
lifelesswgrant: StevenK: one of you may wish to tag or tag n dup bug 98253901:01
_mup_Bug #982539: Losing access to private bugs recently <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/982539 >01:01
lifelesswgrant: I believe 163 TypeError: <DBItem InformationType.PUBLIC, (1) Public> is not JSON serializable is yours ?04:08
wgrantlifeless: StevenK's and harmless.04:11
lifelesswgrant: its in the report, if its expected it shouldn't, otherwise it should be fixed.04:12
lifelesss2n fail otherwise04:12
lifelessStevenK: ^04:12
wgrantOf course.04:12
wgrantBut it's harmless so it's not being fixed as utmost priority.04:13
StevenKlifeless: Not working today.04:53
StevenKlifeless: The bug has been marked as disclosure, so it's on our roadmap. I expect Curtis will get me to fix it after I finish the bug transistion to information type.04:54
huwshimiSomething is broken with mp comments07:20
huwshimiThe first time I submitted some comments it updated the page with my comments, but lost them on page refresh07:21
huwshimiWhen I returned and rewrote my comments and submitted it updated the page correctly again, but this time on refresh it had double submitted my comments (I only pressed Save Comment once)07:22
huwshimioh and the text was different between the two submissions so the double paste wasn't just my old text appearing07:23
huwshimioh wait, I'm lying07:23
huwshimiignore me :)07:23
huwshimisomething weird is going on with caching or something07:24
huwshimiI'll get me coat07:24
adeuringgood morning09:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
mptlifeless, hey, remember I told you last week that there was a really obscure difference in behavior between Invalid and Won't Fix, but I couldn't remember what it was? I just found it -- it's described in bug 196500.12:18
_mup_Bug #196500: Unexplained that only "Won't Fix" series status makes main bug status changeable <confusing-ui> <docs> <lp-bugs> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/196500 >12:18
wgrantmpt: Interesting that even you forget that one!12:37
mptwgrant, you mock me12:53
gary_posterjml, do you have any predictions for when your recent testtools MPs will land?  We are working from them for our own changes and relying on them.  Having them merged would be ideal; failing that, having you maintain a fully merged and up-to-date version of those three branches would be nice; failing that we will plan to do it. https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/testtools/tagger/+merge/101904 , https://code.launchpad.ne12:59
gary_postert/~jml/testtools/wrap-result-in-concurrent-suite/+merge/101902 , https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/testtools/tsfr-fixup/+merge/10189812:59
rick_habentley: is there a way to get a nice list of files changed with bzr diff?13:23
StevenKrick_h: bzr st13:23
rick_hStevenK: ah cool, bzr diff --help only shows --stat-dir13:25
abentleyrick_h: as StevenK says, you want "bzr stat" for that.  I prefer the --short output, which is also more scriptable.13:25
abentleyrick_h: Actually, it says "see also: status"13:25
rick_habentley: ah true. but bzr diff --stat --old=... works but isn't in the list13:26
rick_hbut yea, gotcha13:26
abentleyrick_h: which list?  the see also list?13:26
abentleyrick_h: bzr diff --stat does not work for me.13:27
rick_habentley: the Option: in --help13:27
rick_hbzr diff --stat --old=../devel just got me some info13:27
rick_hlooks like a lot more than I changed though so looking at what it's grabbing13:28
abentleyrick_h: which version of bzr are you using?13:28
rick_habentley: 2.5.0 it looks like13:28
rick_habentley: 2.5.0 it looks like13:29
abentleyrick_h: bzr status -r ancestor:../launchpad-trunk13:32
wgrantbzr st -rsubmit: :)13:42
rick_hnice, thanks guys, exactly what I was looking for13:48
rick_htime to add an alias13:48
czajkowskisinzui: hello :D14:38
czajkowskiI swear one of these days I won't come looking for you over privacy bugs14:38
sinzuihey, IRC really works. I think my ISP is disabling DNS when U1 sync on enabled14:38
rick_hsinzui: at the packet level?14:39
sinzuinot sure14:39
rick_hsinzui: or just your isp dns servers don't like to respond to you?14:39
rick_has in just set your own dns to or whatever to get around?14:39
