
cousteaucan has screenshot?00:17
babblecousteau: of?00:18
cousteauI'm considering switching to Xubuntu, since I don't like Unity nor Shell (mostly due to my video card NOT being the one on a playstation 3), and I'm not quite convinced by Lubuntu (although it's fine for my netbook)00:18
cousteauof Xubuntu 12.0400:18
babble12.04 looks essentially like 11.04-11.10, given that Precise is still using the release version of Xfce (4.8)00:19
cousteauI saw this pretty annoying Ubuntu theme that replaces the scroll bars with a weird thing that doesn't allow you to middle-click them (which is something I love from scroll bars)00:19
babbleI have some screenshots of the current developer build Xfce 4.10, but Xfce doesn't do sweeping UI changes. It's very much evolution, not revolution. (I like this; you may or may not.)00:20
cousteauok then00:21
cousteaunow it'd be nice to have a list of programs xubuntu comes with...  or maybe I just install from an alternate CD and just install the strictly needed stuff00:21
cousteauok, so other than the window buttons being on the wrong side...00:23
babblecousteau: I can't give you a simple list of default apps, as of course I've customized my system with my own collection of preferred apps, but why not just download the LiveCD and see what's there?00:23
cousteauHey, does Thunar have the ability to expand folders as Nautilus does?00:23
cousteaubabble, eyah, that'd be a good idea00:23
babblecousteau: that's not a substantive issue; put your window buttons wherever you want them.00:23
babblecousteau: if you mean, 'Does thunar have disclosure dropdowns, like Nautilus,' no, but there's nothing that prevents you from using Nautilus on Xubuntu00:24
cousteaualso, does Thunar have the F3 (or similar) option for seeing a two-pane view of 2 directories at once on a single window?00:24
babbleNo, but again, if you *want* Nautilus, use Nautilus.00:24
babbleThunar isn't intended to replicate every possible feature of Nautilus (or Dolphin or etc. etc. etc.)00:24
cousteauok then...  if nautilus doesn't integrate bad on xubuntu then I guess it'd be fine00:25
babbleit's intended to be a lightweight file manager.00:25
babbleit will need a collection of Gnome dependencies, which may or may not be a good thing, in your view, but again, if you really can't live without Nautilus all that prevents you from using it is allocating the disk space to install it00:25
cousteauwell, the two-panel thing wasn't invented by nautilus, it already existed in e.g. midnight commander00:25
babbleyou're arguing needlessly00:26
babbleI'm not making any claims of original invention.00:26
cousteauand whatever DSL's file manager is called00:26
babbleI am saying if you prefer Nautilus, use Nautilus.00:26
cousteauyeah, sorry00:26
cousteauI wouldn't se that sort of features as "copying what another fm does"...  more like a good feature00:27
babbleagain, the only person worried about anybody copying feature is you.00:27
babbleI don't care, and haven't made any claims one way or the other.00:27
babbleThunar and Nautilus in some ways target different use cases.00:29
babbleagain, Thunar does not, and is not intended to, replicate every possible feature from every conceivable file manager.00:29
babbleit does a competent job at the features it does implement, IMO, but your mileage may vary. If you find it lacking, use whatever you prefer.00:30
cousteauok, thanks00:30
babblefwiw, if you want a 2-pane view, similar to tabs in Nautilus or the extra pane view in Nautilus, there are window autotiling features in Xfce 4.10 that make a side-by-side view very simple to achieve in Thunar.00:32
cousteauI prefer the 2-pane style...  saves you 1 window00:34
babbleI have Tile Left and Tile Right in 4.10 mapped to a couple of keyboard shortcuts and making something functionally identical to Nautilus' Extra Pane view takes milliseconds for me, given that00:34
cousteau(having tile activated is nice, though)00:34
babbleagain, this is easily doable in 4.10.00:34
cousteauEach time I see "4.10" I think "warty warthog"00:34
babbleif you look through the screenshots I've posted, there's a side-by-side view of a pair of autotiled Thunar windows.00:34
babblethat's a simple Alt-L and Alt-R using my preferred keymappings.00:35
cousteauyeah, I saw it00:36
babblebut, still, all that prevents you from using Thunar is allocating the disk space for Thunar and some gnome dependencies.00:37
babble(or Kmail or etc. etc. etc. from Gnome or KDE, and so on.)00:37
babblesorry, all that prevents you from using Nautilus, rather.00:37
