
Maheshwas hoping if someone could provide an insight into this:04:10
=== LetoTheII is now known as LetoThe2nd
* apw gets his machine back together ...07:37
smbapw, What did you do to it?07:37
apwsmb, heh, put it back together after a parental visit ...07:46
apwppisati, moin07:46
apwNahesh, done07:47
smbapw, Ah, so sort of putting the office back together. :)07:47
apwsmb, that indeed07:47
apwsmb, but nowadays I have so much stuff plugged into my machine I think the only empty port is the firewire one07:47
smbCan see that happen. Maybe time for a docking bay. :)07:48
apwsmb, i wonder if this heap has one ... its pretty old so perhaps they are nice and cheap now07:52
smbapw, That is one of the things, that ThinkPads seemed to be good at. At least those seemed to have an additional docking connection. Most other seem to only offer a usb attachment.07:55
apwsmb, yeah don't see no stinking connector on it ... sigh07:55
* apw waits for his machine to update to the frozen archive08:07
apwonly 89 updates08:07
ppisati237 here...08:08
apwppisati, you are just not trying hard enough08:08
ppisaticuriosly just 76 on my panda... uhmm...08:11
apwlots of universe installed perhaps on the 237 box08:11
diwicis there a name for Q yet? 08:12
apwdiwic, not that i have seen yet no?08:12
apwi assume we really need to know before long though08:12
diwicyeah I feel so too08:12
apwdiwic, its normally on markshuttleworth.com when its there08:12
smbdiwic, While you are here and I remember...08:14
apwright before i get all settled in for the day i am going to reboot into todays 'fun'08:14
smbdiwic, I know its probably not the main target thing... but do you know who would be interested / responsible for encoding into mp3 (from rhythmbox or other applications)08:15
diwicsmb, who as in person or application?08:15
diwicsmb, not understanding the question really08:16
smbdiwic, In person (I sort of know its done trhough gstreamer stack)08:16
smbThe problem I see is a) its not working correctly b) all visible ways of modifying the used gstreamer chain have gone08:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 945987 in rhythmbox "No Settings are available in "Preferred format", only preset defaults are used" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:17
smbThat bug report is about b) but also (without knowing so) complains about a)08:18
* diwic reads bug08:18
smbdiwic, The settings dialog is purely a UI thing I guess... Not sure why it was seen as not needed anymore... The other problem seems to be that something seems wrong with the chain and I am not sure where the heck it would be found nowadays...08:20
diwicsmb, hmm, can it export to ogg just fine, only mp3 is the problem?08:21
smbdiwic, Right, ogg seems ok08:21
smbdiwic, In essence the produced mp3 is vbr but has no xing header08:21
smbSo bitrate and length displayed are way off08:22
* ppisati -> reboot08:22
diwicsmb, ah, so it *can* export to mp3, but the result is broken?08:22
smbdiwic, right08:22
smbAnd without the dialog there is no way to verify or modify the way it does the encoding 08:23
smb(eg. have a different quality setting)08:23
diwicsmb, I know a few gstreamer people, but not sure if any of them are into mp308:24
diwicsmb, gstreamer-devel could be a place to ask08:25
smbdiwic, I think a good first step would be to get the dialog working08:25
smbapw, You cannot hear us anymore08:25
diwicapw, if your having mumble trouble, can you please pastebin me the output of "pacmd ls" 08:26
smbdiwic, Ok, I will try it there then08:26
apwdiwic, i am having 'not using the damn connector that is marked selected in the g08:26
apwgnome thingy' trouble at the moment08:26
diwicapw, IIRC the mumble audio wizard allows you to select a device there as well08:27
diwicapw, maybe it overrides gnome/pulseaudio's default setting?08:27
apwdiwic, well it didn't before the last reboot, wtf, i hate hate hate pulse08:28
apwopen letter to pulse "do what i say or get deinstalled"08:28
diwicapw, you can file a bug for it, against pulseaudio. Then I can spam you with requests to try newer versions and open bugs in upstream bug trackers. ;-) 08:29
* apw cries08:29
diwicapw, seriously though, I *do* want to fix it. 08:29
apwdiwic, yep i know, and i want it to work08:30
apwdiwic, its just every bloody morning ... every bloody time ... its broken somehow, i hate it08:30
apwdiwic, what against bugness fun08:30
apwdiwic, and compared to the utter hideous complexity of pulse the kernel seems easy08:30
smbapw, At least its not you disk or raid that is not working...08:31
apwsmb, heh ... at least that08:31
apwdiwic, pus08:31
