
asterismoa question00:29
asterismoonce i generated my GPG key, I can post it on my university webpage for others to import it and send me encrypted mail? did I understood right?00:30
AptalmagestAnyone in here?01:43
philipballew_Aptalmagest, theres lots of people in here01:51
AptalmagestWasnt quite sure01:52
AptalmagestIts awfully quiet01:52
AptalmagestWhen trying to boot a USB with Ubuntu on it, i keep getting an odd line of code. The OS will not boot.01:54
AptalmagestSYSlinux 4.06 EDD 4.06-prel Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al01:55
AptalmagestDoes anyone know what it means or how i can get the USB to boot the OS properly?01:56
AptalmagestAnyone have any ideas?02:01
philipballew_two ideas02:09
philipballew_make sure there are no errors in the downloaded iso (that means redownload it and make a new usb)02:09
philipballew_make sure you chose the right architecture (ppc on a i5 is a no go)02:10
Areckxphilipballew_::  Worked for me ('w')b02:10
philipballew_Areckx, what you talkin bout willis?02:11
AptalmagestWhat do you mean the right arch?02:11
AptalmagestYou mean the build of Ubuntu?02:11
philipballew_Aptalmagest, make sure you chose 32 bit if you have a 32 bit computer02:12
philipballew_what method did you choose to make a usb?02:12
philipballew_and what version of ubuntu are you trying to run02:12
AptalmagestI've tryed both UNETBOOTIN and Universal02:12
AptalmagestThe latest 11.1002:13
philipballew_what os are you in now?02:13
AptalmagestIm using windows to create the USB over a Remote connection.02:14
AptalmagestI Ubuntu on my system thoough, so i can drop box files onto the computer im creating the USB on.02:14
philipballew_over a remote connection?02:14
philipballew_why cant you do it locally?02:14
AptalmagestIm in Seattle, The computer im creating the USB on is in Missouri02:14
philipballew_so this is for a friend?02:15
Aptalmagesthis Hard drive is fried, trying to make a USB that can load an OS02:15
AptalmagestHis BIOS workds02:15
philipballew_you could make it and mail it if all else fails02:15
Aptalmagesti dont have the patiace02:16
philipballew_id make sure he or she has the right type of computer for your iso02:16
philipballew_sounds like a personal problem02:16
Aptalmagestbit wise?02:16
philipballew_the  iso might have not downloaded right.02:16
AptalmagestI dont see why though, if it came directly from the website02:17
philipballew_I cant tell you "this is what is wrong" there are several problems that could have happened02:17
AptalmagestI was looking over the code from the Universal USB, And while it was making it there were several error messages.02:17
AptalmagestAll having to do with the USB being used by another program02:18
AptalmagestThere was nothing else running though02:18
Aptalmagesti thought maybe someone would know what the message that came up everytime he booted it meant.02:18
Aptalmagestnothing would use it but the computer itself. its an old ass XP from 01. I've deleted everything off of it, trying to trim down its RAM usage. What would run in the background that would use it?02:20
philipballew_i dont know. I dont use windows02:21
AptalmagestCan i use Ubuntu to create the image and then Dropbox it to the computer and copy it onto the USB?02:22
joxer90xhello, could i get a hand with the openjdk? i've installed the 7'th but i dont have the java command in the terminal02:23
philipballew_create the image?02:25
philipballew_you dont create it, you download it?02:25
joxer90xAptalmagest, i haven't fallowed the whole conversation but it sounds like you may want to try out acronis02:27
AptalmagestJoxer i keep getting an odd text when trying to boot from a USB Drive02:28
joxer90xnot all computers support that, are you sure you made an image of the whole disk and not just the one partition? either way what  does the text say?02:29
philipballew_your weird line in what everybody gets.02:29
AptalmagestSYSlinux 4.06 EDD 4.06-prel Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Perter Anin et al02:29
philipballew_also, ond computers dont boot with usb02:29
philipballew_Aptalmagest, you should get that02:30
AptalmagestGet what?02:30
Aptalmagestwhen i say image i mean all the files that are put onto the USB after extraction with the UBOOTIN tool.02:31
philipballew_Aptalmagest, that line. thats just text on the screen. your soupposed to get that02:31
AptalmagestBut what happens after that text?02:31
Aptalmagestit just sits there02:31
AptalmagestThe laptop were trying to boot on is only a few years old, it has the option in the BIOS02:32
Aptalmagestwe cant enter any commands or anything02:32
joxer90xwhat is the size of the usb drive? the hdd you made the image from? you may want to tweak it as you spill the image02:33
