
MooDoo_hello all07:01
AlanBellmorning MooDoo_07:51
TheOpenSourcererMorning AlanBell07:51
TheOpenSourcererIn Portsmouth per chance?07:51
selinuxiumMorning all  :)07:51
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: yup Portsmouth today07:52
* selinuxium loves Pompey... :) 07:52
lubotu3If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing07:53
Myrttiwhat was the screenshot tool every cool kid uses nowadays08:10
Myrttiother than scrot08:10
Garyhey everybody08:14
bigcalmHowdy peeps :)08:20
Myrttiuh... it doesn't have upload to Flickr. ok.08:24
oimonis it safe to update 12.04 atm with nvidia card?08:40
oimoni thought i saw an issue over the w/end08:40
MooDoo_morning all08:41
popeyoimon: ask in #ubuntu+108:42
MyrttiI wonder why swatchbooker hasn't been packaged properly for Ubuntu08:43
Myrttiit's in launchpad and everything08:43
bigcalmIs it Tuesday yet? I want my ram and HDDs08:43
Laneybecause nobody did it yet08:43
Laneywhy don't you? :-)08:43
MyrttiLaney: well that's the obvious answer "nobody did it yet" but I was interested in the deeper down reason08:43
oimonbug 98067208:43
lubotu3Launchpad bug 980298 in unity "duplicate for #980672 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in GLWindow::glDraw() from UnityMTGrabHandlesWindow::glDraw()" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98029808:43
Laneyeverybody waited for someone else?08:44
bigcalmIs there an easy way to send a file to a socket?08:46
bigcalmOr do I need to write my own socket client?08:46
JamesTaitMorning all! :D08:58
oimonthe title bar isn't clickable in my unity session, that's weird09:06
bigcalmWhy am I upgrading my dev server? I'm doing a fresh LVM install tomorrow09:15
bigcalmOdd boy09:15
oimonis this a bug in unity or liferea? http://i.imgur.com/KpL1j.png09:17
oimonliferea does not have the > < on the unity launcher, and alt-tab does not see it09:18
popeyoimon: have you updated your machine today?09:19
oimonpopey, no, i'm scared to09:20
* popey installs liferea09:20
* oimon logs out to reset unity.09:21
gord_neither, its with bamf, but its tracked and fix is worked on for sru009:22
gord_:O! a tail!09:22
=== gord_ is now known as gord
popeyooh, software centre bug09:22
oimonpopey, seems like a glitch in the matrix - logging out seems to reset the issue09:32
popeybug 98292109:32
lubotu3Launchpad bug 982921 in software-center (Ubuntu) "USC adds icon to launcher for apps that didn't install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98292109:32
gordwow, BA charge you £25 to change seats, geez09:49
fhillyHI guys, any one working on Ubuntu Core rootfs?09:50
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:58
=== MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo
brobostigonmorning MooDoo10:00
popeyfhilly: can you be more specific?10:00
davmor2morning all10:06
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 Good mornign 10:07
davmor2morning czajkowski10:07
davmor2MooDoo: me owld mucka10:07
davmor2bigcalm has been kidnapped10:07
* popey pokes davmor2 with bug 98292110:09
lubotu3Launchpad bug 982921 in software-center (Ubuntu) "USC adds icon to launcher for apps that didn't install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98292110:10
MooDoodavmor2: alright cheif, you got to respect me now i'm old ;)10:11
davmor2popey: I redirect to gord,  USC no longer touches the launcher all unity handled now :)10:13
davmor2MooDoo: Pfffffffffff Yeah like that's gonna happen ;)  Hippo birdy though dude10:14
MooDoodavmor2: cheers man10:14
popeydavmor2: no, its usc IMO. usc shouldn't add an icon for something that didnt actually install10:15
popeyproblem is the icon is added so you can add a percentage bar to show install process10:15
popeybut doesn't seem to have a contingency for if the app fails to install10:15
davmor2popey: the adding of the icon isn't handled by usc though it is done by unity, unity currently doesn't revome it if you remove the app bug for unity which is already written by myself and mpt10:17
davmor2popey: what should happen is unity sees the app hasn't installed and remove that icon like usc did in it's final removal script but unity doesn't10:18
davmor2popey: the real bug I see here is the issue with the dialog wording which I'll see if we can do something about10:19
davmor2popey: I think it should read cancel or repair rather than ok or repair agreed?10:19
davmor2popey: is it that you have a proxy or is it that you have your own repo mirror?10:20
davmor2popey: as for the icon issue I think you'll find that it will be removed when unity add the removal code to their processing for icons,  usc used to remove the app then trigger a script to remove the icon, as far as we can tell unity is just missing the icon removal part everything else is displayed correctly10:22
popeyi do use a proxy but this could happen for a number of reasons10:23
davmor2popey: agreed but we need to know what triggered the dialog in order to reproduce it so we can fix it and close it10:25
popey403 on the repo10:25
popeywhich could happen for a number of reasons10:26
popeybug 98294810:26
lubotu3Launchpad bug 982948 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity misbehaves after installing an application from the Software Centre" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98294810:26
