
cjwatsonSearching.  (It takes a little while since it has to download all the build logs.)00:01
cjwatsonBet it's faster than you clicking through all of them, though. :-)00:02
micahgyes, thanks00:02
cjwatsonWere you build-testing them as well, or just throwing them back against the wall?00:02
slangasekso what do people think of a sudo upload for bug #982684 and bug #979319?00:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 982684 in sudo "sudo doesn't apply global environment settings from /etc/environment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98268400:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 979319 in sudo "[FFe] sudo do not remember password when std(in|out|err) are not connected to a terminal" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97931900:03
micahgcjwatson: test building one arch first00:03
cjwatsonOK, I'll not bother :)00:04
cjwatsonIf they fail, at least the new reason will be visible to all00:04
micahgbuildds are empty enough00:04
cjwatsonmicahg: done  gconjugue gshutdown gtkmm-utils gxine lasso luakit medit monkey-bubble mrtrix mrwtoppm netams ofono olpc-kbdshim opensync pan pinot psimedia ruby-gnome2 sagasu scenic sigx strongswan tomoe  so far00:41
cjwatsonscript still seems to be running so I guess there might be some more00:42
cjwatsonbut I'm off back to bed now, so if you have more, ask somebody else :)00:45
micahgcjwatson: ok, thanks for your help00:45
cjwatsonoh, I think that's it, it had started on superseded ones (it's not very smart)00:45
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I noticed it had been committed after I asked.01:03
slangasekoh bah, sudo doesn't call pam_getenvlist(); I guess I can't fix that one so easily02:02
infinityBy the way, no one copy eglibc to the release pocket until gcc-4.6 is also ready to go.02:31
slangasekinfinity: how's eglibc itself coming on armhf?03:21
slangasekdocumented on the pad03:21
jbicha^ that fix took me a while to figure out03:37
micahgcjwatson: when you get up, can you do a a search in the rebuild for 'libgtk2.0-dev : Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.24.10-0ubuntu6) but it is not going to be installed' and retry?03:38
* micahg regrets not killing sqlite2 for precise03:44
pittiGood morning04:24
pittiinfinity: the apport workaround fully fixes the problem for apport04:25
pittiinfinity: the GTK+ patch was reviewed upstream, I'll commit it upstream and merge it into today's GTK .1 upload04:25
pittiinfinity: as we have similarly large dupe lists in software-center and other places; I'll reassign those bugs and dupe them04:25
pittiinfinity: mvo's patch seems fine04:25
pittiinfinity: sru-release -r does the -proposed -> release copying, it's in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools04:26
pittistgraber: yes, our CDs have plenty of space now that linux-firmware went on a 5 MB diet :)04:26
* pitti starts with the GNOME 3.4.1 packaging, see last Friday's release meeting04:31
pitti^ FTR, I used --no-lp for the sync, as I uploaded to Debian and Ubuntu at the same time05:31
pittianyone who could review my GNOME 3.4.1 -proposed uploads?06:02
=== doko_ is now known as doko
slangasekpitti: I don't feel like I'm in the loop on this - you say these uploads were approved at the release meeting?06:05
pittiwell, not in the sense of pre-reviewing the chhanges06:06
pittionly that we'll land the gnome 3.4.1 bits today06:06
pittias it's being released today, and tarballs come in06:06
pittithe .1 tarballs are traditionally on a tight schedule06:07
pittiglib/gtk have bigger changes, as expected; the others should be mostly harmless06:08
pittie. g. gdk-pixbuf is rather simple (and has a nice security fix, too)06:08
pittiself-rejecting glib2.0, need to check something06:25
didrockspitti: unity ready ^07:18
didrockspitti: and the compiz-plugins-extra rebuilds for c-p-m ABI break ^07:52
pittididrocks: cheers07:52
didrockspitti: thanks :-)07:52
didrocksok, now that the morning ping is ended, let's finish the week-end email backlog :)07:52
didrocksok with this fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-compizconfig-gconf/+bug/979770 ? quite safe, tested by seb128 and I08:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 979770 in compizconfig-backend-gconf "[regression] Precise: GNOME Classic starts without any compiz plugins loaded for Guest and new users" [High,In progress]08:35
seb128didrocks, I continued running that over the w.e, I confirm it works ;-)08:35
didrocksgreat! ;)08:35
pittiseb128: if only we had a glib which would provide g_free(), g_strdup0(), and all that stuff..08:37
pittierr, didrocks ^08:37
pittididrocks: LGTM08:37
didrockspitti: life would have been wonderful right? But such things can't exist! :)08:38
didrockspitti: uploaded! (more seriously as they wanted to be desktop agnostic, they didn't want to use glib even if it's widespread in kde… but well…)08:41
seb128didrocks, right, though it's cc-gconf and gconf uses glib :p08:42
didrocksseb128: ironic, isn't it? ;)08:42