Aptalmagest16 gig02:33
Aptalmagestbut only 14 gig is usuable02:33
Aptalmagestthe image is from ubuntu02:33
joxer90xwhat size was the disk you made the image from?02:34
Aptalmagesti didnt make the image02:34
Aptalmagestdownloaded it02:34
AptalmagestI can make an image, if needed02:34
joxer90xwhat software are you using tho02:34
AptalmagestThe OS to make the flash drive?02:34
joxer90xto make the image02:35
Aptalmagesti see what you mean02:35
AptalmagestI've tryed two02:35
AptalmagestUBOOTIN and Universal, the ones Ubuntu said were best.02:35
joxer90xi suggest you download a copy of hiren's boot ( a nice collection of freeware & shareware tools ) it has a copy of acronis in it, nice and handy. boot with it and make an image ( careful with the size options you chose tho, read about it on the internet im no pro with that ( altho i was.. >_> ) )02:36
joxer90xcomes in a nice .iso you can burn onto a cd and boot with it02:37
AptalmagestNo go on CD02:37
AptalmagestHas to be flash02:37
joxer90xthats an option too i believe02:37
Aptalmagestwhat is acronis?02:37
joxer90xits a disk/partitoin manager, from what i know its the #1 choice if your going to work with linux file systems02:39
joxer90xcheck out this site http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd02:39
Aptalmagestdo you think02:40
joxer90xexperience, encountered this stuff in work..02:40
joxer90xwell im gonna head over #ubuntu-beginners-team, gotta get some help with this java issue i got..02:40
AptalmagestRunning a 32 bit on a 64 bit machine would be the problem?02:41
joxer90xit shouldn't altho the performance wont be perfect..02:42
Aptalmagestk, Thanks for the help.02:43
philipballew_Aptalmagest, where did you download the ubuntu iso from?02:44
AptalmagestThe site02:50
AptalmagestIm going to try the 64 bit now02:50
Aptalmagestif it doesnt woek02:50
joxer90xmake notes man, details equal progress02:51
Aptalmagestill try downgrading to an early version of Ubuntu02:51
AptalmagestI've researched whats up, i think its stuck on booting.02:52
AptalmagestThats exactly my problem!02:55
deper29hey, I am having trouble installing acroread on ubuntu 10.04. I get this for output and am not sure what to do03:52
deper29* Booyah (456c5b60@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu03:52
deper29<deper29> hey, can someone help me install acroread on 10.04? when I try sudo apt-get install acroread I get this for output http://pastebin.com/tdMP72Bj03:52
deper29<dj_segfault> mundane: Define "janky".03:52
deper29* Siphax has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)03:52
deper29<pilotbub> um hackintosh if youve got this skills if not try it in a VM before you commit03:52
deper29* sulphur16 has quit (Client Quit)03:52
deper29<pilotbub> its not a retail OS and efforts must be made to reach the status quo you may expect03:52
deper29<Celltech> My graphics messed up, my computer got super super slower, and things just stopped working all together. I just freshly installed 10.04 no updates at all and I like it this way. I just need to update java and a couple other browser things03:53
deper29* sulphur16 (~Sulphur@ has joined #ubuntu03:53
deper29* Wargasm has quit (Quit: Damn Warp Tunnels)03:53
deper29<mundane> dj_segfault: it's new and the computer itself is fine but windows 7 isn't working on it so i've had to use other computers03:53
deper29<skel> okie, I'm all done upgrading. ttyl, have a good night =]03:53
deper29<pilotbub> if OS X is a walk in Central Park on a perfect spring afternoon Linux is a walk in a minefield under enemy fire03:53
deper29<pilotbub> mundane you sound like a windows 8 candidate03:53
deper29* skel has quit (Quit: leaving)03:53
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deper29* folivora has quit (Remote03:53
deper29oh crap. I'm sorry03:53
deper29I don't know how I copied that. I meant this: http://pastebin.com/tdMP72Bj03:53
holsteindeper29: what are you trying to do? maybe you can just use a differnt pdf viewer...03:56
deper29holstein, I am doing sudo apt-get install acroread03:56
deper29I also tried using the software centre. I need acroread because my prof uploaded terrible scanned pdfs that aren't viewed properly in office03:57
holsteindeper29: sure.. but i mean, in the larger sense.. maybe if veiwing pdf's is the goal, perhaps another package would be the path of least resistance03:57
holsteinare you up to date with upgrades?03:57
deper29holstein, I am up to date with my upgrades04:02
deper29what do you suggest?04:02
holsteindeper29: using a different pdf viewer04:02
holsteindeper29: i would open the package manager of your choice and search "pdf"04:03
holsteini think evince is a popular one04:03