cousteauoh, that makes more sense  :)00:38
babblethere's already a fair number of Gnome packages installed in Xubuntu anyway, given their default package selections.00:39
babbleAdding Nautilus isn't onerous.00:40
cousteauyeah, it's weird...  Lubuntu uses XFCE programs and Xubuntu uses Gnome ones00:41
cousteauthey're all GTK after all00:41
babbleLubuntu used LXDE00:41
babbleI'm not sure about their entire default applications stack00:41
cousteauyes, but it uses some XFCE programs such as the system monitor00:42
cousteauand gnome-mplayer (while gnome uses this totem thing)00:42
babblethat being said, in both cases, these are somewhat smaller community supported distributions, with fewer folks handling packaging and related duties than Ubuntu itself.00:42
cousteauand gnome-office (which is ok on the Gnumeric part but the Abiword part isn't that great)00:42
babbleit doesn't make sense to duplicate a ton of work just for the sake of being "not-Gnome" or something.00:43
babbleif a given package from Gnome makes sense to use, it'll get used.00:44
cousteauOk, so...  just in case I dislike one of the default, non-necessary programs in Xubuntu, is there some sort of xubuntu-core or xubuntu-minimal I'd want to install that only installs the needed parts to have a fully working Xubuntu desktop but without the recomended programs?00:44
babblewhat exactly is your point?00:44
babbleagain, this is a packaging decision.00:44
babblexubuntu-core doesn't exist, because ubuntu-core already does, honestly.00:44
babbleif you don't want any of the Xubuntu packagers' decisions and want to roll your own, you can do that00:45
babbleagain, Xubuntu is a community supported derivative of Ubuntu.00:45
babble(the important concept to remember here is *community* supported.)00:46
cousteaue.g. say xubuntu is going to install abiword and totem and gcalc but I prefer libreoffice and gnome-mplayer and qalculate, is there a way to install only the basic xubuntu desktop without the programs that come with xubuntu by default (and aren't necessary for xubuntu)?00:46
cousteaumaybe it's xfce what I'm looking for and not xubuntu?00:46
cousteauoh...  bye00:46
madlumberjackyo has anyone gotten their toshiba backlit keyboard working yet>01:06
babblehave you seen this:01:12
cousteaubabble, so I was wondering...  maybe what I'm looking for is just a plain XFCE and then install whatever I want on it?01:21
babblecousteau: if you don't want to live with any of the Xubuntu packagers' decisions, you have a couple of options, none of them as easy as installing a "regular user" distro and going with it01:22
babbleyou could:01:22
cousteauor that won't be as consistent as installing Xubuntu?01:22
babble1. Install Xubuntu, and uninstall xubuntu-desktop and rebuild it yourself with just the packages you want or...01:22
babble2. Install ubuntu-core and build an Xfce desktop yourself, with just the packages you want.01:23
cousteaumaybe xfce4 (+ xubuntu-default-settings?) is all I need01:25
babbleagain, this is all a packaging decision.01:26
babbleXubuntu, somewhat like Ubuntu, is largely targeted at folks who want a well-rounded desktop experience 'out of the box.'01:26
babblethat's not to say you can't roll your own01:26
cousteauyeah, that's probably what I'll do...  my only fear was that not installing a complete xubuntu would end up on having an incomplete desktop01:26
babbleit's just to say that the Live images are built with a particular user target in mind.01:26
babbleyou can uninstall literally everything and build what you want, from the ground up01:27
babblebut it will be a certain amount of work.01:27
cousteauyeah, I understand that...  I just thought xubuntu had some sort of minimal or core package01:27
cousteau(which would be a "fully working xubuntu but without the programs that are not needed for it to work")01:28
babbleNo, because that would be an unnecessary duplication of work, on limited community resources, given that ubuntu-core already exists for folks who really do want to build EVERYTHING up themselves from a minimal installation.01:28
cousteauwell, I was thinking on metapackages01:28
babbleyou apparently want a psychic distribution that comes packaged with just what you want without much effort on your part.01:28
babbleit would be nice, but then again, so would unicorns01:29
babblecousteau: perhaps think of it this way:01:30
babblethe Fedora Xfce spin exists01:30