dokopitti, I think it's time to remove zope2.12 and python2.6, could you do that?  bug 97992308:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 979923 in xpyb "Python 2.6 and several virtual packages are still available in 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97992308:59
pittidoko: hm, do we have a newer zope in precise/09:01
pitti-- precise/universe i386 deps on zope2.12:09:01
pittiI can't find zope2.13 or zope2.1409:01
pittidoko: ah, the description says; I guess those three should be removed along then?09:04
dokopitti, I don't understand ...09:05
pittidoko: I mean, above three packages depend on zope2.14 | zope2.13 | zope2.12 | zope2.11 | zope2.10 | zope2.9 | zope2.809:05
pittidoko: but AFAICS we don't have any other zope version packaged, so shoudl I just remove these three rdepends, too?09:05
pittiwell, in fact we don't have the zope2.12 binary either, so they are uninstallable anyway09:06
pittidoko: both removed, blacklisted, bug updated09:07
infinity+* Excessive dependencies have been culled from Requires: lines09:08
infinity+  in .pc files. Dependent modules may have to declare dependencies09:08
infinity+  that there were getting 'for free' in the past.09:08
infinitypitti: ^--- That's a scary change for a .1 ...09:08
dokopitti, which rdepends are you talking about?09:10
dokoahh, zope-*09:10
pittiinfinity: I think that's catching up with changes that we already have; the actual diff doesn't change the .pc09:10
dokoyes, I think so09:10
infinitypitti: Kay, fair enough.09:10
pittidoko: kidn of a false postiive; as zope2.12 never actually built, these were uninstallable already09:10
pittidoko: but I guess we can still remove them, but not blacklist?09:11
infinitypitti: Other bits of the upstream changelog don't instill confidence either (behaviour changes that "may affect applications doing [X]"), but I don't know GTK+ well enough to know if any of it matter to the real world.09:11
pittiinfinity: where do you read this?09:12
pittiinfinity: I don't see it in NEWS?09:13
infinitypitti: README.09:13
infinity+* GtkApplication no longer uses the gtk mainloop wrappers, so09:13
infinity+  it is no longer possible to use gtk_main_quit() to stop it.09:13
infinity+* GTK+ now uses <Primary> instead of <Control> in keyboard accelerators,09:13
infinity+  for improved cross-platform handling. This should not affect09:13
infinity+  applications, unless they parse or create these accelerator09:13
infinity+  manually.09:13
pittiinfinity: ah, same thing -- that's catchign up with changes that were introduced way earlier09:13
infinityThose two both look like "we don't think people do this anyway, so no big deal" gotchas that might explode other people's code. :P09:14
pittiall those changes would indeed be qutie scary for a .109:14
infinitypitti: Ahh, alright.  Fair enough.09:14
RiddellI'm going to upload 55 kde-l10n packages to import the translations into launchpad, ok to upload to precise?09:14
pittithey don't have build skew, so no need for -proposed IMHO09:14
infinitypitti: I hadn't gotten to auditing source yet, I just found the README in the sea of gettext poop. ;)09:15
pittiinfinity: so you started with the hardest package first :)09:15
pittiinfinity: (gdk-pixbuf and screensaver are trivial against that, for consolation)09:15
infinitygtk's probably not that bad, I just need to download the diff and pipe it through filterdiff.09:16
infinityAll the autogenerated crap makes it impossible to manage in a browser.09:17
pittiinfinity: oh, indeed; I usually use "queuediff", and look at it in vim09:17
pittimuch easier to jump around with /^---09:17
infinityYeah, I need a browser extension to allow some simple regexes (actually, just the ^ anchor would be enough) in firefox text searches.09:18
infinityThis seems like it would be trivial to write.  For someone who spoke XUL.  Which I don't.09:18
Riddellpotential spamming in process09:26
infinitystgraber: queuebot needs to learn to ignore kde-l10n-*09:28
Riddellinfinity: happy for me to accept these?09:29
infinityRiddell: Already done.09:30
infinityAnd now we'll get spammed again. :P09:30
Laneykick the bot for a minute :P09:30
pittithanks infinity09:34
infinityHrm.  Won't this metacity change mean that people who have their terminal application set to something !gnome-terminal will get a different behaviour on C-A-t?09:36
infinityOr does GNOME no longer let you set a preferred terminal? :P09:36
pittiinfinity: that too09:37
pittiinfinity: I also left a comment in the bug and in the pad that this breaks translations09:37
infinitypitti: Rejected for now, and noted why in the bug.09:41
stgraberinfinity: now ignoring kde-l10n-*09:45
* infinity hugs queuebot.09:45
pittibonjour stgraber09:48
infinityDearest soyuz, where did you put my eglibc binaries?09:54
infinityFinished 7 hours ago (took 5 hours, 12 minutes, 7.4 seconds) (on armhf)09:54
infinity     libc6 | 2.15-0ubuntu7 |       precise | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc09:54
infinity^-- No armhf09:54
