
txomonghil, but do u have 2 screens?00:00
Octaneghil yeah default is 18gb00:00
Octanethinking about going down to like 1000:00
jamie_Can someone help me, When i try to install some software from the USC, i get the following message "E:I wasn't able to locate a file for the smc-data package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package."00:00
ghiltxomon: yes, I have two screens. Twinview set up with Unity.00:01
AreckxThat's awesome, I wonder if I can get an additional monitor00:01
ghilOctane: it should be more than enough. 16gb is mainly breathing room so you can do some things with it.00:01
Octaneghil cheers mate00:01
AreckxI have 180gb partition, I say I should focus on learning the 10.04 OS00:02
ghilAreckx: Twinview currently supports 2 monitors at once. if you get a third, it would have to be cloned from one of the two primaries.00:02
ghilnp Octane :P00:02
Areckxoh when you enable cloning00:02
Octaneoooh there's also a way to increase wubi size!!00:02
txomonghil, its a shame you dont have gnome-shell... could you install it?00:02
AreckxI didn't like the rotating cube00:02
Areckxso you can have one monitory with exactly the same output as your first, and a third monitor that is a unique workspace?00:03
ghilI never tried it, since I don't have three monitors, but the option is certainly there.00:03
aaassorry why would you want to clone your monitor?00:03
AreckxIs there a way to get my foot in the door working at a company that runs Ubuntu 10.04?00:03
AreckxI live in California00:04
ghilaaas: a lot of reasons, say you want to present something, or have it clone your desktop on the TV so you can watch things, etc...00:04
AreckxI need to get an HDMi cable00:04
jamie_You wouldnt need to use software to clone displays When i worked in retail we had several displays running from one screen, aslong as your using LCD tvs (Or monitors if u can find them) with an Output on them (Scart or HDMI) then you can run as many as you want00:05
aaasok but for most people just at their desktop there aren't people wasting a monitor because it doubles things ;)00:06
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ghilaaas: I doubt someone would double his desktop for the fun of watching it twice. :p00:06
txomonMOG :D00:07
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^MikeWhat's the program that catches when you try to run a program that isn't installed and then finds possible matches, and suggests which packages to install?00:08
jamie_im trying to install a game from the software center, and i keep getting a popup saying a previous installation failed, how do i repair this?00:09
ghiljamie: have you tried installing it through terminal? (sudo apt-get install nameofthegame) and seeing the results? normally, it'll be more verbose about what's not working, and we'll be able to build from that.00:10
jamie_Ghil: ill try that now, then give you the result00:10
jamie_Ghil: when i installed from the terminal, it worked. Thanks alot. I shall install things from the terminal more often now00:14
ghiljamie: yes. while the USC is a nifty new tool, apt-get is generally better for everything. Once you're used to it, it's normally quicker too :P00:14
ghilHey there00:16
SajanI'm a former Windows user.  Why does Unity get such a bad rep?00:16
ghilit's because it's really far from what most Linux users where used to.00:17
ghilIt's also a little counter-intuitive if you've been using Gnome for 10 years.00:17
ghilbut it's really not bad. I'm getting used to it slowly. ^^00:17
SajanI see.  Coming from Windows, I found Unity much more appealing than the others.00:18
stef1ai'm using ubuntu 10.10 and i've noticed recently, after switching some connection settings around, that it now takes a very long time to initially load website pages, even though my up and download speeds are very fast (25/5)00:18
ghilSajan: I think that was the idea. Offer a new paradigm that would benefit most people, and wouldn't be quite awkward for windows/OSX users.00:19
Sajanghil: It seems to have angered most loyal users in the process.00:20
bazhang!ot | ghil Sajan00:21
ubottughil Sajan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:21
c_smithHello, I'm trying to get Conky to read my Wlan speed, and I've no clue how to do so, currently it reads my Lan speed which isn't used.00:26
txomonghil, you should really try gnome-shell00:26
austin182Why is Linux so great?00:27
ardianHi, I have 2 graphic cards nvidia and Intel but I want to use the intel one I know I am using nvidia now because of the config Icon but which Driver cause Optimus is making me crazy00:28
phillijwaustin182: why are turtles blue?00:28
aaasphillijw  haha that's unfair, it's a real question...just a broad one ;)00:29
austin182they are not blue!!00:29
phillijwand who said linux was great?00:29
aaashmmm maybe he's saying linux isn't great then00:30
stef1ai'm using ubuntu 10.10 and i've noticed recently, after switching some connection settings around, that it now takes a very long time to initially load website pages, even though my up and download speeds are very fast (25/5)00:30
Tekk_I'm trying to help someone build a game on ubuntu, but they get an error with SDL's Mix_Init saying that MIX_INIT_OGG and MIX_INIT_FLAC don't exist. Does anyone else have that problem? he has the sdl mixer development libraries00:30
phillijwlinux has tons of problems that windows/osx doesn't have. Its just different00:30
austin182I did...I guess its a opinion sort of thing so i will be quiet now00:31
txomonaustin182, it is because it is very modular, accesible for anyone and free. And overall, very customizable (as much as you want/can)00:31
aaasyes all oses have pros and cons, the question is to the degree the pros outweigh the cons for particular circumstances00:31
txomonI supposed you meant linux00:31
aaasaustin182 it really depends on what you want to do with your computer interaction, windows, osx may be fine or even bettetr00:32
skulltipi can't go into recovery mode, it tries to boot and then stalls at:  ACPI: PWR BUTTON  ....00:33
austin182ya I get it Linux just made my crappy computer run a lot smoother so i'm liking it!00:33
aaasaustin182 im with you...personally im on windows right now, but you should see the crazy things i got going on my server it has been a godsend for me00:34
* txomon knows that having a windows server is just... calvary00:35
suzannehow do i add  a program to the "open with "opton00:37
daneshello, how can I play a DVD movie in my computer? What do I need to install?00:37
austin182I do like the windows OS though, because of compatibility. Btw have any of you people tried windows 8?00:37
danesit seems that it is encrypted and I cannot play DVD movies00:38
wylde!dvd | danes00:38
ubottudanes: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:38
wylde!ot | austin18200:38
ubottuaustin182: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:38
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue00:39
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent00:40
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:40
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:40
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:40
FloodBot1mrd_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:40
txomonthat was antiflood measure00:40
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mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:41
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:41
wylde!alis | mrd_00:41
ubottumrd_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:41
wylde!patience | mrd_00:41
ubottumrd_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:41
suzannehow do i add  a program to the "open with "opton ./ or wherre do i find  the programs on ubuntu?00:42
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:43
goddardhow can i make it so my touchpad and bluetooth are disable by default?00:44
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:45
txomon!info mrd_00:46
ubottuPackage mrd_ does not exist in oneiric00:46
zykotick9suzanne: from terminal "whereis foo" will give you the path of "foo"00:46
mrd_hello  any one know the channel name of pearson vue pls help its very urgent plzzzzz help00:46
wyldemrd_: you need to stop00:46
mrd_what with my info any way ask me directly00:46
wylde!ot | mrd_00:46
ubottumrd_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:46
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suzannezykotick9, im  a bit new at this. but where like pigin and thunderbird to set it to auto-start when i login?00:48
zykotick9suzanne: sorry, for unity i have no idea.00:49
suzanneubuntu 10.0400:49
zykotick9suzanne: there is a "startup applications" or similar in the menus00:50
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suzanneok i found that, so how do i get it to work for thunderbird  and a bunch of other apps?00:51
whitekidneyhttp://pastebin.com/mR1531xw - Anyone wanna help me out with that?00:52
zykotick9suzanne: "whereis thunderbird" type thing and put that into the path part, i think the only other thing is a name...00:53
txomon!alis | txomon00:54
ubottutxomon, please see my private message00:54
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suzannezykotick9,  thunderbird: /usr/bin/thunderbird /etc/thunderbird /usr/lib/thunderbird /usr/share/man/man1/thunderbird.1.gz  so that do i do with this?00:55
wyldesuzanne: /usr/bin/thunderbird is the path to the executable.00:56
whitekidneyhttp://pastebin.com/mR1531xw - Anyone wanna help me out with that? Trying to install a package and need to overwrite some files00:57
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ChogyDanwhitekidney: have you tried uninstalling the other package?  (I don't know amd64)00:59
whitekidneyChogyDan: I can't remove that whole package.. can't i just overwrite?01:00
suzannewylde, thanks ! so  can i use this  to "open with option? when i downlown something like an rss feed , so it defualt to thunder bird?01:00
ChogyDanwhitekidney: well, you can delete the file yourself, with rm.  Dpkg will never do it for you; it is a built in safety protection01:00
suzannezykotick9,  thanks for your help01:01
ChogyDanwhitekidney: well, maybe there is some option in dpkg...  I don't know it offhand01:01
wyldesuzanne: if you set thunderbird for RSS feeds in it's options then yes.01:01
suzanneyea!! :D01:02
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Scott_ZI just did an upgrade to 64bin and now when I try to boot I get the following error. run init: /sbin/init exec format error. Any ideas?01:03
escottScott_Z, upgrade to 64bit? you mean the "unsupported changing of your binary format?"01:04
wyldeScott_Z: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1636386.html01:05
Scott_Zescott: no I used a 64bit live CD and selected the option to save all my files and install (that was the default that was already selected)01:05
drounsewhere can i find ubuntu server 12.0401:06
madlumberjackhey has anyone gotten a toshiba backlit keyboard working yet?01:07
wyldedrounse: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta201:07
wylde!precise | drounse01:07
ubottudrounse: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:07
drounsewylde: thanks01:08
suzannewylde,  so thunderbird -h will make the program auto-start  upon login?01:08
madlumberjackcan anyone help me out here?01:09
wyldesuzanne: thunderbird -h print the help01:09
wyldesuzanne: I'm not on 10.04, there's an application in preferences for startup programs, you just have to add a new one and use '/usr/sbin/thunderbird' as the command to autostart when you log in01:10
suzannewylde,  so what command do i put in "startup applications?01:11
Scott_Zwylde: I looked at the post but i cannot seem to find the script to run. All I see are the results that were posted. I am a newbie so thanks for the patients.01:11
pilotbubhas anyone run into shuttleworth's office to find him secretly dual booting OS X01:11
wyldesuzanne: /usr/sbin/thunderbird01:11
pilotbub"I need to get some real work done sometimes guys"01:12
bazhang!ot | pilotbub01:12
ubottupilotbub: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:12
const_antinehi, what is the equivalent of MS Windows 'net' tool for Ubuntu?01:12
skelconst_antine: ssh01:13
suzannewylde,  thanks for your help01:13
const_antineskel, cool, didn't know it was compatible with NetBIOS01:13
wyldeScott_Z: I hope you made backups of your data beforehand... I personally don't know how to resolve your problem, I have never had to deal with thtat situation01:13
skelconst_antine: oh you want the samba equivelant01:13
wyldesuzanne: no problem :)01:13
skelconst_antine: depending on what you want it'll be some tool in the samba suite. like smb_browse etc01:14
const_antinethere is 'net' but it doesn't support all the commands01:14
jgornickhey guys, is it possible to resize a terminal only instance of ubuntu… meaning, i have it installed on a virtual machine and i want to increase the size of my window by increasing the size of rows and columns of the shell… is this possible?01:14
const_antinesuch as 'view', 'use', etc01:14
Scott_Zwylde: I backed up my home folder but it does me no good if I cant get the os back up. Thanks though01:14
skelconst_antine: what specifically are you trying to do? I might be able to be more specific01:14
suzannewylde,  im half way there to the answer.... now to manually input  dozens apps to auto start01:15
wyldesuzanne: really? you need all those applications to autostart?01:15
dlentzsuzanne, just make a script that does it and put that in autostart01:16
skelconst_antine: smbclient will work for a lot of the stuff01:16
const_antinei need to copy over files01:16
skelconst_antine: yeah, smbclient will work for that01:16
const_antinefrom what i understand whatever is marked as shared will be available upon mount01:16
const_antineok, thank you01:17
const_antinesmbclient it is01:17
skelconst_antine: yeah if you wanted a more permanent solution smbmount would be the way to go, but if you just want to copy a few files, smbclient is good01:17
skelconst_antine: np =]01:17
suzannewylde,  dlentz  yes , skype thunderbird, mico, web,.. and a few others ...  really ? a script    i dont know anything about that...01:20
mercedeshi i need help because i delete some apps and when i click exit in lubuntu says Failed to execute child process "lubuntu-logout" and i can shut down01:23
drounseim going to use ubuntu server, for my files and streaming movies to my devices (computer, tablets etc. only one at a time though) also i would like to be able to access these files from outside of my home network (at school, or anywhere with internet) i have 2.5gb of ram total that i need to split with the server and my desktop (one 512mb stck, and two 1gb sticks) how much should i use for my server?01:23
RoastedGeneric question - Lexmark undoubtedly... sucks... but what about Canon? I don't have much experience with Canon, just curious if they have decent Linux support.01:23
Roastedparticularly Canon scanners.01:23
skeldrounse: depends on how you're streaming..01:24
mercedesi cant shut down mi laptop01:24
skeldrounse: are you using a solution that will need to transcode the media?01:24
skeldrounse: or just a straight up http stream?01:25
drounseskel: id like to use xbmc, so whatever would work best01:25
skeldrounse: I'm not familiar with xmbc, does it transcode the media into different formats for the devices?01:25
dlentzmercedes, workaround is to press Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in, and ruin sudo init 001:25
suzannedrounse,  i hear  plex  is a good dlna server/media server app , and it  does many devices and platforms01:26
mercedesok butt when i click exit says this Failed to execute child process "lubuntu-logout" (No existe el fichero o el directorio)01:26
drounsesuzanne: does it work with ubuntu?01:27
suzanneHow to enter the Chinese?  这里不欢迎中国人吗? ( translated)  caoxiaomin01:28
escott!cn | caoxiaomin01:28
ubottucaoxiaomin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:28
wylde!cn | caoxiaomin01:28
bazhang /join #ubuntu-cn caoxiaomin01:28
drounseskel: one of my devices would be a tablet, and the rest would just be computers01:28
suzanneyes drounse  it work with in ubuntu01:28
LeroyR91shi de, wo men zhe li huan ying zhong guo ren01:29
drounsesuzanne: so how much ram would i need?01:29
Areckxis that good?01:30
suzanneAreckx,  whom are you talking to ?01:31
Areckxsuzanne,  sorry01:33
Areckxsuzanne ::  I am just starting to get used to the interface.01:33
hi675445is xubuntu classed as ubuntu01:34
AlmagestHello, Im trying to create a Install USB so that my friend can run Ubuntu off of it, i've Created the USB perfectly but everytime he plugs it into his laptop he gets the copyright info shown. What am i doing wrong that it wont boot?01:34
suzanneAreckx, in theroy yes its a good idea. combine it with evernote and you got a copy and like machine you and later read, like your own rss feeds01:34
Areckxis there a way to do it from terminal???01:35
Areckxopen source apt-get?01:35
hi675445xubuntu run better than ubuntu01:36
DiabolicalGamerCan anyone tell me why MaaS with Ubuntu 12.04 isn't working? I've added two nodes, but both are listed offline even once booted.01:36
suzannedrounse, this app works within ubuntu, and runns in the background.. i  have amd 2.1.  2gb ram. am i have tons for stuff going( but manage like a pro ;)01:37
Almagestsyslinux 4.06 EDD 4.06-prel Copyright (C) 1994-2011 N. Peter Anvin et al01:37
drounsesuzanne: i only have 2.5 gigs that i need to split between mt desktop and server:/01:37
AlmagestThats what pops up every time he trys to boot it01:37
suzanneAreckx,  me?01:38
jgornickhey guys, is it possible to resize a terminal only instance of ubuntu… meaning, i have it installed on a virtual machine and i want to increase the size of my window by increasing the size of rows and columns of the shell… is this possible?01:38
drounsethe server can either use the amd athlon ii or the celeron d, i use the amd for my desktop but i guess i could use it for my server01:38
AlmagestI've tryed unetbootin and universal01:38
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hi675445it mite be a boiso thing u have to change01:40
suzannedrounse,  512-700ish  will run fine in virtualbox.. (remind you that vb has a limit on a software level even when given ton of hp from hardware01:40
Almagesta BIOS?01:41
hi675445try it agane it has happened to me it may be an error in croupson01:41
drounsesuzanne: it wont be in a vb, it will be on the ubuntu server whichwill be on the metal01:42
hi675445it odd re  download it make sure you use firefox01:42
suzannedrounse, this amount is also considering  a gui"gmone" or lighter.  with tons of other apps, but01:42
Almagesti used chrome01:42
drounsesuzanne: it willl be headless01:42
suzannedrounse, metal?01:42
hi675445that ok that will be ok01:42
Tekk__I'm trying to compile a program that uses sdl mixer on 11.10, and it keeps erroring saying that MIX_INIT_FLAC and MIX_INIT_OGG are undefined. I have the sdl mixer dev files though. anyone else have this problem or know what's rong?01:43
drounsesuzanne: not a vb, actually installed on the harddrive01:43
hi675445chrome ok with iso dont no about ie tho01:43
drounseuse chromium01:43
AlmagestI've got everything compiled01:43
AlmagestIm thinking something with the boot on the image is off?01:43
drounseAlmagest: why are you compiling?01:43
hi675445just try redownloding the iso01:44
hi675445and start agane01:44
suzannedrounse, how hard core work are you going to put the server through on avg?/ or  the avg load?01:44
AlmagestSo redownload the ISO, Run usb unviversal or UNETBOOTIN and try again?01:45
AlmagestHis hard drive is fryed so im trying to run the OS from the USB01:46
drounsesuzanne: it will be for my files, so i can save my files from anywhere/ access from anywhere, and stream my media, mostly movies, because i will save my music to the server as a back up01:46
drounseAlmagest: if youre in ubuntu you should use startup disk creator it works better01:46
OomElvishow do i find out when a folder was created via command line?01:47
OomElvisusually u get the modified time01:47
OomElviswith ls -l01:47
AlmagestI have a dual boot system, windows and ubuntu, But im not doing it directly on my laptop, My friend and i are in differnt states, so im doing it remotly from my PC to his.01:47
drounseAlmagest: but if his harddrive is fried then how can you even get on his remotely?01:48
suzannedrounse,  well if its fine for 512, but 1gb tops, incase you change your mind later(1gb)01:48
AlmagestHe is using a horribly old windows XP desktop. I copy the ISO onto it and create the USB from it, then put the USB into the newer laptop.01:49
AlmagestHis Desktop is slower than dial up and sucks to work on remotly.01:49
AlmagestSo thats the advice, Redownload and try again? Is there something i could have done wrong?01:51
Zteve    #wasteland01:52
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phillijwMy numlock light is ON but when I use the numpad it isnt making numbers01:58
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AreckxWow it keeps doing that02:02
AlmagestIm going to try and make an image from ubuntu and send it to him through dropbox, copy it to a usb and see if that works02:03
AreckxAlmagest::  That;s a good idea02:04
Almagestwhen i create the image in ubuntu, i can set it onto the hard drive to sit right?02:04
Almagesti dont need a USB plugged in?02:04
AreckxI used the ubuntu website to download the ISO02:04
AreckxI used USB02:04
AreckxI used Ubuntu 10.04 to prepare the ISO onto the USB02:05
AlmagestI used the website to, but when he trys to boot from the USB Stick he get a weird error message, it wont boot02:05
AreckxAlmagest::  Type "live"02:05
Areckxat boot02:05
monkeyboxanybody have a solid way to get music from Ubuntu 11.04 to an iPhone 4s with iOS5?02:06
Areckxerrr, 12.0402:06
AreckxI meant to say02:06
AlmagestHe cant type02:06
Areckxupload to sendspace?02:06
AreckxAlmagest:: no keyboard / not detected?02:06
Areckxmonkeybox:: you can upload 400mb files maximum to sendspace02:07
Areckxthen download it via an app from your iOS02:07
AlmagestSYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-prel Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al02:07
Areckxmonkeybox::  plenty of FREEWARE to choose from02:07
AlmagestThats what pops up, and nothing can be pressed to get rid of it02:07
monkeyboxAreckx: Thanks for the sendspace suggestion I'll give it a shot. Everyone else seems to be using virutalbox and a windows vm to sync02:08
Areckxmonkeybox::  you could just put them as .7z files if you prefer02:09
Areckxvery high compression rate02:09
samuelhello! anyone awake?02:09
shapeHello, can anyone please tell me where can I set up the threshold for bad sectors for Disk Utility?02:10
Areckxsamuel::  for awhile now02:10
escottshape hdparm?02:10
shapeescott: no idea what that is :(02:10
Areckxshape::  have you tried doing double/triple pass oif 0000 0000 ???02:11
samuelhaha thankyou02:11
shapeAreckx: where? and what is that. In the GUI Disk-Utility I don't find any options02:11
samuelcan anyone recommend any data recovery software for flash memory?02:12
shapeAlso, in fedora it tells me the HDD has problems yet in Ubuntu, the same program (Disk Utility) says it has a few bad sectors even though it has 200 of them02:12
Areckxshape::  that would be where you should start searching :: an option to do that02:12
samuelthe disk utility on my gf's mac somehow wrecked the formatting on her sd card02:12
shapeAreckx: And that's what I'm asking.02:12
escottshape, http://linux.die.net/man/8/hdparm02:13
shapeescott: So, Disk Utility gets its info from hdparm?02:15
escottshape, no it gets it from smartctl. but AFAIK smartctl is only for reporting. its possible smartctl allows you to change warning levels so you might check it as well02:16
shapeescott: Because it's Disk Utility that shows me a green circle in Ubuntu (a few bad sectors - 200 sectors) and same Disk Utility in fedora shows me a yellow circle. And Alerts me the HDD is having health problems.02:16
shapeI find that very odd that the same program in different OS reports different things.02:16
escottshape, maybe there is some text file somewhere that determines what the warning levels are02:17
shapeescott: exactly, and that's what I was asking, if someone knows where to find that.02:18
dwatkinsshape: what are the two operating systems that report different results for the same app?02:18
shapeUbuntu 11.10 (no alert for 200 bad sectors - green circle on S.M.A.R.T.) and Fedora 16 (alert for 200 sectors - yellow circle on S.M.A.R.T.)02:19
wrb #bespin .02:20
escottshape, any config files like that would be in /etc02:20
DaemonFCshape: It's a known issue that older versions of the GNOME Disk Utility made less serious issues seem more urgent02:20
dwatkinsI'd check the smartctl -a output for the disk, but bear in mind the numbers are often counter-intuitive, shape02:20
coviAny one using cmus? I'm using it in my gnome terminal, and '-'  '+' do not decrease/increase the volume at all.02:21
DaemonFCI'd go by whatever the newer version is saying to you. A lot of issues that aren't really all that serious have had their urgency "downgraded"02:21
shapeDaemonFC: but 200 bad sectors for a 2TB drive isn't bad you say?02:22
shapeIT keeps on adding 1 bad sector per day02:22
DaemonFCthen the disk is failing02:22
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DaemonFCback up your data now02:22
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dwatkinsbackup and have it replaced02:22
pksadiqany one having problem browsing fsf.org or gnu.org now?02:22
DaemonFCfigure on it failing soon02:22
dwatkinsif it's 2 TB, it might still be in warranty02:22
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DaemonFCyes, but you usually need to run the manufacturer's diagnostic utility and report any error code with your warranty claim02:23
DaemonFCsome manufacturers won't replace it just because of bad sectors, but some will if you won't take no for an answer02:23
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shapedwatkins: Indeed. I only had it for a year. My only inquiry was how come the same program reported differently. I understand the HDD is bad.02:24
DaemonFCI'd be persistent and explain that the bad sector count is rising rapidly and that you're concerned that the disk will fail soon02:24
dwatkinsshape: understood, both distros are quite new, but perhaps they do indeed have different enough versions of Disk Utility as DaemonFC suggests02:25
shapeDaemonFC: Yes, I will. First I need to buy a HDD to back up and then RMA the bad one. However I find it ironic that my 6 year old 80GB from the same manufacturer (Seagate) has NO BAD SECTORS.02:25
shapedwatkins: So it's the program version that sets the parameters. correct?02:25
shapedwatkins: As in I would be messing with it if I change those things.02:25
DaemonFCDisk Utility won't turn yellow or red until the drive is nearly out of replacement sectors to allocate02:25
DaemonFCwhen it runs out, then you're at a huge risk of having not only bad sectors, but data that is totally unrecoverable02:26
BryGuy71Zis there a way to reupgrade?02:27
shapeDaemonFC: I see. Yet in Fedora turned yellow for only 200 sectors. I find that a better way to alert the user, because otherwise I would have never checked on my own.02:27
DaemonFCthe way the firmware determines when a sector is bad is when it starts having trouble reading data from it. The idea is to move the data over to a replacement sector while it can still be read.02:27
BryGuy71Zim getting cannot initialize x11 x gui errors02:27
dwatkinsshape: from what I understand, later versions handle thresholds of bad sectors differently02:27
DaemonFCshape: What version of Fedora?02:27
shapeDaemonFC: Fedora 1602:27
DaemonFCI know 16 and 17 have newer versions of the disk utility than Ubuntu 11.10 does02:27
DaemonFCso I'd go with whatever they say02:28
shapeOh, good to know.02:28
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shapeHow can I find this information on my own02:28
shapei.e. a table or a list02:28
shapewith what the distros programs versions are.02:28
samuelhi just incase anyone has answered me and i havnt noticed, THANKS! otherwise, the tool i opted for was PhotoRec found with the testdisk package02:28
dwatkinsshape: you can search http://packages.ubuntu.com/ for gnome-disk-utility02:29
DaemonFCshape: On Fedora and most RPM distributions you can use rpm -q <packagename> and it will tell you the version you have installed. On Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu), it is dpkg -s <packagename>02:30
shapeDaemonFC: Oh ok. I am looking on the web because I'd have to turn on my laptop to check fedora that way.02:30
shapeit should be on the main page or wiki (looking now)02:31
DaemonFCand the name of Disk Utility is actually palimpsest02:31
HankySpankyHello everyone ?02:32
dwatkinshttp://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/gnome-disk-utility suggests Oneric has version 3.0.2-1ubuntu2, whatever that means.02:32
lwizardlis there a way to stop ubuntu from adding a trash folder to external drives?02:32
shapedwatkins: I was looking at that actually! and the fedora one is gnome-disk-utility-3.0.2-3.fc16.i686 557kB02:33
DaemonFCshape: Sometimes you'll see more bad sectors right after a disk format, but it depends on the file system and OS, or at least what version of the mkfs utility or kernel version you have :)02:33
dwatkinsaha ok, shape - only a minor difference, then02:33
dwatkinsstill, it may be significant, there might be something in the release notes about thresholds02:33
shapedwatkins: yes but that annoys me because I want to find out! XD02:33
dwatkinsfind out what, shape?02:34
shapedwatkins: The threshold XD, and if you can modify it. And the thing is, when I go to the Disk Utility support it tells me to go to the ubuntu channel.02:34
shapedwatkins: Maybe I should email the developers for Disk Utility?02:35
DaemonFColder distributions were more likely to expose bad sectors because the formatting process for Ext2/3/4 used to go through and actually check every sector at the time you created the file system02:35
DaemonFCthey stopped doing that as of like, last year to make the formatting process faster02:35
phillijwanyone know if a good command line calculator?02:36
BlizzerandHi, if want to install nginx via apt-get, is there anyway to get the list of all dependencies and packages which get installed along with nginx02:36
phillijwsomething that I can just type in formulas or quick math02:36
DaemonFCthe time needed to create an Ext4 partition of a couple terabytes was well over a minute and now that is only a few seconds02:36
dwatkinsphillijw: bc02:36
shapeDaemonFC: The 2 TB drive has only media/storage stuff on it. I never used it for the system.02:36
phillijwdwatkins: cool02:37
shapedwatkins: Thanks for your help btw!02:37
DaemonFCthe downside is that if there are dozens of bad sectors, you won't know about it until the file system tries storing something on one02:37
jjgalvez__system completely froze during a system backup, trying to figure out what could have gone wrong, any thoughts as to which log files I should be looking at?02:37
DaemonFCso it will uncover them over time instead of marking them all bad at once02:37
curl_ephillijw: bc for quick math. You can pipe expressions to octave or R02:38
shapeDaemonFC: Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the tips! :)02:39
skellumEr bu grr, wubi is kickin my butt02:39
DaemonFCshape: So it is entirely possible that those have all been there all along and it is just uncovering them one at a time as it tries to write something to the disk02:39
phillijwcurl_e: maybe i'll have to learn about those 2 at some point02:39
DaemonFCin that case, there could in fact be hundreds more that it just hasn't told you about because it hasn't gone to write anything there yet02:40
skellumNot resuming download for the big image is wild02:40
shapeDaemonFC: Yeah. I will contact Seagate anyway. Because like I said before it's 1-2 sectors every day. :(02:40
DaemonFCso they could just already be there and the count will increase as it finds them02:40
DaemonFCI just throw the drive away and slap a new one in if I'm not sure I can trust it anymore02:41
DaemonFCI jsut had one myself that was a few years old that started doing that02:41
shapeDaemonFC: Well, Seagate offers 5 years warranty and Ive only used it for 1 year.02:41
DaemonFCjust remember to make a pass with the manufacturer's drive utility to zero out all sectors before you send it in if there is any confidential information on the drive (or before it goes in the trash, depending on if they will honor the warranty or not)02:42
shapeI understand.02:42
shapeDaemonFC: Anyway I must leave! Thanks for your help!02:42
DaemonFCyou never know who or what or where that drive will end up, so it's better to shred everything if it's going to be out of your possession :)02:43
DaemonFCyep :)02:43
dj_segfaultQuick sanity check: It would be stupid to try to upgrade a 10.04LTS server to 12.04LTS when it comes out, right?  I should do a fresh install?  I think way too much has changed since then.02:43
zykotick9dj_segfault: expect issues ;)02:44
jribdj_segfault: umm, why would it be stupid?  It's explicitly supported...02:45
dj_segfaultjrib: M'Kay.  Reading the docs it says to go one revision upgrade at a time, and I guess I could do that, but it seems like an awful lot has changed between those releases.02:46
jribdj_segfault: no, LTS -> LTS is explicitly supported02:46
jribdj_segfault: (i.e. you do not need to go to 10.10, 11.04, and 11.10 in between)02:46
dj_segfaultjrib: I was looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:47
dj_segfaultI guess if I back up first there's not much to lose in trying02:47
Uktohey guys, a friend of mine is using a dell onboard raid which makes a "Dell Virtual Disk". they installed ubutnu, and its been fine for the last few months. there was a power issue, box rebooted, now it starts to boot ubuntu, and comes back with a VFS error mounting sdc1. it shows beforehand thatboth sata links are down, and raid autodetect found nothing. he said he hadnt recompiled the kernel or anything. but.. heh. any ideas?02:47
DaemonFCdj_segfault, I don't see any reason to not do an in-place upgrade. Two things to remember would be to back up important data first, and to burn a CD of 12.04 anyway in case you ever want to reinstall it from scratch.02:47
jribdj_segfault: and?  That page should confirm (or at the very least not contradict) what I've told you02:47
Uktoi even tried usiong lilo to boot run level 1, but no change02:48
pangolindj_segfault, that page hasn't been updated yet to include to recommended process for upgrading to 12.04 either. In 11 days when it is released officially you will be offered to upgrade by the upgrade manager02:48
dj_segfaultjrib: Ah, I see the second part of that sentence where it says you can go from LTS to LTS.  Thank you for pointing that out.02:49
dj_segfaultpangolin: Thanks.02:49
jribdj_segfault: yep, one of the big benefits of LTS02:49
pangolindj_segfault, protip: backups :)02:49
DaemonFCI burn a new LTS ISO each time they refresh the ISO with all the updates applied to it, like 12.04.1, 12.04.2. If the time ever comes where I need to do that, I don't really want to look forward to old installation media that may have bugs or be missing hardware support that I need.02:49
dj_segfaultpangolin: Been there done that tip: Two backups ;)02:50
DaemonFCin 10.04, there was a very good example of that. A bug prevented it from bringing up my display if I used DVI, but 10.04.1 didn't do that.02:50
pangolinanyway 12.04 support and talk in #ubuntu+102:50
DaemonFCIt was aggravating to have to go find a VGA cable just so I could get the thing installed and apply the proper update that made it stop doing that. :)02:50
dj_segfaultpangolin: yeah, i guess I should move to there.  Sorry.  Will do02:51
pangolinDaemonFC, Please stick to answering/asking questions. We don't need an essay of your past trials.02:51
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Punk_UnityI have an issue with x11 gnome shell not botting when i reb oot02:52
Areckxanyone use android OS http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-1770587302:53
pangolinAreckx, ##android maybe02:53
Uktoanyone have any suggestions?02:53
acornas to what?02:54
acornI thot this was practice morse code channel02:55
BlizzerandHow do I use apt-get to install a package in my home directory so that I do not have use sudo for accessing it later02:55
DaemonFCPunk_Unity, What's with the paste? Most ddx drivers haven't needed a xorg.conf in years. Unless you wish to override a default setting then you do not need to create one.02:55
Uktoacorn: my issue? :)02:55
kanliotlet me remark on how slow apt-get seems to be today02:55
Punk_Unityim about to reinstall the whole OS02:55
acornsorry ukto..my mistake..joined on the fly02:56
Punk_Unityok DaemonFC02:56
AlmagestAnyone might know why a CPU would freeze in the middle of a boot from a LIVE USB?02:56
BlizzerandAnyone has any idea? I thought this should have been quite simple task. :(02:56
Punk_Unitywell i have no idea how to boot into ubuntu anymore02:57
kanliotalmagest how much ram02:57
Punk_Unitysometimes it works and mostly it says x11 cannot initialize02:57
kanliotalmagest try the alternate installer02:57
AlmagestHave no alternate02:57
Almagestgets stuck on the copyright image02:57
Almagestenough ram, its a newer laptop02:58
binnyhey guys!! =)02:58
kanliotstuck right after you boot?02:58
binnyI have something here that's been killing me all day:02:58
binnyI'm trying to set up a ubuntu server. But the ethernet cable doesn't seem to be connecting for some reason....02:59
Punk_Unityhow do i reset all my defaults?02:59
binnyit delivers internet to the computer I'm on now. But not to the server...any suggestions?02:59
binnythanks =)02:59
AlmagestSYSLINUX 4.06 edd 4.06-prel Copyright (c) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al02:59
Almagestthats the screen it freezes on03:00
kanliotalmagest  that's a good error description but i don't know what it means03:00
kanliotyou might google it, and also google your laptop model03:00
Almagestthe hard drive is fryed on the laptop im trying to load the os on, so im trying a live flash drive, Created from Universal and UBOOTIN03:00
Almagesti've google, many other have had the problem, no one has the solution.03:01
dj_segfaultBlizzerand: I believe the answer is that you don't need to type in the password because you want to access the .deb, you need to type in your password to update the software database and install the software.  So yeah, you need to type in the password regardless of the permissions on the .deb.03:01
ghilSo i've installed the latest 12.04, and even though it says I have the NVIDIA graphics driver (version current) activated, it defaulted to Unity-2d. how can I fix that?03:02
Blizzeranddj_segfault: Thanks for the reply :) But that wasn't what I was looking for(I think). I want to install nginx in my home directory(apt-get will install it in /usr/bin/ or something) so that I can use nginx in future without having to use sudo03:03
BlizzerandHow do I do that03:04
escott!precise |ghil03:04
ubottughil: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+103:05
yeatsbinny: you've verified that the server's NIC is functional?03:05
binnymy hunch is that it's not so I'm trying to find drivers for it but, it may be totally functional, lol, how do i check if it is?03:07
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yeatsbinny: lspci would let you know if the server recognizes that the NIC is attached03:09
binnyahh. ok. so when i do that, it tells me: ethernet controller: realtek semiconductor co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C+03:10
yeatsbinny: also /var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/dmesg should have some messages about it03:10
ghiltried changing to post-release update driver, and it still defaults to unity2d. -_-03:11
yeatsbinny: 'grep eth /var/log/dmesg' should show something useful03:11
squidbinny...are you having a network issue?03:11
craigbass1976Isn't there an apt-get install lamp-server type of command to get everything in one fell swoop?  I'm googling badly I guess03:12
binnysquid: no. I specifically checked the same cable on this computer and it worked fine03:12
squidjeremy-4201...is that your CCIE number?03:12
squidsorry binny I dont know the original problem that you have...03:13
yeatscraigbass1976: do 'sudo tasksel' and select LAMP from the options03:13
craigbass1976yeats, aha; forgot that step03:14
binnyyeats: i did 'grep eth /var/log/dmesg" and got "[3.654468] 8139too 0000:02:02.0: eth0 Realyek RTL8139 at 0xdc00, 00:16:17:15:20:23, IRQ 22"03:15