sinzuiThe who house was affected. I yesterday and today was fixed by me disabling u1 on all the computers14:39
jmlgary_poster: they are blocked on lifeless14:40
czajkowskisinzui: know the feeling when in ireland i disbale U1 sync as it kills my connect :/14:40
jmlgary_poster: but I can land them tomorrow, I guess.14:40
czajkowskiroll on when I go back to uk it'll all be up to date again14:41
sinzuiczajkowski, did you try limiting the upload to 50kb/s14:41
czajkowskiyup doesnt really help not a great connection but does the job just not for U1 syning without killings things badly14:42
czajkowskisinzui: one for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/98253914:42
_mup_Bug #982539: Losing access to private bugs recently <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/982539 >14:42
sinzuiczajkowski, this must be related to the regression where th proper people are not subscribed14:45
sinzuiczajkowski, you will need to follow up with the reporter to as an admin to subscribe the bug supervisor to the bugs. I will add this issue to the purple squad's queue14:46
czajkowskiokie dokie thanks sinzui14:46
czajkowskisinzui: next monday I promise no privacy bug issues :)14:47
sinzuiczajkowski, I am updating the bug to ask if this has happened in the last 8 hours...we released a change to address the previous regression14:47
sinzuimaybe this bug is aa dupe14:47
sinzuiczajkowski, oh, I see jcsackett has not landed the fix14:48
sinzuijcsackett, what is blocking Bug #96711514:49
_mup_Bug #967115: Cannot set a bug private is the bug supervisor is not set <bugs> <disclosure> <privacy> <regression> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by jcsackett> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/967115 >14:49
jcsackettsinzui: a host of tests that i missed that i need to read through to update/delete.14:49
jcsackettin the process of that now.14:49
sinzuithank you.14:50
czajkowskisinzui: jcsackett thanks folks14:50
gary_posterjml, tomorrow would be great, thanks15:02
jmlgary_poster: if lifeless reviews the branches during his working day, that would be the ideal for me.15:13
jmlgary_poster: but I'll land either way15:13
gary_posterjml, cool thanks15:13
cjwatsonjtv: if you have a minute, review of my fix for my screw-up in https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-query-distro-pending-suites/+merge/102129 would be great15:38
jtvcjwatson: you realize it's close to 23:00 on a public holiday?  :)15:39
cjwatsonNo :-)15:39
cjwatsonFeel free to say no then ;-)15:39
cjwatsonI find timezones are a disease I frequently develop immunity to, and so often forget the exact ways in which other people are afflicted.  Doubly so for holidays.15:40
jtvAre inoculations available?15:41
jtvAnyway, the new code looks to my eye suspiciously like what I suggested, but the old code looks suspiciously like what it said _before_ the branch I reviewed.  What gives?15:41
jtvAh, the distroarchseriesID column on the model class.15:42
cjwatson'distroarchseries_id' => 'distroarchseriesID' was more or less the change from your review to my first merge; then in the second merge, add the missing [] and add the ID to the interface15:43
cjwatsonhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-query-distro-pending-suites/revision/15104 is the difference15:43
cjwatson(I couldn't find any documentation of these magic ID attributes, and had to zen it from the surroundings.)15:45
jtvYeah, it's pure cargo cult I'm afraid.15:47
jtvAnyway, I've filed my review.15:47
cjwatsonmkay, thanks15:49
* cjwatson fixes and goes to land15:49
cjwatson(Can I set it to Approved myself once it has an Approve review and I'm ready to land it?)15:49
cjwatsonOh, there we go, my logs say I asked about that a few months back16:01
cjwatson2011-12-20.log:14:02 <benji> cjwatson: generally the MP initiator sets it to approved, sometimes they might be getting a DB review too or a UI approval16:01
cjwatson14:07 <cjwatson> benji: ah, and I can't set the MP to Approved because I'm not in ~launchpad16:02
cjwatsonSo could somebody set https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-query-distro-pending-suites/+merge/102129 to Approved for me so that I can land it, please?16:02
jtvcjwatson: OK, I'll do it16:02
cjwatsonThanks - I do have landing access now, but not ~launchpad16:02
