
jammorning all06:55
LarstiQhei jam07:03
jammorning LarstiQ07:03
jelmerhey vila10:19
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jamvila: did you see the "jubany package importer stopped" email from stephanie?11:06
vilajam: james_w and maxb know more about that, AIUI they both deployed stuff there that is leading to the actual problems11:08
* vila lunch bbl11:08
maxbI can prod at that, but ultimately it seems to be fallout from the stormification11:27
maxbI suppose we could roll back the use of storm.... but that might irk james_w a bit11:27
maxb( jam / vila bing ^ )11:27
jammaxb: right, I think the big thing is working with james_w to either polish storm use, or nuke it11:28
maxbI have nothing to do with the introduction of the problem, so from my perspective, james_w fixes soon, or we nuke11:28
vilahmm, this went out a bit ambiguously, I didn't mean to throw stones (I rarely do ;), I meant I wasn't aware of the details but james_w and maxb were. So +1 on what jam and mabx said ;)11:39
maxbI know nothing about storm myself, so it looks like james_w might have turned himself into a bit of a SPOF by introducing it :-/11:46
avalon_Hi, using bzr in win7 and cant do a commit - bzr is treating all filenames as case sensitive - i think i can fix it if i delete a couple of files but i can only get an add option and no delete - any help available?13:18
LarstiQavalon_: what is commit complaining about?13:21
avalon_LarstiQ: it says it cant open the files - there is no reason for that - all that happened was 2 files were renamed withl lower case from mixed13:23
LarstiQavalon_: does `bzr status` show them as missing, and then the renamed files as unknowns?13:23
avalon_LarstiQ: yes13:24
LarstiQavalon_: I'm looking for an option to deal nicer with case-insensitive filesystems, but one thing you could do is `bzr mv --auto` to make it try and infer the move13:24
avalon_LarstiQ: don't understand but i'll try - thanks for the help13:25
LarstiQavalon_: `bzr mv --auto` tries to automatically guess renames13:26
alexeiserAny one available to provide advice about smart server jails? Specifically about how to have plugins make calls outside of the jail.13:41
jelmerLarstiQ: hey, did you see my recent email about bzr package maintenance?13:46
gerard_Hey all, want to do my brother a favor by participating in this survey? It's about the motivation of open source programmers and takes about 7 minutes: https://uleidenss.eu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_8jgmLHsvuymV36s15:30
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nDuffIs there a way to take advantage of a local svnsync read-only mirror for purposes of populating bzr-svn's metadata cache??21:55
lifelessnDuff: if it has the same repo guid22:21
lifelessnDuff: then it will populate the same metadata cache22:21
nDuff...hmm. Is "bzr shelve" expected to work against a SvnWorkingTree (bzr 2.4.1, bzr-svn 1.1.0)?22:42
thomiI'm getting a crash in lp-propose because for some reason bzr can't talk to gnome-keyring. Any idea how I fix that without rebooting? The bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-gtk/+bug/728548 which is marked as a duplicate of #534326 , which is marked as fix-released, but it's still at large in precie22:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 534326 in Bazaar GTK+ Frontends "duplicate for #728548 bzr: ERROR: gnomekeyring.IOError:" [Medium,Fix released]22:45
jelmerthomi: hi23:07
jelmerthomi: that's not the bzr-gtk bug23:07
jelmernDuff: you probably want a newer version of bzr-svn for that23:07
jelmerthomi: it's a bug in python-keyring, which launchpadlib uses23:07
thomijelmer: yeah, it looks like the 'duplicate bug' thing on lp is incorrect?23:07
jelmerthomi: it's actually bug 88573223:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 885732 in python-keyring (Ubuntu) "breaks application when Gtk3 is also used" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88573223:08
jelmerI've fixed the dupe23:08
nDuff...so, "svn info $URL" shows the same UUID for both the original repo and my svnsync mirror, but when I try to run "bzr info" against the original after populating the cache against the mirror, bzr-svn goes back and starts a refetch.23:18
nDuffthere's only one directory in ~/.cache/bazaar/svn/, so it's not reading the UUIDs as different...23:19
nDuff...perhaps does it not bother populating the cache for local repos?23:19
jelmernDuff: it doesn't populate the cache for local repositories23:20
nDuffis there a way to force contrary behavior?23:20
jelmerIIRC you can set "use-cache = True" for the relevant repository in ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf23:20
nDuffthat did it; thanks!23:21

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