yeatsbinny: are you trying to assign a static IP or are you using DHCP?03:16
dj_segfaultBlizzerand: Sorry I misunderstood you.  Looking at the man pages, I'm not sure you can do that.  ISTR that rpm had a parameter to change the installation root but I don't think apt-get install does.  You might be able to get away with changing ownership of the files to you though.03:17
n-iCeI have dell inspirion mini 1018 but I cant ifconfig wlan0 up says is blocked because rfkill03:17
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MooNSpellso quiet03:25
MooNSpellm 36  here any mature lady wana chat03:26
n-iCeI have dell inspirion mini 1018 but I cant ifconfig wlan0 up says is blocked because rfkill03:26
CelltechHow do I update java, divX, and flash by terminal command?03:28
WildbatCelltech, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:29
CelltechSo it would be sudo apt-get update java?03:30
Wildbatno i will update all your package03:30
y0om4how can i pause a process?03:33
celthundery0om4: kill STOP03:34
y0om4i don't want to kill the process03:34
y0om4i simply want to pause it then unpause it later03:34
Areckxhow about process monitor?03:34
celthundery0om4: it doesnt stop pauses it03:34
celthundery0om4: kill cont should continue it later03:34
y0om4how do i unpause it03:34
skelMooNSpell: if /jazz and /disco were in a boat.. and /jazz fell out.. who is left?03:35
Areckxmissing directory error?03:35
celthunderskel: everyone you dont cease to exist just because you are not in the boat :)03:35
skelcelthunder: =]03:36
dj_segfaultskel: If the boat is moving, then /jazz would be left as the boat moved away03:37
skelthe point was just to get MooNSpell do type /disco =]  but we can do philosophy too =P03:37
dj_segfaultalternate snarky answer: It depends on if /jazz fell off the left side of the boat or the right side of the boat03:37
celthunderskel: :) were bored03:38
skeldj_segfault: are you measuring angular momentum?03:38
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skelcelthunder: I can see =P03:38
celthunderat some point in time niether would be left....at least alive...03:38
skelcelthunder: then I suppose you could start to argue at what point does a single celled organism differ from a chemical reaction and where do you assing "life" to one and not the other :-P03:40
celthunderskel: dang i should have shut up while ahead03:41
CelltechIn update manager. Is there a list of updates that aren't needed and ones that are? Last time I updated it screwed so much up03:44
dj_segfaultMy current theory is that life is not something you have, or some critical collection of substances.  Life is a flow of energy, like electricity.  That's why if you stop a life without removing any matter from the previously living thing you can only bring it back to life by causing the flow of energy again (jump start the heart, make the lungs go in and out,etc).  And yes I am sleep deprived.  Why do you ask?  Oh right.  you didn't.03:45
goddardCelltech: what happened?03:45
mundanehey, so i'm trying to install ubuntu on my janky computer. anyone willing to help?03:46
mundanei'm new, never used it before but want to learn.03:46
deper29hey, can someone help me install acroread on 10.04? when I try sudo apt-get install acroread I get this for output http://pastebin.com/tdMP72Bj03:46
dj_segfaultmundane: Define "janky".03:46
pilotbubum hackintosh if youve got this skills if not try it in a VM before you commit03:46
pilotbubits not a retail OS and efforts must be made to reach the status quo you may expect03:47
CelltechMy graphics messed up, my computer got super super slower, and things just stopped working all together. I just freshly installed 10.04 no updates at all and I like it this way. I just need to update java and a couple other browser things03:47
mundanedj_segfault: it's new and the computer itself is fine but windows 7 isn't working on it so i've had to use other computers03:47
skelokie, I'm all done upgrading. ttyl, have a good night =]03:48
pilotbubif OS X is a walk in Central Park on a perfect spring afternoon Linux is a walk in a minefield under enemy fire03:48
pilotbubmundane you sound like a windows 8 candidate03:48
pilotbububuntu sounds fun in theory but in practice it may drive you to a dark part of yourself you or your loved ones never knew existed03:49
deper29anyone have any suggestions?03:49
xangua!ot | pilotbub03:49
ubottupilotbub: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:49
pilotbubum... is answering a support question in the support channel off topic? sheesh03:50
CelltechUgh! Whatever. I'll run update mananger again but if it messed up. I'm going back to windows. So I can avoid this junk03:51
mundanepilotbub: i've comitted myself to this and i don't want this to be just another thing i back out of lol03:51
mundaneif anything i've always been interested and tired of putting up with mac/windows silliness. i just want to install it, if only to see03:52
pilotbubI'd say start with Win 8 and VirtualBox a distro03:52
mundanei don't really have the Win 8 option right now. i have the ubuntu CD burnt and ready to go, i just want help getting it set up because it's not doing what all the set-up guides say it'll do and i want to know if anyone knows why.03:55
pilotbubwhat step are you a03:56
mundanei burnt the CD. I have it in my CD drive. when i start up my computer it has me at the Windows Boot Manager - giving me two options, Windows 7 and Ubuntu. When I select Ubuntu, instead of taking me to an installation thing, it gives me a message "minimal BASH-like like editing is supported."03:58
Booyahpilotbub: Why do you say that. "Dark part of yourself"03:58
mundaneThis an HP Pavilion dv6 for what that's worth03:58
pilotbubwhat sort of CPU03:59
pilotbubBooyah its just what it says what is there to be confused about03:59
pilotbubmundane can you burn your own cds or better yet do you have a thumb drive03:59
pilotbubif its a P4 youd have to wait for input from people who know the best version for that proc04:00
mundanei'm using another computer on which i burnt another CD. i have also tried the USB stick to the same result.04:00
mundanepretty sure it's a P404:02
mundanebut i can burn my own CDs and I have a thumb drive, yes.04:02
zenlikeHi everyone, does anyone have experience with installing Ubuntu as a dual boot OS from some sort of backup of a Virtual Box install?04:03
zenlikeI have a Windows 7 PC and I've been running Ubuntu in Virtual Box, but I think it's time to move it to a real partition and not just a virtual one.04:04
pilotbubis it?04:06
mundanei've also thought of installing an older version like 9.1004:06
mundanei just need some functional OS on this laptop04:06
mundanelike, putting 9.10 and using that to get the most recent version04:07
pilotbubmaybe mint would suit your purposes mundane04:08
mundanei just want to know why i don't get the install screen when i reboot my computer with the CD in04:08
pilotbubLMDE Cinnamon... and you might have an alternate text based CD04:08
mundanealright, so i should get cinnamon04:10
pilotbubits all as simple as unetbootin + USB04:10
pilotbubbut remember its not a retail OS04:10
pilotbubso after hours of effort you may realize I was right and you're better off on Win 804:11
mundanewhy does it matter that its not a retail OS04:11
pilotbubyou'll see04:11
pilotbubenjoy the adventure04:11
mundanewhy are you being mysterious and sage-like and not just answering my questions04:11
mundanethanks for the advice04:11
pilotbublol and yw04:12
bozoniusunity slows down my entire system.04:12
pilotbubzenlike, still here? partition, install and then work on transferring files04:12
bozoniusis there a trick to this, or how to disable04:12
bozoniusbtw, I am running ubuntu in a VirtualBox VM04:13
zenlikepilotbub:  hm, i had hoped to somehow get all the things i've sudo apt-get installed without having to do it all over again04:13
wookienzhi guys. I stupidly changed my UID in the /etc/passwd file. I now cant log in. I have read the forums about ssh'ing nd changing the file back or by changing wnership of the ICEauthorty file bt i cant eve do tht. Essentilly i m locked out of my box. ny ideas how i fix this?04:13
bozoniuscurrently, I am giving it 2 cpus at 60% level04:13
zenlikenot too many files so it's not the end of the world, but was curious if anyone had an elegant solution.04:13
pilotbubgoogle around there is a way to go from virtualbox image to baremetal install but im not too familiar i know its easier with vmware but worst case scenario you could convert the disk image04:14
zenlikebozonius:  try 3d acceleration, give it plenty of RAM, and enable hardware virtualization if you have a multicore CPU worked wonders for me04:14
bozoniuswookienz:  I usually boot my linuxrescuecd, but there may be better ways.04:14
squidguys...switch to windows and your problems will be gone.04:14
zenlikesquid: lol04:14
zenlikeit's so obvious04:14
bozoniusthat's it.  Fatten up MS's bottom line04:14
wookienzI hae a guest connection to the 11.10 box but it is not in the sudoers file. I cant ssh from another box, there is no response. All i can think of is a live cd boot mount the drive and change it that way. Any other ideas?04:15
zenlikepilotbub: thanks for the help, i'll look into it04:15
bozoniusGates needs the cash so he can help all the underprivileged in the world who are victims of capitalism.04:15
squidwookienz...are using a VM?04:15
squidI F*&^ing hate windows dude04:16
sacarlsonwookienz: if you have physical access you can boot single user as root and fix things04:16
bozoniusI heard that disabling 3D actually helps in some cases.04:16
wookienzsquid, no. physical access.04:16
bozoniuspersonally, I haven't noticed any differences04:16
wookienzsacarlson, what keys do i hold to do that?04:16
sacarlsonwookienz: no physical access there is no way that I know to single user boot from remote04:17
squidare hacking someone? lol just kidding...04:17
squidlet me think here for a bit04:17
wookienzsacarlson, i hve physical access.04:18
bozoniuszenlike, how much is "plenty of ram?"  I gave it one Gig04:18
wookienzthere was a "." after the no.04:18
squidso...sudoers account locked up, only access using the guest but no root priv...and no physical access...04:18
zenlikebozonius:  i threw 3 gigs at mine, but I have 6 on my whole system04:18
wookienzsquid, i have physical access.04:18
sacarlsonwookienz: oh then just hold shift at boot and pick restore in grub04:19
squidwookienz let me see if i can get you the steps for that...just a sec04:19
wookienzno "restore" option. can i drop to command line and do it there?04:19
sacarlsonwookienz: ya rescure sorry not restore04:19
bozoniusThat makes it sound like a certain resource-sucking "operating system," which is really a desktop application recycled and tweaked 7 times, along with a price increase04:19
zenlikebozonius: yep, ~ 3 gb.  that video memory setting cranked up to 128 mb (i think that's the max?) seemed to help too04:19
sacarlsonwookienz: rescue04:19
bozoniusI've got 128MB of video04:20
zenlikebozonius: word, yeah, i'm considering going to baremetal install for this very reason.04:20
wookienzah i see...ill look at that.04:21
zenlikebozonius:  i use windows applications less frequently than terminal etc. so i think WINE would be more fitting for me04:21
zenlikethan virtual box04:21
bozoniustbh, I am not working on anything serious here.  Just testing and trying it all out, trying to understand how it all works together.04:21
zenlikesame here man.  that's the spirit of linux!04:22
zenlikei think so, at least04:22
AlmagestWho here can help someone with a seemingly unsolvable problem!!!???04:22
zenlikeAlmagest:  What is the set of all sets?04:22
bozoniusI use Windows less often than terminal.04:22
pilotbuban unsolvable problem? no one04:22
zenlikebozonius:  agreed04:22
bozoniusIn fact, I use Windows ... ZERO.04:22
zenlikeExcept to run your Linux on.  :)04:22
AlmagestSo check it04:22
bozoniusOnly at work, where they haven't discovered that there is a computing universe that is not tied to proprietary licensing04:23
syslqzenlike: hehe04:23
mainI will hear the "unsolvable problem04:23
AlmagestMy friends hard drive is fried, so im trying to boot Ubuntu onto the pc from a Flash drive.04:23
AlmagestPossible correct?04:23
mundanei came for installation support. i stayed for the philosophical implications of linux04:23
syslqAlmagest: if your bios supports it sure04:23
AlmagestIt does04:23
AlmagestNow then04:23
bozoniussorry, mundane04:23
squidThere is a recovery mode in Ubuntu...04:23
AlmagestI have the flash correctly set up04:23
sacarlsonAlmagest: easy plug and play maybe some bios setting to enable usb boot04:23
AlmagestWhen i try to boot the os04:24
AlmagestProblems insue04:24
syslqbozonius: that's weird btw, most companys here have at least some portion of business on linux04:24
bozoniuswe should take this other nonsense to a social forum...04:24
squidcheck that site out04:24
zenlikebozonius:  Yeah, I feel that pain... it seems as open source takes off more and more due to Github and it's ilk, it's becoming a lot more feasible to drive use in professional situations04:24
zenlikemundane:  LOL04:24
pilotbubbozonius, or maybe like all businesses they like to get things accomplished and not troubleshoot every machine for hours a day04:24
AlmagestA weird message pops up and the PC Freezes04:24
bozoniussyslq:  This is the United States here.04:24
bozoniusThere ARE no other countries.04:24
AlmagestHow do i get past this screen?04:24
syslqbozonius: I thought in USA that's even more common04:24
bozoniusJust us, the US military and Microsoft.04:24
bozoniusnot in the offices it isn't.  The US is still tied down to Windows nearly everywhere.04:25
sacarlsonAlmagest: message that states what?  might be it tries to boot from hard disk first so will fail,  change the boot sequence so usb boots first04:25
syslqbozonius: I was checking your job market a while ago and it seemed hungry for linux pro's04:25
bozoniusUnix, Linux, Solaris, etc are used for servers and web hosting, cloud computing services.04:25
zenlikepilotbub: this is a good point i've thought about a lot, when you pay for a service/product you can demand things such as ease of use / accountability for weird bugs and stuff04:25
syslqsquid: so that's not true then :)?04:26
sacarlsonAlmagest: so you will have to boot into bios setting mode to change boot sequence04:26
squidthere is nothing like Linux in this world!!!!04:26
syslqsquid: ?04:26
sacarlsonsquid: yes there is there's solaris04:26
bozoniusI applied to RackSpace for exactly that reason, syslq.  I flunked the phone interview because I couldn't rattle off the numeric values for all the entries in /etc/services.04:26
squidIm not a Microsoft person AT ALL.04:26
syslqbozonius: hehe :)04:26
bozoniusthat's the kind of Linux "expertise" they are looking for.04:26
bozoniusfsck them.04:27
AlmagestSYSLINUX 4.06 EED 4.06-prel Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. peter anvin et al04:27
syslqbozonius: wtf, point is that you know where to find info, not to have it memorized :)04:27
Almagestthats what it gets stuck on04:27
bozoniustell them that.04:27
AlmagestI've ordered the BIOS boot correctly04:27
syslqbozonius: don't worry, from such interview the only possible conclusion is that, you don't really want to work there if you have any other choice :)04:28
pilotbuband BSD04:28
bozoniusLook, syslq, what do you want from a country that insists that market-driven health care is a better alternative than universal health care?04:28
bozoniusagree, syslq04:28
sacarlsonAlmagest: is this ubuntu?04:28
bozoniusvery agreed04:28
bozoniusanyway, is there an alternative to unity?04:29
squidI really like to help people out...I really do and I enjoy helping people here in the forum, but sometimes it looks like people just want others to google simple shit for them....04:29
zenlikebozonius:  GNOME shell I think/04:29
syslqbozonius: kudos on health care04:29
bozoniuszenlike, that was gnome 1, right?04:29
sacarlsonAlmagest: can the usb flash disk boot on any other systems?04:29
AlmagestI have not tryed04:29
syslqbozonius: but try not to get labeled as commie :)04:30
AlmagestI have tryed wiping it and puting ubuntu back onto it several time though04:30
zenlikebozonius:  to be frank, I've never tried GNOME shell, just have heard people who say they hate Unity like GNOME shell better04:30
AlmagestI am now trying an earler build of ubuntu04:30
MissionControlwas wondering about ubuntu 12.04 multimonitor support and how it will be better than that of 10.0404:30
bozoniushow do I fire up Fluxbox on Ubuntu, and isn't that kind of defeating the whole purpose?04:30
wookienzsquid, thanks got it back. will use the proper method of changing UID next time.04:31
bozoniusI also have Mint in another VM, and it runs just fine.  I like it very much, and I am even debating switching to it from PCLinuxOS04:31
wookienzsacarlson, thanks all fixed04:31
sacarlsonwookienz: cool04:31
bozoniusMint is derived from Ubuntu, and seems to work better.  So what happened?04:31
squidI recommend you check it out first b4 you try it....Fluxbox could be a little weird to some users not use to it...04:31
squidthey have a site and nice doc ...04:31
AlmagestI'be been googling all day and cannot find out what that message means, but there are other people out there with the same problem04:32
bozoniusis there a Ubuntu-fluxbox distro or CD?04:32
squidexcuse my errors...typing very fast04:32
bozoniusnp, squid04:32
squidyou could prob...do apt-get install fluxbox04:32
bozoniusjust wondering if there is a ready-to-go ubuntu image like kubuntu, only for fluxbox or something else.04:32
sacarlsonAlmagest: does the usb flash boot on another computer?  what software method did you use to install the iso file on the usb flash disk?04:33
bozoniuswill fluxbox then show up as an option at the Gdm login?04:33
bozoniusgreat.  I will try that then.  Thanks.04:33
AlmagestUNETBootin as well as Universal04:33
bozoniussyslq:  I am a socialist, commie, or whatever else people care to label me.  I care about people more than I do about profits or the animals that live off other people's labor.04:34
bozoniusbut this is not the socialism channel, so...04:34
ZiekNeed help making my wireless belkin G card work04:34
bozoniuslet's keep this to ubuntu.04:34
Ziekany takers?04:35
sacarlsonAlmagest: and reading back I don't see what version you have installed.  if you have a system to program the usb flash you should try to test the usb flash boot on that system to isolate the problem04:35
squidlong live mother russia04:35
sacarlsonAlmagest: version of ubuntu iso's you tried04:35
bozonius"mother russia" was not communist or socialist -- it was totalitarian04:36
bozonius(sorry, squid, with all due respect)04:36
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Almagestsorry 11.1004:36
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Almagest32 and 64 bit04:37
syslqbozonius: nice to meet you. I'm commie too :)04:37
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syslqbozonius: even lived in communism and was way better than the thing you call democracy04:37
AlmagestI cant test the system because it is not with me, its in a differnt state, im doing all of this by controlling another system from remote and having someone try the USB in the intended CPU04:37
rdw200169syslq !ot04:38
mundaneso i'm pretty sure i figured out more about my problem if anyone's willing to help04:38
ZiekHaving problems connecting on my wireless G card, need urgent help. The card shows up on my "lsusb" command, it is able to view my home network, it is NOT able to connect to it.04:38
sacarlsonAlmagest: well then have them try it on the system you use as the remote04:38
ceti331are there any text editors for linux with windows-style interaction, but argb transpaerency (as per terminal)04:39
squidceti331...there are a few04:39
sacarlsonAlmagest: I've never seen your problem so I would have to first isolate04:39
squidgedit GUI04:39
LilZiek; how can it view the network.. if its not connected to it? Do you mean it can see the network?04:39
ChrisFromTheBayHey guys. Does anyone know how to disable popup notifications in Filezilla?04:39
ceti331squid: nano can display transparent i.e. in the terminal - but the keys are non-windows04:40
squidChris....thats in the EDIT tab...click pref04:40
syslqZiek: iwconfig output?04:40
ceti331gedit = opqaue ?04:40
ceti331whats cmd04:40
ZiekLil: Yes, I can see that there is a wireless connect, however I cant connect to it04:40
squidcommand line04:40
Almagestok ill see if it will work, the system they are running on and that i am controlling is an old XP from 2001.04:40
AlmagestNot sure if the BIOS will have the USB option04:41
squidceti331 ...if I was u...I would use gedit04:41
ceti331i use gedit sure04:41
squidare u new to linux?04:41
AlmagestTrying to get a newer laptop up and running but making the USB from the older machine.04:41
sacarlsonAlmagest: oh then maybe you might need something like a 32bit lubuntu iso to test it on that also04:42
ceti331i use it on and off.. i'm a conditioned windows user, but get nostalgic buzz from anything non-wintel04:42
Zieksyslq: No such device04:42
bozoniussyslq: may be "called" democracy, but it ain't04:42
squidanybody need any Cisco help...let me know04:42
ceti331I am most productive coding with microsoft visual studio under windows04:42
ceti331but have a perpetual itch to use gnu tools04:42
sacarlsonAlmagest: I would start from lubuntu 10.04  32bit  and work up from there if needed04:42
bozoniussquid:  I've got ubuntu running fluxbox.04:42
bozoniusA big menuing system.  Not very sexy.04:43
syslqbozonius: yeah, it's timocracy04:43
squidceti331...I used it be4...kinda cool04:43
AlmagestOk, thanks04:43
ceti331I got some joy today using raw GDB a bit04:43
syslqZiek: you dont have drivers?04:43
AlmagestIf this 10.5 ubuntu doesnt work that will be my next step04:43
bozoniusis Unity usable, short of buying more RAM than the army?04:43
squidAlmagest ... sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:44
syslqZiek: lsusb just lists devices connected trough usb, you need drivers in order for your OS to work properly with your hardware04:44
squidAlmagest ... don't do it... man it first04:44
sacarlsonAlmagest: a 2001 system I don't think will boot a standard ubuntu 10.04  probly not enuf mem04:44
bozoniussyslq, pm me04:44
ceti331gedit is cool, one little tweak that would be nice is to remove the tab-bar if only one file is in the window04:44
ceti331but gedit works well04:45
squidyou can turn on line numbers etc...04:45
ceti331yes I use that04:45
AlmagestIm trying to boot ubuntu from a LIVE USB onto a 2010 model HP laptop with a dead hard drive, but the BIOS still work, It freezes on the screen with the weird copyright info.04:45
Zieksyslq:Yes, I have the Cd drivers, but I believe that they are already installed because it showed up usb list. However I just tried to install the drivers via ndisgtk and it says that its an invalid driver04:45
syslqZiek: lsusb shows connected hw not the drivers. Which card do you have?04:46
syslqZiek: which device I mean04:46
ZiekBelkin wireless g FSd705004:47
bozoniussquid: I note that there is a "2D" option besides Fluxbox and Ubuntu.04:47
Zieksyslq: Belkin wireless G FSD705004:47
ceti331i like fluxbox, its a nice minimalist windowmanager04:48
syslqZiek: gimme a sec04:48
ceti331i like the option for mousewheel desktop switching which defaul ubuntu seems to lack04:48
ChrisFromTheBayHey guys, when I right click on PHP files I'm not able to select a program I installed, Komodo Edit04:48
sacarlsonAlmagest: oh 2010 hp could be a it has an efi bios,  I wonder how those boot from usb04:49
Zieksyslq: no problem, thanks04:49
faryshtahow do I use the pirate bay magnetic links?04:49
ChrisFromTheBayIs there an easy way to add a program to a filetype's list of available programs?04:49
ChrisFromTheBayfaryshta: download Transmission or another torrent downloading program, which can open magnet links04:49
syslqZiek: I think you need http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/rt73-source04:49
wookienzfaryshta, hardly ubuntu related.04:49
syslqZiek: rt73 driver04:49
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, I have transmittion installed.04:50
bozoniusLooks like the 2D version runs Ubuntu/Unity whatever it is04:50
pilotbubtransmission comes with ubuntu04:50
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, which is the next step?04:50
Lilfaryshta; try #piratebay04:50
pilotbubwierd icon and all :D04:50
sacarlsonZiek: I use 2 devices with rt73 chips both work on 10.04 and 11.1004:50
ChrisFromTheBayDoes anyone know how to add a program to a filetype's (PHP) context menu in Ubuntu?04:51
syslqZiek: apt-cache search rt73 should get you somewhere04:51
faryshtaHow do I set transmission to open magnetic files?04:51
wookienzi have upgraded to 12.04 LTS beta but non of the icons up the top notification bar are working. What package is it that runs the so i can reinstall it04:51
ChrisFromTheBayI'm not sure faryshta04:51
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, what do you mean. Open a .php file with nautilus?04:51
ChrisFromTheBayWell, I'd like to open PHP files with a program, Komodo.04:52
sacarlsonChrisFromTheBay: I assume from an appache2 server?   just sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin04:52
syslqbozonius: ping04:53
AlmagestSac: not sure but it seems to pick up some info from the USB as the message says Linux04:53
ChrisFromTheBayMy lamp stack is all setup. :) ... I'm trying to edit PHP files with a program I've used on Macs & PCs a lot04:53
Zieksyslq: It says I have duplicate sources that "you may want to run sud apt-get update to correct these problems04:53
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, right-click any .php file and choose 'open with another program'04:53
faryshtaHow do I set transmission to open magnetic files?04:53
sacarlsonChrisFromTheBay: oh from the command line with no appache2?  then just install php5-cli04:53
syslqZiek: you should actually always do apt-get update before that, it updates you package index04:54
Zieksacarlson: Any specific command that might get me that package download04:54
syslqZiek: so try that first and let me know04:54
ChrisFromTheBayI clicked "open with another program", and Komodo Edit isn't on the list of All Programs that can open it. :(04:54
sacarlsonZiek: it was plug and play so what problems are you having?  is your network encrypted?  if so you will need wpa-supplicant04:54
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, then choose the 'use command' and put komodo or whatever the command for komodo is.04:54
Zieksyslq: Ok, ran it first, then the search and it says the same thing04:55
sacarlsonZiek: also try wicd gui as it has more options04:55
faryshtaHow do I open magnetic files using transmission?04:56
ChrisFromTheBayfaryshta: Thanks, how could I chose "use command", should that be in a list alongside the other programs?04:56
Zieksacarlson: Yes my network is encrypted04:56
ChrisFromTheBayfaryshta, did you open Transmission?04:56
Zieksacarlson: I'm sorry I am not familiar with wpa-supplicant04:56
sacarlsonZiek: oh but I read up and see you see no device at all?  like with iwconfig?04:56
Lilfaryshta; must you repeat the same question several times? Not sure if you noticed, but this is called #ubuntu .. and your piratebay questions don't really relate to ubuntu.04:57
syslqZiek: what exactly does apt-cache search r73 returns?04:57
sacarlsonZiek: with wicd you won't have to know much about it,  it takes care of it for you04:57
Lilfaryshta; use google for your question, it'll be much quicker then repeating it 100 times in here.04:57
ChrisFromTheBayfaryshta: I just clicked a magnet link on PB, and it asked if I wanted to open with Transmission : http://thepiratebay.se/search/linux/0/99/004:57
squidapt-cache search simply send queries to the apt- server...it won't install anything04:57
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, I have transmission open. For komodo, you won't need to do anything. From now on it will be available when you right-click.04:58
Zieksacarlson: No wireless extension shows up04:58
faryshtaLil, you are not helping but thanks anyway.04:58
Zieksacarlson: wait04:58
sacarlsonZiek: oh maybe I did install firmware04:58
Zieksacarlson: IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any   Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm    Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off Power Management:on04:58
squidZiek...try this lspci | grep Wireless04:58
sacarlsonziek: ok then it's working fine04:59
squidZiek... or try this lspci | grep Ethernet04:59
pilotbubthe solution for all wifi problems: 1. Reboot 2. Select Windows at GRUB04:59
Zieksyslq: The search returns the message I typed before about the duplicates04:59
Almagestmight try to boot windows 8 from USB if this doesnt work.04:59
faryshtaLil, How do I open magnetic files using transmission?04:59
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syslqZiek: I'm guessing if you search for anything else (apt-cache search irssi) for instance you get the same result?05:00
sacarlsonZiek: I've never tested rt73 with wpa my access point will only do wep so if wicd can't connect to it try disable your encryption on your access point to isolate it to that05:00
Zieksquid: 02:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller05:01
squidZiek... you didn't get anything for the Wireless?05:01
Zieksyslq: Correct.05:01
ChrisFromTheBayfaryshta: Try using Firefox to click the magnet link. I just did for a Linux distro magnet link... and it popped up asking if I wanted to open with Transmission05:02
Zieksyslq: irssi - terminal based IRC client05:02
Ziekirssi-dev - terminal based IRC client - development files05:02
Ziekekg - console Gadu Gadu client for UNIX systems05:02
Ziekirssi-plugin-otr - Off-the-Record Messaging Plugin for Irssi05:02
Ziekirssi-plugin-xmpp - XMPP plugin for irssi05:02
Ziekirssi-plugin-xmpp-dbg - XMPP plugin for irssi - Debugging symbols05:02
FloodBot1Ziek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
sacarlsonZiek: oh you see it in iwconfig but not in ifconfig?  then bring the device up like sudo ifconfig wlan0 up05:02
squidZiek...please use paste.ubuntu.com05:02
squidno disrecpect05:03
faryshtaChrisFromTheBay, thanks let me try.05:03
Zieksquid: Sorry im nto familiar with that option for pasting05:04
faryshtaLil, saying 'just google it' isn't helping. If I am here it means that Google wasn't helpful.05:04
squidI wasn't until two days ago...05:04
squidI pissed a bunch of people off05:04
squidcreated an script for some user and pasted here05:05
Lilfaryshta; Not sure why you think these questions are OK for #ubuntu .. but whatever floats your boat man.05:05
sacarlsonziek: I hope you tried sudo ifconfig wlan0 up;  as I'm getting confused what irc has to do with wifi connection so I might be on the wrong page for you05:06
squidbasically...the site is used to paste your code or w.e and then it will generate a hyper-link that you can to copy and paste...something similar to what Twitter does05:06
Zieksacarlson: yes i see alot off info for ifconfig05:06
sacarlsonziek: so you see that wlan0 is up then?05:07
Zieksacarlson: how can i tell?05:07
sacarlsonZiek: if you already tried to connect in network-manager and that failed I would install wicd05:07
ceti331can compiz do argb alpha blending05:07
ceti331instead of uniform alpha05:08
Zieksquid: ok thanks05:08
sacarlsonziek: I guess with  ifconfig | grep wlan ; would tell if it's seen at all05:08
faryshtaLil, can you point me which of this I broke? http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct did you broke any of these yourself?05:08
Zieksacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/932093/05:09
squidZiek .. :D lol05:09
edbianHow can I convert x264 video to xvid or something easier for my processor to play using ffmpeg?05:10
Zieksquid: what? :) I used the paste thing05:10
sacarlsonZiek: so this line wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:50:6a:53:6f     shows you have a working wifi device,  did you try network-manager?05:10
Lilfaryshta; You broke none of them, nor did I. However, this channel is for ubuntu related discussion. Your pirate bay question hardly relates to ubuntu.05:11
scientesunity wont start05:11
scientesi have to use unity-2d05:11
scientesor gnome classic05:11
Zieksacarlson: Yes ethernet does showup in the network manager aswell as the wireless connection05:11
scientesi get Window manager warning: Log level 16: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject05:11
scientesWindow manager warning: Log level 16: Error registering polkit authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject (polkit-error-quark 0)05:11
sacarlsonZiek: ok and you see your access point?  and tried to connect to it?05:11
scienteswhen i run gnome-shell --replace05:11
Zieksacarlson: after clicking on it to conenct it "attempts" to connect, but does not05:11
Lilfaryshta; I already PM'd you a google link that answers your question. Don't be lazy. I have had that problem before, and google answered it with the link I gave you.05:12
mikelissAnybody familiar with setting xmx for java?05:12
sacarlsonZiek: it should have asked for a password if it's encrypted,  so best try install wicd then,   apt-get install wicd05:12
Zieksacarlson: It asked the password. After it is provided it is still unable to connect. And trust me (it is well written)05:13
faryshtaLil, as I said. If I am here it means that google wasn't helpful.05:13
sacarlsonZiek: and be sure you have the correct password to connect05:13
sacarlsonZiek: I would try wicd05:13
sacarlsonZiek: if that fails isolate down to if it's an encyption problem by disabling encyrption in your access point05:14
faryshtahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines Lil you might want to read this05:14
faryshtaLil,  you are breaking the guidelines of this IRC.05:14
Zieksacarlson: It says i should be added to "netdev" what am i getting into?05:15
squidfaryshta are you the supervisor of the iRC?05:15
Lilfaryshta; Apparently you haven't read it.. Or you wouldn't continue to post your question several times. Then expect someone to hold your hand and help.05:16
sacarlsonZiek: oh maybe your user doen't have privliges to connect  to networks05:16
squidLil Wayne05:16
faryshtaLil, you are still not helping anyone here.05:16
Zieksacarlson: here is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/932098/05:17
squiduh oh05:17
sacarlsonZiek: then you will want to look at user groups  with users-admin05:17
Zieksacarlson: you lost me...05:18
Lilfaryshta; I have helped.. even when the question wasn't related to ubuntu.05:18
faryshtaLil, no you didn't. You didn't help me and you aren't helping others either.05:18
sacarlsonZiek: that looks ok,  so did you try run wicd then?05:18
squidZiek...then ... %ziek ALL=(ALL) ALL05:18
sacarlsonZiek: ya just run wicd with sudo to try it05:19
Zieksacarlson: it does nothing05:20
sacarlsonZiek: you ran gksudo wicd in a term?  did you see any errors?05:22
Zieksacarlson: none05:23
sacarlsonZiek: I'm not sure,  check in synaptic to see if wicd installed05:23
HackNewtonhello all05:23
sacarlsonZiek: I didn't see any error in install that should have stoped it05:23
edbianHow can I convert h264 video to something easier to play using ffmpeg?05:24
Zieksacarlson: Yes it is here.05:25
pilotbubedbian find a better player05:25
edbian  pilotbub can you suggest something?  I've tried totem and vlc, both play choppy.  I'm pretty sure it's my netbooks processor that's too slow.  Why is converting using ffmpeg a bad idea?05:26
pilotbubif your CPU cant handle playing it how well do you think it will convert? Look into CorePlayer05:27
Zieksacarlson: I noticed 1 error when installing go back to the paste.ubuntu look down at the  * Starting Network connection manager wicd                              [fail]05:27
Debolazedbian: http://handbrake.fr/05:28
edbianpilotbub, It can convert just fine.  It will take a long time, but the quality will remain.  Some codecs are more processor intensive to play than others.05:28
edbianDebolaz, why this and not ffmpeg?05:28
Debolazpilotbub: h264 is significantly more cpu hungry than xvid, its a good chance xvid will play just fine.05:28
edbianDebolaz, is handbrake in the repos?05:28
edbianxvid does play fine05:28
Debolazedbian: Handbrake is easier to use.05:28
edbianDebolaz, is it in the repos?05:29
pilotbubenjoy those 48 hour conversions...05:29
edbianpilotbub, better than not playing things at all! :P05:29
sacarlsonziek:  try reboot and see if the error repeats05:29
pilotbubhey if youre into that more power to you05:29
Zieksacarlson: ok brb05:29
Debolazedbian: https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-releases05:29
edbianso it's not in the repos...05:29
DebolazAllergic to ppas? :)05:30
DebolazIt's in a PPA repo, is that a bad thing?05:30
edbianI would have preferred being in repos...05:30
edbianThen I don't need to worry about it when I upgrade releases05:30
edbianDebolaz, thanks for the help :)05:31
edbianpilotbub, thank you as well05:31
HackNewtondoes anyone know when final release of Precise will launch ?05:32
Debolaz26th I think05:32
DebolazHmm, 28th it seems. :)05:33
zieksacarlson: back05:34
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zieksacarlson: now its worse, i cant see any wireless network05:36
sacarlsonziek: bring it up with sudo ifconfig wlan0 up05:38
pilotbubDon't worry Wireless will be supported on Ubuntu 2505:38
KM0201pilotbub: ? wireless works fine with most devices...05:38
zieksacarlson: O_O wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:39
sacarlsonziek: oh try iwconfig  see if the number changed05:39
zieksacarlson: lo        no wireless extensions.05:40
ChrisFromTheBayHey guys. I right click PHP files, and it isn't showing my favorite text editor as an eligible from to open the file with. I want to set it to the default. Suggestions? Thanks05:40
zieklo        no wireless extensions.05:40
zieketh0      no wireless extensions. lo no wireless extensions05:40
zieksacarlson: lo        no wireless extensions.05:41
pavlzi got my e-mail on @gmail.com, i would to download my e-mailes on my hdd, how can i do it by shell ?05:41
zieketh0      no wireless extensions. lo no wireless extensions05:41
Areckxtrying to install im-ja05:41
Areckxso I can input Japanese05:41
sacarlsonziek: unplug and replug your device and try again05:42
zieksacarlson: still, nothing05:44
sacarlsonziek: also try another usb port05:45
sacarlsonziek: not sure how it could have worked before and not now.  so also verify the device is still seen with lsusb05:46
ChrisFromTheBaydoes anyone know how to change the default application that opens a type of files?05:48
KM0201ChrisFromTheBay: most of the time, right click the filetype, click the 'Open With' tab (or something like that)... and choose the program05:49
zieksacarlson: Yes it is seen in lsusb, however now it does not show any wirelles network nor the led blinks05:49
zieksacarlson: its like its dead05:49
KM0201ChrisFromTheBay: least thtas how i remember it.. been a while since i used Gnome05:49
ChrisFromTheBayKMO201: Thanks. What if the program doesn't show up in the list?05:49
sacarlsonziek: and nothing seen with iwconfig?05:49
KM0201ChrisFromTheBay: isn't there an "add" button?05:49
zieksacarlson: no wireless extensions05:50
sacarlsonziek: ok we should look in /var/log/syslog  file to see what kind of a problem it sees05:50
tomgeorgeNeed help on Glade Interface Designer...05:50
ChrisFromTheBayKMO201: There is an add button, but it's not showing my desired program in the list of applications that button can add.05:51
sacarlsonziek: is this a dual boot system windows and linux?05:51
tomgeorgeI always end up with Cannot find Glade XML Object error05:51
zieksacarlson: yes its a dual boot05:52
sacarlsonziek: that might explain why it worked then stoped,  as windows would have installed the firmware and linux might keep the firmware in untill powered off or unpluged05:52
sacarlsonziek: so we should also check to see you have the firmware package installed,  I have to lookup the name05:53
zieksacarlson: Well thats the thing I dont have this wireless card installed in windows either05:55
sacarlsonziek: there is a package rt73-common that has updated firmware05:56
Areckxanyone can help me with im-ja?05:56
zieksacarlson: throw me the command05:57
sacarlsonziek: sudo apt-get install rt73-common ;05:57
scienteswhere can i get old kernel packages?06:01
scientesi need linux-headers-3.2.0-1906:02
Abhijitscientes, may be kerner.org06:04
scientesyou mean kernel.org06:04
scientesno, this is a specific precise kernel06:05