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
SpamapSwebops ping  Hi I want to make launchpad.net/charms series 'precise' the dev focus now, I need a LOSA to do that. Thanks!17:30
thedacSpamapS: so you want /charms/precise set to "Active development" correct?17:36
SpamapSthedac: right, I was told this is the process for that: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LPHowTo/BranchUbuntu17:37
thedacSpamapS: ah, ok17:37
SpamapSthedac: one thing I'm a little nervous about...17:38
SpamapSthedac: it won't overwrite branches that already exist for the target series, will it?17:38
thedacSpamapS: I would not think so but that may be a question for another LP dev17:39
SpamapSthedac: I'll read the script.. please standby17:39
thedacsounds good17:39
SpamapS            except BranchExists:17:41
SpamapS                pass17:41
SpamapSon the surface, looks good17:41
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
olliis it possible to have a private distribution in LP17:48
SpamapSthedac: ok, looks good18:06
SpamapSthedac: so I think it would be smoething like './branch-distro.py -v charms oneiric precise18:06
thedacSpamapS: ok, one moment18:06
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
lifelessolli: not at the moment18:10
lifelessolli: you can have private PPAs which may be enough18:10
thedacSpamapS: I am getting a connection error: https://pastebin.canonical.com/64350/18:12
thedacchecking now18:12
SpamapSthedac: reading18:16
thedacSpamapS: connectivity to the dbs looks good. I am not sure why that is failing18:18
SpamapSthedac: haven't seen the error yet, had to go get my phone for 2factor auth ;)18:22
SpamapSthedac: whoa, does that have to be run on the db master directly?18:24
SpamapSoh wait thats pgpool right?18:24
thedacport 5432 is postgres 5433 would be pgbouncer18:25
SpamapS        connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?18:25
SpamapSwouldn't that be.. a local server?18:25
thedacso it must not be picking up the correct config18:25
thedacwe probably need an LPCONFIG=... before the command18:26
thedacSpamapS: that was it is running now18:29
SpamapSthedac: sweeeet18:29
thedacSpamapS: completed: https://pastebin.canonical.com/64352/18:31
SpamapSthedac: thanks. There must be some other process to make precise the active (not Experimental) series18:33
thedacYes, I can set that in the UI. That was my first question18:34
SpamapSis it just that a LP admin needs to change it?18:36
thedacSpamapS: ok, the precise series is now active18:36
SpamapSthedac: so.. some last step is missing. lp:charms/* is still oneiric18:40
SpamapSanybody know?18:40
SpamapShm maybe not18:41
thedacSpamapS: yeah, I am not sure what needs doing at this point18:42
SpamapSthedac: never mind that seems to be good, lp:charms/* is in fact precise now18:42
thedacah, cool18:42
SpamapSThe only weird thing now is that under "Active series and mielstones" only 11.10 shows18:42
thedacSpamapS: I suspect this is a timing problem. Let's give it 15 minutes and check back18:43
SpamapSthedac: sounds good :)18:43
rick_hderyck: ping18:45
deryckrick_h, hey hey18:45
rick_hderyck: ok, stuck again, but this should be the last one18:46
rick_hderyck: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/620/ chasing down the oauth bits and how they work18:46
deryckrick_h, don't worry about it.  looking....18:46
rick_hderyck: let me know if it would be easier to hop on a call18:46
rick_hbasically trying to find when new oauth tokens take flight, and having issues tracing where the person bit comes into play18:46
rick_hit *appears* that not until it's been reviewed/ok'd by the user, but that doesn't make sense else how does the user see their list of unapproved tokens18:47
deryckrick_h, ok, let me look at this paste and code....18:47
rick_hderyck: rgr18:48
deryckrick_h, have you seen lib/lp/services/oauth/stories/authorize-token.txt ?18:55
rick_hderyck: no was working my way from code -> test18:57
rick_hderyck: but this seems nice and step by step'd so will go through it18:57
deryckrick_h, np.  you can also grep zcml for +authorize-token to find the view.18:57
rick_hyea, I went from teh view into the model bits18:58
czajkowskisalgado: ping20:53
salgadohi czajkowski20:53
