
lewbuntu[11.10] anyone know how to keep the wired connection working after suspend?00:55
lewbuntuit's kind of hit and miss, it never works immediately after, sometimes it works if i wait several minutes, and usually (but not always) fixes itself after reboot00:57
dihi228hey all, I'd like to install FF 10.0.3 ESR, but i don't see older versions in synaptic.   any help in how to do this?00:58
dihi228and by FF i mean Firefox00:58
kanliotyou can download firefox from the website01:04
kanlioti've done it it's not that hard01:04
dihi228i dl'd the tar ball and unpacked it...but what do i do...look for an installer script?01:08
kanliotlook for the binary01:10
dihi228what is that?01:11
dihi228is it the thing called "firefox" with the gear icon01:12
kanliotjust double-click away util you find it01:12
kanliotyour results may vary01:13
kanliotoh he left01:14
kanlioti bet his pc exploded01:14
lewbuntufixed my wired connection loss from suspend. opened /etc/pm/config.d/config and added SUSPEND_MODULES="r8169"01:23
kanliothey man01:27
kanliotare you 'the man' ?01:27
NQTropichey nerd01:27
kanlioti'm a nerd-american thank you01:28
kanliotto use my correct name01:28
NQTropicI'm nerd Aussie, so beat that :P01:28
mani cant start lubuntu in my machine01:28
NQTropicI can01:29
NQTropici guess that's not really much help though01:30
manthe lubuntu starts my monitor apppears out of frequency01:30
kanliotcan you ask in the #ubuntu channel01:32
kanlioti don't have an answer to that question01:33
NQTropicso kanliot do you use a fast modern pc to run lubunut?01:36
kanlioti do01:36
maykoI'm having continuing sound/mic issues with lubuntu. alsamixer looks all wrong; pavucontrol is not helping. My friends think I'm an idiot for using Linux because I can't call them. Halp.01:38
kanliotthere's a long troubleshooting guide i can point you to01:38
kanliotbut it is kinda long01:38
kanliotdo you really need pulseaudio?01:39
kanliotreally i'm no expert,  i'm having my own audio problems01:39
maykowhat would I do, remove pavucontrol and see if the problem goes away?01:39
mayko*remove pulseaudio01:39
kanliotwhat is the problem01:40
maykoI'll take a look at the guide; i've looked at a few but this might help01:40
maykoInternal mic only works intermittantly. Sometimes sound cuts off too01:40
maykoplugging in a webcam sometimes helps temprorarily01:41
kanliotintermittent doesn't sound like pulseaudio01:42
kanliotit either works or not01:42
kanliotcan you buy a usb headphones?01:42
kanliotthey work well with pulseaudio01:42
kanliotagain, i'm just guessing here01:42
maykoi mean technically i could but.... i don't think i should have to. I just bought a new computer hoping that it would work better than my old one.01:44
kanliotwell there's other ways to get help for your pc01:45
kanliottry the forums, google01:46
kanliotbut if your hardware isn't supported well,01:46
kanliotif the drivers aren't good01:46
kanliotthen there's not a lot you can do01:46
kanlioti just bought a new motherboard.  it wouldn't work at all with lubuntu 11.1001:46
kanliotno idea why01:46
kanliotreally there should be a hardware compatibility page somewhere01:47
NQTropicanyone know a gui web browser the displays websites as text only?01:57
lewbuntuis there any way to add command line arguments to shortcuts in LXDE menu or the desktop (which i assume is maintained by PCManFM)? for example starting firefox in safe mode with "usr/bin/firefox -safe-mode %u". if i add "-safe-mode" it just automatically removes itself.02:40
kanliotYEAH use lxshortcut to create a new shortcut02:40
lewbuntui'm using LXShortcut but none of the commands actually save. "usr/bin/firefox -safe-mode %u" reverts back to "usr/bin/firefox %u". "usr/bin/chromium-browser --incognito %U" reverts back to "usr/bin/chromium-browser %U"02:48
kanliotyeah lxshortcut02:49
kanliotis... not user friendly02:49
kanliotis it?02:49
kanliotjust edit the text file then i guess02:49
lewbuntui could do that, though i'd rather have a shortcut that's separate for safe mode. otherwise i'd have to edit the textfile again if i don't want safe mode. it defeats the purpose of a shortcut.02:52
kanliotif you find a tutorial for lxshortcut let me know02:54
kanlioti've been beggin 4 102:54
kanliotcan't you just copy the shortcut?02:55
kanliotand then edit the copy?02:55
lewbuntui can't even create a shortcut on the desktop using lxshortcut -o  ~/Desktop/my_shorcut.desktop03:00