* apw fails to use his keybaord as well ... sigh08:31
diwicapw, pulseaudio is far from perfect; but we're left with two options 1) be patient and try to resolve the bugs that still are there or 2) replace it with something else.08:36
ppisatiok, seems i've some mumble/pulse audio prob too08:36
ppisatii can hear you08:36
apwdiwic, heh understood indeed... its just an ongoing torture ;)08:36
ppisatibut you can only hear my music! :)08:36
smbppisati, We only hear your music08:36
diwicppisati, the output of "pacmd ls" please?08:37
ppisatidiwic: a mumble restart fixed it :)08:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 982886 in pulseaudio "selected input in the gnome input selector is not the input that mumble uses" [Undecided,New]08:39
apwdiwic, ^^08:39
ppisatidiwic: pulse didn't pick the correct input (mic vs $somethingelse)08:39
diwicapw, thanks08:40
apwdiwic, i have the 'default' selected in mumble, and its stubbonly the 'inbuilt audio' and not the usb mic08:40
diwicapw, hmm, maybe it has something with the "media-role:phone" that mumble identifies itself with08:42
diwicapw, I guess that if you run "pacmd stat" it would show the snowball mic as default source?08:44
apwDefault source name: alsa_input.usb-BLUE_MICROPHONE_Blue_Snowball_201111-00-Snowball.analog-stereo08:45
apwdiwic, ^^08:45
diwicapw, yep. So the analog input is either because of an media-role override or application override.08:45
diwicapw, how reproducible is this?08:46
apwdiwic, its the first i've seen this i think, where its not possible to change it08:47
apwdiwic, i updated today and rebooted, from fridays archive to todays08:48
apwdiwic, i have tried moving mumble to the blue and that works and when i put it back to 'default' it goes back to the wrong one08:48
diwicapw, ah, interesting. Can you execute this command "pacmd set-log-level 4". Then switch back to 'default'. Then pastebin me "grep pulseaudio /var/log/syslog"08:49
apwgrep pulseaudio /var/log/syslog08:55
apwdiwic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/932257/08:55
diwicapw, thanks. PulseAudio says "not guilty": "Apr 16 09:55:02 dm pulseaudio[2964]: [pulseaudio] module-stream-restore.c: Not restoring device for stream source-output-by-media-role:phone, because already set"08:58
diwicapw, let me dive into the mumble source code to see how it opens the pulseaudio device. It'll take a little while so use whatever workaround you prefer if you need audio.08:59
apwdiwic, ok thanks09:03
apwdiwic, oh and just for completeness i have restarted mumble following those being attached and made the defaults; to be in this position.  plus audio output changes approriatly just fine ... i also have usb speaker fun09:05
jorgesuarez_hi, is there some place where is explained the removal of -server flavour for 12.04? there are no technical implications? i find the release notes too brief09:06
apwjorgesuarez_, there were no configuration differences which could not be done in userspace09:06
apwjorgesuarez_, therefore there was no point in building two identicle binaries09:06
jorgesuarez_so, preemption and timer interrupt can also be switched? didn't know09:07
apwjorgesuarez_, no but they had the same settings09:07
jorgesuarez_i thought based on https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/preparing-to-install.html#intro-kernel-diffs that preemption and timer interrupt were different on -server09:08
jorgesuarez_maybe something has changed since 10.10?09:08
apwthat was back in 10.10 thats practically the jurassic :)09:08
jorgesuarez_but i can't find non-jurassic docs ;)09:09
apwdecisions to change things like that are discussed at UDS and would be in theory at least documented in the write up of those09:09
apwon the blueprints for each release since09:09
jorgesuarez_the blueprints on launchpad, you mean?09:10
apwthe one and only09:10
jorgesuarez_i'll take a look then, thanks!09:10
jorgesuarez_(sorry, i'll be afk now but come back later)09:11
diwicapw, it's mumble's fault. It explicitly sets the wrong device to be used. See comment #2 in your bug for some explanation.09:34
apwdiwic, bad piece of junk ... did you shove it over to mumble ?09:34
apwdiwic, i vote for (1) so it moves correctly09:35
* cking rummages around for some old SSD H/W09:42
* ppisati -> reboot again09:57
ppisatiso now my lcd doesn't recognize the output from my motherboard anymore10:15
ppisatibut works with my panda10:15
ppisatii'm officialy sad now...10:15
apwppisati, since you did what, rebooted ?10:16
ppisatiapw: nope, tested a new linaro patch10:25
ppisatiapw: attached the panda to the right lcd10:25