czajkowskisalgado: are you still working on bllueprints?20:54
czajkowskisalgado: not sure if you are https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/98330920:54
_mup_Bug #983309: Cannot read blueprints'  titles when the dependecy tree is  large <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/983309 >20:54
beunoczajkowski, u1 has captured salgado and has no plans of releasing him again20:55
czajkowskibeuno: ello and good evening to you20:55
salgadoczajkowski, not anymore, no20:55
czajkowskisalgado: grand job20:55
salgadoczajkowski, the Linaro infrastructure team is still on the hook for any issues related to work-items in LP, but I don't think this would qualify20:56
salgadoczajkowski, however, that bug was filed by someone from Linaro so they might end up fixing it too20:57
salgadoczajkowski, jamestunnicliffe has taken over the work-items stuff, btw20:58
czajkowskisalgado: good to know20:59
mwhudsoni'm pretty sure that bug is a duplicate fwiw21:00
_mup_Bug #576807: blueprint dependency graph is too small and unreadable <lp-blueprints> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <NULL Project:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/576807 >21:02
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
m_3thedac: hi, I'm working with SpamapS to promote our charms up to precise21:55
m_3thedac: we've still got some problems with the branch names after what you/clint did a couple of hours ago21:55
m_3thedac: do you have a sec to help with that?21:55
thedacm_3: sure21:55
m_3so the lp aliases are lp:charms/<charm-name> which now points to lp:~charmers/charms/precise/<charm-name>/precise21:56
m_3they should be pointing instead to lp:~charmers/charms/precise/<charm-name>/trunk21:57
m_3I can push them to .../trunk and then promulgate which updates the alias to point to the correct branch21:57
thedacok, let me see if I can do anything in the UI21:58
m_3however, that results in the alias pointing to .../trunk which is stacked on top of .../precise21:58
m_3then it won't let me remove the .../precise branches21:58
m_3thedac: I'm not sure what to do with it... I would guess that we could fix the aliases if we just had a mass rename of the aliased branches to .../trunk21:59
m_3lp:charms/sbuild is an example of one I tried to fix manually22:01
thedacm_3: I am not seeing a way for me to change that. I would guess the update script did this.22:01
thedacAnyone else have an idea what we can do? ^^^^22:01
* m_3 really clueless about that... lp newb22:01
maxbIt sounds likely that branch-distro would have set things up this way22:01
maxbGive me a charm name that hasn't had manual fixing attempts to look at?22:02
m_3it used to point to lp:~charmers/charms/oneiric/mongodb/trunk for the oneiric versions22:03
m_3clint ran some branch-distro script and now it points to lp:~charmers/charms/precise/mongodb/precise22:03
maxbRight, that'd be branch-distro at work22:03
maxbDoes it matter that the branch name is <series-name> rather than "trunk" ?22:04
m_3gustavo's charm store looks exclusively for .../trunk branches though22:04
maxbWell, fixing it all up ought to be fairly easy with a launchpadlib script22:04
maxbAnd you'd need to get a fix into branch-distro for the q-series opening22:05
m_3oh, ok...  I'll go read up on launchpadlib.  The manual changes created .../trunk stacked on .../precise which left dangling branches around that I couldn't clean up.  I assumed that launchpadlib would just do the same basic thing22:06
maxbm_3: Presumably after you pushed the sbuild/trunk you did something to make it the official branch for precise?22:07
maxbWell, you don't want to use launchpadlib to create new branches, you want to use it to rename the existing ones22:08
m_3maxb: yes... our promulgate script (have to look to see what it does)... essentially creates the lp:charms/sbuild alias for the branch22:09
m_3maxb: ok, looking for rename22:10
* m_3 and hoping clint returns from lunch soon :)22:10
m_3maxb thedac: thanks!22:10
thedacm_3: no problem22:10
maxbm_3: can you "re-promulgate" the ~charmers/charms/precise/sbuild/precise branch and delete the current .../trunk one?22:12
m_3maxb: sure... one sec22:13
m_3maxb: done22:15
m_3lp:charms/sbuild points to lp:~charmers/charms/precise/sbuild/precise again22:16
