
greg-gI finally found an excuse to use the <blink> tag in a blog post! http://blog.grossmeier.net/2012/04/15/learning-arduino/01:24
rick_hhah, how did you end up with that?01:24
rick_hawesome idea01:25
rick_hI can understand howt he toys are crazy. I tried to stay away from too much noise stuff01:26
snap-lgreg-g: Send a note to the manufacturer that the toy is defective.01:46
snap-l"It plays drums like a white country music fan"01:46
snap-lrick_h: I think I figured out a way to do the json file for my playlists without sniplate01:49
snap-lcreate a small script to read the id3 tags off of a series of flac / mp3 files.01:49
snap-lshould be a day project01:50
* snap-l is finally fed up with Miro02:01
snap-lusing gpodder now02:02
rick_hsnap-l: yea, something to json just screams script me02:05
snap-lbtw: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct has been updated.13:06
snap-lExpect the trout-slapping to increase13:06
brousch1oh great, now we have to be agile13:08
brousch1'''Leadership in the broader interest'''  We expect that leaders hold the interests of the team and the Ubuntu community above those of themselves, their employer, and other projects.13:16
brousch1It looks like I won't be leading anything Ubuntu13:16
ColonelPanic001heh, no kidding13:17
ColonelPanic001"sorry boss, fire me if you must, I'M GOING TO THIS BUGJAM"13:17
brousch1at least it doesn't say above their god or country13:17
ColonelPanic001Everyone knows I only do that for WSULUG13:17
snap-lYeah, that needs some rewording13:19
ColonelPanic001<God> Colonel Panic, go forth and teach thy peers to worship the One True God13:22
ColonelPanic001<Me> K later God, I have to go do some questions on Launchpad Answers13:23
ColonelPanic001<God> OMG wtf13:23
ColonelPanic001<Me> *sunglasses* Deal with it.13:23
ColonelPanic001I fear one day, my language abilities will devolve to being capable of expressing ideas only as internet memes.13:29
=== widox_ is now known as widox
jrwreni don't know that internet meme13:34
snap-lrick_h: What was the command that creates setup.py for Python?13:46
snap-lNot having much luck with Google.13:47
rick_hnp, it's good stuff13:48
rick_hstart every bit of code with that, there are a few examples in packages I wrote at MP that use it13:48
jrwrenthanks, I'll check that out too!13:50
brousch1ug, this computer is driving me nuts. brb13:54
rick_hjrwren: yea, nice to start out projects consistantly and you start out being able to do python setup.py sdist ootb13:55
snap-lHm, PasteDeploy 1.5 has a key error on setup.14:01
snap-lLooks like a bug in the python I have on 11.1014:03
rick_hsnap-l: doh, sorry. Paste the traceback?14:06
snap-lOne sec14:06
rick_hsnap-l: also try the install again, I have had that happen lately for some reason14:06
snap-lTrying it again in another virtualenv14:06
rick_hwhat's the latest in editing text fields in vim for firefox? jrwren greg-g ?14:08
snap-lCTRL-C / CTRL-V14:10
snap-lrick_h: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/pip.log14:11
rick_hhmmm just chcked that I've got 1.5 here14:14
rick_hoh hmm, that was pastescript throwing the error not deploy it looks like14:15
rick_hsnap-l: yea, try running it again if you haven't14:16
rick_hin the same venv14:16
rick_hbecause the traceback seems to imply that pastedeploy got installed, but that pastescript when trying to reference it failed14:16
rick_hso guessing there's some race condition there14:16
snap-lYeah, it's working now14:18
rick_hok yea14:18
snap-lbtw: In case someone is wondering if the Penguicon traffic regarding room parties applies to the release party14:25
snap-lregistration in this case means having the room party registered with the con14:25
snap-lThe hotel liaison helped us set up the release party location14:26
snap-lThey're aware of it14:26
snap-lThe hotel is VERY strict on keeping things quiet, so if a party erupts on a quiet floor, or the party isn't previously approved, the hotel will boot them from the con.14:27
snap-lSo I don't foresee any problems.14:28
snap-lUnfortunately, if you're planning on attending the release party, you'll still need to have a day pass for Penguicon.14:28
snap-lWhich is something we'll need to discuss in the future.14:28
