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uvirtbotNew bug: #982704 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98270401:36
ChmEarllsb-release for precise still says devel branch?01:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #982739 in ubuntu (main) "package winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98273904:05
ruben23guys i have an directory with files agc now some updated came to some files on another server ubuntu..how do i copy only the updated one on teh same folder..? just add the update not copy whole again04:14
ruben23same direcotry name agc but the pther one si more updated04:15
twbruben23: I didn't understand your question.04:42
twbruben23: but I guess you want rsync, or something else that uses the rsync algorithm (e.g. unison).04:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #982787 in glance "glance-registry start report error" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98278708:11
lynxmanmorning o/08:25
koolhead17hi lynxman08:31
lynxmankoolhead17: hello!08:31
koolhead17lynxman, how are things? are u attending ODS08:32
lynxmankoolhead17: won't be at ODS this time :)08:36
koolhead17lynxman, always next time. :) But you will be at UDS siir!!08:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #982917 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.1-2 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98291709:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #982984 in unixodbc (main) "package unixodbc 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98298411:31
Atlantic777Hey, any problems with installing ubuntu server from flash prepared with unetbootin?11:36
Atlantic777I always get error msg that there's no a valid ubuntu cd-rom.11:37
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PedroGomesHi, did anyone here tried to install 2 different versions of Ubuntu in the same disc trough PXE/preseed?13:51
PedroGomesI'm tired of searching/trying preseed templates with no success13:52
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hallynstgraber: now, bc lxc is seeded it's subject to final freeze right?  we have to wait for q for patches even though it's in universe?14:13
stgraberhallyn: it's affected by final freeze yes, doesn't meant we won't let it in though. If we (as in ubuntu-release / edubuntu-dev) consider the changes as being low-risk and useful to have in the released media, your package may well be accepted14:15
hallynstgraber: hm, ok.  the ubuntu-cloud change seems worth trying.14:25
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WuxiIxuwPlease I'd like to know how exactly to secure the VPS using ubuntu 10.04 LTS14:37
WuxiIxuwplease where can I find a guide in the website14:40
WuxiIxuwit is a vps server14:40
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hallynhm, redefining a defined domain with 'virsh define' doesn't raise an error.  did it use to?15:23
hallynand now it does.  maybe it's in my head15:24
hallynoh, I think it acts differently if you specify a uuid15:25
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barduckdoes anyone have any pointers about moving a software RAID array + LVM to a new Ubuntu install (OS on separate disk) ?16:04
konradbhi is it possible to restore /usr/share/locale? :x16:08
henkjanbah, missing iso-8859-1 locales on new server installs :(16:15
* ogra_ doesnt think ubuntu ever used iso-8859-116:17
henkjanbut they could be generated16:17
ogra_sure, just generate them with locale-gen16:18
henkjanLinux  (that  is, glibc) supports the portable locales "C" and "POSIX". In the good old days there used to be support for the European  Latin-1 "ISO-8859-1"  locale  (e.g.,  in  libc-4.5.21 and libc-4.6.27), and the Russian  "KOI-8"  (more   precisely,   "koi-8r")   locale   (e.g.,   in libc-4.6.27),     so    that    having    an    environment    variable16:18
henkjan LC_CTYPE=IS-8859-1  sufficed  to  make  ispIrint(3)  return  the  right answer.   These  days non-English speaking Europeans have to work a bit harder, and must install actual locale files.16:18
ogra_locale-gen de_DE.iso-8859-116:19
ogra_that will generate german locales16:19
ogra_with the awful iso set16:19