maxbIf you have a "Change branch details" link in the right-hand portlet of https://code.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/sbuild/precise you can use that to change the name to trunk22:16
SpamapSthere's a rename?!22:17
maxbyes :-)22:17
m_3maxb: ok, did that... poking around now22:17
SpamapScan we map that to launchpadlib calls?22:18
maxbGive me 5 minutes, I'll whip up a launchpadlib script to do the rest in bulk22:18
* SpamapS has just noted that maxb is his hero22:18
m_3SpamapS: can you try out sbuild from the store for precise now?22:18
* m_3 no free envs atm22:18
m_3SpamapS: actually, nevermind... that worked!22:19
SpamapSm_3: woot22:20
maxbGive http://paste.ubuntu.com/933212/ a try .... a little difficult for me to test without a fake Launchpad, but I think it should work22:22
maxbit successfully complains about me not having access to edit the charms branches, anyway :-)22:25
wgrantSpamapS, m_3: Why do you have the custom naming scheme?22:27
wgrantbranch-distro is not designed to do that.22:27
wgrantWhy doesn't juju use the alias?22:27
m_3maxb: Yikes... it did a couple, then I got an IntegrityError22:27
wgrantm_3: There's probably already one with that name.22:28
m_3wgrant: right... excepting that case22:28
SpamapSwgrant: I don't know why the custom name is needed22:28
m_3wgrant: no idea on the name22:29
SpamapSm_3: probably statusnet22:29
SpamapSwgrant: Something about using get_branch_tips, which I don't believe shows the aliases22:29
maxbm_3: ok, my script is only acting on branches matching ~charmers/charms/precise/*/precise, so just manually resolve the duplication issue for that particular charm, then re-run; it won't go back over ones it has already renamed22:31
SpamapSwgrant: also we do actually use the name to specify charms to deploy via the store or not for non-official charms.22:31
maxbI agree with wgrant that using the aliases would make far more sense, but this way we can work with the existing hardcoded assumptions for now22:31
SpamapSwgrant: so lp:~clint-fewbar/charms/precise/puppet/trunk is a signal to the charm store to pick that charm up, but lp:~clint-fewbar/charms/precise/puppet/in-progress would not be published22:31
wgrantThat is, um, intriguing.22:32
maxbSpamapS: That seems a bit.... wrong. LP already has a concept of official-ness, which is what drives the aliases. Why not use that, rather than some odd naming convention?22:32
SpamapSI would prefer that we use the branch metadata, and only ship 'Mature' branches22:32
SpamapSmaxb: we want users to be able to say something is official without access to the whole distro22:32
SpamapSmaxb: its only official in their personal namespace.22:33
SpamapSso it becomse cs:~clint-fewbar/precise/puppet22:33
SpamapS(cs is the charmstore)22:33
* maxb has trouble grappling with the idea of "official in a personal namespace"22:33
SpamapSmaxb: think PPA22:33
wgrantI suspect it means "stable"22:33
wgrantWhich is what Mature means22:33
SpamapSits as official as a package pushed to a PPA22:33
SpamapSwhich means, not very :)22:33
SpamapSI think we should move it to using the Mature status instead22:34
m_3ok, script ran... only a couple of pre-existing branches22:34
maxbSurely "trunk" is exactly the wrong name to use to mean "Mature" ? :-)22:34
SpamapSand drop the trunk thing altogether22:34
SpamapSmaxb: depends on whether you are dev or ops ;)22:34
maxbI'm devops :-)22:34
SpamapSthen you ship trunk, after it passes tests22:34
lifelesss/trunk/ripe/ perhaps22:35
m_3thedac maxb wgrant: thanks!22:35
maxbm_3 / SpamapS: Well, I guess you'll figure something out... just remember that branch-distro is going to copy whatever is marked as official to a branch named <whatever-q-series-turns-out-to-be> next cycle22:37
StevenKsinzui: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/933230/22:37
SpamapSmaxb: I'm opening a bug that we should ship all "Mature" branches, not just those named 'trunk'22:39
SpamapSbug #983530 to be exact22:40
_mup_Bug #983530: charm store should publish all 'Mature' branches. <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/983530 >22:40
maxbThere appear to still be 5 branches named ~charmers/charms/precise/*/precise, btw22:42
maxbAlso, branch-distro has its own ideas of how it should manipulate branch lifecycle status, so you'll want to watch out for that22:43
