
c_smithis anyone here any good with the configuration of Conky?00:49
tgm4883I haven't configured conky in quite a while00:52
c_smithtgm4883, can you tell me what the recommended way to go about fixing a broken network display in Conky? currently that part is useless (shows no information)00:56
c_smithtgm4883, or is that beyond your ability?00:59
tgm4883c_smith, is it in LUA? or is it running a command to get it?01:01
c_smiththis is the scheme it seems to use: ${wireless_essid wlan0}01:02
c_smithit's got the wlan0 correct afaik.01:03
tgm4883your wireless card shows up as wlan0?01:03
tgm4883check ifconfig01:03
c_smithyep, that's correct.01:04
c_smiththere's also lo and eth0, both of which are unused.01:04
c_smithwlan0 is what I intend to get shown.01:05
tgm4883is it showing anything?01:05
tgm4883If you run conky from the command line, is it printing anything that indicates what's wrong?01:07
c_smithIP is unknown, up/down speed is 0. all of which I know are incorrect.01:07
c_smithlet me check.01:07
c_smithstrange, I got another conky instance I thought I deleted, as I thought it failed, it works better than the previous one! XD01:08
c_smithNet speed works on this one.01:09
* c_smith will be installing xubuntu on his desktop soon and installing the Xubuntu-desktop package on this pc.01:13
c_smithtgm4883, care to see a podcast I participated in?01:17
c_smithbkerensa, you here?02:06
c_smithhalf an hour in, and nobody in the meeting.02:37
c_smithwell, it looks like the meeting isn't happening.02:52
nibalizerc_smith: i'll meet iwth you02:54
c_smitheh, I need to get started on some configurations, so I better go.02:54
c_smithand I intend to install xubuntu 12.04 too02:55
bkerensaMy internet was down03:23
bkerensahello tpdd04:15
tgm4883bkerensa, sorry, couldn't resist04:23
bkerensatgm4883: yeah :P04:23
bkerensaI typed it much too fast... Been really busy lately so lots of typos in my e-mails04:24
bkerensatgm4883: got some pretty cool swag this time04:24
tgm4883aw, I didn't win the social giveaway04:24
tgm4883probably because I tried to cheat04:24
bkerensano idea... its check stuff thats all I know04:24
tgm4883yea, I said "oh yea, of course I did that"04:25
bkerensabkero: Do I need to pickup shirts from you this week or will you drop them by?04:25
tgm4883for like 4 of them04:25
=== tpdd_ is now known as tpdd
bkerensahi tpdd04:37
bkerensatppd: Just idling or you looking for help or info about the LoCo? :)04:38
tpddWell just hanging out.  I joined the loco awhile back and I'm on the list.  Just looking at places to participate04:39
tpddNot being around Portland I have not made it to any meetings04:39
cy1tpdd: Where you located?04:42
cy1Woah, all the way down by the acquarium?04:43
tpddYa.  It's not really all that far to Portland but the traffic is what makes it a long drive04:45
cy1Pretty far to bicycle that's for sure.04:46
bkerensatpdd: :) well if you happen to be in the area on the 29th we are having a release party for 12.0404:46
bkerensa./namebench.py -x04:47
bkerensahttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1609/detail/ <-- is the event url04:47
bkerensathere will be free food and beverage04:47
tpddThat sound fun.  How big is your turnout usually04:48
c_smithbkerensa, are your connection issues still persisting?04:52
bkerensac_smith: no05:46
bkerensathat was hours ago05:46
bkerensatpdd: 25-3005:46
c_smithah, I see.05:46
c_smithbkerensa, I may be able to make it up to the Release Party IF I am able to hitch a ride with someone from Salem who is going, Taxi is out of the question (not enough money) and Salem buses aren't running that day.05:47
c_smithbkerensa, also, care to see an interesting podcast I was in?05:48
bkerensac_smith: might ask about a ride on the mailing list... perhaps jvlb or someone05:48
bkerensac_smith: sure05:48
orebuntu_c_smith's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/7a4yk9705:49
c_smithbkerensa, I sent JVLB an email, gonna wait to hear back to try others.05:49
bkerensac_smith: I hope jvlb comes and hope you can make it05:55
c_smithyep, same here.05:57
goddardim gonna go06:11
goddarddo i need to sign anything?06:11
c_smithgoddard, as in to the release party?06:28