holsteindeper29: AFAIK, acroread is using a ppa... that ppa could be down, or *anything* could have changed about 10.04 that is just not supported anymore04:04
holsteintheres always the windows version http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=315604:05
holsteinseems like you can just import them to some sevices now like google docs as well04:08
deper29hmm, I will look at these04:08
deper29thanks :D04:08
ZiekUrgent help making my wireless belkin  G card work04:26
holsteinZiek: urgent? it will be easier if you are connected to wired internet04:46
holsteinZiek: if its USB, run lsusb, if not... lspci is the command... you look in that list for information about the device and you can search for support04:47
holsteinhopefully, you will just be prompted when you get online... you can always try the windows drivers as well.. anyways.. good luck!04:48
Ziekholstein: I ran lsusb and it shows up on the listing04:48
Ziekits sub04:48
holsteinZiek: sub?04:48
Ziekholstein:  Belkin wireless G FSD705004:48
holsteinoh.. usb.. yeah... take the line from that output and you can search for it04:49
holsteinZiek: searching by model# is not always going to work, as the chipset can be different04:49
Ziekholstein: Where would I find the chipset?04:50
Ziekholstein: listed04:50
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richardlxchow to turn off the service auto ?07:18
richardlxcat the start of pc.07:19
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^Arhim_shantidevHeiwa! :-)08:20
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q222http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1585550 Anyone have a solution for this old thread?11:52
q222Because it's still a problem after all these years and it's my primary gripe with the OS.11:52
duanedesignq222: hello12:08
q222Do you know the solution for my problem?12:10
geirhaAh, that's not nautilus, that's the gtk file chooser (or whatever it's called). Not really related to nautilus at all.12:12
q222How would you allow it to view icons, though?12:13
q222Without icon view it's sort of useless.12:14
geirhaI don't think it can, at all. It's very primitive as far as I know.12:14
duanedesignyou mean when in wordpress you are writing a post and select to insert an image into your sory12:14
duanedesigni agree w/ geirha . i jus poked around and could not find anything12:15
q222Isn't there a way to replace it with something else, anything?12:15
geirhaIt's not a separate program, it's part of the gtk api12:16
q222And there's no way to edit that at all?12:17
geirhaYou'd have to change the program in question to use some other means to select files12:18
q222How would you do that?12:19
geirhaaquire years of programming experience with the programming language the program is written in, and the gtk api, and it should be easy.12:20
duanedesignyou could open the folder in nautilus and search the images. then when you have on selected use the Wordpress Add Image button12:21
duanedesigni often take the images I am going to use in a particular post and put them in a seperate directory. This makes finding, and identifying them easier12:22
duanedesign<off topic> good to read geirha </off topic>12:23
geirhaI haven't tried zeitgeist yet, but I've read a little about it. I think it could simplify this type of task.12:24
duanedesigni followed zeitgeist a lot when it first was being developed. i had so mant options and chances to do a lot of coll stuf12:25
duanedesignAs it got popular 'politice' kind of got in the way of development and acceptance. Things seem to be improving again though. Thanks t some hard working fols on that team12:26
duanedesignbah, still dark here. need to turn on some light12:28
geirhaI read fols as fools first ;P12:28
duanedesigndarn it12:29
duanedesigngeirha: what distro do you run?12:31
duanedesignI am looking for Ubuntu and closely related Ubuntu distros to test my little program :)12:32
geirhaAnything but Ubuntu12:32
duanedesignohhh, no12:32
geirhaHehe, no, only Ubuntu :)12:33
duanedesignwhat verion?12:33
geirhaLTS on my desktop, latest stable on laptop12:33
duanedesignis that 12.0412:33
duanedesignand not 10.0412:34
geirha10.04. Still some days till 12.04, isn't it?12:34
duanedesignnot sure if my application rund on 10.0412:34
geirhaWhat's its deps?12:36
duanedesigngeirha: we just removed a few so to minimize it12:37
duanedesigngeirha: looks like - python-vte, python-gtk212:38
duanedesignIt is turning into a cool program. I use it a lot to build an extensive command library.12:40
duanedesignif you want the PPA12:40
duanedesignif you want a one of deb...12:40
duanedesignif you have the chance please try. it is a small onobtrusive app12:41
duanedesignwe are getting close to release and need all the feedback possible12:41
geirhaHm. Depends on most12:44
duanedesignok, thanks12:45
