
Daskreechamichair: ping do you have a libapt file in /var/cache/apt/ ?00:07
=== amichair__ is now known as amichair
Daskreechamichair: ping do you have a libapt file in /var/cache/apt/ ?00:18
Daskreechamichair_: ping00:23
Daskreechamichair__: reping00:24
amichair__still some more bad libs, installing manually00:24
Daskreechwhich libs?00:25
amichair__Daskreech: all sorts, gcc and its dependencies, x11 stuff, now qt stuff... whatever error it gives, I install that package manually00:26
amichair__what a mess00:27
Daskreechamichair__: Yeah. The sucky windows way :(00:27
DaskreechIf you can usually limit it to a core of 15 or so and once you hit those everything else sorts itsrlf out00:27
Daskreech but I dont get the No file error00:27
amichair__I wish my wireless worked the sucky windows way too (i.e. stayed connected)00:28
DaskreechDId you have libapt in /var/cache/apt ?00:28
DaskreechOh I almost always wire up when I'm doing updates00:28
amichair__Daskreech: yep, that's the first one I tried reinstalling...it required gcc, etc.00:28
DaskreechJust cause it's faster if nothing else but I can't deal with modules getting thrown out with the wireless when I'm pulling huge data. Wireless is so spotty in Linux00:29
DaskreechThank goodness all the manufacturers are signed up to the linux foundation now00:29
amichair__how long till we see the results?00:29
=== amichair__ is now known as amichair
Daskreechamichair__: Did you see what gcc required? If you can drill down to the bottom of the deps list it should go faster00:30
amichairDaskreech: I just kept doing that recursively until it all went through00:30
Daskreechamichair: Depends on a) the actual honesty of the company and b) how mesed up the drivers were before technically and legally00:30
amichairthen going back to -f install and -f dist-upgrade00:30
Daskreechamichair: That's running now?00:31
amichairrunning, breaking, fixing, running...00:31
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amichairI didn't expect the upgrade to be this broken so close to release... silly me00:32
DaskreechI don't know what happened but I would suspect that you dropped an install in the middle of a depends bundle00:35
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Terry_how do I find other channels?00:36
amichairX server did crash just after starting installation... dunno if it's because of the installation, or a very wierd concidence (it hasn't crashed on me in oneiric ever as far as I can remember)00:36
amichairTerry_: /list, or from you irc app menus00:37
DaskreechTerry_: Which channels are you intersted in?00:38
amichairis there a way to have apt/dpkg reinstall a package including all dependencies?00:38
Daskreechamichair: another thing I always do. All big upgrades are done in a VT00:39
Daskreechamichair: apt-get install --reinstall ?00:39
Terry_friendly chat00:39
amichairthat's recursive?00:39
Terry_personal conversation00:40
DaskreechTerry_: #kubuntu-offtopic00:40
Daskreechamichair: as much as it needs to be00:40
amichairoh, I didn't know that. I thought just the install was recursive, not reinstalling recursively everything00:41
DaskreechTerry_: type /join #kubuntu-offtopic00:41
DaskreechTerry_: you need the / before join and the space inbetween join and #kubuntu-offtopic00:43
DaskreechTerry_: If the words #kubuntu-offtopic are blue you can just click them as well :)00:44
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Daskreechamichair_: how goes?01:03
amichairstill running01:03
amichairflashplugin got stuck for a while so I killed it,01:04
Daskreechif it's not asking for anything go get something to drink01:04
amichairdropbox got stuck + 100% cpu so I killed it too01:04
Daskreech and upgrade takes waaaaaay longer than a straght install01:04
amichaireven with an ssd, it seems01:04
DaskreechThe HDD isn't the part that is slowing it down01:05
amichairalso got a crash report in the middle, with a tray notification, but when i clicked it it said 'you don't have permission to see this crash report'. sheesh.01:06
amichairnow update-initramfs seems stuck, which is a bit scarier01:07
amichairgenerating the boot image01:07
DaskreechNaw that can take a while01:08
Daskreechleave that01:08
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GH0Daskreech, installing Samba solved the problem.01:40
GH0Or rather starting the service.01:40
DaskreechGH0: :)01:44
Daskreechhooray solutions01:46
=== 5EXAAPEEB is now known as darkmage-
curiousxi runing KDE... i forgot the version but... give a second06:37
curiousxfirst at all, i runing ubuntu06:38