bkerensagoddard: Although not required we are asking people to RSVP so we know how many people are coming for (Food/Beverage) and it also helps for when we do team reports to the LoCo Council06:31
goddardI tried to register but i got an error when trying ot login08:44
=== nathwill_gone is now known as nathwill
lubotu1Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:50
orebuntu_Commands: 8ball about admin asshat bc blame cowsay date dc distro echo fail figlet fire fob fortune google googlefight googlepage group hacker hangman help insult limerick lunch me msg notice ping praise proverb quote remindme s score seen slogan tardhat topic uptime urban weather whip wikipath wikipedia wiktionary win woot wtf yoda zima15:50
=== albrigha is now known as Guest63515
bkerensanathwill: ping18:32
bkerensaGood Morning18:42
c_smithhow goes it?18:42
c_smithgetting ready to set No-IP up on my desktop, which will take a while since I have to start from scratch with Kubuntu since I messed something up previously.18:43
c_smithbkerensa, if I had to get a new GPU, which would you recommend, ATI or Nvidia?18:44
bkerensac_smith: Good... Just getting into the morning grind... Working on a new wordpress site for one of my childhood friends who now has a successful band :P he still has to pay though ;)18:44
bkerensac_smith: idk... I have a Intel GPU and I see zero difference in my experience but then again I dont use anything that requires a GPU18:45
c_smithI have a few games that my Intel GPU doesn't handle, but I'm not replacing that, in fact, I can't replace it, I'm replacing the majorly outdated GPU in my desktop (it must have come out in the XP days)18:46
goddardwho uses Firefox over Chrome?19:11
c_smithI don't,19:20
c_smithand hey, nathwill19:20
bkerensanathwill: fyi your name is in the release notes for 12.0419:21
nathwillsay whaaaaa?!19:21
bkerensanathwill: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Credits/Developers19:21
nathwillthat can only be a bad thing...19:21
bkerensayour famous and stuff19:21
nathwillall of 5 people will see it19:21
bkerensanathwill: I am sure far more then five people have seen it and many more will19:22
nathwillwell then, i'm doomed19:22
nathwillthat's cool though19:23
nathwilli'm stoked on the 12.04 release. a buddy of mine i haven't seen in ages, and don't talk to about linux just randomly was running Ubuntu on his laptop when i saw him this weekend19:23
* c_smith is enjoying Xubuntu 12.04 with GLX Dock and Conky19:24
nathwilland my jaw just dropped19:24
c_smithwho was it that gave the Bytesize bug workshop at the Global Jam?19:25
bkerensaa Debian Wizard by the name is slangasek19:25
bkerensaname of*19:25
c_smithah, I see.19:25
slangasekwouldn't that have been bdmurray's?19:25
slangasekmine wasn't about bitesized bugs, but about package anatomy, no?19:26
c_smithAh, Bdmurray is who I'm trying to remember the name of.19:26
c_smiththe package anatomy was really useful, btw.19:26
slangasekgood to hear :)19:26
c_smithand insightful as to the "mystical" nature of debian packages :P19:26
c_smithanywho, I got a chance to talk on Mumble to another Canonical employee, Allan Pope (hope I spelled that right)19:27
sbeattieAlan (only one l)19:28
c_smithanywho, he had some useful info.19:28
c_smiththe topic on the podcast at the time was about Precise Pangolin upgrades.19:29
c_smithaaaaand I screwed my desktop up just now. >.<19:30
c_smithlaptop is safe, though.19:30
bkerensasbeattie: or just popey :D19:31
c_smithI'm surprised at how similar Jono and popey's accents were.19:32
c_smithofc, they are both British, so that shouldn't be a surprise.19:32
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c_smithbkerensa, are you here, or out to lunch?20:36
bkerensac_smith: I'm here but getting read to take lunch... Whats up20:37
c_smithok, Just wanted to let you know I might just end up making it to the Release Party after all, JVLB intends to go and he said if he does he would be able to give me a ride up there.20:39
bkerensaok good stuff20:48
=== nathwill_lunch is now known as nathwill
nathwillmondays, my goodness22:02
* c_smith is back from errands23:42

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