scientesive got a regression06:05
Abhijitscientes, ask in #ubuntu+106:05
Abhijitfor precise editon help06:05
ohptlabsalright so ive been using transmission for a few  weeks now and ever couple of days it tells me that movies and shows ive watched and were fine, suddenly have a piece or two that is corrupt06:09
ohptlabsanyone have any ideas? the files are being saved toa  1Tb usb drive06:11
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scientesohptlabs, look at dmesg06:12
scientesohptlabs, is it a usb hard drive?06:12
scientesand are you cold booting it (pulling the plug without unmounting it)06:12
ohptlabsscientes, the dmesg looked normal, its booted and shut down with the computer06:14
JoeR1Ok, what does this mean? Process /usr/bin/Thunar received signal 1106:14
ohptlabsscientes, yes it a usb harddrive06:14
scientesohptlabs, usb hard drives are very sensitive to hard shutdowns, you have to make sure to unmount it from nautilus before unplugging it, or only unplugging it when the computer is shut down (and shutting down the computer gracefully)06:15
pilotbubcould be a fluke just rehash the torrent and dl the missing pieces whats the prob bob06:15
ohptlabspilotbub, yes thats what ive been doing however its weird that i keep having to do this with 100 things im seeding06:16
pilotbubwell linux + 100 seeding torrents = shake territory06:17
scienteseSATA is really much better if you can get that06:17
scientesas usb 2.0 doesn't support spinning down hard drives either06:17
ohptlabspilotbub, i guess just dont understand how ive viewed them, they were fine, i havent touched them and yet its telling me a piece of a complete file is corrupt06:17
ohptlabshmmm i see.06:17
pilotbubyeah update your transmission is all I can suggest06:18
ohptlabsshould i just rip open the usb harddrive and put it in my computer06:18
pilotbubthats an approach06:18
ohptlabspilotbub, is there anyway the file isnt actually corrupt and its just transmission being lame?06:21
AreckxI am having issues with iBus06:21
AreckxI added anthy japanese input06:22
Areckxand am unable to convert hiragana to kanji using space06:22
scientesAreckx, #ibus06:22
pilotbubid say thats the likelier option if youre using a reputable tracker06:22
scientesAreckx, gnome 3 breaks alot of stuff06:22
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ohptlabspilotbub, not to sound ignorant, but how can itell if a tracker is reputable?06:23
pilotbubgeneral rule: something well known like ubuntu or other distro trackers06:24
pilotbubtransmission like all software isnt perfect06:24
Abhijitscientes, no it wont. its unity who breaks everything06:25
pilotbubcan no one see the irony06:25
ohptlabsi can :)06:25
scientesAbhijit, unity is gtk 306:26
scientesAbhijit, but yeah gnome-shell MIGHT be better gtk 306:26
MissionControlunity is supposed to have better multi-monitor support and if it works for my setup then I'm all for unity06:26
ohptlabspilotbub, yeahim not sure actually since i dont think most dist track classic films which is what ive been seeding06:26
pilotbuball you can do is update your client and OS06:26
pilotbubsubmit a bug report06:27
pilotbubtransmission team is pretty active and will probably respond06:27
pilotbububuntu is a big distro for them06:27
pilotbubif youre not happy they want to know why06:27
Abhijitscientes, whatever. its unity who breaks everything06:27
MissionControloldie has joined?06:28
scientesAbhijit, I dont like unity, but the move from gtk 2 to gtk 3 breaks alot of stuff06:28
ohptlabsalright i shall do so, im using the LTS of ubuntu, so im guessing ill have to get a much newer version of transmission too06:28
pilotbubnot to go OT but give precise a while who knows maybe they patched your issue already06:30
lolmausHi! What command do i have to run to update the init system after creating a new Upstart config (/etc/init/foo.conf)?06:31
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bozoniusif we have trouble running Unity, can we run Disunity instead?06:33
pilotbublolmaus, try Function+3+K06:33
pilotbubbut Unity break everything!06:33
adacHow to get virtualbox in full screen mode?06:35
bozoniuswhat is the advantage of running Ubuntu, esp. 11.10, if Unity, its showcase feature causes so many issues for so many people?06:35
pilotbubadac, try Function+3+K06:35
bozoniusadac, you should join #vbox06:36
bozoniusbut, yes, F3K should work06:36
bozoniustry Hostkey+F06:36
rumpe1bozonius, it's the newest release. That's the advantage.06:37
adacpilotbub, I try, but first I need to know how to switch back to normal screen :D06:37
bozoniusnewest release.06:37
bozoniussame command, adac.06:37
adacbozonius, is hostkey the "windows" key?06:37
bozoniuswill toggle back and forth between full screen06:37
bozoniusit depends how your vbox VM is configured06:37
bozoniusI think -- on Linux at least -- it is the left alt key by default.06:38
bozoniusbut you really should consult someone on #vbox for virtualbox-related questions.06:38
nesusvetHost, key is the windows key as usual06:38
adacnesusvet, well with the windows key i get the ubuntu menu06:39
nesusvetFor the VBOX it's a right ctrl06:39
lolmauspilotbub, wut? I'm in console.06:39
adacyes it was the right ctrl + f06:39
adacthank you guys06:39
pilotbublolmaus, try curl -s 22.44.342.44 -xfg06:40
bozoniusrumpel:  Unity slows down my entire system!  Even if it IS the latest release.06:41
pilotbubthat should link you up to the mainframe and commence the launch06:41
bozoniusor is it rumpe1?06:41
rumpe1bozonius, then use something different06:41
rumpe1bozonius, nobody is forced to use unity06:41
bozoniusI do.  I wanted to try Ubuntu because so many people are raving about it.06:41
pilotbubjust use W806:41
pilotbubwhen it comes to Linux I say go modern or go back to retail06:42
bozoniusOK, but why use, say, openbox instead of Unity on Ubuntu?  why not use some other distro altogether?  That's what I am asking.06:42
bozoniusI don't have Windows here.06:42
rumpe1bozonius, i mean: unity is just a suggestion for a desktop environment. You still have the choice of many other desktop environments, you could install and use.06:42
pilotbubif i want to use gnome I'd ride a time machine back to win 9506:42
bozoniusI know that.06:42
bozoniusI am allergic to all Microsoft products.  I am unable to use them without serious side effects.06:43
bozoniusBut there are literally 100's of Linux Distros.06:43
pilotbub100s active06:43
bozoniusMy question is, how can Ubuntu make the argument for itself if its premier product does not play well for people who don't have the hardware to support it?06:44
pilotbubend user linux will have it time in the sun but that time has not yet arrived06:44
bozoniusI have 4G of ram and a dual core CPU06:44
bozoniusI feel that should be plenty.06:44
bozoniuspilotbub, I am not meaning to argue with you, honestly.06:45
pilotbubthe ubuntu pipe dream is that people with adequate hw will choose Unity over Win06:45
bozoniusI am sure the Ubuntu devs are proud of unity, and they should be06:45
bozoniuswhen it does play, it plays very nicely.06:45
bozoniustrouble is, Mint (a sort of modified ubuntu) does not have this issue.  of course, it does not have unity (at least not out of box)06:46
bozoniusbut Mint's interface is also very nice and easy to use.06:46
pilotbubits got cinnamon but mint also suffers stability issues06:46
bozoniusand I believe you are correct:  Ubuntu is better than Windows06:46
bozoniusfor the same hardware06:46
bozoniuswhatever that hardware is.06:46
pilotbubas a blanket statement id have to say you were mad but it has its strengths in certain areas06:47
bozoniusthen again, a Hyundai is better than a Yugo.06:47
bozoniusoh, I'm not mad.06:47
pilotbubas an end user platform linux just isnt there yet06:47
bozoniusnot at you.06:47
pilotbubthe question is will it ever be06:47
bozoniuspilotbub, have you tried PCLinuxOS?06:47
bozoniusif you get the bandwidth/are bored sometime/have nothing else to do06:48
bozoniustry it out.06:48
bozoniusI think it plays comparatively well against Windows.06:48
pilotbubive tried out mint cinnamon and ubuntu 12 recently when my linux patience is restored ill do Fed 17 but I dunno about PCLinuxOS it just sounds terrible06:48
bozoniusit doesn't have the "let me guess what the user will do next" unity software, but it is a sufficient improvement over Windows of any kind.06:49
kcinhi, is there any extension for libreoffice so it makes sound when i type? ^_^06:49
bozoniusI've been using PCLinuxOS for about 8 years I think (since its pre-release versions) and I've had very good luck with it.06:49
pilotbubill look into it i have heard of it but the name kept me awa06:50
bozoniuswhy does PCLinuxOS sound terrible?06:50
pilotbubjust sort of generic and uncreative06:50
ServerCrashhi does anyone knows how to verify if the attached Screen is HDCP compliant or not06:50
bozoniusit started out as a Mandriva/Connectiva branch and merger, but it has evolved quite a bit in its own direction06:50
pilotbubtheres always mageia 206:51
bozoniusI hear you.06:51
bozoniuswell, I'll continue trying out Ubuntu in 2D, with CPU throttling under VBox06:51
bozoniusI'll check back after I've played with it a while.06:52
pilotbubyou must be suffering in vbox I couldnt take it baremetal06:52
pilotbubalright good luck06:52
* Debolaz runs Unity 3D in VirtualBox.06:52
DebolazWorks fine for me. :)06:52
DebolazBut it requires a) 3D acceleration to be enabled and b) Guest additions to be installed properly.06:53
bozoniusI did all that.  Someone told me I should consider giving the VM 3G! out of my 4G06:54
bozoniusI think that is excessive for Linux.06:54
bozoniusMost Linux distros I run do fine in 1G or less.06:54
bozoniusand that's with FF and other heavy apps running.06:55
bozoniusI keep 30 or 40 tabs open at the same time06:55
beatlemonsterI was resizing a partition in my hd when the light went off. How can recover my files?06:56
scientesDebolaz, fedora is using llvmpipe so you dont need any 3d acceleration at all, its all done in the CPU06:56
DebolazFedora would be a nice thing if it was debian based. ;-)06:57
=== beatlemonster is now known as wolfslord
scientesDebolaz, no reason we cant use llvmpipe mesa too06:58
scientesitsa upstream06:58
bozoniusscientes, would that address the performance issue of unity?06:58
bozonius(I really am not familiar with this area)06:58
scientesbozonius, no, not at all, it just puts more load on the CPU06:58
mac_<Debolaz> agree06:59
bozoniusso what is it you are saying about llvmpipe?06:59
tarathielhello, how to change g++'s include dir?06:59
bozonius(for the clueless, please)07:00
mac_request join my page http://www.facebook.com/unixarmy07:00
bozoniusbefore I enlist, can I ask a question?07:00
anakapeng_hi everybody07:00
bozoniusDebolaz, how much memory is your ubuntu/unity install running with?07:01
bozoniusI gave mine 1G07:02
Debolaz1 GB. But I'm not doing that much heavy stuff on it.07:02
bozoniusI wasn't either.07:02
DebolazJust got a few tabs on FF, etc.07:02
bozoniushad a couple of tabs open in F07:02
bozoniussame here07:02
anakapeng_i have a question concerning the registration of a nickname, is here anybody how can help me?07:02
bozoniusbut it was slowing the hardware down.  Even my host could barely catch a breath of CPU cycles07:02
Abhijitanakapeng_, #freenode07:02
gnuskoolhi, my ubuntu server which server a alocal lan suddenly went offline over the weekend. I rebooted and now is all ok, but where do i check to see what caused this, are there certain log files to look at ?07:02
bozoniusanakapeng_:  /join #freenode07:03
wolfslordDoes anyone have a clue on how can I recover files from a corrupted partition fliesystem? Any help welcome07:03
bozoniusrestore from backup?07:04
wolfslordWish i had07:04
ohptlabsarg, my transmission is at 2.33 because im still on the LTS release, however the source code for it is at 2.51... if i was going to roll it by hand, how much of the previous version should i remove if any?07:04
Dryantahi everybody07:04
wolfslordFsck wont work. It is sayng the block something is corrupted07:05
scienteswolfbyte, what filesystem?07:05
scienteswolfbyte, you can use an alternate superblock07:06
scienteshowever i dont know much about that07:06
wolfslordI was resizing it when the power went off07:06
mac_<wolfslord> will fsck  remove my hard disk errors?07:06
wolfslordI dont know about that either. I tried some but no luck07:07
Dryantai cant get the ubuntu livecd to run on my laptop07:07
scientes<wolfslord> I was resizing it when the power went off07:07
Dryantahave a amd/ati hybrid graphics07:07
wolfslordIf i create a new pertition with gparted, will it erase everything in it?07:08
ohptlabsDryanta, you try booting it with some of the other video options?07:08
Dryantaohptlabs: unaware as to how to do so07:09
KM0201wolfslord: well if you "create" a partition, it will be blank07:09
Dryantaonly linux i have gotten to work with the graphics is slitaz07:09
Dryantaand that took a hell of a lot of work :p07:09
Dryantabut cant seem to get my wifi to work07:09
Dryantathis hp pavilion g7 is a bitch hardware wise07:10
wolfslordIf i create it is there any way i can recover the files that were in it using some program, if yes which program should i use07:10
ohptlabsDryanta, when it has the list of options move you keyboard to the bottom one i believe and you'll be able to type things in the command that the cd uses when booting07:11
KM0201wolfslord: you're not making sense... if you 'create' a partition, it is blan07:11
Dryantai didnt have a list of options07:12
Dryantagoes to a splash screen then blank almost immediately07:12
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wolfslordOk. But, will the files be there on disk just marked as blank or will the entire disk be phisicaly erased?07:12
ohptlabsKM0201, well.. kind of? if thre was already information there and yu just repartion but dont reformat then the information is technically still there, even if it may be unreadable07:12
ohptlabsDryanta, hmm.. last ubuntu i installed was i believe lubuntu 11.1007:13
KM0201wolfslord: what are you trying to do?.. cuz i can't make any sense of your questions07:13
KM0201ohptlabs: i wasn't going to complicate the discussion any further07:13
ohptlabsKM0201, sawie >_<07:13
wolfslordI was resizing my disk and the power went off. I cant reach my files and i wnat to know if there is any way i can do this07:14
DrManhattanhow do I get 11.10 installed on nvraid?07:14
DrManhattanit can't install the bootloader07:14
KM0201wolfslord: ah ok.. yeah, sorry i don't know about that one07:14
wolfslordYeah i guess im with no luck. Thanks anyway.07:15
bozoniuswell, Ubuntu 2D is even slowing my system down.  I know it is Ubuntu, because it was only after I started using it that the system's performance took a hit.07:16
bozoniusguess I will have to order more memory after all...07:17
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ohptlabsbozonius, or try lubuntu07:19
ohptlabsso im in the process of rolling my own transmission for source, however should i remove  the install packages from 2.33 first since im rolling 2.51?07:24
timingHi all, how do I disable unity in ubuntu 12.04 ?07:26
nunnsbyhey all07:29
nunnsbyI want to build a server using 2 partitions: 1 for OS and 1 for data07:30
nunnsbydata would be syslogging and mysql database07:30
nunnsbyonly ever used a single drive and / as mount opint07:30
nunnsbywhat would be the best route of creating the mount points and what would I point where?07:31
nunnsbyfor the syslog07:31
nunnsbybut for mysql?07:31
nunnsbynot sure07:31
nunnsbywill use mysql from apt, so not certain on how to split mount points07:31
nunnsbyany advice?07:31
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bluefrogone partition/disk for /var07:32
nunnsbywill point var to data patition07:32
nunnsbycool, will mysql be in there aswell by default?07:32
nunnsbyvar that is?07:34
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ubottupeppe__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:36
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nunnsbybluefroh: thanks. appreciated! :)07:43
nunnsby*bluefrog: tx - lol07:44
nunnsbyanother question ... in todays day and age of having plenty of memory ... is a swap file really needed?07:45
l1nr007Hello,.. when I run "who" command.. it get the host name instead of the ip-address.. how can I get the ip address ?07:45
AreckxI'm having problems with java07:45
AreckxI did everything there07:45
nunnsbyif I have a server with 4 gigs of mem, and it is unlikely that will be an issue, is a swap file needeed?07:45
Areckxfor chromium07:46
backboxhow to get wifi hidden pasword07:48
bluefrogbackbox, ask the owner of the wifi access point07:49
NeoDestructionHi im having trouble watching flash video's. Every-time i watch a vid like youtube or dailymotion the sound goes ahead than the video its self. and when i pause the video the images (or video) from the vids continues to play for 2 sec then stops.07:49
backboxops... that my 1st time using ubuntu07:50
backboxmy laptop cannot read wifi coverage it`s im using the ubuntu07:50
faryshtabackbox, so you are asking why your wifi isn't working?07:51
backboxbut is same time im using windows...my wifi can be reach07:51
backboxya ya07:51
faryshtabackbox, can you open a terminal?07:51
backbox<== new ubuntu user07:52
rdzhi all. how can i send a html file as mail with evolution without evolution reformatting it?07:52
faryshtabackbox, Go to the menu->accesories->terminal07:52
faryshtaa window with something a command shell will appear07:53
faryshtathere write: iwlist07:53
faryshtathen write: iwconfig07:54
faryshtaand copy the result here please.07:54
backboxUsage: iwlist [interface] scanning [essid NNN] [last]07:55
backbox              [interface] frequency07:55
backbox              [interface] channel07:55
backbox              [interface] bitrate07:55
backbox              [interface] rate07:55
backbox              [interface] encryption07:55
FloodBot1backbox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:55
faryshtanunnsby, the swap file is needed for hibernation.07:56
l1nr007When i'm using "who" command to see who is logged-in,.. it gives me the hostnames.. how can I get the ip-address instead ?07:56
faryshtawhich is the command to open the restricted drivers dialog?08:01
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=== doratheexplorer is now known as bellz
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Boneripperhey guys08:07
Boneripperubuntu laptop not connecting to my hm network but surfing is fine.. any ideas please?08:08
domsomwhat's hm network?08:10
domsomwhat's "not connecting"? to what?08:11
Boneripper_ubuntu laptop is NOT connecting to the home network but it is connecting to the internet fine08:12
domsomusing the same connection? e.g. wifi?08:12
Boneripper_CAT5 to the router08:12
domsomwhat are you trying to connect to on your home network?08:13
Boneripper_just trying to access files08:13
Boneripper_i  have windows shares setup on the main PC running XP08:13
Boneripper_trying to get files off that... it was working fine till yesterday08:14
domsomcan you access them from another box?08:14
Boneripper_hmmm wait08:14
domsombox or laptop or whatever08:14
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Boneripper_from another ubuntu laptop, no it doesnt08:15
Boneripper_cant ping the computer from either the laptops also08:16
domsomthen it's probably the XP box08:16
jkitzenabelsonhow do i authenticate my log in?08:16
Boneripper_hmmm ok08:17
Boneripper_interesting.. as to what the problem might be08:17
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domsomBoneripper_: if you can't even ping the XP box from other network nodes, the XP box is either down or not connected08:18
Boneripper_the XP box is fine.. i'm just downloading photos from my camera at the moment08:19
sacarlsonBoneripper so you can't ping your win XP box from ubuntu?  that's normal as windows won't return a ping responce,  you can use arping to get a responce from a window box08:19
Boneripper_but i know what you are trying to say bud08:19
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Boneripper_sorry just asking an off topic question.. does anyone know how turn off all this "quit" msgs on IRC?08:21
Boneripper_quit and joined messages grrr08:22
sacarlsonBoneripper on pidgin there is a plugin that eliminates it08:22
Boneripper_i'm on gnome IRC chat08:23
domsomBoneripper_: can you access the internet from your xp box?08:25
scientesBoneripper, could be double NAT08:26
Boneripper_domson: give me a sec mate..08:26
n05uhi at all08:26
sidd_makhow 2 route traffic come from VM to base machine to internet ??08:27
Boneripper_domson: yes i can mate08:27
domsomBoneripper_: can you ping the ubuntu boxes from XP?08:28
domsomBoneripper_: (the XP box is connected to the same router as the ubuntu boxes, I assume)08:28
Boneripper_domson: hold one08:28
Boneripper_sorry whats the ipconfig equivalent for linux pleasre08:29
Boneripper_domson: yes i can to both machines08:30
violinapprensidd_mak: depends on the virtual machine you're using, if you're running virtualbox, ask in #vbox08:30
domsomBoneripper_: hmm08:30
Boneripper_domson: is this the proper command; smb://192.168.....08:30
sidd_mak<violinappren> thanx08:30
domsomBoneripper_: yes, if you're in nautilus08:30
Rienzillahowdy, #ubuntu. I have a fresh ubuntu install with the proprietary ati drivers offered in the ubuntu install. However, with that driver, I cannot set the native resolution of my panel, and my display (plasma tv) is detected as a projector resulting in the driver underscanning. I can fix the underscan issue once with aticonfig, but I cannot set the resolution correctly. Furthermore, everything I set with aticonfig is reset as soon as the x session restar08:31
domsomBoneripper_: try 'smbtree smb://192.168...' on the commandline08:31
domsomshould give you more detailed error messages than nautilus08:31
Boneripper_domson: i've been using that command without any issues for the last month or so???08:32
domsomBoneripper_: as soon as you find the cause, you'll know what you did last night ;-)08:33
domsomBoneripper_: but to find out, you need the error messages08:34
Boneripper_Could not display.. Failed to retrieve share list from server. please select another viewer and try again08:36
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domsomBoneripper_: did it ask you for your password?08:38
Boneripper_nope.. it never have in the past month or so.. since i set it up08:38
DrManhattanim trying to set up software raid on 12.04 - I make md0 but when the menus of partitions shows back up again, the raid device isn't in the list for me to partition08:39
domsomBoneripper_: if you browse the network on your XP box, can you see the shares there?08:39
Boneripper_domson: yes i can mate08:40
domsomBoneripper_: any firewall settings on the XP box?08:41
DrManhattanI've never had this issue before - am I missing something here? How do I partition my software raid volume?08:41
domsomDrManhattan: you don't partition it08:42
domsomDrManhattan: you can create a filesystem on it or install lvm there08:42
domsomDrManhattan: it's a volume, not a drive08:42
mcnellisIs it possible to disable the autodetect monitor feature? I'm having an issue on my Thinkpad where it's detecting my VGA monitor with an invalid refresh rate and then both my screens go black. If I unplug the VGA, the system autodetects that action and gives me my single laptop screen back.08:43
mcnellisIt didn't use to do this, but somehow it started using an invalid refresh rate I think, and I don't know how to change the default that is being used when it changes my monitor config on autodetect08:43
DrManhattanwell this is quite different than what I'm used to08:43
bozoniusdoes ubuntu 1 work without unity?08:43
bozoniuscan I run ubuntu 1 client under, say, fluxbox?08:44
Boneripper_domson: yes but nothing has changed as ususal.. running zonealarmy08:44
Boneripper_domson: yes but nothing has changed as ususal.. running zonealarm08:44
DrManhattanwhen I got to set up LVM, it's asking me for devices.08:44
DrManhattanyeah md0 isn't coming up in the lvm setup either08:45
DrManhattanI can use physical drives for lvm but not the raid volume i just made08:45
DrManhattanit simply doesn't show up in the partitioner list08:45
Boneripper_domson: yes but nothing has changed as ususal.. running zonealarm08:47
DrManhattanyeah the raid volume doesn't show up in the partition manager08:49
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DrManhattanthis sucks08:57
jml_join ###Diaspora08:58
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DrManhattanIm trying to install here, I make the raid device, but it doesn't show up in the partitioning menu even though the device is there09:02
DrManhattanLVM devices show up Raid devices do not.09:02
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto09:03
antaranianhi ladies09:08
DrManhattanthanks auronandace   I'll try the server release09:09
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auronandaceDrManhattan: no worries, i'm just aware of the factoid, never used raid before :)09:10
antaranianI'm having issues with my ubuntu ~11.10 insstallation with unity09:10
antaranianit doesn't catch mouse events in desktop mode09:10
auronandaceantaranian: what kind of issues (i don't use unity)09:11
auronandaceantaranian: what do you mean by desktop mode?09:11
antaranianauronandace: my account automatically logs in, runs startup applications and as I can see, everything is ook, but I can do anything with input devices09:12
auronandacefreshman: greetings09:13
antaranianauronandace: I mean now I'm iin comman line mode, using irssi, but when I switch to unity, everything is as I've described09:14
auronandaceantaranian: i never autologin and i don't use unity, not sure if the problem you have is with unity or compiz09:14
sp3ckguys anyone knows where bind9 log file is (virtualmin installed,ubuntu 11.10 server)09:15
auronandacesp3ck: tried /var/log/09:15
sp3cki want to configure webminstats for bind9 and i cannt find the query logfile09:15
auronandacesp3ck: i'm guesssing09:15
sp3ckauronandace: of course i've tried09:16
antaranianauronandace: not sure whaat causes it, now when I move mouse, cursor changes positioon, when I click, it doesn't respond09:16
sp3ckauronandace: there's no "named" folder or bind.log or something like that09:16
auronandaceantaranian: sure your mouse isn't broke?09:16
antaranianon keyyyyyboard there are some combinations, that work, like toggling between languagle layers, and some dont, as print screen09:17
antaranianauronandace: andit's not funny about broken mouse :)09:18
auronandaceantaranian: have you tried a different mouse?09:18
auronandaceantaranian: what are you trying to click?09:18
auronandaceantaranian: left or right click?09:19
antaranianauronandace: it doesn't make difference, I can move just cursor, but events aren't catching09:20
antaranianeven edge binding09:20
antaranianand I still can't access applications by keyboaard09:20
toooothi guys, just installed ubuntu 11.10. The problem is that I lost some graphic elements. Like when I press alt-tab it shows old style switching (like in classic mode). Same is with ctrl-alt-DOWN or UP.  It moves only sideways insted of up or down (between desktops)09:20
auronandaceantaranian: does the mouse work on a different desktop environment?09:21
antaranianauronandace: how can I check ?09:21
auronandaceantaranian: log into a different desktop environment09:21
antaranianI mean i need to log out after autologin, but I cant09:22
antaranianto choose another desktop09:22
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auronandaceantaranian: i don't know what else to suggest then09:22
antaranianauronandace: thank you anyway09:25
violinapprenantaranian: are you using a laptop?09:25
antaranianviolinappren: no, desktop09:26
alteregoadarmok and jalad at tanagra09:26
DrManhattanyeah the partitioning orks the way its supposed to with debian09:27
DrManhattanjust not in 12/0409:27
violinapprenantaranian: open a terminal then run the command: xev09:27
violinapprenantaranian: then click inside the while small window that shows up and see if the event gets registered in the terminal09:28
alteregoadarmok and jalad at tanagra09:28
auronandace!12.04 | DrManhattan09:28
ubottuDrManhattan: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+109:29
antaranianviolinappren: I get "Unable to open desktop"09:29
alteregoawhen can i get zonky zebrule?09:29
DrManhattanauronandace, sadly, i got the same error in 11.1009:29
DrManhattanvery odd.09:29
violinapprenantaranian: you get that where ?09:29
antaranianviolinappren:  when i run "xev"09:30
violinapprenantaranian: is that the EXACT message you're getting?09:31
violinapprenantaranian: the whole of it?09:31
antaranianviolinappren: "xen: unable to open display"09:32
violinapprenantaranian: it's xev not xen, and are you running under a normal user or root?09:33
caddoook i've had a potential unwanted access to an ubunutu web server, it looks as though log files have been deleted and a new folder created09:34
caddoois there a way to find out when files where deleted and a folder created09:34
antaraniansorry, there is xev , xen was a misstype, violinappren09:35
violinapprencaddoo: you've had to have auditd  running and configured for this purpose09:35
violinapprenantaranian: are you running under the normal user in the terminal? what's the output of this command: whoami09:36
caddoolooks like someone manually shut the server down09:37
antaranianviolinappren: output is "antaranian", that's my username09:37
caddooseem likely? http://pastesite.com/3447309:37
violinapprenantaranian: what's the output of: echo $DISPLAY09:38
antaranianviolinappren: it shows an empty row09:39
violinapprenantaranian: export $DISPLAY=":0.0"09:41
violinapprenantaranian: then run xev again and click inside the small window09:41
violinapprenand see if the events register in the terminal09:42
DrManhattano.m.f.g. debian installs to software raid but wont boot afterwards09:42
auronandace!omg | DrManhattan09:43
ubottuDrManhattan: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:43
DrManhattanit's not a regular basis. I used it once.09:43
dixon_Hi. I'm trying to partition my SSD drive with fdisk and the Live Ubuntu 12.04 beta2 CD. But when trying to create my first partition, I can only start from cylinder 3. Isn't that wierd?09:43
auronandace!12.04 | dixon_09:44
ubottudixon_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+109:44
dixon_auronandace: you think fdisk is acting wierd because it's 12.04 beta2?09:44
auronandacedixon_: i use gparted, but if you are using 12.04 it isn't supported here until released09:45
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dixon_auronandace: ok, I see09:46
dixon_auronandace: thanks for the info :)09:46
alteregoadixon: try a distro like fedora, so you get rid of such errors09:46
dixon_alteregoa: what do you mean? Should I try partition with a fedora live cd?09:46
dixon_alteregoa: what makes fedora much better than ubuntu on that?09:48
auronandacealteregoa: a better suggestion would be partedmagic, which is actually designed for that use, as opposed to downloading a whole distro09:48
alteregoaaurondace: yes09:48
alteregoaok use partedmagic mr dixon: you can try fedora elsehow09:48
alteregoai use feduntu09:48
dixon_but in general terms, will I have an aligned SSD partitions if I start on the 3rd cylinder?09:49
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dixon_I can live without the first bytes... :)09:49
alteregoayou need to feed the cylinder with a stochastic value of 10 parts air and 1 part gasoline09:51
Jordan_Udixon_: I higly recommend using [G]Parted for partitioning, or simply letting Ubuntu's installer do it for you. Among other things, [G]Parted understands fileystems, understands non-msdos labels, and follows best practivec like aligning on MiB boundaries.09:51
dixon_Jordan_U: but I've been struggling to find how to reliably align SSD partitions in GParted. All posts online are on fdisk...?09:52
Jordan_Udixon_: GParted does the right thing by default.09:53
dixon_Jordan_U: awesome then :) I'll try immediately09:53
Jordan_Ualteregoa: Please stop giving nonsense responses and making offtopic comments.09:53
Jordan_Udixon_: Ubuntu's installer, which uses libparted, does this as well.09:54
dixon_Jordan_U: I'll go with GParted which is on the Live CD, I believe?09:55
Jordan_Udixon_: Yes, it comes on the Ubuntu LiveCD by default.09:55
caddoowhat is the best way to see a clear indication of shutdown times and startup times of an ubuntu machine09:55
Jordan_U!bootchart | caddoo09:55
ubottucaddoo: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot09:55
MonkeyDustcaddoo  command 'last'09:55
alteregoagparted crashed often09:57
Gorilla_No_Bakaright...bash no such file or directory ubuntu10:01
Gorilla_No_Bakaubuntu 1210:01
Gorilla_No_Baka any ideas?10:01
auronandace!12.04 | Gorilla_No_Baka10:01
ubottuGorilla_No_Baka: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:01
MonkeyDustGorilla_No_Baka  ask in #ubuntu+110:01
alteregoai feel so def10:02
mertsasis there a way to update only one repository in ubuntu using the commandline?10:03
auronandacemertsas: only one? why?10:03
mertsasthere's a firewall which stops updating of some, so I thought I should try updating only one10:04
* alteregoa smell some skin yard10:04
auronandacemertsas: no offence but that doesn't make sense10:05
auronandace!ot | alteregoa10:05
ubottualteregoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:05
clockwizeHi guys, my ubuntu server hasn't automatically adjusted the time for british summer time… how can I set this up?10:06
alteregoaclockwise according to the tamarian, you should chose them in system language settings10:07
clockwizewhere is that on a server?10:08
clockwizewith no gui10:08
moxhi everybody10:12
auronandacemox: greetings10:12
moxcould someone help me out with networking configuration?10:12
moxi have an ubuntu server 10.410:12
moxinstalled on it kvm10:13
moxnow my goal is10:13
moxto have the eth0 of ubuntu server with this address
moxand the guest with 192.168.99.x10:13
auronandace!enter | mox10:13
ubottumox: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:13
moxok auronandace10:13
moxwould it be possible?10:13
clockwizehmm, I get ntpdate[5264]: no servers can be used, exiting.. if I run ntpdate.. my /etc/ntpd.conf has a server in it though10:14
MonkeyDustmox  if the subnet is
moxMonkeyDust, could you explain me please? what do you mean? i try to be more clear: i want to be able to connect either with the server machine, either with the guest switching vlan10:15
mox(from a remote host)10:15
MonkeyDustmox  explaining subnets is not easy, better find a tutorial10:16
moxMonkeyDust, could you give me a resource to get it working please?10:17
MonkeyDustmox  start here http://compnetworking.about.com/od/workingwithipaddresses/a/subnetmask.htm10:18
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caddoohow can i ensure my ubuntu server isn't sleeping after a certain amount of time10:21
Guest50665no sound from headphone any help?10:21
auronandaceGuest50665: screenshot of alsamixer10:21
janvihow to register nodes on Ubuntu enterprise cloud10:22
auronandace!pm | Guest5066510:23
ubottuGuest50665: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:23
detlywhere are the commonly used licenses (like GPL, etc) stored?10:23
p3c0How to get the location of settings of application installed on ubuntu ?10:23
drecuteafter setting up ubuntu 11 as nis client, ubuntu's performance becomes so slow10:24
LjLp3c0: i don't think there is a standard way10:24
drecuteelements of the GUI becomes non-responsively and waits a long time after performing an action10:25
auronandacedrecute: using unity by any chance?10:26
drecutebut I've switched to 2D10:27
c0mrade______I am not linux guru. But I've booted from the live BackTrack DVD and currently I am watching a video by Vivek Ramachandran about Wireless Security. I have the earphones plugged but the sound is coming out of the laptop not the earphones?!10:28
auronandacedrecute: oh, i was hust about to say unity uses compiz by default, but if you are using unity2d you are using qt instead10:28
MonkeyDustc0mrade______  better ask in #backtrack-linux10:29
c0mrade______MonkeyDust: I am banned from #backtrack-linux. But anyhow. BackTrack is based on ubuntu.10:29
auronandacec0mrade______: and not supported here10:29
MonkeyDustc0mrade______  i guess you're banned without reason10:30
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drecuteauronandace: so what exactly is the problem?10:30
drecuteI can't work with this10:30
c0mrade______No. With a reason. I did't have much of experience so I started shooting a lot of questions and that made the ops mad :P10:30
c0mrade______Okay then my question is going to be a general one.10:31
auronandacedrecute: good question, i've not tried unity or unity2d so i'm not sure of the performance hit you'd get10:31
caddooHow do I check if my ubuntu machine has a computer sleep time out?10:31
c0mrade______If I am working on a 'nix machine and I am listening to music while having my earphones on, why does the sound come out of the laptop not the earphones, anyway to configure the settings and how?10:32
drecuteauronandace: I don't think this is a problem with unity10:32
drecuteI've been using it for a while without problems10:32
PaarthunaxBluetooth headset?10:32
drecutethis problem started when I installed nis10:33
auronandacedrecute: i've never used nis either10:33
c0mrade______Another question for the ops.10:33
c0mrade______If I want to create my own nix server. What kind of hardware requirements do I need for the web server?10:34
drecutedoes anyone know the cause of this problem?10:34
c0mrade______Maybe a 1U Rack server with 64 GB of memory, and a Xeon CPU, is that enough?10:34
c0mrade______Maybe a place that will support 500 concurrent users.10:35
auronandacec0mrade______: wouldn't the requirements depend heavily on what you plan to do with it?10:35
PaarthunaxI would like to know about the headset problem too, I also have this issue.10:35
sacarlsonhas anyone used html5 in Lubuntu?  seems I can't get anything to play, just wonder if it's on my side or youtube.com10:36
c0mrade______Support about 500 concurrent users. No support for video and audio and file transfer. Support for multiple rooms and public rooms.10:36
Pumpkin-heavily depends on what you want to do. Serving 500 users a bunch of static pages you could most likely do on a 486. Serving 500 concurent users something that involves a lot of complex logic, database queries and general processing, maybe not. Serving 500 users analysis of the the Large Hadron Colider results in real time, not a hope etc ...10:36
hateballc0mrade______, Paarthunax: are these headsets with 3.5mm connectors, or bluetooth etc? Sometimes the jack sense doesnt work for some chipsets10:36
c0mrade______Maybe I think about using Apache server.10:37
drecutei cannot edit networking properties10:37
c0mrade______Paarthunax: They are standard earphones with a standard jack. No bluetooth.10:37
PaarthunaxI solved the jack issue by not inserting all of the plug.10:38
PaarthunaxMine is a bluetooth one10:38
jblancaHi, I have some doubts regarding grub210:38
ponrajuganeshhow to find the location of the directory in ubuntu10:38
ANub_drecute: explain....10:39
c0mrade______Pumpkin-: I'll be probably using PHP on the server side and html/javascript on the client side and I'll use an IRC server and customize it to my needs.10:39
jblancaI have just installed precise and grub has been installed in the mbr. This is a dualboot system and I want to reinstall grub2 in the ubuntu partition10:39
drecuteANub_: I just configured nis client on ubuntu 11 desktop10:39
MonkeyDustjblanca  better ask in #ubuntu+110:40
jblancaI know that I can do it with grub-install, but I don't know if the next time grub is update it will overwrite th mbr again.10:40
c0mrade______Well the issue here is the bandwidth.10:40
drecuteand symptoms of that is whether I launched an action, it takes a long time to respond10:40
sacarlsonc0mrade______: before you setup for 500 concurrent users you can setup you home unit with dhcp to probly handle 10 or more users depending on content10:41
jblancaAny idea regarding how to specify where grub2 should be installed on updates?10:41
drecutecoupled with that, my networking connection in which nis, DNS, likewise depends on is disaled and wn't allow me to edit it10:41
sacarlsonc0mrade______: sorry dhcp = adsl10:41
c0mrade______My ISP gives limited bandwidth down=4GB up=1.5GB downspeed=1Mbps upspeed=200Kbps every extra 1GB per month costs 7$.10:41
ANub_drecute:Odd....however why would u wanna use NIS.........it poses a serious security threat if used with dynamic IP10:42