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
jrwrenrick_h: i'm not even sure what you are asking. the latest in editing text fields in vim for firefox?14:44
rick_hjrwren: I get a version breackages notice for itsalltext14:45
rick_hand there's a few diff plugins14:45
rick_hso curious what people are using and figured you might be using something14:45
jrwrenah, I don' tuse that plugin.14:46
jrwreni really should use a vim kb plugin for FF, but I've not yet.14:47
rick_hjrwren: k, sorry to bug you :)14:47
jrwrenlol, i like it when you bug me.14:51
jrwrennag me to increase my nerd levels14:51
jcastrorick_h: your gear come in yet?14:58
rick_hjcastro: no, UPS man comes late...so probably will be late night bleeding session for me tonight :)14:59
snap-lSounds like fun. ;-P15:00
rick_hoh yea...can't wait lol15:00
snap-lY'know, some people pay good money for pain15:00
rick_hthis damn split url bar search bar in FF is maddening15:03
snap-lGod, this site is retarded.15:04
snap-lThe javascript makes it so you can't send in a donation under $10015:05
jrwrenrick_h: what equipment did you get?15:25
rick_hjrwren: shaving stuff?15:26
jrwrenah, nice.15:27
jrwrenah, you might have liked the longer handled model razor.15:27
rick_hso I went back and forth on that15:27
jrwrenits same exact merkur heavy duty, but with a longer handle15:27
rick_hsupposedly the long handle is cool, but should make moving harder?15:28
jrwrenyou'll probably adjust to the short handle and be just fine.15:28
rick_hyea, I figured short handle == more agile perhaps?15:28
rick_hbut we'll see15:28
jrwrenoh wow, that looks like a nice brush and a great deal too.15:28
rick_hI did think about it and debate back/forth15:28
jrwreni have a travel model wiht a short handle and i adjust to it just fine when I travel.15:28
rick_hI've not gotten a stand yet and if I end up with two razors I'll get the 4 place stand/holder15:29
rick_hand just deal with it, but whatever15:29
rick_hit's a start to try out15:29
jrwreni didn't get a stand until much later.15:29
jrwrenall of these items are nice htings for wives to buy husbands so i just let janice get 'em for me.15:29
jrwrenwishliste 'em or whatever.15:29
jrwrengood fathersday gifts ya knwo.15:29
rick_hyea, true15:30
jrwrentravel one I have: http://www.amazon.com/Merkur-Travel-Razor-Chrome-Plated-Leather/dp/B001LY5WZ2/ref=sr_1_53?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1334590214&sr=1-5315:30
jrwreneven shorter handle, but its cool, it screws apart in 4 pieces.15:30
jrwrenyeah, folds down to very small for travel.15:31
rick_hwhat soap/etc do you use? That seems to be the big giant whole to fall into15:31
jrwrenand TSA has never paid it notice15:31
rick_hhah, cool15:31
jrwreni use wahtever soap i have around.15:31
jrwrenwife got me some very fragrant soap i'm using now.15:31
rick_hah k15:31
jrwrenbut in the past I've used fragrant stuff that I snag from hotels15:31
jrwrenyup, really anything works.15:32
rick_hoh cool, didn't realize that.15:32
jrwrenits just if you really want to spoil yourself you get the stuff with that a.... acid   can't remember the a word15:32
jrwrenit makes your face tingle and feels real nice.15:32
brouschdoes it linger? i used aftershave a couple of times, but it made my coffee taste like windex15:32
rick_hyea, more worried about stuff that'll sud/hold water well I guess15:32
jrwrenacetic maybe?15:32
jrwrennah, it doesn't linger.15:32
brouschi seriously thought someone poured ammonia in the coffee machine. dumped it out and made a new pot15:33
jrwrenbrousch: GROSS15:33
brouschyeah, so no smelly aftershave now15:33
jrwreni did enjoy the soap that was in jorge's picture. that came in the black plastic container.15:34
jrwrenit was very nice.15:34
rick_hyea, I got a thing to start with that's like that15:34
jrwrenthat lasted me a long time15:36
jrwren6-9mo IIRC15:36
rick_hyea, I figure at the end of a few weeks I'll have an idea how it works out and what to look at going forward15:37
jrwrenmaybe you will like lots of fragrance, maybe you won't.15:37
jrwrenmaybe you will like the luxury of a nice soap, maybe you won't.15:37
jrwrenor maybe you won't care enough to care about the fancy soap <-- me15:38