cousteauno, not with what I want, only with the basic stuff...  I don't need the distro to be already on a CD, I was thinking going the ubuntu-minimal way and aptitude install whatever01:30
babblebut it's needlessly duplicative to expect that the Xfce spin reinvents the wheel to provide its users with everything that Fedora already does.01:30
cousteauanyway, I'm too tired now...  I think I'll just install the xfce4 package and see if I like that or if I'm missing half of the things01:32
cousteaunight, and thanks fr the advice!  :D01:34
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kanliotdoes thunar have a desktop mode where it manages files on the desktop?03:11
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balabercan someone help me with my suspend to ram issue? the suspend section looks good but wen i wont to resume i always get a reboot or a "new session" instead of my old suspended session15:42
babblebalaber: did you recently reformat your swap partition?15:44
babble(something to cause your swap partition to get a new UUID?)15:44
balaberno i used pm-utils15:46
balaberi think i dont need a swap partition15:46
babbleif you're using suspend-to-disk, you need to make sure that the resume file in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d points to the UUID of the partition with the suspend image15:47
babbletypically, that'll be swap15:47
babbleif you've done something else, substitute as appropriate for whatever you're doing15:47
balaberok my resume file in "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/" is empty15:48
babblethat's why it's not resuming from hibernate15:49
balaberso i need to post my UUID in this file?15:49
babbleagain, it depends on whether or not you've altered the default hibernate behavior.15:49
babblewhere did you tell pm-utils to write a suspend image to?15:49
balabergive me a minute i will check this15:50
meneMeneI don't seem to be able to find anything to get Orage to display time in a 24-hour manner rather than a 12 hour clock.16:32
meneMeneHow do I get Orage to display a 24 hour clock?16:32
baizoni use xfce4-datetime-plugin16:34
babble%k in orage's clock string will do hours in a 24-hour format.16:36
babblei.e. %k:%M for 23:15 (hours displayed as 0-23, minutes as 0-59)16:37
meneMene%T was what I wanted.16:37
meneMeneVery nice post there.16:38
babbleif you want it to autoformat including seconds, yes.16:38
babblethis is documented in the manual for date16:38
babbleat your terminal, do:16:38
babbleman date16:38
meneMeneAh, thanks.16:38
babblethe clock string in Orage is using the standard date utility16:38
meneMeneI can never seem to guess *what* to man.16:38
babbleit's a little cryptic if you've never used date before, but the percent-strings in the Orage clock's dialog are just date functions.16:39
meneMeneGreat, that looks a lot better.16:41
babbleif you don't like the way your locale setting autoformats it for %T, you can roll your own16:41
meneMeneThanks a lot for the help.16:42
babbleno worries :)16:44
ccssddeewhats the name of the lock screen app?17:04
babble xflock - but let me double check17:06
babblexflock4, sorry17:06
ccssddeebabble: why cant I find xflock4 in synaptic?17:14
babbleit's in xfce-utils17:14
babbleif you have -utils installed, you've got it17:15
babblebut, it has no manpage of its own, and no commandline switches I can find17:15
babbleit does one thing - locks the screen, and starts your screensaver - and one thing only.17:16
ccssddeeyes babble utils are installed, I was looking for an entry in the categorized index17:16
ccssddeeyes, thats the app im looking for17:16
babbleyou've got it installed.17:16
ccssddeeso, how do i block the screen?17:17
babblewhat do you want to do?17:18
babbledo you want to lock your screen from the commandline, requiring a password to unlock?17:18
ccssddeeI was thinking: I can just close the laptop (I mean phisically), and it auto blocks17:19
babbleThere are settings available for that already in Power Manager.17:19
ccssddeeshut the laptop17:19
ccssddeebabble: I was just looking for a shortcut (ctrl+something = blocked screen)17:20
babbleYou can set a shortcut for xflock4 in Settings Manager : Keyboard : Application Shortcuts17:20
babblebut you've said you want two different things.17:20
babblelocking your screen when you close your laptop lid isn't the same thing as using a keyboard command17:20
ccssddeeim not aware of that.. sorry I write as I try not to attract too much attention from the teacher17:21
babbleyou can set both, or either.17:21
babbleif you want a lock action when you close your laptop, look in the power manager panel for that17:21