=== mat__ is now known as Guest99513
davmor2popey: can you screenshot that dialog window at all and add it to that bug please I've directed mvo to it10:26
popeydavmor2: i can try10:27
davmor2popey: thanks10:27
popeysee that bug above, 982948, the screenshots.. is that unity 2d?10:27
MooDoodavmor2: good weekend?10:29
davmor2MooDoo: so so10:30
davmor2MooDoo: you, did you get a nice new camera for your birthday?10:30
MooDoodavmor2: okey cokey10:30
MooDoodavmor2: no i had the camera for christmas, just got money, going to buy some stuff for it though10:30
davmor2popey: yeap unity 2d10:31
popeyta, will reassign10:32
davmor2popey: the only reason I can tell is by the screenshot that drops an icon under the rubbish bin10:32
davmor2popey: in 3d the tiles tilt including the bin, in 2d the tiles drop under the bin and scroll up from under it which is really weird10:33
oimonquestion: the bank messed up and charged me for 4 years for house insurance that i didn't own. i'm asking for a refund, should i ask for compensation?10:40
davmor2oimon: depends did they have a clause that meant you should of closed it?  A lot of these pay monthly insurance deals you have to actually cancel or they carry on regardless10:42
* daftykins spots Sid James running around10:43
oimondavmor2, the bank account, mortgage and insurance are with the bank. they arranged the move and the transfer of the insurance10:44
davmor2oimon: ouch, in that case go for it they can only say no10:44
oimonsucks because they hid my new insurance inside the mortgage so i didn't notice10:50
daftykinseggs and baskets come to mind10:56
daftykinsmind you i still haven't phoned my insurance co. about the break-in i had10:56
daftykinsyou're meant to tell them aren't you?10:56
dogmatic69bah. got a white block on the screen again11:00
dogmatic69how do I restart compiz11:01
davmor2dogmatic69: compiz --restart11:06
sagacicompiz --restart vs. unity --restart11:06
dogmatic69compiz (core) - Warn: Unknown option '--restart'11:06
sagacicompiz --replace11:06
dogmatic69ah, that done it11:07
davmor2dogmatic69: I was close :)11:07
dogmatic69now its running in the terminal, if I close the terminal bad things happen :/11:09
dogmatic69_had to restart, damn thing crashed again11:12
davmor2dogmatic69_: you're not meant to close a terminal window that you have restarted a core service in :D11:13
dogmatic69_davmor2: I would have figured something like would run in the bg11:14
daftykinsonly with &&11:15
davmor2dogmatic69_: no you would need to set it to run in the background with a single & at the end if memory serves11:15
daftykinsmy bad11:15
davmor2daftykins: && is to trigger a new command after isn't it11:16
daftykinschaining them together11:18
daftykinsthough iirc it's only so that the second only runs if the first 'succeeded'11:18
BigRedSdaftykins: only if the first exits 0 (succesful)11:18
BigRedS&& is 'and'11:18
BigRedS; is to simply execute one and then teh other11:18
BigRedSregardless of the way the first exited11:18
BigRedScommand1 ; command211:18
directhexand || for "or" i.e. if exit status for first command is nonzero11:18
davmor2and | pipes the output of the one into and other11:19
BigRedSwill run command1 then command2 and wont care what command1 did11:19
BigRedSwell, yeah, but that's quite different.11:19
daftykinsquite the BASH class we're having here ;)11:20
daftykinstum te tum11:23
popeyhello fhilly_ can we help?11:27
fhillyhi Popey11:29
fhillyI am trying to get detailed information about Ubunt Core rootfs11:29
AlanBellyou mean ext3 or do you mean on the CD?11:31
fhillyUbuntu-Core rootfs11:31
AlanBellin fact go back a step, what are you really trying to achieve?11:31
fhillyit is the minimum rootfs11:31
fhillyI am trying to get detailed information about it, to utilise it on x86 and / or ARM and start contributing to Ubuntu11:32
fhillyand ubuntu core rootfs, is the minimum rootfs, so I don't have to start from scratch11:33
AlanBellthere is some stuff about it here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core11:33
AlanBellmost people start with the standard distribution install with gnome and so on11:34
fhillyit is not enough, I have gone through it11:34
fhillyI use Ubuntu as OS, but I would like to work on the low level stuff11:34
AlanBellhardware enablement stuff?11:35
AlanBelldo you work for an OEM?11:35
fhillyNo, I am Embedded Systems Engineer anyway, but it is nothing to do with my work11:36
fhillyI would like to gain more knowledge of it and experience and at the same time contribute to the community11:36
fhillyis Ubuntu-Core rootfs for OEM mainly? as it seems no one on the forumes is interested!!11:37
fhillyI do have hardware knowledge anyway, so I just need to glue things together11:39
fhillyI have worked on some embedded linux as well, but general linux like kernel and rootfs. ,linux from scratch too. However I am interested in Ubuntu core as I see it a great project11:40
AlanBellwell the ubuntu-core is just Ubuntu with nothing installed other than enough to install other packages from the repositories11:40
AlanBellif you start with ubuntu core and apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ then you get the stuff that goes on the CD11:41
