16
astraljavaPython is the most fun language I've programmed on. Obviously it's not a silver bullet, but works in many cases and places. 08:21
cccangelwell python could be like my high level language... thing is, I also been wanting to learn C++.... just its different.08:23
astraljavaYeah, I'm definitely not arguing learning C++. It's essential and very widely used, definitely not going away.08:30
astraljavaJust don't overlook ANSI C either.08:31
cccangelC/C++ basically?08:33
cccangelC & C++08:33
cccangeli tried to wrap my mind with C but I like the ability to structure my code with OOO... and C makes it harder... 08:33
cccangeli tried to learn on my own...08:34
astraljavaYep, they will get you far.08:34
cccangelokay... ill do that then08:34
cccangeli tell you what would be nice... http://unity3d.com would be awesome if they made their engine officially run on linux08:36
cccangeli had a friend who wanted me work on that with him... 08:37
cccangeli could self learn but i feel like websites sometimes are worse than an actual book...08:41
cccangeli do get financial aid for going to school... any books / brands that you recommend me working with?08:42
cccangelall my teachers sucked because they tried so hard to help me get the most paying job and leaned me towards learning stuff within .NET08:45
cccangelincluding my dad.08:45
astraljavaNot really, I'm mostly self-studied except a few classes more than a decade ago. 08:46
cccangeleverytime i asked about C/C++ the argument is "oh you do not need to learn that anymore, C# is just as powerful"08:46
cccangelapple bootcamp basically made it easier for companies to blow off cross compatiblity since they know people who own an apple computer can just run windows inside their mac.  as for linux... i have no problem putting windows in a box (where it belong) but i hate it as my primary08:48
astraljavaYeah. OS wars just deviate far from the topic of this channel, better have that talk elsewhere. :)08:50
cccangelyes i know... sorry08:50
astraljavaNo problem. ÖN08:50
astraljavaputty on an E708:51
astraljavaThat was supposed to be a smiley.08:51
cccangelim bored... installing that massive Unity environment because i havent tried it yet in wine08:53
cccangelwhen you self learned C/C++ ... what did you use to learn though? back then- books?08:54
cccangeli learned java and javascript and .net because i had big books that i like read through , commented on... and then played around with source code examples.08:54
cccangeli basically started with web dev first... and worked myself into other things.08:55
astraljavaMostly the 'net. Could have used good books, but never got around to getting any.09:00
cccangelwhen i look at some C/C++ websites they just ... i guess written different sometimes because its on a webpage rather than in a book.... that and the strucutre is totally different09:01
cccangeli started relating to syntax fine with C++ and some C... no big its the library and use of it that bothers me09:01
cccangeloh... ANSI C++ is a newer C++ then?09:13
cccangeljust looked that up...09:13
cccangelastraljava, would you say companies and linux users are using ANSI C++ now?09:14
astraljavaDon't really know if ANSI and C++ go together that often as C does. But this is not really a programming channel either, and more over I'm not that scholared in such linguistics. Wikipedia has good articles, and there are dedicated channels for them, plus #ubuntu-app-devel. You'll have better success there.09:24
cccangelok... im sorry if this was a headache.09:25
cccangelill bounce09:25
astraljavaNot at all. :)09:25
astraljavaJust have to maintain focus, that's all.09:25
cccangelwell if i was distracting you and your in the middle of something, thats cool.  i was trying to find a resource to look at and i got confused. asked a question. but ill ask elsewhere or also dont feel obligated to respond :) i tend to leave xchat running when im busy myself09:28
ailocccangel: Further down this page you'll see what languages are primarily used for Debian Wheezy http://blog.james.rcpt.to/2012/02/13/debian-wheezy-us19-billion-your-price-free/09:30
ailoThat's how many lines of code, not how many projects use those languages09:32
ailoI'd say Python is very common, but perhaps not as many lines of code is used for a lot of those projects09:33
astraljavacccangel: There's an interesting project starting, maybe it would interest you, too?09:35
cccangelit could help me learn better09:35
cccangelso sure..09:35
astraljavacccangel: We want to port gcdmaster to GTK3 so that it's usable again in the modern distributions. You can find it in LaunchPad, but I just created it, work is just beginning.09:38
astraljavadamn this train network...09:38
astraljavaI'll be happy to talk about it later when I have a better connection.09:39
cccangelgtk3 is a python project ?09:40
cccangelid love to look this up while you ride the train :)09:40
astraljavaNo, it's the toolkit that GNOME uses.09:40
