
Will123456is the dash -> hud application icon switching animation gone?00:19
Will123456in 5.10 that is00:19
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malindavidcalle: I tried to do a sudo chmod +x  on my buss lense, but it dosen't autostart yet09:26
davidcallemalin, is the daemon path in your .service file correct ?09:29
malindavidcalle: I think it is, but I can doublecheck09:36
malindavidcalle: yes, it is correct09:37
davidcallemalin, /usr/lib/unity-lens-buss/buss ?09:37
malinand buss is placed in /usr/lib/unity-lens-buss/09:37
malinI double checked it09:37
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Guest98059Hi guys, can you tell me, how can i install unity in ubuntu 11.04 ?09:38
davidcallemalin, so, when you start your session, you can see the lens in the Dash, but it's not running, right?09:38
davidcalleGuest98059, Unity is already installed in 11.04, if you have removed it, you can install it again via the software center.09:39
malinthat's right09:39
davidcallemalin, that's odd :)09:39
malindavidcalle: I know09:39
malinor indeed is maybe a better way to say it :) hehe09:39
davidcallemalin, if you do /usr/lib/unity-lens-buss/buss in a terminal, does your lens work?09:39
Guest98059davidcalle, can I do it by konsole ? for example sudo apt-get install unity ?09:40
Guest98059or smth similar ?09:40
davidcalleGuest98059, absolutely.09:40
malinyes, then it works09:40
Guest98059ok, thanks alot09:40
davidcalleGuest98059, yw09:40
Guest98059Do I have to turn it on somehow alter or will i be able to simply choose it when the system starts09:41
malinGuest98059: if you use apt-cache search <packagename> you will figure out if the package is available and what the name is09:41
malinapt-get show <package-name> and you get info about what the package is, and so on :)09:41
malinGuest98059: when you log in you just change session09:42
davidcalleGuest98059, you will be able to choose it befor eyou log in.09:42
Guest98059ook, thanks a lot09:42
davidcallemalin, you should log out, log in, and do a search in your lens. Even if it's not working, do a "ps aux | grep buss" to see if it's running but broken for some reason.09:43
davidcallemalin, do a search before you check, because lenses are only started if they are open at least once during the session.09:44
malini had my computer shut down to night09:45
malinbut I could do that09:45
malinbut I can try to log out, and in again09:46
malindavidcalle: the ps aux | grep buss gives me this09:52
malinmalin    10546  0.0  0.0  10612   928 pts/2    S+   11:52   0:00 grep --color=auto buss09:52
davidcallemalin, ok, so it's really not running.09:52
davidcallemalin, is the dbus name in the .service file the same as in your daemon and .lens file?09:53
* davidcalle is back in 10 min. Coffee crave.09:54
malindavidcalle: I will check10:00
malindavidcalle: here is a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/djc37ysT10:04
davidcallemalin, ok, looking at it10:07
davidcallemalin, found it!10:28
davidcallemain, second line of your .service file. It should be "Name", not "name".10:28
malinaha :)10:31
malinI will try10:32
malinthen I will try to log out and in again :)10:32
malindavidcalle: thanx. That fixed it all :)10:34
davidcallemalin, :)10:34
malinthe only thing worth fixing after a while is the fact it starts to search before I have finished the last search-word, giving me first an answer of illegal search-string10:35
malinI think That is something I will work on later10:35
malinmaybe if it won't search unless there is at least 3 spaces, but not optimal :) so a long list of valid search names is the only solution, but requires me to make a list.10:36
malinthank you very much davidcalle  :)10:36
davidcallemalin, yw :)10:37
malinyw is short for?10:39
didrocksmalin: "you're welcome"10:40
malinawh. thanx :)10:43
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seb128Trevinho, could you look at bug #982200? do you think it's a duplicate of the other issue you are tracking?11:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 982200 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unlocking app from Launcher during launching it removes it from the Launcher and Switcher until you restart the app again" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98220011:22
seb128it's a bit similar but restarting the application resolve it in this case so it might be different11:22
Trevinhoseb128: yes, it's a different thing... I think that this can be solved only touching unity11:25
seb128Trevinho, so I don't close it as duplicate, in any case low priority issues, it's not like unpinning stuff while they start is a frequent user scenario ;-)11:26