curiousxok... and i added the backports repositories from KDE06:39
curiousxand... i wanna file a bug =P06:39
DaskreechFine what's the bug about ?06:40
curiousxi meant ill show ya in a image what is all about =P06:40
curiousxwell, with Impr Pant doesnt work give another second =P06:45
curiousxill try with scrot06:45
DaskreechWhat are you trying to do?06:46
Daskreech get a screenshot?06:46
DaskreechYou can press Print Screen button and it will start ksnapshot06:47
Daskreechare you on a Macintosh?06:48
DaskreechAh impr Pant :)06:49
Daskreechcuriousx: alt+F2 -> ksnapshot06:49
curiousxye i know06:49
curiousxbut when i take the sccreenshot and then upload the bug doesent show =(06:50
DaskreechAh :(06:51
DaskreechWhat is the bug?06:51
curiousxseems like i have to do a video =(06:52
curiousxis about flash06:52
curiousxwhen im in a chat that use flash06:52
curiousxcalled "chatango"06:52
curiousxi see the chat embebed in all the aplications, i see the chat in the main menu, in Dolphin etc06:53
curiousxlet me do a video if i can =P06:53
curiousxiamges doesent work =(06:53
Daskreechcuriousx: does it go away and turn up again or is it just alway there?06:54
DaskreechAlso which browser are you using?06:54
curiousxits go when i close the web browser06:55
curiousxthe web browser is Rekonq06:55
curiousxlet me try with another web browser06:55
DaskreechOk that would be my next suggestion :)06:56
Daskreech!info chromim06:57
ubottuPackage chromim does not exist in oneiric06:57
Daskreech!info chromium-browser06:57
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.0.1025.142~r129054-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 21137 kB, installed size 78128 kB06:57
DaskreechThat's not a bad option06:57
Daskreech!info firefox06:57
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 18583 kB, installed size 38116 kB06:57
curiousxye, is about the flash plugin, i try chromium and firefox and the same thing06:57
curiousxlet me do a viedo so you can see the magnitude of the bug xD06:58
DaskreechFair enough06:59
Daskreech!info recordmydesktop06:59
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB06:59
curiousxye i know i use ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 -y video.mkv07:03
curiousxbut doesent work =(07:03
curiousxonly i can see the bug when i am in front of ma PC =(07:03
curiousxuploading a video but only you can do an idea07:06
curiousxbut... you can imagine07:07
curiousxpufff "66922 minutes remaining."07:08
Daskreechcuriousx: Well if you can describe it then you can file it in launchpad07:08
curiousxsuch a bad luck now i have networks issues07:08
curiousxi wish ill try07:09
curiousxi am from Argentina  so is so hard to describe as it should be described =P07:10
curiousxare you usgin backports ?07:10
DaskreechWhich version of KDE are you using?07:11
DaskreechYou can open any KDE application and choose help -> about KDE07:11
curiousxim runing Platform Version "4.8.2 (4.8.2)"07:12
DaskreechOk good enough07:13
DaskreechDo you know what version of flashplayer ?07:13
curiousxi know this is a bug and there is nothing we can do07:15
curiousxonly the coders can do something xD07:15
curiousxbut, ill take a video from mah cellphone07:16
curiousxthen ill send th video to launchpad07:16
Daskreechok that should work :)07:17
curiousxye, imagen didnt, video recorder with ffmpeg didnt07:17
curiousxxi give support in spanish and a little be in ingles in #ubuntu =P07:18
DaskreechThank you for doing that :)07:19
curiousxi use ubuntu from 8.10 =P mah first distro was ultimate edition 2.3 ubuntu 8.10 based  xD07:19
curiousxnp thx you too07:19
Daskreechcuriousx: May I ask what videocard you are using?07:19
curiousxye, i am using nvidia gt 520 driver version 295.4007:21
curiousxmaybe is related to the driver as well07:21
DaskreechThat's what I was thinking07:22
DaskreechWhere did you get the driver from? The repos or the website ?07:22
curiousxnop, with swat PPA =P07:23
curiousxsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ; sudo apt-get update07:23
DaskreechAh I haven't used swat in many years07:24
curiousxbecouse driver version 280 has come cooler related issues07:24
DaskreechAhh I see07:25
curiousxbecause driver version 280 has some cooler related issues07:26
curiousxsry mah inglish is to bad xD07:27
curiousxye, the graphics card overheats at the point to hagns up all the system =(07:28
curiousxbut with 295 everything is good just this issue wiht flash embedded in the main menu and all the applications =(07:30
curiousxwell mah friend nice to meet ya07:31