jrwreni like it when it is there, but i don't go out of my way to get it.15:38
rick_hhah, need to start up a new podcast on shaving. jcastro can star in it15:45
jcastroCOUNT ME IN15:46
greg-galright, who has an X-series 9-cell lenovo battery they want to sell me? :) no luck here for the last few weeks http://outlet.lenovo.com/accessories/batteries.html15:46
jcastrogreg-g: come to UDS, I might give you mine15:47
jcastromy x220 isn't becoming travel friendly anymore, too much shell damage15:47
rick_hsmoser: you going to UDS?15:47
jcastrorick_h: if you don't have a stand don't let the brush sit upright like that when it's  drying off15:48
rick_houch, shell damage? what did you do to the thing15:48
snap-ljcastro: Dude, what the heck?15:48
jcastrorick_h: supposedly you don't want water down by the knotty end of the brush over long periods of time15:48
rick_hjcastro: yea, figured getting it all up there would be bad15:49
rick_hI'll get a stand, just going to wait a few days of trial first15:49
jcastrolaying it on it's side should do the trick, heh15:49
rick_hyea, or rig to hang it via string/something for a bit15:49
brouschyou need a special fan and sanitizing gel to make sure it stays clean15:49
rick_hI'm already afraid of the brush after seeing posts about the smell of them to start with15:49
jcastromine smelled a little bit for the first 3 times15:50
jcastrothat was it15:50
jcastroit's not like, OMG, I AM DYING.15:50
brouschan autoclave will work too15:50
snap-lI am feeling very facially hair challenged.15:50
greg-gjcastro: yay! I will! (though, admittedly, I won't be there the whole week, but I'll be there for part of it)15:51
jcastroI have the small battery too15:52
jcastrogreg-g: I need the laptop for UDS but towards the end?15:52
greg-gsure thing, when are you leaving town?15:53
jcastrothat saturday morning15:53
jcastroso the Friday perhaps?15:53
greg-gyeah, def that Friday I'll be there15:53
greg-gjust added to my calendar, 5pm - Midnight "Get laptop battery from jorge, etc"15:54
snap-l s/Get laptop battery/Try to find Jorge to find that window of time to get laptop battery/15:55
greg-gyeah, exactly :)15:56
greg-ghah, this diff really isn't very helpful at all http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sabdfl/ubuntu-codeofconduct/v2-draft/revision/1715:57
snap-lgreg-g: Maybe we could do a git merge. ;)15:58
* greg-g snickers15:58
snap-lIt looks on the surface like they made it less verbose.15:58
greg-gright, but, as I've learned talking to lawyers and politicians, you have to watch every single word because once it is gone and you agree to a version, it is near impossible to get it back (if you care about that word, that is)16:00
jrwrenthe more i use desktop linux, the more i hate it :(16:00
greg-gaww man, such a nice response from an All Hands Active person on my blog post, too bad I can't go take him up on the offer: http://blog.grossmeier.net/2012/04/15/learning-arduino/16:00
jrwreni really like the new brush smell16:01
jrwrenwhy do I have to hold the mouse button down in menus?16:01
jrwrenshouldn't 1 click leave it open and let me click my selection?16:01
greg-gjrwren: it does in gnome-shell :)16:04
jcastrothat sounds odd jrwren16:06
jcastrorick_h: heh! 9 minutes.16:09
jcastrorick_h: I shave around lunch time now16:09
jrwrenjcastro: vnc session might behave differently?16:09
jcastroI am down to 3 passes, 9 minutes.16:09
jcastrojrwren: hmm maybe, I don't see why it would though16:10
jrwren3 passes, 9 minutes, what does that mean?16:10
jcastrodoes it do that in other OSes?16:10
jcastrojrwren: 3 lathers and shaves16:10
jrwrenoh damn. i just do a single pass and its good enough.16:10
jcastrojrwren: according to the guy-who-looks-like-Craig videos that's how you're supposed to roll16:10
jcastrooh, well, I am hairy too16:10
jrwrenyeah, you always had the 5 oclock shadow at noon.16:11
jcastroin the army I had to shave like 3 times a day16:11
jcastroit sucked.16:11
jcastro6am, noonish, and then around 5ish if I was working at night16:11
greg-gjcastro: what?! really? 3x a day?16:11
greg-garmy efficiency! (or something ;) )16:11
jcastromy brother is even worse, he shaves and you can't tell16:11