cccangeloh wow.09:41
astraljavacccangel: Search for gcdmaster-gtk3 in launchpad, then read about CDRDAO and why gcdmaster was dropped.09:42
cccangelso basically, this would be ported to work more with the libraries of the most recent distro of ubuntustudio? 09:42
cccangeli found it.09:42
astraljavaNot just us, but any other distro. Those libraries gcdmaster relies on are outdated.09:43
cccangeloh i somehow saw gtk3 and thought gnome3 my bad.09:43
cccangeli know theyre differnet09:44
astraljavaI'm hoping to start hacking in about 3 weeks after I get the move done and settle down in the new place.09:45
astraljavaBut feel free to get used to the environment meanwhile, so you'll get a grasp of whether it interests you or not.09:46
astraljavaI'm looking to find a small team to develop it, as I know I can't get it done myself in a reasonable timeframe.09:47
cccangelwell im navigating myself to the sourcecode atm...09:47
astraljavaBut nothing formal, it'll initially live under the ubuntustudio umbrella.09:48
cccangelusing the 1.2.2 revision or 1.2.3 revision?09:48
astraljavacccangel: Also read the basics of how distributed revision control works using LP and bzr.09:55
astraljavaI think it says somewhere it's based on the latest CDRDAO release, if not I gotta add it.09:56
cccangeli did read into that for two days and setup my LP account and everything09:57
cccangeli am just logging into so i can setup my installation09:57
cccangellike i think i have to recreate my keys... i did a clean install and havent backed them up09:59
cccangelmeh... i can do that in a bit... i can now checkout i believe10:00
cccangeloh ... so i can learn Python and C++ while doing this...10:04
cccangelwhadya know.10:04
cccangelwhat is ideal? port the ui to use python and leave the rest at C++?10:07
astraljavaTo be honest, I haven't been able to give it any thought, yet. len is the guy to talk to about it, he's passionate about the old release and keeps an old distro around just for that. :)10:10
cccangelhmm...  thing is... now that i am reading through this... how brand / burner specific is the program.  now people got dvd-r, dvd-rw, of different brands ontop with dvd-dl-rw so... it may need to allow support for use on newerr arch?10:11
cccangelif i really study io streams onto multimedia like cds, dvds, and blueray, this project can be revived and have added features along with new hardware support but we can take it step by step.10:13
cccangelalways, step by step.10:13
cccangelactually that would be changing the project subject niche.  (nvm)10:16
=== cccangel is now known as cccangel-away
astraljavaI have no idea about such, but anyway I'm thinking we should separate gcdmaster from the rest. I will have to read a lot about it myself first, though. I am mainly interested about from the learning gtk3 POV. But it fits nicely under the scope of this distro, hence the locationing.10:18
=== cccangel-away is now known as cccangel
cccangeli actually did a project once for someone when switching calls to one api to another and their project was in java10:22
cccangelall i need to do is learn the language a little more in areas i need (i understand variables and such) and then match up apis... i think that concept would work10:23
cccangeland im really familiar with eclipse because i used it for java dev when it started flourishing back when I was in high school.10:32
cccangelastraljava, i noticed that gcdmaster said they used the gtkmm-2.4 api since a certain version ... and sure enough that api is included in precise and 11.10 ubuntu as well... 10:56
astraljavacccangel: Yes well, some libraries that are needed to build gcdmaster are not, however. You can read cdrdao's debian/changelog, it mentions the problem.11:02
cccangelso basically people are feeling most apps should be gtk 3 by now... thats understandable.11:08
cccangeltech evolves...11:08
astraljavaIt's not so much about feeling, but missing the building blocks from the distribution.11:10
cccangelplus... integration is more seemless when you stay current with the newer apis...11:11
cccangeli notice that with some other out of date projects.11:11
cccangelor i had outright usability problems... which 11:11
cccangeli think you said that way up above11:11
* cccangel cries when the rain threatened his laptop forcing him to go back inside11:33
lenastraljava, interesting conversation. Sounds young and innocent .. I am mostly a c kind of person myself. c++ has been difficult for me at best. Most of the time I have just just got frustrated and gone back to c.14:14
lenBut then most projects I have done have been CLI kinds of things. Any GUI stuff, tcl/tk has worked for me.14:15
astraljavaBest to use tools you're comfortable with. :)14:16
lenWhat scares me (or looks difficult... time consuming) about GCDMASTER is that I would need to learn three libs.. the old one, the new one and I think there is one inbetween... 14:17
