
Mirvhas gedit in Dash reverted to English "Text Editor" for you?07:06
MirvI did not file a bug report yet07:07
kelemengabordpm: hi, there was a question for you yesterday:07:51
kelemengabor(16.20.33) bulldog98: dpm: do we need to re-upload the translation for calligra? because the translation stuff was last uploaded before the pkg-kde-tools fix?07:51
dpmthanks kelemengabor, will try to find him on #kubuntu-devel07:52
kelemengabordpm: maybe bulldog98_ is the same person? ;)07:52
dpmyeah :)07:53
yurchorHi! Can I complain about KDe imports failures now? ;)07:54
dpmyurchor, you can join the conversation on #kubuntu-devel ;)07:55
sagaciis there some kind of browser extension or greasemonkey script that adds a button next to a string that files a bug against the package with a tag "string-fix" applied/07:57
dpmsagaci, not that I know of07:58
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dpmkelemengabor, hm, I'm a bit puzzled by bug 982398, building the package locally does generate a .pot file (or at least puts one in the generated translations tarball)09:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982398 in Ubuntu Translations "Synaptic translations disappeared from the package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98239809:02
Havok_NovakIl y a des Français ici ? :$09:03
kelemengabordpm: still the template is nowhere on LP :\09:04
dpmhi Havok_Novak, sorry, I don't speak French. Perhaps someone else does, or you can try #ubuntu-fr or #ubuntu-locoteams09:04
dpmkelemengabor, yeah, I know. Strangely enough, it does seem to be generated on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101000860/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.synaptic_0.75.9_BUILDING.txt.gz09:04
dpmit's the 'make -C po synaptic.pot' line09:05
kelemengaborshouldn't there be some output containing calls to intltool-update or xgettext or something like that?09:06
dpmkelemengabor, generally yes, but mvo maintains this project in Debian and wanted to keep the same packaging in both distros, so he couldn't use dh_translations because it does not exist in Debian. So he used the make rule to build the .pot file09:09
dpmat this point, and seeing that it could take long to investigate what's going on, I'm tending to suggest that the change to make it translatable in LP is reverted09:10
artnaydpm: will there be an update from upstream to kde packages on LP before release?09:52
dpmartnay, yes, the translations are uploading just now09:53
dpmeven if they don't make it to the final language pack, I want to prepare a new langpack update quite early after release09:53
artnaydpm: great. for example dolphin's template was updated in upstream over a month ago but still it's not up-to-date on LP. I'd also like to see calligra translated - I installed the l10n pack (which didn't install automatically) but the UI is still in English and packages on LP don't have any translations (yet they exist in upstream)09:55
dpmartnay, see the e-mail I posted about it last week on the ubuntu-translators mailing list09:56
artnaydpm: I did and there was some discussion the update would take a day or two09:57
dpmand that I would update the list when there would be any changes, but there haven't been any changes until today09:57
artnaydpm: ah, just saw Riddell's line at #kubuntu-devel09:58
dpmyep :)09:58
dpmkelemengabor, actually, it seems translations for synaptic were indeed uploaded to LP. Perhaps we blocked them in the imports queue, let me ask on the utc list:10:23
dpm["synaptic, synaptic_0.75.9_i386_translations.tar.gz, synaptic_0.75.9_static_translations.tar.gz", {"version": "synaptic, synaptic_0.75.9_i386_translations.tar.gz, synaptic_0.75.9_static_translations.tar.gz"}, {"date": "2012-04-10T09:54:16.042707+00:00"}, {"translations": ["https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101000932/synaptic_0.75.9_i386_translations.tar.gz", "https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101000933/synaptic_0.75.9_static_translations.tar.gz"]}]10:23
kelemengabordpm: this gets stranger by the day :\10:23
dpmkelemengabor, I can think of two scenarios: a) the template did get to the imports queue, one of us blocked them (in principle rightly so, as it's in universe, but we did want them in this particular case), and after 3 days they were deleted from the impors queue. That's why it's empty b) Launchpad ignored the translations tarball, which is weird, because with arkose it did work10:25
kelemengabordpm: but then it should appear here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+imports?field.filter_extension=pot&field.filter_status=BLOCKED&batch=75&direction=backwards&start=75010:28
kelemengaborwhich is not the case10:29
kelemengaborso I'd rule out case "a"10:29
dpmkelemengabor, the upload happened on the 10th, so it may well be that the queue has been deleted (IIRC it happens after 3 days)10:30
kelemengaborwell that may be the case for the package queue, but this is the distribution queue, which is full with the 700+ templates we blocked during the last half year10:31
dpmkelemengabor, correct, jtv is confirming that what gets deleted are blocked translations, but blocked templates stay forever10:32
dpmso back to the drawing board10:33
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Mirvto add to the earlier, also gcalc is now "Calculator", not localized, in addition to Text Editor12:07
Mirvand Image Viewer (eog)! I wonder what has broken and where12:08
Mirv+ file roller, evolution... can someone confirm (or not) that .desktop files of all of those have lost translations recently in precise?12:10
Mirvmost easily seen by super + a and expanding the installed applications12:10
yurchorMirv: To add an entry to desktop file in GNOME you have to recompile package. This is the result.12:10
Mirvyurchor: hmm, how is that related to this problem?12:14