babbleif you want to set a keyboard command, look in the keyboard panel for that17:21
fAz4i deleted all my panels and stuffs is there any way to restore them like gnome ?17:23
babbleIn the Power Manager panel, look in Extended, and check: "Lock screen when going to suspend/hibernate"17:23
babblefAz4: did you *delete* your panels in the Panel control or did you kill the panel process and want to get it back?17:23
fAz4babble: unfortunately i deleted my .config file17:24
babblethen you'll need to rebuild your panels17:24
Unit193fAz4: You can delete the .config/xfce4/panels17:25
babblefAz4: ...and you don't have a backup anyplace of your configs?17:25
fAz4babble: no :(17:25
fAz4where can i download xubuntu 11.04 default configs ?17:26
babblelet me see where the new account default panel setup is17:26
babblethat would at least get you started.17:26
babblethe xubuntu-default-settings package has xubuntu defaults17:27
babblebut it won't override changes you've made to your own account17:27
fAz4babble: i dont have that command17:28
babblefrom the default-settings package, the default panel setup is in:17:28
babbleit's not a command; it's an installable package17:29
babbleyou asked:17:29
babble<fAz4> where can i download xubuntu 11.04 default configs ?17:29
babbleXubuntu default settings for the panel and various things are in an installer package called xubuntu-default-settings.17:30
fAz4but i dont have that file also17:30
babbleit pulls settings from stuff installed by that when you make a new user account17:30
babblethen you'll need to install it.17:30
babblesudo apt-get install xubuntu-default-settings17:30
I-Am-Marino_So I'm going to install Linux for the first time here later this week, go me, felt like sharing that with you all.17:30
babblebut, again, it *won't* automatically change anything you've done to your *own* account17:31
babbleif you want the default panel back, as a starting point, you'll still need to manually copy the default panel config into your own ~/.config directory17:31
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flavio__hi all17:47
flavio__hi babble17:47
flavio__yesterday you help me with a problem on Gigolo17:47
babblehi flavio__ :)17:49
babblestill having trouble?17:49
flavio__yes. after the restart i didn't able to connect my nas17:50
babbledid you bookmark the nas in Gigolo?17:50
flavio__i received this error17:50
flavio__yes and when i  start gigolo (becase at the moment i didn't add it to my17:51
flavio__startup apps17:51
flavio__i receive a message17:51
babblewhat error?17:51
flavio__failed to mount windows share17:51
babbleis the NAS visible if you connect to its web interface?17:52
flavio__could be a problem of permissions?17:52
flavio__at the same time in file manager17:52
babbleif you could connect to it yesterday, and you haven't changed anything on the NAS side, probably not17:52
flavio__windows network17:52
flavio__i'm not able to open my home network17:53
babbleI don't understand what you mean, "at the same time in file manager."17:53
flavio__the gigolo error is17:53
babblecan you see the NAS if you connect to its web interface using your web browser?17:53
flavio__connection at <<smb://hdd-eth2/Public/>>17:53
babbleI'm not asking about that17:54
babblecan you see the NAS if you connect to its *web interface* using your *web browser?*17:54
babbleyou said yesterday you knew its ip address, and you had already set up a public share.17:54
flavio__in firefox it works17:54
babblewhat is the numeric IP of the NAS?17:55
flavio__after the login on them via browser17:56
flavio__gigolo is able to connect them17:57
babbleI'm not asking that17:57
babblethen you've done something on the permissions side on the nas.17:57
babbleit's not a gigolo issue; you've changed how you had your permissions set up from yesterday17:57
flavio__babble the channel is too late17:58
babbleI don't understand what you mean, flavio__, sorry17:58
flavio__after the login on the web interface gigolo is able to connect them17:59
babbleif you've changed your permissions setup on the NAS, you'll need to change it back to the open public share you had yesterday, *or* you'll need to log in using a username and password in gigolo using whatever authentication you've changed.17:59
antiitime to switch wm.. going from ubuntu 10.04, tried gnome 3, unity and kde and I dont like none of them.. how is xfce holding up nowadays?17:59
babbleantii: that's not a question folks can meaningfully answer. I like it. You may, or may not.18:00