sacarlsonc0mrade______: then limit you server activity,  when you get the trafic then move to a virtual system that can handle the trafic10:42
Paarthunaxponrajuganesh: have you tried $locate [directory]?10:42
auronandacec0mrade______: 4gb monthly allowance and you want to run a server?10:42
drecutei'm not using dynamic IP10:42
c0mrade______Well HeHe. I am trying to work it out.10:43
c0mrade______There might be a solution.10:43
c0mrade______I mean it's an issue but...10:43
ponrajuganeshya that works Paarthunax  thanks10:43
sacarlsonc0mrade______: you can also change your contract with your ISP or change ISP10:43
ponrajuganeshwhat is the command to start and stop the tomcat?10:43
c0mrade______It's there's a user sending 1Kb in the public room that contains 100 users he's uploading 100Kb. Damn!10:44
MonkeyDustc0mrade______  4GB for 500 users?10:44
ANub_drecute: Are you using GUI....Network-Manager..?10:44
c0mrade______Well I can change the contract with the ISP as sacarlson said.10:44
drecuteI also modified the network parameters myself in /etc/network/interfaces. But that won't still make the GUI network manager to become enabled10:45
drecuteyes I am10:45
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c0mrade______I am worried more about the webserver hardware cost, the webserver setup, the website code...10:46
ANub_drecute: which Ubuntu version you are using..?10:46
sacarlsondrecute: you want a static address?  should be posible from network-manager,  if you changed interfaces file pastebinit for us to see10:46
ANub_drecute: have you tried stopping and starting network-manager service from terminal..?10:47
c0mrade______:P people are starting to use IPv610:47
sacarlsonc0mrade______: there's lots of free php code the server take almost nothing compared to the bandwidth needed10:47
drecuteyes. static address.10:47
ANub_drecute: have you tried stopping and starting network-manager service from terminal..?10:47
c0mrade______Well that's good.10:47
c0mrade______I don't want the server to take up half of the bandwidth lol.10:48
drecuteI did /etc/init.d/networking restart10:48
mertsasauronandace: I don't really care if it makes sense, but is it possible?10:48
auronandacemertsas: why would your firewall block one update but not another?10:48
ANub_drecute: networking is separate from network-manager10:48
brun0l3zHello People10:49
ANub_try "service network-manager restart"10:49
auronandacemertsas: if you are updating just the one repo and you install updates you might end up having dependency issues and things will break10:49
sacarlsonc0mrade______: with an ISP of 10Mbs bandwidht you could live with a very small 1.7 ghz cpu and 512meg dram,  hardware is nothing,  you might want a big disk drive to play with10:50
drecutedone that10:50
drecuteno luck still10:50
brun0l3zI have a problem, i have tor browser configured and works well but this website keep blocking and canceling my accounts i create with them so i was wondering if they is another way to go about this10:50
ponrajuganeshhow to check whether a location exists or not ?10:51
sacarlsondrecute: I seem to have missed your pastebin of /etc/network/interfaces  did you post it for us to see?10:51
MonkeyDustponrajuganesh  use locate10:51
OerHeksbrun0l3z, not really an ubuntu issue, is it? some sites do not accept tor-traffic.10:52
ANub_drecute: does your network-manager GUI shows you any options..?10:52
ANub_and r those selectable10:52
bel3atarGuys I need help, I've just accidentally removed my /etc/rc.local10:52
sacarlsonANub_: if he modified /etc/network/interfaces then network-manager no longer controls it10:53
rumpe1bel3atar, just create it again10:53
sacarlsonANub_: sorry he = drecute10:53
auronandacesacarlson: doesn't networkmanager overwrite /etc/network/interfaces ?10:53
ANub_drecute: does your network-manager GUI shows you any options..?10:54
ANub_and r those selectable10:54
drecuteonly Edit connections is enabled10:54
drecutehere: http://codepad.org/vRTGLTKw10:54
c0mrade______sacarlson: What do you think about this one --> http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=1u+rack+server+with+64+gb+of+ram&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=536&prmd=imvns&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9057710692162008529&sa=X&ei=vPmLT7TxBMGg0QXGq9jLCQ&ved=0CHkQ8wIwBA10:54
sacarlsonauronandace: not as far as I know,  maybe at install?  but I was told the method to set static was to modify /etc/network/interfaces10:54
dixon_How important is it to start SSD partitions on the second cylinder? I've noticed that newer versions of GParted automatically aligns the partitions correctly, but it does it from the first cylinder on the device.10:54
auronandacesacarlson: ah, i may be remembering wrongly then, thanks for the info10:55
sacarlsonc0mrade______: for one thing you will also need a rack to mount it in and seems it comes with no mem10:55
dixon_Reason why I ask regarding what cylinder to start the first SSD partition on is because some claim starting on the 2nd cylinder is better?10:56
ANub_drecute: this is wat you posted in /etc/network/interfaces.....?10:56
bel3atarrumpe1, and fill it with what?10:56
c0mrade______I know I've got an old empty rack chassis. And yeah. I'll upgrade it with as much RAM as it'll need.10:56
drecuteI have removed the entry in /etc/network/interfaces and restarted network-manager10:56
bel3atarrumpe1: and fill it with what?10:56
drecuteno luck still10:56
rumpe1bel3atar, whatever you like. Maybe it should be set executable. It's just a script, which (if it exists), will be executed on boot10:57
hateball!ot | c0mrade______10:57
ubottuc0mrade______: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:57
=== navajo is now known as JelloPop
c0mrade______What's up hateball?10:57
sacarlsondrecute: what setting are you trying to acheave?   ipaddress, mask, gateway ?10:57
rumpe1bel3atar, the default rc.local consists of just a script without any commands (just commented lines)10:57
hateballc0mrade______: Just letting you know this channel is for Ubuntu support, rather than general inquiries :)10:57
bel3atarrumpe1: OKI thanks a lot10:58
MonkeyDustc0mrade______  please /join #ubuntu-offtopic for your kind of questions10:58
c0mrade______Oh yeah.10:58
ANub_drecute: r u using wifi right now to chat......or is it another PC...?10:58
drecuteanother PC10:58
rumpe1dixon_, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual    Cylinder alignment seems to be for compatibility with old OS like DOS10:59
ANub_drecute: r u sure ..... ur network cable is plugged in right....?10:59
ANub_'cause if its not.....u will not see Auto-Eth in network-manager applet11:00
rumpe1dixon_, "MiB alignment provides enhanced performance when used with RAID systems and with Solid State Drives, such as USB flash drives."  ... "Cylinder/Head/Sector ... no longer valid to use .. to achieve enhanced performance"11:00
drecutei can ping other computers in my network11:00
ANub_from ubuntu PC....?11:01
sacarlsondrecute: so you failed to add a default gateway route11:01
dixon_rumpe1: ah, yeah. thanks! :) I think I'm good to go then11:01
ANub_drecute: have u tried using "ifconfig" command and adding a manual route11:02
JelloPoprumpe1: u running arch linux11:02
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rumpe1JelloPop, not at the moment11:03
ANub_if that works for you....and network-manager still stuck then you can try uninstalling and reinstalling network-manager from ubuntu software center11:03
ANub_drecute: have u tried using "ifconfig" command and adding a manual route11:03
ANub_if that works for you....and network-manager still stuck then you can try uninstalling and reinstalling network-manager from ubuntu software center11:03
JelloPoprumpe1: Figured u might be in arch linux most people dont now the full package name for the network-manager-applet...11:03
sacarlsonANub_: drecute: all these values are changeable in network-manager I think drecute is lacking for a minimal static address with routes and dns services11:04
JelloPoprumpe1: I know most of them cause I run Xmonad and now arch linux.. :)11:04
ANub_sacarlson: it seems drecute's Network-manager is either stuck or crashed11:04
MonkeyDustdrecute  don't forget to add a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf11:05
sacarlsonANub_: that would of happened after he modified the interfaces file so he won't let us peak at that and provides no info of the values he will need to know to setup a working routed connection11:05
JelloPoprumpe1: Can u tell me what the best chance I have at running virtualbox with 2 gigs of ram cpu i70 which is 2ghz ?11:06
ANub_drecute: try what i've suggested above11:06
ANub_hopefully it will work11:07
JelloPoprumpe1: tried to run linux mint 64 and it is slow in virtualbox.. It almost crashed...11:07
rumpe1JelloPop, i would suggest to ask that question in the proper channel ( irc://irc.spotchat.org/linuxmint-help )11:08
ANub_first make sure u r able to assign ip address using ifconfig11:08
ANub_then bring up the interface using11:08
ANub_ifconfig eth0 up11:09
MrElendig(or better, ip)11:09
ANub_then add manual route11:09
drecutei used network-admin. Now it is not working anylonger11:09
ANub_and see if communication happens11:09
drecute"The configuration could not be loaded"11:09
JelloPoprumpe1: I need help with virtual box its to slow!11:09
JelloPoprumpe1: can u help in ubuntu chat11:09
ANub_drecute: use "ifconfig "your-interface" IP-add netmask up11:10
rocket16Hey guys. Is there a way I can share my laptop internet connection with my android? (Without Wifi, 'cause that doesn't work between my system and phone). I mean to use the USB cable. :) I want to do that because the laptop bandwidth is more and faster11:10
drecuteLiboobs-WARNING **: There was an unknown error communicating with the backens: Activation of org.freedesktop.SystemToolBackens timed out11:10
* rocket16 uses Ubuntu 11.10 btw11:10
drecuteANub_: on it11:10
MonkeyDustrocket16  start here http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android11:11
drecutehostname lookup failure11:12
* drecute trying to edit /etc/hosts11:12
JelloPopMrElendig: thanks for the help earlier today in Archlinux this is archboxman thank you I understand key ring now11:12
ANub_drecute: just execute the command as i wrote11:13
ANub_use "ifconfig "your-interface" IP-add netmask up11:13
rocket16Doing that. Thanks MonkeyDust11:13
drecuteit says "+ Host name lookup failure"11:13
ANub_thats odd......it shldnt11:14
munskingi've been trying to install ubuntu server 11.10 using unetbootin and it looks like grub isnt installing correctly because it wont boot, no errors are given during installation and after running "grub-install" using the live CD it still doesn't work, even though there were no errors11:14
ANub_if u run ifconfig eth011:14
ANub_does it show u any output11:14
munskingso how do i config grub and what should i change11:14
auronandaceANub_: he edited /etc/hosts11:14
drecuteshows what's in /etc/network/interfaces11:15
ANub_then run ifconfig eth1 up11:16
sacarlsondrecute: another option is you can override network-manager for a session with a script like this http://pastebin.com/jPmRs0GJ11:16
ANub_as u have shown its ur eth1 interface11:16
ANub_then ping ur own interface11:16
ponrajuganeshwhether using grep could we find whether a string is found in another string?11:17
ANub_and afterwards ping other PCs on the same network11:17
saulohello. I have mysql running inside a schroot environment. I can't connect at database from apache: I receive "can't connect" for localhost and if I put the machine IP I receive "Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111". Somebody can help me?11:17
saulohello. I have mysql running inside a schroot environment. I can't connect at database from apache: I receive "can't connect" for localhost and if I put the machine IP I receive "Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111". Somebody can help me?11:17
ANub_if successful add a default route and point it to ur gateway to go to internet\11:17
FloodBot1saulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
drecuteall works fine11:17
drecutethe network config is fine11:18
drecutemy my only problem is that ubuntu is refusing to start some GUI apps11:18
ANub_try reinstalling those applications11:18
drecutee.g i want to leave the AD domain and it won't start likewise11:18
ponrajuganeshwhether could we use grep to find a string contains other string?11:19
jribponrajuganesh: echo outside_string| grep inner_string11:20
drecutei dont need internet on this for now11:20
sacarlsonsaulo: schroot environment?  is that normal?  what guide did you use to set it up?  do you have a link?11:20
drecutei can do that when I need to11:21
GreyzeAfternoon, can anyone help me with a small issue with Skype on ubuntu 12?11:21
auronandace!12.04 | Greyze11:21
ubottuGreyze: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+111:21
GreyzeHave an odd problem with Skype, when someone calls, I hear the ringing sound.. but theres no actual button or notification I can press to accept the call. Am I being dull and its hidden somewhere, or is this some bug?11:24
computer_when is 12.04 officially be released?11:24
saulosacarlson: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/566 and installed Mysql inside. Connections inside works good, connections from other machines dont11:25
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MonkeyDustcomputer_  april 2611:25
computer_i cant wait that long! :(11:26
MonkeyDustcomputer_  you can use the beta, suport in #ubuntu+111:26
computer_i want the full release not beta11:26
shapecomputer_ April 2611:27
shapecomputer_ if you look it up on google you can track the ubuntu development of it11:27
computer_its like a special holiday, cant wait!11:27
MonkeyDustcomputer_  final coment: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule11:28
sacarlsonsaulo: ok that just limits users to access certain apps wow then I guess you should also post your configs for schroot,  not sure why this would be needed11:28
shapecomputer_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule11:28
shapeAh he beat me to it11:28
sacarlsonsaulo: mysql already has control to limit access that you will also have to set11:29
sacarlsonsaulo: maybe setup a normal mysql system with your remotes then add this layer of security after you figure out the normal security built into mysql11:30
computer_nice link11:30
matt__I'm trying to install right now, but Ubiquity seems to be stuck on "Removing conflicting operating system files", should I restart or wait it out?11:31
shapematt_: what install method did you use?11:31
shapematt_: and for how long have you been waiting?11:31
matt__shape: liveusb11:31
matt__shape: around 15 minutes11:31
shapematt_ Does Ubuntu have its own partition?11:32
shapeOr did you install it alongside windows11:32
matt__shape: yeah, Ubuntu is being installed (/) on a USB, /home is on a separate harddrive11:33
saulosacarlson: more information about: I have 3 machines: (1) mysql and ruby systems (2) with Apache + PHP5.2 (3) with Apache + php 5.3 . All with schroot and needing connect with the databases..11:33
matt__I feel I should confess that I'm installing precise, but +1 is dead atm11:33
sacarlsonsaulo: so I suggest skip the schroot part for now or for ever11:34
shapematt__: I see. I never installed from a usb and I have no experience with 12. So I shouldn't give bad advice but if I were in your situation I would just redo it. I'd wait max 30 minutes.11:34
sacarlsonsaulo: or at least leave it out of the mysql part,  maybe still ok for your developers to limit there access11:35
matt__shape: yeah, nothing can really go horribly wrong here, so I guess it's pointless to wait it out11:36
shapematt__: The reason I asked was in case you were installing it on the same partition as windows, only then I would have worried.11:36
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matt__shape: yeah, I'm not into Windows ;)11:37
computer_how do i make so i can 64 or 32 bit ubuntu on usb?11:37
computer_how do i make so i can run 64 or 32 bit ubuntu on usb?11:38
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sacarlsonsaulo: oh maybe your problem has nothing to do with schroot you just need to open some of your mysql accounts to be accessed by some of your other servers11:38
shapeDoes anyone here have any advice on how to convert a friend to Linux (he is using a MAC), because all he does is just surf the web and email anyway. I haven't used a MAC and I don't know any good arguments about its software (apart from not being open source and the machine costing a lot). Are there any flaws system-wize?11:38
computer_i have 8gb usb key11:38
mathewscomputer_, dowmload the ISO 32 bit which can be run on both 32 and 6211:39
aboudreaultHi. Why can I read a blueray file (or x264) without problem? My pc is quite recent and the video card very good. but... I always see glitches in the screen. The only way I have been able to watch that kind of movie is with *cvlc*. But sometime it doesn't work very good, like other players.11:39
computer_mathews, really? cool!11:39
sacarlsonsaulo: the overlaped security adds to the complexity to isolate your problem for me11:39
mathewswhy some text missing here on xchat which I entered?11:40
shapeaboudreault: you mean play a HD movie in ubuntu? Gives you choppy graphics in the player?11:40
matt__shape: personally, I wouldn't waste my time. Mac folk tend not to deal well with arguments11:40
mathewssome part of my text missing when it entered11:40
computer_irc server issue i guess11:41
sacarlsonmathews: I've noted that everytime my systems dhcp lease expires my irc has to reconect,  not sure why,  could be just me11:42
mathewsI am having a check in the preference section to see whats wrong11:43
sacarlsoncomputer_: or with 8gb flash drive you could create a multiboot usb drive11:44
shapemathews: you could also try a different program and see if the same thing happens11:44
computer_i think if u type too many lines too fast it does that by irc server11:44
computer_yeah but using just 32 would be easier11:45
mathewsyes,sure. Let see11:45
sacarlsoncomputer_: I've never tried this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/easily-create-a-multiboot-usb-stick/11:45
computer_ill take a look11:46
MonkeyDustcomputer_  sacarlson i've used muti11:46
MonkeyDustcomputer_  sacarlson i've used multisystem11:46
sacarlsonMonkeyDust: did you try this one that creates it for you?11:46
MonkeyDustcomputer_  sacarlson difference with unetbootin is, that multisystem copies the locales11:46
sacarlsonMonkeyDust: oh unetbootin already supports multiboot now?11:47
MonkeyDustcopies = takes over11:47
MonkeyDustsacarlson  that's another differnce, multisystem uses a grub-like menu11:48
computer_got a link mokey?11:48
mathewsmy problem solved,I increased the "shorten tab labels to" to 50 in the chennel switcher11:48
MonkeyDustcomputer_  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/11:48
computer_nice to have choices like this11:48
sacarlsoncomputer_: ya and pendrivelinux.com has all the cool stuf like that11:48
saulosacarlson: thanks anyway! I partially solved changing the bind-addres value from to the machine IP ( at my.cnf . Partially because I don't know if will appear some problem related yet, but going test :)11:49
sacarlsonbut funny with all this muliboot stuf I still can't get a single ubuntu alternate iso to boot from a flash drive or added menu in grub211:49
aboudreaultshape, yes, exact.11:50
bourkeis it possible to remove the messaging applet from the unity panel?11:50
aboudreaultshape, something like the image is not rendered without glitches.... ie, an horizontal line that goes up. (image drawing)11:51
sacarlsonbourke: I think it might remove something else you might want to keep like the time or volume,  I could be wrong about this11:51
dr_willisbourke:  should be., i recall the webupd8 blog site having a list of tweaks and tips. I think that was one of them11:51
=== marius is now known as Guest37368
bourkei would have thought it should be easy but haven't turned up much so far in google11:52
dr_willisbourke:  check the webupd8 site and the askubuntu.com site11:53
bourkegot it :) indicator-messages11:54
sacarlsonbourke: when removed do you still see your volume control?11:54
Xtremehey guys, i have downloaded warzone from their website.. but while installing its giving error sdl is missing.. i searched apt-get, and warzone is available there. so how can i only install dependencies using apt-get11:55
dr_willisused to be people would right click/remove - and it would remove the whole indicator-applet panel thing. :) so removeing all indicatlr-applets i recall.11:55
dr_willisXtreme:  its a newer version on the site>?11:55
bourkeXtreme: apt-get build-dep warzone (i think11:56
dr_willisif the download from the site is a .deb you could use gdebi to pull in all needed deps.11:57
computer_hmm i wonder if pdanet works with ubuntu11:58
dr_williscomputer_:  that xdgteather app thats out does.. no idea on pdanet11:58
computer_heheh found it, lets see if it works http://junefabrics.com/bin/PdaNet.deb12:00
Xtremebourke: got error12:00
Xtremesource required as uri12:00
computer_its for iphone?! :(12:00
computer_iphone sux12:01
sacarlsoncomputer_: I guess pdanet is just like wifi tether?12:01
computer_i got it to work with windows..no luck with linux12:01
sacarlsoncomputer_: oh ok,  I just use wifi for that stuf12:01
=== trevor is now known as Guest71555
computer_i use my htc sprint to share internet with my pc12:01
q222http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1585550 Anyone have a solution for this old thread? Because it's still a problem, a huge one that's totally ruining the OS for me.12:02
sacarlsoncomputer_: same as wifi tether as you android becomes an access point that a group can also share12:02
computer_but then again i guess i could virtualbox win and use it12:02
computer_u have to pay 30 extra dollars to sprint to be able to share internet12:03
computer_with ur phone12:03
computer_ur pc i mean12:03
sacarlsoncomputer_: how can they tell you running a wifi tether?12:03
computer_well the panet only works with usb tethering12:03
computer_not wifi12:04
sacarlsoncomputer_: so you phone doesn't have wifi?12:04
computer_yeas but pdanet wont work asa wifi router12:04
computer_of usb connection12:04
paulus68what is a good tutorial to create a preseed file?12:05
sacarlsoncomputer_: I'm speaking of a different application that does the same thing on wifi for an android,  I don't know how sprint can detect it12:05
computer_whats the app called?12:05
dr_willisThe carriers can detect it if you are teathering apraently and give you a nasty suprise..12:06
sacarlsoncomputer_: there are many you can google " wifi tether "12:06
dr_willissome  apps the use usb-cables. aparently are not detectable. they yse some proxy method12:06
fidelisnt that an adroid default function - as long as the carrier allows it?12:06
computer_hmm my coworker been using it for months no surprises12:06
fideli had no need to install anything special - to be able to share my whatever network12:06
zayanHey i need some help guys12:07
fidelzayan: hi - whats the problem?12:07
computer_ive been using it for 4 months...no surpprise...ye :)12:07
MonkeyDustlet's hear it, zayan12:07
zayando any of you know where can i meet backtrack users12:07
zayanOn XCHAT12:08
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition12:08
MonkeyDustzayan  /join #backtrack-linux12:08
dr_willistheir web site most likely gives their irc channel info also..12:08
zayanit says cannot send to channel12:08
computer_i use to pay sprint 30 dollars extra for wifi/usb tethering...not anymore :) now its free12:09
dr_willisuntill they send you a nasty bill.. but thats ot for here...12:09
zayanit says cannot send to channel12:10
dr_willisIve been using some app called 'clockworkmod teather' uses usb cable only.12:10
dr_williszayan:  notice any messages about the channel being registered nicks only?12:10
computer_is it free?12:10
zayanhow do i register12:10
dr_williscomputer_:  like $5 i think. i just used the demo a little12:10
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:11
fidelzayan: #help12:11
shapeaboudreault: Did you fix the issue (sorry I had to brb)12:11
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zayanok i see12:11
MonkeyDustzayan  just entered backtrack channel, 208 nicks12:11
xavicolomerIs anybody here? I need a little help installing a nginx module, and they say in this channel you may help12:11
xavicolomerI get:12:11
xavicolomermake: *** [config.status.extras] Error 112:11
xavicolomerdpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 212:11
zayanno i dont know12:11
xavicolomerAny idea?12:12
zayancan you help me to register12:12
computer_downloading the free version...12:12
fidelzayan: this is an ubuntu help channel12:12
dr_williszayan:  help on that in #freenode12:12
fidelnot a freenode help channel ;)12:12
MonkeyDustzayan  no need to register, see my previous comment12:12
shapeaboudreault: What you generally need is to enable hardware acceleration or change the video output (i.e. in SMplayer you could change it to gl (fast)12:12
fl1bbl3zayan: some channels do need you to be registered.  For help "/msg NickServ help"12:12
Pici!register | zayan12:13
ubottuzayan: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:13
computer_looks like the free version works12:14
computer_pdanet does the same though12:14
computer_but yours work with linux12:14
* computer_ drinks a shoot of sailer jerry12:15
fl1bbl3zayan: backtrack channel isn't +r (like MonkeyDust said) so no need to register to speak12:16
computer_any text to speech for linux?12:16
fl1bbl3but its not great12:16
sacarlsoncomputer_: yes but not many the reverse speach to text12:17
computer_what languages does it work with?12:17
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computer_which is a good one?12:17
fl1bbl3computer_: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/12:17
paulus68what is a good tutorial to create a preseed file?12:17
fl1bbl3languages as in english/french or as in perl/python?12:18
mathews"Grub2 will be installed in the MBR!" what it means?12:19
fl1bbl3master boot record12:19
meeti have a game which worked well on my laptop ubuntu 11.10 with wine. But i tried installing it on ubuntu 10.04 it did not work. instead the computer goes in hibernation. what can i do?12:19
MonkeyDustcomputer_  sweex12:20
fidelmeet: check the game-reuirements in the first place - if you are talking about 2 different boxes12:20
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:21
meeti had winxp on this system before and the game worked on it properly. morever its a small game of 30mb. @ fidel12:21
sirriffsalot_Hey guys! I'12:21
sirriffsalot_I'm having trouble installing opera in the software center...12:21
* computer_ drinks a shoot of sailer jerry12:21
computer_im real tipsy now12:21
Paarthunaxmathews, MBR is a part of the hard disk which cares for booting the systems.12:22
rich__not sure if im asking this on the right channel but i have installed precise  devlopment branch i am trying to resolve some issues  how can i find out exactly witch stage of this i am running so i can look up the correct info12:22
PaarthunaxGuys, excuse me. what does 'Join-part revolving door attempt' mean? I got banned from a channel12:23
MonkeyDustrich__  better ask in #ubuntu+112:23
PiciPaarthunax: Please ask in #freenode12:23
PaarthunaxJust because I closed the wondow and tried to join the channel again12:23
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MonkeyDustPaarthunax  i guess if you enter/leave too often, it's like a revolving door12:23
fl1bbl3join flood12:24
sirriffsalot_When I try to open the opera .deb file in the software center it says "Internal error. The file "home/sirriffsalot/downloads/opera_XXXXXXX.deb" could not be opened." any ideas?12:24
PaarthunaxI just did this once and by mistake _ _* .. thank you both12:24
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot_  isnt opera in the repos?12:24
sirriffsalot_MonkeyDust: do explain^^12:25
=== Guest3360 is now known as tofOz
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot_  the repos are the ubuntu software sources12:25
meeti have a game which worked well on my laptop ubuntu 11.10 with wine. But i tried installing it on ubuntu 10.04 it did not work. instead the computer goes in hibernation. what can i do?12:25
sirriffsalot_MonkeyDust: which should be enabled for opera?12:25
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot_  try third party12:26
sirriffsalot_Ok, hang on:)12:26
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot_  apt-get update after you set it active12:26
sirriffsalot_Both were already ticked...12:26
fl1bbl3meet: and the version of wine you are using is identical?12:26
meetya 1.312:27
nliciHi to everybody12:27
fl1bbl3sirriffsalot_: what happens if you do "sudo dpkg -i <path to deb>"12:27
meetbut one is on ubuntu 11.10 (worked) and the other is 10.0412:27
fl1bbl3meet: do you need to run 10.04?12:27
fl1bbl3and/or do you need to run the game?12:27
sirriffsalot_fl1bbl3: I did that, and it installs fine, but I need the flash-plugins afterwords, which I then can't find in synaptic etc...=(12:27
meeti got an old desktop. should i try installing 11.10?12:28
fl1bbl3sirriffsalot_: but all software center is going to do is exactly that command12:28
nliciquestion: i downloaded from the ubuntu s.center Gfax program but as i see it is not working can you advice me any kind of fax program and inorder and how can i install the driver of the fax modem ?Thanks in advance12:28
shapemeet How old. Ubuntu 11.10 has low system requirements in the first place.12:28
sirriffsalot_fl1bbl3: well... the problem is still here:P12:28
nliciquestion 2 :what makes my computer work slow i have new computer )desctop)and it works with ubuntu .12:29
meetfl1bbl3 the thing is i promised my mom that this game and all her activities which she did on winxp(which was way 2 slow ) can be done easiiy so she agreed to migrate but now its not wokring12:29
meet10 yrs old shape12:29
shapemeet: so if it works on 11.10 why not try installing it?12:29
meetshape: 1.6ghz, 512 mb ram, pentium 4 :) i think that it wont work on12:29
SomelauwI tried festival, but it says one word of my input and then displays ====pause====12:30
MonkeyDustnlici  start with sudo apt)get autoremove to get rid of obsolote packages12:30
sirriffsalot_fl1bbl3: so what now?:)12:30
meeti think it ubuntu 11.10 would be to slow and sluggish on these specs.. whats ur say?12:30
MonkeyDustnlici  start with sudo apt-get autoremove to get rid of obsolote packages12:30
meet@ shape12:30
shapemeet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements12:30
meetshape: will a live session give me a true idea of how it will work?12:31
nliciso which one do i have to use as a fax modem program ?12:31
shapemeet: yes. And also Xubuntu in case Ubuntu is too sluggish. Take a look on that page for alternatives.12:32
meetshape:i tried lubuntu but i like gnome so ditched it for ubuntu 10.04. lubuntu 11.10 worked well but i guess it was bcos of lxfe or that :D12:33
fhsalesPeople, does anyone know hot to print from a pdf file?12:33
Somelauwfhsales: Open it in evince and press ctrl-p12:34
shapemeet: I have almost the same system (8 years old), and Ubuntu works perfectly. Except I have 2GB ram rather than 512MB12:34
fhsalesSomelauw:  what is evince? i dont know :?12:35
shapemeet: 11.1012:35
Somelauwfhsales: your pdf reader. Just double click the pdf to open it. Then go to file and press print.12:35
meetshape: i guess the ram factor will be vital.. but still i will try the live session.. btw if i post the wine error msg which i got through the terminal while running the game .exe file will it be helpful?12:35
shapemeet: I wouldnt be able to help you with that but someone else might.12:36
MonkeyDust!find fax | nlici12:37
ubottunlici: Found: acfax, capi4hylafax, courier-faxmail, efax, efax-gtk, gfax, gosa-plugin-gofax, hamfax, hylafax-client, hylafax-client-dbg (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fax&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all12:37
zayanI realliy dont know how to register to backtrack chat12:37
Picizayan: the folks in #freenode can help you with that12:37
MonkeyDustzayan  you don't have to, just type /join #backtrack-linux12:38
zayanit says cannot send to channel12:38
hi675445can we take about xubuntu some times it as grate as ubuntu12:38
mcb_join /#backtrack-linux12:39
Picizayan: again, please join #freenode for help registering, they are very helpful there. we like to keep #ubuntu free for Ubuntu support only.12:40
hi675445chmod +x promison i xubuntu12:41
nlicii download the efax but how can i run it even i can not find the icon please help12:42
MonkeyDustnlici  try alf-f2 efax12:42
nlicii can not find it from ubuntu s.center do i have to download it from the site?12:43
MonkeyDustnlici  use synaptic12:43
MonkeyDustor apt-get12:44
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rothamhey.. im trying to copy files to a harddrive i formatted originally with windows 7, and im getting an error about a read only hard file system12:46
rothamany ideas what would cause this?12:46
escottrotham, install ntfs-3g12:46
escottrotham, then unmount/remount the fs12:46
rothamescott - already installed12:47
Charlotte4uWhy Ubuntu is better Then Windows 7 ?12:47
KM0201Charlotte4u: that's a loaded question.. spend some time with Google12:48
mathewsCharlotte4u, feel the freedom with Ubuntu12:49
escottrotham, then check the output of mount and verify it is being mounted with fuseblk (ntfs-3g) and not in kernel ntfs driver12:49
shapeCharlotte4u: You can watch naughty movies on the web without ever worrying about viruses!!12:50
Stanley00Charlotte4u: I think the best way to know is finding out what Ubuntu mean and try it yourself12:50
aboudreaultshape, checked glxinfo output and Direct rendering was set to Yes (not opengl)12:52
aboudreaultI use nvidia proprietary drivers12:52
shapeaboudreault: which player12:53
aboudreaultshape, vlc12:53
MonkeyDustCharlotte4u  start here http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/12:53
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.12:53
KM0201MonkeyDust: interesting link..12:54
boumaim trying to sort out a wierd issue with my grub menus. i originally had ubuntu 11.10 on sdc2. then i installed the 1204beta 2 to sda1, afterwards i ran update-grub from 11.10 and it detected pangolin and added it to the sdc boot menu. but i want to just boot straight into sda.12:55
boumawhen i run update-grub under 1204, it finds vmlinuz-3.2 from 12.04 and the older ub 11.10 (as well as memtest and a win7). this is what i want, but when i reboot it seems like sda is just redirecting straight to sdc and giving me the old boot menu where precise is under a submenu12:58
boumai've looked at /boot/grub/grub.cfg and it looks alright12:58
mmorenaHola grupo... Hello group!12:59
boumagrub2 is a bit different from 1, im not sure which of the many grub-* tools might be helpful12:59
gvo!12.04 | bouma13:00
ubottubouma: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+113:00
yzhdI'm trying to sync cm7 source. I'm following this guide: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/HTC_Desire_(GSM):_Compile_CyanogenMod_(Linux)  -----      but when I type in the git core command, I get this error: E: Package 'sun-java6-jdk' has no installation candidate. I read that it was removed because of license issues? Any suggestions on what I can do? Thanks.13:01
chriswkyzhd: just install openjdk-6-jdk instead13:02
yzhdchriswk, sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk ?13:02
gvoyzhd: and remove the sun-java6... from the git command line13:03
chriswkyzhd: yes13:03
yzhdgvo, how? Sorry, I'm a newb at ubuntu13:03
chriswkreplace the sun-java6-jdk with openjdk-6-jdk13:03
gvoYou typed in git .... sun-java6 ....  just don't add that package when you type the command.13:04
gvoUse git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev  pngcrush schedtool13:04
yzhdit's installing :/13:05
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yzhdI have a 32-bit system, but I read that gingerbread will only work for 64 bit systems. There is a workaround.. but shall I do that after or before I have synced the source?13:07
MonkeyDustyzhd  you may need ia32-libs13:09
KM0201MonkeyDust: i thought ia32libs worked the other way around (32bit software on 64bit os)13:10
MonkeyDust(me re-reads question)13:10
PedroGomesHI guys, on a preseed operation, how can I chose the option "Guided - reuse partition, SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #3 (sda)" on partman13:11
PedroGomesI have tried "d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Guided - reuse partition, SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #3 (sda)" but it doesn't work13:11
balii need an app for my blackberry Bold 900013:15
balione like the blackberry desktop13:16
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meeti installed wine through the software center. i want to install that same software on another pc with no internet connection. where can i find the .deb package of wine?13:27
zykotick9meet: fyi DEBs you download with any APT program get stored in /var/cache/apt/archives13:28
meetbut the wine package is not there zykotick913:29
Stanley00meet: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Installing_packages_without_an_Internet_connection13:29
zykotick9meet: really, odd.13:29
eldanisomeone could please help me with my live stream radio? i want to live steam my desktop using idjc or another software13:30
eldanii cannot find any helpful advice online13:30
meetany other place to look for? zykotick913:32
upsetI'd like to write a theme for Unity 2d, but I've never written one before and I don't think I understand what components Ubuntu still uses. Bare minimum I need what, gtk3, metactiy, and unity themes?13:33
tjiggi_fomeet, try: whereis13:39
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Alyssa_does rsync -avz delete anything in the dest dir13:41
MonkeyDustAlyssa_  no, you need --delete for that13:41
Alyssa_odd…..i wonder why 212gb of data has disappeared13:41
MonkeyDust212 is a lot of data to disappear13:42
iexploreevery one here using ubuntu13:44
MonkeyDustiexplore  most likely yes13:45
eldanisomeone could please help me with live streaming my desktop in ubuntu?13:45
eldanii want to use IDJC but if you suggest other software is ok, this is for an internet radio13:46
Alyssa_eldani: such as vnc?13:47
eldanii dunno, i have a radio in caster.fm and idjc13:48
eldanimy goal is to stream live an interview13:48
eldaniusing skype13:48
eldaniand if possible, my desktop, but i would be happy with skype13:48
eldanialyssa, u know how to do this?13:49
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Alyssa_eldani a google search reveals http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=577914 … pls don't pm me without asking first13:52
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eldanii already tried that thread...maybe i will have another look, but it did not work13:53
boumawhen i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, it doesnt ask for which device to install to? how does it get determined ?13:57
drecutemy NIS server is on windows server and I have configured ubuntu as nis client which works pretty well. with ypcat passwd I can see all the mapped users14:00
drecuteto authenticate with one of them on ubuntu via x11rdp, do I need to setup each of those users locally?14:00
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shaneocan someone assist me with a winbind error on Ubuntu 11.10 amd64 http://paste.ubuntu.com/932563/14:11
fartofagonydo games run better on ubuntu / linux?14:12
kbitzthan? Windows? than they used to?14:12
bazhang!appdb | fartofagony check here14:12
ubottufartofagony check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:12
fartofagonythan windows yes14:13
kbitzsome do; some don't14:13
auronandacefartofagony: want to play windows games, the best platform for that is windows14:13
bazhangfartofagony, /join #winehq for particular games after checking the appdb14:13
kbitzthe ones that run bettor on linux typically are written to14:13
Tinkerer1heyhey psad blocked an IP adress for the first time on my server, should I be worried? http://pastebin.com/6gFNnQZU14:13
fartofagonyah, was thinking of the whole OS using the cpu14:13
fartofagonyubuntu seems smoother and doesnt run unnessecary things14:14
kbitzFoA, yes, but windows games typically require all those unnecessary things14:14
kbitzwine is really good and improving all the time, though.  give it a look14:15