seb128Trevinho, thanks11:26
Trevinhoseb128: no worry, if I see there's something in common (code-side), I'll update the bug ;)11:27
nik90seb128, Trevinho, thnx guys...the user should be happy to know :)11:29
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Moonlight_GhostGood afternoon. Guys, can I ask a question about Unity?13:54
Moonlight_Ghostin ubuntu 11.10 Dash button is shifted to the side panel. Will there be a version of Unity with the former location of Dash?13:57
Moonlight_GhostThank you. bye14:07
* mhall119 loves when questions have simple answers14:15
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mfischdavidcalle: do you know why the calculator scope made me install the cities scope?16:31
mfischdavidcalle: I don't see a direct depends anywhere16:32
davidcallemfisch, the calculator scope depends on the utilities lens, the utilities lens recommends the cities scope and recommends are installed by default.16:32
mfischdavidcalle: thanks, I've been doing too many projects with recommends turned off to remember that ;)16:33
davidcallemfisch, that's not optimal, but at least, you can remove specific scopes you don't want.16:33
davidcallemfisch, for the record, scopes recommend scopes because this way, the Software Center recommends them as "add-ons" when you look at a lens page.16:34
davidcallescopes recommnd lenses*16:34
davidcalleno... Lenses recomment scopes. Sorry, end of day :)16:34
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mhall119chrisccoulson: what's the status of getting overlay scrollbars in Firefox and Mozilla?18:35
chrisccoulsonmhall119, i plan to have another look next cycle18:50
mhall119chrisccoulson: thanks, could you keep me updated when you do?  They're on my list of upstreams that I'm tracking for better Unity integration18:50
chrisccoulsonmhall119, i guess it's pretty difficult for them to support any unity integration when we can't maintain stable ABI's ;)18:53
chrisccoulsoneg, each of the last 3 ubuntu releases has a different libunity ABI18:54
chrisccoulsonthat's a nightmare for any ISV to support18:54
mhall119chrisccoulson: but libunity doesn't affect the scrollbar integration18:55
chrisccoulsonmhall119, right. that was just one example. we're pretty bad across the board at not breaking ABI ;)18:55
mhall119stable ABIs are boring :)18:56
mfischmhall119: the final argument to model.append() in a scope is "DND URI".  yet when I put my URL in there, I get a crazy result when I drag and drop it19:09
mfischmhall119: can a normal URI go there?  like http://foo.com?19:09
mhall119mhr3: ^^ can you answer that for mfisch, because I really don't know19:12
Will123456chrisccoulson, mhall119 so that means adding overlay scrollbars to firefox would somehow make use of existing code? instead of just being a behaviourally and graphically identical rewrite for XUL?19:12
mfischmhall119: actually it works fine in Chrome and weird in FF19:13
Will123456i wonder if the maximised dash blur jumping will get fixed in time19:15
mhr3mfisch, so what are you putting there19:22
mfischmhr3: just a URL, it's working fine when I drop in chrome, FF gave me some weird error before that I cannot repro.19:25
mfischmhr3: I dont know why you'd drag and drop out of my scope anyway, but I though I'd try it19:25
mhr3well afaict it should be working fine :)19:26
mhr3if firefox decides to screw it up a bug should be opened ;)19:27
mhall119Teester: hey, jcastro wanted me to touch base with you about the AskUbuntu lens, he said you made a fix for it for Precise, does that mean it's working now, or is there more to do?20:06
mfischmhr3: thx20:14
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pansetHi are there any devs using utouch stack on Arch Linux?22:57
pansetI have a doubt, is unity utouch needed for recognising two touches in 3.3.x kernel?22:59
pansetAlso are there anyone here using utouch (even in ubuntu) on Asus EP121 tablet?23:02
bdrungCimi: hi. do you have tomorrow time to help me debugging bug #955376 and #981289?23:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 981289 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Window list entries colored in white instead of dark (GNOME Classic / Ambiance theme)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98128923:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 955376 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Text color under Ambiance in top panel of GNOME Classic is dark gray instead of white" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95537623:15

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