ogra_any reason to live in teh past and not use utf-8 ?16:20
henkjancustomer scripts interfacing with an oracle-db16:21
henkjanand data in that locale16:21
ogra_and oracle is 20 years behind still ?16:21
ogra_oh my16:21
henkjanhistory data i suppose16:21
hallynlifeless: hey, just curious, were you just playing with lxc-execute, or do you plan to use it?16:38
hallynbecause lxc-execute doesn't quite do what i think most ppl think it does, and it's fragile, so i like to advise against it when i can :)16:38
hallynust yours16:39
hallyn(prepend j, append to a sentence i pasted in another chan :)16:39
desperadois anybody available to give some help16:48
desperadoI`m trying to setup a new ubuntu server which my run a virtualized windowsXP16:49
desperadousing KVM with LVM16:49
desperadobut I got some issues on windows installer16:49
desperadoalso, is there a good idea to virtualize another ubuntu with services (LAMP/ samba)?16:50
lifelesshallyn: I have/had a crazy idea about distributed builds that needs to run stuff on an isolated fs but can share most everything else16:57
jcastrorobbiew: can you accept this bp: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-servercloud-q-mysql-utilities17:01
jcastroI'd like to get all the mysql content on the schedule asap and not moving around17:01
robbiewjcastro: I could...but arosales should ;)17:01
jcastrorobbiew: oh, I see17:02
jcastroarosales: ^^^17:02
robbiewjcastro: unless he doesn't have the power to17:02
robbiew(and he should)17:02
jcastrohe should17:02
robbiewarosales: to accept, click on the link under "Sprints" next to uds-q17:02
robbiewjcastro: screw it...I'll do it17:03
jcastroI can wait!17:03
robbiewjcastro: meh...done17:04
robbiewjcastro: I need to properly walk arosales through the blueprint stuff anyway...but that can wait next week17:04
* jcastro nods.17:04
* robbiew is hell bent on dumping that joy on arosales and Daviey ;)17:04
jcastrowe just need to doublecheck that all MySQL important things are on Tuesday17:05
jcastrothat's like the magic day everyone will be there17:05
robbiewthat's also the Ubuntu Cloud day...ugh17:05
* robbiew is glad he leaves Tuesday night17:05
* desperado is desperated17:05
desperadojcastro robbiew do any of you know something about virtualization on ubuntu server?17:06
jcastroI know we have it17:06
desperadoyeah, but I got some issues and doubts =/17:07
resnocan anyone recommend some monitoring tools?17:07
jcastrodesperado: a good portion of the team is travelling, and everyone will be gone to UDS soon so you might want to punt to the mailing list.17:07
patdk-wkresno, mirroring what?17:07
resnoi want to keep an eye on the servers cpu and stuff17:07
patdk-wkoh, monitoring, heh, read fail :)17:07
resnomonitorx was one i heard about... maybe monit and munin17:07
resnopatdk-wk: :-)17:08
robbiewdesperado: hallyn is your man ;)17:08
resnopatdk-wk: i mispelled first17:08
patdk-wkI personally use munin17:08
robbiewdesperado: smoser is good too, but he's in and out b/c he's at OpenStack Dev Summit17:08
resnopatdk-wk: i just found it worked the cpu a bit more then i liked17:09
robbiewdesperado: oh, and kirkland...but he's got his hands full with a baby :)17:09
patdk-wkresno, than configure it differently :)17:09
patdk-wkI'm monitoring 20-50 items per server, and 50 servers17:09
patdk-wknot even using 10% cpu17:09
resnopatdk-wk: ive got limited cpu power...17:10
patdk-wkif you have limited cpu, you can't monitor17:10
desperadorobbiew: my boss asked me to set up a ubuntu server and virtualize a windows XP within it17:10
patdk-wkif it's a single server only your monitoring, use sar?17:11
desperadothis ubuntu server should run LAMP and SMB17:11
patdk-wkstill find it funny if your munin install is using >100mhz cpu17:11
desperadois it a good idea to virtualize another ubuntu server to run these services?17:11
resnopatdk-wk: no, its not that limited... but there are times were it gets under load and theres a wait17:12
desperadoI`m running oneiric ocelot17:12
robbiewjcastro: will probably kill me for not having an askubuntu.com link17:12
robbiewdesperado: it all depends on the configuration and capacity of the server, tbh17:13