lewbuntutyping that command opens the "Application Shortcut" window/GUI, but nothing appears on the desktop once i try to create the shortcut03:00
kanliotis there a shortcut on the lxde menu?03:05
kanliotcan you copy and paste a shortcut onto the desktop?03:06
hectorlopezhi there, anyone have experience whit streaming via web whit vlc and lubuntu?03:08
lewbuntuyeah, but i can't actually edit it aside from the shortcut's name and permissions03:09
kanliotyeah vlc works sometimes03:09
kanliotedit it with a text editor03:09
kanlioti stream audio all the time03:10
meeti have got this windows based game which i want to install in lubuntu.any suggestions?04:09
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:11
meeti tried once installing this game but the on double clicking the app nothing happened. so is there anything else needed alongwith wine?04:12
meet@ Unit19304:13
Unit193You need to mark it as executable.04:13
meetbut does not wine do it by itself?04:13
meetinfact in ubuntu 10.04 the system crashed or something.. i got the black screen with system check msgs.. like the bsod in windows..04:14
Unit193Nope, it doesn't.04:15
meetUnit123: so i plan to install the wine packge from lubuntu software center and then install the game tthrough it.04:38
meetUnit193: will i have to install directx7 or anything else? and what is winetricks?04:39
kanliotwhat game are you trying to run?04:39
meetburgershop2. its requirements are low but it needs directx704:40
kanliotuse wine to open the burgershop installer04:41
meeti did that but the game doesnt open04:41
kanliotwell make sure you're running it with wine04:42
kanliotand make sure you're running the right program04:42
kanliototherwise not a lot you can do04:42
kanliotyou might try a vm04:43
meetthe wine app db gives it a gold rating and says everythng workd well. it also ran in ubuntu 11.10. but its giving me trouble here.04:43
kanliotsome vms have hardware acceleration04:44
kanliotif it works in ubuntu, should work in lubuntu04:44
NQTropicwhat's happening geeks?08:17
NQTropicI'm back08:50
NQTropiehi AmberJ09:17
grifo74hi lubuntu 12.04 is lts?09:19
JohnDoe_71Rusafaik no09:20
AmberJ_hello NQTropie09:29
NQTropiewhat u doin AmberJ10:37
NQTropieJohnDoe_71Rus, 12.04 is lts10:38
AmberJ_"lubuntu 12.04" isn't LTS....all other ubuntu distros are LTS10:38
NQTropieoh ok........ does it matter?10:42
NQTropieyou can install ubuntu command line and apt-get lubuntu10:43
NQTropieI'll be staying with 11.10 for a while as i have everything just how i like it10:46
kuato-ARGood morning people11:21
kuato-ARat least good morning for me, here in Argentina11:21
kuato-ARI have a little problem with lubuntu 11.10 and 2 sound cards, one onboard and one PCI , lubuntu does not recognize that my onboard sound is off in the bios setup11:23
JohnDoe_71Rustry blacklist modules11:27
kuato-ARcan you explain me how to do that ? I'm totally noob on this11:27
kuato-ARi need a little guide on what files do i need to edit and what to add or remove, sorry11:28
kuato-ARi was searching on google but every guide talks about deactivating the onboard card using the bios setup, but nothing about blacklisting11:29
kuato-ARthe bios setup just have an option to turn off the onboard sound when a pci is plugged in11:31
kuato-ARthere is no option to turn it off by demand11:31
JohnDoe_71Ruskuato-AR: some like this http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/104699-how-blacklist-audio-modules.html but be carefull.11:31
kuato-ARI will try that11:32
kuato-ARBut how do i know wich one is the correct sound board ?11:33
JohnDoe_71Ruskuato-AR:  lspci or lsusb then find Audio device. then go to google to find witch modules use soundcard's11:35
kuato-ARIt seems that there is a modem audio device too11:39
mds`Hello. I'm having a bit of trouble in trying to set up my two monitors so that they are independent. As of now, they are cloning each other's display.15:33
bioterror?? xrandr15:33
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1215:34
mds`I see this isn't going to be a quick thing like in Windows. :D15:35
mds`I will check it out, though. I downloaded a driver called AMD Catalyst Control Center. It won't allow me to use its administrative features, though.15:36
mds`I will look into your link now, and report back if I have questions.15:36
milen8204How can I add another keyboard language20:46
milen8204How can I set two keyboard languages21:02
milen8204and to change between those whit shift+alt21:03
milen8204anyone can help21:04
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