
HelenBDaskreech, Sound wasn't working00:00
HelenBBut there were literally no traces of problems00:00
HelenBand I mean no trace00:00
DaskreechHelenB: How did you solve it?00:29
DaskreechHelenB: Or what wsa the solution00:36
Daskreechgiantpune: Yes there is what are you trying to do?00:37
cryptodiracurrently on ubuntu 10.10 amd/64 and NOT wanting the gnome3 fiasco, hence I would like to know if moving to kubuntu will have the same gnome3 issues and restrictions.... anyone?00:39
HelenBDaskreech, I solved it by muting the front controls and then unmuting.00:42
DaskreechHelenB: Ah right I remember doing that :)00:43
Daskreechcryptodira: what are the gnome restrictions?00:44
cryptodiraDaskreech, i am seeing with the gnome3 interface a loss flexibility and features, ie: top and bottom bar functionality.00:47
giantpuneDaskreech, im writing a program and i want to be able to recognize a specific hard drive and treat each one differently.  but i want to use something which wont be changed by formatting and creating partitions and deleting partitions and stuff like that00:58
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Daskreechcryptodira: Sorry stepped away Let me answer you quickly :)01:44
cryptodiraDaskreech, np.... standing by.01:44
Daskreech Gnome 3 is at times polar opposite of KDE and in this case that happens to be true. KDE is remarkably flexible so much so that people have recreated Mac OSX interfaces Windows machines that fool people who use Windows all the time. THey have recreated Gnome3 and Unity so as it stands if there is something in Gnome 3 that you like you can rebuild it in KDE if you choose.01:45
cryptodiraDaskreech,  i have just recently moved from OS/2 warp4... and am using ubuntu 10.10 which is no longer supported....i 'think' i would like to move to kubuntu and need to know if i have to upgrade to the current ubuntu version PRIOR to doing this: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ..... ??01:48
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Devenoxhey there, can anyone help?05:28
DevenoxI did an upgrade last week, that stuffed my KWin05:28
Devenoxthru Apper05:28
bazhangDevenox, to what version of kubuntu05:29
Devenoxnow my desktop effects don't work, can barely use this OS05:29
DevenoxI have an 8800GTS gfx card, running generic nvidia drivers05:29
Devenoxas you log in, the last of the 5 elements to load (Kwin/Plasma) takes ages, and doesn't load right05:31
DaskreechWhat do you mean doesn't load right?05:32
Devenoxthe loading screen stays there as it tries to load the kde, for example my panels load with nothing there..05:33
Devenoxand you have to move or click the mouse for KDE to kick in and display my background and panel widgets etc..05:33
Devenoxsimple stuff like the "taskbar" and icons for LAN and volume etc..05:34
DevenoxI think everything is currently running on my CPU?05:34
DaskreechDevenox: So.. it stalls when coming to the desktop ?05:38
Devenoxkinda, but then I can use it at it's basics05:38
Devenoxlike here in konsole05:38
Devenoxcan run firefox and search for fixes05:38
Devenoxbut there's nothing about this problem really05:38
Devenox"KWin window manager": Desktop effects were too slow and were suspended05:39
Nagatto190xbonjour a tous05:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:45
Nagatto190xy'a t(il quelqu'un05:45
DaskreechDevenox: So the desktop doesn't really load?05:46
Devenoxyes, it does. I've just managed to get the "Additional Drivers" package working, and find the "post-release updates". The updates disabled my gfx drivers it seems05:51
DevenoxI'm about to restart and test.05:51
Devenoxdoes anyone know of anyone else having issues with recent updates disabled/messing with gfx drivers?06:09
DaskreechYes I heard of someone with nvidia drivers having issues06:12
Devenoxyeah, my mate who helped me onto linux says that my hardware drivers weren't working06:12
Devenoxbecause we found a generic driver thru muon06:13
DevenoxI just did the update, and it's has made things worse06:13
DaskreechDevenox: Ha ha ok what driver are you using now?06:17
DevenoxNIVIDA accerlerated graphics driver (post-release updates) (version 173-updates)06:19
DaskreechDevenox: how was that installed?06:24
Devenoxusing the "Additional drivers" package06:25
DevenoxAlt + F2: "Additi.."06:25
Devenoxthe recommended driver isn't working06:25
DevenoxI just restarted then06:25
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DaskreechDevenox: Ok It should remake your /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf then06:30
