
cprofittanyone home00:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981019 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "3D desktops crash or are unusably slow" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:01
Sarvattcprofitt: reporting it on http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14 is going to be a lot more effective, we just ship their binary drivers, its not like we can fix it00:05
cprofittSarvatt: not sure it is 100% their driver though...00:05
cprofittI reverted back to 295.20 and still had issues... the problem may be with kernel or xorg00:05
Sarvattif its fine with nouveau like the bug says its pretty clear cut, but that bug is very vague00:05
cprofittjust not sure how to proceed to triage00:05
cprofittI can use Unity 2D with the driver just fine as well... it appears to be something with 3D00:06
cprofittwhen I rever to 295.20 Unity 3D works better, but 3D games still end up looking like slideshows00:07
cprofittIs there any thing I can do to help sort that out?00:09
Sarvatt295.xx is a longterm release and will be updated many times in the future in 12.04, might be worth switching to nvidia-current-updates so you get future updates automatically now. but yeah that bug is basically "i have problems with 295.xx" so of course people will click it too if they do and its not going to go anywhere, a distinct bug for your issue will be more useful with actual apport info listing what gpu you have and stuff. its certainly not 00:10
Sarvatta widespread problem and might be specific to your gpu00:10
Sarvattbut if you want it fixed for real reporting it on that forum directly to nvidia is the way to go00:11
cprofittalright... I am going to reinstall -- fresh install... then update... then if the problem persists I will follow the steps in the nvidia forums00:11
Sarvatti didnt help, but no worries, its the sad reality with the binary drivers :(00:12
SarvattI did see that 295.40 has issues on old IGP nvidias from the reports, you have one of those?00:13
Sarvattlike 615000:13
Sarvattor 710000:14
Sarvattoh hmm 7050 i guess it is00:15
cndSarvatt, yay!00:15
cprofittI have an 8800 GTS 32000:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980672 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980879 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Invalid]00:16
cprofittfinding some more bugs with this00:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980672 in unity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #980521 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:16
Sarvattyeah i'm actually seeing lots of bugs about 295.40 now that i'm looking, i think they rushed out the update for the security fix too fast :)00:17
cprofittyeah... looking like it...00:17
cprofittnot sure why reverting to 295.20 still caused me issues, but a fresh install will help me troubleshoot00:18
cprofittthe text box had been an upgrade from 11.1000:18
Sarvattyou might have to purge nvidia, then install 295.20 to work right, but im not sure about that00:19
cprofittyeah... reading that now...00:19
Sarvattnot sure downgrades work properly, the packaging for nvidia is nuts and lots of room for things to go wrong00:19
cprofittthe install is already in progress though...00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980298 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in GLWindow::glDraw() from UnityMTGrabHandlesWindow::glDraw()" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:21
Sarvatthttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/295.20-0ubuntu1 the debs are there if you click the amd64/i386 links00:21
cprofittthere are times it becomes a mess just to find related things in LP00:21
Sarvatti use google to find things on launchpad, thats pretty sad :)00:21
cprofittthat is why I don't file bugs until I have a great deal of certainty as to what it is00:21
cprofittlol -- me too00:21
cprofittat least some of these folks are getting errors... I was just getting 'slow'00:22
Sarvattwell slow is a different issue so safe to assume the crashes arent related to your problem00:23
* cprofitt nods00:24
Sarvatthonestly if you reported it on nvnews forums it will get the highest possible chance of getting fixed in the next driver release, we only engage nvidia over issues about new platforms not working, something like 8800gts specifically being abnormally slow might not get noticed on launchpad00:25
* cprofitt nods00:26
Sarvattbut it would still be worth reporting on launchpad, maybe theres an issue with how it was installed causing it that we could notice00:26
Sarvattubuntu-bug nvidia-graphics-drivers only takes 30 seconds to do00:27
cprofittI will do that after the reinstall -- if the issue is still present... and will report via the nvidia forums as well.00:27
bjsniderSarvatt, what are the nature of the bugs?01:15
bjsnidernot having any trouble with my gt520 yet01:18