fhillyThanks Alan, is there and detailed information about its architecture?11:41
AlanBellit is a starting point for building custom spins of Ubuntu really11:41
AlanBellthe architecture is the same as the full Ubuntu11:41
fhillyI have already done so, and I am working on it for ARM as well11:41
fhillyI believe there is few missing stuff in documentation11:42
fhillyfor example, we need to install "sudo" package before we can use apt-get as the system will through error message like file system locked and we need sudo to do it11:43
fhillyany detailed Ubuntu architecture documentation? I try to get as much information as possible about the under laying layers before I progress11:45
AlanBellyeah, it is very minimal11:45
AlanBellat that level it is basically debian11:46
AlanBellmaybe someone in the #ubuntu-devel channel or #ubuntu-arm would be better to ask about it11:47
fhillyok thanks Alan, I will try to dig further in Debian then, and try ubuntu-devel. thanks again11:48
BigRedSanyone know off the top of their head where Zimbra password restrictions are configured?12:09
popeyin thunderbird with an email open, double middle click, do you get a white box?12:20
popey(then move the mouse and it should scroll around)12:20
popeyi guess there should be an icon in that bopx12:20
oimonpopey, huh?12:31
oimonwere you asking anyone in the room, or talking to anyone particular12:31
oimonhmm xchat doesn't have a scroll bar anymore12:32
oimonah got it back, weird12:32
gordpopey, double middle click? i've no idea how you find these things, also can't reproduce here12:37
popeyoh actually, only single middle click12:37
AlanBellpopey: it just pastes the last selected thing for me12:38
popeyhow can it paste when you're reading an email?12:38
AlanBelloh, reading. It does nothing12:39
* popey videos12:39
DJonesAre there any major problems with 12.04 now that are likely to stop me upgrading?12:40
oimonmiddle click where?12:40
popeyDJones: no, it is perfect*12:42
popey 12:42
popey 12:42
popey 12:42
popey * Note: May not be perfect.12:42
DJonesHeh, thats what I like to hear12:42
DJonesI'll give it a go12:43
oimoncannot reproduce the TB issue12:43
* Laney eyes the new code of conduct12:43
Laneyproposed new code of conduct ;-)12:43
oimonpopey, i get the icon12:44
popeydo you get the box or an actual icon?12:45
DJonesupgrade running /me crosses fingers12:45
oimonjust one sec, need to censor stuff12:45
popeyooh, i restarted firefox and it came up!12:45
oimonmakes sense12:46
oimonTB does a trick on me where i can't drag emails to folders unless i restart12:48
AlanBellpopey: I get the icon circle, with arrows in it12:52
oimonThis video has been removed because it is too long. argh12:52
oimonwhat's the limit for youtube videos?12:52
popeyyeah, i do now.12:52
popey10-15 mins usually12:52
popeymine is longer12:52
oimoni have a 17 mins one rejected12:52
AlanBellI was looking at a short email earlier so it didn't do it as there were no scrollbars12:52
popeythat lets you increase the limit12:53
oimoni guess i have to reupload though12:54
gordyoutube still limit videos? they increased mine to unlimited a long time ago12:55
popey"Longer length uploads are available globally to users with verified accounts. Videos can be up to 12 hours long."12:55
gordhad to root my phone so that i could use an app that automatically synchronises the time on the phone.. silly world we live in where apps are not allowed to change the time12:59
TheOpenSourcererbug 98301813:02
lubotu3Launchpad bug 983018 in OpenERP Server "Improve the "groups" attribute" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98301813:02
brobostigongord: i have am app like that, for my tablet, and that isnt rooted.13:02
oimoni use the button "get settings from network"13:02
oimonalthough my hp touchpad keeps losing time/date settings13:03
gordbrobostigon, they removed the limitation in later android versions13:03
gordbut that doesn't help me13:03
brobostigongord: i have 2.3.713:03
AlanBellthis looks rather interesting http://www.startreklondon.com13:03
davmor2AlanBell: I saw that and thought that's not how you spell wreck and then thought the riots were surely the start-rek-london I then took the rek back a letter and it was far more geeky then13:06
brobostigongord: which version do you have, with said limitation out of curiosity?13:06
gordwhatever is on the n113:07
brobostigoneither 2.2 or 2.3, but it can run 4.13:07
davmor2gord: mine does on 2.2.113:10
gordwhatever version of a n1 i have, applications changing the date/time no work13:11
gordyou guys can say it works for you all you want, but it doesn't here ;)13:11
davmor2gord: I wonder if they didn't set the ip address of an ntp server13:11
gordno you are missunderstanding13:12
oimonshame that the new single window gimp won't be in 12.0413:12
popeyNO U13:12
gordthe n1 revision i have has a bug where if you start doing international travel the clock gets irrevocably desynced, and never synchronises again. so i have to use an app to do it itself, but for it to automatically change the date/time it needs root because the phone won't let you change it without13:13
davmor2gord: ah now I see what you are getting at, that makes sense now13:15
