
philipballew_bkerensa, your bike light article was interesting.01:39
philipballew_I think im gonna comment about stoplights on it.01:39
pleia2philipballew_: thank you!01:44
philipballew_pleia2, I do what I can :)01:50
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei
philipballew_pleia2, i dont have any channel ops here so I cant ever update the meeting times correct?16:35
philipballew_pleia2, Can I ask you a quick networking question?22:12
pleia2philipballew_: gave philipballew ops here so you can /msg chanserv topic22:14
pleia2and sure22:14
philipballew_alright, I will change the topic soon22:14
philipballew_would uninstalling network manager in xubuntu and setting up a static ip the normal way cause any problems22:15
pleia2"it should be fine"22:15
philipballew_I have the root account enabled and just a regular non sudo  account for everything else22:15
philipballew_All im setting up my laptop here to do it run a firefox browser22:15
pleia2removing any defaults can cause weirdness (especially on upgrade if it wants to reinstall it randomly), but generally I haven't had problems really22:16
philipballew_okay. and having the root acount is fine that way?22:16
pleia2ubuntu isn't built around a security model where the root account is enabled, so it's always going to be risky22:16
pleia2might want to disable login via root in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf22:17
pleia2er, /etc/ssh/sshd_config22:17
pleia2PermitRootLogin No22:17
philipballew_ssh isnt installed. So I think that would be okay22:17
pleia2oh ok :)22:17
philipballew_I was gonna install debian, but I decided I wanted actual firefox22:18
philipballew_call me crazy :)22:18
DarkwingYoua re crazy22:23
* Darkwing rubs eyes22:25
* philipballew_ doesnt try, it comes naturally22:29
dragonIt's an innate skill.22:30
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei
* Darkwing sighs22:32

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