cprofittI can't speak to the others...01:18
cprofittmy issue was the update that I did today caused Unity 3D to be non-functional with Nvidia 295.4001:19
Sarvattbjsnider: sounds like if you hit whatever cprofitt is hitting you would notice, super slow 3D01:19
cprofittI just reinstalled and updated only the nvidia driver01:19
cprofittUnity was useable -- testing a game now01:19
cprofittthen will update the rest to see if the issue comes back01:19
cprofittthere is a chance something was latent due to it being an upgrade from 11.1001:19
bjsniderwell, maybe it's a compiz issue, because i'm using mutter01:20
bjsnideris all opengl slow?01:20
cprofittyes, it seems to be... games were slow as well01:23
cprofittI used Unity 2D and launched games they had issues01:23
cprofittinteresting... no issues on initial install of 12.04 Beta 2... and upgrade of 295.40 drivers only01:29
cprofittexiting the game caused some issues though... took about 20 seconds to redraw the desktop01:34
RAOFhyperair: Yo!  Did you end up sending something to xorg-devel@ about the coasting scroll thing?01:37
Sarvattthe person who wrote the patch did01:38
SarvattRAOF: guessing you're referring to the coasting thing?01:38
RAOFSarvatt: Yes.01:39
Sarvattyah check out the "[PATCH synaptics] Fix coasting speed" thread, whot merged it but was waiting on the signoff before pushing from what i saw01:40
RAOFYeah, we've pulled that into precise.01:42
RAOFBut the initial patch seemed wrong, and hyperair fixed it.  I'm not sure if that problem was in the patch on the list, though.01:43
Sarvatthe certainly didnt mark it as such in the actual patch if so01:47
cprofittSarvatt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/98271001:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982710 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Nvidia 295.40 - Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 Fresh Install (slow performance in Unity 3D)" [Undecided,New]01:48
Sarvattcprofitt: long shot but maybe try adding Option "UseEvents" "True" to the device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf?01:53
RAOFcprofitt: Does the same problem happen with the 295.33 drivers?  There's at least one known performance hit (in rare cases) to the security fix that went in to .4001:55
cprofittRAOF: I have not reverted this install yet, but I did my previous one and the performance issue got slightly better, but there was still an issue01:57
cprofittSarvatt: will try that01:57
Sarvatti dont see any NVIDIA(1): WAIT's in the logs that i had when that helped me with on my last nvidia 8xxx machine so its really a random guess01:59
cprofittrandom guesses are worthy of a try02:00
cprofittseems like a rock and a hard place right now02:00
cprofittdo not want a security hole... but do not want people to find fault with the new release based on Nvidia drivers02:01
RAOFTo be clear: I don't think it's particularly likely that the security fix is the cause of performance problems; AFAIK it just interfered with some infrequently used 3D paths on some cards.02:04
cprofittSarvatt: that setting resulted in a black screen and no login02:05
cprofittremoved it and got to login screen02:05
cprofittgah... can't register on the NVnews forums02:16
cprofittpage not found error02:16
bjsnidercprofitt, how does nouveau work?02:40
cprofittbjsnider: it worked fine for Unity02:43
cprofittI did not test it with games -- not sure it is supposed to work there02:43
cprofittI will test that as well02:46
hyperairRAOF: er whoops, i forgot to.03:20
cprofittthanks everyone... gotta get some sleep so I can work in the AM03:20
cprofitthave a great day, night, morning03:20
RAOFhyperair: :)03:20
RAOFhyperair: Just to be clear, the changes you made were in HandleScrolling, right?03:21
hyperairRAOF: i'm not subscribed to the list. could you help me forward it please? :-)03:21
RAOFhyperair: Of course.03:21
hyperairRAOF: yeah, you could just do an interdiff to see the changes03:22
hyperairthere's only one extra hunk03:22
hyperairi just amended the way the coasting_friction was deducted from the speed.03:22
Sarvattit got applied and pushed now like it was sent upstream, if theres a problem it needs a new patch :)03:22
hyperairi see03:22
hyperairSarvatt: http://paste.debian.net/163369/03:40
hyperairRAOF: ^03:40
hyperairso that's the amended patch =)03:40
hyperairhmm since it now actually has my name on it, i guess i should send it to xorg-devel myself..03:42
RAOFWould be easier, yes.03:43
RAOFYou'll need to add a signed-off-by tag, too.03:43
hyperairah. shit.03:44
hyperairit's already sent.03:44
hyperairnow what?03:44
Sarvatthyperair: reply with Signed-off-by: Chow Loong Jin <hyperair@debian.org>03:48
Sarvattor whatever03:48
hyperairnevermind that, thunderbird broke my patch >_>03:49
hyperairi'll just resend it as an attachment03:49
Sarvattlooks fine to me03:50
hyperairyeah, it looks fine, until you try to git am03:50
