
thomibzr pipelines are awesome!00:47
thomione thing though: when I do 'lp-propose' from within a pipeline, it sets the target to something really strange. Seems like an unrelated branch on the same project....00:50
thomi...when I specify the submit branch on the command line (to be 'lp:unity') I get this error:00:52
thomibzr: ERROR: Parent not accessible given base "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/unity/" and relative path "../../../~anjali-team/anjali/unity/"00:52
spivthomi: ah, heh, I'd guess that's a bug in bzr-pipeline00:59
thomi:( Worth filing a bug for it?00:59
spivthomi: where it's assuming that all LP branches have URL paths like /~owner/proj/name00:59
spiv(hence the ../../.. to get to the root of LP)01:00
thomihmmm I see01:00
spivI think so, I imagine abentley would know how to fix it icleanly01:00
thomihmm, also, if I exit $editor without making any changes after doing a 'lp-propose' I get a message that says "Commit message was not edited, use anyway? ([y]es, [n]o): ". If I pick "no", It still creates the merge proposal. Is this the intended behavior?01:12
thomiI expected it to abort the MP01:12
spivthomi: well, that behaviour sounds surprising to me, so that makes two of us!01:46
spivthomi: so yes, please file a bug01:46
thomiBTW, first bug is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-pipeline/+bug/98357601:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 983576 in bzr-pipeline (Ubuntu) "pipelines assume ~ownder/project/branch_name format for submit branches" [Undecided,New]01:46
spiv(You're welcome to file a bug even for issues you're not sure about; it doesn't take much effort to close them)01:46
thomiI guess so. Thanks for your help01:49
astraljavaHi gang, I just installed bzr 2.5.0 on Mac OS X Lion, and the sed for python mentioned in the wiki isn't needed anymore, the script already sets python2.6. Just thought I'd let you know so users won't be confused.11:54
astraljavaThanks for making it possible to hack ubuntu even on a Mac! :)11:54
vilaastraljava: it's a wiki :) Give it a shot12:37
jelmerhi Merwin_13:59
astraljavavila: I figured it being under canonical's domain, I wouldn't have privileges to modify. I'll give it a shot, but it doesn't seem to authenticate me.14:17
vilaastraljava: even with a launchpad account ?14:18
astraljavaAhh... finally let me in.14:18
vilaha great14:18
astraljavaSorry, it just took a long while.14:18
vilano worries14:18
astraljavaIt's randomly rather slow. Now it just won't find that page again after logging in.14:21
nDuffCan more modern releases of bzr-svn resume where they left off when caching svn metadata is interrupted?14:58
* nDuff has yet to be able to get through his 146,000-revision history without *something* causing an interruption.14:58
jelmernDuff: yes, though older revisions should be able to, too15:00
nDuffjelmer: ...hmm; On 1.1.x, I've yet to see that happen.15:05
abnerHi there. Is there an easy way to push commits to a bzr repo/branch from a git tree?15:24
nDuffabner: see http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-git-projects.html and/or http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/ForeignBranches/Git16:00
bj0is there a way to revert part of a file or branch to a previous revision? (use merge somehow?)17:40
jelmerbj0: bzr revert -rREV FILE17:47
jelmerbj0: or indeed by using bzr merge -rNEWREV..OLDREV FILE17:47
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