Devenox/etc/Xorg/xorg.conf: No such file or directory06:31
DaskreechDevenox: Might not be bad thing06:40
Devenoxat least the work on the win-partition lol06:41
DaskreechThey should work here as well I don't know why it affecting your desktop loading06:42
DaskreechYou think that it's a kwin inssue?06:42
DaskreechYou can replace kwin and see if it still reacts the same way06:57
HelenBDaskreech, :307:15
HelenBDaskreech, You're seeing a refreshed version of me!07:15
HelenBI just got up. :D07:15
DaskreechHelenB: welcome07:28
DaskreechHelenB: gald to ssee you as a nice refresh :)07:28
HelenBTHank you! :307:29
DaskreechHelenB: You are welcome :)07:36
Daskreechyou can try something like fluxbox to see if it's a kwin issue Devenox07:37
HelenBDaskreech, Surely they'll be a workaround in KDE if it has an issue with something.07:38
HelenBI've always found workarounds. :D07:38
HelenBHey hey hey hey07:38
HelenBHe wont have Kubuntu anymore07:39
HelenBHe'll have Fubuntu!07:39
HelenBlol Fubuntu07:39
HelenBDid you see what I did there? :D07:39
DaskreechHa ha07:40
HelenBThey should be a Gubuntu07:40
Daskreechflubuntu actually07:40
Daskreechthere is07:40
HelenBDoes it have gnome?07:41
HelenBIt's just...07:41
HelenBa lot of people hate Unity07:41
DaskreechIt was renamed to #gwensense07:41
HelenBbut now even Gnome is getting to be a hog07:41
HelenBso I switched to Kubuntu07:41
Daskreechthats #gnewsense :)07:42
DaskreechHelenB: Welcome to KDE and Kubuntu07:42
DaskreechI want to m07:42
HelenBI think it's stupid that they renamed it.07:43
HelenBI mean...07:43
HelenBGubuntu is cool07:43
HelenBit goes with the rest of the family!07:43
DaskreechYep but they wanted to focus more on the freedom07:43
HelenBGubuntu isn't even biological to the family anymore!07:43
DaskreechIt's a fully Free Distro07:43
HelenBI guess someone else should make a Gubuntu07:44
DaskreechThat means a lot of stuff doesn't work :)07:44
DaskreechSOmeone should07:44
DaskreechThough they cynical would just call that Debian07:44
HelenBya that always happens when you completely remove Unity/gnome from Ubuntu07:44
HelenBand put something on like07:44
HelenBlets say07:44
HelenByou'll find your sound doesn't work anymore07:44
HelenByou'll struggle to find things like the network manager07:45
HelenBso basicly07:45
HelenByou need to rebuild everything07:45
HelenBto fix the problems07:45
HelenBeven I tried it to Ubuntu07:45
HelenBand I got issues07:45
DaskreechYep part of the desktop depends07:45
Daskreechand why people just go with default installs07:46
HelenBIt's good that things like Ubuntu for Unity, Kubuntu for KDE, Flubuntu for fluxbox exist07:46
HelenBbecause then people can just use there favourite DE, etc without problems.07:47
HelenBlol theres even edubuntu07:47
HelenBdoes that have something to do with the Kubuntu educational desktop?07:47
DaskreechYes it does ;)07:48
HelenBso basicly it's Kubuntu but for schools?07:48
HelenBand kids at home?07:48
HelenBDaskreech, I'm going to be getting a test bench and a powerful mainboard07:50
HelenBI'm going to use the test bench for easy access07:50
HelenBto the mainboard when needed07:50
DaskreechNot really though you could you do that pretty easy07:50
Daskreech !info edubuntu-desktop-kde07:50
ubottuedubuntu-desktop-kde (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Kubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.95 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 48 kB07:50
HelenBI'm sick of fitting mainboards in a case.07:50
HelenBit's a real pain. lol07:50
DaskreechThat should work for you07:50
HelenBDaskreech, Yes I know about that07:51
HelenBbut I don't want it lol07:51
DaskreechOk :)07:51
HelenBunless I'm an uneducated baby07:51
Daskreech:) or a parent07:52
Daskreechyou are building computers?07:53
HelenB32GB RAM07:53
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:53
HelenBFloodBotK1, Excuse me? I beg your pardon?07:54
* HelenB puts middle finger up at FloodBotK1 07:54
DaskreechFor ... yourself? How are you sick of fitting boards in ?07:55
HelenBDaskreech, I do it all the time.07:55
HelenBand it's quite annoying.07:55
HelenBI'm going to set off to college now.07:56
HelenBSee you soon! :307:56
* HelenB cuddles Daskreech and gives FloodBotK1 a dirty look over Daskreech's shoulder07:57
DaskreechHa ha :)08:00
Daskreech:-p FloodBotK108:01
* Daskreech huggles HelenB 08:01
rainbow33i tried to run kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade to install 12.04, but nothing happens. Is there something else to do?08:06