fartofagonykbitz: wouldnt wine have the things neede to run games as they should be run? those that work in wine14:15
kbitzsearch that page for the game you're looking for and it'll rate its support from nothing to platinum14:15
fartofagonyin the repository, do they have the latest wine?14:15
cypher-neofartofagony, No, but it's close...14:16
bazhangfartofagony, you need to check there, then join the #winehq channel once you have done that for particular apps14:16
fartofagonythanks guys!14:16
cypher-neofartofagony, You can install the lastest versions of Wine by following the instructions on the WineHQ page to install Wine from PPA.14:16
kbitzhuh, bioshock 1 is wine-platinum14:16
cypher-neofartofagony, The latest version of Wine is wine1.414:16
kbitzthat's awesome14:16
MonkeyDustor you could buy a windows key14:16
MonkeyDustand use windows14:17
kbitznever buy a windows key.  get somebody else to buy it for you14:17
kbitz"hey, uhh, i really need windows . . . for work"14:17
bazhanglets get back on topic please14:17
erkonhi, guys.Can you tell me how I can block all udp connections to remote port?14:23
drecutemy NIS server is on windows server and I have configured ubuntu as nis client which works pretty well. with ypcat passwd I can see all the mapped users14:25
drecuteto authenticate with one of them on ubuntu via x11rdp, do I need to setup each of those users locally?14:25
jhutchins_wkOn an RHEL6 system, I get password warnings in /var/log/secure.  On an RHEl4.9 system I do not.  Is this a difference in configuration, or a difference between the releases?14:25
liberalerkon: iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport <dport> -j DROP14:25
bazhangjhutchins_wk, ask in #rhel or similar14:26
erkonliberal:  thank you14:26
auronandacejhutchins_wk: wrong channel, this is ubuntu support14:26
jhutchins_wkbazhang: Sorry, thought I was there.14:26
liberalerkon: you'll need to make sure that gets saved and applied at boot.14:26
erkonthis will block all conections to that remote port, the destination does not matter, right?14:27
erkonhow to do that?14:27
Doodiehi, I want to be able to be logged into my router homepage (192.168.x.x) via its IP address. When I enter IP address of router, the webpage is busy but loads noting.14:27
liberalany outbound udp packet to remote port <dport> will not leave the box.14:27
EriksLVjust a quick question: release date for 12.04?14:28
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MonkeyDustEriksLV  april 2614:28
erkonok.If I put that command in rc.local it will work i guess14:28
EriksLVthanks MonkeyDust14:28
bazhang!12.04 | EriksLV14:28
ubottuEriksLV: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:28
liberalerkon: I imagine it should, though I am not familiar with ubuntu, or the appropriate way of saving and applying firewall rules in it.14:28
jhutchins_wkauronandace: Sorry, my nick registration lapsed and irssi didn't change channels when I thought it had.14:29
drecuteanyone have an idea?14:29
erkonok thank you14:29
bazhangDoodie, hows your router related to ubuntu support14:29
liberaliptables has a iptables-save and a iptables-restore binary.14:30
jhutchins_wkdrecute: You will need to create a home directory for the user somehow.  Not sure how that's usually done in an NIS environment.14:30
jhutchins_wkdrecute: Sometimes /home is shared via NFS.14:31
drecutejhutchins_wk: i solaris i use autohome. works pretty well14:31
LinuxFreakDMint 12 (I know, not clean Ubuntu but I can't get to their IRC). I just updated NVIDIA to 295.40 and everything seems to be good but when I load into desktop, even though everything looks right, my mouse won't move and my keyboard commands do nothing. Like it is locked up. However it is not locked up as I can still SSH to my box and issue commands. Any suggestions before I give up and reinstall?14:31
bazhangLinuxFreakD, go to mintsupport not here14:32
drecutejhutchins_wk: i just want to know if I need to create those windows NIS users locally on ubuntu before users can authenticate on ubuntu14:32
LinuxFreakDbazhang, there's a mint support channel on the ubuntu server, thanks!14:32
LinuxFreakD#join mintsupport14:32
jhutchins_wkdrecute: No.14:32
drecuteFYI, ubuntu is added to windows AD14:32
LinuxFreakDjoin# mintsupport14:32
bazhangLinuxFreakD, its on spotchat14:32
LinuxFreakDdang been awhile14:33
jhutchins_wklin //14:33
bazhang!mintsupport | LinuxFreakD14:33
ubottuLinuxFreakD: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:33
auronandace!mint | LinuxFreakD14:33
LinuxFreakDbazhang. I don't know what that means. I have not been in IRC in about a year or two14:33
jhutchins_wkAh, lag14:33
borsinLinuxFreakD: did you try sudo nvidia-xconfig14:33
auronandaceLinuxFreakD: /connect irc.spotchat.org (then /join #linuxmint-help)14:34
LinuxFreakDborsin, ya. I don't think it's my drivers. I spent about 4 hours working on that and now it all loads up properly, nvidia appears to be working right. Just locks up the desktop.14:34
LinuxFreakDauronandace: thanks!14:34
borsinLinuxFreakD: it will rewrite your entire xorg.conf and possibly fix the mouse problem14:35
bazhangborsin, feel free to support him there14:35
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fartofagonyif installing wubi, will windows and wubi be up and ru8nning at the same time?14:36
LinuxFreakDborsin: I have already done it a couple times however I will run it again and report back in a min14:36
|Anthony|update manager is prompting me to install nvidia-modaliases. I have installed nvidia binary from their site. Can i safely install this update, or can i safely ignore it?14:36
bazhangLinuxFreakD, feel free to go to PM or in the mintsupport channel14:37
bazhangfartofagony, no they wont14:37
drecutejhutchins_wk: i tried to authenticate with one of those nis users on ubuntu, but it didn't work14:38
auronandacefartofagony: but the ntfs partition will be in use14:38
bazhang|Anthony|, well if I understand you correctly, you went outside the package manager for that14:38
|Anthony|bazhang, to install the nvidia driver, yes14:39
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l3dis there a way to export and then inport the sources list from ubuntu to another one14:39
LinuxFreakDbazhang: I am going to mint also to talk to them though I doubt the issue is specific to mint unless it's due to lightdm. The only reason I am still here is I was trying the suggestions of others related to NVIDIA which isn't distro specific. I will be gone shortly, for not pretend I didn't use the word mint.14:40
auronandacel3d: copy and paste the file, make sure you are doing it for the same release (don't mix releases)14:40
LinuxFreakDborsin: Ya, tried it again and no luck. Probably not an nvidia problem. Going to talk to the mint guys before I do a reinstall.14:41
l3dright both 10.1014:41
cloudgeeklet i type clear on bash it take me top of it , but how can i undo this command if i need that data again14:41
Tinkerer1heyhey psad blocked an IP adress for the first time on my server, should I be worried? http://pastebin.com/6gFNnQZU14:41
auronandacel3d: 10.10 is no longer supported14:41
auronandace!10.10 | l3d14:42
ubottul3d: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.14:42
LinuxFreakDauronandace: connection refused when I tried to connect to spotchat14:42
cloudgeekhow we can undo the clear command on the bash14:43
ikoniaLinuxFreakD: not our problem, read the linux mint website14:43
auronandaceLinuxFreakD: sorry we can't help with that14:43
l3dwell thats to bad I hate the way 11.10 or high looks and feels the gm sucks but that my opinion.14:43
auronandacel3d: is it just unity you don't like? i use 11.10 without unity14:43
LinuxFreakDikonia: ah well thanks for politely letting me know it's an issue with mint and not something wrong with IRC. I will check their website14:44
l3dis there a d/l for 11.10 with out unity14:44
ikoniait's not an issue with mint, the irc channel is up and running, I'm in it. The details of how to connect are listed on the mint website14:44
auronandacel3d: sure, xubuntu, kubuntu and lubuntu and of course the mini iso14:45
l3dno normal gnome14:45
bazhang!notunity | l3d14:46
ubottul3d: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:46
auronandacel3d: gnome3 is available via the repos, you'd need to use the mini iso14:46
bazhangauronandace, 11.10 uses it already14:46
auronandacebazhang: i meant that if you wanted to avoid having unity at all14:46
fartofagonyhow hard is it to find and install graphic card drivers in ubuntu?14:47
bazhangl3d, gnome3 is the 'normal gnome' unity is a shell. as is gnome-shell14:47
auronandacefartofagony: depends on graphics14:47
bazhangfartofagony, depends on the card. ancient ones, or Sis and the like14:47
fartofagonyauronandace: like manufactur?14:47
auronandacefartofagony: yes14:47
bazhangfartofagony, yes. intel is in the kernel generally14:48
bazhangwell dkms14:48
fartofagonyauronandace: know about ati radeon ones? thinking of uninstalling windows completely. am afraid of failure, then id be stuck with nothing14:48
auronandacefartofagony: wrong person to ask, i use nvidia14:49
auronandace!ati | fartofagony14:49
ubottufartofagony: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:49
fartofagonyahh ok, thakns14:49
renodehow do you view a daemonized process?14:50
fl1bbl3what do you mean "view"?14:50
renodesuch as over ssh14:50
fl1bbl3define "view"14:50
renodenot the fact that its running, but the output14:51
renodesorry about that14:51
fl1bbl3depends on the process14:51
renodeif the proccess allows it, how would i go about doing it?14:52
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fl1bbl3renode: usually with a daemonized process you would expect it to have logging enabled14:55
fl1bbl3therefore usually /var14:56
fl1bbl3or syslog14:56
renodeahhh ty fl1bbl314:57
IszakIs there any way to go up directories (recursively) until a folder name is matched?14:57
Iszakthrough the command line that is. e.g. cd ..*foo or something14:58
Iszakbecause often the folder I want is a few levels up say three, and I cba doing cd ../../../14:58
escottIszak, ksh has some more advanced globbing it might do something like that14:59
Iszakescott: can you give me an example or a url to read more about ksh?15:00
escottIszak, i dont use them myself i just know that one of the things ksh/zsh are noted for are globbing15:02
escottIszak, http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.com/2008/07/fancy-globbing-with-zsh-on-linux-and.html15:02
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escottIszak, or just pwd with some awk15:04
Iszakthat's too long tbh15:04
Iszakand that only works for parents, what about children?15:04
fellayaboyhey usually ill do cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history and itll erase all my history but when i put it in the rc.local stgartup script it never works...i know rc.local is activiated15:04
Iszaksure, find command, but again, less than desirable.15:04
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escottIszak, foo(){15:09
escott> cd `pwd | sed -e "s#\(.*/$1\)/.*#\1#"`15:09
escott> }15:09
escottIszak, and what you are describing wouldn't work for children. what if there are multiple subdirs matching the pattern?15:10
Iszakyou'd just match the first one.15:10
Iszakbang, done.15:10
Iszakor print out the possible opportunities citing ambiguity15:11
escottfellayaboy, have you checked roots bash_history. I'm pretty sure its gone15:13
txdvhow do i make services stop starting automatically on startup?15:14
escottfellayaboy, also there is a command for this history -c15:14
fellayaboyescott oh so hisgtory -c will clear it15:15
dr_willistxdv:  upstart services get started from their /etc/init/whateer.conf file. you can rename it to be like whatever.dontrun (is one way)15:15
fellayaboyoh look at that ur right15:15
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:15
txdvyeah but there must be some default naming conventions or tools that do that job for me15:16
fellayaboyso if i where to do cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history it will only clear the roots history rather than the user?15:16
fellayaboyif i put it in rc.local??...15:16
dr_willistxdv:  not sure of any gui tools that do that for upstart15:16
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txdvcommand lines are good enough15:16
dr_willisrename foo.conf to foo.dontrun is all i ever do ;)15:17
txdvthe dirty linux way15:17
txdvoo you bad boy15:17
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dr_willistxdv:  err.. its how the upstart docs say to do it i belive.15:17
dr_willisor edit the .conf file and put some dontstart item in it i recall.15:17
txdvhow about the rc* directories?15:18
txdvthe service i want not to start appears to be in thereand not in init15:18
dr_willisthose are not 'upstart' services.  those are the old sysv type services.15:19
escottfellayaboy, you can put it in rc.local you just have to think about who the script runs as. what i dont understand is why you would want to do this15:19
txdvany keywords i can use to google them15:19
txdvyeah im using 11.0415:19
fellayaboyescott so i could clear the bash history of course why else15:19
escottfellayaboy, but why?15:19
dr_willisupstart is actually handling the sysv stuff these days.15:19
WhereIsMySpoonHi, im trying to install libffi and it's hanging on the line "libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libffi_convenience.a" - anyone got any ideas whats going on?15:19
WhereIsMySpoonthis is in the make15:20
escottfellayaboy, if you just want less bash history thats easily modified by changing .bashrc. if you want to disable history you can do that15:20
WhereIsMySpoonoh wait15:20
WhereIsMySpoonhang on15:20
fellayaboydont like people viewing my history..file i edit...plus loony balloonies trying to copy my commands and doing stuff they dont know how to do15:20
WhereIsMySpooni had the console scrolled up *facepalm*15:20
fellayaboyescott how do i disable bash history15:21
dr_willismake the history file only readble by root.. :)15:21
escottfellayaboy, presumably set these to 0 # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)15:21
FloodBot1escott: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
yeikMy ubuntu box is competely freezing. it has done it twice in the last two weeks. I can't ping it, or get alt+sysreq reisub to even do anything.15:22
fellayaboyOK HOLD ON brb15:23
yeikis there any logs or anything i can look at that might hint what it is doing or causing it to freeze?15:23
MonkeyDustyeik  demsg15:23
snaky90If I install Ubuntu 12.04 daily now, Ubuntu will update every day before de final build ¿?15:23
dr_willissnaky90:  yes15:24
yeikyou mean dmesg?15:24
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:24
yeikMonkeyDust, you mean dmesg?15:24
snaky90These updates would be like having the final version, right ?15:24
MonkeyDust!dmesg| yeik15:25
ubottuyeik: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.15:25
dr_willisi always install the rc, then update the day or 2 befor release.. then wait a week or 2 after release to update again. due to the servers getting overloaded on release day15:25
fellayaboyescott perfect that worked for me15:26
yeikMonkeyDust, you originally said demsg, which is why i asked for clarification15:26
MonkeyDustyeik  it was a typo15:27
* yeik nods15:27
yeikthats why I asked.15:27
yeikIs there anything important I am suppose to see other than it initializing hardware and stuff since i rebooted? it doesn't seem to have anything from the time it was frozen15:28
dr_willisdmesg logs are not kept over reboots.15:29
balabercan someone help me with my suspend to ram isue?15:29
yeikhow does that help me figure out why it froze?15:29
dr_willismonitoring dmesg via ssh from a remote box may catch somthing when it freezes15:29
corehookhi all, after upgrading (dont remember what packets) my ubuntu cant startup...i send 'text nomodeset' params in grub and see that loading stand at "Stopping userpsace bootsplash" [ OK ]15:30
dr_williscould be some hardware glitz, or power surge also.  or other very hard to catch reason.15:30
* yeik nods15:30
yeikI usually am over ssh with screen.15:30
fellayaboyive been having a problem with my vpn server..it seems that it wont take any kind of vpn..not even pptp or openvpn...i just keep getting a failed to connect....it use to work but all of a sudden it stopped...even without me editing anything..all i did was an update...my vpn server is ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition15:30
yeikit happened overnight, the computer is attached to a ups15:31
fellayaboyif i do a ifconfig i see as0t0 through as0t3 connection15:31
fellayaboyi did a iptables -F but nothing seems to work right...what could it be...could it be bugs?15:31
djszapiHey! Is it okay if the daemon part of my project is started automatically by an upstart job put into the /etc/init/ folder with the ubuntu desktop version ? Is there a better interface for that like we had /etc/init/apps on Harmattan ?15:32
balabercan someone help me with my suspend to ram isue? the suspend section looks good but wen i wont to resume i always get a reboot or a "new session" instead of my old suspended session15:32
SteeltipIs there anyone who would be so kind to tell me if i can reserve local outgoing ports for an application, i.e. apache15:34
balaber@steetltip do you want to see your open ports?15:35
escottSteeltip, only privileged processes can listen on ports <1024. what more do you need?15:35
Steeltipno, its the following problem: my apache listens on more then 4000 Ports and sometimes when i restart my apache i process like mount.nfs uses a port my apache is configured for , too15:36
balaberi need also help with my suspend sh** :)15:36
Steeltipany ideas ?15:36
escottSteeltip, you can restrict ports with iptables to specific groups. thats probably what you want to do15:37
Steeltipdo you have a source for reading escott ?15:38
=== andriy is now known as cybe
Steeltiphow can i configure to block all apps on port 4000 - 8000 ? and only let apache bind the ports !?15:39
escottSteeltip, this shows how to prevent a user from using a port. the reverse would be to deny all and then enable that user http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/block-outgoing-network-access-for-a-single-user-from-my-server-using-iptables.html15:40
dr_willisHmm.. not sure if iptables has a per app type feature or not.15:40
dr_willisbeen ages since ive looked at iptables. :)15:40
Steeltipthanks for the hint escott, i will try15:40
dr_willisapache does run as the apache user i thought. so a per user blocking would be as good i guess.15:41
escottdr_willis, it would have to be by uid/gid. not sure how well it would work. esp if root opens the socket on behalf of the app15:41
dr_willisyea - this is the sort of stuff ive not needed to use in years...15:41
dr_willisi just recall some beginner guide stating 'windows blocks based on app' 'linux blocks based on port'    but that may have been a very very overgeneralization15:42
escottSteeltip, alternately take the ports yourself and then give them to apps you want to have them15:44
savrI am experiencing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-rvm/+bug/93559015:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894311 in ruby-rvm (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #935590 ruby-rvm's maintainer scripts expect the admin group to exist" [Medium,Confirmed]15:46
savrdo I add group admin?15:47
kellplease is anyone using mac os dual boot with ubuntu.is there any driver problem or smthing like that?15:47
=== Guest91540 is now known as jack_^
MonkeyDust!mac| kell start here15:48
ubottukell start here: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:48
LilWhat generates the motd?15:49
savroh boy15:50
savrubuntu 12.04 is buggy like hell15:51
savrthis is like the 5th bug I ran into15:51
escott!precise | savr15:51
ubottusavr: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+115:51
savrare we going to make it for an april release15:51
savrescott, I know it is beta...15:52
zenmasterJust got my Dell PowerEdge 2800. :) Best home server I presonally have ever had.15:52
bazhangsavr, wrong channel15:52
savrcan't run eclipse or rvm15:52
zenmaster16gb memory. Amazing to me.15:53
* P1rate say happy easter15:53
P1rateWell i guess no IT problems today :/15:57
=== giovy is now known as Giovy
=== Giovy is now known as Giovy2121
redragoonzis anyone here i have a quick question16:02
sirriffsalotHey guys! I had to install opera via dpkg terminal since software center and synaptic gave me trouble... Does anyone know how to install the jack plugin for Opera via terminal as well?:) Cheers!16:03
rajis ~ a valid character in most operating systems?16:03
rajfor a filename16:03
MonkeyDust"quick questions" often turn out to be most difficult ones, shoot!16:03
datruthI'm running kubuntu 11.10 and my /etc/apt/source.list has been removed where can I get another source.list file from?16:03
redragoonzhow do i resize my home partition i have 10.04 lts on the one partition now but i need to resize my second partiton for backtrack 5 how would i do this considering i am mounted to my home drive?16:04
=== sergio_ is now known as Guest28136
rasustoraj - yes, in fact emacs by default appends ~ to filenames to denote old versions16:05
MonkeyDustredragoonz  use gparted on a live cd, you cannot modify mounted partitions16:05
rajrasusto, thank you16:05
rajrasusto, what might be a good alternative?16:05
redragoonzok and running it like that wont hurt my current unbunyu?16:05
rajbesides _16:05
Onewhohelpshey raj16:05
rajI need to organize my files in such a manner16:05
MonkeyDustredragoonz  first backup your data to be sure16:06
rajrasusto, I say that, because I don't want these files to be confused for 'old' files by emacs users16:06
LilWhat generates the motd?16:06
redragoonzthank you /monkeydust16:06
escottLil, /etc/motd or you can configure an application to do it16:07
hi675445need dlp16:08
hi675445xubuntu user here16:08
Lilescott; I know that. But something generates it. Because it shows the server load and etc. I'm curious where/what script generates it.16:08
bazhangtry #xubuntu16:08
Pl3nar1ushello all16:08
Rojتو ssh چطوری می تونم یه اسکریپت رو ران کنم16:08
Rojیه چنتا دستور ساده bash16:08
hi675445english please16:08
MonkeyDust!en| Roj16:09
ubottuRoj: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:09
MonkeyDustbeautiful characters, tho16:09
oCean!ir | Roj16:09
ubottuRoj: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.16:09
* satyanash wonders how they learn them16:09
satyanashIf you select them, they get reversed..16:10
Lintsatyanash, it16:10
* rinzler wonders how they type them...16:10
Lint´s  a bug in XChat16:10
hi675445love xchat sick and xubuntu16:11
Rojhow i can run a bash script in ssh16:11
hi675445i see u guys16:11
veryapehrm, all of a sudden my 12.04 beta is not able to load jpeg/bnp/png and other image files in any of my graphical interfaces, they work if i open them in firefox but not in their defaults apps, any idea about what it could be and how to fix it? didn't find any useful information browsing ubuntuforums :/16:12
need_helpphey, i need help please SKYPE it consume cpu 100% always i am using 64-bit ubuntu  , how i can fix it pls?16:12
rasustoRoj, what seems to be the problem?16:12
Roj-bash: ./download.sh: command not found16:13
btorchhello .. is there a way to have ubuntu automatically skip trying to mount drives that are not avaiable when they are still in the fstab ? right now book hangs waiting for someone to press "S" .. I've tried adding "nobootwait" into fstab but then that makes the box hang for a long time and I'm not sure what that is yet16:13
Rojchmod +x download.sh16:13
Lilescott; Found it. /etc/update-motd.d16:13
rasustotry adding the ssh command to the begining of the script16:13
need_helpphey, i need help please SKYPE it consume cpu 100% always i am using 64-bit ubuntu  , how i can fix it pls?16:13
rasustoskype is non-free software that doesn't respect your freedums. The solution is to stop using skype.16:14
Pessimistneed_helpp, I'm sorry but repeating the question doesn't help much. And afaik Ubuntu doesn't officialy support it because it's closed source16:14
need_helppPessimist,  sorry is there any software supported by ubuntu for skype ?16:15
Pessimistneed_helpp: Skype is closed source and you won't get support here. Maybe try official skype forums16:16
veryapeno idea about the problem with loading jpeg/bnp/png files? just getting "unrecognized image file format"16:16
need_helppPessimist,  ok thx is there any software i can use for voice/cam on ubuntu ?16:17
meganerdneed_helpp: a few people I know use ekiga16:18
Pessimistneed_helpp: Pidgin/Empathy16:18
* sipior just shakes his head.16:19
meganerdneed_helpp: I don't use video chat very often (maybe three times per year)16:19
=== microp11|out is now known as microp11
ubottumimmo82: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:20
sipiorneed_helpp: which version are you running?16:21
=== Jacruth is now known as Ojoloco
need_helppsipior, ubuntu 64-bit 11.0416:22
sipiorneed_helpp: sorry, which skype version?16:22
yeikwell cpuburn is running, i started 4 of them as it is a quad core16:22
ccssddeeis there any linux comptabible newer than 2 out there?16:22
ccssddeeis there any linux comptabible newer than 2 skyp out there?16:22
need_helppsipior, 2.216:23
sipiorneed_helpp: the beta?16:23
need_helppsipior,  ya there's stable one ?16:23
need_helppfor ubuntu ?16:23
=== q-rban is now known as q0rban
sipiorneed_helpp: looks like they've removed the 2.1 download links. wonderful.16:25
fartofagonydo i have to type commands and stuff to install skype ?16:27
auronandace!skype | fartofagony16:27
ubottufartofagony: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:27
czytelnikED21K -34U16:28
magicJI have a system that when I boot in recovery mode, or when I mount it after booting from a live USB stick all appears normal.  BUT, when I try and do passwd, or for that matter edit a file I get a message that it is write protected - how is this possible - If I am the root, which I am in those case16:29
xharx__when i use the update manager i get the following error message: why. http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/407392/16:30
DelphiWorldhello, guys16:30
DelphiWorlddo there's anyway to cleanup my ubuntu from all installed packages?16:30
DelphiWorldand live only my personal files?16:30
MonkeyDustDelphiWorld  fresh install16:31
DelphiWorldMonkeyDust: dificult for me, bro :(16:31
DelphiWorldmongy_: if i can set it up through console that would be fun. otherwise i can't read the screen16:31
EvilResistanceDelphiWorld, not without nuking your system, you need to copy your files off manually via console and fresh-install, or just deal with excess cruft on your system16:32
EvilResistanceor via whatever method16:32
DelphiWorldEvilResistance: i can't use ubuntu installed without voice; i'm looking to set it up through a voicing system through serial console but that soon a bit dificult16:33
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Mikero_Hi, can anyone help me with my wireless internet connection. It broke after updating to 12.04 and now chokes up every couple of minutes or so.16:33
EvilResistanceDelphiWorld, i dont think there's anything that can help yo udo that...16:34
DelphiWorldEvilResistance: yes, that's my actual issue :(16:34
EvilResistance!12.04 | Mikero_16:34
ubottuMikero_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:34
Debrohow i can set openJDK to work in chromium?16:34
EvilResistanceDelphiWorld, then i think you're SOL16:34
MonkeyDustDelphiWorld  that's the easies way16:34
DelphiWorldEvilResistance: would be glad to make a automated boot menu to enable serial console16:34
=== jtrucks is now known as trucksosaurus
MonkeyDustDelphiWorld  if you have a separate /home partition, fresh install takes about 15 minutes16:35
=== trucksosaurus is now known as jtrucks
DelphiWorldMonkeyDust: i can backup my data; issue is how to fresh install it without eyes; that's all16:35
Mikero_EvilResistance: Thanks, so I'll hope waiting will fix it then16:36
jjgalvez__My computer just started crashing! I am trying to get a good backup but last night and today its been crashing before the backup is complete, any thoughts on which logs I should be looking in to trouble shoot?16:37
EvilResistanceMikero_, no, you should /join #ubuntu+1 and ask there is what i was saying16:37
=== slackin_ is now known as nickals
=== DaemonFC_ is now known as DaemonFC
foobArrris there an easy way to bulk rename directories? I tried thunar rename and pyrenamer, but either I'm blind, or those only work with normal files and not directories.16:40
roelforg@jjgalvez Every one? Nah, try dmesg16:40
roelforg@foobArr bash script16:40
jjgalvez__roelforg: looking there now, so far not finding anything helpful :(16:41
PicifoobArrr: a combination of find and rename would work.  something like: find /some/path -type d -print0 | xargs -0 rename 's/foo/bar/'16:42
roelforg@jjgalvez You could try posting on the forums, a lot of people can help you there and it's easier then on a irc;;;; but it's slower16:42
foobArrrI'll try that, thanks16:42
sirriffsalotHey guys! I had to install opera via dpkg terminal since software center and synaptic gave me trouble... Does anyone know how to install the jack plugin for Opera via terminal as well?:) Cheers!16:42
jjgalvez__roelforg: just did that thanks16:46
masterkiller136hello ubuntu users16:53
roelforghello masterkiller13616:53
=== SleepingTik is now known as Tiktalik
longrifle0xhello guys16:53
triple-09helooo :-D16:54
triple-09does anyone here used to programming with gambas? any one?16:55
=== Sovereign is now known as Guest43629
ScuniziWhat thrashes a harddrive more.. accessing the system portion of the install or user data?16:56
lacrymologyI just changed one of the files in ~/.gnome/apps, how can I have gnome reload the launchers?16:56
karolus98hello :) One I launch Linux, it alters  my grub.cfg, so Kubuntu becomes default OS (again). How to stop this and set Windows to default, permanently ?16:57
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llutzkarolus98: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober && sudo update-grub16:58
datruthI'm running kubuntu 11.10 and my /etc/apt/source.list has been removed where can I get another source.list file from?16:58
karolus98llutz: After changing default OS to my favorite, or before?16:59
llutzkarolus98: this will put your windows (or better: any non-linux-OS found) first to the menu17:00
jribdatruth: you should be able to use software-properties-gtk to generate a new one17:00
=== black is now known as Guest20182
karolus98llutz: Thanks : )17:00
Scunizidatruth: you may also have a sources.list~ as a backup.. just rename it.17:00
sentrizafter doing 'sudo apt-get install gnome-shell' it did loads of fancy stuff and is now stuck on Ldconfig deferred proccessing now taking place17:01
Scunizidatruth: if not you can use mine as the basis.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/932784/17:01
karolus98And last one ; D I don't know why, but Muon doesn't see most packages ,e.g. gcc, mesa-utils, etc... On the second machine it does work fine. Nothing has been changed. Any ideas?17:02
datruthScunizi: thanks17:02
chrisinthedarkI found this tool, I hope it will be helpful for you --> Pick random things at www.worandom.com17:02
sentrizafter doing 'sudo apt-get install gnome-shell' it did loads of fancy stuff and is now stuck on Ldconfig deferred proccessing now taking place17:02
roelforgsentriz, let it process17:02
sentrizso its doing something?17:02
roelforgit needs to update stuff17:02
roelforgthe hd should be going crazy17:02
sentrizoh okay :D estimated time?17:02
roelforgdunno, depends. It's reindexing libs.17:03
sentrizOkay thank you :)17:03
karolus98Scunizi: could you post this list to somewhere, where I can download it as plain text without creating Launchpad account ;  )17:04
datruthScunizi: http://pastebin.com/sZPxsHZ2 I am getting this even tho I dont see the url in the source.list17:06
Scunizikarolus98: ther's a "download as text" button.. shouldn't need a launchpad account to see the post.17:06
i7ci have a text file on my external harddrive, no suddenly the textfiles appear as #filename.txt# as well... anyone knows which program does that? o.O17:06
datruthnvm mind found it with the tool jrib suggested17:07
karolus98Scunizi: I don't mind. It redirects me to https://login.launchpad.net/8Dskq6bVp11hWsmV/+decide (formally: creating an account ;) )17:07
Scunizidatruth: what was the issue? why was it doing that?17:08
TzeMKnow anyone how to find the package xchat irc in launchpad for translation?17:08
Scunizikarolus98: do you have a different pastebin account in mind?  I did this from cli automatically with pastebinit.17:08
karolus98Scunizi: Ok, solved ; ]17:09
Scunizikarolus98: How?  highlight > copy > paste ??17:09
karolus98Scunizi: No. Create an account, log, see as plain : ]17:09
Scunizikarolus98: ah.. I didn't realize that the paste's were tied to a launchpad account.17:10
benjamin_sa va???17:10
benjamin_sa va???17:10
karolus98Scunizi: However, It's solved..  : ] ( By passing-by )17:11
tensorpudding!fr | benjamin_17:11
ubottubenjamin_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:11
bazhangbenjamin_, stop that17:11
benjamin_erghdodbkhfhfdui dfuy ghbsusb xydbxuqbxyedvu qshyxdvdgtayerjsbterque17:11
* Scunizi boing17:11
StelpaCould someone help me disable the Shift-F10 keyboard shortcut?17:12
TzeMKnow anyone how to find the package xchat irc in launchpad for translation?17:12
ScuniziTzeM: check https://launchpad.net/xchat or join #xchat and ask17:15
StelpaI really would like to disable the shift-f10 shortcut, which opens a right-click context menu. Can somebody please help me?17:16
TzeMScunizi: tnx you17:16
whitekidneyWhat plugin can I use to see windows media player web content?17:16
Scuniziwhitekidney: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6051/how-to-install-windows-media-player-plugin-on-chromium17:18
karolus98thank you for assistance, bye ;)17:18
TzeMi find the http://translationproject.org/domain/xchat.html17:18
sentriz|netbook@roelforg - its still going -.- :P17:18
TzeMif someone need the site for translation17:18
roelforgsentriz, i once had it do that for 30 min, it depends on the install size17:19
aakashhey...can anyone tell me is there a 3d designing software in ubuntu...???17:19
sentriz|netbookits been nearly an hour now :P17:19
Scuniziaakash: like CAD software?17:19
aakashScunizi : no idea about cad17:19
aakashis it like maya or something?>17:20
Stelpaso nobody can help me?17:20
Scuniziaakash: what do you want to design?  products.. graphics/video .. maya I think has a community edition.. there's also Blender17:20
xichael"missing operating system" is all i get when i try to boot from usb. i've used the Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com to load 11.10 Desktop onto the drive. any ideas what's wrong?17:20
aakashi am looking for a 3d designing software where i can design high definition objects and make them animate17:21
roelforgxichael, does your mobo support usb-boot?17:21
sirriffsalot Does anyone know how to install the jack plugin for Opera via terminal? Had to install opera through dpkg...17:21
xichaelyes. it's a dell mini 101817:21
padhuxichael: from ubuntu or windows?17:22
Scuniziaakash: Blender.. there's lots of tutorials, examples etc.. it's in the repositories through the software center or synaptic.. also check out http://www.blender.org/17:22
roelforgxichael, is the usb in the boot order before the hd17:22
roelforgpadhu, it doesn't boot any os, (i think)17:23
xichaelyes, i'm using the f12 boot menu17:23
Stelpai can't find anything on google, please someone help17:23
padhuxichael: install multisystem, then reinstall. then try again17:23
starving_fridgei've got a question17:23
ScuniziStelpa: "anything" is hard to search for.17:23
roelforgxichael, modify the bootorder, i'm thinking a bios bug prevents it from listening ;)17:23
StelpaScunizi: i've stated my problem several times17:23
starving_fridgehow to change a number of workplaces in 12.0417:24
StelpaI really would like to disable the shift-f10 shortcut, which opens a right-click context menu. Can somebody please help me?17:24
xichaeli'll try that...17:24
padhuxichael: Multi OS system?17:24
ScuniziStelpa: well... perhaps there are people that have joined after your last post and didn't see what you posted previously....17:24
aakashscunizi: thanx got it17:24
LukeNukemHow can i create a launcher17:24
LukeNukemin GNOME 3?17:24
xichaeli'd like to ditch windows, and just have ubuntu (or lubuntu)17:24
StelpaScunizi: i see17:24
Scuniziaakash: there's a pretty big learning curve.. grab a beginning tutorial to help you get started.. it's a very capable program17:25
roelforgxichael, no cd/dvd drive?17:25
coolroothi...i'm using ubuntu 10.04 lts i got Linux coolroot 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux i want to upgrade my kernel to 2.6.35 or something.....how can i do that?17:25
roelforgcoolroot, apt-get my friend17:26
aakashthanx for info...17:26
Scunizicoolroot: the latest LTS release is about to be released with a much newer kernel.. sure you don't just want to upgrade?17:26
xichaelno, it's a netbook... i just switched the boot order to no avail17:26
kjsLooking for linux users for my new community site, if anyone is interested hit up http://nixguru.com17:26
StelpaI really would like to disable the shift-f10 shortcut, which opens a right-click context menu. Can somebody please help me?17:26
xichaelit's still "missing operating system"17:26
bazhangkjs, dont advertise here17:26
roelforgxichael, can the usb boot other machines?17:26
guntbertkjs: don't advertise here, thx17:26
=== rethab is now known as rethab-afk
xichaeli'll try...17:26
sentrizHow to I edit the settigs for the side bar? :)17:26
ScuniziStelpa: a quick google search turned up https://ubuntuincident.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/17:27
coolrootScunizi,  what distro is it!? is it 10.04 lts? i just don't get it sorry lol17:27
blah1anyone using ubuntu on Macbookpro and resolved the issue where touch pad stops working randomly?17:28
blah1i've googled the shit out of that topic lots of hits but nothing definitive answer17:28
Scunizicoolroot: 10.04LTS came out in April of 2010.  Sometime this month we should be getting the official release of 12.04 LTS .. both are ubuntu. 12.04 being the newest17:28
jdhfrmy unity box is absolutely empty. how to fix?17:28
blah1btw, i'm on 12.04 desktop x64 daily as of 2 days ago.   problem also was on 11.1017:28
sacarlsoncoolroot: you might find a later version of the kernel in the ppa repository if not in your present repository list in synaptic17:28
roelforgcoolroot, sudo apt-get upgrade17:29
roelforgjdhfr, what do you mean with "empty"17:29
homehello my problem is... there are some libreries that are not abaliable in ubuntu 11.1017:29
* Scunizi AFK17:30
roelforghome, soo... Just compile them yourself17:30
jdhfrthere is nothing there17:30
jdhfronly icon with arrow in the bottom17:30
sentrizHow to I edit the settigs for the side bar? :)17:30
roelforgjdhfr, empty hd?17:30
StelpaScunizi: that is how to disable F10, not shift-f1017:30
jdhfrempty what?17:30
=== irdxafk is now known as irdx
bluebomberHi, I'm on 12.04 32bit, and when I login using the Ubuntu DE (instead of Ubuntu 2D), it works for a bit, but then when I start to scroll in Firefox, the window's contents flicker, then the entire desktop environment freezes. I can still move the mouse, though.17:31
homehow, because i tried, but it shows me an error17:31
roelforgjdhfr, sorry timing issue... Can you describe the arrow? or post in the forums with a screenshot17:31
MonkeyDustbluebomber  ask in #ubuntu+117:31
marscherdoes somebody know if you can parameterize qtiplot python scripts?17:31
homeusing the ubuntu software center17:31
bluebomberThanks, MonkeyDust.17:31
marscheri could not figure it out17:31
roelforghome, generally you do ./configure followed by make and make install (you need build-essential(17:31
jdhfrit is home icon with an arrow above17:31
sacarlsonbluebomber: stick with ubuntu 10.04 for another year if you want stable17:31
StephaneScotblahl: no idea how to fully fix it so it doesn't ever happen, but when it does just pull up a terminal control-alt-t and then remove and re-add the trackpad module (bcm5974).17:32
homei download them, and i made a sudo dpkg -i17:32
roelforgjdfhr, try clicking on the cog when logging in, and click on the unity entry17:32
blah1StephaneScot, awesome advice.  Thanks!17:33
roelforghome, tell me which lib17:33
homeand many mistakes starts17:33
StephaneScotNo problem.17:33