Mirvthe translations should work via X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain + langpacks, but for the apps I mentioned it does not look like working in Dash at the moment12:15
Mirvand I'd like to have a confirmation at least that others are seeing the same problem12:15
dpmMirv, I'm not seeing the problem here (neither with eog nor with gcalc), but I've heard someone from the Simplified Chinese team mentioning the issue with eog. In fact, I believe they reported a bug in ubuntu-translations12:16
Mirvhere's the full list again: Text Editor, Calculator, Image Viewer, Archive Manager (file-roller), Evolution Mail and Calendar + Email Settings12:17
Mirvdpm: weird12:17
MirvI'll search again12:17
dpmwhich language pack version do you have? Perhaps I or you are not up to date12:17
Mirv20120412 (base 20120322)12:18
Mirvfor both language pack and language pack gnome12:18
trijntjeMirv: I had the same problem with evolution a few day's ago, switching to the main server (not the mirror) and updating again fixed it12:18
dpmah, I have 1:12.04+20120322 for the non-base one12:18
dpmSorry, I meant:12:19
dpm- base: 1:12.04+2012032212:19
dpm- delta: 1:12.04+2012041212:19
dpmCan you try to update, to see if the newer delta fixes your problems?12:20
Mirvtrijntje: interesting... of course at least directly apt server selection cannot possibly affect .desktop files or lang pack contents..?12:20
MirvI'm up-to-date with mirror, let's see about main12:21
Mirvnope, no new updates there either12:21
dpmMirv, it might be worth mentioning it to pitti on #ubuntu-desktop, as he's more knowledgeable than I on langpack + mirrors issues12:22
trijntjeI'm not sure. I guessed the main server was more up to date then the mirror I used. Didn't give it much thought since switching to main solved it for me12:22
Mirvdpm: I don't immediately see any connection between apt sources and .desktop item / gettext translations, other than possibly mirror being out of date?12:26
Mirvit's separate from the description translations that come from the repositories12:26
Mirvbut: I rebooted after refreshing repositories from main server, and it works now. unfortunately, I switched back to the mirror and refreshed + rebooted, and they still work. argh...12:27
dpmMirv, ah, sorry: I had understood you meant that the desktop files *and* the translations were gone, that's why I mentioned the mirrors12:27
Mirvand I feel this is not the first time I've had such problems that come and go12:27
Mirvdpm: nope, actually the DDTP translations worked in synaptic just fine all the tie12:28
dpmno, I had thought you had meant the translations from .mo files, that's why I was thinking of a language pack issue12:29
dpmit might still be worth mentioning the fact that .desktop file translations were intermittently not loading on #ubuntu-desktop12:29
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trijntjewill the post-release langpack updates include package descriptions (ddtp)?12:40
Mirvtrijntje: the langpacks do not include those12:42
trijntjeI thought maybe they would be in the first post-release update of the translations12:55
kelemengabordpm: there was something strange with the 0409 langpack: it didn't contained several templates which were included in the previous one (0405), so the translations of those software disappeared. I had to reinstall the -base pack, that seemed to fix it - maybe this is what Mirv saw. bug #980881 is about this, and I saw one more.13:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980881 in Ubuntu Translations "eog appears untranslated in zh_CN after language pack update of 1:12.04+20120409" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98088113:00
dpmthanks kelemengabor, I've added a comment to the bug13:03
happyaronHi, I wonder whether we'll have GNOME 3.4.1 in Precise? (This will have several new strings.)13:59
sagacihappyaron: sorely doubt it14:10
sagacisome packages might be 2.414:10
sagaciI daresay whatever is in this list will be what it stays at for the LTS - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=gnome14:11
happyaronsagaci: previous LTS doesn't have 2.x.1, but LTS+1 has. I don't know if this will change in 12.0414:17
sagacioh, maybe14:20
dpmhi happyaron, generally we do _some_ 3.x.1 GNOME uploads post release, but I would ask on #ubuntu-desktop instead, as they will be able to tell you exactly14:23
dpmbtw, happyaron, good work with the translations review! I see with only 3 remaining packages (excluding docs), that's awesome14:24
happyarondpm: thanks, :)14:31
happyarondpm: app-install-data is in import queue, Xdiagnose and Remmina are not in the project, but we are working on them.14:34
dpmhappyaron, I noticed and I really appreciate the fact that you took care of those additional strings and packages that were not in the original scope, thanks!14:36
dpmhey jono, nice to see you here, are you up for translating anything in the Queen's English? ;-)14:57
jonodpm, hehe, I am not sure if I remember any of it any more :-)14:57
happyarondpm: I'm afraid there are some problem? app-install-data seems still not imported, while already being "Approved" for over and hour.15:46
happyaron* over an hour15:47
dpmhappyaron, let me check the status of the imports queue. It might be a bit loaded, as the kde-l10n-* packages were uploaded earlier on todaz15:47
happyarongreat, thanks15:47
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GeochrHi all, why the inportance of bug 975970 is still undecided ? Is there something wrong from me?16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975970 in Launchpad itself "Messages reviewed in translator mode if you don't check manually "Someone should review this translation"" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97597016:24
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