curiousxcya another day07:31
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=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
Prometheshi, recently firefox stopped remembering window size - now always opens in half of the screen even if i maximize window and exit firefox. Anyone knows how to fix this annoying problem?08:20
Prometheswindow sizes of all other apps are remembered, only firefox is ignoring any changes08:22
hateballPromethes: you could work around it by setting a custom rule that always opens it maximized08:25
DaskreechPromethes: Sure you didn't set a rule for Firefox?08:25
hateball(it's what I do)08:25
PromethesDaskreech: i didn't set any rules for firefox08:26
Promethesjust updated kde from 4.8.1 to 4.8.208:27
DaskreechPromethes: Hmm Well maybe you can set a rule for it then?08:34
arowi seem to be having some package dependency problems where kde-window-manager wants the 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu2 versions of a bunch of packages that are only available as version 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu408:58
timo^Hi there! I was just wondering if the Kubuntu Mobile project is still alive?10:06
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timo^Hi there! I was just wondering if the Kubuntu Mobile project is still alive?10:18
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hateballtimo^: Do you mean Plasma Active?10:22
timo^http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-mobile/releases/11.04/release/ <-- this one ;)10:23
hateballtimo^: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-live/current/10:24
hateballIt's called Active these days10:24
timo^Oh, right! Is it possible to install it on a mobile device (Nokia N900) like Kubuntu Mobile?10:25
hateballThere seems to be only x86 builds, hmm10:26
hateballinstalling regular kubuntu and then compiling Active doesnt seem so fun either10:28
salvatorecguys i have a problem with my wifi10:49
salvatoreci can't connect it10:50
salvatoreci have a broadcom10:50
salvatorecand i have used the system tool to install the dirver10:50
hateballsalvatorec: What sort of encryption does the SSID use?10:50
hateballSome drivers have problems with certain configurations10:51
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hateballAlso, what chipset is it? Do you seen any output from running "dmesg" in a terminal?10:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:51
salvatorechateball: before with the 10.04  it was working10:52
salvatorecnow i have 12.04 it doesn't10:52
hateballsalvatorec: But can you scan for SSIDs? Just cant connect?10:53
hateballThere could very well be driver regressinos10:53
salvatorechateball: sure i can10:54
salvatorechateball: look http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/16/plasma-desktopgw2019.png10:54
hateballsalvatorec: do you get any output from "dmesg" after you try to connect?10:54
salvatoreclet me check hateball10:56
salvatorechateball: i will try to connect withhout ethernet10:57
salvatorecjust to see if it changes or not10:58
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BluesKajhowdy all11:54
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savioi have problem with my power manager in kde15:13
BluesKajlaptop or pc , savio15:13
saviomy power manager can't change brigthness15:13
savioBluesKaj: laptop15:14
BluesKajsavio, which graphics card?15:14
savioBluesKaj: intel hd graphics15:15
savioBluesKaj: it says consolekit is not found15:19
saviowhat's that?15:19
BluesKaj!consolekit | savio15:24
BluesKajConsoleKit is a system daemon for tracking what users are logged into the system and how they interact with the computer (e.g.which keyboard and mouse they use). It provides asynchronous notification via the system message bus.This package provides the system daemon and tools to interact with it.15:26
savioBluesKaj: yah15:26
saviohow to install it,blueskaj15:27
BluesKajsudo apt-get install consolekit15:27
BluesKajin the terminal15:27
savioit say it's already in new version15:28
BluesKajit says , what is "it" ?15:29
BluesKaj" it says consolekit is not found"15:30
savionot consolekit is already in new version15:30
BluesKajwhat were you doing when you got the message " consolekit is not found"15:31
savioi look into powermanager windows15:32
BluesKajwhat about displayand monitor?15:35
saviono issue15:35
saviowait i'll back soon15:36
BluesKajsorry ,i have no idea what could be wrong15:36
karolus98_hello : )16:55