meeti installed wine through the software center. i want to install that same software on another pc with no internet connection. where can i find the .deb package of wine?13:28
jpdsmeet: /var/cache/apt/archives/13:28
meetbut i cant find the wine package there jpds13:29
davmor2meet: it's installed from an online repo so you should fine that on the system you installed it on, you can then add that to the system with no internet and install it13:30
meetis it hidden?13:30
meetdavmor2 where can i find the package13:32
davmor2meet: hmmm pass should be there but obviously now13:34
meetdo u have wine by any chance? davmor213:34
meetdo u have it in the normal path?13:35
davmor2I do13:35
meetdavmor2: the wine package is there in the archives folder ?13:37
popeymeet: apt-cache policy wine13:38
popeythat will tell you where you got it from13:38
popeyhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ for me13:38
meetuniverse i386 packages? @ popey13:39
davmor2meet: it's just easier to connect the system to the internet as you don't know if there are deps required for it to install that you'll be missing13:40
meetthat's the whole point davmor2 i dont have an internet connection on that and would like to transfer the existing packages using aptoncd/13:41
meetpopey: but what was the use of the apt cache?13:41
brobostigonpackages.ubuntu.com should show the dependencies. also.13:42
popeymeet: that was just to tell you where you could ge tthe package13:42
popeyand then put on a usb stick13:42
popeysynaptic also has a menu option to make this easier13:42
popeyon the internet connected machine you can generate a script which pulls down everything13:43
popeythen you copy all of that to the non-internet-connected machine13:43
bittinyay beaten Angry Birds in Space =)13:55
sagacithat's hard13:55
sagacii gave up13:55
directhexbittin, and all the extra maps?13:57
popeyhello lornajane13:58
lornajanehey popey!  How's life?13:59
bittindirecthex, nope just the regular ones :p14:00
popeyticketyboo thanks lornajane ☺14:03
popeylornajane: coming to oggcamp perchance?14:03
popey18/19 Aug14:03
gordonjcpyay oggcamp14:03
popeyIn Liverpool too.14:03
lornajanepopey: it's in my diary, I saw it was a northern edition.  Have spent all weekend telling other people to come too14:04
* gordonjcp is trying to organise a couple of other people from here14:04
gordonjcpunfortunately I only have two spare seats, and realistically that's for two skinny people14:05
gordonjcpI wanted to get a crew-cab but they weren't prepared to pay the ridiculous amount extra14:06
lornajaneI've been at whiskyweb in Edinburgh over the weekend, which was mixed open source technologies (but admittedly mostly PHP).  They had a really successful hackathon and I think those folk would enjoy oggcamp14:06
* daubers needs to book his hotel14:06
gordonjcplornajane: oddly enough mgdm is one of the people who expressed an interest in sharing a lift down14:06
* popey googles whiskeyweb14:08
lornajanegordonjcp: good good.  I first met him at a lugradiolive anyway, and was hassling him to do oggcamp this year.  He and I might also do froscon14:09
DJonesI'd heard people talking about whiskyweb...I thought it was a Whisky drinking/tasting event14:09
gordonjcplornajane: where are you based?14:09
lornajaneDJones: yeah, it's a bit of a daft name for a technical conference and I just went home when the whisky came out - apart from that it was good though14:09
lornajanegordonjcp: Leeds14:09
gordonjcpah, not horribly far south then14:10
lornajanegordonjcp: hehe, no, nicely middle-ish :)14:10
gordonjcplornajane: tbh I think it would be impractical to hold a conference much further north than the central belt14:10
gordonjcpbut we really could do with more up here14:10
DJonesI suspect I'm probably the person closest to Oggcamp14:11
gordonjcpDJones: I take it Dan isn't in this channel? ;-)14:11
DJonesgordonjcp: I'm only about 10 miles away, so I guess that would mean Dan is from Liverpool14:12
gordonjcpI quite fancy bringing back the Linux Beer Walks14:13
AlanBello/ lornajane14:13
lornajanehello AlanBell :)14:13
hamitrongordonjcp, aren't most too unfit to walk far, after sitting at a comp 25 hours per day? ;)14:14
AlanBelldon't think I am going to make it to oggcamp this time :(14:14
czajkowskiAlanBell: oh noes14:14
lornajanehey czajkowski!  I was taking your name in vain last week, someone from Dublin tried to tell me there were no good tech groups around.  Nonsense!14:15
AlanBellmaybe it will be back in the Maltings next year14:15
czajkowskilornajane: oh indeed!14:15
czajkowskifor shame!14:15
czajkowskiphyton and php are large groups there14:15
SuperEngineeridea for next oggcamp - Seattle - with banners everywhere shouting - "meh!"14:38
lornajaneI'm setting up my new laptop - it has a touch screen and I keep forgetting I can touch things14:40
davmor2czajkowski: prod, just cause14:44
davmor2lornajane: you've been able to touch things for years though surely,  just stuff on the computer that you haven't right?15:04
lornajanedavmor2: you are quite correct :)15:05
lornajanemy (non-geek) sister is sitting watching and suddenly asked why I needed a touchscreen laptop if I was just going to keep on using keyboard for everything15:06
lornajaneit's a good question15:06
gordonjcplornajane: because if you run android-x86 it's really, really hard to get used to not using a touchscreen ;-)15:12
