
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
frankbanhi gmb: how are you doing?08:59
gmbfrankban: I'm good, thanks. Did I miss anything yesterday that I need to be aware of?09:00
frankbangmb: not if you've red the handoff emails by gary09:00
frankbangmb: could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-980295-soyuz-upload/+merge/10225509:01
gmbNot yet; I'll look at them presently.09:01
gmbfrankban: Sure; I'll look at that in a few minutes.09:01
frankbangmb: after that, what do you think about pairing on something? We are in the subunit/testr/buildbot land and you know how things are tricky there09:02
gmbfrankban: Ok, sure. Let me get up to date on everything and I'll ping you when ready09:03
frankbangmb: thanks, great09:04
gmbfrankban: I've approved your branch. What is it that we need to pick up next, then?10:06
frankbangmb: thanks. we can decide looking at gary's email. brad is working on subunit. maybe we can pick buildbot, or something else from the kanban board10:08
gmbfrankban: "buildbot results show subunit streams filtered by workers" looks interesting, though I'm not sure we can do all that much with it until the bug 949950 work lands.10:15
_mup_Bug #949950: Feature request: an option to show full subunit stream of running tests <Testrepository:New for gary> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/949950 >10:15
frankbangmb: looking10:17
frankbangmb: it's described by gary as:10:20
frankban* buildbot's testr call in master.cfg should get the --subunit argument from the work on bug 94995010:20
frankban  * we add multiple stdout parsers in the buildbot output for the testr call.10:20
frankban    > One will simply be the stdout.10:20
frankban    > We will have one for each of the test processes piped through subunit-filter to give us the output per worker (e.g. subunit-filter --with="^tags: worker-0" -error --failure --success), and then piped through "subunit-ls --no-passthrough"10:20
_mup_Bug #949950: Feature request: an option to show full subunit stream of running tests <Testrepository:New for gary> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/949950 >10:20
frankban    > We will have one that will show us only the failures, perhaps in non-subunit format.  This one might also update the status of the waterfall for on the fly test counts.10:20
frankban  * for the buildbot piping to work, we *might* need to clean up the output of our testr command (i.e., removing lines 1-44 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/932523/).  it might be robust enough without it.10:20
frankbangmb: I don't know if we need the subunit output from testr to use subunit-filter10:20
frankbangmb: to test it we could take the output from the .testrepository/tmpxxxx file, maybe10:21
gmbfrankban: Yes, that's what I was thinking as well.10:21
frankbangmb: I have started the charms, using constraints (hope they work)10:23
gmbfrankban: Okay. I'm still waiting on being able to kill VMWare - it's eating my CPU but I'm in the middle of apt-get upgrade on the VM; I'll try and start a hangout but no promises.10:24
frankbanaarghh... restarting the juju environment --constraints mem=10G --constraints cpu=8 gave me 4 cores...10:36
gmbI love Juju's ability to be completely and utterly maddening at almost every turn.10:37
gmbfrankban: I'm in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/hallo-tuesday#; no idea how good my audio will be though.10:37
gmbFirefox crash.10:39
gmbThankfully, I'm nearly done with the updates...10:39
gmbRestarting FF, anyway...10:40
frankbanok, constraints don't work...10:42
gmbfrankban: Oh, fun. So am I right in thinking that there's now no way to start the kind of instances we need?10:46
frankbangmb: I am trying to check if the error is in the juju wrapper, using the real juju now10:46
gmbAh, okay.10:47
frankbangmb: if that's not the case, I could use constraints in environment.yaml10:47
gmbfrankban: Ah, right. For some reason I thought that wouldn't work - I guess I was confusing it with default-instance-type and suchlike, which are now non-functional.10:48
frankbanor maybe... gmb do you know a way to specify the ec2 image type in contsraints?10:48
gmbHang on, I think bac wrote some useable instructions...10:49
gmbfrankban: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/927016/10:49
gmbThat worked for me last week, IIRC.10:50
gmbSo I guess tweaking that for a c1.xlarge instance should work.10:50
frankbancool thanks gmb10:51