desperadoit`s a i5-2400 with 16gb ddr3 and 2x 2tb17:13
desperadoa nice machine17:13
hallyndesperado: from what i see looking at the backlog, i don't see any problems, 'Just do it'17:14
robbiewwhat hallyn says17:14
desperadoI just tried installing windows xp through vnc this morning17:14
hallyndesperado: and see https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/virtualization.html17:15
desperadobut it came up with a setup error I never saw before17:15
desperadoI found several tutorials on how doing it17:16
desperadobut none seemed to work properly17:16
desperado(or maybe it`s just me being too dumb to follow some setps)17:16
hallyndesperado: fwiw I don't use windows anywhere for anything, but ocne in awhile I do install it just to test, and haven't had trouble.17:16
hallyndesperado: please do open a bug, that's probalby the best way to get the info needed to figure it out17:16
desperadoI made a windows sp2 bootable iso17:17
hallynuh, hm :)  maybe ahs3 can help you :)17:17
hallynhe does funky stuff with windows like that sometimes :)17:17
desperadoit started the vm, booted up and installed windows via dos. when it rebooted to config, an error dialog showed up17:18
hallyndesperado: and if you open a bug, you can paste a screenshot/picture of the error dialog :)17:19
desperadofirst I had trouble connecting to it through vnc to set up windows installer17:19
desperadothen i installed kde and connected to it locally17:19
hallynok, so the server is remote and doesn't have x?  (i.e. you couldn't do it logged in locally over SDL)?17:20
ahs3desperado: yeah, a bug would be good -- i install a couple of versions of Windows via virt-manager all the time.  the only bugs i find that way are in Windows17:20
desperadoyeah, it`s a ubuntu server text-only17:22
hallyndesperado: do you know how to file a bug?17:24
desperadoi think the response time will be too high for me17:26
desperadoIt is supposed to be already done17:26
ahs3which windows are you installing?  win7?  win2008r2?17:26
desperadoI`m struggling with it since friday17:26
* arosales reading backscroll for mysql server blueprint util17:27
desperadois there any way to give you access to connect and check it?17:27
ahs3hrm.  haven't tried that one in a long time.  who produces the error?  windows?17:27
desperadoyea, windows show up an error dialog17:28
desperadosorry, I didn`t take note17:28
arosalesrobbiew: thanks for approving the MySQL util blueprint17:28
desperadobut it`s a weird error, I never saw it17:28
ahs3ah, okay.  was it a message about it not shutting down correctly?  so it has to come back up in safe mode?17:28
hallyndesperado: did you delete it?  can you just restart it and see if you get the error again?17:28
desperadooh... I already started a fresh ubuntu install17:29
desperadostarting over again17:29
desperadosince friday I installed several packages17:29
desperadoand I decided to fresh install it rather than cleaning up17:30
desperadosince nothing was done yet17:30
ahs3there are some cases in other versions of Windows where Windows itself crashes (good ol' BSOD) on shutdown so you get errors on start-up.17:30
arosalesjcastro: any other actions needed for the MySQL blueprints?17:31
ahs3but, i've only seen those happen with the paravirtual drivers, not win-native drivers17:31
desperadoahs3: that was not the case, it installed successfully and rebooted normally17:31
jcastroarosales: I think just doublechecking them on the schedule next week or so should work?17:32
desperadothen, during configuration process it showed up an error dialog17:32
ahs3desperado: k.  so something entirely different.  good; that rules out that path17:32
jcastroarosales: the Oracle folks are new to UDS, maybe doublechecking they understand when the sessions are as a precaution?17:32
desperadoahs3: I`ll start it all over again right now17:33
desperadowhich tutorial should I follow?17:33
arosalesjcastro: will it be showing up here: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/track/cloudserver/17:33
desperadoI`ll do it using KVM and LVM17:33
jcastroarosales: the scheduler can be dumb sometimes, I check each day individually: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/2012-05-08/17:34