infinity     libc6 | 2.15-0ubuntu9 | precise-proposed | amd64, armel, i386, powerpc09:54
pittihm, nothing in NEW09:55
* infinity goes to look at publisher logs...09:56
infinityI bet http://launchpadlibrarian.net/102105469/3Ixhqwb17uQG7eDWJryLXayy4i.txt relates. :/09:56
infinityAnd it's killing the publisher.  \o/09:57
* infinity works on getting that fixed.10:00
infinityOkay, publisher should be fixed, but at ~60s per kde-l10n queue entry, it'll take a while to run. :P10:07
stgraberHallo pitti10:07
* pitti applauds infinifixitall10:08
infinitypitti: Oh, after this publisher run, there's a preeeeetty fair chance that britney will explode and tell you that armhf is a mess of uninstallable packages (and image builds will have the same issue).10:10
infinitypitti: It'll all normalize once gcc-4.6/eglibc get copied.10:10
pittiinfinity: oh, more missing armhf binaries?10:10
pittiI thought they were only missing in -proposed10:10
infinitypitti: (Unfortunate side effect of having to seed the world with a bootstrap archive, so anything newly-built on armhf depends libc6 (>= 2.15-0ubuntu8), which isn't in the archive yet)10:11
pittiI just won't look for the next couple of hours then :)10:11
infinity7 or 8 hours, probably, given that gcc-4.6 on armel has a way to go.10:12
infinityBut yeah, it'll sort itself.10:12
infinityNot an issue for the buildd pipeline, since those packages ARE available there, at least. :P10:12
infinityHoly crap, Rosetta, why are you such utter fail?10:13
infinitySeriously, a minute per kde-l10n-* binary.10:13
infinitypitti: You still care deeply about all thing translation, right?  Maybe you should look at that some day. ;)10:14
pittiin my CFT10:14
infinityEd Zachary.10:14
infinityOn the plus side, maybe gcc-4.6/armel will finish before the publisher does? :P10:15
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apwcan someone remind me where release note tasks go ?11:30
knomeis the final release notes page somewhere to edit?11:40
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pittiyou can copy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta2 and then edit11:50
pitti(please don't edit /Beta2)11:51
pittiinfinity: FTR, giving allspice back to amd6412:15
infinitypitti: Mmkay.12:15
infinitypitti: Did ev file an MIR for syslinux-legacy (or are we just assuming that since syslinux is in main, it's okay to promote)?12:16
pittiI'm not in the MIR team any more, but I'd say it's ok, as it's not really new code12:17
pittinew gnome 3.4.1 tarballs coming in, fortunately mostly trivial (translation updates only)12:18
infinityOh, there's an MIR anyway.12:18
* infinity reads.12:18
* infinity promotes.12:20
pitti^ one .po file update only12:22
* pitti eeks at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg12:24
pittiDaviey: ^ is that under way, or will it be unseeded again?12:24
infinitypitti: Just don't look at britney output. ;)12:24
pitti^ one simple bug fix, translation updates12:33
Davieypitti: still targeted.. there should be open MIR's.12:33
infinitypitti: Just one po file, eh?12:34
infinitypitti: Did you forget the part where the 3 previous releases aren't in the archive? ;)12:34
pittiinfinity: err?12:35
seb128infinity, did you forget the part where the queue diff stuff is buggy? ;-)12:35
pittiI diffed locally12:35
pittithere's autoconf noise, of course12:35
pittiinfinity: are you looking at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/102164255/gnome-desktop3_3.4.0-0ubuntu1_3.4.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz ?12:35
Laneyit is using the last proposed upload12:35
infinityAhh.  Special.12:36
seb128that's a bit buggy,stupid12:36
seb128it's picking the wrong version as Laney said12:36
pittithat indeed looks sad12:36
seb128it did the same on friday with gnome-control-center and some others12:36
* infinity downloads and diffs manually.12:36
pittiyay for having good tools12:37
seb128dget && debdiff for the win ;-)12:37
* infinity nods.12:37
pittistill, there's something wrong if it's harder to check a package than to package it in the first place :)12:38
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infinityThat flashplugin-nonfree upload is just version/hash bumps to match the partner upload.12:39
pittiargh, stuff fails on arm* now because gtk+3.0 arm{el,hf} is not published yet; I guess that might take a while if the publisher is broken for longer12:57
infinitypitti: Should get picked up in the :03 run.12:59
pittiinfinity: ah, did it catch up with the kde-l10n* stuff?12:59
pittiI'll retry stuff after that13:00
pitti^ gtksourceview: upstream did a large patch to fix whitespace in the code, which balloons the diff13:03
infinityBecause point releases are always the best time for whitespace cleanups.13:04
pittiwell, better than breaking that silly and incomprehensible garbage _between_ the whitespace :-P13:04
infinityI never look at that stuff.13:05
infinityI just check to make sure everything's pretty.13:05
pittiit's all *.bf anyway, isn't it?13:05
pittithat would actually be fun: a brainfuck source with comments which translate the logic to C13:05