ppisatiapw: spent some time with it (kernel hanged, paniced, etcetc)10:25
ppisatiapw: decided it was not worth it, reattached the lcd to the hdmi output of my desktop and now it doesn't sync anymore with it10:26
ppisatibut it works with another source...10:26
apwphysical problem, connector perhaps10:29
apwor the cable, slightly dammaged at the connector10:29
ppisatiapw: i don't have another cable to test, but connectors look good10:35
apwppisati, don't know what to think, as you didn't change th s/w on the desktop it has to be physical no ?10:48
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ppisatiapw: definitely, i'm already buying a cheap discrete graphics card10:52
ppisatiapw: my video output was mobo integrated (intel dvi + vga)10:52
apwppisati, how annoying10:53
apwppisati, i can see that that will work soooo well :/11:01
apwppisati, does the vga output work on it?11:01
ppisatiIMO it's the motherboard that is dying11:08
ppisatibtw, gfx card bought11:09
apwyou are not having the highest luck right now are you11:09
apwwhat make did you get?  nvidia/radeon/?11:09
ppisatiati $something11:10
ppisati30 bucks with 3 output11:10
ppisativga + dvi + hdmi11:10
ppisatianyway, i hope i get by tomorrow (but i doubt it)11:10
ppisatigoing from dual to single screen sucks11:11
ppisatiand yes, it seems i don't have so much luck with video related things lately11:11
apwyeah i bet it would ... i guess one day be livable, pretend one is travelling11:11
* ppisati -> lunch11:14
henrixapw: remember the fsam7400 driver thing i was looking at last week?11:18
apwhenrix, yep11:18
henrixapw: the new driver does not support the bug reporter system11:18
henrixapw: bug #97925311:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 979253 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at c00fdd20" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97925311:19
henrixso, i guess we still need to keep the old driver anyway11:19
apwhenrix, now lovely ... i think you said benh was maintaining the new driver ?11:19
henrixyep, he's the commiter11:19
henrixshall i ping him?11:19
apwhenrix, might be worth approaching whoever is doing that and see if you can make it support it11:19
henrixapw: ack, i'll try that11:20
apwhenrix, yeah i would indeed11:20
henrixapw: thanks11:20
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brendandherton - hi12:40
hertonbrendand, hi12:41
brendandherton - any -proposed kernel news for today?12:41
hertonbrendand, oneiric finished verification, will go today for testing, you can start testing it. Lucid we are reverting one unverified patch, packages should be in proposed tomorrow I expect12:42
tgardnerherton, which Lucid patch has failed to be verified ?12:44
henrixtgardner: the reverted patch was 73ae7483541a7e5e90cc4ce09a08763d86945486.12:44
henrixtgardner: "USB: EHCI: go back to using the system clock for QH unlinks"12:44
tgardnerhenrix, I think Ming Lei broke his hand and is gonna be out for a few days. Lemme see if I can reproduce and/or verify this patch before you get too crazy. Otherwise we'll have crackheads coming out of the woodwork in a few days complaining that their USB is too slow.12:50
hertontgardner, ok, the bug number: 624510, no one said anything despite several pings for testing there at least12:51
tgardnerherton, yeah, I see that. gimme an hour or so....12:53
hertonsure, no problem12:53
desrti guess it's beyond hope for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/956046 in precise?13:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 956046 in linux "intel driver fails to use dual-link LVDS if lid is down at boot" [Medium,Confirmed]13:38
tgardnerdesrt, is the patch referenced in the bug report merged in Linus' repo yet ?13:42
desrtno.  it's on the to-merge-in-next-version repo13:43
desrtintel-drm-next iirc13:43
tgardnerdesrt, it seems like it might qualify as  a bug fix for the 3.4 merge window, though I haven't actually looked at the code. Have you asked upstream about it ?13:45
desrtupstream has taken it13:45
desrtthe freedesktop.org bug is marked FIXED13:46
tgardnerdesrt, no, I meant have you asked them to get it into the 3.4 merge window ?13:46
desrtoh.  i have no idea.13:46
* desrt has no idea how the kernel works13:46
tgardnerdesrt, you don't necessarily have to know how it works. just ask them to merge that specific patch because it fixes your problem. you never know, they might listen.13:47
desrti'd guess that drm-intel-next is what will go into the next release?13:48
tgardneryep, 3.513:48
desrttgardner: so i think it's already slated to be merged (along with a bunch of other things)13:48
tgardnerwhich is months away yet13:48