hyperairthen git complains of a broken patch03:50
Sarvattoh yeah malformed03:52
Sarvattgit send-email works really well with gmail now easily03:52
hyperairhmm really03:53
hyperairi should try that next time03:53
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/932043/ in ~/.gitconfig03:53
hyperairhmmm can i not specify my password there?03:54
hyperairi transplant the .gitconfig around03:54
RAOFYeah, if you don't specify the password it'll prompt for it.03:55
Sarvattoh cool03:55
Sarvattit used to be a PITA setting up mstmp for gmail access in git send-email but its super easy now03:56
Sarvattnot sure what you use for @debian.org but heard ya moaning about gmail in evolution earlier so figured it might be that :)03:57
hyperairactually come to think of it, i have postfix installed...04:03
hyperairwhich directly hooks up to gmail04:03
hyperairand yeah, i use gmail for my @debian.org.04:04
Sarvattyou didn't pick no config at the debconf prompt when you installed devscripts and inherited postfix?!04:04
* Sarvatt hates doing that on every system :)04:05
Sarvatti have >500k emails in my gmail so i totally feel your pain wrt evolution04:07
hyperairwell i installed postfix out of curiosity04:07
hyperairand then found out it could send via gmail using sasl04:07
hyperairso there we go =)04:07
Sarvattoh so you already had an MTA, lucky. i could care less about having a MTA installed just to use debuild :)04:08
hyperairdid debuild need an MTA?04:27
hyperairi use sbuild though04:27
hyperairand there were a crapton of other things that needed an MTA, which i couldn't remember04:28
hyperairer right, like my cron jobs04:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cprofittreported the Nvidia driver problem on the nvnews.net forums now12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982485 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #982762 nvidia 295.40 breaks unity 3d" [Undecided,Triaged]12:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982485 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia 295.40 breaks unity 3d" [Undecided,Triaged]12:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982485 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #982710 nvidia 295.40 breaks unity 3d" [Undecided,Triaged]12:06
tseliotcprofitt: I've replied to your email about it13:17
cprofitttseliot: thanks 13:17
cprofittI will try to get that additional file for you when I get home13:18
tjaaltonbryceh: back to the drawing board with the wacom touchscreen patch :) upstream committed this http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=e40cb71a910164d1cb2c366d3c001eeaac79aaaf but if that alone doesn't fix it we'd need debug logs to figure out why gsd_wacom_device_is_screen_tablet was zero there13:54
tjaaltonbryceh: so, since you have an actual device, could you post debug logs from g-s-d to the bug?13:59
tjaaltonif you have time13:59
tjaaltonI'll reopen it13:59
seb128bug #94388013:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 943880 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in __libc_message() from malloc_printerr() via XIDestroyDeviceProperty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94388013:59
seb128is somebody working on that issue?13:59
tjaaltonI think cnd was14:00
seb128it's showing up in the top retraced bugs14:00
seb128I've added a precise milestone to it14:00
cndseb128, no one knows what it is14:03
cndit looks to be some corruption, but I can't reproduce it14:03
cndvalgrind doesn't show anything either14:03
seb128cnd, ok, well I guess the precise milestone still makes sense in any case, that's a bug we will want to SRU fix if we get a fix at some point14:03
brycehSarvatt, regarding regressions from 295.40, we don't seem to have very many new bugs filed against nvidia-graphics-drivers16:33
brycehwherre does nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf come from?16:33
brycehwell, I can see that :-)  but I mean why is it there?  is this from alberto's hybrid graphics work?16:34
Sarvattyeah, i dont know what its doing :)16:35
brycehbug 981048 implies it isn't getting removed on nvidia disable, making the system unbootable16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981048 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf persists after nvidia drivers are disabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98104816:37
* mlankhorst has a hacky setup that basically does the same :x16:37
brycehsince we're not yet advertising hybrid support, wondering if this should be disabled.  if it ends up being flimsy, then is going to be tough to support post-release16:38
Sarvatthuh? i thought nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf would be part of the hybrid-detect part but its installing the blacklist as nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf?16:38
Sarvatti guess hybrid-detect is writing out a new blacklist outside of the package16:39