infinityYou have an odd sense of fun.13:07
infinityOh, FFS, argument wrapping too?13:08
infinityI'm just going to assume those are all the same arguments on new lines, cause I really don't want to compare every one...13:08
infinityOh, I guess it wasn't that much.13:08
* infinity stops whining.13:09
infinityI do wonder if I'm the only person who finds argument wrapping less readable, though.13:10
pittiI personally prefer it if a single line spills over my screen line length13:10
pittisince "nicely wrapped" >> "arbitrarily wrapped"13:10
infinityYeah, being dyslexic, you'd think I'd have the same argument.13:11
infinityCause for actual reading (like, fiction, websites, whatever), I can't handle long lines.13:12
infinityFor some reason, it irks me to wrap function calls, though. :P13:12
infinityI might just be insane.13:12
* infinity waits impatiently on those last two compiler builds so he can upload 10 more.13:14
pittioh, I need to squeeze a glib in between that13:14
infinityWhat's wrong with the glib that's building right now? :P13:15
pittiwe want to revert that13:15
pittiit's causing unnecessary spewage on package installation13:15
pittisorry, I missed that before13:15
pittiit doesn't really break, but looks ugly13:15
infinityYeah, noisy upgrades make me a sad panda.13:15
pittiand we won't fix all pacakges now13:16
pittithat's something for the start of next cycle13:16
* infinity nods.13:16
infinityAre there plans to actually cleanse glib includes in all of universe next cycle, so we can stop re-adding-and-reverting the single-include stuff every 3 months?13:16
pittiI think we should, yes13:17
infinityI fix them when I run into them for other reasons, but we should probably just compile a list and go to town.13:17
infinityThe single-include fixy shell script works wonders.13:17
seb128Debian is fixing those13:17
seb128we can drop that patch next cycle13:17
infinitypitti: Well, let's see that new glib, and we'll score it through the roof on PPC and get it in.13:20
infinityAnd then I'll eat the buildds with compiler uploads in a couple of hours. ;)13:20
* ogra_ hands infinity some ketchup 13:21
infinityOm nom nom?13:21
ogra_or do you prefer buildds with mustard ?13:21
infinitypitti: gtk+3.0 on ARM should be happy on ftpmaster now, retry away.13:24
pittiinfinity: thanks, all poked13:30
infinityOh dear.13:32
infinityAlmost the entire mousetweaks diff is someone using a different version of diffstat. \o/13:32
pittiok, glib being quiet now13:33
pittiI did a local build/install/test for paranoia's sake13:33
infinityWhat's this "testing" you speak of?13:33
pittiinstall, reboot, check that boot, lightdm, session works, and that sudo apt-get install --reinstall shotwell is quiet now13:34
pittiit's just changing glib-compile-schemas, but oh well, with all those new compilers flying around.. :-)13:35
infinityYou didn't want to feel left out? ;)13:35
jbichawhat do you think of bug 982719 ?13:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 982719 in mutter "FFe: Add Unity's window keyboard shortcuts to GNOME Shell" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98271913:35
infinityjbicha: This would affect nothing but gnome-shell?13:37
pittiat least mutter is not being used in unity, gnome classic, xfce, KDE, etc.13:38
infinityjbicha: (The followup question would be "why isn't the Ctrl-Alt-t shortcut from the upload I rejected being handled in the same fashion?)13:38
infinityErr.  Typing hard.13:38
jbichainfinity: right13:39
jbichathe Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut is more challenging since GNOME has dropped the run_command_terminal shortcut13:40
infinityOh, it's not configurable anymore?13:41
infinityBoy, I <3 GNOME.13:41
jbichathey didn't think it was important enough to clutter up the keyboard shortcuts panel13:42
jbichaI mean who uses terminals these days any way?13:42
infinityI have, like, 70 of them open.13:42
pittididn't we patch metacity to assing ctrl+alt+T by defualt?13:43
pittithat's still working13:43
pittiI'd notice very fast if not13:43
jbichapitti: it works every where except for GNOME Shell, & it'll stop working when we do the gsettings switch next cycle13:44
infinityjbicha: So, could we make (for this cycle) just GNOME Shell launch gnome-terminal on c-a-t?13:45
infinityjbicha: And then we can argue later about how to make this globally sane.13:45
jbichainfinity: I'm not sure, I'll have to test that13:45
infinityAnyhow, I have no issues with #982719.13:49
infinityBut trying to work the terminal shortcut into the same changeset might be nice.13:50
infinityTwo birds, one stone, no breaking other desktops (for now).13:50
infinitypitti: You lost kov in the last 12 hours? ;)13:51
infinity(or however long it's been between glib uploads...)13:51
pittidebclean getting in the way again? it keeps updating Maintainers:13:52
infinityYeah, no big deal.13:52
infinityBut I found it funny that he was removed from Uploaders in such a short window. :P13:52