mesengahi.. how to compact a file and upload him in a single command.. i saw this but don't remember how to do.. something using pipe..17:33
homeok hold on i will turn my lamp top on17:33
blah1StephaneScot, btw, dunno if you tried 12.04 yet but it fixes the BCM4331 wifi stability issues such as wireless N speed.17:34
JPetersonhow do i change the tcp and udp timeouts? i.e. when my system drops idle udp connections and tcp connections in different states such as TIME_WAIT17:34
blah1my life so much better now on this mbp w/ 12.0417:34
roelforghome, "lamp top" can i use that as the hostname for my laptop?17:34
guntbert!12-04 | blah117:34
blah1gundy, ?17:34
guntbert!12.04 | blah117:34
ubottublah1: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+117:34
JPetersonare they all in /proc/sys/net/ipv4?17:35
magicJI have a system where even if I boot from the memory stick and moiunt it I can not write to the files.  If I boot in recovery mode and sign on as root I seem to be on but I can not write files.  How does this happen17:35
homesorry laptop...hahaha17:35
blah1ubottu, ok17:35
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:35
blah1guntbert, ok thx17:35
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!17:35
gundyblah1, yes?17:35
guntbertgundy: he mis-tabbed - meaning me :)17:36
roelforgmagicj, that correct17:36
xichaelroelforg, i just tried on two other systems with the same result17:36
roelforghome, still:  can i?17:36
gundyguntbert, heh.17:36
roelforgxichael, your usb is broken17:36
roelforguse the guide on the ubuntu wiki17:36
bazhangroelforg, which guide is that17:37
xichaeli just used it lats night to install Win7 on another machine, so I know it's not broken17:37
xichaeli did use the guide on the download page17:37
homeother, gconf-service-backend_3.2.517:38
xichaelit's said to use the Universal USB Installer17:38
xichaelI've reinstalled it to the drive now 3 times17:38
homeother, libgconf-2.4_3.2.517:38
homeand there are others17:39
StelpaI really would like to disable the shift-f10 shortcut in the terminal, which opens a right-click context menu. Can somebody please help me?17:39
homewhat do you think...?17:39
magicJroelforg: what do you mean "that correct"17:39
roelforgxichael, i meant your install setup on the usb... Installation/InstallationFromUSNStick17:39
homei've already download them17:39
roelforgmagicj, it's supposed to do so.17:40
bazhangroelforg, please be helpful when helping. just saying "thats correct, or look on the wiki is not helpful17:40
bazhangroelforg, if you dont know then please dont answer17:40
xichaeli'll give that a shot17:41
roelforgxichael, wiki.ubuntu.com/community/installation/FromUSBStick17:41
roelforgwoops, Installation (typo17:41
sentrizHow to I edit the settigs for the side bar? :)17:41
homeroelforg, did you see them?17:41
ansican someone please help me with aptana studio.. i am new to it and i am new to ubuntu also .. please .. it will be a big favour17:42
MrHanjrahbazhang: helping doesnt mean to give you point to point directions, telling you to look into the wiki means your queries are answerwed in the wiki, all you need is some reading skills :)17:42
roelforghome, see what?17:42
homethe libreries17:42
xichaelroelforg, would this process work with lubuntu?17:42
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bazhangMrHanjrah, thats not right. we have specific factoids for the wiki.17:42
sentrizcan someone PLEASE help me17:42
sentrizim sure its easy17:42
MrHanjrahbazhang: i agree, but why would someone point you to the wiki if something you want is not there17:43
ansii have installed aptana  apache and phpmyadmin.. but i am not able to view preview even after setting aptana properties pointing to apache www folder17:43
bazhangMrHanjrah, this is not the arch channel or the like. we *do* point to point support.17:43
homeroelforg, did you ?17:43
homeand so...17:44
roelforghome, yeah... apt-cache search libgconf showed them just fine on my systems17:44
derek925guys and someone please help me with an issue with the gnome 2.2 menu17:44
ansisome one pls help me wth aptana17:44
ansisome one pls help me wth aptana17:44
bazhangderek925, which version of ubuntu17:44
MrHanjrahbazhang: aha...!17:44
ansisome one pls help me wth aptana17:44
ansisome one pls help me wth aptana17:44
ansisome one pls help me wth aptana17:44
FloodBot1ansi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
bazhangansi, no need to repeat17:45
derek925I create a menu and put it in the wrong place so i removed it rebooted clecan cache etc etc and no mater where i put it it comes back in the same place where i didnt want it17:45
ansibazhang pleas help me17:45
bazhangderek925, which version of ubuntu17:45
derek925gnome 2.217:45
homeand so...17:45
magicJroelforg: if that's what it is supposed to do then how can I recover - surely if I am REALLY on as the root I should be able for example to change passwords - on other ubuntu systems I can17:45
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ansibazhang pleas help me17:46
oCeanansi: please stop17:46
oCean!helpme | ansi17:46
ubottuansi: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:46
sacarlsonansi: here 1.4 million results http://www.google.co.th/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=aptana&gbv=2&oq=aptana&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=hp.3..0l10.2741l2741l0l3887l1l1l0l0l0l0l165l165l0j1l1l0.frgbld.17:46
oCeansacarlson: not helpful :(17:46
sacarlsonoCean: training how to use google is bad?17:47
ansimy apologies but i am trying to seek help past 3 days but no one has responded17:47
bazhangsacarlson, please dont do that17:47
homeroelforg, what else.17:47
bazhangansi, you need to ask an actual question, all on ONE line17:47
ansii have installed aptana  apache and phpmyadmin.. but i am not able to view preview even after setting aptana properties pointing to apache www folder17:48
ansibazhang i have installed aptana  apache and phpmyadmin.. but i am not able to view preview even after setting aptana properties pointing to apache www folder17:48
bazhangansi, aptana studio?17:48
ansibazhang yer17:48
roelforghome, they are in the repo (i wanted to prove that). Did you run sudo apt-get update17:48
ansibazhang yes17:48
bazhangansi, how does that relate to lamp?17:48
homeof course17:48
derek925bazhang i see your busy if you can help when you get a chance on the menu item reaccouring17:49
derek925Id be very greatful17:49
zenmasterHi, I was curious if someone could point me into the right direction on how to install and configure Vmware on Ubuntu Server 11.10?17:49
bazhangderek925, maverick is already end of life17:49
auronandace!vmware | zenmaster17:49
ubottuzenmaster: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:49
Dragonforcehi everibody17:49
roelforghome, apt-cache policy libgconf17:49
ansibazhang i installed aptana.. then apache ..now as per aptana i am suppose to set the path of preview to apache folder.. but still i dont get a preview17:49
homewhen i used sudo aptitude17:50
bazhang!eolupgrades | derek92517:50
ubottuderek925: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:50
derek925look on you tube there millions of videos on vmware server etc17:50
DasEizenmaster: I could help you a little in pm, but I went to vbox17:50
zenmasterThank you auronandace.17:50
zenmasterI just need to throw a copy of windows on this machine I can VNC to so that I can use the power of this machine to do certain tasks. :)17:50
Dragonforcecan someone help me ? every time i start my pc, ubuntu doesn't recognize all my hardware, i need to restart to fix that, so, there's a command line that i can use to force ubuntu to reset or search hardware again ?17:51
zenmasterI don't care really what helps me accomplish this goal as long as I can get it done. :)17:51
zenmasterDasEi: So does this sound framiliar to you?17:51
bazhangDragonforce, which hardware17:51
roelforghome, ... I dunno your ubuntu version  but mine (11.10) goes back to 3.2.017:51
Dragonforcebazhang, soundcard and wireless17:51
derek925so you cant help its not a security issue its driving me mad I want to know why it keeps coming back where can i delet the menu item Ive delete the file in /usr/share/aps etc etc17:51
DasEizenmaster: no problem  , though wrong channel, feel free to pm17:51
homeroelforg, no se pudo lov}calizar el paquete libgconf17:52
Dragonforcebazhang, but after restart, its ok17:52
zenmasterSure thank you. :)17:52
ansibazhang i installed aptana.. then apache ..now as per aptana i am suppose to set the path of preview to apache folder.. but still i dont get a preview17:52
bazhangDragonforce, which card for wireless, ie chipset17:52
homesorry localizar17:52
bazhangansi, yes, patience17:52
dlentzDragonforce, have you tried the following command hwen that happens: sudo alsa force-reload17:53
Dragonforcebazhang, its an atheros, wireless card of notebook, chipset is intel but i dont know exactly17:53
Dragonforceno no dlentz , is this what im looking for, a command to re-search hardware17:53
bazhangDragonforce, it would be either atheros or intel, not intel, unless you have two17:53
dlentzwell, that one reloads sound driver/module17:53
Dragonforcedlentz, but alsa can be used for all hardware ?17:53
bazhangansi, whats the guide you are following?17:53
Dragonforcebazhang,  sorry, wireles is atheros, but the notebook is a based intel chipset17:54
homei try to translate the message. it  couldn't search the paq libgconf17:54
xichaelroelforg, just tried Linux Live Usb Creator and it had the same problem. i'll try Unetbootin now17:54
dlentzDragonforce, i would als try comparing dmesg output from a boot where everything works and one where hardware fails to work17:54
zenmasterShoot I hope IRSSI did not just auto ignore daesi. :D17:55
ansibazhang i have installed aptana  apache and phpmyadmin.. but i am not able to view preview even after setting aptana properties pointing to apache www folder17:55
bazhangzenmaster, its DasEi17:55
bazhangansi, you are not answering my questions17:55
ansibazhang http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-apache2-with-php5-and-mysql-support-on-ubuntu-11.10-lamp-p217:55
bazhangansi, stop repeating that same line17:55
SlypeIs it possible to compare Aptana to MonoDevelop?17:56
roelforghome, the livecd should enable you to use the linux tools on a different pc to create the usb17:56
bazhangSlype, more like dreamweaver17:56
b2kruI like cheese and tomato to be honest17:56
ceti331just been messing with 'synergy', what an awesome program17:56
homeroelforg, so should i try to repair the o.p17:57
bazhangansi, that link and aptana; whats the connection?17:57
homewith the livecd17:57
SlypeThank you, bazhang17:57
roelforghome, no i mean another pc with a cddrive can boot the livecd and you can use it to create the usb17:57
b2kruthe file is located on the server, its a Truecrypt locked file17:58
homenow im using a desk top pc17:58
homeand the bug is in my laptop17:58
homehow can i do that please17:59
oCeanhome what are you actually trying to accomplish? the libgconf package is called "libgconf2-4"17:59
Dragonforcedlentz, so, doen't exist a command that restart hardware detection in ubuntu ?17:59
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sacarlsonroelforg: we do have a linux tool that installs a ubuntu iso file to a usb flash without ever being on a cd17:59
roelforgsacarlson, home said that it didn't work.18:00
bazhangsacarlson, dd?18:00
homeocean, my problem is...18:00
roelforgbazhang, dd=gnu18:00
bazhangroelforg, what?18:00
roelforgbazhang, dd is a linux tool18:01
bazhangroelforg, and?18:01
sacarlsonroelforg: it doesn't work on all iso files to make them bottable but many usb-creator-gtk18:01
Rienzillaanyone here able to assist me on setting up a custom resolution with ubuntu and fglrx driver?18:01
homei run a sudo aptitude, it shows there are some broken packages18:01
Rienzillamy desired resolution is nog in the ati catalyst control panel18:01
homei could not fix it cause the are somo of them not abaliables18:02
anonDoes anybody know a file sharing tool for only 2 parties? One could use ssh servers on both sides but is there something more comfortable?18:02
auronandacehome: sudo apt-get install -f18:02
home<auronandace> it does not work18:02
sandkinganyone knows what might be the reason that when installing an app i get missint python >=2.7 while i got 3.1 installed anyway?18:02
sandkingi got both 2.6 and 3.118:02
skeldoes anyone know why ironpython wasn't carried forward from natty?18:03
sacarlsonanon: maybe ssh using nautilus then it's drag and drop like you might be used to18:03
skelor was it and I'm just missing it?18:03
xichaelok, i've now tried Linux Live Usb Creator, Unetbootin, and Universal USB Installer. they all produce a boot drive with the same "missing operating system". i've tried them on three different systems. what more can I do?18:03
skelxichael: use dd18:03
xichaelwhat's that?18:04
anonsacarlson, how I use nautilus with SSH?18:04
skelxichael: on your system, plugin the stick, from a terminal do sudo dd if=whatever.iso of=/dev/<usb device name here> bs=1M18:04
xichaeli'm on a windows machine18:04
skelxichael: ah ok =/ do you have an osx machine near? you can use dd on that too18:05
Escherialso, i've pinned an application to the unity launcher, but it's icon is just "?"18:05
Piciskel: See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ironpython/+bug/549320 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dlr-languages/+publishinghistory18:05
Escherialhow do i go about assigning it an icon? i have a png ready and er'thing18:05
roelforgxichael, livecd --- download, burn and boot using a desktop18:05
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #549320 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/549320). The error has been logged18:05
skelPici: ty!18:05
sacarlsonxichael: usb-creator works well on casper type iso files but not on all iso like ubuntu alternate iso,  maybe try http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ for more details18:05
PedroGomesHi, when installing a second Ubuntu in a free partition and forcing grub update to go to  (hd0,msdos1) (that I suppose is equal to sda1 my /boot partition) in the result all grub entries go to the new system. I can't figure this out...18:06
skelxichael: I'm not sure why those other tools aren't working for you, maybe try the fedora usb creator? I've used that to make ubuntu bootable usb devices18:06
xichaeli'm trying to install to a netbook. it has no optical drive18:06
Escherialto provide some respite from the dunning-kruger effect, i'm trying to "install" pycharm (which apparently means dumping it in some directory and running pycharm.sh when you want to use it)...attempted to pin it to the launcher while it was running, and now i have the question-mark icon woes18:06
roelforgxichael, use a desktop to boot the livecd, have the livecd dd the iso to the usb, stick the usb in the netboot18:06
xichaelsacarlson, i tried pendrivelinux's tool18:06
roelforgedit: i meant netbook18:06
home<roelforg> home, no i mean another pc with a cddrive can boot the livecd and you can use it to create the usb. how can i do it, what is adress18:07
bozoniuseven running 2D, and throttling the cpu to 60%, ubuntu VM in vbox is crashing other guests18:07
roelforghome, the normal ubuntu-install-cd is a livecd18:07
sacarlsonxichael: the method I normaly use if I still have a bootable linux disk is just create a grub2 menu to boot iso files in /etc/grub.d/40_custom18:07
homei know it18:07
bozoniuseven running fluxbox, not even having unity running, crashes other VM's18:07
Picisandking: Code for python3 is not compatible with code for python2.18:08
homebut what do you mean, i can follow you18:08
sandkingPici, oh, i thought that when it asks for >=2.7 it means that 3.1 should be ok. thanks for the info18:08
homestep by step18:08
bozoniusI want to use Ubuntu One, but its damn operating system VM is causing the rest of my system to walk with a bad limp18:09
roelforghome, can you boot it on your own?18:09
xichaelok... do you guy have some links to instructions for these methods18:09
ansibazhang http://www.htmlgoodies.com/html5/tutorials/aptana-studio-3-guided-tour-and-tutorial-create-a-web-project-using-the-html-5-boilerplate-framework.html#fbid=08uljAMcfes18:09
homeof course18:09
homeand then18:09
xichaeli'm linux illiterate as of yet18:09
roelforghome, determine what /dev/sd* is your usb.18:09
guntbert!ubuntuone | bozonius18:09
ubottubozonius: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone18:09
xichaelthe dd, and the grub2 stuff that is18:09
roelforghome, i'll assume /dev/sdd for the ease18:10
bozoniusYes I know that.  That's why I want to use it.18:10
roelforghome, sudo dd if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/sdd18:10
sacarlsonxichael: you might find better than this if you look http://icyrock.com/blog/tag/grub2/18:10
roelforghome, replace /dev/sdd with the right one18:10
bozoniusFrom what I've seen, I like it.  Trouble is, Ubuntu is crashing my other guests and worse, slowing down my entire host18:10
guntbertbozonius: sorry, the important part is in the last line :)18:10
skelxichael: have you tried https://fedorahosted.org/liveusb-creator/ ?18:10
anonlog anon18:10
bozoniusoh, ok18:10
syloshello all. This is my first time on IRC so not really sure how this works. Im trying to tack down an error and whether it is kernel based or something else. Am I in the right place?18:11
xichaelskel, i'll give that a try first18:11
guntbertsylos: this is the ubuntu support channel - so if you are on ubuntu - yes18:11
homenot man i cannot, there is an other way a easier way to do that?18:11
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
roelforghome, netbooks are just harder to install...18:12
ansibazhang http://www.htmlgoodies.com/html5/tutorials/aptana-studio-3-guided-tour-and-tutorial-create-a-web-project-using-the-html-5-boilerplate-framework.html#fbid=08uljAMcfes18:12
ansibazhang are u there?? can anyone please help  me.. its so frustrating to moveon to ubuntu..18:13
sylosguntbert: thanks here it is:   [ 7838.014939] ICE1712 0000:06:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level, low) ->18:13
sylosIRQ 1918:13
sylos[ 7838.014967] ice1712: Using board model M Audio Delta 6618:13
sylos[ 7838.014971] invalid EEPROM (size = 145)18:13
sylos[ 7838.014987] ICE1712 0000:06:00.0: PCI INT A disabled18:13
sylos[ 7838.014996] ICE1712: probe of 0000:06:00.0 failed with error -518:13
FloodBot1sylos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
homeso what shoul i do instead18:13
bazhangansi, with xampp? that looks like a windows help page18:13
roelforghome, what i said: use the livecd dd the iso to the usb18:13
oragsyHello! I'm not able to get micro SD adapter work on Ubuntu 11.10 running on Dell XPS 15. I tried following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15 but still not working.. Can anyone please heple me fid it18:13
homeroelforg, do you have a skype account?18:13
roelforghome, nope18:14
roelforghome, i do have a ubuntuforums one18:14
jbwivguys, I run a software raid mirror, with lvm on top of that, and with ext4 on top of that. since installing 11.10 (and now with 12.04) the "[jbd2/dm-1-8]" process constantly spins disks and eats i/o. Any idea how to stop this?18:14
oragsyCan anyone please help me fix it*18:14
homemsn or something18:14
sylosahh, sorry. The error comes when using an Maudio sound card BUT only when my PCIe graphics card is also installed. The maudio is old PCI18:14
ansibazhang is there any better way u know to install this18:14
guntbertsylos: I'm not good with kernel messages - I suggest you tell the channel a little about the problem and send a somewhat longer output to a !pastebin18:14
roelforghome, nope (i don't like those)18:14
bazhangroelforg, where is the iso on the livecd18:14
MonkeyDustjbwiv  #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support18:14
ansibazhang is there any better way u know to install this18:15
jbwivMonkeyDust, yep, but it happens on my other box, which is 11.1018:15
roelforgbazhang, it ain't. You can either download it inside the livecd or just use /dev/sr0 (first cd-drive) as source18:15
sylosto avoid flooding I should do it all in one post, yes?18:15
bazhangansi, is that using xampp?18:15
bazhangroelforg, does that not seem very complex to a first time user?18:16
guntbertsylos: use a !pastebin please, and for the statement - one line is perfect :)18:16
guntbert!pastebin | sylos18:16
ubottusylos: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:16
echahi, i would like to set up an ipv4 route for a connection in NetworkManager. I want to use my ethernet connection only for a certain route. I check the "ignore automatically obtained routes" and add a route for my host - however the gateway i need changes depending on when i connect to the network. Is there any way to place a dynamic net gateway parameter for this route?18:16
roelforgbazhang, it might... but on the irc, everything seems so as other messages are injected between the instructions18:16
roelforgbazhang, as a whole, it's not to hard18:17
homeroelforg, hey please help me, give me a hand with this18:17
oCeanhome, listen. Your only, actual issue is that your aptitutde gives you an error?18:17
bazhangroelforg, I'd suggest it is quite too hard for said user, without very clear explanation18:17
roelforghome, i gave the instuctions for usb install ( i might be confusing conversations now... )18:18
homenot it says that there are some broken packages18:18
oCeanhome, roelforg if that is your only issue, how come you are looking for a way to create livecd? To do what exactly?18:18
ansibazhang is there any better way u know to install this18:18
oCeanhome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto#How_to_fix_broken_packages18:18
ansibazhang is there any better way u know to install this18:18
FloodBot1ansi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:18
roelforgbazhang, try stitching them together and look18:18
roelforgbazhang, my messages i mean (i type to fast18:19
bazhangroelforg, you are the one that suggested he do this?18:19
roelforgbazhang, i think i confused home and xichael...18:19
bazhangroelforg, all just to fix some broken packages?18:19
xichael_liveusb-creator has failed as well18:19
homeyes you did hahah18:19
oCeanroelforg: do you mind a pm?18:20
roelforgoCean, no i don't, as long as it is just a link to a new or updated thread18:20
xichael_is there some way i need to be formatting the drive? a few of the utilities offer to do it for me (to FAT32), but it didn't make any difference18:21
ActionParsnipxichael_: try unetbootin18:21
Chaosadnd1Anyone have experience mounting a windows filesystem with webmin?18:21
sylosok : here is the pastebin url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/932913/   (hope I did that right)18:21
auronandace!webmin | Chaosadnd118:21
ubottuChaosadnd1: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:21
ActionParsnipChaosadnd1: webmin isn't supported or to be used18:21
ansibazhang is there any better way u know to install this18:21
bazhangansi, aptana studio?18:22
Chaosadnd1Hmm, why is it no longer supported?18:22
ansibazhang yes18:22
bazhangansi, wait a moment18:22
skelxichael_: yeah I usually just let the tool format the usb drive and haven't had any issues =/ is there a read / write switch on the drive?18:22
ActionParsnipChaosadnd1: it doesn't gel with the config files and will break your OS18:22
oCeanroelforg: pm, private message I mean. it must have opened a new tab in your irc client18:22
rattatoueI am using 10.04 LTS. I was wandering if someone could help me with getting my Netgear N150 working with it.18:22
fixxxermetHi.  If I would like to voulnteer to maintain a package (such as the user-space scripts for the lxc package), who would I contact?18:22
home<oCean>, i had tried with the synaptic, but it cannot18:23
Chaosadnd1Didnt know that. Have been running on my 11.10 server for qutie some time. Never noticed anything bad with it18:23
oCean!contribute | fixxxermet18:23
ubottufixxxermet: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu18:23
Picifixxxermet: #ubuntu-motu would be a good place to drop by.18:23
ActionParsniprattatoue: can you give a pastebin of:   sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; lsusb       Thanks18:24
xichael_no read/write switch. i've been using this drive for months to install windows 7.18:24
skiy1337xichael_: What error message to you get during mkfs.*?18:24
xichael_ActionParsnip, i've tried Unetbootin,  Linux Live Usb Creator, and Universal USB Installer as well18:24
rattatoueActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/n8nZuh8018:25
sacarlsonxichael_: I looked back about 2 hours in your chat records and can't find what version or what iso file you are working to install with usb flash18:25
ActionParsnipxichael_: safe remove the device, jam it in a windows PC and format it FAT3218:25
Chaosadnd1So is there just no alternative to webmin now for Ubuntu/Debian?18:25
ActionParsniprattatoue: you have a class C IP? The wifi appears to be working.18:25
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal Chaosadnd118:25
ActionParsnip!ebox | Chaosadnd118:26
ubottuChaosadnd1: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).18:26
Chaosadnd1Thank you18:26
ActionParsnipChaosadnd1: I suggest you just use SSH, it will teach you about your OS and your skills will be transferrable18:26
rattatoueActionParsnip, I am currently on Wifi with a WG111 Netgear. Thats where the class C IP is from. I want to use the Netgear N150 not this WG111v3 one.18:26
xichael_ActionParsnip, i've formatted to FAT32 a number of times, to no avail18:26
Chaosadnd1I already use SSH, I also use webmin for ease of use.18:27
ActionParsnipxichael_: when you unplug from windows, do you safely remove the device?18:27
Chaosadnd1If it wasnt for webmin, i likely wouldnt be using Ubuntu at all. it helped me  learn alot.18:27
skelxichael_: you're using a standard thumbdrive right? Not a usb partition on a mobile phone or anything like that?18:28
sacarlsonxichael_: might try lubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso  or ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso  they are stable and are casper type that many have used as bootable usb flash installs18:28
xichael_sacarlson, i was just here under xichael .. it disconnected me and logged me back in with this. I am attempting ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso and lubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso . neither has worked with any of the utilities i've tried.18:28
DasEiChaosadnd1: webmin is quite insecure18:28
ActionParsniprattatoue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1663232    seems to use ndiswrapper18:28
Chaosadnd1Oh I understand that now, was just answering what was directed at me.18:28
xichael_skel, yes, standard thumb drive18:28
xichael_ActionParsnip, i've been safely removing each time18:29
ActionParsnipxichael_: good, that's important18:29
xichael_sacarlson, i'll try 10.0418:29
ActionParsnipxichael_: if all alse fails, grab a magnet and put it on one side, then the other. Then format is and try again.18:29
skelxichael_: it could also be a corrupt iso =/ those are tough things to determine without already running linux18:29
davhello, im trying to build a project and I get this error, I guess I am missing a library. here is the error output: http://pastebin.com/JH5UVDgk18:30
xichael_i've downloaded both via bittorrent18:30
ActionParsniprattatoue: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/16711118:30
manitouhi im new to ubuntu project , not totaly noob vith linux ! one Q:update from Beta2 to final LTS is it possible ?18:30
sacarlsonxichael_: those i see you have should have worked too but missed why they failed maybe black screen?18:30
skelxichael_: did the md5sums match up?18:30
bazhang!final | manitou18:30
ubottumanitou: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.18:30
roothi all18:30
=== root is now known as Guest21576
xichael_sacarlson, i'm getting "Missing Operating System" at boot up18:31
manitouubottu: thx that is nice !18:31
ActionParsnip!rooirc | Guest2157618:31
sacarlsonxichael_: sounds like bios picks the wrong sequence of device to boot first18:31
xichael_skel, i believe a couple of the utilities had checked that with no issues18:32
skelxichael_: dumb question but did you already modify the bios to be ahead of the in system disk for boot order?18:32
Guest21576i need some help18:32
Guest21576is any one can help me18:32
xichael_both using the boot menu (F12 on the Dell) and editing the BIOS18:33
sacarlsonxichael_: my notebook is like that every time I reboot I have to change the bios to get it to boot the usb,  eeepc for me18:33
sauce_bosseee pcs are terrible18:33
xichael_this one's pretty consistent. the BIOS settings are saved fine,18:34
sacarlsonsauce_boss: I love it18:34
sauce_bossits good for travel18:34
sauce_bossi knew a guy who managed to put minecraft on it18:34
xichael_it just won't recognize the contents as bootable18:34
bazhang!ot | sauce_boss18:34
ubottusauce_boss: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:34
=== sentriz is now known as sentriz|away
sacarlsonxichael_:  if the usb software program did verification then it must be bios I think18:35
sacarlsonxichael_: I have also got some counterfit usb's here in thailand that have caused me problems18:36
=== jeff_ is now known as rattatoue
xichael_i have tried this on 2 other machines and had the same problem... the USB is fine, as I use it to install Windows 7 all the time18:37
ActionParsnipxichael_: try the mini install. May help. Use a wired connection and you can install using the repos18:37
xichael_ActionParsnip, i'm on Windows 718:37
sacarlsonxichael_: try at least start install win 7 on your notebook to verify that the bios is set good18:37
sauce_bossprobably its ur live usb creator program thats dodgy, i use unetbootin, works the best18:38
ActionParsnipxichael_: so? You can put the mini ISO on the USB with Win7. What does the version of windows have to do with anything?18:38
sacarlsonxichael_: I'm sure you did an md5sum of the iso you put on the usb flash drive to verify it's not corrupted18:40
ActionParsnipxichael_: you could even be using a Mac and the process using unetbootin is the same.....18:40
xichael_ActionParsnip, ok, i thought you were referring to something i had to do from linux18:40
scrubHey can someone help me, for some reason my Ubuntu software center wont let me press the download buttton, it is just greyed out18:40
skiy1337scrub, I can help you install from command line.18:40
skiy1337So, which program do you want?18:40
ActionParsnipxichael_: no, not at all. Its just a small installation that installs from the web rather than using the CD as the source of packages18:40
sacarlsonscrub  maybe it want you to be sudo?18:41
pilotbubxichael: boot up win 7 and vbox ubuntu until you get your fill18:41
xichael_sacarlson, how is this done?18:41
scrubI am sudo18:41
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
xichael_ActionParsnip, do you have a link for some instructions?18:41
scrubskiy1337, kismet-2011.03.2a.i386 is what I downloaded18:41
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:42
scrubwhich then opened in the software center18:42
skiy1337sudo dpkg -i *.deb18:42
ActionParsnipxichael_: ^18:42
sacarlsonxichael_: md5sum?  from windows 7?  http://www.winmd5.com/  or others18:42
scrubugh, im such a windows baby.18:42
sacarlsonscrub: we all were or still are babies18:43
=== zz_Eledran is now known as Eledran
skiy1337Well anyway, after that type: sudo apt-get -f install18:43
scrub<skiy1337> sudo dpkg -i *.deb   was that the command for me?18:43
skiy1337scrub, yes both of them18:43
skiy1337Make sure that's the only .deb file in Downloads/18:45
sacarlsonActionParsnip: funny I couldn't get ubuntu alternate cd to work as a usb or grub2,  but I guess they have mini.iso working?18:45
xichael_sacarlson, they matched18:45
scrubskiy1337, when typing in the first command I got there is no such directoy as *.deb18:45
xichael_how would the MinimalCD help me in this case?18:45
ActionParsnipsacarlson: i believe it does :)18:45
skiy1337cd; cd Downloads/; sudo dpkg # etc.18:45
ActionParsnipxichael_: its a different ISO to try18:45
sacarlsonxichael_: ok one posibility down,   so how to check if bios is set correct?18:45
jolassta, are you there?18:46
sacarlsonActionParsnip: xichael_: ya and only 24 meg to down load to try18:46
xichael_well, i'm sure the BIOS is set up correctly. on all 3 machines I've tried this on, i've previouly installed Windows 7 via USB without issue18:47
jolassta, if windows recovery cd doesn't work, can I undo its changes by dd'ing the file back to the partition?18:47
xichael_sacarlson, i'll give it a try18:48
jolaor should I try to repair it with testdisk first?18:48
jolaapparently the disk doesn't have bad sectors, I used dd_rescue and it showed 0 errors18:49
sstajola: try repairing first, but you can undo the changes...this is why you took the copy in the first place18:49
sacarlsonxichael_: I hope you pick the verify option on your usb or maybe do the full diagnostics on the device,  they don't all work18:49
jbwivguys, I suspect (based on reading bug reports) that pm-utils is causing some unwanted disk writes. I proceeded to uninstall it with apt, but apt wants to uninstall gnome-session as well? Anyone know why/how to get around?18:50
jolassta, I wasn't sure I could just copy it back. if not, I'd have to find a tool that can recover individual files from the partition image, but I'd have to reinstall everything, which is what I want to avoid18:50
sstajola: yeah, good luck with it.18:51
sstajola: and learn the lesson...backups! :)18:51
jolassta, so should I do "chkdsk c: /f" or choose "repair an existing windows installation" from the menu?18:51
jolaor both? in which order?18:51
sstajola: I'd try the repair first, but that's just me18:51
xichael_sacarlson, i just used this USB thumbdrive last night to install windows on another machine, but i'll look into running a diagnostic. i think sandisk has a utility...18:51
DemonIDHi All..18:52
DemonIDWitaam !18:52
jolassta, if that fails, do you know of a free tool that repairs NTFS signatures?18:52
ubottuzeusdark: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:53
sstajola: offhand, no18:54
xichael_the miniCD just gave me the same "missing operating system" as the others. maybe i'll try another distro to rule out ubuntu as the problem18:54
jolaok, I'll try the windows recovery cd now18:54
xichael_what should I try, Debian?18:54
=== flavio is now known as Guest48105
xichael_Fedora. I'll try that.18:55
shade34321a user is trying to ssh to another computer but is receiving a host key verification failed error...we've deleted his known_hosts files already but still getting it...any ideas?18:56
jolassta, if it doesn't work, should I do fixboot or fixmbr?18:57
sstajola: you have a backup, do whichever seems appropriate18:57
jolaI don't know what seems appropriate18:57
jolarecopying the backup for each try would take days18:58
jolathe backup took a day to copy18:58
susannehi. can someone plz. help me... I cant watch any videos on firefox. Tried to download java but it doesnt seem to work...18:58
xichael_i better go catch some sunshine. i'll get back to this later. thanks for everyone's help!18:59
auronandacesusanne: what uses java to play vids?18:59
skelsusanne: chances are you don't need java for streaming video18:59
Fyodorovnasusanne, did you install the restricted extras?18:59
sstajola: welcome to disk recovery18:59
skelsusanne: do you have the adobe flash plugin installed?18:59
susannei checked the plugins flash plugin is installed19:00
sstajola: there's a reason a decent specialist will charke like $1000 to even look at something19:00
yeatssusanne: do you get an error when a video doesn't play?19:00
jolassta, yes, but just because someone charges $1000 that doesn't make him a specialist19:00
susanneit only sais check plugins19:01
jolamaybe he just looks at it, even though he is a specialist19:01
yeatssusanne: how did you install flash?19:01
susanneUbuntu software center19:01
sstajola: sure.  No data recovery specialist will promise to get your data back.  It's hit and miss.  It's a LOT easier to restore from backup than recover data on a fried filesystem19:01
yeatssusanne: try typing 'about:plugins' into Firefox's address bar... does flash show up there?19:02
skeljola: if you need to recover files off a lost filesystem, photorec works pretty well (sorry I missed the first part of the discussion)19:02
susannei try19:02
Fyodorovnasusanne, generally all you have to install is the ubuntu-restricted-extras  it has plugins ms font and flash all in one.19:02
susannex shockwave flash19:03
yeatssusanne: have you restarted FF since installing flash?19:03
yeatssusanne: okay - I'm tapped out then ;-)19:03
jolaskel, I want to avoid having to reinstall everything. do you know how I can repair the NTFS signature?19:03
susannewill i find the restricted-extres in the software center19:04
Fyodorovnasusanne, yes, please use nics in the chanel as wel.19:04
susanneok fyodorovna19:05
Fyodorovnasusanne, cool ;)19:05
skeljola: sorry I missed the first part of the discussion (small scrollback buffer) what happened?19:05
teligardHi all19:08
=== Origin is now known as Orijen
jolaskel, after a BSOD some days ago (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, NDIS.sys) I couldn't boot windows anymore, nor mount the partition under linux. mount said the NTFS signature was missing. I copied the partition as an image to my external drive19:08
jolaand now want to repair the NTFS signature19:08
teligardAnyone have any ideas why when I boot, I have all of my shares (fstab appears to work), but if I perform a umount -a -t cifs and then a mount -a, the system returns an error saying that the fstab is incorrect?19:09
sstajola: did the XP recovery tool fail?19:10
skeljola: yeah if you boot off your windows install cd there should be an active parition recovery option19:11
Fyodorovnajola, have you tried the ##windows channel, for fixing a broken partition table.19:12
=== szymon is now known as Garet
jolaFyodorovna, no, I only had the info that the NTFS signature was missing19:13
jolaI don't know what else was overwritten by that driver19:13
DasEiteligard: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab19:13
Fyodorovnajola, not really sure here but when I look that up it appears top be a broken partition table, may not really be fixable efficiently really.19:14
skeljola: if you've cloned the disk image already and have it backed up, you could try: http://www.howtoforge.com/ntfs-disk-recovery19:14
DasEiteligard: url ?19:17
Swindenjoin #familab19:19
n233g16I installed ubuntu alone on my PC19:24
n233g16I think I've selected it to encrypt my files in /home19:24
yzhdGuys, I'm trying to repo init, but I19:24
n233g16now when I want to edit a text file, it says I'm not the owner19:24
n233g16should I sudo change the file's permissions?19:25
yzhdi'm getting this error: ~/android/system$ repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b gingerbread19:25
yzhdNo command 'repo' found, did you mean:19:25
yzhd. I think I have to path /bin?19:25
aciculan233g16: which text file19:25
n233g16or is there another way to deal with this?19:25
n233g16I've made a simple text file in my documents folder acicula19:25
craigbass1976My number pad isn't working so well.  When numlock is off, home, end, etc are all workign properly.  When I hit shift Home (to select everything from where I am back to the beginning of the line) I get 7.  10.04 is the last time I didn't see this happening.19:25
n233g16using sudo gedit19:25
DasEin233g16: has nothing to do with each other solution is..19:25
aciculan233g16: you should never use sudo in combination with a grafical program19:26
n233g16got it acicula19:26
DasEiand use gksu for graphical sudo , n233g1619:26
n233g16acicula: I've used because it would let me store in ~/Documents19:26
aciculan233g16: if you saved a file when using sudo  its owned by root and you need to change the ownership using chown19:26
n233g16Thanks DasEi19:26
aciculan233g16: you need to check the permissions of Documentd then, you should almost never need to use root priviledges like that directly19:27
DasEin233g16: but back to your problem , you try to open a file from without running ubu on ecryptfs ? or a permission problem ?19:27
n233g16acicula: ok, I'll do it. But next time I want to write in my ~/Documents, I should be able to just use gedit as a regular user19:27
jolassta, skel: testdisk said the bootsector was bad and I copied the backup boot sector over the boot sector, now I can mount the windows partition, I'll try to boot into windows now19:27
