
ctjctjWhat is the best way to file a bug?  12.04 with apt-get update dist-upgrade from April 16th, 11am EST.  Using "ubuntu" session nm-applet only has the following menu items: Enable Networking, Connection Information, Edit Connections...  If you kill nm-applet and restart it then you get the full menu: Network Device name,  Connection Name, Disconnect separator for each network device.  VPN sub menu, separator, fooled by Enable Networkin00:08
ctjctjg, Connection information, edit connections...00:08
tomodachican i upgrade from the beta to the full release without any major hickups?!00:31
Belial`tomodachi, just keep upgrading as normal and you'll be on the full release when it's actually released.00:32
Belial`and there shouldn't be any issues.00:32
Belial`*shouldn't* be. it's no different from updating your system the normal way.00:32
tomodachigreat :)00:36
tomodachiim planning a little pre install party 2 morrow for around 10ppl00:36
tomodachicant wit!00:36
tomodachiwell goodnight everyone!00:36
scbThat just can't go wrong.00:36
tomodachii wont be able to upgrade myself , thats wrong though00:37
tomodachimy machine hosts the netboot images along with a package proxy / cache00:37
tomodachiill do it myself later00:37
scb*just* what I meant.00:38
agoodmi have a weird audio problem in 12.04 :(00:49
scientesagoodm, explain more00:54
scientesagoodm, and google "ubuntu sound troubleshooting"00:54
agoodmx220, with docking station00:54
agoodmaudio works correctly undocked00:54
agoodmand sort of works docked00:54
scientesagoodm, usb?00:54
agoodmno direct mini jacks00:54
scienteswhat program is playing audio?00:55
agoodmim using skype...00:55
scientesand does the dock have headset ports?00:55
scientesahh, try with rhythmbox first00:55
agoodmwhen both my mic and headset is plugged into the dock station the output sound is being mixed with the mic signal creating feedback00:55
agoodmif I play music the other person heard it00:55
scientesother person?00:56
agoodmwhen I plug the headset direct into the laptop and the mic into the base it all works correctly00:56
scientesyou mean that headphone detection isn't working?00:56
agoodmim in a skype call...00:56
scientesoh, they are getting your mic00:56
scienteswell , anyways we really cant support skype00:56
scientessounds like you have a "monitor" functionality on00:56
agoodmbut if my mic and headset are both on the dock the audio being played is mixed and with my mic signal and the other person is hearing it00:56
scientesthat you need to turn off00:56
agoodmits not a skype problem its an audio problem00:57
agoodmwhen the mic is plugged in the dock and I play music I see the sound graph spike in settings even with the mic muted on the headset cord00:57
agoodmyes its like monitor is turned on if both are plugged into the dock and I cant find where to turn it off00:57
agoodmive looked in alsamixer etc00:58
scientespastebin lspci -n00:58
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scientesyeah you go google around, i cant find anything interesting01:03
agoodmid already googled before coming here01:04
scientesthe module is snd-hda-intel01:04
agoodmperhaps I should file bug01:04
scientestry #alsa and then file a bug01:04
scientesbut it definitely sounds like a bug01:04
agoodmwhere should I file the bug?01:07
scienteslaunchpad, against alsa01:08
scientesor pulseaudio01:09
=== matt____ is now known as gaelfx
scientesyou really should turn off pulseaudio and check if you still have the problem then01:09
gaelfxI'm having trouble accessing Samba shares, I have no idea where to start addressing the problem, any help?01:09
agoodmhow do I disable pulse without uninstalling it01:10
scientesgaelfx, i'm not sure if the recent remote root exploit in samba has anything to do with it, but you should be aware and make sure you are running a patched version01:10
scientesagoodm, not sure anymore01:10
gaelfxscientes: how would I do that?01:10
scientesi've done it in the past for high-fidelity hardware (sound blaster live)01:11
scientesgaelfx, make sure your packages are up to date with apt01:11
