
dpmhi mhall119, I was just reading comment #19 on http://developer.ubuntu.com/2012/04/how-to-create-a-wikipedia-unity-lens-for-ubuntu/ - do you think there is any step we should add to the tutorial to improve the lens' installation?13:56
mhall119dpm: there seems to be a misunderstanding about what the tutorial is meant to produce13:58
mhall119maybe we can add some wording that it sets things up for local development only, not installing it for everyday use13:59
mhall119and also a bit about using Quickly to turn it into an installable package than *is* appropriate for everyday use13:59
mhall119I was afraid of this, "quickly install" is being confused with "make install"13:59
mhall119but I'm not sure of a better wording14:00
mhall119maybe "addlens" and "removelens"?14:01
mhall119that'll require a change to quickly though14:01
dpmmhall119, yeah, I think I'll add a paragraph with the comment on it being for local development14:16
dpmin terms of quickly changes, I think adding the new commands to the templates might be a good idea. But since we cannot add them for 12.04, I wonder if I should just mention 'quickly package' - will the packaging work with the lens template?14:17
mhall119I believe so14:19
mhall119dpm: what are your thoughts on adding Geany to the list of IDEs on the developer portal?14:28
mhall119I know we brought up the fact that it isn't in Main, but then again neither is Eclipse, MonoDevelop or even QTCreator14:30
dpmmhall119, as discussed, I'd be for keeping the site simple for now. While choice is an asset in Ubuntu, it can also be too daunting if we present too many choices. We went through a lot of discussion as to which IDEs we would present on so http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/, and we reached consensus on those. Note that we didn't add Anjuta, either. Re: universe, good point, I hadn't realised myself that qtcreator was in universe, but my main c14:35
dpmoncern is not to clutter the site with all available options. One thing we could conceibably do is to add a note under the resources site (IIRC we've got an IDE section), but I'd prefer not to add it to the get-started page14:35
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