didrocksskaet: pitti: infinity: FYI, bug #981168 on my radar, seems pretty serious (on netbooks only until now, but on 945GMA card which are widespread)13:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 981168 in unity "Regression: Installing apps causes a terrible visual glitch on netbooks-- have to restart X.org." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98116813:55
infinitydidrocks: Sounds fun. :/13:57
didrocksit is, trying to get dx people working on it13:57
* infinity nods.13:58
infinityKeep us posted.13:58
skaetdidrocks,  ack.13:58
didrockswill do :)13:58
infinityIf it's a readable and reviewable fix (and soon!), we can totally get it in, otherwise, it's clearly SRU material.13:58
didrocksskaet: infinity: the other change has just landed btw, with automated tests, I tried to trick it a lot as well ;)13:58
didrocksinfinity: that's what I told them13:58
infinitySo much for waiting for all arches before accepting binary NEW?14:03
infinityNot that that's strictly required.14:03
pittierk, ppc missing; sorry about that14:03
pittithat was me14:04
infinityNo big deal.14:04
infinityIt doesn't actually break anything except my mental ref counter.14:04
skaetjibel,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/982876,  trying to figure out if this is just isolated to french or is a pervasive problem for the non-english languages?14:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 982876 in casper "Wrong keyboard layout in Live Session (French)" [Undecided,New]14:09
jibelskaet, I haven't tested with another language. I have only french and US keyboards14:10
skaetjibel,  fair enough.   does gema have a spanish one?14:11
* skaet only has us english... :(14:11
stgraberjibel: that's bug 96009614:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 960096 in libxklavier "Live session started with wrong layout" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96009614:11
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stgraberjibel: something tells me mterry's workaround (calling gsettings through dbus-launch) only reduced the race, didn't fix it14:12
jibelstgraber, it looks like it but it is 'fix released'14:13
stgraberjibel: and it's also causing some more side effects (quite a few dbus-launch running for no good reason)14:13
stgraberjibel: yeah, we need a "workaround releases" status in LP :)14:13
stgraberjibel: feel free to mark yours as a duplicate and move back to Triaged and assigned to me14:13
jibelstgraber, ack14:13
stgraberjibel: I doubt I'll have a real fix for it because ultimately it's a desktop bug, but I thought of another workaround we might try which may give better results than the current one14:14
stgraber(I'm off today/tomorrow but I'm happy to have a look at it on Wednesday)14:14
phillwskaet: would you like me to try and dig out a tester with a non french & US keyboard?14:16
skaetphillw,  thanks for the offer.   jibel,  is it needed? or does it sound like we've got the confirmation.14:18
jibelskaet, that's fine, stgraber knows the problem. thanks phillw !14:19
stgraberyou really don't need a different keyboard ;) you just need someone to select Italian/French/whatever and check that the layout is non-US :)14:20
stgraberbut based on existing comments and jibel's new bug, I'm pretty sure we confirmed that the workaround proposed by mterry wasn't enough14:20
stgraber(I'm usually testing these changes with French/German/Italian/Spanish/Swiss-french/Swiss-german/US/US-intl on a machine with a physical US keyboard, you just need to remember the different layouts)14:21
infinityDoes xkb still ship that handy utility that draws pictures of layouts?14:22
infinityI forget what it was called.14:22
infinityBut handy for this sort of thing, cause you can just compare the picture to what's mapped where on your physical keyboard.14:22
stgraberyeah, you can get a picture of your layout by clicking a "show layout" (or similar) option in the keyboard indicator14:22
stgraberyou can also access that option in the keyboard layout option in the system settings14:23
jbichais mutter one of the universe packages that is translatable in LP?14:31
infinitypitti: So, I estimate that gcc-4.6 should be happy and ready for me to copy in ~2 hours, will you be around to review the next round of compilers I have to upload after that? :)14:32
pittiinfinity: unfortunately not, I'll be at TKD then14:32
pittibut I will afterwards14:32
pittiwe have TB meeting at an abysmally late hour today14:32
infinityAhh, kay.  No big deal, I'm sure I can get slangasek to do it.14:32
pittiso I can append another nightshift after sport and dinner14:32
infinityI just want it all in and out of the queue as quickly as I can, as it probably represents a couple of days of build time.14:33
infinityHave I mentioned lately how much I adore bikesheds?14:33
skaetinfinity, pitti - we may want to be careful around the builds of this to not block up the other critical stuff that needs to land in main.14:34
skaet(or at least score it so it behaves nicely, once its uploaded)14:35
pittiit should14:35