DJonesThats unexpected, not sure whether the upgrade to 12.04 has finished/completed, but the update window has closed down without asking me to restart15:12
DJonesAlthough, it did look to be near the end anyway15:12
DJonesLets try for a reboot15:12
AlanBelllornajane: what laptop is it with a touchscreen?15:13
lornajaneAlanBell: it's a thinkpad x220t15:13
lornajaneso far I've booted windows, waited around a lot, not understood what to do, and installed LXDE Mint15:13
* AlanBell wonders how good the unity multitouch stuff is these days15:14
lornajaneAlanBell: I saw some mixed reviews, I need to get into it.  Right now I don't even know where to start but I needed to replace my machine in enough time to get it all set up before summer conference madness15:15
lornajanethis is a dinky new laptop until I work out how to use the touch stuff15:17
lornajanethis openbox can handle touch clicks at least, and I assume will be OK if I use the pen as well15:18
* czajkowski wonders how many times on the UK list we're gonna have threads on top posting this year 15:22
davmor2czajkowski: once every other week at a guess15:24
davmor2czajkowski: that or one that lasts the entire year15:24
seekerMeh, things geeks get worked up about #102958215:26
czajkowskicould also argue that signature from one of them is not very nice on a list with all the images on it15:27
czajkowskibut the fact gareth has been asked on a number of ocassions to stop top posting is annoying15:28
daftykinsanyone played with mosh yet? http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/04/13/mosh/15:45
daftykinswhat's the correct service name to restart once you've fiddled with /etc/network/interfaces ? "sudo service networking restart" doesn't seem to work15:52
daftykinsnever have quite got the hang of 'service', prefer using init.d items instead still really ;x15:53
gordi used to think that, bah at all this new fangled stuff, my old stuff works fine! but then i need to write a new init.d script so decided to try writing a service instead... so much simpler15:54
daftykinswhat's the deal with reinvoking ones interfaces then?15:54
gordnetwork-interface maybe?15:55
gordthe networking init.d scripts got converted over to upstart anyway :)15:55
daftykinswhat does that mean?15:55
gord/etc/init/ has all the services15:55
gordit means /etc/init.d/networking is just a symlink to a wrapper that calls service start networking15:55
daftykinsyeah, 'networking' still exists but it mentioned deprecation when i used that method15:55
daftykinsoh right XD15:56
daftykinsindeed, i see in there it calls "/lib/init/upstart-job networking start"15:58
MartijnVdSBut what if we switch to systemd?16:07
daftykinsthat an upstart alternative?16:11
daftykinshrmm i'm looking at Microsoft certs16:12
daftykinswhat a minefield16:12
gordyou can get certified in minesweeper?16:12
popeythey upgraded it16:13
popeyit's solitaire now16:13
directhexupstart is an ubuntuism, really16:13
popeyand chrome16:13
directhexsystemd is the declaration of the bold new future, from lennart pettering (pulseaudio, network manager, etc)16:13
MartijnVdSdirecthex: and some people don't like the fact that systemd is a Lennartism16:13
davmor2directhex: and rhel 616:13
popeydoesn't android use it too?16:13
directhexpopey, android doesn't. webos does.16:13
popeysorry, chromium16:14
popeygiven they employ keybuk ☺16:14
gordi like the idea of user services, still waiting on upstart to finish that though16:15
directhexsystemd has less penetration than upstart, but upstart adoption is going to go away very quickly outside ubuntuland16:15
directhexi.e. upstart usage is due to "we already used upstart before systemd existed"16:15
directhexi wouldn't even say systemd is technically better... but the linux world inevitably does what lennart tells them to16:16
MartijnVdSdirecthex: Hey at least he's not Hans Reiser :P16:16
daftykinsooh there is a test centre for MS certs in Guernsey16:24
daftykinsfancy that16:24
daftykinsdirecthex: considering it for something to do ^_^16:31
awilkinsGood evening, ladies and germs16:41
* awilkins amuses self by copying hiberfil.sys to a thumb drive16:44
awilkinsSat here on a LiveUSB because this laptop has Windows 7 installed on it and it's lame16:45
awilkinsI've not done proper development work on Windows in so long all my toolkits have atrophied16:45
davmor2awilkins: why are you sitting on a liveusb, stick it in the windows machine and boot from it :P16:46
awilkinsThat's what I meant - I've booted from it16:47
awilkinsI'm tempted to shrink the Windows partition and install it, but I'd still be long enough away from "productive" that it wouldn't be worth the effort - I left my usual external SSD at home by omission16:47
daftykinshrmm what to do for food tonight16:47
awilkinsOrdinarily this machine just boots off the eSATA and runs off the SSD16:48
awilkinsI must institute a more rigorous bag check16:48
awilkinsTo avoid forgetting important things like, my work16:48
awilkinsHave busied myself with management type stuff today.16:49
daftykinssounds... nasty16:54
awilkinsWell, given that my employer has elected to pay me a derisory raise to pretend to be managing things, I sometimes find it essential to do so16:56