Belial`someone else in here has to be having this autohide issue with the unity launcher that i'm having. when you click an app on the launcher, and don't move the mouse, the launcher hides itself even if the cursor is still hovering over the icon.01:11
Belial`unless you move the cursor almost immediately up or down, the launcher will hide again.01:11
Belial`shouldn't it stay revealed as long as the cursor is over the icon?01:12
gaelfxscientes: well, they definitely are up to date, the thing is, I have no trouble accessing the share on my Android device, just on this computer I'm having trouble01:12
roothorickcan I get a widget for the unity bar to switch screen rotation on the fly?01:12
scientesgaelfx, well how are you mounting it, the mount command it quite archaic as you have to squash user permissions as samba doesn't support any comcepty of user permissions01:13
gaelfxscientes: I navigate there from nautilus using smb://01:14
gaelfxscientes: I had a bookmark that was working until an update a few days ago01:14
scientesgaelfx, its probably that your host changed01:14
gaelfxscientes: I use the IP address for the machine, which is reserved for that machine01:15
gaelfxscientes: hostname has never worked, I'm assuming that's an issue with my router though01:15
scientesgaelfx, hostnames have to be set up special inside a NAT if you have that01:16
gaelfxroothorick: isn't there a hotkey combo for doing that?01:17
roothorickis there?01:17
gaelfxroothorick: checking01:18
roothorickthough, that still wouldn't be all that useful as the keyboard isn't useful when the screen is folded over01:18
roothoricker, isn't usable01:18
roothorickmy ultimate goal is to make ubuntu fully functional completely sans-keyboard so I can do the slate thing01:19
gaelfxroothorick: ah, gotcha01:19
roothorickpart of that is the rotation01:19
roothoricksee, if I'm in laptop mode, then fold the screen over to slate mode, now the screen is upside down01:20
roothorickapparently magick rotation can fix that automatically thanks to hp_wmi01:20
roothorickbut does magick rotation even work with precise?01:21
gaelfxroothorick: out of curiosity, what hardware are you using?01:21
roothorickHP Pavilion tx200001:22
roothorickRAM upgrade, otherwise stock01:22
roothorick(it's a convertible tabletPC, the Wacom variant)01:22
gaelfxI've been considering buying a cheapo Chinese tablet and throwing Ubuntu on it for kicks, but I never considered how hard it would be to get stuff like that done01:23
roothorickthis is something a bit older, something Microsoft and Wacom collaborated on shortly before Vista01:24
roothoricklaptop guts, Wacom digitizer, and it's supposed to go with an OS that's optimized for a pen digitizer interface01:25
gaelfxhow do you make irssi autorun commands when it starts up?01:25
roothorickmy experience with this laptop has been pretty impressive. It's the amazing every-computer. Strong CPU with VM capabilities, discrete GPU, the digitizer is pretty good01:26
roothorickI'm just trying to take care of some usability kinks related to slate mode01:26
scientesroothorick, have you seen onboard?01:26
roothorickscientes: I've seen the motherboard, yeah. I had to take the thing apart because the fan was blocked and it kept going into thermal shutdown01:27
roothorickscientes: the GPU is in its own BGA package next to the CPU, with a north bridge a few inches away01:28
scientesroothorick, no im talking about "onboard" on-screen keyboard01:28
roothorickscientes: the what?01:29
roothorickapparently it's already installed...01:29
gaelfxroothorick: one of those handy-dandy accessibility progs ;)01:29
roothorickstick that in the unity bar!01:30
roothorick...or not, it won't let me01:30
roothorickI like it, but I really need it to be on the unity bar and I can't get it to stick01:32
roothorick...oh, it puts an icon in the top bar01:34
roothorickstill not ideal though, I want one-click access01:35
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scar3crowroothorick: if it's in the menu, you can put it in the unity bar01:36
roothorickI can bring it up with a search, I can drag it over to the unity bar, it says "Drop to Add Application"01:36