lenUnless the code is well separated from gui to work engine.14:18
astraljavaWell we don't _have_ to rush with it.14:19
lenAre there tools for building gtk GUIs14:19
astraljavaI don't know if glade is up-to-date.14:20
astraljavaOk afk for a few hours now.14:20
lenglade is still in 1204 but will it be for long?14:20
ailoglade should be up to date14:31
ailoGnome has set up new docs, which I haven't seen before14:32
ailolen: astraljava: http://developer.gnome.org/gnome-devel-demos/unstable/index.html.en14:32
lenailo, do we want to bring gnome libs in at all?14:32
lenOr is that just to know what we are looking at?14:33
ailoI was more thinking about glade14:34
ailoBut, I guess those examples do involve gnome libs somewhat14:34
ailoAnyway, glade should be up to date with gnome3, which is what everything except KDE will be based on14:35
lenmoving from G2 to G3 would probably be easier than G2 to gtk314:35
lenailo, is there a standard way of querying the DE about theme values? Colours and such..14:37
ailolen: I guess gconf or something like that. I don't know much about it14:42
ailodconf, or whatever it is nowadays14:42
lenThat has been something I have not worried about so far... I hit it in the workflow app I have been working on. It is easy to hard code in the colours we are using, but It would be better to pick up theme values on the fly.14:44
lenOTH, things like ardour or phasex have their own theme take it or leave it.14:45
ailoWhy do you ask?14:46
ailoYou want to code an app that has its' own custom theme?14:46
lenI would like my workflow app to use whatever colour scheme the DE panel uses.14:47
ailoYou know, I've been thinking of a panel like that for years14:48
lenailo, gnome dev centre sugests "Vala".14:48
ailoOne that changes with the application that is in use, but also always has global controls available14:48
ailoI even pictured a panel on the side, just like Ubity has, but something much more intricate14:49
lenYa, that is my thought. really, I want a rewrite of the panel.... That is it should fit in well with the DE14:49
lenThat is unity's biggest problem IMO, that it is too static.14:50
ailoOSX has the global menu, but that's just a traditional menu14:50
ailoAnother thing that would make things easier is coloring14:50
lenunity is great for how many people use their computer... maybe ten apps from the day they buy it till they throw it out.14:52
ailoIf the top most button is global, either clicking that, or moving your mouse over it would make the panel global, but the rest of the time it could be specific for the application in use14:52
lenA good audio workflow with both audio and midi might use 10 to 15 apps.14:53
ailoThe unity side-panel is still just a quick start panel more or less14:53
ailo10-15 apps at one time sounds a bit much14:53
lenYes, but what One has to go through to find anything else is painful unless you know what the app is called14:54
ailoBefore knowing what an app is called, the easiest way to find it is by category14:55
lenqjackctl, mixer, a2j and I haven't started any main apps yet. add ardour, qtractor, two or three synths.14:55
ailoAfter knowing what it is called, easiest is just to type the first few letter in a search, or have a quick start14:56
lenThe number goes up quick.14:56
ailoI don't like having to administer too much, as a personal preference. I find it's bad when you need to customize too much14:57
ailoThat's why I like gnome3, actually. Especially when you add a standard menu to it14:57
lenunities categories are not easy to use. They only show you a few in any cat... The categories are too wide to easily find stuff... this is why we added submenus.14:58
ailosearch by category is really great14:58
ailoBoth gnome-shell and unity uses this well14:58
ailoOr by keyword14:59
lenAnd Unity category use is slow... on any older hardware.14:59
ailoOnce you find something you like, you want to save it somewhere, quickly - and that's when a quick start panel becomes handy. But, as you said, 15-20 apps is a bit much14:59
ailognome3 is a bit faster15:00
ailoI mean, gnome-shell15:00
lenI need to try gnome shell too. but we are using xfce so I have been focusing there.15:00
lenMy Yf thinks I spend too much time on the computer as it is ;-)15:01
lenailo, G3 and G-shell... one is part of the other, is there something other than G-shell that can be used with G#15:02
ailoIt might be an option to have a simplified categorization on a quick start panel field, where when the starters come up to a certain number, they are grouped into submenus15:02
ailolen: Unity is on top of Gnome315:02
ailoAnd xfce will be, if it isn't already to a large extent15:03
lenBetter to have the starter change depending on what you are doing.15:03
ailoI don't think starters should be visible by default15:03
ailoI mean, from my own idea of a panel15:03
lenHow do you envision the desktop looking to the user then?15:04