babbledownload a live image and have a look around.18:00
babbleif you like it, install it.18:00
antiidoing it :p18:00
antiibabble: well, I got no alternative..18:00
babbleof course you do.18:00
babbleyou just don't have an alternative you want, at the moment18:01
antiiim happy with gnome2 on my ubuntu 10.04 machine.. but its time to upgrade :P18:01
babbleif you want Gnome 2, you may try installing Cinnamon on Gnome 3 instead of the regular gnome shell18:01
babbleif you want a Gnome 2-style desktop, Xubuntu is quite capable.18:01
babblebut it doesn't (and doesn't need to) replicate the Gnome 2 experience completely.18:02
antiiah, same that linux mint uses?18:03
babbleCinnamon is based on the mint gnome shell extensions, I'm fairly sure, yes.18:03
babbleif you want to stick with Gnome, but prefer the Gnome 2 interface to just about anything else, Cinnamon is probably going to give you a better experience.18:04
babbleXfce is its own project, with its own direction and goals.18:04
antiibut I like the simplicity18:04
antiilike gnome2.. :P18:04
babbleyou're not being especially clear on what you want18:05
babbleif you want Gnome 2 and nothing else, there's a fork called Mate18:07
babbleI haven't a clue how well supported it is.18:07
* holstein prefers XFCE to mate for that gnome2 feel18:16
craigbass1976I can't deal with Unity anymore, or gnome3.  I'm about to install xfce on my 12.04 laptop.  Anything funny I ought to know about beforehand?18:16
antiiFunny :P18:16
holsteincraigbass1976: its awesome... enjoy!18:16
antiiholstein: installing in vm now :D18:16
craigbass1976How different than in 10.04 ?18:17
holsteincraigbass1976: you mean, XFCE in 10.04?18:17
holsteincraigbass1976: if you used/liked XFCE back then, you will only find welcome improvements18:18
craigbass1976I've not been this annoyed with a desktop environment since XP came out18:18
craigbass1976Is there any testign going on with XFCE for mobile devices, or is that kind of where unity is supposed to shine?18:19
holsteinsome folks like it.. some folks actually develop it.. theres always options18:19
holsteincraigbass1976: XFCE will just run on whatever device.. no need to test it really... i would say it would do OK on some and not OK on others depending on your needs or desired workflow18:20
craigbass1976Last question...  Honest...  Usually I grab Xubuntu iso.  This time I've installed xubuntu-desktop with apt.  How is this going to be set as default?  Is there a different desktop manager I select somewhere?18:21
holsteinat login.. you can switch, or get it where theres just the one... its up to you18:22
craigbass1976holstein, ok; I didn't know if xfce and unity/gnome used the same desktop manager18:23
holsteincraigbass1976: you can have unity *and* XFCE is what i mean18:24
holsteinand switch between them at boot18:24
holsteinOR, just have one of them.. or anything else you can imagine and tolerate configuring18:24
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craigbass1976holstein, phew...  I feel better now.  THanks18:32
holsteincraigbass1976: enjoy!18:33
flaviohi babble18:55
flavioi solved the problem,18:55
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Guest48105this kind of nas has some problem to manage the samba18:55
Guest48105users and permissions18:55
babblewhat else does it serve?18:55
babbleyou're not limited to just smb mounts in Gigolo18:56
Guest48105so i add the administrator name and pwd in the gigolo bookmarks18:56
Guest48105and in this way all works18:56
babbleas I said, you can add usernames and passwords in Gigolo18:56
Guest48105the folders are without restrictions so i tough they don't need user and pwd19:03
craigbass1976I lied... I have more questions.   Can I rearrange the order of my window buttons on a panel?19:34
CogitoIs mono needed in Xubuntu?19:36
Unit193If you install something that needs it, yep.19:36
Unit193Otherwise, not by default.19:37
Unit193craigbass1976: Yep, you sure can. You're talking about the open programs? (just to be clear)19:37
craigbass1976Unit193, yessah19:38
Unit193craigbass1976: Ctlr+right click > Sorting order19:38
craigbass1976Unit193, I don't see such a choice.19:40
Unit193Properties first, then sorting order19:40
Unit193"None, allow drag & drop"19:40
craigbass1976I'm in 4.8.  Something I read (https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/xfce-cant-change-window-buttons-order-in-the-panel-like-in-gnome-875036/) said the feature was removed in 4.819:41
craigbass1976Ctrl + right click does the same thing as regular right click.19:42