Daskreechrainbow33: can you try sudo do-release-upgrade -d08:09
RiddellDaskreech: pst, cat /usr/bin/kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade08:10
rainbow33Daskreech: when i run it in Konsole, i get "No new release found"08:11
rainbow33Daskreech: my thought was to do a clean install of the 12.04 from the latest disk, and keep what is on the home partition, but i dont know why muon and konsole cant find 12.o4.08:15
Daskreechrainbow33: :-) can you cat /etc/lsb-release ?08:22
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rainbow33oneirc comes up08:23
rainbow33Daskreech: oneiric comes up08:24
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Daskreechrainbow33: do you have a kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade08:25
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rainbow33Daskreech: i am looking to torrent the iso08:29
rainbow33Daskreech:    is there a url that you recommend?08:29
Daskreechrainbow33: alright you have a home partition ?08:29
rainbow33Daskreech: yes08:29
Daskreechalright if it's any consolation that's the faster route08:30
rainbow33Daskreech: np, i am enjoying learning all this.08:30
Daskreechrainbow33: :-) Ok well ask any questions you like08:31
rainbow33Daskreech: thank you08:32
rainbow33Daskreech: i did have a question about an acer laptop with the intel gma chipset that was giving my room mate a hard time with no backlight after the grub menu. a simple workaround is to tap the fn+brightness key down once or more. it locks the screen into whatever setting once booted, but it is better than no backlight. is that important info, and if how should i report it?08:35
Daskreechrainbow33: what kernel?08:36
rainbow33Daskreech: any kernel after 2.6.~30. kubuntu 10.04 the backlight doesnt go out on boot, but the brighntess keys are non-functional. from 10.11, the backlight fails after the grub2 menu.08:38
DaskreechHmm may be a kerel option passed by grub208:40
Daskreechrainbow33: grep lts /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades08:41
DaskreechKernel option Noacpi may help08:43
rainbow33it is bug Bug #740893 for the gma chipset.08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 740893 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel 2.6.38-7 completely dims screen on Intel GMA 4500M" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74089308:47
rainbow33Daskreech: #  lts    - Check to see if a new LTS release is available.  The upgrader prompt=lts08:49
Daskreechrainbow33: you'll want to change that :)08:51
Daskreechrainbow33: http://www.markuswalther.com/tech/backlight.html is familiar to you ?08:52
rainbow33Daskreech: i saw the website, but skipped it because it sounded like he was talking about tuxracer.08:55
rainbow33Daskreech: i should have taken a closer look, it would have saved me a few hours. :)08:56
Daskreechrainbow33: :)08:57
rainbow33Daskreech:  in  muon - software sources - updates, it only gives the option for long term releases, normal releases or never. how do i change it to get 12.04?09:05
DaskreechChange it to normal09:05
rainbow33Daskreech:  i have the setting on normal in muon but i get lts from the cli.09:09
Daskreechrainbow33: hmm ok sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change to prompt=normal09:10
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rainbow33Daskreech: erm, i am unfamiliar with this re: nano change prompt interface. i have changed it to prompt=normal. is there a save function?09:25
Daskreechrainbow33: press ctrl+x09:26
Daskreechon the bottom of the screen there are instructions09:26
Daskreech ^ means Ctrl+09:26
Daskreechso ^y means Ctrl+y09:26
rainbow33Daskreech: no wonder. i thought ^was for alt, and nothing was happening. what is the symbol for alt?09:29
rainbow33Daskreech:  nvrmnd, i wikied it.09:31
rainbow33Daskreech:  thanx. that did the trick. the upgrade is going on in konsole.09:33
Daskreechrainbow33: :)09:45
Daskreechrainbow33: That's goig to take along time so I'm going out for a while09:45
rainbow33Daskreech: its very late here. heading off to sleep. have a good night. thank you for your help.09:48
rainbow33Daskreech: bb tomorrow09:49
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AlfE_how can i change the mount options of device notifier11:06
AlfE_owner, group etc11:06
viKtor__hey guys is there any way to make kontact inform you by notifications if i have new rss, notes, events and emails without having to open it each time?11:30