ailoA top panel with a clock, indicator or system tray, and a side panel that changes according to what application is in use15:04
lenThe side panel vanishes when not in use then?15:05
ailoThe side panel should have a global control as a single button/activator at the top, and when it is activated, the whole panel shows only global controls15:06
lenAnd when you select a golbal control?15:06
ailoThe global stuff is things like file managing, system settings, application search (possible popup menu)=15:07
lenHow do you run anything else?15:08
ailoWhat do you mean?15:08
ailoI forgot, quick launchers15:08
lenThese quick launches would be part of the panel then?15:09
ailoThey would only show once activating the top button15:10
lenThat is better (IMO) than having a menu show up every time I hit the side/bottom of the screen.15:10
ailoI haven't thought it through into detail, but how I think is that nothing should show, unless you need it. And everything else should not be more than one or two clicks away (or key commands)15:11
lenIt is funny how the screens keep having more rez, but we stiil want to have nothing but app on it ;-) I agree.15:12
lenMy second thought is that I want it to use very few resources.15:14
len(I want everything)15:14
ailoI'm actually using a 42 inch TV right now. Yeah, but it's more than just about space. It's just finding a way to make the interface more intuitive, without the need to customize it too much for personal preference15:14
lenI find Unity slow.... TV? crt of flat?15:15
ailolcd, flat15:15
lenI figured.15:16
ailoI don't like Unity much. gnome-shell, however. I haven't looked at the code much, but it seems to be customizable with Java script, and the theming is in css15:16
ailoIt feels like what they are after is dissolving the boundaries between the cloud and the client15:17
lenIntuitive is often what someone is used to.15:17
ailoI'm not the kind that doesn't like change. I just like for things to work efficiently15:18
ailoThere's always a learning curve for anything. The smaller, the better15:18
lenI have a problem with my data being on someone elses machine... basically they then own it.15:18
lenI agree, some thing that requires learning and is then easier is good, I am talking about the average person.15:19
lenMy Yf has done accounting on a temp basis. She was generally able to be faster than the people she was working for because she would learn the short cuts the first day... even on custom accounting SW.15:21
ailoI think it is only because of low bandwidth that there aren't mature services to allow for people to keep stuff in the cloud for a small fee. At this time, it's perfectly possible to do using your own server. Gnome3 has added the online accounts thing, which in the long run is supposed to be fully integrated with the apps - email-client, calendar, test-editor, and so on15:21
ailoAt the moment, google and msn are supported, but it would seem likely that someone would be smart enough to start offering similar services, for a small feel, with no ads and full privacy15:22
lenWe all do that to an extent now. I use email on a server.15:22
len... My  server :-)15:23
lenAudio is still local drive stuff though.15:23
ailoI use fastmail right now. I actually pay for it15:24
ailoHaven't had the patience to set up an email server yet. 15:24
lenMine is squirelmail15:24
ailoGoing to close my google accounts later on15:24
ailoI've looked into that a bit. Looks ok15:25
lenI have a gmail account, but never use it. I was using the phone thing... but not for a bit.15:25
lenI am told it gets rid of a lot of the headers when answering email making it hard to thread on our mail list for example.15:26
ailogmail has worked pretty well for me. Filtering for basic usage15:27
ailoGood amount of space too15:27
ailoWith fastmail, you don't get as much, even when you pay for it. But, it's fast and private15:28
lenYa, I would use it more if I didn't have my own. DO they allow auto forwarding?15:28
ailoWith fastmail, you can even use a custom dns. I have no idea what gmail offers, if you pay for it. 15:29
ailoI guess that's the whole issue. If you don't pay, you have to wade in shit15:30
lenI basically have all that with my own server anyway.. but then I don't move often either. When you buy a home it costs too much to move, but the mortgage is a lot less than rent.15:31
ailoSomeday I'll try replacing everything, even the search engine with free stuff15:31
lenailo, is your machine amd64?15:32
ailoNot this one15:32
ailoI have one at our rehersal place15:33
lenIt would be nice if someone tried aeolus and phasex on the ISO on one. They crash on my 32 bit machines.15:34
lenSeems to be something to do with the PA libs.15:34
lenAnyway, I need to go...15:36
ailoI won't probably be able to test anything on amd64 for a while16:33
lenScottL can you test these ^^^?16:34
ScottLlen, i am zsync'ing now and will test aeolus and phasex21:55

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