gmbfrankban: If you're starting an lpbuildbot master/slave, it probably makes sense to set that running and then grab lunch. By which time, I should also have my CPU back.10:51
frankbangmb: ok10:52
frankbansee you later10:52
gmbfrankban: I've added our faces to the card for this on the Kanban board.10:53
frankbanthanks gmb10:53
frankbangmb: your ssh key is the carrot one?10:58
gmbfrankban: Yes.10:58
frankbangmb: added your keys and started 2 screen sessions11:03
frankbanmaster: ec2-204-236-222-6.compute-1.amazonaws.com11:03
gmbfrankban: Thanks.11:03
frankbanslave: ec2-184-73-121-132.compute-1.amazonaws.com11:03
gmbOkay. I'll grab food and check them out later.11:03
bachello gents11:12
baccarrot keys?11:12
benjigmb and frankban: I'm readying email and looking at the board to figure out what I should work on.  Is the board up to date?  Do you have any suggestions?11:13
bachi benji -- i think it is euro lunch11:13
benjibac: "euro lunch" sounds like a new fad, one I could get behind11:14
bacbenji: yes.  euro* maybe not but *lunch definitley11:15
bacbenji: did you see gary's emails re: the testr/subunit/testtools stuff?11:16
benjiyep, I'm re-reading them now to try to figure out where I can be most helpful11:16
bache and i are in the middle of trying to get the --subunit option to work11:16
benjibac: unless you want to pair, it looks like I should work on one of the prerequisites for 97462211:18
bacbenji: maybe we can pair later?  pairing before 9am is probably a bad idea11:20
gary_posterI was going to restart after that upgrade, but running out of time12:07
gary_posterbenji, how did the manuel py3 work go?12:08
gary_posterooh, nvidia app got a nice new pretty icon12:08
gary_posterbac benji frankban gmb, call in 212:08
benjigary_poster: really well, we had the tests passing around noon and had a release made by 3 (with some Thai in between)12:08
gary_posterbenji, great! :-)12:09
gary_posterI suspected Thai might play a part in the day12:09
bacumm, thai12:10
gary_posterIf my magic trackpad worked reliably, I would not have a single complaint about the more recent precise versions.12:10
gary_posterbac, https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordepart2thequickening ?12:31
bacgary_poster: ok12:31
benjigary_poster: what should I look at now?12:47
gary_posterbenji, good question.  bac and I are talking in https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordepart2thequickening .  I need to prepare and deal with kids very very soon...12:48
gary_posterbenji, could join us there for now12:49
benjigary_poster: is that an invitation12:49
benjioh, it is12:49
gary_posterbac: good to know: "gnome-open" is roughly equivalent to OSX "open"13:44
bacbenji: here is what happens when i exit "script" while sharing a screen:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/933977/13:52
bacsomething got terminated [1] but not the ssh to chinstrap as you see it is still running13:53
benjibac: hmm, I don't understand that13:54
bacme neither13:54
benjibac: we want these in lp:~yellow, right?14:01
bacbenji: yes, i think so14:02
bacgary_poster, benji: here is the final diff: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/934005/14:10
benjibac: thanks; the testtools roll-up branch is ready at lp:~yellow/testtools/latest14:10
bacstill working on MP14:11
gary_posternice bac14:11
bacbenji: my branch is at lp:~bac/testrepository/bug-94995014:19
gary_posterbenji, bac, it looks like we have basic approval from Robert on https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/testrepository/integrate_worker_tagging/+merge/10216514:20
gary_posterjml will adjust the wrap_results approach per his review14:20
gary_posterand then we can write a test and try to get it officially merged14:21
gary_posterISTR not being quite sure what we could test; looking...14:21
gary_posteryeah, if we could test to see that "case" had the expected wrap_result, and that wrap_result did what we expected, that would be an acceptable unit test, but case is not exposed directly...14:22
gary_posterwe could write wrap_result in such a way that it could be tested in isolation...14:23
gary_posterthat might be sufficient, though IWBNI we could verify that it was being used in the proper integration14:24
bacbenji: do you want to hangout to do the ppa recipes?14:25
benjibac: sure, if you want to get it going I'll be there in a minute when I get this other roll-up branch done14:26
bacbenji: ok, the google won't let me into the hangout.  :(14:26