Tm_TviKtor__: yes, it has systray icon and you should be able to control its notifications11:31
BluesKajhey all12:45
madurax86whenever i change resolutions the text gets smaller with smaler resolutions and when i go to higher resolutions the font is still small, how to fix?13:04
madurax86fixed! :D forced DPI13:08
angelforgetsera atutti13:10
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linux4uhey guys, I upgraded to 11.10 and know my widgets are not clickable.  well all the ones from before the upgrade are, and the only new one I added that worked was I added a default panel back.14:27
linux4uI also cant get the hover menu to come up that allows you to move and resize them to come up.14:27
linux4uI deleted and added a plasmoid back for the task list, and it correctly shows me the list, I just cant move it, I can remove it, and change settings, but not move it.14:29
linux4uany suggestions?14:29
linux4uand hi POQDavid14:29
POQDavidi want to make a partition for the /home what type i make it14:29
linux4uext3 or ext414:29
POQDavidcan i make it FAT32?14:29
POQDavidso i can read it on other OS14:29
POQDavidlike win14:30
mr-richlinux4u: It has been my experience that more than one reboot is required after an upgrade ...14:30
linux4uI did reboot. mr-rich14:30
viKtor__hey guys, i hide an hdd from the panel of dolphin and now i don't know how to restore it :S can you help me?14:30
linux4uand the long file name in linux would not like fat32 I think, but I remember an distro that did reside on fat32 it was not kubuntu.14:30
mr-richlinux4u: reboot again ...14:31
linux4useveral times.14:31
viKtor__not an hdd but a partition :S14:31
tsimpsonwindows can read/write ext3, you just need to install the driver from: http://www.fs-driver.org14:31
POQDavidkk so ext3 is better or ext4?14:31
linux4umr-rich, is there a log file or something?14:31
POQDavidtsimpson: what about ext4?14:32
mr-richlinux4u: in all logs are in /var/log ...14:32
lrpcubahello everyone in here14:32
viKtor__hey guys, i hide a partition from the panel of dolphin and now i don't know how to undo it :S can you help me?14:33
mr-richPOQDavid: are you dual booting?14:33
lrpcubadoes anyone here know how can i get my printer work ?  i have the correct drivers installed and the printer sayds that everything its okay , but.. she just dont print anything at all14:33
lrpcubai have canon IR 102314:34
tsimpsonPOQDavid: ext4 is too different from the other ext versions, so only ext2/3 will work14:34
POQDavidi am using a flash drive14:34
tsimpsonafaik, the windows driver treats it as ext2 regardless, as ext3 is backwards compatible with 214:34
POQDavidis there a driver for ext4???14:35
mr-richPOQDavid: then set up a mall FAT partition and put any files you want to transfer to M$ on that partition ...14:35
POQDavidhmm ok14:36
POQDavidthanks :)14:36
CurBnick MBR14:39
POQDavidcan i set a ext4 type for /boot?14:39
POQDavidok i gtg take care bye14:49
linux4uok I hate to do this. but how can I get rid of all my widget configs?  I cant think of any other way to fix this.14:51
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linux4uok new twist, I downloaded some new widgets and I can only add widgets I had added before the upgrade.15:09
linux4une ideas?15:09
BluesKajlinux4u, did you add from the panel options add widgets?15:11
mydogsnameisrudylinux4u:  is asking on #kde now15:12
jovinhello my kdm keeps throwing me back when i try to login16:42
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HelenBjovin, That's funny...16:54
HelenBI can see you IRCing.16:55
BluesKajjovin, at the login ctl+alt+F1 , then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:55
BluesKajHelenB, funny ?16:57
jovini did, created new user, deleted .kde and now try to reinstall xorg16:57
jovinwell, it's not the same machine, obviously16:57
BluesKajperhaps you should have tried the recovery kernel in grub first16:57
HelenBjovin, I was just messing with you.16:57
jovini don't mind :p16:57
HelenBas I know people can switch to a different TTY16:57
HelenBthen irssi from it16:58
BluesKajHelenB, mess around in #kubuntu-offtopic:)16:59
HelenBBluesKaj, no16:59
HelenBbecause I is being ontopic. lol17:00
jovini cant purge xorg17:01
jovinsudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg17:01
jovingives me dependence problems17:01
BluesKajwhy are you purging xorg17:02
jovinwanna reinstall it17:02
BluesKajjovin, sudo Xorg -configure at the tty17:04
BluesKajmkae sure you di sudo service kdm stop , first17:05
jovinyes i already did configure it17:06