roothorickbut when I release the button it just disappears and the icons snap back01:36
scar3crowmake a duplicate entry somewhere else with alacarte and use that one ;)01:37
scar3crowif it works, delete the original01:38
gaelfxroothorick: can't you open it, then it should appear in the bar and you can lock it to launcher?01:38
roothorickit doesn't appear in the bar when it's open thoughh01:38
gaelfxroothorick: does it appear on the top panel?01:39
gaelfxroothorick: can you get preferences from the panel icon and make it appear in the bar?01:39
scar3crowwas thinking the same thing01:39
roothorickI can get to preferences but none of the options seem to make it appear in the bar01:39
scar3crowfigured out the hard way today that sudo cannot write to ramfs :-/01:41
scar3crowroothorick: try what I said and make a new menu entry, it'll prolly work01:42
roothorickthis is interesting01:43
roothorickBug 91738601:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917386 in onboard (Ubuntu) "Unity panel doesn't fit with onboard hide button" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91738601:43
scar3crowthe unity bar has a hide button?01:44
roothorickapparently things have been changed01:44
scar3crowperhaps I should look for updates :P01:45
gaelfxroothorick: try showing floating icon when it's hidden01:45
gaelfxroothorick: you can add it to startup and start it hidden, easy 1 click access01:46
roothorickI'm just gonna leave the floating icon in the corner of the screen for now01:46
gaelfxscar3crow: OB has hide button01:46
scar3crowsorry, I'm confused?01:48
roothorickit's an onscreen keyboard for systems that don't always have an easily accesible keyboards (for instance, tablet PCs)01:48
gaelfxand it's surprisingly aesthetic, despite following the awful purple orange theme01:49
scar3crowcool feature... too bad it's broken. how do I enable it so I can plaY?01:49
roothorickpurple orange theme?01:49
roothorickscar3crow: it's installed by default in precise, you can launch it from a search or from the universal access CP01:50
scar3crowhey... how can I change my kde app icons without installing kde?01:50
zenergiwould it be considered a bug if do-release-upgrade to precise dev branch overwrites /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistend-cd.rules ?  (it causes all drives to be renamed with a 1 after them)01:54
gaelfxroothorick: I think it was around 10.04 Canonical decided to use a purple and orange theme, I hate it01:59
led-banditone thing about the official theme is it seems smooth02:02
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roothorickI reboot to make some udev rules take effect, and now onboard is in the unity bar02:14
gaelfxgood times02:14
roothorickI wanna know why my touchscreen calibration isn't being applied02:14
gaelfxso I can't access another machine on my network using the hostname, but I can access using LAN IP address, how can I make hostnames route tot he proper machine?02:15
roothorickhosts file, or private DNS setup02:15
roothorickwell, I suppose you could write up something to make WINS work at the gethostbyname() level02:15
led-banditgaelfx, samba or what?02:16
roothorickled-bandit: samba isn't going to make firefox resolve WINS names02:16
led-banditsorry didnt read that gaelfx was talking about firefox my bad02:17
roothorickwell, he may not be02:17
roothorickbut samba's NBNS/WINS stuff is exclusive to samba, it can't resolve names for other programs02:18
roothorickunless things have changed since I last looked into it02:18
gaelfxled-bandit: Samba, Transmission Web Client02:18
gaelfxled-bandit: pretty much anything02:18
roothorickgaelfx: I just manually write an /etc/hosts file and download it to my various machines by hand whenever I change it02:19
gaelfxI realize it's probably a router issue, but I was hoping someone here might have an idea02:19
roothorickgaelfx: it's more a "Linux doesn't do NBNS/WINS at an OS level like Windows does" thing02:20
roothorickgaelfx: so you need a centralized solution... or /etc/hosts02:20
gaelfx:/ well, thanks for thinking about it02:20