Sarvattdont see it doing that looking at it though, its just calling update-alternatives to switch16:42
Sarvattwhat the heck is nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf16:42
kklimondawhat does hybrid-detect do?16:43
Sarvatthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/956091 is the same bug16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956091 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Jockey does not remove 'nouveau' driver blacklist when deactivating nvidia driver" [Undecided,New]16:43
Sarvattwhere is this _hybrid suffix coming from?16:43
brycehunfortunately that page doesn't document the _hybrid bits16:44
brycehbut I propose we add Q's there for alberto to fill in16:44
Sarvattthe alternatives setting up the modprobe.d conf file to /etc dont know about whatever this _hybrid.conf version is so its getting left there16:46
kklimondaah, interesting - I've wrote something similar to switch betwee nvidia and virtualbox gfx, but put it into initramfs as it seemed easier to avoid potential race between changing gpu and launching lightdm16:47
Sarvatti dont see hybrid-detect setting any thing special up there, its just calling update-alternatives and ldconfig to switch between mesa and nvidia if the gpu changes since the last boot16:47
Sarvatttseliot: any clues whats going on?16:48
kklimondaah, I can see how starting works now - clever little thing, I wonder if systemd has something similar16:49
tseliotSarvatt: doesn't it work if you remove the package with --purge?16:49
Sarvattoh ok nvidia changed a bit, ./debian/rules:               $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PKG_driver)$(sysconfdir)/modprobe.d/$(PKG_driver)_hybrid.conf16:49
tseliotoh and in the postrm I have rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/#DRIVERNAME#_hybrid.conf16:50
tseliotthis was introduced in 295.33-0ubuntu116:52
tseliotto fix bug #95884816:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 958848 in NVIDIA Drivers Ubuntu "nouveau remains blacklisted after uninstall of nvidia drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95884816:52
Sarvatti wonder if they are installing from a ppa without that change, the postrm looks right to me16:57
Sarvattand i cant find any version info in the bug16:57
brycehSarvatt, yeah both the bug and dupe were filed against jockey which (ironically) doesn't include version info for nvidia16:59
Sarvattbut that doesnt make sense, 295.40 went into precise right away16:59
Sarvattinstalling nvidia and removing it to see if i can reproduce16:59
Sarvattboth apt-get remove and apt-get purge removed it but i can't test jockey deactivate because no nvidias here17:02
Sarvatterr, i guess it only happens on actual hybrids even? lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   47 Apr 16 13:00 nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf -> /etc/alternatives/i386-linux-gnu_nvidia_modconf17:03
Sarvattbryceh: oh rereading it and the key word is disabled17:09
Sarvatt  * debian/rules:17:09
Sarvatt    - Make sure that nouveau is blacklisted even when nvidia17:09
Sarvatt      is disabled. This is necessary in order to get hybrid17:09
Sarvatt      graphics to work.17:09
Sarvattsounds like tseliot intentionally did that17:09
tseliotSarvatt: yes, otherwise nvidia couldn't be loaded17:11
tseliotand I can't rebuild the initramfs on boot after blacklisting nouveau and require a reboot ;)17:12
tseliotSarvatt: if the file is removed both with and without --purge I guess your problem is solved as Jockey simply calls apt-get remove17:13
tseliotthrough libapt17:13
Sarvatttseliot: the file isnt even getting installed here17:13
Sarvattthats why remove/purge works17:13
tseliotSarvatt: can you try apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current17:14
tseliotor, even better, purge it and then install it again17:14
tseliotif the file is removed when the package is upgraded then something's wrong17:15
Sarvatti just did that but trying again17:15
Sarvattnow i have the _hybrid one, wth!17:17
tseliotthe mysteries of apt... ;)17:17
tseliotI should probably make sure that the file is there, somehow...17:18
tseliotbut I wouldn't know how to reproduce it17:18
Sarvattwell a lot of people are complaining because they can't use bumblebee now because of it17:20
Sarvattby a lot i mean 1 that i've seen17:20
tseliotSarvatt: :)17:40
tseliotSarvatt: why? Does Bumblebee use nouveau?17:41
tseliotI thought it used intel + nvidia17:41
jcristaui thought it used duct tape17:42
tseliotthat should work too :P17:42
* mlankhorst doesn't know ;s17:42
* tseliot -> dinner17:44
cprofittSarvatt: is there anything else I need on the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/98271018:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982710 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Nvidia 295.40 - Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 Fresh Install (slow performance in Unity 3D)" [Medium,Triaged]18:15