infinityIt'll be fine.14:35
pittiI suppose most of whaht infinity wants to upload is the -cross stuff?14:35
pittiwhich is universe, and thus schedules itself14:35
astraljavaThanks pitti for the Studio-related uploads!14:35
infinitypitti: gcj* cross* clang gdc gccgo gnat...14:35
pittiastraljava: YW14:36
pittiinfinity: you do like the fun stuff, don't you14:36
infinitySure do. :/14:36
pittiinfinity: so, I'll be back around 2000 UTC14:36
infinityHas anyone confirmed that python-qt4 in proposed fixes UbuntuOne yet?14:36
pittiand will have a full hour to spend until TB, so plenty of time for pushing buttons14:36
infinitypitti: How often is pending-sru.html updated?14:38
pittiinfinity: every 30 mins, after the publishers14:38
infinityI suppose that makes some sense.14:39
pittiinfinity: there's again tons of ppc FTBFS due to arch skew, I'll retry them later14:41
infinitypitti: I've just been looking at those.  Don't worry about it. ;)14:41
pittioh, thanks14:42
infinitypitti: Do you actually prefer the ubuntu/<series>/+source URLs over the ubuntu/+source ones?14:42
infinity(Drives me nuts that this page sends me to the series one, not the base one)14:42
pittiinfinity: actually I don'ot14:42
* pitti changese in lp:u-a-t14:43
infinityWell, it also drives me nuts that those two UIs are different in soyuz...14:43
infinitypitti: Same for the ones that go to +source/<version>, the non-series URL is much saner (IMO).14:44
pittifull ack, changing14:44
pittiinfinity: committed and rolled out, next refresh should have it14:46
* infinity wonders why we've had NEW source in oneiric's queue since December, and if there's a reason no one's rejected it...14:46
pittiI think I pinged zul about them the other day, but didn't get or forgot the response14:48
infinityI'm going to go out on a limb and say that if it's been there for more than 4 months, no one cares.14:48
infinityPlus, at least one of them claimed it was "targetted to precise", which it wasn't.14:48
pittiah, and live-manual was new, accepting that one14:48
infinityKinda curious about the process fail behind a partner package being stuck in there since October...14:49
infinitySurely, someone should have complained about that one?14:49
pittiTBH I don't really know how the partner archive works process-wise14:50
infinityPeople upload, we accept after very cursory reviews, life goes on.14:51
infinityBut you'd think something that's been stuck for six months would have led to an inquiry by... Someone?14:51
infinitychrisccoulson: Are you planning to upload new flashplugin-nonfree packages to *-proposed to match your adobe-flashplugin bumps to partner, or should one of us do that?  (I already did precise)14:52
infinityHoly crap, what kind of magic is that, Etherpad?14:55
infinityWhen you block copy and paste, it keeps the author colors.14:55
infinityThat's awesome.14:55
pittiinfinity: wrt. pyqt4, I don't know what it fixes in U1; I asked the U1 girls/guys15:02
pittithe bug description and dupes don't explain15:03
infinitypitti: Perfect.  Yeah, I have no idea what it was breaking either.  ScottK might know, I dunno.15:03
pittilooks like a good patch either way, and there's confirmation that it fixes the original bug15:04
pittiinfinity: hah, alecu _is_ the U1 guy :)15:04
* pitti rubberstamps in the pad15:04
* pitti copies over15:05
* highvoltage also does an action15:06
infinitypitti: I don't know dbus well enough to know if it's a good patch.  To me, it looked like an attempt to shrink a race window, rather than close it.15:07
pittiyes, the "if NULL" check certainly doesn't fix the root cause, but it looks regression proof to me15:07
infinityOh, it's certainly not worse than it was before, that's why I accepted it to proposed.15:08
seb128do you guys have an opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/libunity/lp-981309/+merge/101998 (leak fix in libunity) for release or as SRU?15:08
infinityThat diff confirms my bias against Vala once again...15:10
infinityseb128: I'm told that the unity folks are still working on some other last-minute fixes or some such?15:10
seb128infinity, the .C part you mean? ;-)15:10
seb128infinity, well libunity is a different source15:11
infinityseb128: Ahh, so there's nothing in the works for libunity?15:11
pittierr, wouldn't it be easier to show the actual vala diff?15:11
infinitypitti: The vala diff is at the bottom.. It's a merge proposal. :P15:11
infinityAnd the vala diff is vile.15:11
seb128pitti, it's in there15:11
pittiok, that looks a bit magic15:12
infinityDouble-casting the same variable to try to make it generate sane code.15:12
pittiI'm off for now, cu in some 5 hours15:13
infinityseb128: The fix looks sane to me (in as much as fooling Vala into doing what you want ever looks "sane")15:13
infinityI have no strong opinion on release versus updates for it.15:13
seb128infinity, ok, thanks, i'm trying to figure how much is leaked and will come with an upload if it turns to be "enough that we want it fixed for release"15:13