dustinspringmangaelfx: WIndows uses "NETBIOS" to resolve hostnames on LAN's... its terribly insecure.. and has been the target of many worms such as "blaster, sasser, etc"..02:21
roothorickdustinspringman: awfully convenient though...02:21
roothorickdustinspringman: and FWIW, WINS isn't itself insecure...02:21
dustinspringmanroothorick: true..02:21
gaelfxdustinspringman: there's no way to probe the network's machines and automatically get their hostnames?02:21
roothorickhell, NetBIOS isn't itself insecure02:21
roothorickgaelfx: well, you can do so manually, but "ping WINSNAME" et al isn't possible on Linux02:22
gaelfxI guess it's time I suck it up and edit hosts02:22
roothorickI said "at an OS level", I'm pretty sure Samba has a facility where you can give it a WINS name and it'll spit out an IP02:22
roothorickbut again, it's completely manual02:22
dustinspringmangaelfx: you might try nmap and use appropriate switches to get the hostname from the windows host02:23
roothoricknmap would work too :302:23
led-bandityou can also tell samba to look up by bcast02:23
roothorickhonestly though, OS-level NBNS/WINS in Ubuntu would be *awesome*02:24
roothorickoh my, things have changed apparently02:25
roothorickI found a thread on gentoo forums about enabling WINS resolution on Linux02:25
roothorickgaelfx: you'll have to translate this from Gentoo to Ubuntu, but this could give you exactly what you want: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-631997.html02:26
gaelfxled-bandit: I just edited my /etc/hosts file so it works on this machine, so it's fine for now, I just need to remember to do it when I get the new one02:26
roothorickgaelfx: it'll only find Windows hosts and hosts running Samba though02:27
roothorickI should say, hosts CURRENTLY running Samba (specifically nmbd)02:27
gaelfxroothorick: meh, I should get more comfortable editing files like hosts, I'm just lazy so I didn't wanna do it beofre02:28
led-banditgaelfx, who do you use for dns ?02:28
roothorickI'm gonna keep it open02:28
roothorickit'd be neat to pop open Nautilus in a crowded coffeeshop and see everyone's hostnames02:28
led-banditsome people have problems using name resolution with opendns and smart dns providers02:28
shapeIs there a website to see with what packages Ubuntu 12 will come with?02:29
gaelfxled-bandit: my Chinese ISP :S there's no hope of switching here, except for using VPN02:29
shapeI'm especially interested in what vlc version will come with it02:29
roothorickshape: I don't think VLC is installed by default02:29
gaelfxhe means in the repos02:30
shaperoothorick: Yes, but depends what version the repos will freeze it at02:30
gaelfx2.0.1 I believe, that's what I have now02:30
roothorickshape: I have 2.0.1 installed straight from the main repos right now02:30
shapethat's what im interested to find out.02:30
gaelfxand I believe they won't be changing anything from here on out02:30
roothorickshame :( I'm still getting periodic X crashes02:30
shaperoothorick: From the repos in Precise?02:30
roothorickshape: yeah, my laptabletop runs Precise :)02:31
gaelfxshape: indeed02:31
shapeGood to know!02:31
gaelfxwhat I want to know is when MPlayer will release a stable 1.002:31
roothorickgaelfx: somewhere around the same time Valve releases Half-Life 302:32
gaelfxI want a touchscreen e-ink tablet that only runs terminal and an onscreen keyboard02:35
roothoricktouchscreen and e-ink seem to be things the market doesn't want to mix unfortunately02:35
gaelfxKindle :D02:36
roothorickevery Kindle is either non-touchscreen or LCD afaik02:36
roothorickoh, huh. apparently the Touch is e-ink touchscreen02:37
roothorickI thought it was a monochrome LCD, heh02:37
roothorickI think the problem you would run into is that e-ink is VERY slow02:37
gaelfxI just want it to ssh into my main box and use as a remote of sorts02:38
roothorickyou'd type something out and it'd take several seconds for what you typed to blit onto the screen02:38
DrManhattani can't get my software raid devices partitioned02:38
DrManhattanI tried out alternate, now Im trying server02:38