cprofittI looked at the triage documentation and did not see anything special for video cards...18:16
cprofittso marked it triaged... but if you see something that is needed please let me know18:16
cprofittthanks again for you assistance yesterday18:18
brycehcprofitt, you should mention the gpu lockup on your report to the upstream forum18:26
brycehcprofitt, I assume you did a purge and reinstall?18:27
tjaaltonbryceh: forgot to git add the xserver patch?18:40
tjaaltonah no, it was added earlier18:42
tjaaltonis that patch upstream?18:43
tjaaltonassuming it isn't, added a note to the bug18:45
brycehtjaalton, drive-by contrib presumably18:48
brycehif he doesn't send it in, I'll try to remember to forward them later.  there's a handful of other nullptr patches in our tree that should go up.18:58
brycehtjaalton, I quit bothering sending them in when peter kept rejecting them as "just papering over problems"  ;-)18:58
tjaaltonbryceh: yeah, the next cycle would be great time to try again :)18:59
brycehtjaalton, what I think we may want to do is once 12.10 opens, any of the nullptrs that look like they got fixed some other way upstream, drop the patches and see if the bugs come back.  They'll be trivial enough to diagnose if they come back.18:59
cprofittbryceh: I actually did a purge and reinstall... then a complete fresh install and only installed the video driver19:00
brycehcprofitt, ok19:01
brycehcprofitt, I think next step may be to wait on word from your upstreamed bug (thanks for doing that)19:02
brycehcprofitt, sounds like workaround is to downgrade to .33 or .20?19:02
cprofittbryceh: yep -- going to try that as well... though may not get to it tonight -- Cub Scouts (I am the lucky Den Leader)19:07
cprofittby the way you guys in here have been fantastic... it is much appreciated.19:07
brycehcprofitt, Be Prepared!19:08
* cprofitt smiles19:08
jcristaucnd: do you plan on sending the displayid patch to keithp?19:40
jcristauerr displayfd19:40
cndjcristau, he's Cc'd19:42
cnddo I need to do anything else?19:43
jcristauhmm.  usually not.19:45
SarvattRAOF: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freedesktop.xorg.devel/2995619:47
FernandoMiguelboua noute21:00
brycehSarvatt, bug #982889 is another "X starting faster than drm is ready" bug, but with -intel21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982889 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "xorg fails to start after boot on core i5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98288921:10
Sarvatt[     2.441] 21:11
SarvattX.Org X Server 1.11.321:11
Sarvattare you freaking kidding me?21:11
* Sarvatt drools on that person's SSD speed :)21:12
brycehand it's done by 2.55521:13
bryceh0.1sec X.org21:13
Sarvattlightdm used to try starting x on 6 displays before giving up but it changed to just 1, sure would be nice to get that old functionality back to avoid these bugs since i have no clue how to fix it in the upstart scripts21:14
brycehit's an Intel Z68 board21:18
brycehwonder if he's OCing it21:19
Sarvatti915 is ready 2.76 seconds in, x gives up 2.55, sheesh21:30
brycehSarvatt, having lightdm retry 6 times seems a bit hacky21:38
brycehSarvatt, I think upstart is the best way to do it, but if it can't be done that way, and if having lightdm do it is too hacky, could we just put the retry into X itself?21:38
brycehwhereever it's trying to load the drm driver, if it isn't there make it sleep 1 sec, try again, repeat 5-10 times before giving up?21:39
brycehhmm, ok apparently ^that is the way to do it, as per slangasek and apw.22:17
apwbryceh, i am not sure how long the load can take, i'd probabally do a couple immediaitly before any sleeping22:20
apwbryceh, it would cirtainly be good to know it was that EAGAIN you were hitting either way22:20
brycehapw, unfortunately I *think* the code that loads the kernel module is in the ddx drivers22:21
brycehin which case, this'd be doable for -intel but no go on the blobs22:21
brycehok, looks like the logic in question is in libdrm.  hrm.22:29
Sarvattlooks like cprofitt isnt the only one http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?70452-Did-The-NVIDIA-295-40-Linux-Driver-Fall-Off-A-Cliff&p=258872#post25887223:10
bjsniderjust with the 8800gts?23:17
Sarvattyeah looks like old IGP ones are busted, and 320mb versions of 8800gts are slow from all the reports23:36
Sarvattcnd: any way to disable the 4 finger tap gesture?23:57
cndSarvatt, not that I know of23:57
Sarvatti'm bringing up the dash just from 2 finger scrolling too much23:57
cndthat's odd23:57
cndare you accidentally touches with four fingers?23:57
Sarvattprobably because i use the middle and ring fingers and the pinky and index are hovering over the pad23:57
Sarvattyeah accidental 4 finger tap23:58

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