desrtso you mean a 3.4.x stable release13:48
tgardnerdesrt, 3.4 isn't in the can, so it could still make it as a bug fix13:48
desrti guess i can ping on the freedesktop bug...13:49
tgardnerdesrt, right13:49
desrtokay.  done13:49
desrthow does that affect ubuntu?  aren't we on 3.2?13:49
tgardnerdesrt, our policy is that we typically only pull fixes from upstream, either 3.2 stable or Linus' repo.13:50
desrtso if they're willing to land it on a stable branch then you'll take it13:51
tgardnerdesrt, correct, but it _first_ has to get merged in Lunus' repo13:51
ogasawaratgardner: speaking of 3.4, I've rebased q to 3.4-rc3, just gonna do a test build and boot then push13:53
tgardnerogasawara, ack13:53
apwRAOF, Sarvatt ^^ any thoughts on the dual-lane stuff above ?14:10
* apw may be unreliable for a bit, some network reconfigs about to get to t14:13
apwto the 'oh crap' stage14:13
* henrix can't find out how to add a release note task to a bug14:15
apwhenrix, i am sure i know14:15
apwhenrix, give me the bug # and i'll use it to remember ;)14:15
henrixapw: yeah, i guess i just need to add the bug to the "Release Notes for Ubuntu" proj14:15
henrixapw: but can't figure it out how :(14:15
apwyeah its something like that indeed14:15
henrixapw: the bug is 97925314:15
apwthrow me the number and i'll figure it out and let you know :)14:16
apwbug #97925314:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 979253 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at c00fdd20" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97925314:16
henrixbtw, benh replied. no plans of adding support in the amilo-rfkill14:16
henrixi may give it a try14:16
apwhenrix, ok its 'also affects project', then near the top '(Choose another project)' and then ubuntu-release-notes14:17
apwhenrix, if you want to write some proposed words you can add them in the top of the description14:18
henrixapw: i've looked at that, but then it asks for an URL14:18
apwseemed to work for me, it has a box for a url but higher up you can change the thing from linux to something else and it goes away14:18
apwthe 'Choose another project' thing14:18
apwhenrix, anyhow its on there now14:18
henrixapw: ah, got it! haven't seen the "choose another project" thing14:19
henrixapw: thanks, i'll add a small description to that14:19
apwhenrix, put like "Release Notes:" at the top of the description bit, so it is nice and obvious14:22
henrixapw: ack14:27
* ogasawara back in 2014:43
henrixtgardner: any luck reproducing the lucid bug?14:53
tgardnerhenrix, I have not observed the original bug to the extreme taht some of the reports have. dd times for a 4.6GB iso went from 18:57 to 18:42.14:55
tgardnerso, at least it didn't regress.14:55
henrixtgardner: you tried with or without the patch?14:55
tgardnerhenrix, both. I'll add the info top the bug14:56
henrixtgardner: ok. so i guess we can just revert it, right?14:56
tgardnerhenrix, actually, I think we should leave it in for now. its not regressing as far as I can tell, plus it might help the folks that have affected HW14:57
henrixtgardner: ok, thanks. let me just ping bjf14:57
bjfhenrix, i'm watching14:57
henrixbjf: yeah, i though so. just referred you name to make sure you would get the notifications :)14:58
tgardnerhenrix, bjf: one thing I should do is rerun with the generic kernel since I think it uses a different I/O scheduler in lucid.14:59
bjftgardner: ack, i'm going to stare at the code a bit14:59
tgardnerhenrix, started the ISO copy with -generic. will let you know the outcome in 20 mins or so.15:03
henrixtgardner: ok, thanks15:04
bjftgardner, henrix, this same patch has been in Oneiric since 3.0.0-8.10 (Aug. 5)15:10
* apw might be sorta back15:31
tgardnerhenrix, bjf: bug #624510 marked verification-done-lucid. see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/624510/comments/6415:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 624510 in linux "Copying To USB Is Very Slow" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62451015:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 624510 in linux "Copying To USB Is Very Slow" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:57
bjftgardner: ack15:57
apwtgardner, any idea what 'tx aggregation enabled on ra = xxx:xxx:xxx:' means?  this is from an iwlwifi16:11
tgardnerapw, I think is 'high throughput' aggregating packats.16:12
apwtgardner, i am unsure if i am any the wiser16:12
tgardnerapw, it seems like its just an informational blurb16:13
sforsheeapw, it means acking a block of packets rather than each individual packet16:14