gaelfx /end o-t02:38
roothorickjust get a Fire, root it and install an ssh client02:38
DrManhattanbut after I create the devices, they dont show up in the partitioner02:39
roothorickthe Fire is ridiculous, it's like 85% battery by weight02:39
roothorickabout its only redeeming feature, it can go for weeks on a charge02:39
roothorickback to getting magick-rotation to go02:39
roothorickapparently have to reboot... again?02:40
DrManhattananyone? do I need to type something in at boot to get software raid working properly?02:41
scar3crowI am running oracle java 7 I want to install vuze... how do I do it without installing icedtea and openjdk?02:47
gaelfxDrManhattan: can I assume you've already checked the documentation about software raids online?02:47
DrManhattanyes, it just isn't doing what it is SUPPOSED to be doing02:48
DrManhattanafter I create the raid devices, they don't show up in the partitioner02:48
DrManhattanif I go back in and select delete raid device I can see and delete it02:49
gaelfxDrManhattan: what partitioner are you looking at? Disk Utility or GParted?02:50
DrManhattanthe command line partitioning tool in the ubuntu installer02:50
gaelfxDrManhattan: so you have no GUI installed I take it?02:51
MountainXhi. are there any major problems with the latest upgrades, or is it safe to run all updates now?02:51
DrManhattanno, two bare disks in AHCI02:51
gaelfxDrManhattan: I mean are you using Ubuntu Server or Desktop or what?02:51
gaelfxMountainX: still in Beta, so it's always a little dangerous02:52
gaelfxMountainX: what are you most worried about going wrong, maybe we can assuage any fears you might have about upgrading if you tell us02:52
DrManhattangaelfx, I have tried alternate, I am trying server as we speak02:52
MountainXit has been really good for me. I don't have any problems. I was just checking to make sure they were no big issues.02:53
gaelfxDrManhattan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/92528002:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925280 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Software RAID fails to rebuild after testing degraded cold boot" [Medium,Confirmed]02:54
gaelfxMountainX: Big issues are relative ;) What might be a big deal for me, might not be a big deal for you02:55
DrManhattangaelfx, yeah I can't get to the "I then created the three partitions"02:55
MountainXgaelfx: mainly hoping that the latest upgrades won't break anything that is working now02:56
DrManhattanthe raid device doesn't show up, so I can't create a partition for it02:56
MountainXI last updated about 4-5 days ago. Everything is working well enough for me.02:56
gaelfxMountainX: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Wait for a week or two after stable02:58
DrManhattanyeah they still dont show up in the partitioner, this blows02:58
DrManhattanso sad02:58
gaelfxDrManhattan: sorry, I got no experience with CLI partitioner. I'm too much of a GUI guy02:59
DrManhattanwell in the gui it would be the same03:00
DrManhattanit just shows 3 scsi devices, no raid devices03:00
YojiroI'm on precise (12.04) right now. I'm having segfaults with conky whenever my config file uses execi or texeci with an interval greater than system uptime. Help would be appreciated.03:04
DrManhattanyeah partitioner on server doesn't work either03:07
DrManhattanno software raid, which means I can't use ubuntu yet.03:07
roothorickhow do I find the right value for InputClass?03:07
roothorickfor MatchProduct03:07
DrManhattanok, going to try a daily build, then I'll give up on 12.04 till final release03:16
roothorickseriously, where the hell does MatchProduct come from?03:16
roothorick...apparently it matched, but my calibration values weren't applied03:17
PetroxCan someone please paste me (http://paste.ubuntu.com/) a dpkg --get-selections on a 12.04 default desktop 32bit install?03:18
PetroxI've just upgraded a machine, and gdm does not start, maybe I'm missing a package, and a default getselections would set me back on track03:18
bazhangPetrox, presumably you mean lightdm03:19
DrManhattanim going to try 11.10 and see how that goes03:19