arosalesjcastro: ah ok. I'll follow up with the Oracle folks to confirm they are aware of the time slots.  Thanks for the help on the scheduling.17:35
hallynDaviey: roaxsoax: re bug 981728, does orchestra auto-install dnsmasq?18:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 981728 in libvirt "internal error Network 'default' is not active" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98172818:04
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wlan2ohaio minna~19:00
wlan2I did something very unuseful...19:01
wlan2I installed webmin19:01
wlan2Webmin broke something at my apache configuration but I do not know what19:02
wlan2what can I do?19:04
patdk-wkdon't use webmin?19:07
wlan2Yes, but I need a way to repair what webmin did19:08
wlan2even if webmin is uninstalled, apache2 configuration will continue broken19:09
wlan2I had it configured with virtual servers19:10
wlan2But wembin did something ugly causing all requests going to default and default-ssl19:11
guntbertwlan2: if I remember correctly webmin keeps rather good logs about what it does, try to find them19:11
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.19:29
guntbertRoyK: yes, we know that - he tries to recover from webminitis :-)19:30
RoyKbest way is to restore from backup ...19:32
RoyKless hassle19:32
RoyKand I guess best answer to that is "what backup?"19:32
wlan2Last backup dates from 201119:32
wlan2Itv seems I'ts gonna be19:33
RoyKwhy oh why don't we have more developers focusing on btrfs?19:33
resnoi use samba for streaming and it recently keeps causing issues with the cline19:33
wlan2An awful lot of nano to do19:33
* RoyK is extremely happy with snapshots in zfs19:34
resnonot you aagain :) RoyK19:34
RoyKoh yeah ;)19:34
halvorsI'm currently running ubuntu server with webmin.19:42
halvorsI think that's not recommended.19:42
halvorsSo is there any simular solutions for hosting simple domains?19:43
halvorsAnd using virtualmin too.19:43
guntbert!webmin | halvors19:43
ubottuhalvors: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.19:43
halvorsguntbert: I know.19:44
halvorsguntbert: I was asking that it's something similar with support for ubuntu i may use instead?19:45
guntberthalvors: sorry, I didn't *really* read your question19:45
halvorsguntbert: Ok ;)19:45
guntberthalvors: some will tell you about ebox - I tried it once and dropped it almost immediately19:46
resnois nfs faster then samba for streaming video, etc?19:46
wlan2resno, if you really want streaming, why not http?19:46
resnowlan2: streaming to a client... xbmc19:47
halvorsAnything that actually is in ubuntu ppa?19:50
wlan2can someone remember me how to purge the configuration and set it to default?19:57
locusehi.  i need to deploy -- well actually, rebuild -- a xen server. i've been on opensuse, but can no longer deal with the lack of support.  sooooo,  seriously considering ubuntu-server.  iiuc, precise will (?) ship with xen-tools 4.2.1, which led me to suspect/hope xen itself will be v 4.2.1.  but, poking around on packages.ubuntu.com, i'm finding only xen 4.1.x listed for precise.20:05
locusecan anyone clarify what version of xen will actually 'officially' ship with precise?20:05
hallynlocuse: zul or smb most likely can answer that20:21
locusehallyn: thx.  as they've been pinged now,  i'll wait a bit ...20:22
hallynlocuse: unfortunately zul is at openstack summit, so it might take a bit for him to see it, but yup20:22
adachow to install sun-java6-jdk in 10.04 LTS ?20:31
Patrickdkadac: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javasebusiness/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html#jdk-6u30-oth-JPR20:36
adacPatrickdk, they do not even have a .deb20:38
Patrickdkthey have a .bin :)20:38
Patrickdkadac, ask oracle to not buy sun? several years ago20:39
adacOracle is evil20:42
Nafallobut they make good hats.20:43
Nafallooh. no. that wasn't them, was it...20:43
adacthey even support CISPA20:43
adacNafallo, hehe20:43
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uvirtbotNew bug: #974938 in libnss-ldap (main) "Process "gsettings" prevents logging in" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97493820:56