geirhaOh, it's a terminal emulator12:45
duanedesigntook that out yesterday...will see what happened.12:45
geirhaWhat does it use most for?12:45
duanedesignyou can select a command in your 'Command Dictionaty' and select Help. this shows you the Man page. People were having touble fiquring out q was the way to get back to the Terminal12:47
duanedesignMost has that info printed at bottom of screen12:47
duanedesignbut we have some up with an alternative :)12:48
geirhaAh, in that case I'd set most as a recommended package, and only use it if it's installed.12:48
duanedesigngood idea12:48
duanedesignin the new version you can clicj the  < command list in the top right an it hides all the UI and it operated like a 'normal' Terminal12:50
duanedesignsomething I really wanted so it would feel conftorable as a dailt terminal12:50
duanedesignI created it because i was tired of maintaining Tomboy notes full of commands that I hav come across, and it was not searchable:)12:51
duanedesignthe command  line fu integration is neat, That is dependant on the success of the site12:52
geirhacommand line fu?12:53
duanedesigngeirha: if you get a chance to use it for awhile I would appreciate anf and all feedback, harsh or not12:53
geirhaI'm running it through an ssh tunnel now, unthemed, so it's slow and ugly at the moment. I'll give it a proper try when I get home. :)12:54
duanedesigncomman line fu is a place where poeple can submit their commanfds12:54
duanedesignand people vote on them based on importance12:54
geirhaWhere they can submit broken commands apparently12:55
geirhaI'm seeing crazy stuff like for a in $(find ...) there12:55
duanedesignhopeful that is where users can doen vote those commands12:56
geirhaas a #bash regular, I get alot of shivers from those fu commands13:01
duanedesignthat is god input13:03
duanedesignWe have amany feature we could be working on (othet thenn tat)13:03
duanedesignif it does not add a lot value it should be dropped13:03
duanedesignThia application has coot a lot more popular then i ever imagined13:04
duanedesignI do not want to screw it up by putting unecessary bells and whistles13:04
geirhaWell, there are sane and useful commands in there, but it doesn't appear many people comment or vote, so filtering out the junk will be problematic13:05
geirhaduanedesign: chown should be sudo chown; only root can change ownership.22:25
geirhaduanedesign: find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ?  will fail for filenames containing whitespace or quote characters.22:26
geirhaA safe version is  grep -F ? *22:27
Unit193Well, a user can change ownership of files that user owns.22:33
geirhaUnit193: No22:49
geirhaA user can change group ownership, but not (user) ownership22:50
Unit193Ah, so I see.22:50
Unit193Sorry, my bad.22:50
bobweaverhello there I am looking for help in general with making a Makefile IDK if I even need to or not I am making a .deb package and am lost22:50
bobweaverI dont understand how to use the upsource in a make file22:50
bobweaverhere is my code (and others) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/zpanelcp/zpanelcp/files22:51
bobweaverMy question   in a video   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZYgwJVmn2Y22:52
geirhaduanedesign: My comments on the default commands in your clicompanion: http://paste.ubuntu.com/933248/22:54
duanedesignthank  you geirha !23:13
duanedesigngeirha: you know you can click the 'Hide Command' button and use CLi Companion just like an average Terminal. It strips away all the UI23:14
geirhaYeah, though I hope you remove all those colors in the final version :P23:16
bobweavergeirha,  do you know anything about making a Bash makefile or how to call to one ?23:16
geirhabash has no knowledge about makefiles23:17
geirhayou use make to interpret makefiles23:17
geirhaperhaps you want make -f makefile23:17
geirhaduanedesign: The File and Help menus are unreadable with white text on bright green and cyan backgrounds23:20
geirhaAnyway late here. I'm off to bed. Good night.23:21
bobweavergeirha,  I ahave a  installler script for a control panel I am making a .deb and here is what needs to happen http://paste.ubuntu.com/933270/23:25
jpdocHi, I just loaded Ubuntu 12.04 on an old pc just to try it out. Very basic user but I just can't get it to work. I enter username and password. Don't know what to do next? Should I get some kind of desktop? Like with windows?23:55
duanedesignWhen it boot you should only be asked for pass23:58
duanedesignjpdoc: did the screen have a graphics background or was it blac?23:58
jpdocits black,23:59
duanedesignafter you enter user an pass are you dropped to a shell prompt23:59
jpdocwith ~$23:59

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