bazhangPetrox, is this gnome? why not install the metapackage ubuntu-desktop if so03:19
Petrox:) maybe :) I didn't really care for the first letter of *dm in the last few years :D03:19
Petroxbazhang; I've got ubuntu-desktop, and even installed gnome-desktop-environment03:21
PetroxIt was gnome an hour ago :)03:21
Petrox /var/log/Xorg.0.log has a segmentation fault at 0x11b :(03:23
PetroxI'll try reconfiguring Xorg, and removing a fwe keyboards and mice :)03:25
DrManhattanok trying the daily build of alternate 12.0403:27
DrManhattanthen 11.1003:27
DrManhattanthen self-hanging after teste punches03:28
Petroxok, the problem was: usb keyboard + usb mouse + usb HID (wireless keyboard with mouse)... after removing the latter, start lightdm works03:28
Petroxbut if I plug in the device, X dies instantly03:28
Petroxbazhang: Do you know where should I report Xorg segfaults? I can take a video, can attach xorg.log, I may even install debug symbols if needed... but don't know where to report this03:32
bazhangPetrox, bug you mean?  /msg ubottu bug for more info03:32
Petroxbazhang: segfault is not a "designed" way of exiting I think :)03:33
DrManhattanthe nightly build doesn't have the software raid issue! please remember that for others!03:34
bazhangDrManhattan, add to the existing bug report then no one will have to remember03:35
DrManhattanhmm I dont think I have the accounts and everything set up03:36
DrManhattanbazhang, my apologies but can I have the link again plz?03:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:37
bazhang https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/92528003:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925280 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Software RAID fails to rebuild after testing degraded cold boot" [Medium,Confirmed]03:37
bazhangor that03:37
DrManhattanno that isnt it either03:37
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
DrManhattanim not worried about it if its in the nightly it will be in the final and that's what, 10 days off?03:38
bazhangcould be03:38
DrManhattanyeah so such is life with betas, itll be ok03:38
DrManhattan10.04 is solid too, it's all good03:39
DrManhattanyay! its installing03:39
DrManhattanI found an 80 dollar mobo on newegg with 4 pci and 2 pci-e X1's on it, i'm tempted to buy it and toss 4 pci tv cars and 2 pci-es in there for a home security box03:40
DrManhattanwould be so sick for zoneminder03:41
roothorickFigured out my xorg.conf issue. Protip: xinput_calibrator is wrong. It's TopX/BottomX/TopY/BottomY not MinX/MaxX/MinY/MaxY03:47
roothorickon an only tangentally related note, the linux-phc PPA doesn't have Precise kernels yet :(03:48
roothorickI don't know if I should bother manually rolling a kernel or not03:50
DrManhattanoh wow, alternate lets me install a scaled down system!03:54
DrManhattanwith a desktop kernel03:54
DrManhattanjust what I need03:54
roothorickit's downright trivial to change kernels later, if you're using official kernels, you know :)03:54
DrManhattanI'll need generic-pae but w/e03:54
DrManhattanthat's fine just the scaled down part03:55
DrManhattanI really liked that about debian and now it looks like i found out how to do this with ubuntu as well03:55
roothorickI'm strongly considering rolling a custom kernel with the phc patches03:55
roothorickI want a kernel as close in setup to the official as possible, just with the phc feature03:55
DrManhattanI haven't used ubuntu in a while, so it's nice to see how much progress has been made in the past few years. What a professional looking product, and very easy to use so far03:55
roothorickno idea how to approach that03:56
DrManhattanI hope it lets me boot though, installing grub on software raid is notoriously disastrous03:56
roothorickI haven't had issues03:56
DrManhattannot on the stable releases, no03:57
DrManhattanon a nightly build of an almost released beta? we'll see03:57
roothorickthen again, my server's /boot is MD RAID103:57
DrManhattaninstalling grub now03:57
DrManhattaninstalling to mbr03:57
roothorickactually, the whole thing is RAID103:57