gary_posterfrankban, could you let me know what version of lxc is installed in ec2?  0.7.5-3ubuntu51 is supposed to make the manual fstab change unnecessary, so I'm wondering if that has propagated yet14:28
gary_posterall the way to ec214:28
gary_poster(which is sometimes behind the times)14:28
gary_posterno rush, but today would be good14:28
benjiok, lp:~yellow/testrepository/latest is ready now, too14:29
frankbangary_poster:  0.7.5-3ubuntu5214:30
gary_posterfrankban, uh-oh14:30
benjibac: try it now (https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/talk.google.com/goldenhorde#)14:30
gary_posterfrankban, we should verify that the manual hack is still necessary then14:30
benjihmm, that's not the canonical one, but I guess it should work14:30
gary_posterif it is, we should report it14:30
gary_posterand maybe install our workaround in setuplxc14:30
gary_posterfrankban, once you have the current test run, do you have the time to undo the manual change you made and rerun the tests?14:31
frankbangary_poster: one test run actually automatically started and finished without the hack: http://ec2-204-236-222-6.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/0/steps/shell_9/logs/stdio14:32
gary_posterfrankban, ack, thanks.  Yeah, looks like the hack is still necessary.  I'll consult with hallyn14:33
frankbangary_poster: meanwhile I am going to start a test with the hack14:34
gary_postercool thanks frankban14:34
bacbenji: it was too much fun14:34
bacbenji: want to try the normal hangout?14:34
benjibac: sure, do you want to make one or shall I? (I can't make a "canonical" one for some reason)14:35
bacbenji: i'm in14:35
bacyeah, it is messing up today wrt to identities14:35
benjibac: what is the URL?14:36
bacyou know, the normal one14:36
benjibac: "We're sorry, you are not invited to that hangout"14:36
gary_posterfrankban, I spoke with hallyn and apparently this is expected14:42
gary_posterwe should adjust setuplxc14:42
gary_posterto make this change14:42
gary_postereventually there will be an official fix for lucid containers14:43
gary_posterbut not right now14:43
gary_posteri'll make a card14:43
frankbangary_poster: add an option to setuplxc to add that line in var/lib/lxc/lptests/fstab?14:44
gary_posterfrankban, yeah.  I guess an opton makes sense so we can easily undo it in the future, but for now it is required, so you could make the change without an option too14:45
frankbangary_poster: it could make sense to add the hack to lpsetup too14:46
gary_posterfrankban, agreed14:46
* gary_poster babysits/lunches quite early14:49
frankbanparallel tests always find horrible ways to fail...15:19
frankbansometimes it's like working with quantum computers: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2012-04-17/15:27
gary_posterfrankban, :-) .  Do you have new results yet?  I didn't see them on the ResultsLog page16:08
frankbangary_poster: I am looking at them right now, some new errors: http://ec2-204-236-222-6.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/1/steps/shell_9/logs/stdio16:09
gary_posterSo a DisconnectionError, some weird hwdb thing, another DisconnectionError that looks like bug 974617 (we thought it was fixed), and our old friend UncleanReactorError16:17
_mup_Bug #974617: test_operational_view_integration fails intermittently in parallel tests <paralleltest> <qa-untestable> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by bac> <Python PGBouncer:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/974617 >16:17
gary_posterfrankban, could you get the output of testr failing for the wiki's pastebin?  I think that is easier to read16:19
gary_posterfrankban, I'll file bugs, unless you want to16:19
frankbanthanks gary_poster, I will update the ResultsLog page16:20
gary_postercool thanks frankban.  I'll put the bugs I file there16:20
frankbangary_poster: I hope the UncleanReactorError will be a dead old friend tomorrow: could you suggest me a place in launchpad where to put some testing generic tools, like the clean_up_reactor function?16:30
gary_posterfrankban, ...lp.testing?  looking there16:31
gary_posterfrankban, yeah, lib/lp/testing/__init__.py?  look in there and see what you think16:32
frankbangary_poster: yes I was looking there too, it seems a good place, thank you16:33
gary_postercool, welcome16:33
benjidarn: "Rejected: testrepository_0.0.5+z~ppa1~precise1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 0.0.5+z~ppa1~precise1 <= 0.0.5++trunk146~yellow2~precise1"16:38
gary_posteropaque to me16:39