infinityBut if we're doing other unity updates too, throw it at proposed, and see if it sticks? :P15:13
seb128ok ;-)15:14
chrisccoulsonhi infinity. sorry, just went to do exercise15:39
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur_ has been handling the flashplugin-nonfree updates, but i can do that if i need to. i can't copy it to -security though ;)15:39
* jdstrand would be happy to sponsor them15:39
=== ralsina_doctor is now known as ralsina
infinitychrisccoulson: Oh, if you've got a process of some sort, I won't bug you. :P15:52
infinitychrisccoulson: I just didn't want to accept all the partner uploads without matching ubuntu uploads.15:53
chrisccoulsoninfinity, sure15:53
chrisccoulsoninfinity, mdeslaur isn't around today. i'm just trying to sort out what's happening with it :)15:57
chrisccoulsoninfinity, ok, we're sorted. could you approve the uploads to partner?15:59
infinitychrisccoulson: Sure thing.16:01
infinityAnd since I beat queuebot to it, eglibc was in that sync/accept cycle too.16:09
skaetthanks infinity16:14
stgraberjibel: any chance you can do a few more tests for bug 960096?16:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 960096 in libxklavier "Live session started with wrong layout" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96009616:35
stgraberjibel: my current guess is that it's racy, so would be great if you could confirm that16:35
slangasekoh fun, why's upstart FTBFS on arm*?16:37
slangasekinfinity: what's changed on meissa and iara since April 10, or what's different about them from chort and caph, that would cause test failures when building upstart?16:39
infinityNothing, and nothing.16:39
* infinity tests locally...16:42
* slangasek throws one back to see if it's reproducible16:42
* SpamapS re-posts16:51
SpamapSis precise-proposed 0-day SRU's now?16:51
SpamapSor are we still using it to stage up things?16:51
slangasekit's both16:51
slangasekSpamapS: if you accept something into -proposed with the intent that it not go to -release, please document this on http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-frozen-archive so the release team knows16:52
infinity(Mention it on IRC too, please)16:53
ScottKinfinity and pitti: Thanks for taking care of python-qt4.16:53
SpamapSI think I'll just hold off then16:56
SpamapSits not clear with any of the uploads16:56
slangasekpitti: I'd like to kick defoma out of main; it's currently held there via fontconfig + x-ttcidfont-conf, x-ttcidfont-conf is only in main because of a spurious recommends from pango and two fonts - it's dead weight that doesn't actually provide anything interesting for us.  Do you think an upload of pango+fontconfig+2 fonts to kill it off would be ok?17:00
infinityThat frees up CD space too.17:01
infinityI can't see how that's possibly bad. :P17:01
infinity(But without x-ttcidfont-conf installed, don't some X bits lost access to defoma-using fonts?)17:02
infinityWhich could be non-obvious, if we still have such things in universe and they appear to "not work anymore".17:03
slangasekthere are no X bits that *care* about defoma-using fonts17:04
infinityslangasek: And your rebuild worked.  Disconcerting.17:04
slangasekok, grand17:04
slangasekinfinity: if anything in X cared about defoma, there'd be a much better revdep pulling it in than pango, which a) has nothing to do with X, b) is pulling it in spuriously as an option for managing a config file that no longer exists17:05
infinityThat convinces me, then. :P17:05
slangaseknow, I should still look closely at fontconfig's usage before I chop it up17:05
infinityI know what x-ttcidfont-conf used to do, I'm not up on the current state of fontery.17:05
slangaseksince fontconfig does integrate a bit better with X17:05
slangasekOTOH, fontconfig supersedes defoma, so17:06
slangasekhmm, pango /did/ have an ubuntu-desktop branch, but the current package's Vcs fields don't point to it and it hasn't been updated since oneiric... UDD it is then17:07
slangasekah, and the UDD branch is stale due to an import failure, how droll17:08
* infinity is a big fan of apt-get source. :P17:09
slangasekok, looking closely I see that /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType is on the X server's compile-time font path17:12
slangasekso anything using X fonts *might* care about this17:12
slangasekOTOH, what actually cares nowadays?17:12
infinityProbaby nothing in main.17:14
slangaseka further argument: pango in testing has already dropped ttcid, Debian bug #660062.17:15
ubot2Debian bug 660062 in libpango1.0-0 "libpango1.0-0: please remove recommends on x-ttcidfont-conf" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/66006217:15
infinityAnd fontconfig?17:16
phillwhi, there is abug being tracked (and for the life of me, i cannot find it) which would require the testing kernel to be used. Is this going to happen?17:21
infinity"The testing kernel"?17:22
phillwit is a proposed kernel, from what I read of the bug report.17:22
infinityWe're pretty unlikely to have another pre-release kernel upload, unless there's a dire issue.17:23