[reed]who is an appropriate contact for launchpad's bugzilla integration nowadays?22:45
sinzuiStevenK, wgrant, wallyworld, jcsackett: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/a-tale-of-two-travesties22:53
SpamapSmaxb: Right, I noticed they all are set to 'Development', which makes sense.. we really want them to be Mature if the one they copied from was Mature.23:03
SpamapSmaxb: we might need some alternative behavior flags for our use case... but I bet it takes us a year before we have a patch for LP ;)23:04
maxbSpamapS: Fortunately all the code you care about here is localized in one file, eliminating much of the usual scaryness of chasing around the LP codebase23:13
maxblib/lp/codehosting/branchdistro.py ftr23:13
SpamapSmaxb: its more about the scariness of chasing down our time to get 'er done23:13
maxbAww. It's really just a fairly simple Python script once you learn to look past the "Eek! Launchpad!" factor :-)23:14
SpamapSso I think this is a bug in branch-distro23:14
SpamapSif I push to lp:charms/somethingnew23:15
SpamapSI get lp:~myuser/charms/precise/somethingnew/trunk23:15
SpamapSI should reasonably expect that branch-distro would duplicate that behavior, and not call a copy of that by the series name, but 'trunk' again.23:15
maxbYou do rather have a point there, that the two components of Launchpad ought to at least be consistent23:16
SpamapSthis is causing enormous pain now because the official branches for things like rabbitmq-server were forked, and already existing as lp:~something/charms/precise/foo/trunk23:16
SpamapSwhich were not seen as BranchExisting errors. :-P23:16
maxbwhy is this causing enormous pain? A mild discomfort akin to a stone in your shoe, I would have thought :-)23:17
wgrantSpamapS: Ubuntu doesn't use the push-to-alias code, so it doesn't work well for distros.23:17
wgrantSpamapS: That's designed for projects.23:17
SpamapSindeed, I think we are breaking new ground.. and have happily found an inconsistency :)23:18
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
SpamapSwgrant: I assume the package importer does the new branch creation manually then.23:19
wgrantSpamapS: Right.23:20
SpamapSso either push to new alias code should use series name in distros, and we should fix the charm store (seems the low impact way) or branch-distro should have a new option --branch-name to override the default of $series23:21
StevenKI do *not* like the idea of hacking branch-distro. It is utterly the wrong place.23:22
SpamapSEven better would be that a new flag would be added to the distro object to note that it has charms in it, and change the behavior.23:22
SpamapSBecause there are other things that look weird in launchpad.net/charms because we're not storing packages there23:22
SpamapSlike, it would be cool to be able to say +charm instead of +source ..23:22
SpamapSand to drop the warnings about a package that has never been published23:23
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/forbid-proprietary-api/+merge/102201 since we're off the call.23:23
wgrantSpamapS: I objected pretty strongly to using distros in the first place :)23:25
wgrantStevenK: Won't that break like a million tests?23:25
StevenKHm. Maybe a few.23:25
SpamapSwgrant: you'd prefer we have each charm as a project? Or a giant single bzr branch of all the charms?23:26
cjwatsonWhen I've done QA for r15103 (which will be tomorrow) and everything up to there is deployable, should I remove that deployment exception entry from LaunchpadProductionStatus on the grounds that any future deployment will be >=15103, or is there some other protocol for letting people know that that deployment exception can go away?23:26
SpamapSwgrant: we've already used the cross-charm capability to track bugs that affect multiple charms. And each charm in a branch gives us the ability to delegate permissions very effectively.23:26
wgrantcjwatson: Leave it there, just in case.23:27
maxbOther than the fact we have vast precedent, why does it make sense to use the series name as the branch name for default distro branches?23:27
wgrantcjwatson: Although I'll likely be deploying 15103 before you wake up.23:27
cjwatsonOh, there's a Comments column23:27