n233g16DasEi: I'm trying to open it just like I used to do before encryption19:28
aciculan233g16: by default you should be yeah, unless you changed something.19:28
n233g16DasEi: without using anything19:28
jolawish me luck19:28
n233g16acicula: I haven't. It's a "vanilla" install19:28
DasEin233g16: sudo chown -R >YourUsernameHere< ~/myDocuments         that ones whole dir and subdir , but ask, if unsure19:29
aciculan233g16: thats odd, check that your user owns the Documents directory and that its rw for at least your user19:29
n233g16DasEi: Thank you!19:29
DasEiand again as said above, that's nothing about ecryptfs19:29
n233g16acicula: Thank you !19:29
AbijarHello, I have a problem with Oneiric on a eMachines e525, GPU Intel GMA 900. Resolution is only 1024x (should be 1333) and cant be changed. Research on Internet say the i965-Driver should help - but it doesnt.19:29
AbijarAny suggestions? :/19:29
DasEiones=owns , n233g1619:30
n233g16It was the whole directory permissions that weren't correct19:30
aciculan233g16: great :)19:30
DasEin233g16: problem with that cmd in general, it also does it to all subdirs, so be carefull not to run root19:31
aciculaAbijar: are you sure its loaded the intel driver and not the standard vesa driver? thats why you would see the 1024x768 resolution19:31
AbijarHm, I installed it. How can i see if it loaded?19:32
ubottuyado: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:32
n233g16DasEi: got it ;)19:32
Ben64yado: why !list19:32
DasEi!support | yado , ;)19:33
ubottuyado , ;): The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:33
sha0coderhi ppl19:34
aciculaAbijar: uhm id guess /var/log/Xfree.0.log or maybe the glxinfo can be of some help there19:34
=== eddie is now known as Guest53083
JonEdneyHey, anyone here familiar with XChat and possibly making custom settings?  I'm trying to set alerts only for a specific network, not everywhere I'm connected to.  Any ideas?  XChat channel, no one has any clue.19:35
yzhdi'm getting this error: ~/android/system$ repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b gingerbread. I think I have to path /bin. Anyone knows how to do that?19:35
aciculayzhd /bin is always in your path, or your system would not even be working19:36
osseIf I ssh to a machine and start a shell like so 'ssh -t hostname bash' I cannot type any of the characters æøå and probably many others. Why is that? Obviously starting bash that way is pointless; what I'm actually doing is starting tmux, but I guess this rules tmux out.19:37
yzhdacicula, why do I get that error?19:37
aciculayzhd: what error19:37
Boohbahosse: probably due to the locale settings of your remote host19:37
yzhdacicula, No command 'repo' found, did you mean:19:38
yzhd Command 'rep' from package 'rep' (universe)19:38
yzhd Command 'repl' from package 'nmh' (universe)19:38
yzhd Command 'repl' from package 'mailutils-mh' (universe)19:38
yzhdrepo: command not found19:38
FloodBot1yzhd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
osseBoohbah, indeed.19:38
aciculaosse: sshing from osx?19:39
geek0091hey need some help transfering files from the rescue shell on the ubuntu recovery cd19:39
osseacicula, no. From Ubuntu19:39
yzhdacicula, did you see what I sent? or was it removed because of flood?19:40
geek0091no ssh installed, nothing, trying to figure out how to transfer dir or files on hd19:40
geek0091dir of files*19:40
aciculayzhd: maybe its not packaged, instrucions on how to install it are here https://source.android.com/source/downloading.html19:40
osseBoohbah, when I log in regularly I get 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' and all the others except LC_ALL. When I log in with -t LANG also is empty the the remaining ones are POSIX. Do you know how I fix this?19:41
DasEigeek0091: little confusing talk, you want to use live cd to get files from hd ?19:41
Piciyzhd: You forgot the first part of your command.   shouldn't it be: git init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b gingerbread19:42
yzhdPici, have no idea :/ I'm following this guide : http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/HTC_Desire_(GSM):_Compile_CyanogenMod_(Linux)19:42
sirriffsalot_Hello! Does anyone know where I could find the JACK plugin for Opera? I can't find it in synaptic...19:43
Abijaracicula: Log says: "[   729.612] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so", glxinfo: OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer ...19:45
Piciyzhd: Ah, I see. Can you try doing:    source ~/.profile    and see if that fixes it?19:45
yzhdPici, btw, I'm "Cd'ied" inside android/system19:45
DasEigeek0091: ?19:46
Piciyzhd: thats fine.19:46
yzhdPici, it worked :D Terminal is doing something now19:46
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roastedQuestion - how do I log out of the GUI and return back to the login screen via terminal?19:47
yzhdPici, before I start repo sync j-16, do you know how I can do this? : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=22307617&postcount=319:47
tarrenjhey, I'm installing a package from source, but I'm getting a make error 2.  I remember that being an easy fix, but not what it is.19:47
ActionParsniproasted: killall -u $USER    works, if a bit heavy handed19:47
yzhdpici, it's just gedit I guess19:48
Piciyzhd: It sounds pretty self explanitory.  Yes.19:48
roastedActionParsnip: is that the optimum way to quietly log out, though?19:48
ctjctjWhat is the name of the package that provides the network-manager interface that shows up in the menubar next to the sound control (applet?)19:48
guntbertroasted: what DE are you using?19:48
ActionParsniproasted: define optimum19:48
roastedActionParsnip: pulling the plug on a computer is convenient to turn it off, but not optimum.19:49
trismtarrenj: hard to say without seeing the error, pastebin?19:49
roastedguntbert: gnome classic or unity. both I would like to find out.19:49
tarrenjsure, trism19:49
ActionParsniproasted: that 'ideal' not optimum19:49
ctjctjIssue is that one of my users does not get the menu item "VPN Connections..." and my other user account does.  I'm trying to determine what is the difference between those two user accounts19:49
xangua!info gnome-network-manager | ctjctj19:49
ubottuctjctj: Package gnome-network-manager does not exist in oneiric19:49
xangua!info network-manager-gnome | ctjctj19:50
ubottuctjctj: network-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 407 kB, installed size 2076 kB19:50
ActionParsniproasted: there is the gnome-session command but the command I gave will work19:50
guntbertroasted: for gnome there is gnome-session-quit19:50
ctjctjxangua: I've searched that package for "VPN Connections"  It shows up in the po directories but not in any source file.  I'm sure this is luser error.19:51
=== mh0 is now known as evil0
ActionParsniproasted: gnome-session-quit --no-prompt19:51
tarrenjtrism, http://pastebin.com/azJq0vra19:51
roastedActionParsnip: snazzy. I'll try that out. Appreciate it.19:51
ctjctjxangua: disregard.  :-( luser error on reading the info you gave me.  Thank you.19:52
yzhdPici, there was a command that showed the size of a folder. Which one was that? I CD'ed then ls something19:53
Piciyzhd: du -h or du -hs19:54
yzhdPici, that's the command, thanks :D19:54
trismtarrenj: do you have the kernel headers installed?19:54
Piciyzhd: np19:54
tarrenjkernal headers?19:54
trismtarrenj: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r);19:55
tarrenjtrism, kernal headers? I'm installing something else right now, but as soon as thats done I will thakn19:55
yzhdPici, one last question :D A week or two ago.. I download a program that edited the fonts.. and the circle loading thing on the mouse etc... You have any idea on what the name of that program can be? I have uninstalled it. It was a common program. I'm searching, but can't find anything19:55
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jeff__I have a Netgear N150 and I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I am currently on a different USB Wireless dongle right now, so any suggestions would help greatly.19:56
tarrenjtrism, whats with the -$(uname -r)?19:56
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trismtarrenj: it just gets the version of your running kernel19:56
Piciyzhd: Uhh... I'm not sure, sorry.  I'm not much of a gui person.19:56
tarrenjahh thanks19:56
yzhdPici, I see. Thanks for all your help though! I appreciate it :)19:57
sentriz|netbookim stuck on 'ld config derrered processing now taking place' after doing 'sudo apt-get install gnome-shell'19:57
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sentriz|netbookits been like 3hrs19:57
DasEisentriz|netbook: stuck means ? system frozen ?19:58
sentriz|netbookits just staying there - system isnt frozen19:58
DasEisentriz|netbook: ctrl+c19:58
ActionParsnipsentriz|netbook: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc19:58
* ldvx board19:58
DasEisentriz|netbook: sudo dpkg --configure -a19:58
tarrenjwhen in doubt, Ctrl+C, then rerun the command, sentriz|netbook19:58
tarrenjtrism, http://pastebin.com/ciftspeU  errors installing20:00
sentriz|netbook@ActionParsnip - oneiric20:00
jeff__I have a Netgear N150 and I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I am currently on a different USB Wireless dongle right now, so any suggestions would help greatly.20:00
ActionParsnipsentriz|netbook: are you getting the package from the main repo or a ppa?20:00
DasEisentriz|netbook: issued dpkg command ?20:00
ActionParsnipjeff__: tried ndiswrapper?20:00
roastedActionParsnip: any idea how I'd accomplish taht task (gnome-session-quit --no-prompt) but with xfce?20:00
trismtarrenj: what does uname -a; return?20:00
tarrenjtrism, nevermind fixed it20:01
ActionParsniproasted: not sure, let me see.20:01
tarrenjand Linux Veelox 3.3.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Apr 14 09:48:37 CEST 2012 x86_64 AMD E-450 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux20:01
tarrenjmeh, kinda big, but not too big, close though20:01
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jeff__ActionParsnip, yes and it says its successful, but it says this in the terminal. netathurx : driver installeddevice (0846:9030) present.  But still nothing is showing up for it in iwconfig.20:02
tarrenjalso, make is working now, thanks trism20:02
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ActionParsnipjeff__: did you run:  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper20:02
DasEisentriz|netbook: issued dpkg command ?20:02
sentriz|netbooki will20:02
roastedActionParsnip: looks like xfce session is xfce4-session, but not sure how to drop it. it says command not found = xfce4-session-quit --no-prompt20:02
jeff__ActionParsnip, yes20:03
DasEisentriz|netbook: please put nick when responding20:03
ActionParsniproasted: http://linux.die.net/man/1/xfce4-session-logout20:03
jeff__ActionParsnip, WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.20:03
ActionParsnipjeff__: run:   sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf20:03
jeff__ActionParsnip, did that then reran the modprobe thing and it still not showing up in iwconfig or ifconfig20:04
ActionParsnipjeff__: all the files need to have a .conf extension in that folder for some weird reason20:04
roastedActionParsnip: you the man.20:04
ActionParsniproasted: all I do is web search20:04
tarrenjroasted, who the man?20:04
roastedActionParsnip: hey, I did too.20:04
sentriz|netbookDasEi - it asked for a pass, I gave it one, and thats it20:04
roastedActionParsnip: perhaps I fail @ web search :(20:04
DasEisentriz|netbook: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:05
DasEisentriz|netbook: what was the package you tried to install ?20:05
jeff__ActionParsnip, okay well that errors fixed, but still the same problem.20:05
sentriz|netbookDasEi - gnome-shell20:05
DasEisentriz|netbook: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-shell last then20:06
tarrenjanyone have anything against running make clean install?20:06
ActionParsnipjeff__: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see wireless networks?20:06
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DasEisentriz|netbook: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-shell                          last then20:06
jeff__ActionParsnip, no20:06
DasEitarrenj: nope, but wrong channel if you are running arch20:06
sentriz|netbookDasEi - can you put all commands in "'''s" please :)20:07
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tarrenjDasEi, I know, I just figured I could come here since compiling from source is a bit more of a newbby thing, and the compile commands are the same,  thanks for letting me stay, later20:07
DasEisentriz|netbook: I will start the terminal lines so20:07
DasEisentriz|netbook: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:08
DasEisentriz|netbook: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-shell20:08
crazyandi86hi! i need to find a program, which is located anywhere in my $PATH. Can i search for it with wildcards?20:09
crazyandi86i mean like "findprog *programxy*"20:09
guntberttarrenj: something to read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile20:09
escapeplanAnybody here familiar with Conky ?20:10
DasEicrazyandi86: sudo updatedb && locate <programname>20:10
DasEiescapeplan: just ask the real q20:10
sh0thi all.20:10
lwizardlis there a way to create a sort of docked area to have the mounted partitions always showup in versus just randomly popping up somewhere on the desktop ?20:10
sh0tdoes anybody know how to use ipod shuffle on ubuntu ? (without virtualization or emualtion?)20:10
crazyandi86DasEi: you mean like "find / -name "*program*"20:10
tarrenjhmm, looks interesting, thanks guntbert20:10
guntbert!it | ivan__20:10
ubottuivan__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:10
sh0ti read already something but nothing seems working20:10
sentriz|netbookDasEi - okaym it's doing some stuff now lol20:11
DasEicrazyandi86: sudo updatedb && locate <programn*>20:11
guntberttarrenj: you're welcome :-)20:11
DasEicrazyandi86: like locate gedi*20:11
crazyandi86DasEi: ok, i'll give it a try20:11
sentriz|netbookDasEi - Setting up gnome-shell (some stuff 0ubuntu)20:11
sentriz|netbookDasEi - Setting up gnome-shell (some stuff 0ubuntu)20:11
sentriz|netbookDasEi - "Setting up gnome-shell (some stuff 0ubuntu)"20:12
roastedQuestion - I'm trying to make some Linux systems in our environment "self healing" for student profile issues on our machines. Long story short, I want to create a user who runs a script when they log in. The script needs root priviledges. How can I issue root priviledges to this script when ONLY this particular user logs in? I was going to tag it in startup applications and run it via "command" but it needs sudo so I'm not sure how20:12
DasEisentriz|netbook: ?20:12
sentriz|netbookDasEi - thats what it says20:12
sysfailurei would write a script and add it to his permissions20:12
guntbertroasted: what speak against sudo?20:13
crazyandi86DasEi: for performance reasons i at first only wanted to search in my PATH, doesn't updatedb index my whole filesystem?20:13
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roastedguntbert: pardon?20:13
DasEicrazyandi86: yes, one time , I had my issues with find20:13
guntbertroasted: you talked about "but it needs sudo" - where is the problem?20:14
roastedguntbert: if I run a root command in "startup applications" will it not prompt me for my password?20:14
crazyandi86DasEi: but i mean, i can search quite fast for programs starting with program by typing "prog <TAB><TAB>"20:14
yaksterif any one has the time, and the know how, I ahve an issue with sound sometimes not working on my system. I believe that it is because ALSA is not making my audio device default. it changes with every boot… can anyone help me with setting it up so a specific device is default?20:15
crazyandi86DasEi: isn't a tool out there for doing that with wildcards?20:15
sysfailurerun a shell script in the users file, when he logs on it will use his password if you assign it to his login20:15
ActionParsnipyakster: you could have a command that runs at login and sets the sound device.20:15
DasEicrazyandi86: you can pipe via grep, I'm not sure if I understand you20:16
yaksterthat is what I am looking for… I didnt know what owuld be the best way…20:16
guntbertroasted: ah I see  -  well you can give a user the permissions to run *one command* and to not need a password with sudo - it is only a little complicated20:16
ActionParsnipyakster: you may find:    killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*20:16
DasEisentriz|netbook: still spilling errors ?20:16
crazyandi86DasEi: i yust mean, i seriously don't want to index my whole filesys before searching a (perhaps new) command in my path20:17
sentriz|netbookDasEi - its now "stuck" on 'setting up gnome-shell ( ...'20:17
sentriz|netbookDasEi - its now "stuck" on 'setting up gnome-shell ( ...'20:17
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yaksterhere is my aplay -l20:18
roastedguntbert: ehh that's kind of where I get hung up. I need a root command to run at login for a specific user. It's a long story... basically I'm in an elementary school running linux laptops. Cool, right? They use a local "student" account that automatically logs them in. For SOME reason, no idea why, but for some reason sometimes their home folder gets borked and we have to reset it.20:18
roastedguntbert: the reset? rm -rf /home/student, then cp -R it from /etc/skel, and reassign perms and ownership.20:18
Guest71555does anyone know the best way going about partitioning a harddrive to run two OS alongside each other?20:18
yakstersometimes I get 2 card 1's, and other times 2 card 0's20:18
beandogroasted: rsync --delete would be easier20:18
roastedguntbert: I want to create a user named ResetProfile, with a command that runs, via root, when the ResetProfile user logs in. Then at hte end of the script, it automatically logs them out. The script has been tested and it's done. I just need a way to run it via root.20:19
DasEi!gparted | Guest7155520:19
ubottuGuest71555: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:19
sentriz|netbookGuest71555 - wubi20:19
DasEi!dualboot | Guest7155520:19
ubottuGuest71555: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:19
roastedbeandog: oh, true. I hadn't thought of that. Same basic concept, though.. It's a matter of like 10 MB that gets copied.20:19
ActionParsnipyakster: deleting the pulse things may help20:19
yaksterguest71555, gparted20:19
sentriz|netbookDasEi - its now "stuck" on 'setting up gnome-shell ( ...'20:19
roastedLong story short, if I can find a way to SOMEHOW run this root script at a specific user login, I'm golden.20:19
DasEiGuest71555: wubi I wouldn't suggest for long term run20:20
yaksterok, I am not to familiar with pulse, isnt that the replacemnt for ALSA?20:20
beandogroasted: .bash_login ?20:20
yaksteror somthing like that20:20
Guest71555ok thanks20:20
roastedbeandog: as root, though?20:20
sentriz|netbookDasEi - its now "stuck" on 'setting up gnome-shell ( ...'20:20
beandogroasted: create a shell script, and tell sudo to allow the user to run it as root, but only that command20:20
guntbertroasted: use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers, there you can allow one single user to run one single command (and without the need for a password) even with root permissions20:20
roastedguntbert: not sure I'm entirely following...20:21
yaksterok, what was the pulse command again?20:21
Piciroasted: but make sure that the script itself cannot be edited by that user, only read and executed.20:21
DasEisentriz|netbook: ctrl+c it again then20:21
ActionParsnipyakster: pulse is an abstraction for alsa20:21
roastedguntbert: I can basically tell the sudoers file to allow a user to run one specific command as root?20:21
beandogroasted: you can  give sudo permissions to run just ONE command20:21
DasEisentriz|netbook:"sudo apt-get -f install20:21
ActionParsnip(21:16:54) ActionParsnip: yakster: you may find:    killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*            a simple scrollup would have shown that....20:21
DasEisentriz|netbook:does this add anything ?20:21
beandogor any # of commands, really20:21
yaksterI accidently closed the chat room… sry20:22
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guntbertroasted: roasted yes, like beandog said too - AND you can allow that without the need for a password20:22
beandogthe principle is that you can limit them to running specific commands20:22
yaksterok so removing pulse will cause the system to regenerate its config???20:22
sentriz|netbookDasEi - 0 installed 0 newly .... 0 everything20:23
roastedguntbert: hmm, this sounds like what I need, but I'm not sure how I'd actually do it... do you have an example, or a link or something?20:24
DasEisentriz|netbook: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list20:24
sentriz|netbookoh god20:24
beandogroasted: just google for sudo howto, or read the manpage20:24
sentriz|netbookDasEi - hoe to c&p that20:24
beandogit's pretty simple20:24
sentriz|netbookDasEi - *how to c&p that20:24
yaksterok I have no pulseaudip processes20:25
DasEisentriz|netbook: simply issue cmds as given, it reurns a url, give that here20:25
yaksterI do have ~./pulse/"gobbledygook"/ directory in my home folder20:25
guntbertbeandog: please show him https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo  when he returns, I have to leave20:26
DasEisentriz|netbook: or c/p commands from messenger to terminal ?20:26
beandogguntbert: kk thx20:26
sentriz|netbookDasEi - http://paste.ubuntu.com/933102/20:26
crazyandi86DasEi: again me, did it like this: "for i in $(printenv PATH | tr : " ");do find $i -name "*python*";done;"20:26
ActionParsnipyakster: the process needs killing to delete the pulse cookie and the pulse folder, they will then be regenerated20:26
MongeyHey I'm getting really bad distortion / noise when I try to use my mic20:26
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crazyandi86DasEi: think it will be faster, because it will only search in PATH, i think i should define a function for it20:28
MongeyActually sound seems to be distorted too20:28
sentriz|netbookDasEi - http://paste.ubuntu.com/933102/20:29
DasEicrazyandi86: sure, as said find played tricks on me, I like locate better20:29
DrManhattanI need a guide for the available kernels please - Im running ubuntu on a VM and I'm trying to get the best kernel for the machine20:30
DasEisentriz|netbook: got it the first time, apart from extras I can't find anything suspicious20:30
crazyandi86yes, at first also thougt so, but when i got the trick with find, you will like it to20:31
sentriz|netbookDasEi - so what do I do? Im sorry this is really bugging me20:31
cocolosmsg nickserv identify carlosrojas20:31
crazyandi86i mean, there for sure will be use for both of the programs20:31
sentriz|netbookomg lol20:32
yaksterok, how do I find the PID of pulse audio?20:32
crazyandi86DasEi: thanks for your help20:32
DasEisentriz|netbook: "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-shell20:33
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* yakster falls20:34
* yakster fails at life20:34
DasEiyakster: ps -aux | grep pulse*20:37
yaksterok, aparently I dont have pulse running on my system20:38
DasEisentriz|netbook: if that also fails, you either have to crawl apt's messages or first set up a "rural" sources.list by commenting out any fancy lines, like updates, backports,extras and agaoin try to install, also I can't predict what extras with partners disabled will do20:39
DasEiyakster: or look in top/htop20:39
mnewtonhey #ubuntu - anyone good at bash who can help me write a command20:39
beandogyakster: okay, out of curiosity, what are you trying to do?20:40
DasEibeandog: PID of pulse-aud.20:40
yaksteralrighty then…. when my system starts, sometimes audio starts other times not….20:40
yaksterwell it alyws starts but not alyws are the sound cards the same20:40
DasEimnewton: #bash20:41
yaksterlike plughw:0,0 is not alyws 0,0, sometimes it  1,020:41
beandogyakster: how many sound cards do you have20:42
beandogDasEi: pidof pulseaudio ?20:42
DasEibeandog: is what yakster was looking for, y20:42
yaksterits xbmcbuntu distro I am running… but the issue isnt xbmc, its ubuntu…20:43
beandogDasEi: I like pkill much better than kill20:43
beandoger.  yah.20:43
beandognot that anybody cares. :)20:43
kubavhi, what offers ubuntu instead of xampp?20:43
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DasEibeandog: anyway, I'm tired now, later20:44
Guest19755I want to find out if my harddrive is SSD... any suggestions?20:44
yakster2, if you ocunt the HDMI audio…20:45
daftykinsGuest19755: check its' name20:45
Guest19755how do I check it's name? I'm running oneiric ocelot20:46
yaksterguest19755, open the case, and with the power on spin it, does it feel like a gryo?20:46
beandogyakster: so you're trying to get it to load the audio devices in a fixed order every time20:46
_r00t_Guest19755: lsb_release -a20:46
beandog_r00t_: ooh thats cool20:46
beandogI always just used cat /etc/lsb-release20:47
DrManhattanok so im looking at the kernel versions - and the linux-virutal is stripped of drivers? what would I need to do to get a specific driver for that - specifically the driver for my easycap 002, which is a module20:47
shazznerhi there20:47
_r00t_beandog: whatever makes you happy ;)20:47
shazznerok I've got a weird, terrible problem. I have a 750GB disk that's is somehow completely full20:47
yakstersry i am chatting over 3g, and connection isnt to stable20:47
ardianHi I am using Psensor to check my laptop temp what is normal temp ?20:48
ardianI have an i5 proccessor20:48
shazznersomehow it's showing 100% usage, but running the disk analysis program on the livecd only shows 20GBs used20:48
yaksteryes that is correct beandog20:48
shazznerwhat's is going on? how do I get that space back?20:48
Guest19755from the terminal?20:48
_r00t_ardian: varies from chipset to chipset ... 40-50C are ok temps20:48
beandogyakster: are they all the same audio device?20:48
_r00t_shazzner: what os are you using ?20:49
beandogyakster: that is, are they all using the same audio module?  Because if they aren't, you could just force the order of modules being loaded.  That'd do it.20:49
shazzner_r00t_: ubuntu 12.04 on the disk20:49
beandogyakster: or maybe you could reference the audio devices by name instead of index20:49
shazzner_r00t_: ubuntu 11.10 on the livecd20:49
yaksteraplay -l20:49
ardian_r00t_, It's normal on idle but when I start some program like the "yes" command it starts and gets to 64*20:49
beandogyakster: I like the module idea better20:49
Garetif i install winxp and than install ubuntu on second partition does grub will see xp boot too?20:49
beandogunless it's all hdma-intel20:50
shraxGaret yes20:50
beandoger, hda-intel20:50
Garetthank you20:50
_r00t_ardian: seens high for your cpu .... might be an idea to clear out dust from the fans / vents20:50
beandogyakster: either way, it's an alsa problem, not a ubuntu one20:50
snip_I have a question regarding getting the display backlight keys to work on a MacBook Pro 5,4 running 11.1020:50
ardian_r00t_, I bought this laptop last month20:50
yaksterok, so how to i refernce them… 1/2 the time it works with plughw:1 and toher times default… if that makes any sence20:51
ardian_r00t_, I don't know it works fine on Windows20:51
yaksteris there an ALSA irc rm?20:51
beandogyakster: try this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92286020:51
wylde!alis | yakster20:51
ubottuyakster: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:51
Guest19755it just says no lsb modules available...20:51
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yaksterI just did a "sudo apt-get install pulseaudio" now … what that did IDK…. jsut sayin…20:52
Garetwhat version of ubuntu should i choose for my first linux if i have not so new pc and to have stable and supported one? :)20:53
beandogGaret: 11.10 should be okay20:53
Gareti installed 10.10 but it looks as not supported anymore ;) lucky me ;) thanks for adwise :)20:54
ActionParsnipyakster: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:55
kubavwhat offers ubuntu instead of xampp?20:55
teligardWould anyone be able to tell me why when I boot my ubuntu box, the shares that I set up in the fstab are available, but if I umount -a -t cifs then mount -a, the system returns an error stating that cifs is not supported.  My fstab only has things set to be set up as cifs shares.20:55
teligardrunning ubuntu 11.1020:56
beandogteligard: are you trying to mount them as your user or root20:56
DrManhattanI want to be able to use my easycap 002 in my VM, I hope the driver is there for it20:58
DrManhattanif it isnt there for the virtual kernel, how do I get the module for it?20:58
DrManhattancmon guys 1660 people here and no one knows how to get a module for the virtual kernel?21:01
beandogshould load automatically.21:01
beandogif it doesnt, well, that's weird.21:01
DrManhattannah the virtual kernel doesn't have that21:01
DrManhattanthe normal kernel loads it just fine21:01
beandogthen don't use a virtual kernel21:01
DrManhattanfor the VM?21:01
DrManhattanalrighty, thx21:01
tbrownI love you guys Just something to say Random21:03
tbrownI know go to Ubuntu Random chat room21:03
DrManhattangeneric it is!21:04
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: did you ask in #vbox or #vmware  whichever tech you are using?21:05
DrManhattanActionParsnip, nah, it's an ubuntu Q but im cool w generic, it actually works better in vmware player than virtual21:06
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: I'd as in #vmware too21:06
* beandog gives tbrown a cookie21:06
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=924504&page=1921:07
_r00t_soz about that21:07
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175343821:07
rakiaanis tu la21:07
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: modprobe easycap 'bars=0'21:08
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DrManhattanthank you21:09
maintouanyone with some idea about how to set partitions for hybrid ssd+hdd ? i have 20gb ssd + 320 gb hdd , and my Q is should i use ssd only for /  and dd for swap and /home , or some others solution for it ? swap is no good for ssd21:10
wroatheHow does Photoshop 5.5 run on Ubuntu?21:11
wroatheFor those of you who have gotten it to work21:11
beandogmaintou: that's a pretty good idea you've got already21:12
auronandace!appdb | wroathe21:12
ubottuwroathe: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:12
wroatheauronandace: Thanks, I already know that's the preferred way of setting things up. My question was if any of you have experiencing with setting it up and using it21:13
izzhedhello there21:13
auronandacewroathe: better asked in #winehq21:13
maintoubeandog: ok thx im o my way to install first tie Ubuntu on  my machine ! (not beginner just not used ubuntu , not big fan of .deb packages)21:14
ActionParsnipwroathe: could use Gimp instead21:14
i7ci can't hear my vlc audio with pulseaudio... it is shown in the "playback" tab of volume control, but the bars dont move... what could i do?21:14
CelltechTrue or false. XFCE is lighter and faster than Gnome21:14
sandeep_unable to compile kernel module for vmware any help?21:14
beandogCelltech: true21:14
auronandaceCelltech: true21:14
ActionParsnipCelltech: lighter, yes. Faster is dependant on nconfig21:15
CelltechUbuntu 10.04 How do I get it21:15
ubottuvincenzo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:15
auronandace!xfce | Celltech21:15
beandogmaintou: good luck, the installer will help you with partitioning21:15
ubottuCelltech: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:15
i7cCelltech: sudo apt-get install xfce421:15
auronandace!vmware | sandeep_21:16
ubottusandeep_: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware21:16
sandeep_unable to compile kernel module for vmware in ubuntu 12.4 any help?21:16
CelltechAwesome... Then I reboot and select it from the boot menu?21:16
_r00t_sandeep_: what module ?21:16
auronandace!12.04 | sandeep_21:16
ubottusandeep_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:16
vincenzogiochi xbox 36021:16
ActionParsnipsandeep_: ask in #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support please21:16
ActionParsnipsandeep_: it's also 12.04 not 12.521:16
auronandaceCelltech: you select it from the login screen21:16
Newbuntu2I need to convert timestamps in a csv file - the first column is "M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS.ss", and I want to get the unix time equivalent21:17
CelltechOk. so log out, then log into it instead. then I can go through and remove/purge the desktops I don't want and generic versions?21:17
Newbuntu2any examples?21:17
auronandaceCelltech: removing gnome might be tricky21:17
_r00t_Newbuntu2: ask the question on #perl21:17
auronandace!purexfce | Celltech21:17
ubottuCelltech: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »21:17
ActionParsnipCelltech: the choice is at the bottom middle after you click your username21:17
CelltechSo just leave it but don't use it.21:18
chilibluedoes ubuntu have all the v4l modules or is that something I will have to compile in21:18
ActionParsnipCelltech: probably easier21:18
vincenzob sera21:18
beandogchiliblue: theyre in there21:18
auronandaceCelltech: yes, that is what i would do21:18
CelltechPerfect. Sorry for not naming anyone. I've got 3 of you talking to me. And I'm paying full attention21:18
chilibluebeandog, in the main distro or precomiled in a package (that I don't seem to have installed21:19
beandogchiliblue: just part of the installed kernel21:19
zozovitchPlz ! Can i have the name of French Ubuntu ?21:20
auronandace!fr | zozovitch21:20
ubottuzozovitch: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:20
zozovitchMerci a vous21:21
chilibluebeandog wonder why they aren't coming up for my tv usb capture device. The web cam on my notebook works just fine21:21
zozovitchThank's a lot :)21:21
beandogchiliblue: could be firmware21:21
ActionParsnipCelltech: you could install Xubuntu if you like XFCE and it will give a cleaner OS21:21
tbrownAm going to load Ubuntu in windows which VM should I use I have the Answer but I just want to see what you say:)21:22
chilibluefor the device, ok I will look into that. I guess you mean it is something that has to be pushed to the device.21:22
l3dwas wondering is it sudo apt-get install gnome-session?     to make 11.10 look like and act like 10.1021:22
CelltechI had it a while back and it was so slow for some reason. So I came back to ubuntu 10.04 and it's flawless. But then again I was on xubuntu 11.1021:22
zykotick9!notunity | l3d21:22
ubottul3d: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:22
=== Zorro is now known as Guest41261
tbrownAm going to load Ubuntu in windows which VM should I use I have the Answer but I just want to see what you say:)21:23
vincenzolista xbox 36021:23
ActionParsnipl3d: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/21:23
banseljajWhat is the way to have a script start at bootup?21:24
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ActionParsnipbanseljaj: is it after the user logs in or during boot, and does the script need root access?21:25
banseljajActionParsnip: No root access, after boot up21:25
ActionParsnipbanseljaj: in dash there is an app called 'startup applications' you can add stuff there21:26
jvargaswhat screencast application works? I've tried recordmydesktop but it has problems when converting to other formats and uploading to youtube.21:27
jvargasany recommendation?21:27
beandogjvargas: don't encode for youtube and let them do it21:27
ActionParsnipjvargas: xvidwincap or http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/help-test-new-screen-recording-app-eidete/21:28
ActionParsnipjvargas: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/linux-screencasting-tool-kazam-goes-gstreamer-adds-pulseaudio-support/21:28
_r00t_pulseaudio from 'natty updates' screwed me :( .... downgrading is a pain21:28
jiffe98anyone ever boot a machine via iscsi?  Is the iscsi disk supposed to show up as a local disk during linux installation?21:28
banseljajActionParsnip: Thanks21:28
jvargasbeandog: I did, once it worked fine, next time it tells me the video is wrong, and with another video, it show it pixelated.21:29
jvargasthanks ActionParsnip, I am reading about them.21:29
=== Caspercom is now known as Caspercom|zZz
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hypn0ActionParsnip, they finally got the message, only took abt 2 versions :-) gnome classic21:31
ActionParsniphypn0: how do you mean?21:32
hypn0not many desktop ppl like unity ActionParsnip21:32
ActionParsniphypn0: then use xfce, lxde, kde or any other DE?21:33
ActionParsniphypn0: gnome-panel was always available.....21:33
hypn0they should have defaulted to classic, with option for unity ActionParsnip21:34
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ActionParsniphypn0: you can install mini ISO, then install gnome-panel21:35
ActionParsniphypn0: again, as I have said for the last year. You don't have to use Unity21:35
vexaxvhey parsnip21:35
ActionParsnipvexaxv: howdy21:35
vexaxvActionParsnip, any idea if the fglrx proprietary ati/amd drivers are the same thing as amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run downloaded from there site?21:36
ActionParsnipvexaxv: I'd imagine so, the proprietary driver is only made by AMD...21:37
jvargasActionParsnip: Kazam did the job. I will recommend it.21:37
scientesvexaxv, yes, but the debian way is MUCH MUCH nicer21:37
scientes*debian/ubuntu way21:38
tbrownI was wondering on ubuntu do they have a team out in Iowa and if they do were is a located at or something because I was searching for it and I could not find it21:38
ActionParsnipjvargas: I've used none, I just know of those pages21:38
vexaxvActionParsnip, but is it updated to the current version on there site? if u dont know how do i check lol21:38
scientesvexaxv, also the radeon FOSS driver is pretty good these days21:38
ActionParsnipvexaxv: try the app, see what version is installed21:38
pilotbubtheres something you rarely hear21:38
scientesvexaxv, yes it is actively updated21:38
pilotbub"The FOSS driver is pretty good these days"21:38
vexaxvk thanks guys21:38
scientespilotbub, well AMD has opened up specs21:39
vexaxvgot another question for ya guys lol21:39
ActionParsnippilotbub: i get decent performance off nouveau on my nvidia 6150 onboard21:39
scientespilotbub, and the radeon driver has better 2D performance21:39
tbrownI was wondering on ubuntu do they have a team out in Iowa and if they do were is a located at or something because I was searching for it and I could not find it21:40
vexaxvi tryed going to programming channels but nobody talks so this might be the wrong place to ask but i figured id try..im starting up programming, i wanted to know what do u guys think the best language would be for me to learn (idc if there hard i prefer em then "start here its easy") for making linux programs or even window programs, c++? python?21:40
vexaxvi heard python was more for support/plugins21:40
scientesvexaxv, python or ruby21:40
vexaxvwhy not c++21:41
vexaxvi thought thats what made everything nowadays21:41
scientesvexaxv, or vala over c++21:41
iNealAnyone know how to fix the "only wallpaper loading" on Ubuntu 11.10? When I log in, it only loads the wallpaper, nothing else.21:41
scientesgtk is alot of vala, and qt is alot of c++21:42
vexaxvwhats better about python over c++ and c++ over python?21:42
scientesiNeal, click the ubuntu icon next to your name, and select ubuntu-2d, and see if that works21:42
zenmasterAny expierence getting Radeon 7000-m driver for Ubuntu Server?21:42
Riddellvexaxv: for learning python is much better21:43
scienteszendeavor, did you try a current kernel, like 3.2? (radeon driver)21:43
iNealscientes: I don't even have that top bar - all I see if the wallpaper. But I did try loading ubuntu-2d via terminal; it didn't help.21:43
Riddellc++ has too many concepts for it to be a beginner language21:43
scientesiNeal, try metacity --replace via terminal, DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace21:43
zenmasterscientes: No not sure yet.21:43
vexaxvwell which language is best as a foundation (i know ill need another language for plugins and crap)21:43
vexaxvbest to make games or programs21:43
zenmasterI have 3.0.0-12-server.21:44
vexaxvon linux mainly but windows as well21:44
scienteszendeavor, http://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature21:45
scientesiNeal, you can get back to the login screen with ctrl-alt-sysrq-k21:45
vexaxvany ideas? best language to make games or programs on linux21:46