awilkinsI try to achieve this by making things manage themselves16:56
awilkinsThis is the most palatable arrangement to us developers anyway16:57
awilkinsOk, question, what are peoples favourite managing-software-stuff-on-a-website things16:58
awilkinsparticularly things that integrate nicely with Mylyn16:59
MartijnVdSlike review/merge requests, etc.?16:59
awilkinsTrac, Redmine, JIRA, Bugzilla, etc16:59
MartijnVdSWe actually use RT 8-|16:59
MartijnVdSRequest Tracker. I don't recommend it for bug/software tracking16:59
awilkinsI did at one point want to make an in-house build of Launchpad but it was a bit raw at the time16:59
MartijnVdSWe made a whole bunch of custom scripts to get it to do what WE want17:00
davmor2awilkins: what you mean like launchpad?17:00
awilkinsdavmor2: Yeah, Launchpad has some lovely features17:00
awilkinsdavmor2: Not sure it covers all the ground people want here though..17:00
awilkinsI do want to encourage workflows that are basically similar to the Bazaar team17:01
davmor2awilkins: Why what do you think it doesn't cover? and throw that at czajkowski17:01
SuperEngineerhmmm.. following the realisiation yesterday that it may be a hardware problem stopping system sounds on installed  12.04 64bit - downloaded the 32 bit iso - in VirtualBox I get a message "This kernel requires  the following features not present on the CPU: pae" [and is unable to boot of course ]17:02
SuperEngineerI assume it refers to physical address  extension... but why?17:03
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: it's required now17:03
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: modern CPUs tend to have it17:03
SuperEngineer[never claimed my cpu was modern ;)  ]17:04
awilkinsOr is it more that the VirtualBox "virtual CPU" doesn't support PAE?17:04
SuperEngineer...so how does installed 12.04 boot ok?17:04
MartijnVdSawilkins: yes that17:04
MartijnVdSClue, I don'17:05
awilkins64-bit doesn't need PAE17:05
MartijnVdSt have one17:05
awilkinsPAE is a workaround for not having 64-bit address space17:05
SuperEngineerbullseye... I reckon awilkins  & MartijnVdS are spot on17:05
awilkinsSuperEngineer: There's a PAE / NX flag for the VBox machine17:07
* SuperEngineer goes flag hunting in VBox17:07
awilkinsThere's no special PAE edition of the 32-bit kernel now because Precise is a LTS release, they merged a lot of the kernel builds to reduce maintenance overhead17:08
awilkinsSuperEngineer: tis in Processor tab17:08
SuperEngineerfingers crossed...17:09
SuperEngineer...& it's booting :)17:09
* awilkins bimbles off home17:10
dogmatic69_is there a quick way to move windows between spaces?17:11
* SuperEngineer taps finies waiting to see if alert sounds exist under 32bit 12.04 on this pooter17:12
SuperEngineernope - no difference on 32bit...  same as 64 all other sounds perfect - no alert sounds :(     kernel 1 - pooter 017:20
MartijnVdSmaybe it's vbox being annoying17:20
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS:  suspect not - the installed [for several weeks] on hdd 64bit is identical17:21
SuperEngineeralso suspect my pooter is just like me... refuses to acknowledge own age17:22
SuperEngineerI would report it as a bug - but who am I to go again Mark S's revised v. original intentions...17:33
* SuperEngineer sniggers17:33
AlanBell64bit might be default on the CD this time18:05
gordpopey, you get theme hospital from gog.com? i love gog.com but for obvious reasons, there installers just install dosbox + the game and run the game in dosbox ;)18:12
popeyyeah, didnt realise that18:17
* DJones has a happy wife, cityville has been fixed (in that fixed = she can play on it, not that fixed = deleted from history)18:21
DJonesHer comment "I'm so glad to back on linux, its quicker, it doesn't crash" This is after having to use Windows 7 to play her game :)18:26
lornajaneDJones: yay :)18:26
lornajanetoday I booted windows on a new laptop (and waited, and rebooted, you know the drill).  I moaned and my (non-geek) sister told me to be patient because it was running for the first time18:27
lornajanethen watched me install and run linux in a lot less time than it took windows to just start18:28
DJonesI can believe it18:28
MyrttiI see it's time for the bimonthly "do not top post" discussion on the mailinglist18:29
AlanBellsandwich posting ftw18:30
DJonesmmmhh, bacon sandwich :)18:31
JohnRobertanyone know how I'd go about doing a dist-upgrade to the 12.04 beta?18:56
JohnRobertah wait it's in big letters on the ubuntu website18:57
jacobwi really need to lose this fedora cloak19:00
popeyjacobw: sudo update-manager -d19:01
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] A hard tablet to swallow - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/04/16/a-hard-tablet-to-swallow/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-hard-tablet-to-swallow19:03
JohnRoberthmm not enough free space19:05
lornajanejacobw: it's full-upgrade these days but the two do the same thing I believe19:05
JohnRobertanyone know of a popular tool for viewing what's taking up loads of space?19:05
gordonjcpI'm not sure how a GUI would work for that19:06
gordonjcpit would basically be a GUI containing a list of paths and numbers...19:06
JohnRobertthere's already something that does it, looks like a pie chart19:07