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robbiewSpamapS: I'm thinking we might need a btrfs session for 12.10, in regards to our desire to use/push ceph more...thoughts?21:43
jamiemillHi. Having trouble with a monit setup. When I try to terminate my processes, they are stuck in a 'stop pending' state. Here is config - any idea why? https://gist.github.com/b9fc0d12986eeed18a8721:49
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SpamapSrobbiew: So, I think we should have a btrfs session and gather everybody interested to talk about it. Seems like it is mostly kernel team's domain, but we want to be consumers..22:19
SpamapSrobbiew: It should be worth noting that CEPH works fine on XFS, and Sage seemed to suggest that in the 12.04 kernel, it would be better to use XFS than BTRFS22:19
robbiewSpamapS: I'd say foundations22:20
SpamapSrobbiew: I suppose.. filesystems are always tricky in that regard. :)22:20
robbiewSpamapS: do we support XFS on ubuntu?22:22
hallynrobbiew: fwiw i until a few weeks ago i used xfs exclusively on my laptop, worked great.  (ext4 failed me in lucid..natty)22:27
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SpamapSrobbiew: I believe we do yes22:28
robbiewdoesn't matter for 12.10 though, right?22:29
robbiewI mean, the ceph folks preach btrfs all the time, no?22:29
locuseif i deploy a 'prerelease' precise-server install now, will it have access to precise repos now, and (eventually) migrate smoothly to the full version?22:29
locuseasking as, iiuc, 12LTS release is 'soon'.  or, it it recommended to deploy a full release now (11.10, or 10LTS) and do a version upgrade at 12LTS release?22:34
Nafallolocuse: I'd do the latest daily...22:35
Nafallolocuse: it will say it's a development system for a week or two still, but who cares...22:35
locuseNafallo: so the 12-prelease route ... are all the 12 repos accessible?  in opensuse-land, that's not always the case for a prerelease ...22:36
Nafallolocuse: AFAIK, yes22:36
Nafallolocuse: (I've already upgraded half of my servers)22:37
Nafallothat said, I'm not completely sure which repos you're speaking of.22:38
locuseNafallo: great, thx!  well, good question -- just talking about access to any upgrades on the path to full release.  again, in *suse, it's been -- if you install the prerelease, it's from .iso only, and the path to next prelease is, again, .iso only.22:44
locuseoh, and does the ubuntu-server installer support mdadm-RAID (0,1,10) creation from within the graphical installer?  or do i need to drop to a shell somehow?22:46
Nafallotui installer, but yes. it does.22:48
locuseNafallo: great, thx.  help's appreciated.22:49
jkylelocuse: are you doing hands off installs? e.g. pxe boots and such?22:59
roastedGot a server here running DHCP with 2 NICs for LTSP usage, but 1 NIC fails to hand out DHCP while the other NIC works great.23:14
roastedetc default dhcp3-server has eth0 and eth1 listed so both should be fine.23:15
roastedthe scope for both are identical with the exception of the 3rd octet ( vs
roastedany idea why dhcp could work on one NIC but not the other? I'm downright baffled.23:15
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
locusejkyle: no, not as yet.23:34
locusejkyle: atm, migrating a xen host from opensuse -> ubuntu-server, with raid boot, root& data arrays.  trying to 1st recover hosed arrays, and 2nd migrate as much server config as is possible.23:38
locusevery hands on ...23:38
jkylelocuse: ah, we use post-flight scripts on automated installs for advanced partitioning. . . much easier than mucking with teh debian-installer23:38
locusejkyle: sure.  did the same in suse-land.  xen guests are, of course, trivial.  the smoke-pouring-from-the-server complicated my life a bit ..23:39
jkylepartman is like some kind of black magic if you're dealing with more than one disk or raids23:40
locusejkyle: generally i prefer to get to the shell -- cfdisk/sfdisk & mdadm go a long way ... though i'd be much happier if btrfs were production ready.23:42
locuseeven opensuse's graphical installer -- which is generally quite nice -- is a waste-of-bits when it comes to advanced raid config23:42

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