karolus98_I am on Oneric. I did not made any changes to Muon, but afaik it does not recognize most packages, e.g. gcc, mesa-utils, etc... any hints ?16:55
scbHow can I set firefox as the default browser in Kubuntu? I already tried with Default Applications but that only works for the first link, after that it complains with firefox is already open.17:01
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scbOh, this is Kubuntu 12.04 beta.17:02
scbBeta 2*17:02
bazhang!12.04 | scb17:06
ubottuscb: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+117:06
BluesKajkarolus98_, make sure muon has all the repos enabled , you can also check by opening /etc/apt/sources.list17:13
karolus98_BluesKaj: Sources list are okey, cause I can install everything by hand, using root's console. However, muon just can't list most software, even gimp :O17:14
BluesKajkarolus98_, then muon hasn't updated it's own sources17:15
karolus98_BluesKaj: How to force it?17:15
BluesKajkarolus98_, there must be an update button/option ...I don't use muon , sorry , it's buggy on my kubuntu version 12.0417:16
BluesKajprefer to update upgrade with apt-get17:16
karolus98_Okey, I will17:18
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karolus98_thank you for assistance ; )17:18
HounddogBluesKaj i got my system working etc... after restart i only had a black screen :( back on windows atm grmbl17:19
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ScuniziI just added a Weather station widget to a bar and it says "Configure" but will not allow me to *and* will not allow me to delete it.  How do I delete it?17:58
ScuniziNevermind.. I just had to orient the mouse correctly..17:59
piderInstalled printer canon pixa 5250 driver on kubuntu 11.10, cannot print, printer status "Idle".  Need help18:01
swecarppider,  did have sam trubbel did instal cups and cups bjnp18:04
piderany link to how to?18:05
swecarppider,  cups u find here http://www.cups.org/18:08
piderok thanks!18:08
swecarpcups bjnp here  http://sourceforge.net/projects/cups-bjnp/18:08
swecarpit did vork on my pixma mp980 network instald18:09
swecarppider,  howe is it going18:13
pidertry to install cups bjnp18:13
pidercannot run make??18:13
pidermake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop18:14
swecarphang on will lok fore another18:15
swecarppider i knowe it has bean one cups-bjnp in launchpad but cant find it at the moment18:21
pideri have downloaded this : http://sourceforge.net/projects/cups-bjnp/files/latest/download18:22
swecarpgood try it firs you ned to start cups18:23
swecarppider heres a addy to launchpad dl https://launchpad.net/~robbiew/+archive/cups-bjnp18:26
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piderI think I got it!,18:32
swecarpits some work but it did work fore me after some fiddeling18:34
piderYes I can print now! Thanks swecarp!18:36
piderScanner works too, jippi!18:38
savioi'm trying to install massa 3d driver on intel hd graphics18:42
saviohere is error i get while executing make18:44
yofelsavio: what exactly are you trying to do?18:58
yofelsavio: to answer your question though: you don't have 'libffi-dev' installed18:58
JMichaelXi am still having issues with display settings not sticking19:12
savioyofel: how did you find out19:13
yofelsavio: it said "cannot find -lffi" - ld (the linker) looks for a file called libffi.so somewhere in your library path if you pass -lffi, you can use apt-file to search for the package that contains it for example19:15
savioyofel: thx19:15
savioi'm trying now19:16
savioyofel: i'm thinking this is problem of gelium19:16
saviobeacuse i'm using intel graphics and it by defult compile for swast19:17
yofelgallium you mean - no Idea, it's been ages since I've built mesa or a graphics driver myself19:17
yofelif you just want to test something newer, the x-edgers PPA has bleeding edge X packages (use with caution!!!)19:17
savioyofel: what i don't get it19:19
savioyofel: i965 is for intel no19:19
yofeli965 is intel, right19:19
savioyofel: what you saying before19:20
yofelsavio: something else: why are you building the driver yourself?19:20
yofeljust curious19:21
savioyofel: i don't find package for messa19:25
yofelsavio: I don't know what messa is, but mesa is the OpenGL library used by open source drivers and consists of many packages19:27
yofel!search mesa19:27
yofel!find mesa19:28
ubottuFound: libegl1-mesa, libegl1-mesa-dbg, libegl1-mesa-dev, libegl1-mesa-drivers, libegl1-mesa-drivers-dbg, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mesa&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all19:28