DrManhattanme too03:57
roothorickI plan to move it to a multi-terabyte RAID5 array holding everything eventually03:58
DrManhattanim just putting it on one big partition03:58
roothorickI think at that stage what I'll do03:58
roothorickis have just one drive with /boot but have a copy of it in the RAID503:58
DrManhattanwtf do I care, its mirrored and if it fails more than that I'll be backed up anyhow03:58
roothorickmight need LVM to make that transparent03:58
DrManhattanno straight up raid should do it03:58
roothoricknot 100% sure LVM can do it actually03:58
DrManhattanrebooting knocking on wood03:58
roothorickooh, nice03:59
roothorickstock ubuntu config is right in the package03:59
DrManhattannice - it worked!03:59
roothorickI think I'll give it a crack anyway03:59
roothoricknormally I wouldn't care but this is an HP from the screaming-banshee-of-death era04:00
DrManhattanok so sorry about not filing any bug reports, idk where to file but if anyone has issues with software raid or raid at all tell them to try out the daily alternate04:00
bazhangDrManhattan, I told you where to file...04:01
DrManhattanbazhang, im not really up to filing a new bug, I don't have an account or anything yet and I really am not feeling to hot04:02
DrManhattanbut that's a nice discovery that I can do a little minimal install, very happy with that04:02
DrManhattanthat's as easy as it used to be in debian too04:03
DrManhattana few more steps than in 200104:03
bazhangabsent, the odds of someone scrolling through all this and seeing it, let alone a developer seeing it, are very low, but OK04:03
DrManhattanbazhang, it's all good they have it fixed in the nightly's anyhow04:03
DrManhattan10 days from now it's just in the ether04:04
DrManhattanor 1204:04
* DrManhattan shrugs04:04
bazhangplenty of time for regressions as well04:04
DrManhattanif that happens I'll report it04:06
roothorickin addition, a regression would be a new bug, wouldn't it? :)04:06
DrManhattangeez and it sets up the video devices effortlessly04:11
DrManhattanboth the ati card and the bttv are automatically ready to go in /dev/video04:11
DrManhattanthat's friggin sweet autodetection and setup for a bare install04:11
DrManhattanimpressive - funny how I end up liking linux more for the non guidesktop baloney04:13
DrManhattanok here we go04:27
DrManhattantwo bttv, 1 713x, and one ati 550 pro04:27
DrManhattanyeesh thats a fast reboot04:30
DrManhattanok so when I boot it loads some sort of vesa-like screen for a half-second and I'd like to prevent that04:32
mgeneralAnyone hearing of random logouts/lockups/reboots/Xorg crashes in 12.04 64bit?04:38
roothorickas it turns out, linux-phc itself hasn't been updated since the 2.6 kernels :(04:39
bazhangsegmentation fault at 0x11b   mgeneral ?04:39
PakLangempathy on 12.04 kindaf clunky04:41
mgeneralbazhang, not entirely sure, I haven't been able to track down the problem04:42
horusofozWill ubuntu 12.04 support USB3 on my ASUS Z68-M Pro mobo?04:42
bazhangmgeneral, yes, there have been some issues reported, just a short while ago actually; have you considered filing a bug04:42
mgeneralhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/976383 already filed a bug04:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 976383 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Periodic lockups or crashes" [High,New]04:42
DrManhattanhmm, can I load a module more than once?04:43
roothorickhorusofoz: well, the host controller should be supported...04:43
mgeneraljust looking to see if anyone else is experiencing it and whether or not anyone got any further than I did with tracking it down.04:43
DrManhattanI thought i could, say if I wanted to put two of the same tv card in there04:43
horusofozroothorick: Sorry can you qualify that for a noob?04:45
roothorickhorusofoz: whether any of your USB3 devices would be supported is anyone's guess04:46
mgeneralroothorick, ubuntu 11.10 supports my usb3 controller and my color turn usb3 flash drive, if that is of any help for you.04:48
roothorickhorusofoz: hear that? I'd say you'll be just fine04:48