JohnRobertcan't remember what it's called19:07
popeyits pre-installed19:08
popeypress super -> disk usage19:08
daftykinsdist-upgrade is deprecated?19:09
popeydepends what you're trying to do19:09
popeyif you want to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 as I believe JohnRobert is, we recommend update manager or do-release-upgrade19:10
daftykinsi always use it to keep a server/desktop current19:10
arsenyo daftykins19:11
arsenhome now?19:11
daftykinsPorts-land once more yep19:11
arsenarh, stil at work here. crazy day on sunday - ended up being basically the end of the world. was up 8am -> 6am, came into work at 12 :<19:11
daftykinsmight be back at the weekend to the London flat once more to rejig the boss' travelling laptop19:11
daftykinsat least they let you sleep a bit? :)19:12
arsenjust getting my allocation of free work food now tho19:12
arsen7pm = free £15 dinner19:12
arsenyeah, some sleep. all i really wana do is drink beer and play some computer games to de-stress heh.19:12
daftykinsany jobs mentioning on-call put me off even more now ;D19:13
arsenheh depends on the pay to balance it19:13
arsenit's all about having me-time tho, so we'll see how my opinion changes in the future :)19:14
JohnRoberthow on earth does one change the cpu speed in ubuntu these days?19:29
daftykinshow on earth did you ever do it? cpufreqd or elsewise?19:31
JohnRobertcpufreq applet thing19:32
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JohnRobertdoes 12.04 have better power management options? eg - run cpu fast when on ac etc..19:32
MartijnVdSWhy would you want to control that manually?19:33
MartijnVdSI think it runs the CPU faster on AC, or at least, uses less power saving19:33
JohnRobertwell I'd like control over it19:33
MartijnVdSBut only if you need it -- if you don't need it it'll probably just scale down the speed19:33
MartijnVdSNo, you wouldn't ;)19:33
MartijnVdSthe computer is much better at it19:33
JohnRobertyes I would, I have that in windows19:33
JohnRobertsometimes I don't want my fan spinning lots because the cpu is running 100%19:34
MartijnVdSThen it'll overheat19:34
daftykinsi'd sure want control over my laptop turbo'ing - pesky i5s :D19:34
JohnRobertno, I'd like to turn the cpu speed down when on ac etc..19:34
MartijnVdSdaftykins: Wait for Ivy Bridge ;)19:34
JohnRobertso that the fan doesn't spin so much19:34
daftykinsMartijnVdS: gonna be the same deal?19:35
MartijnVdSJohnRobert: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/92880.html19:35
JohnRobertI didn't mean I wanted to interfere with the fan directly19:35
MartijnVdSdaftykins: It'll use less power for the same speed19:35
JohnRobertwhat I just mentioned is a good reason why articles like this are silly19:35
daftykinserr nah turbo is just not something i want 24/7 :D19:35
* JohnRobert now actually reads it19:36
MartijnVdSJohnRobert: You don't want to interfere with the fan directly. You don't want to have the fan turn on when you're doing "X" (watching videos?)19:36
MartijnVdSThe effect is the same19:36
MartijnVdSBut the way of getting there is slightly different :)19:36
MartijnVdSThe system should _know_ you don't want the fans on if you're doing <X>19:36
JohnRobertyeah, but in reality it won't work like that19:37
JohnRobertin an ideal world it would19:37
MartijnVdSWe want to get to the ideal world in the end19:38
MartijnVdSsmall steps19:38
JohnRobertthink about it, you're browsing a web page and a tab you're not looking at has flash loaded which is using loads of cpu time19:38
MartijnVdSAudio is getting there, for exampel19:38
JohnRobertcausing the cpu to ramp up19:38
MartijnVdSI don't install flash19:38
JohnRobertis gnash any good yet?19:38
MartijnVdSbut I agree, that's annoying19:38
MartijnVdSNo idea19:38
JohnRobertor swfdec or wahtever19:38
MartijnVdSpopey: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elegantinvention/isostick-the-optical-drive-in-a-usb-stick19:41
MartijnVdSpopey: if you don't want unetbootin :)19:41
daftykinsi suppose it's still relevant if it lets you pick what ISO to mount from any you throw on19:43
MartijnVdSit does19:43
MartijnVdSit's still a bit beta though19:45
MartijnVdSthe guy who makes them is 'lain' on #sparkfun19:46
arsennice toy19:48
arsenwould love one at work here.19:49
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JohnRobertit's a good idea19:51
JohnRobertalso re that cpu scaling thing, often the cpu ramps up just from stuff doing a lot of IO19:56
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JohnRobertfor example, dropbox indexing, update manager etc..19:56
JohnRobertand sometimes you don't want that to start sucking up your battery19:57
popeyMartijnVdS: so you just drag an ISO onto the stick?19:58
MartijnVdSpopey: yes, and the stick has a bootloader that lets you select the ISO to boot19:58
popeythis can be done with grub19:58
MartijnVdSpopey: I don't know what he uses19:58
popeyyou could take any usb stick, make two partitions, one for grub, one for ISOs19:58
popeyjob done19:58
MartijnVdSpopey: but this shows up as a real USB CD-ROM drive19:59
MartijnVdS(and a USB memory stick)19:59
popeywhat problem does that solve?19:59
MartijnVdSI don't know.. I guess if you have 20 ISOs and need to boot random ones often on random hardware it's useful20:00