benjiI think we need that to be "++z"... yep, that works16:42
benjibac: testtools and testrepository are happy now (https://launchpad.net/~yellow/+archive/ppa)17:30
benjiwell, now that all the testtools branches are merged we should switch to using the testtools trunk and fix our testr branch, I'll do both of those17:33
bacbenji: could you change the ownership of the testr build recipe to be ~yellow?17:55
bacbenji: also, in the past we had different build recipes for different branches (yellow branch, trunk, etc).  i think that is wrong and confusing.  we should have one recipe and just change the branch that is used.17:56
bachey gary_poster did you see jml's comments on my MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/testrepository/bug-949950/+merge/10231718:03
gary_posterbac, no, looking18:03
benjibac: (was afk) yep, I'll change ownership now; on the second part (different build recipes for different branches), I don't understand what action you're wanting me to take18:04
benjiownership changed18:05
bacbenji: encouragement not to create a new recipe for testtools trunk18:05
benjibac: oh! right, I was going to edit the recipe we made to point it to the trunk, is that what you are wanting?18:06
bacbenji: yes, as opposed to what stupid people do (me) -- create a new recipe18:06
gary_posterbac, comments: sounds ok.  (1) I thought we saw all tests when we ran the subunit make check with --subunit?  I'm mistaken? (2) changing make_result as he describes: :-/ sounds like fixing the tests will be time-consuming and annoying.  Hopefully I'm wrong.  "vars" comment: I wonder if he's asking for a change to getattr.  Not clear. :-/18:08
benjirecipe updated, builds requested18:09
bacgary_poster: as to 1) i'm not sure.18:09
bac2) yes, i think it'll break lots18:09
bac3) using getattr looks more standard18:09
bacgary_poster: would you grab the branch and see if the output is what you remember?18:10
gary_postersure bac.  gimme a sec, in the middle of something else, but can do in 518:10
gary_posterbac, no I remember lots of blather18:14
gary_postermaybe those were just the failing tests18:14
gary_posterbut I thought it also included successes18:14
gary_posterbac, are you working on that?18:16
bacgary_poster: i don't think we changed anything significant related to that18:16
gary_posterI don't think so either bac18:16
bacgary_poster: yes18:16
gary_postercool bac thank you18:16
bacgary_poster: but i wanted to see if we had a regression before i implemented jml's suggestions18:16
gary_posterI doubt it18:17
gary_posterI suspect my memory/care in looking atthe result yesterday more18:17
benjigah! since the recipes evaluated to having the same version the new builds failed, I think I can fix that without too much trouble18:18
benji(I should have changed ppa1 to ppa2.)18:18
bacbenji: i sure wish the build machinery tested the versioning before doing all of the work...18:19
bacgary_poster: i think we confused ourselves yesterday when we ran:19:57
bacpython -m subunit.run testrepository.tests.test_suite19:57
bacthat does show all of the results19:57
bacthink that could've been it?19:57
gary_posterbac, oh, yeah, maybe so19:58
bacgary_poster: anyway, i've about finished the follow-up branch19:58
bactest fallout was not so bad19:58
gary_posterbac, awesome.  thank you19:59
bacgary_poster: better, no?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/934507/20:03
gary_posterbac, yes :-)20:04
benjiI'm heading out to the dentist.  I'll see you guys tomorrow.20:06
bachere's the diff gary_poster: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/934512/20:06
bacbye benji -- good luck20:06
gary_posterbye benji20:06
gary_posterbac, looks nice.  you need to add the options for the load command too, according to jml, right?  Did I miss that?20:09
bacgary_poster: oh yeah20:21
bacgary_poster: that was easy.  MP created.20:43
gary_posterbac, great20:44
gary_posterbac, fix for bug 974617 didn't work: my alaysis must have been failty :-(20:44
_mup_Bug #974617: test_operational_view_integration fails intermittently in parallel tests <paralleltest> <qa-untestable> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <Python PGBouncer:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/974617 >20:44
bacgary_poster: dang20:45
gary_postermy typing is faulty too20:45
bacso is it only failing in paralleltests?20:45
bacgary_poster: see you tomorrow.  have a good evening20:49
gary_posterbye bac20:49
gary_posteryou too20:49

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