phillwas I cannot find the bug in my logs, I was wondering if any of you were aware of a possible last minute kernel change.17:23
phillwinfinity: of that I am very aware of, but as the bug mentioned it as a fix - I have the lubuntu-qa team on stand by in case it happens. I really wish I could find the bug number! I just know it is someone from kernel team dealing with it.17:25
infinityslangasek: ^--- Those 8 should be the last compiler uploads, now I just need to unbreak d-i.17:29
slangasekinfinity: "and fontconfig" - defoma dep still there in unstable, and it's the only one.  I'll have to look further.17:29
slangasekinfinity: compilers> ack; will review shortly.  since these are going to -release and need to be in sync by release date, do you have an estimate of the combined build time?17:30
infinityslangasek: Well, they'll build mostly in parallel on arm*, so not a big deal there, I'd give it maybe an average of 3h per package on PPC?17:31
infinityslangasek: At worst, a day for everything to catch up, I'd figure.17:31
slangasekinfinity: and is ppc itself caught up-ish right now?17:31
infinityYeah, PPC is caught up.17:32
infinityWell, modulo a couple of tiny packages.17:33
infinityBut basically caught up.17:33
hallynstgraber: ok, pushed a new lxc with utlemming's fix for cloud image creation of guests older than precise17:34
stgraberhallyn: ok, I'll take a look when it hits the queue17:35
ScottKstgraber: Didn't see your note here and accepted it.17:37
slangasekinfinity: analysis in bug #983274; dunno if you have anything to add17:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 983274 in pango1.0 "pango should drop the recommends on x-ttcidfont-conf" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98327417:38
infinityslangasek: The "it's gone from Debian and no one seems to care" argument is pretty strong.17:40
* slangasek nods17:40
infinityslangasek: Given that Debian users/developers are far more likely to care about old skool X font rendering than Ubuntu users are.17:41
slangasekI checked the bugs filed against xorg-server, which was how I found the one requesting dropping it from the font path17:41
slangasekel subproceso s'ha instaŀlat el script pre-removal se mató con la señal17:41
slangasekgrr, stupid word-by-word translations17:42
infinityDoes it require any code mangling, or it is really just dropped a Recommend?17:42
slangasekinfinity: just the recommend17:42
infinityCause if it's just mangling a relationship, I'm convinced.  Go for it.17:42
infinityIf it turns out to be a Very Bad Thing, it's pretty trivial to revert. :P17:42
slangasekyeah; uploaded, I'll be sure to do some testing today here with defoma+x-ttcidfont-conf purged to make sure nothing regresses17:43
infinityYeah, I'll dump it here and go for my semi-annual reboot, and see if my XFCE desktop gets wonky.17:44
stgraberScottK: ok, thanks for the review17:44
infinityOh, I was about to say "what about fontconfig", but that's only a suggests.17:46
slangasekinfinity: suggests but also a build-dep17:48
* infinity notices that he's hungry, and decides to do something about that.17:48
slangasekI'll get there though - one thing at a time17:48
infinityslangasek: Oh, I didn't check the source.17:48
micahginfinity: reverse-depends -c main src:defoma -b :)17:51
infinityOh, shiny, someone reimplemented checkrdepends.17:56
infinityCause you can never have too many of the same tool!17:56
micahginfinity: checkrdepends needs a local copy of the packages files :), this is service based17:58
* infinity nods.17:58
micahgalso, this one doesn't bother with in-source dependencies17:59
slangasekmicahg: neither does the current checkrdepends?18:00
micahgslangasek: ah, I must have an outdated version then :)18:00
ScottKRiddell: Do you want to respin the Kubuntu images now so we can double check for sizing?  That was if it's not fixed enough we have another shot today.18:11
infinityroaksoax: Why sure, an FFe for #983091 seems reasonable, thanks for asking!18:11
RiddellScottK: doing18:31
infinityslangasek: The buildds are bored and want compilers.  They told me.18:33
slangasekinfinity: in they go19:05
micahgwhoops ^^ ppa version19:06
slangasekDaviey: ^^ rejecting that based on the version number19:07
roaksoaxinfinity: could you please reject the maas upoad I just did please?19:23
roaksoaxor anyone else in the release team :)19:24
roaksoaxah its done already, never mind19:24
infinityThe one that was already rejected?19:24
roaksoaxthanks :)19:24
ScottKIt was pre-rejected.19:25
* roaksoax needs to update dput.cfg :(19:25
pittislangasek: defoma kicking> +10 from me; most defoma stuff was already killed ages ago, seems we dropped the ball on the last meters19:55
* pitti clears the compiler stuff20:00
jibelstgraber, I got 960096 systematically on a mac mini and an eeepc. but it works on another machine.21:11
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
* skaet just bumped into another timeout on the pad... grumble.23:34

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