daftykinsi was almost going to say it could be useful for pre-USB boot systems20:02
daftykinsbut ;D20:02
ali1234lol, just installing grub on a usb stick is a pain in the ass20:05
ali1234just for normal booting20:05
ali1234you must use obscure command line parameters to stop it from probing bios devices20:05
ali1234because usb isn't bios device20:05
ali1234if you don't, it will just hang for about 10 minutes and then fail to install20:06
daftykinssounds like a fun time!20:06
ali1234grub really sucks for usb20:07
* Laney goes on a passport hunt20:09
hank3three3hi, I am trying to copy some dvd's to my hard drive, I'm running 12.04, are there any programs in 12.04 I can use?20:28
daftykinshmm, not sure if we're meant to be all legal and what not here20:28
MartijnVdSdaftykins: well they're probably DVDs of his friend's wedding or some such20:28
hank3three3its for  my own personal use, and not sharing20:29
MartijnVdSdaftykins: or his baby's first steps20:29
MartijnVdShank3three3: http://handbrake.fr/ -- it links to Ubuntu packages on the Download page20:29
hank3three3ph, that looks good as I have a macpro laptop as well thank you, will try see if I can work it out20:31
hank3three3in Ubuntu it looks like it only goes up to 11,10, that is a pity20:32
MartijnVdShank3three3: you can install that version on 12.04 just fine20:32
hank3three3oh, good, I didnt know that20:32
MartijnVdShank3three3: just use the "apt-add-repository" line, then edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stebbins-whaever file that was creasted to have "oneiric" instead of "precise"20:33
MartijnVdSthen you should be able to install it20:33
LaneyWHERE IS IT20:34
MartijnVdSLaney: It dropped down /dev/null20:34
MartijnVdSLaney: so probably somewhere in /dev/random20:34
MartijnVdSthings always end up there20:35
Laney120 odd quid and a trip to Peterborough to get a replacement20:35
Laney:( :( :( :(20:35
daftykinsthat'll learn ya!20:35
MartijnVdSLaney: what though20:35
hank3three3ok, thank you20:36
MartijnVdSLaney: Yes. Always know where it is. Like a towel.20:36
Nafallogood idea.20:36
LaneyI did know where it is.20:36
LaneyThen it wasn't there …20:36
MartijnVdSMaybe someone doesn't want you to leave the country20:36
NafalloI should figure out how to get a new one of them20:36
MartijnVdSNafallo: Consulate probably?20:37
Nafalloyeah, I would think so.20:37
Laneywith maximum hassle, trouble and strife20:37
Laneyand suspicion20:37
NafalloI rather not head back to foreign country to get it sorted.20:37
MartijnVdSNafallo: Why? They hate you there?20:38
MartijnVdSIs it like Fallout 3.. the moment you enter the country, everyone is hostile toward to?20:38
Nafallonah. it's more the opposite. ;-)20:38
MartijnVdSNafallo: Women claiming their kids are yours and wanting your love?20:39
MartijnVdSOr men.. whichever you prefer.20:39
Nafalloneither. I don't make kids.20:39
MartijnVdSA true geek 8-)20:39
MartijnVdSTime to do some serious Zzzing20:40
daftykinsnn MartijnVdS o/20:41
NafalloMartijnVdS: gnight20:42
Laneycan you get to foreign country without passport?20:43
Nafallohopefully not.20:43
Nafallobut it hasn't expired yet.20:43
NafalloI still have a few months.20:44
Nafallojust figured I'd be prepared.20:44
LaneyI need to find or get a new one before UDS :P20:44
Nafallothat's... soon20:44
Laneythe passport office have a one week service though, so it's easily doable20:45
Laneyassuming appointments aren't too hard to come by20:45
MartijnVdSYou have to make appointments for passports?20:48
MartijnVdS♥ NL ;)20:48
NafalloI've heard Dutch... </320:49
Laneyfor the fast track service you do20:50
Laneybut not for normal applications20:50
brobostigon!info gnome-shell unstable20:56
lubotu3gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version (unstable), package size 350 kB, installed size 940 kB20:56
hank3three3MartijnVdS: worked it out, got it installed, and playing around with it now, hopefully, I can work out how to use it, thank you, definately going to add it to my macbook pro21:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
gordtime to upgrade to maverick! <img href="slowpoke.jpg"/>22:08
awilkinsHey, does the nouveau driver work with Unity 3D now, or is Unity 2D just a lot shinier in Precise?22:17
awilkinsOoh, a "sticky edges off" button in the Displays panel22:18
* awilkins toggles22:18
Nafallogord: waitwhat? maverick?22:27
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
gordawilkins, its worked with unity for a release or two now iirc, but the driver still has a bunch of problems with stability and texture memory leaks so i wouldn't recommend it22:37
awilkinsgord, Ah, fairy snuff. This isn't my usual place to run this copy, it's my external work drive, I've just been upgrading it22:38
awilkinsIt uses the Intel at work anyway, it's one of those fancy git laptops with an Optimus22:39
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
ubuntuuk-planet[iain woz ere] Losing things - http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/blog/posts/2012/04/passport/23:03
LaneyI didn't tag that for planet :O23:03
LaneyI forgot to update my u-uk feed on the wiki it seems. Ah well.23:19

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