
pleia2Unit193 (and anyone else interested in editoral review): have at it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue26101:41
pleia2ended up bullet pointing those two sections, no use losing sleep over it01:41
* nlsthzn got called out to an unexpected night shift :( 01:47
nlsthznso missed out on the summaries01:47
Unit193nlsthzn: You got it then?01:53
nlsthznUnit193: I am not following (which may be because it is 0600am and I have been awake the whole time)01:56
Unit193Heh, felt so late here too, but then I remembered dI got about 3 hours last night.01:57
Unit193echo "that take place in IRC"|sed s/in/on/02:07
Unit193Errr... English...02:07
Unit193And in the same one, s/of/or/ "Jorge Castro: Ubuntu OpenWeek call for instructors"02:08
Unit193"about the end of life of the last Pre-Unity release." Isn't 10.04 LTS still alive?02:12
Unit193And text in quotes is sometimes starting out in caps, and sometimes not...02:13
pleia2you're welcome to make direct edits02:17
Unit193I'm sure we went over this already, but the "new members" section differs from the "TeamReport".  I want to make sure they're needed, I'm being nitpicky. :P02:19
pleia2differs from?02:20
pleia2the team report is from march, the new members are from the latest meeting (in april)02:20
Unit193Doh, I'm an idiot. :P02:22
pleia2the team report is just laggy because it takes a while for teams to write them (me included)02:22
Unit193So, any changes you want?02:23
pleia2you can make the other changes you mentioned above, I'd do s/last Pre-Unity release/last non-LTS Pre-Unity release02:25
Unit193...And wiki crapped out on me, I'll see if I can get it back.02:26
Unit193And it's using a cross of en_US and en_UK.02:30
pleia2we want us02:30
Unit193Meh, didn't see an order of names and guessed I was supposed to toss mine in. :P02:37
Unit193pleia2: Feel free to take apeek at the diff.02:38
pleia2Unit193: thanks :)02:39
Unit193Sure, if it helps, but I know you've gotta be lacking if you're calling me.02:42
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: sorry, I had to rush for lots of things for school, but I promise that the UWN in Spanish will be ready for tomorrow, don't worry about ir03:38
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: tomorrow, as soon as I get home, I'll finish to translate the UWN. I have to go now, but it'll be ready.04:31
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: great! have a good night :)05:31
dholbachgood morning06:40
bkerensadholbach: starting early this week on our next issue07:12
dholbachbkerensa, cool, do you have any plans for it already?07:13
bkerensadholbach: I did a rought draft intro about the candidate window but I hope you will expand it because your words are much more eloquent07:14
bkerensadholbach: now I am just harvesting sayings of our devs ;)07:14
dholbachcool - thanks for that07:15
dholbachI'm sure you're eloquent as well :-)07:15
bkerensadholbach: fyi we can meet any day except tuesday at UDS.... I am going to be crewing for cjohnston that day07:16
dholbachI'm sure we'll find a time :)07:17
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
SilverLiongood morning08:03
benonsoftwarepleia2: Sorry for not writing any summaries for the UWN, I started school again today08:05
akgranerHey all - looks like the newsletter is ready to go  - I forgot to tell everyone I was in Indiana this weekend and flew back in time to see Warren Haynes last night.  Crazy yet fun weekend.12:00
SilverLionakgraner: saw the pics on FB ;)12:09
akgranerOh that's not all of them12:10
akgraner:-) - it was a great show, and some much needed down time, but I still talked about Linux, Ubuntu, and Linaro.  :-/12:11
akgranerI wanted to get a picture of me giving Warren Haynes an Ubuntu CD, but sadly my family removed all my Ubuntu Swag from the car and my purse before we left the house12:12
SilverLionakgraner: :/12:13
akgranerYeah I know sometimes I just can't turn off my in-grained marketing gene :-)12:13
risoI just submitted an article to the fridge: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/?p=479112:48
SilverLiondelivers a 40412:50
SilverLionakgraner: my article was accepted by ronnie and will be published next month with your daughter ;)12:52
akgraner:-)  thank goodness you didn't talk to her.. one day paybacks are going to be a pain for me I am sure :-)12:53
SilverLionakgraner: well hang on ...12:54
* SilverLion is going to send a FB-Message to Becca12:55
akgranerUm, everything she says gets to be reviewed by Pete or I :-)12:55
akgranerwell unless she post it on FB - then I just tell her what to remove12:56
risomm, so it does. Well, I'm not sure how to get the link to it then. It is in the fridge under the ubuntu acct. Title: CLI bindings for libcanberra and a new user timer app12:56
akgranerriso - I'll look for it  - in just a second13:00
risoah, so maybe this works: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit13:00
akgranerwhen did you submit it?13:00
riso~40 min13:01
akgranerahh ok  - I'll take a look in just a few - on the phone right now - once I finish this call, I'll look though13:05
risogreat, no problem13:05
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pleia2I'll publish in about 2.5 hours18:39
pleia2so if anyone else can do edtorial review that'd be great: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue26118:40
Unit193Since I was last person to edit it, I shouldn't. (Though, now it's not the middle of the night)18:42
risohello. If it hasn't been processed yet, I submitted this today: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit19:00
pleia2I'll take a look19:01
pleia2"Once you do this, be sure to notify a Fridge editor" is an important step, we aren't alerted when people create posts in WP19:01
pleia2riso: could your post explain why this is valuable news to Ubuntu users?19:02
pleia2(it's unclear to me)19:02
pleia2ah, I see akgraner was going to take a look too19:05
risoyeah, I already posted something here several hours ago19:06
pleia2thanks :) sorry I didn't see it19:06
risoThe most important thing at the level of Ubuntu users would be the announcement of the new app, the other half is more developer level. I'm not sure if there's a more appropriate place19:08
pleia2is this a default part of Ubuntu? I guess I don't really understand what the app is and why people need to be informed about it19:10
risoit is currently a "blessed gnome" dependency, i believe19:11
pleia2"blessed gnome"?19:11
risoah, the library is19:11
pleia2maybe edit the post to describe what the library is used for that would impact regular users?19:12
risoI believe it is a standard component of the gnome base.19:14
risothat could be done. The impact is really only visible to developers though.19:14
risothe application using it is user-level of course19:14
pleia2ok, maybe add a line about the news being for developers? we get everyone from brand new linux users to hard core developers reading the fridge, so it needs to be written so that even if not everyone understands it, the audience is clear19:14
risothat makes sense. It should be partitioned into two pieces for the relative audiences then19:15
risoPerhaps it should be two separate posts even?19:15
pleia2I think we should keep it to one19:16
risoVery good19:16
pleia2maybe just used some heading tags that say something like "For developers" and "For users"19:16
risoRight, that's what I was thinking19:16
risoI can't take care of it right now though...I have to go.19:17
pleia2no problem, just mention in here later when you can19:17
risosure, thanks for the review!19:18
SilverLionakgraner, ping21:16
akgranerSilverLion, pong21:16
SilverLionakgraner just leaving the note that i am there if you need me ;)21:16
akgranerok thanks - it's Monday and I am digging through my email after being away from my inbox for 2.5 days21:17
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue26121:25

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