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savioyofel: thx man19:33
savioyofel: but it's really fun installing driver by source19:35
17WAA3GY3 /msg NickServ identify gunnar2519:41
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Riddellpider: best change your password19:41
oCeanpider: /msg nickserv help set password19:45
pider /msg nickserv help set password19:45
Unit193You need no leading spaces.19:45
PiciYou need to have identified before you do that.19:47
swecarppider,  howe did it go with the printer19:48
pider /msg NickServ identify gunnar2519:48
pider /msg NickServ identify pider19:49
pider_I made it at last!!!19:52
swecarpkongrats did my tips work pider_19:54
pider_Yes, I'm rather new on the irc19:55
pider_Printer works fine and scanner too swecarp_19:56
swecarpim new with linux  but have used irc a bit19:58
pider_I used linux since 2002, but first Gentoo and then Kubuntu and Ubuntu swecarp20:02
swecarpwow ure a pro then20:02
pider_not so good in hacking. See my new laptop here http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?58063-New-laptop-with-two-VGA20:03
swecarppider_,  nice laptop20:05
swecarpmuon has a tendesy to crash so i did install synaptic instead  the muon thats in 12.04 is good20:06
pider_bought without any operativsystem, installed Kubuntu and Bumblebee, which I can play Minecraft with20:07
swecarpim running kubuntu 12.04 beta2 at the moment20:07
jessie_swecarp: You and me both.20:08
pider_is it good or sckuld I wait for the real thing20:08
swecarppider_,  wait fore the final thats releasd i think on the 26 off april20:09
swecarpjessie_,  u hadd anny trubbel20:09
pider_Yes I will, looking forward to that20:09
jessie_Yeah, lots, actually. But I got it all situated. There were some Akonadi/Nepomuk issues and Plasma wasn't saving my settings.20:11
jessie_I got both of those taken care of though.20:11
pider_I have installed KDE 4.8.2, without any problem20:11
swecarppider save the cups- bjnp i think u nead it in 12,04 but not shure i did nead to use it beucose my printer is in a network20:12
swecarpjessie_,  i have had some miner problems but they are sorted nowe20:13
pider_swecarp My printer is in network too, but I saved the link,20:15
swecarpgood then u nead it look in muon i think its there20:15
pider_fine, and thank you again, pleasure to work with you! :-)20:17
swecarpmy plessure20:17
StephanGHello :)  Anyone Here?21:13
BluesKajhi StephanG21:18
StephanGBluesKaj: Hi,21:19
BluesKajStephanG, have a question?21:20
StephanGYes, actually.  I just wanted to post a comment on Jonathan Riddle's blog, but it said I "have to select a valid author".  Does that mean even though I'm logged in, I need permission?21:21
BluesKajStephanG, best to ask in #kubuntu-devel21:22
StephanGOh, okay.  Thanks.  I'll ask around there.21:22
StephanGAnyway, I'm off for now. Goodnight everyone.21:23
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=== BobB is now known as HelenB
giantpunehi, im wondering if there is some way to identify a usb hard drive.  i know there is the uuid, but im looking for something that is not changeable, like a csd and cid on a sd card22:18
HelenBMy sound wont work.23:01
HelenBit just wont work23:01
HelenBI tried restarting pulseaudio23:01
HelenBI can't restart alsa23:01
HelenBand I tried restartingOS.23:01
HelenBThis happened when I decided to plug in some headphones into a different headphone jack23:02
HelenBonly to find that the auto quality from that jack is bad23:02
HelenBso I unplugged tem23:02
HelenBand now I've no sound23:02
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:03
HelenBWhat do I do?23:03
RivieraHelenB: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting23:05
ubuntuanyone got any ideas for a newb who formatted and partitioned a hd using Linux but needs to recover the Windows Ware which was on it23:09
ubuntuThe win OS was not on the drive just a bunch of software and pics23:09
ubuntuyofel_: are you here23:13
HelenBRiviera, It didn't work.23:16
HelenBbrb restarting OS...23:16
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
HelenBRiviera, Nope still no sound.23:23
RivieraHelenB: well, no idea.  I only thought that this link might help.23:23
kubuntusera a tutti23:27
Daskreechgiantpune: Hello23:55
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:56
DaskreechHelenB: Wht's going on?23:56
HelenBDaskreech, Fixed it myself seems as nobody would help me. lol23:57
HelenBbut thanks for your concern.23:57
DaskreechHelenB: what was the issue?23:59

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