cjwatsonwgrant: ah, well, if you want to do the obvious QA on it then fine by me23:27
wgrantmaxb: I like to think that one day we will make project and distribution branch models not gratuitously divergent.23:28
wgrantmaxb: Probably by removing the distroseries from the URL23:28
wgrantThis would make that easier, although it's probably not the reason.23:28
wgrantmaxb: The distro branch namespace is divided up by series. Project branch namespaces aren't.23:29
wgrantIf we ever want to make these consistent, it's possibly handy to keep the branch names fairly unique like that.23:30
maxbOh, I see what you mean now23:30
jelmerwgrant: +123:30
wgrant(of course I basically completely disagree with how distro branches work, but it's probably a bit late to make big changes)23:30
wgrantBut this change is reasonably inoffensive and sensible, so might happen in a few years.23:31
maxbIt would be the incompatible change from hell, but it has a certain sense to it23:31
jelmerwgrant: what's your fundamental problem with them, just that they're so different from project branches?23:31
SpamapSfor the record, as an ubuntu developer and charm developer, I really like the way distro branches work :)23:32
SpamapSthough I would prefer to have automatic population of -updates and -proposed for ubuntu so merge proposals for SRU's works properly23:32
maxbI'm not sure I'd want -updates and -proposed to pop into existence for every package with identical content to the release pocket, for *every package*23:34
cjwatsonwe sort of want them to autovivify when pushed to.  which is not exactly trivial.23:35
maxbOn the other hand, if you don't do that, you kind of need the ability to file a merge proposal onto a target branch which doesn't exist yet23:35
SpamapSI'd be happy if they were just seen as aliases to the main package, until they were actually published/pushed to23:35
cjwatsonpushed to> or otherwise referenced as an lvalue23:35
cjwatsonif I may shamelessly borrow terms23:35
maxbIt's a good term :-)23:35
wgrantjelmer: They make collaboration between distros hard -- in reality they will eventually just be minor branches of the upstream code, but they're all completely segregated and invisible to the upstream project.23:38
wgrantjelmer: Most packages would do fine without a separate namespace in the distro.23:38
wgrantThey could just be specially linked branches in the project.23:38
jelmerwgrant: that doesn't seem like a fundamental problem though, mostly a presentation issue23:39
maxbThe hard split between debian and ubuntu isn't great23:39
maxbOn the other hand, yes, it's really just a presentation problem23:40
jelmer.. and an issue with the importer, which doesn't take upstream links into account when it generates file ids or ancestry23:41
* SpamapS wonders if we'll ever get all these worms back in the can23:41
jelmerwith sensible heuristics, and perhaps some support for handling parallel imports there is a lot we can do23:43
jelmerthat's a nontrivial amount of work though23:43
StevenKwgrant: I think you're right that it will break a few tests. But I'd like it to break for users. :-(23:44
wgrantStevenK: Also, that error message is entirely useless.23:44
wgrantI can't transition to proprietary because I can't transition to proprietary :(23:44
* StevenK isn't sure how to check if it's from the API.23:49
StevenKIn fact, I'm not certain if you can.23:49
wgrantYou can't directly.23:49
StevenKHm, can't think of a way to solve this then. That's disappointing.23:50
wgrantYou could add a from_api argument or something23:50
timrclol @ <wgrant> But this change is reasonably inoffensive and sensible, so might happen in a few years.23:52
StevenKwgrant: Or I could fix it differently and allow it only if the pillar has private_bugs.23:52
jelmertimrc: you've not met wgrant before?23:52
wgrantStevenK: But that's wrong.23:52
jelmertimrc: :P23:52
StevenKwgrant: I thought that was the plan?23:53
timrcjelmer, No, I hope he takes his comedy act on the road though :) jk23:53
wgrantStevenK: "plan" being the important word here23:53
wgrantStevenK: Future.23:53
StevenKKeeping in the mind the plan is somewhat elastic. :-)23:53
wgrantThe plan is fairly well defined in only slightly conflicting ways in the minds of sinzui and myself.;23:53

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