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Riddelloversized CDs :(07:31
Riddellnot oversized yesterday07:32
Riddellwhat happened in the last 24 hours?07:32
DaskreechOh the ISo not he CD ?07:33
Riddellmm I'd love to get rid of that pointless firefox locale stuff but it's not a new thing07:37
Daskreechhi sta07:42
Daskreechhi starbuck 07:42
Riddelloff with pt alas and no es for amd6407:44
Daskreechdo we ship firefox?07:45
DaskreechWhy are there locales then?07:46
starbuckNetrunner does :)07:46
Daskreech what pulls them in?07:46
Riddelllanguage-pack-base-xx does, blame dpm 07:46
Daskreechstarbuck: :) Where do they find space on the cd ?07:46
starbuckwho does cd only these days? ;)07:47
Riddellyeah we'll drop the restriction next time, too painful indeed07:47
starbuckhi jonathan, there is a patch from Martin Graesslin for fixing the doubleclick-to-close-window, but it will be 4.9, any chance to compile package libdecorations4 with patch?07:47
starbuckfor 4.8.2?07:48
Daskreechstarbuck: BluRay! :)07:48
DaskreechWhy choose?07:48
Riddellstarbuck: too late for ubuntu archive proper I'm afraid, that sounds like a feature change, but I can put it in a PPA07:48
Riddellwhat is a strong click?07:49
starbuckyeah, ppa would be awesome just to test it...martin says it does not affect anything else, so it should "just work"TM07:49
starbucknot sure...its internal term07:49
starbuckits just so that you dont need 3 clicks to close07:50
starbuckbecause one opens menu, second closes menu and third closes window...07:50
Riddelldo people still expect to close with a double click on the menu?  I thought that was a bit of Windows 3.0 behaviour07:51
DaskreechI still do it07:51
DaskreechBut then I did install Windows 3.007:51
starbuckhehe, yeah, i do07:52
starbuckx-files music fading in07:52
dpmhi Riddell, has the kde-l10n-* upload to fix the translations happened already?07:52
Riddellstarbuck: spooky!07:54
Riddelldpm: last upload "Tue, 10 Apr 2012 12:17:15" is that recent enough?07:54
Riddelldpm: calligra-l10n was uploaded yesterday07:54
dpmRiddell, I believe not. We discovered the issue with the templates and fixed them on the 12th, IIRC. Let me check.07:55
dpmRiddell, yes, I can confirm that the templates were fixed on the 12th, so the kde-l10n-* upload on the 10th won't do and a new upload is needed07:57
Riddelldpm: gotcha, I'll prepare a new upload07:57
Riddelldpm: then it'll need a new language pack generation?07:58
dpmthanks Riddell07:58
dpmRiddell, yes, which will happen tomorrow07:58
dpmso the sooner the upload happens the better, as translations will take a while to import07:59
RiddellI'll do it toot sweet (after breakfast!)07:59
dpmtomorrow we'll be exporting translations from LP to be put in the final language pack07:59
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yurchorHi! For the reference, the short list (not including Calligra) of KDE templates that Kubuntu team failed to import in a right way: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/55247264/fail.ods08:00
dpmRiddell, also, bulldog98_ asked about calligra translations. I seem to remember that calligra has got its own locale packages. We also fixed the templates on the 12th. Has a calligra-l10n-* upload happened after that? If not, it also needs to be re-uploaded08:00
Riddelldpm: yes I uploaded calligra-l10n yesterday08:04
dpmRiddell, ok, cool08:05
yurchorThere are also akonadi-kalarm-resource and okulargenerator-odp form kdegraphics08:07
yurchorNot imported at all (these are from kde-l10n-*).08:08
Riddellyurchor: that's surpringly few considering we haven't been generating any .pot file for all of this cycle08:10
yurchorCan these imports be suspended until the release and the stock upstream packages used to avoid confusion? Thanks.08:10
Riddellyurchor: I'm about to upload kde-l10n which will solve it08:10
yurchorThanks. The next cycle templates will be in Universe, right?08:11
yurchorTo avoid this manual handling and LP constant troubles...08:12
kelemengaborRiddell: is there anything special about the desktop-* templates of KDE? Looks like none of them was updated during the latest upload. Is this a bug or a feature?08:13
dpmargh, X crash08:27
dpmyurchor, could you put the list of templates in a pastebin somewhere? Then we can check them against:08:30
dpm- Templates that were updated and uploaded: http://paste.ubuntu.com/926643/08:30
yurchordpm: Give me some minutes...08:30
dpm- Templates that could not be uploaded and thus needed a source package re-upload (source packages list): http://paste.ubuntu.com/926650/08:31
dpmyurchor, sure, no worries, I need to get on to something else too, will be back in a bit08:31
Riddellkelemengabor: desktop templates have been dropped, we don't strip .desktop files any more08:32
kelemengaborRiddell: okay, I'll disable them in LP Translations08:33
yurchordpm: http://pastebin.com/t7J7DY7y08:40
RiddellDarkwing: docs?08:48
yurchorRiddell: I have not looked yet, but are the Kubuntu docs even compilable? (Bug 852519 )08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85251908:50
Riddellyurchor: Darkwing is in the process of packaging them08:50
dpmyurchor, thanks for the list. I've double-checked it and it seems they all were uploaded and in good shape: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/932250/08:50
yurchordpm: Good to know. Thanks.08:51
yurchorCan somebody mark Bug 530103 as fixed (it seeems that it is not relevant anymore)? Thanks.08:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530103 in Ubuntu Translations "Wrong keyname extraction from konversation.kcfg" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53010308:55