jrwreni always forget you are army16:15
ColonelPanic001greg-g is the Army?16:54
rick_hColonelPanic001: no, jcastro16:55
ColonelPanic001jcastro is the Army?16:55
jcastrono, WAS16:56
smoserrick_h, yes, going to uds. i arrive wed of previous week.16:56
ColonelPanic001then they had to form the DoD to replace him, I assume.16:56
jrwrenonce army, always army16:57
greg-gColonelPanic001: I got it, don't worry :)16:58
rick_hqotd https://twitter.com/#!/garybernhardt/status/19193542173800857717:08
jrwreni was actually running linux on the desktop in 199717:11
jrwrenand today I'm not.17:11
rick_hwell the whole thread there is fun to watch a little bit17:11
rick_hit started out more with the estimated logevitiy of these node apps and such17:11
jrwreni only show one reply :(17:15
greg-gyay status net!17:15
rick_hjrwren: just check out gary's stream17:15
rick_hit wasn't all in a single thread, he just spurted out and ended up dragging it over several posts17:15
jrwrenah, i see. thanks.17:16
snap-ljrwren: You're still running UNIX though17:19
snap-lor at least something that can cope with 20 year old code reasonably well17:19
rick_huh oh...here we go17:20
jrwrensaved myself from the dinosours17:20
jrwrenUNIX on my phone.17:20
jrwrenUNIX on my linksys router.17:20
snap-ljrwren: You're on a Mac?17:20
jrwrenUNIX on my mac.17:21
brouschi am jrwrenning today17:21
jrwrenya know... for a week there i didn't know bash well enough and I needed an expr feature that is in gnu but not bsd, had ot gnuify my system.17:21
brouschold dell is not running well17:21
snap-ljrwrenning === winning17:22
jrwren:) lol.17:22
jrwren<3 u guys17:22
jrwrensnap-l: remember my comment on overmastery the other day?  I just had to turn volume WAY down on this becasue it was so bad it hurt my ears: Eminem Without Me17:28
rick_hbrousch: do you have any good way of queue'ing up things in google music?17:31
rick_hguess just create a playlist nad keep adding crap to it?17:31
jcastroit's the one thing that sucks about G music17:32
jcastrowell, 2 actually17:32
jcastrorick_h: So I retagged and reripped some stuff17:33
jcastroand it reuploaded it to GMusic17:33
jcastrowhich I was like "oh awesome"17:33
jcastroexcept now I have exactly two copies of every metallica album on there17:33
brouschplaylist is the only quque, i think17:34
jrwrencan't delete 'em?17:34
rick_hjcastro: yea, it's a bit quirkly in playback17:35
rick_hI'm liking it overall, but I keep hitting little things going..ugh, come on17:35
brouschfunny. i copied all of my music to itunes and gmusic hasn't doubled up anything17:35
jcastrorick_h: I know, that last 10% is so annoying17:35
jrwrenanyone know CGI well enough to know how the server invokes the script?18:01
jrwreni know it sets QUERY_STRING and PATH_INFO and some other stuff18:01
jrwrenbut how does it pass docroot?18:01
jrwrendoes it change pwd and invoke the script as ./script ?18:02
jrwrenhrm... scripts executed from ServerRoot.18:03
snap-ljrwren: I think there's a little more sandboxing than just cd $DOCROOT;./script18:12
jrwrensnap-l: you are probably wrong :)18:13
snap-lI don't know offhand what that is, though18:13
snap-ljrwren: Wouldn't be a first. :)18:13
jrwrenanyway, I was looking for SCRIPT_FILENAME18:13
jrwrensnap-l: there is zero sandboxing.18:13
snap-lI thought 2.x added some more18:14
jrwrenunless you run something like suexec18:14
jrwrenwell, i'm talking CGI18:14
jrwrenserver agnostic18:14
snap-lAh, OK18:14
snap-lI've only worked with Apache for Perl CGI18:14
snap-land php-cgi for NGINX18:15
jrwrenphp-cgi is waht i am using too.18:19
jrwrenbut i'm trying to run it cmdline.18:19
jrwreni want to pass QUERY_STRING and have it run a for-web php.18:19
snap-lsomething different than this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3848901/how-to-pass-query-string-parameters-to-the-php-binary18:24
jrwrensnap-l: yes, that is what i'm doing, but those answers are unsatisfactory18:26
jrwrenuse argv is not a real answer.18:27
jcastrogreg-g: sounds like you need MORE WHITESPACE in your life18:33
jrwrenany vimmers use set switchbuf=usetab ?18:34
greg-gjcastro: :)18:34
jrwrenits possible my vimconfig is not good.18:37
jrwren2G of usage just seems wrong.18:37