scientesiNeal, (sysrq == print screen button)21:46
iNealscientes: It's a server :/21:46
tbrowncan I run xchat in ubuntu21:46
zykotick9scientes: iNeal it's actuall alt+sysrq+k (ctrl not required)21:46
vexaxvyes tbrown21:46
Liltbrown, sure21:46
AreckxI am having trouble with my iBus Anthy input for Japanese21:46
Areckxare there any alternatives for Japanese input?21:46
vexaxvim on xchat right now21:46
tbrownvexaxv: Thank you21:47
AreckxThe issue is that I can input hiragana but the input does not convert to kanji21:47
vexaxvtbrown, np21:47
vexaxvscientes, best language for programs/games on linux??21:47
iNealscientes: this is what i see when i log in - http://cl.ineal.me/1L1G422B0j1S383z0Z1B21:48
scientesAreckx, there is scim21:48
scientesAreckx, however scim is broken with gtk3 from what i've heard21:48
AreckxI am running 10.0421:48
AreckxI heard of IM-JA21:48
scientesiNeal, yeah you need to use ubuntu-2d21:48
Areckxbut when attempting to install it I ran into problems21:48
scientesiNeal, or run metacity --replace21:49
iNealAnd when I do DISPLAY:0 thing, I get No protocol specified Window manager error: Unable to open X display :021:49
brynne_what does this error code mean?: http://i.imgur.com/VQXjp.jpg21:49
scientesiNeal, you only have to set the DISPLAY variable if you are running from a tty that isn't in the desktop session21:49
iNealscientes: Ah, with metacity --replace, i get the top thing to close folder/apps21:49
Areckxscientes:: I think I have gtk2 running21:50
vexaxvbrynne_, means he sucks to much black ****21:50
iNealscientes: Is there any way I can make it load ubuntu-2d by default?21:50
scientesAreckx, some apps are gtk2 and some apps have moved to gtk321:50
Areckxoh I see21:50
scientesiNeal, yes, click the ubuntu icon next to your name when you log in, and select ubuntu-2d21:50
scientesiNeal, or install gnome-session-fallback for a more gnome 2 like experience (with gnome-panel)21:51
iNealscientes: It's a server and I use NX NoMachine to login21:51
iNealoh okay21:51
AreckxI would like to use an input method that is at least as good as Microsoft IME21:52
iNealI already have gnome-session-fallback21:52
scientesiNeal, the sessions are in /usr/share/xsessions/21:52
scientesiNeal, im not sure how nx selects them21:52
iNealscientes: I want nx to select ubuntu-2d right? or gnome-fallback?21:53
iNealgnome-classic.desktop gnome-shell.desktop xfce.desktop xubuntu.desktop gnome.desktop ubuntu-2d.desktop xsession.desktop gnome-fallback.desktop ubuntu.desktop xterm.desktop21:53
scientesiNeal, either one should work, choose depending on your preferences21:53
iNealthose are all i have21:53
iNealOkay, thanks21:53
scientesiNeal, xfce would also work21:53
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
schultzawhat is the name of the package for the gnome menu that looks like opensuse or even regular suse?21:59
zykotick9schultza: IF that exists - you'd need to go outside the default ubuntu repositories.22:00
schultzait used to be part of the ubuntu package... oh... mint uses it as well22:01
scientesschultza, do you mean cinnomon?22:01
schultzanever heard of it...22:01
scientescould be22:01
iNealscientes: Awesome, I changed nx config to load gnome-classic and it worked!22:01
iNealthanks :)22:01
zykotick9schultza: cinnomon = mint's interface22:01
OerHeksschultza, KDE ?22:01
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=== Star_Light is now known as Brdris86
schultzait's the closest to what im looking for at the moment... yes22:04
xMopxShe1lhey, if I shut off my computer while a raid 5 mdadm array is syncing, will my progress be lost?22:05
=== BobB is now known as HelenB
jiffe98is it possible to install ubuntu on a remote iscsi disk?22:06
jiffe98the BIOS supports booting iscsi, I gave it a shot and it installs but fails to install a boot loader22:06
skeljiffe98: hm yeah I don't know that your boot parition could be iSCSI22:07
clausenI can't get foreign languages working in the latest beta...22:08
zykotick9jiffe98: could you install grub to a local disk?  grub would need to support iscsi as well (i have no idea about that)... good luck.22:08
clausenthe gnome-language-support option doesn't let me use Portuguese22:08
clausen(even though it says I installed it already, when I go to Add/Remove languages)22:08
skelclausen: did you switch over to it?22:08
clausenzykotick9, can't grub just bootstrap off the BIOS's support for iscsi?22:08
clausenskel, I can't22:08
clausenskel, it's greyed out22:09
zykotick9clausen: ? big question mark there - i don't know22:09
SolarNRGDoes anybody in here like putting metal in the microwave?22:09
jiffe98thats what I was figuring22:09
zykotick9clausen: i don't even know if iscsi has a typical mbr?  never touched iscsi in my life ;)22:09
skelclausen: does it show up in locale -a ?22:10
jiffe98but I don't know what the motherboard's support for iscsi boot really does22:10
clausenskel, everything shows up in locale -a22:10
clausen(sorry, not everything22:10
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clausenbut chinese, german, ...)22:10
clausen(but not spanish.  weird!)22:11
ukbeastUnity is way wizz on my netbook now, and wifi suspend works out of the box!22:11
skelclausen: have you tried using update-locale LANG=<whatever> LC_MESSAGES=POSIX ?22:11
beandogukbeast: wifi suspend?22:12
clausenskel, $ update-locale LANG=pt_BR LC_MESSAGES=POSIX*** update-locale: Error: invalid locale settings:  LANG=pt_BR LC_MESSAGES=POSIX22:12
clausenzykotick9, you can put an MBR on anything...22:12
ukbeastwhen you suspend on 11.10, wifi stopped working22:13
skelclausen: what about pt_BR.UTF8 ?22:13
clausenskel, yes, that one works, but it wants root privileges22:13
skelclausen: hmm weird22:13
clausen(what does update-locale do?  it doesn't have a man page)22:13
zykotick9clausen: well, good luck.  i have no knowledge of booting iscsi so i'm of no assistance (should have just kept my mouth shut ;)22:13
ukbeastgnome 3.4 seems to be bloated in comparison to unity?22:14
skelclausen: I think it just sets those env variables and re-inits the environment so you don't have to logout /in. not positive on that though22:14
* beandog recommends evilwm for lightweight goodness22:14
=== jsjgruber is now known as Guest12428
beandogI probably shouldn't say that here.22:15
clausenskel, ah, ok22:15
ukbeastbeandog: link please :)22:15
beandogukbeast: nothing22:15
lionofgodHello, I accidentally typed sudo apt-get remove22:15
lionofgodI need help in restoring my system >.<22:15
lionofgodI have so far installed ubuntu-desktop, unity and gnome again22:15
lionofgodI dont know what else I need to install to restore system22:15
lionofgodis anyone able to help me?22:16
ukbeastbeandog: ok22:16
clausenskel, this gives me portuguese help:  LANG=pt_BR.UTF8 ls --help22:16
ukbeastlionofgod how far can you get?22:16
clausenskel, what I'm really interested in is being able to use ibus for portuguese, hindi, and other scripts22:16
lionofgodI have unity working22:16
lionofgodmy login screen is kind of messed up22:16
skelclausen: yeah you could just try setting LANG=pt_BR.UTF8 in your .bashrc but I don't know if the Window manager will pick that up22:17
lionofgodbut it seems my files are okay22:17
skelclausen: I'm not familiar with ibus, whats that?22:17
ukbeastwhat needs to be installed?22:17
lionofgodI ahve no diea22:17
skelclausen: is that like a replacement for dbus?22:17
lionofgodis their any log22:17
clausenskel, it's a keyboard entry method22:17
lionofgodthat gets filled when apt-get remove is run?22:17
clausenskel, no, it's not related to dbus22:17
lionofgodI know that my mic is not working right now22:17
ukbeastopen terminal and press Up key22:17
lionofgodbut I can hear stuff22:18
ukbeastit shows history in terminal22:18
skelclausen: ah ok22:18
AreckxI would like to use an Japaneseinput method that is at least as good as Microsoft IME22:18
AreckxI am running 10.0422:18
=== Guest12428 is now known as jsjgruber
l3dok I have tried the fallback thing to make 11.10 look like 10.10 and wow did I go back to 10.10 (thank you remastersys) why mess with a good thing I will never know. so I was looking  and found that if I liked and would like to use what I am used to try linux mint 12 so thanks alot ubuntu22:19
lionofgodsudo apt-get remove python libapache2-mod-python22:19
lionofgodthis is the command i typed22:19
lionofgodand it screwed me over22:19
const_antinehi, question, where can i learn about drafting non-disclosure agreements? is there a business/legal issues room for engineers?22:19
ukbeastsudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python22:19
lionofgodhow can I check if improtant system files are missing?22:19
lionofgodbut when i typed that command, instead of removing that package it started removing system files22:19
lionofgodi ahve ubuntu software center working I jsut dont know what files were unisntalled22:20
aciculaconst_antine: heu try contacting a lawyer?22:20
skelconst_antine: an opensource backed irc network probably isn't the best place to look for proprietary legal advice :)22:20
ukbeastwhat it say under history?22:20
const_antineit's not proprietary we just don't want our hardware guy to go all zuckerberg on us22:21
lionofgodi mean it jsut tells em commands but not what was uninstalled22:21
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lionofgodmy mic is not working how do i fix that?22:21
const_antineanyway thanks22:21
skelconst_antine: non-disclosure == proprietary, but anyway maybe look around on opensource.org and check out the EFF's website.. I can't think of anywhere on this network that would be helpful22:21
lionofgodwhat software must have been uninstalled for mic not to work?22:21
ukbeastdid it work before22:21
_r00t_lionofgod: are you sure no one tampered with it ?22:22
lionofgodI actaully22:22
lionofgodtyped sudo apt-get remove22:22
lionofgodand my system files were getting deleeted22:22
lionofgodso i shutdown computer22:22
FloodBot1lionofgod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
ukbeastreinstall ubuntu-minimal22:23
lionofgodwhen i restarted desktop wasnt working so i installed ubuntu-desktop, unity, gnome22:23
_r00t_lionofgod: maybe someone shoved the mic up the... no wait22:23
lionofgodsudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal22:23
ukbeastit makes sure all needed files are in check22:24
_r00t_earlier this week I returned to find that my kid thought it was great fun to rip off the keys on my laptop o_O22:24
lionofgodit says that it is installed22:24
HelpWubi001Can I please get some assistance with a Wubi installation ?22:24
acicula_r00t_: my cat used to do that too22:24
lionofgodhow do i install compiz again?22:25
ukbeastIs synaptic installd?22:25
xMopxShe1lif I shut off my computer while a raid 5 mdadm array is syncing or recovering, will my progress be lost?22:25
aciculaHelpWubi001: do you have a particular question?22:25
lionofgodwhat do i use synaptic for??22:26
ukbeastright click ubuntu-minmal and click reintsall22:26
_r00t_acicula: damn .... matters got worse when the mother patched it up. I started typing and the keys started falling off ROFL22:26
ukbeastinstalling deb. files22:26
lionofgodk it is reinstalled22:26
HelpWubi001acicula: I've downloaded the 11.10 and installed it with wubi but afer the restart it won't continue. Something along the line of: Cannot find wubdir22:26
lionofgodanything else?22:26
acicula_r00t_: hehe, i fortunatel then had a dell where i could click the keys back in to place22:27
ukbeastreinstalled compiz?22:27
lionofgodyes am doing so22:27
aciculaHelpWubi001: when you boot do you get some kind of boot menu or?22:27
_r00t_acicula: yeah :) Mother didn't know how to click them into place properly LOL *sighs* The joys of life22:27
lionofgodok i will try restarting to see if everything is okay22:28
lionofgodthank you22:28
ukbeastOK, Ill wait22:28
HelpWubi001acicula: no, it goes into the process of booting the ubuntu installation but can't finnd wubdir (it looks on all partitions hdd 0,0 then 0,1 and so on)22:28
ukbeast_r00t_ needs a 403 *trolls22:29
HelpWubi001acicula: after it fails it prompts me to ctrl-alt-del and then I can see Windows 7 and Ubuntu menu22:29
ukbeasttrying to use wubi?22:29
_r00t_ukbeast: sod that my apache.conf reads ErrorDocument 403 | 12000Volts22:29
aciculai suppose wubdir is where wubi puts the wubi installation files, can you see that directory anywere when you boot windows7?22:30
ukbeastXD you are sooo.. forbidden :P22:30
HelpWubi001acicula: I see an ubuntu folder and a wubildr.mbr22:31
ukbeastMaster boot record? - mbr22:31
Fyodorovna!tab | ukbeast22:32
ubottuukbeast: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:32
tbrown2012I have something to say I just installed ubuntu 11.10 and I want to know how I can install my drivers that would be okay I see a icon on the top right conder it looks like a drivers or something and it has a lock on it what do I do with that?22:32
* _r00t_ wonders why mkv files created by ffmpeg can't be viewed on windows :/22:32
lionofgodEverything seems okay but my login screen is messed up22:32
lionofgodI get a box in middle of screen with usernames and I dont get to schoose desktop environemnt it jsut logs me in22:33
mneptok_r00t_: try VLC on Win22:33
tbrown2012I have something to say I just installed ubuntu 11.10 and I want to know how I can install my drivers that would be okay I see a icon on the top right conder it looks like a drivers or something and it has a lock on it what do I do with that?22:33
lionofgodthis is ubuntu 11.1022:33
rhin0why am I getting on  sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`  Media Change: Please insert the disc labelle  'Xubuntu 10.04.2 _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20110215.1)'  -- anyone know?22:33
ukbeastDid I type something I should not?22:33
_r00t_mneptok: I'm trying to edit the files :/22:33
ukbeastlionofgod: It is auto logging in22:33
_r00t_vcodec on linux libx26422:34
aciculaHelpWubi001: can you run chkdsk /r on the disk that wubi is installed on?22:34
ukbeastone sec22:34
aaaswhat cpu temps are people running at?22:34
lionofgodi ahve it set to autolog22:34
lionofgodthe desktop screen is not the usual one22:34
_r00t_HelpWubi001 ..... acicula 's chkdsk is a winner22:34
ukbeastis it lightdm?22:34
ukbeastor gdm?22:35
lionofgodno i set it to gdm22:35
lionofgodwhen iw as isntalling gnome22:35
tbrown2012Can someone help me?22:35
lionofgodits suppsoed to b lightdm?22:35
aciculaHelpWubi001: short version if windows is not shutdown properly then wubi will not be able to start22:35
lionofgodhow do i change22:35
HelpWubi001acicula: the drive is C: can't run it while windows is using it22:35
FloodBot1lionofgod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
lionofgodHow do i change from gdm to lightdm?22:35
aciculaHelpWubi001: eh? what is the output of chkdsk?22:35
ukbeastOne sec22:35
civixierHi all. I am using lubuntu, but everyone in that channel is idle, so I am trying my luck here. When I suspend my computer at any screen brightness and start it up again the screen brightness goes up to 100%. Any ideas? (lubuntu, lxde, ux21e)22:36
aciculalionofgod: update-alternatives --config x-session-manager22:36
lionofgodi type that in terminal?22:36
aciculatbrown2012: best to just ask a question22:36
lionofgodand select lighdm?22:36
HelpWubi001acicula: http://paste.ubuntu.com/933229/22:37
aciculalionofgod: think you need to specify some settings22:37
aciculaHelpWubi001: choose yes, reboot, wait for it to finish checking, try booting wubi again22:37
tbrown2012acicula: Is there anyway that I can see were the drivers are located in ubuntu22:37
ukbeast sudo dpkg-reconfigure light-dm22:37
HelpWubi001will do22:37
aciculatbrown2012: kernel modules/drivers are located under /lib/modules/<kernel-version>22:38
ukbeastsrry sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm22:38
lionofgodit says lightdm is not isntalled22:38
_r00t_civixier: !pm22:38
lionofgodthat works22:38
ukbeastafter just logout22:38
lionofgodgave me a warning22:38
lionofgoddpkg-maintscript-helper: warning: environment variable DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_NAME missing22:38
lionofgoddpkg-maintscript-helper: warning: environment variable DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE missing22:38
aciculatbrown2012: do you have a problem with a driver?22:39
lionofgodis that warning okay>22:39
lionofgodshould i just logout?22:39
civixier_r00t_ > yep, even when I run pm-suspend instead of closing the lid.22:39
ukbeastignore and see what happens22:39
aciculacivixier: does lubunt have some kind of power-managment app in the settings menu? afaik in normal ubuntu you can mess with the brightness settings there22:40
_r00t_civixier: yes ... the scripts that run during restore are setting defaults22:40
tbrown2012acicula: I dont know am kind of wondering to my self because I got a notice on my computer and it said there were two drivers that need to be installed but last time when I installed them I got a nastey watermark before from AMD22:40
civixieracicula: yeah, Ive been in there, but nothing on the brightness subject.22:41
ukbeastI still use flash player 10.3 cause adobe removed the acceleration22:42
civixier_r00t_ ah, do you know where I can change the default settings for screen brightness in lxde?22:42
aciculatbrown2012: ah that notice is because some propriatary drivers do not get installed by default, which is why you have to activate them. They get installed in the same place as the normal ones. Though you dont necessarily need to install the propriatary amd drivers though you wont get much in the way of 3d acceleration then22:42
ardianIs it normal for a laptop to have temp 60 * for 1-2 seconds after I start a programm ?22:43
ukbeastardian: turning on the pc after 2sec?22:44
sentriz|netbookanyone know how to remove the whole ubuntu chat mibbit thing, away busy under your name too22:44
aciculaardian: yup22:44
sentriz|netbooknot mibbit22:44
lionofgodThank you so much ukbeast, you helped me get my ubuntu back : D22:44
sentriz|netbooknot mibbit22:44
FloodBot1sentriz|netbook: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
ukbeastno worries ;)22:44
tbrown2012acicula: So I dont need to install or if I do how do I install them the right way22:44
never2farhas anyone use byobu ?22:44
aciculatbrown2012: just using the tool that ubuntu provides to install additional drivers should be enough22:45
sentriz|netbookanyone know how to remove the whole ubuntu communication thing, away busy under your name too22:45
aciculawhich is the same tool that gave you the notice about installing the drivers22:45
tbrown2012acicula: Were do I find the tool at?22:45
Areckxis there a terminal command to check the remaining hard disk space?22:46
iluwkaкакой порт в торе в ирц прописывать?22:46
sentriz|netbookthe online accounts thing22:46
aciculaits called something drivers, its in either of the two administration menus22:46
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:46
aciculaAreckx: df -h22:46
Areckxalso, sometimes I have accidentally did ctrl+alt something and it would ask me "2000 will be displaced, y/n?" and it displays all of the available terminal commands, what is the keystroke?22:46
Areckxacicula::  thank you!22:47
sentriz|netbookhow to get a list of installed packages?22:47
aciculasentriz|netbook: dpkg-query -l22:47
Kanerixdpkg -l will do it too22:47
aciculasentriz|netbook: dpkg(-query) in general for all your package information needs22:48
ukbeastI <3 rhythmbox over banshee22:49
gr33n7007hAreckx, tab tab22:49
tbrown2012aricula: Am in the Additional Drivers and I see the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX grapics Drivers and they want me to make it active but the thing is last time I deed it I got a watermark I know I said that but I deed not understand what you said last time sorry:(22:50
ukbeastare there any anime themes for ubuntu?22:51
tbrown2012MrJones: Hello22:51
MrJonesis it intended that the last recent nginx update overwrites web contents with a stupid empty "Welcome to nginx!" html file?22:51
MrJonesif not you shoul probably hold that update back and repair that :p22:51
megamanx1978I am having trouble installing desura can someone help22:52
Areckxgr33n7007h::  thanks!22:53
MrJonesUbuntu 10.04.3 LTS btw22:53
ukbeastlater my fellow penguins22:55
aciculatbrown2012: not sure what you mean by watermark, you do not strictly need to activate those drivers though, unless you intend to do things like gaming22:55
_MarcusThat's what penguins do, right?22:55
_MarcusAnyway, is it possible to install Ubuntu without having GRUB on my system? I noticed it goes over Windows' boot loader22:56
bobweaverI have a question located here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZYgwJVmn2Y    thanks for your time22:57
bobweaverany pointer to links or anything would be helpful at this point22:57
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aciculabobweaver: why not just ask your question here?23:00
megamanx1978desura wont install or update can someone please help23:01
bobweaverbecause it is long and hard to type out that much It would flood the place :)23:01
acicula_Marcus: you can opt to install grub on a separate usb stick, and then boot from that instead, but you will need grub or some bootloader capable of loading the linux kernel23:01
tbrown2012what is the command for root23:02
_MarcusSo I need GRUB?23:02
_Marcustbrown2012: To run a command as root, type "sudo " before the command23:02
DrManhattanWoohoo! I got it working23:02
ArturasHi, I've got a new computer and I'm gonna be installing Ubuntu. Now can anyone suggest me if I should go for the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Beta2 or 11.10?23:02
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:02
DrManhattanso now I just have to figure out how to make my easycap load up 4 video devices and i'm good to go23:03
bobweaverArchNemesis,  12.04 HANDS DOWN23:03
acicula_Marcus: more or less yeah23:03
_MarcusHm.. Is Wubi a virtual machine? Like VMWare?23:03
DrManhattanlol @ whoever put that into ubottu23:03
acicula_Marcus: no its not23:04
tbrown2012_Marcus: Sorry that not what am looking for make the  root:tbrown2012@HP:~$ or something like that23:04
bobweaversorry ArchNemesis  thatwas for Arturas23:04
_Marcustbrown2012: So you wish to log into root?23:04
tbrown2012_Marcus: Yes23:04
bobweaverMarcus wubi is like a .exe that instals onto the system not virtual at all23:04
_Marcustbrown2012: Type "sudo su"23:04
tbrown2012_Marcus: I keep forgetting that sorry:)23:05
bobweaver!sudo su23:05
acicula_Marcus: all wubi does is instead of using a partition as a root file system it uses a file as its root filesystem.23:05
bobweaverMarcus plz tell users to use sudo -i for root as sudo su is more danger23:05
_Marcusacicula: So does it require GRUB still?23:05
_Marcusbobweaver: Sorry, didn't know23:06
yeikwubi uses windows boot manager, it doesn't use grub.23:06
bobweaver_Marcus, No grub it is like a exe file like any other file that you install on a windows computer23:06
Arturasbobweaver, but why is 12.04 a beta then? Sounds kind of scary...23:06
tbrown2012what will sudo apt-get -dist upgrade do again23:06
yeikbobweaver,  isn't sudo -s better?23:06
tbrown2012or deed it do that wrong23:06
yeiktbrown2012, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade upgrades to the next distribution release.23:07
clausen bobweaver what is dangerous about sudo and su?23:07
DrManhattanugh weak - I can only use 1 input at a time23:07
bobweaverArturas, I have been using 12.04 for about 6 months now and had to go back to 11.10 real quick last night and was like Wow there is such a differennce23:07
DrManhattanwell, for 20 bucks a piece I guess I can just order 3 more23:07
ArturasIs 12.04 stable enough?23:07
ArturasWell I mean does it feel stable enough?23:08
yeikclausen, su changes user, sudo will time out. if you forget to log off the terminal, it is very dangerous and it is a much safer practice23:08
tbrown2012how to install package that deed not install all the way or something23:09
yeiktbrown2012, i believe it is sudo apt-get install -f23:10
clausenyeik, but most users don't only care about attacks over the network?23:10
yeikyou might have to do dpkg configure -a23:10
aciculaArturas: if you are familiar with ubuntu i suppose its fine if you are willing to experiment a bit.23:10
Areckxok, so how do I check my OS version?23:10
Areckxin terminal23:10
aciculaArturas: lsb_release -a23:11
clausenyeik, (s/don't//)23:11
aciculaerr meant Areckx23:11
sissy_wangushi everybody23:11
birthmotherurbuttoo lol23:11
Areckxacicula::  thought so hehe23:11
Meepsheep   penises23:11
Areckxacicula::  thanks23:11
yeikclausen, imagine running a command as root that you forgot was actually in a root terminal. deleting a wrong file or directory. or most often, attacks that want your data are local. its much easier to get access physically.23:12
tbrown2012Will I got all of my updates Know am going to install xfce know better I think I dont like the apps in the left side23:12
yeikalso, the possibility of hijacking your session.23:12
TasmaniaIs Ubuntu GUI based?23:12
clausenyeik, most people have a separate window for root commands?23:12
birthmotherjacking your ses23:12
sissy_wangushi tasmania23:12
clausenyeik, and if someone hijacks your session, you are screwed anyway?23:13
lionofgodHello, I am able to wtach youtube videos but cannot watch anyother videos23:13
Meepsheeptasmania sup!23:13
lionofgodI think it may be because I am using html5 for youtube23:13
yeikclausen, if your not root, they don't necessarily have your password. and everybody is different. it is just much safer. You don't have to lock your front door on your house23:13
clausenyeik, if someone gets unprivileged access, they can just alias "sudo" to something that logs keystrokes23:13
aciculaTasmania: yes23:13
lionofgodI jsut reinsalled chromium23:13
yeikclausen, but it is much safer to keep it locked at all times.23:13
vexaxvhow do i change the default python version on ubuntu? i just installed python 3.2.3 from source but it still says 2.7.2 is default23:14
clausenyeik, I don't see how it's any safer... in fact, I would think it's safer to abolish passwords, and have a root window (that can only be access locally)23:14
aciculaclausen: thats how it works now23:14
clausen(i.e. abolish passwords for priviledge elevation)23:15
zenmasterSo uh, on Vsftpd, I have local users enabled, and write enabled. But when I login with local user, I can't upload? Permision denied even to my own home dir.... :*(23:15
lionofgodI cant watch videos online, can someone help me?23:15
lionofgodI jsut reinstalled chromium23:15
clausenacicula, I still have to type passwords for privilege elevation...23:15
lionofgodbut on firefox and chrome videos are not working23:15
clausen(even with policykit)23:15
aciculaclausen: you have to type your own password yes23:15
yeikclausen, passwords aren't safe. they are a deterrent. nothing is secure. only make it harder to get to. What if i don't have physical access to my machine? ie a virtual machine loaded in a cloud in amazon?23:15
ardianacicula, I have that problem with the temp also if I open any site like in twitter when I look at the pics, it goes for 1-2 seconds and then it comes back to 54* so that is normal23:15
aciculaclausen: though you can disable that in the sudoers file fairly easily so you can use sudo from your user without typing a password23:16
yeikalso, multi user system, no root password is safer because if someone leaves you can remove them from sudo, instead of changing root password for any computers that used it.23:16
clausenacicula, can you insist on local sudo only?23:16
clausen(on the terminal)23:16
clausen(i.e. on the physical keybaord, etc.)23:16
aciculaclausen: what i use is : my server has no passwords set, i can ssh in using keybased authentication as my user and use sudo23:17
clausenyeik, remote access isn't such a common use case.  in any case, ssh public key is a better solution than passwords23:17
yeikclausen, common use for who?23:17
clausenyeik, for random people on #ubuntu you might recommend sudo to23:17
clausenacicula, me too23:18
yeikclausen, I remote into my server all the time. infact i have a constant connection up. rarely am i physically at it.23:18
yeikclausen, you asked why sudo is better than su23:18
AreckxI am still unable to run java23:18
Areckxoh nvm23:18
clausenyeik, actually, I think both su and sudo are a disaster... it would make more sense to authenticate with keys somehow23:18
yeikand then you asked why not disable root except for physically.23:19
clausen(for remote access, I mean)23:19
aciculaclausen: those two are not related?23:19
clausenis it possible to disable root, except for physically?23:19
yeikclausen, once you have an ssh connection, which you can set up to only allow keys, then its no different than being at the computer.23:19
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aciculai think the reason for using sudo over su is just to prevent people from running a shell as root all the time, thereby circumventing any protections the system might have23:20
yeikacicula, that is what i was stating earlier, it has a time out. and also people can be removed from it (users/admins) without requiring a root password change23:21
lionofgodHello. I accidentally almsot formatted my ubuntu, I finally have it running again but I cannot get videos to work23:21
fnordism  /join #hamradio23:21
lionofgodsudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer, I even tried reinstalling flash23:21
yeikclausen, ubuntu is an operating system, it is going to be set up to be used the most securly and conviently for standard uses and users.23:21
lionofgodplease can someone help me to get videos to work23:21
yeiklionofgod, what kind of videos?23:22
lionofgodI can view youtube videos, i think its cuz im on html5 trial23:22
lionofgodbut videos on sites like animeseason23:22
clausenyeik, acicula, so you don't know any way to discriminate against non-local logins?23:22
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clausen(isn't there something like /etc/securetty?)23:22
lionofgodthose dont work23:22
lionofgodI think those are flash23:22
vexaxvhow do u uninstall something uve installed by source (its not in synpatic or the software center)23:23
yeikclausen, im not an expert, but i don't think it works like that. I can create a shell session locally, walk away and reattach. the user was logged in locally. how can i tell if it is remote or not?23:23
aciculaclausen: yes you can disable gaining root priviledges from a remote terminal, but why would you want that23:23
yeiklionofgod, can you go to adobe flash about page and see if it tells you what version you have installed?23:23
Diamondcitelionofgod: They are flash, which browser?23:24
Diamondcitelionofgod: And if it's firefox, did you close all windows and re-open firefox since flash was installed?23:24
clausenyeik, you're thinking of screen or tmux?23:24
clausenyeik, if you're running screen/tmux as root, you'd need to be root to reattach?23:25
yeikclausen, i can run screen as myself, and su inside screen. or sudo. you are trying to complicate things too much.23:25
Diamondciteclausen: You will need the user which launched the screen session to re-attach to it.23:25
clausenacicula, it might make priviledge elevation attacks harder23:25
clausenacicula, I'm more worried about people aliasing sudo=keylogger23:26
lionofgodIm getting this message23:26
yeikclausen, are you really worried about elevation attacks?23:26
lionofgodand this is chromium23:26
lionofgodim looking at the technote thing23:26
clausenyeik, I would be forbidding running screen "as myself", and then su'ing from that23:26
clausenyeik, yes, I really am :)23:27
yeikclausen, then ubuntu isn't for you. you should build your own linux.23:27
meganerdclausen: yeik You can use sudo, you don't need to actually be root to attach to a screen session owned by root23:27
clausenyeik, that's a bit fast!23:27
clausenyeik, ubuntu is very configurable23:27
yeikmeganerd, i was trying to explain to clausen that you can't block root/sudo access remotely23:27
clausenyeik, apt-get remove sudo; echo /dev/tty0 >> /etc/securetty ?23:27
HelenBIs anyone in #kubuntu who can help me with my sound?23:28
meganerdyeik: sure you can23:28
meganerdyeik: disable sudo and prevent ssh from accepting root23:28
yeikmeganerd, please explain, then how if i have a shell session, it recognizes if i attach remotely or if i am physically at the keyboard.23:28
HelenBwell the last time my sound was working was when I plugged my headphones into a different audio socket23:28
HelenBunplugging them from that socket23:28
HelenBmessed up my sound23:29
meganerdyeik: you could go one further and have PAM prevent root as well.23:29
HelenBI tried the troubleshooting guide23:29
HelenBdidn't work23:29
AreckxI would like to use an Japanese input method that is at least as good as Microsoft IME23:29
HelenBI also checked alsamixer23:29
Diamondcitelionofgod: Which version of ubuntu is this?23:29
meganerdyeik: Oh I see the difference23:29
HelenBeverything is on full.23:29
meganerdyeik: disabling remote access is what I was thinking23:29
lionofgodI jsut enabled flash plugin on about:plugins23:29
HelenBI'm using Kubuntu 11.1023:29
lionofgodI am going to restart chrome23:29
clausenyeik, if you have root, you can always make a poorman's telnetd23:29
yeikmeganerd, you could remove root altogether, there are lots of things you can do. rename sudo to your own command.23:29
clausenyeik, (which is sort of what tmux/screen do)23:30
meganerdyeik: though you could look at the output of who and disconnect based on that23:30
clausenyeik, but if you don't use tmux/screen, then you don't open any such hole23:30
yeikmeganerd, yeah.23:30
meganerdclausen: but screen is just so awesome23:30
meganerdgotta run, cheers23:30
clausentmux is better!23:30
clausenanyway, gotta go too23:30
yeikclausen, im saying you are trying to lock things down too much, if you really want to limit access in such a way, then you already know far more than most people that are going to be here, and about as much as anybody that can help you here.23:30
HelenBscreen doesn't open any holes. lol23:31
* yeik boggles his mind23:31
* HelenB boggles yeik 23:31
yeikis it always this insane in here?23:31
meganerdI really did join that late23:31
yeikmeganerd, yeah23:31
meganerdsorry about feeding the troll23:31
yeikhe first asked the difference and why sudo is better than su23:31
aciculano usually the #paranoia is restricted to ##security23:31
clausenI'm sorry, I didn't mean to troll23:32
yeikso i explained that it timed out.23:32
aciculatmux > screen23:32
lionofgodOkay, I have enabled shockwave flash in plugins for chrome but flash player still does not work23:32
clausenI do appreciate you explaining things to me23:32
HelenBI WANT SOUND!23:32
yeikmeganerd, its ok.23:32
lionofgodcan someone please tell me?23:33
zenmasterHow come in my own users directory, I am having permission issues uploading files via ftp. I am using Vsftpd.23:33
lionofgodI enabled flash yet it is still not working23:33
yeiklionofgod, did you go to adobes about page?23:33
zenmasterIts like it can only upload one folder deep then after that its jacked.23:34
lionofgodit tells me that my flash is disabled adn tells me to visit about:plugins23:34
aciculazenmaster: could be just because the vsftp daemon is running as a different system user23:34
yeiklionofgod, and does it still tell you that?23:34
lionofgodI went there and enabled flash23:34
lionofgodyes it still tells me that23:34
roastedQuestion - I have Ubuntu running with DHCP with 2 NICs... but one NIC does not hand out addresses while the other does... any ideas?23:34
yeiklionofgod, did you close all chrome windows?23:34
zenmasteracicula: How do I change that?23:34
lionofgodshould I restart>23:34
yeikroasted, DHCP server?23:34
yeiklionofgod, its always a good idea23:34
roastedyeik, yes.23:34
roastedyeik, Ubuntu desktop edition, with dhcp installed.23:35
zenmasterI see root and nobody.23:35
aciculazenmaster: idunno, not familiar with vsftp, but it sounds like you are having permission issues. Did you check if there is a wikipage on the ubuntu community wiki on how to get started setting it up?23:35
lionofgodI have the option to enable other plugins such as vlc should i enable them as well?23:35
yeikroasted,  well, everybody has dhcp, but dhcp server...23:35
zenmasteracicula: Someof those resources.23:35
roastedyeik, yes dhcp server23:35
yeikroasted, iirc you might have to configure the DHCP server with  the mac address to broadcast on.23:35
roastedyeik, do you know where, by chance?23:36
roastedyeik, best I know of is /etc/default/dhcp3-server where I have to put in eth0 and eth1 for dhcp service.23:36
yeikroasted, i use my ddwrt router for dhcp. i haven't tried setting it up in ubuntu23:36
Areckxso.,... hibernate in 10.0423:36
wylde!dhcp | roasted23:37
ubotturoasted: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP23:37
Areckxthe option isn't even in the menu23:37
roastedwylde, :(23:37
yeikroasted, http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch08_:_Configuring_the_DHCP_Server23:37
violinapprenroasted: if you're looking for a lightweight and easy configurable DHCP/DNS server try dnsmasq23:37
roastedviolinappren, I'm not. I'm just trying to find out why one NIC works and the other does not.23:37
Areckx!pm-hibernate | Areckx23:38
wylderoasted: heh, I do run a minimal dhcp server but that's only because I also have an ltsp server on my network.23:38
roastedwylde, that's what I'm working on... an LTSP server.23:38
Areckx!hibernate | Areckx23:38
roastedwylde, two NICs, one NIC per lab (two labs)23:38
roastedwylde, one gets DHCP, other does not. Even if I plug my laptopdirectly into the NIC, no DHCP...23:38
roastedwylde, definitely not a switch problem...23:38
violinapprenroasted: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dhcp.html23:39
wylderoasted: I'm running with a single nic, the server is nothing more than a backup server for my home network, an ltsp server for my garage equipment and failover for the rest of my pc's.23:39
yeikwylde, can you post your config?23:40
roastedviolinappren, unavailble.23:40
yeikwylde, im guessing you didn't put both ip addresses for both nics in your configuration23:40
wylderoasted: I suspect you will have to some specific configuration using 2 nic's.23:40
roastedot it23:40
yeikerr, i meant roasted.23:40
wyldeno worries.23:41
roastedyeik, I have 2 NICs, and then in the dhcp config, I have 2 scopes, one for 17.5-17.254 and 18.5-18.25423:41
roastedyeik, I see no reason why it wouldn't work.23:41
roastedyeik, the config is identical, except 17 vs 1823:42
wylderoasted: altho... moment I did find some lnks with 2 nic setup while seeting my ltsp server up.23:42
violinapprenroasted: this page has a multiple interface example https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server23:42
yeikroasted, use pastebin to post your config.23:42
wylderoasted: ^^ beat me to it! danged beer!23:42
yeikif he is configuring the same subnet, it might take one of the configs over the other, i think he needs both ip addresses in the domain-name-servers option23:44
roastedyeik, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/933293/23:45
roastedI see a problem23:47
roastedI think23:47
wylderoasted you have "next-server" uncommented23:47
wylderoasted: in lab 60523:48
roastedwylde, right23:48
roastedI just commented it23:48
roastedand the line below23:48
roastedno difference23:48
sepokiis there any channel for PRINCE XML or something like that ?23:48
wylderoasted:  ahh ok, was hoping for a quick fix hehe.23:49
roastedsame here wylde :(23:49
roastedwylde, actually that may have worked23:51
roastedI gotta jet. I had to restart the network interfaces (before I just did dhcp but that alone didnt fix it)23:51
roastedwylde, thanks!23:51
wylderoasted:  hmmm .. moment. Are you using something other than dhcp3... errr nvm I'm going to look at my configs, /etc/dhcp3.conf is over ridden by /etc/ltp/somethingorother..... iirc.23:51
wyldebrb goota check my pizza!23:51
wylderoasted:  oh?!23:52
yeikroasted, if that doesn't work check, where it has host  blah3{} https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server23:53
ProfessorBacondamn unity locks up a whole lot23:56
JonMarkGoI'm running Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit server edition and when I run sudo apt-get update I get a bunch of "Failed to fetch bzip2...hash sum mismatch" errors23:57
rhin0how do I launch bash and get ssh and also issue a command (I forgot)23:57
BoohbahJonMarkGo: try a different mirror23:57
MrUnagii love screen23:59
* yeik loves screen too23:59
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