jovindunno why, but now purging worked17:06
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:01
ubottuGnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/18:01
jovinafter upgrading 11.10 to 12.04 everything works again18:02
DaskreechAlfE_: You mean you would like to pass mount options for the device popup? You would have to do that in /etc/fstab18:16
Daskreechhi BluesKaj18:16
BluesKajhi Daskreech18:17
Daskreechlinux4u: mkdir ~/plasmabkup; kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 3 && mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* ~/plasmabkup/ && plasma-desktop&18:20
AlfE_Daskreech: I have a bunch of usb drives that i want to give specific rights so i can share them with samba for example18:28
AlfE_currently the mountpoint only belongs to the user that mounts it and nobody else has any right to access it18:29
Peace-hi guys18:29
AlfE_fstab isn't that ideal for usb drives that could be removed18:30
AlfE_and reattached18:31
DaskreechAlfE_: you can use the UUID18:35
DaskreechPeace-: Peace18:36
Peace-Daskreech: :)18:38
AlfE_i am using them for all internal disks already and for my external ones, i would like to make it as easy as possible18:39
DaskreechAlfE_: you can generate the UUID with the blkid command. as long as you don't format the partition it will always associate the options with that drive18:42
DaskreechOk I'm off18:45
DaskreechBluesKaj: ping. can you guide AlfE_ with regards to mount points?18:50
cryptodirai am having trouble getting the screensaver to work with the opengl modules, they cause the entire screen to flash...... amd/64 , ati radion 4200 series graphics setup.... suggestions?18:55
AlfE_i had this in ubuntu/gnome, obviously it gives more rights to my mountpoints by default18:56
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BluesKajAlfE_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16822119:03
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robertzaccourI have Ubuntu with Gnome-Shell. Would it be better to install kde-desktop or kubuntu-desktop?19:10
Peace-robertzaccour: i would install kubuntu-desktop19:11
robertzaccourPeace-, whats the difference? besides extra software19:12
Peace-robertzaccour: dependeces19:13
Peace-robertzaccour: well kubuntu has a modded stuff19:13
Peace-i mean it's not kde vanilla19:13
Peace-robertzaccour: btw it's not a good thing what you are trying to do19:14
Peace-robertzaccour: i would install kubuntu in another partition19:14
Peace-10 gig is even too much19:14
Peace-robertzaccour: in your case you wuld install kde into a gnomeshell installation that mean bad menus , multiple application for the same function and i think a bad performance for kde19:15
Peace-iwhen i have installed kde into ubuntu it was not so fast as you could get with a clean installation of kubuntu19:16
BluesKajrobertzaccour, kde-desktop and kubuntu desktop are related thru the workspace , but they are different19:17
BluesKajanyway gotta go ....BBL19:17
anonI have problem with network? If i start watching film on youtube, i cant open another one, if first do not finish buffering. Hm?19:48
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HelenBIs chronical stopping Kubuntu? :o20:28
pangolinHelenB, you mean Canonical and no they are not stopping it, they just won't have someone on payroll working on kubuntu full time.20:29
jussiHelenB: canonical just stopped paying the lead dev, and he is now employed by another company, so nothing has really changed20:29
pangolinbut Kubuntu is strong and not going anywhere20:29
jussiin fact, we now have 2 paid devs, so we are stronger than ever.20:29
BluesKajchronical , hehe,20:29
liudasjussi: i'm really happy about that20:31
BluesKajjussi, employed by another company ..I thought he was assigned other duties within canonical20:31
liudaskubuntu is nice distro20:31
jussiBluesKaj: no, he moved to blue systems, along with agateau20:32
jussianyway, for more infor -> #kubuntu-offtopic20:32
HelenBAs long as it doesn't end up turning out hoggy and buggy like Ubuntu I'm okay.20:32
BluesKajwhat's blue systems all about ?20:32
ubuntuhow to join freenode on ubuntu-fr, please?22:02
tsimpsonubuntu: just put "/join #ubuntu-fr" without the quotes22:05
ubuntuok thaks tsimpson22:06
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cryptodiraanyone here running Opera, if so, how did avoid 'jumpy/laggy' scrolling?22:51
cryptodiraunder kubuntu of course  :)22:51
viKtor__hi people, is kdewallet really worth it?23:30

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