CogitoUnit193: Thanks19:58
craigbass1976Unit193, I thought maybe logging out an din again would help, but I still don't see the options you're talkign about after setting "none, drag and drop" as the sorting order20:14
Unit193What system are you on? Version that is.20:22
craigbass1976Unit193, 12.04.  Am I in trouble now?20:33
Unit193Alright, so when you hold down ctrl and right click, you don't see "Properties", "Remove", and "Move"?20:34
Unit193If so, Menu > Settings > Settings Manager > Panel > Items > Window Buttons  and then hit the "Gear" icon.20:35
craigbass1976Unit193, I do see the three thing you say20:36
Unit193Alright, and in properties you see "Sorting Order"?20:37
craigbass1976Yes, and that's set to none, drag and drop20:38
Unit193And if you hit Ok and drag the icon it doesn't work?20:38
craigbass1976It flies back to where it started20:38
Unit193Try dragging it a few windows over, I know it works as I'm using it on 11.1020:39
craigbass1976I think I just dragged one, but I don't know where the blazes I should be aiming when I let go.  Seems the target is smaller than in gnome 2.x20:40
Unit193Could be, but I didn't like/use Gnome2. :P20:40
Unit193Still no go?20:41
Unit193If so, try logging out and back in. :P20:41
craigbass1976I got it, maybe even consistently...20:48
Unit193Great, hope you like it.20:48
craigbass1976Much better than unity, and gnome320:49
GridCubei kinnda lost ubuntu's grub for another linux grub...22:03
GridCubeand that other grub doesnt have an update-grub option22:04
Unit193Just use grub-install to put it back.22:05
GridCubebut i need a live cd for that correct?22:05
Unit193Not if you can get into the system you want, nope.22:05
babblefwiw, it's easier for me to use boot repair for grub reinstallations.22:06
Unit193Cool, that'll do it.22:06
GridCubewhats that?22:06
GridCubewelp i need to make a booteable usb22:07
babbleGridCube: it will do grub reinstallations or updates without worrying about the usual device issues. (I often have trouble getting grub to reinstall if I do it the 'usual' way and chroot onto my system)22:07
GridCubei didnt understood half what you said22:07
GridCubehow do i run that?22:08
GridCubei dont have an ubuntu running...22:08
babbleGridCube: Then you likely want to install boot repair on your recovery system instead of trying to do it manually.22:08
babbleMake a live usb with a writeable filesystem and install boot repair on it22:09
GridCubeso. livecd > bootrepair > repair boot22:09
babblewell, not a cd22:11
babbleyou want something with a writeable filesystem (a live USB thumb drive will work) so that you can install boot repair on it22:11
GridCubeyes, in any case liveusb still goes to ram22:12
babbleGridCube: if it were me, I'd want to keep a recovery system with Boot Repair actually installed, instead of having to manually reinstall it each and every time I needed to use it from that recovery drive22:13
babblebut you do whatever works for you, of course.22:13
babbleGridCube: Have you never made a thumb drive system with a writeable casper image on it?22:14
GridCubehaving no idea what that i will with: no22:16
babbleHave you used Startup Disk Creator or Unetbootin to write an ISO to a thumb drive (instead of burning a CD) before?22:16
GridCubemany times22:16
babbleif you have, there's an option to make writeable filesystem image on the resulting live system.22:17
babblethat gets mounted along with the read-only squashfs filesystem through UnionFS so you can actually write stuff to the Live USB system22:17
GridCubemmmhm i see22:18
babbleif it were me, I'd install boot repair on a *writeable* LiveUSB system so that it would be available to me the next time I needed it22:18
babblebut again, you do whatever works for you22:18
rhin0(23:33:18) rhin0: why am I getting on  sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`  Media Change: Please insert the disc labelle  'Xubuntu 10.04.2 _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20110215.1)'  -- anyone know?22:34
pleia2the CD you used to install is still listed as one of your software sources22:35
rhin0im sure it isn't22:35
rhin0I never tick that box22:35
pleia2open up /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the deb cdrom: section22:35
pleia2well that is what it's asking for22:35
rhin0ok thanks22:36
pleia2great :)22:39
GridCube:D boot-repair did the works, now i can start to set things up to screw things up again23:15
* GridCube w00ts!23:15

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