jcastrogreg-g: hah man18:39
jcastro"see you on identi.ca"18:39
rick_hjrwren: 2G of ram?18:39
rick_hjrwren: no, using switchbuf useopen18:40
snap-lgreg-g: What's this about identi.ca?18:41
rick_hsnap-l: see his G+ post18:41
greg-gsnap-l: actually, I didn't mention identi.ca, but, I've basically said I won't use G+ anymore :)18:41
greg-git was a long time coming, something stupid just tilted me over the edge18:42
snap-lgreg-g: Always the way it happens.18:42
* greg-g uses a ton of will power to not click that red 1 at the top of GReader because he knows its in response to his last post and dang would that be hypocritical18:43
greg-gwatch, it'll be the best conversation ever on G+ (on something I said) and I'll miss it18:44
snap-lWell, it's part of the reason I switched back to r2e18:44
snap-lI missed the part about people sharing back with me in my reader, not my plus page.18:45
snap-lAlthough I want to know when greg-g became the angry hippie.18:45
brouschi miss wave and buzz18:46
snap-lbuzz, maybe. Wave was a solution in search of a problem.18:46
greg-gsnap-l: yeah, it was gradual, but precipitated after the move to SF, I believe. I really need to work on getting the angry back out18:47
snap-lgreg-g: You should move back to Michigan. We don't harsh mellow.18:54
snap-lWe just bbq the mallow.18:54
brouschroast the mallow on a stick ovr an open flame18:57
greg-gok ok ok I clicked it!19:08
greg-gjcastro: now I get why you mentioned identi.ca ;)19:08
greg-gthis is awesome:19:16
greg-gguy proving his innocence (accused of running a stop sign) via a paper he wrote and put on arXiv19:17
jrwrenanyone want to help me with a bash quoting problem. maybe if I ask, i'll figure it out.19:22
jrwrenblah  | awk '{print "define('\'\"$1\"\'', 1);//"$1}'19:22
jrwrenteh second $1 displays, hte first doees not, i can't figure what I'm doing wrong with quoting.19:22
jrwrennvm, got it19:26
jrwrensee, i just had to ask19:26
greg-gwhat's the solution?19:26
jrwren| awk '{print "define('\''"$1"'\'', 1);//"$1}'19:30
greg-gwhen in doubt, add more 's19:32
jrwrenzomg snap-l this is awesome.19:39
ColonelPanic001heh. the pantera one made me snicker19:44
snap-lfunny thing is I don't fit any of those19:47
ColonelPanic001meh, they're stereotypes from one guy19:47
snap-l"Guy that's just there to listen to the music"19:47
jrwreni don't fit them either.19:48
jrwrenbut I'm not a metaler19:48
brouschsnap-l: You are the power metaller, but lack the hair19:50
snap-lbrousch: I think I'm offended19:51
jrwrenlol, vim just gave me OOM !19:51
snap-lIf you want any Cloudkicker merch, better get on it.21:04
snap-lBen Sharpe is getting married, so he'll be AFK for a month21:04
rick_hgrrrrr....if you do python and use tabs I'll...I'll......bah!!!!!!!!!!!21:13
jrwreni might have done just that, lemme check21:21
jrwrennope, guess my conditional vimrc is working.21:21
rick_hbetter...else you end up with diffs like this: https://github.com/mitechie/python-readability/commit/edccec5d3b4cecee3fdccff7667dd81bb3ed625821:23
rick_hbecause I get freaking syntax errors adding code that has spaces in it21:24
jrwrensomeone reformated your spaces?21:30
jrwrenjust tell diff to ignore whitespace :)21:30
jcastroit's past work hours21:31
jcastrolet's talk about shaving21:31
greg-gI got a new beard trimmer today!21:33
rick_hjcastro: got my stuff in, but have ot make dinner and get the boy to bed21:40
rick_hlooks shiny21:40
rick_hjrwren: I reformatted their tabs into spaces so I could edit their code21:41
rick_hit's going to go through a pep8 religous experience tonight21:41
rick_hand if they don't like it I'll just keep my fork21:41
greg-grick_h: hah21:42
jrwrenrick_h: nice.21:43
jrwrenrick_h: install a precommit hook that runs *.py through a pep8 command21:43
rick_hjrwren: no kidding21:43
rick_hhttp://build.bmark.us/job/bookie-api/violations/ build servers people...21:44
rick_hI need to do some light cleanup on the main bookie app21:44
rick_hjcastro: ok, first shave done23:55
rick_hall tingly23:55
rick_hhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007XD3EU/ref=oh_o04_s01_i00_details has me feeling all pretty :P23:56

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