Riddelldpm: new kde-l10n-* are in09:47
dpmRiddell, awesome, thanks!09:48
Riddellshadeslayer: I got a crash on starting kevelop :(09:55
Riddellwhen I moved /home/jr/.kde/share/apps/kdevelop/sessions/ out the way it started09:55
ScottKRiddell: I was playing with the seeds to try and top them off.10:01
ScottKRiddell: Looks like dropping one more language pack will do it.10:02
ScottKWhich looks like what you did already ...10:03
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BluesKajhowdy all11:54
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Peace-Riddell: i have downloaded a beta 2 iso , i tried to do partition manually... and .. i get a crash :)13:12
Peace-destkop version13:13
Peace-alternate version worked almost fine13:13
bambee_mhhh apparently there is a serious problem with calling javascript method from c++ in qt 4.8.1 (the javascript object is written in qml) http://paste.ubuntu.com/932491/13:14
bambee_QVariant::operator= (this=0x7fffffffc440, variant=...) at kernel/qvariant.cpp:179513:14
bambee_it worked just fine until I update to qt 4.8.113:17
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soeewrr 450 mb updates :)15:28
DarkwingRiddell: I'm trying to figure out what went wrong with the docs package...17:04
RiddellDarkwing: does it compile locally?17:04
DarkwingNo. Not at this time... That's where I'm trying to find the problems that were changed from 11.10 to 12.0417:05
DarkwingRiddell: I'll have it worked out today I hope.17:06
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, session handling is not particularly good in the 4.3 series, I've reported a crash or two on bugs.kde.org, they're still fixing that stuff, also KDevelop doesn't have any changes as such ( From the Changelog ), so I doubt the update caused the crash17:08
shadeslayernor does kdevplatform 17:09
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm17:09
RiddellScottK: if kdevelop 4.3.1 get a bit more testing do you think it can get in precise or is elsewhere better?17:10
shadeslayerAt times KDevelop crashes 2-3 times in a row, offers to recover, crashes again, forgets to clean up the sessions, causing it to crash when you start it the next time17:10
ScottKRiddell: Since it's in Universe, now, I think it might still go in.  Personally, I think ktp 0.3.1 is a better thing to focus on.17:11
shadeslayerHas happened to me once or twice, cleaned up the session files and it works17:11
Riddellshadeslayer: ktp 0.3.1 is in17:12
shadeslayerYes I know :P17:12
RiddellScottK: ^^17:12
shadeslayerI'll work on it tomorrow ... No time today17:12
swecarpRiddell,  good work u and the other devellopers have donne on 12.04 it runs so smoth even on an old mashin17:14
ScottKTomorrow is fine, but need it soon.17:14
shadeslayerWill be done tomorrow for sure, I just need to figure out how to not get distracted by Mass Effect 217:15
Riddellswecarp: great :)17:15
Riddellshadeslayer: work on kdevelop?  is there more to do?17:16
shadeslayerRiddell: Nope, I'm done, just needed testing, since you've done that, could we get it uploaded?17:16
Riddellsince it broke when I test it I'd like someone else to test it :)17:17
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em17:17
Riddellkdevelop needs testing17:17
shadeslayerprobably because it crashed the last time you tested it as well :P17:17
yofelnothing paticulary broken here, but I don't use it much17:24
Riddellyofel: so no crash on startup?17:26
yofelnot for me17:26
yofelmy session only had one cpp file open though17:26
BluesKajisn't there a single ppa for all these rohan garg pkgs ?17:31
shadeslayerBluesKaj: I'm not sure I follow17:34
shadeslayerI have 3 PPA's, one for TP, one for new stuff that's going into the archive soonish and the third is mostly extra stuff that I used to package in my free time17:34
BluesKajshadeslayer https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages17:49
shadeslayerBluesKaj: yeah?17:50
shadeslayerI don't follow ....17:50
BluesKajnot sure which pkges i should try17:50
shadeslayerBluesKaj: ah, install that ppa, and then install KDevelop17:51
BluesKajanyway , no time for that right now ...I have other pressing business ...i'll get to it later17:52
Peace-let me ask something about packagin 18:27
Peace-but wtf if i my sources are present my mail and name it can be a problem ?18:27
Peace-becuase here 18:27
Peace-i have 18:28
Peace-dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/kde-service-menu-vlc_0.7.0-1ubuntu~ppa1.diff.ooFpXB18:28
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JontheEchidnaRiddell: I've been mistaken for you online, and received some of your email. :P21:50
JontheEchidnaas long as I don't start getting your weird emails du jour, I'll be fine. :D21:50
RiddellJontheEchidna: not the Sierra Leane high commission's private e-mails?  those are top secret!21:51
JontheEchidnaRiddell: nah, just some name suggestions for Kubuntu21:51
Darkwinghehehe. What's topping the list?21:51
yofeluse firefox as default browser?21:51
JontheEchidnaI forwarded the mail to jr, I think I'll let him share if he wants :P21:52
Riddell"Quantum Entanglement" now there's a name!21:55
Riddell"KAON"  well it goes with the sub-atomic particle meme others have used21:55
yofelplease not, first thing I was reminded of was a quantum of solice21:55
DarkwingK-GOAT :D21:57
DarkwingKDEs Greatest Of All Time21:58
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