apwsforshee, oh so reducing the slots on the channel for ack use, interesting16:14
tgardnersforshee, what does it say when it aggregates multiple PDUs into one ?16:14
sforsheetgardner, who is "it"? iwlwifi?16:16
tgardnersforshee, that, or the mac802.1 stack. is there any indication that HT mode is in effect ?16:16
sforsheetgardner, I don't know that there's anything in dmesg, but I think you can query with iw16:17
tgardnerapw, anymore feedback on your __ticket_spin_lock patch set ?16:27
apwtgardner, looks like henrix has also successfully tested it, so i'll ship 'em to the list so you can all weep16:36
tgardnerapw, ack16:37
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* apw recons on getting fed ... see you tommorrow18:35
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tgardnerogasawara, how do we target a bug for release noting ? See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/969304/comments/2919:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 969304 in linux-firmware "Regression: Missing Firmware Files phanfw.bin and nx3fwct.bin (precise 12.04 beta)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:40
ogasawaratgardner: nominate for precise and milestone for 12.04 final19:40
tgardnerogasawara, but its really an invalid bug19:40
tgardnerthe fix is to update the NIC BIOS19:40
tgardnerI wanna make the solution gets in the release notes19:41
ogasawaratgardner: ah, there's a release notes team, lemme see if I can remember it19:41
tgardnerogasawara, apw was teaching henrix how to do it just this AM, but I wan't paying close attaention19:41
tgardnerogasawara, maybe skaet knows off-hand how to do it19:44
henrixogasawara: just pick the "also affects project"19:45
ogasawarahenrix: and then I thought it was ubuntu-release-notes?19:45
henrixogasawara: yep, just "choose another project"19:45
henrixogasawara: and use the ubuntu-release-notes19:45
ogasawarahenrix: ah, thanks.  I was clicking "also affect distribution"19:46
henrixogasawara: yeah, i spent some time trying to figure out how to do it19:46
henrixogasawara: at the end apw did it for me :)19:46
ogasawaratgardner: ok, should be added19:47
ogasawaraseems odd that it's not a subset of the Ubuntu project, but oh well19:47
tgardnerogasawara, hmm, so I should just add something to the comment block ?19:48
ogasawaratgardner: I usually update the bug description to contain the release notes text19:48
tgardnerogasawara, k, will do19:49
tgardnerjsalisbury, looks like bug #908279 has a good reproducer and known good/bad kernel versions. since it appears to be a Precise regression, would you care to work with the reporter to bisect the kernel ?20:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 908279 in linux-lts-backport-oneiric "vm.dirty_bytes should be set to something sane" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90827920:03
jsalisburytgardner, sure thing20:03
tgardnerjsalisbury, wrong bug, see bug #98027920:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 980279 in linux "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#5 stuck for 22s! [xfce4-sensors-p:1873]; EIP is at generic_exec_single+0x66/0x80" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98027920:03
* tgardner -> EOD20:04
jsalisburytgardner, that is the same bug :-)20:04
jsalisburytgardner, oops, nevermind20:05
jcastrojsalisbury: hey so you responded before I was able to report, but the last test kernel was working and only bailed on me last night, it just took way longer than usual.20:28
jsalisburyjcastro, ahh, ok.  thanks for the update.  I'll see if I can bisect further.20:29
jcastrook should I try running the vanilla kernel like you asked?20:29
jsalisburyjcastro, it wouldn't hurt to test the lastest precise kernel20:30
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bjfogasawara: did pgraner get anywhere on that kernel hang he was getting on friday ?21:58
Sarvatthmm i can only modinfo vesafb on i386, not amd6422:21
apwSarvatt, that makes sense i think ... is vesa valid on 64bit ?22:22
apwSarvatt, actually, i can do it on my 64bit system22:25
Sarvattso just something borked on this one machine, sorry for the noise, thought it might explain why i get text splashes for the past few releases with the blobs :)22:26
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brycehwould someone be able to roll a kernel build of http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~danvet/drm-intel/?h=drm-intel-next-queued?23:07
bryceh(I also emailed apw that this is apparently the new drm-intel-* branch of the month, that would be worth auto-building)23:07

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