mgeneralsorry, exhausted from biking. Miss-highlighted.04:50
horusofozThanks All :)04:51
PakLangPakLang 12:50:5204:53
PakLangany idea how to make ubuntu (using 12.04) green,save electricity/power consumption friendly?04:53
bazhangPakLang, check in the power management settings first?04:53
PakLangI had it default...any specific apps to install? I believe ubuntu not as green as windows 7?04:54
PakLangok i try to make ubuntu as green as windows 7 :)04:55
DrManhattanok so I have the msp3400 module loaded but I don't have a /dev/video304:55
bazhangPakLang, by green you mean what precisely? please be very specific04:55
PakLangbazhang means power consumption efficient/saving as i intend to on my laptop for a long time04:56
bazhangPakLang, yes, I know what green means in the generic sense. what settings have you checked in ubuntu, what exactly is lacking etc etc etc04:56
PakLangi used to use an app call grano.la since it doesn't work yet on precise maybe i can manually config it?04:58
bazhangPakLang, whats the exact package name please04:58
PakLangtry visit http://grano.la/04:59
PakLangi dont think it's on the repo04:59
mgeneralWell, I'm going to try a clean installation of ubuntu and see if things stabilize. I'm not holding my breath though.05:00
bazhangPakLang, it's software that provides CPU cooling?05:01
PakLangwell im not sure what it does technically but I do know it saves energy http://grano.la/software/about_granola.php05:06
PakLangfor Ubuntu and servers im just looking for an alternative05:06
PakLangsince 12.04 version is not released yet05:06
bazhangPakLang, looks like you want some kind of server monitor05:07
bazhangPakLang, that has very little to do with being green however05:08
mgeneralkpowersave probably does everything that grano.la does.05:09
mgeneralcpu scaling, power schemes, dynamic power profiles, brightness/dimming05:10
bazhangcould well be. from that grano.la link it looks to be more marketing than anything05:10
PakLangbazhang no that software works on my laptop...my ubuntu 12.04 beta2 in on thinkpad T40005:11
DrManhattannice, so I have /dev/video0-2 and /dev/dvb/adapter005:11
PakLangmgeneral thanks...any thing for gnome/unity05:11
PakLangkpowersave = for KDE right?05:11
bazhangPakLang, so search in package manager for powersave packages, there's nothing special about gran.la05:12
PakLangok thanks05:12
DrManhattanwow, I think you guys got yourselves a new user05:12
PakLangwell i found powernap from synaptic :)05:12
DrManhattanvery, very impressive05:12
mgeneralDrManhattan, working with a dvb tuner?05:13
DrManhattanjust need the svideo input05:17
DrManhattanim sad though I dont think there's a v4l2 interface to the dvb device, is there/05:17
ANubI've got a question........Since Ubuntu is Opensource and freeware.....why new version is released every 6 months (too fast).....why cant Ubuntu just keep on fixing the issues and then major developments are released in new version05:45
bazhangANub, you probably meant to ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic05:46
ANubi dont know ...i'll ask it there as well05:48
bazhangANub, this channel is for bug fixing and support of 12.04  ; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic05:49
tokinwhitemanHey guys, Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2, my ryhthymbox player freezes when i point the file path to my winodows music file, is that normal?05:54
gaelfxtokinwhiteman: how are you trying to open the file?06:06
tokinwhitemanI go to the music path selection, and set the file path to my windows music file06:07
tokinwhitemanEdit>preferences> music>library location>browse>windows partition>users/username/music in rythymbox06:08
tokinwhitemannevermind, sorry gaelfx, i tried again and this time didn't freeze and seems to be working.06:15
ActionParsnipSurprised this place isn't jumping06:20
tokinwhitemanI'd say it because the final beta is real stable.06:24
ActionParsniptokinwhiteman: since alpha1 I've only had mild niggles. Otherwise its been fine06:29
spy6hi there06:31
spy6(was redirected from #ubuntu :)06:31
spy6i'm trying to start unity-2d via x2go ... until 12.04 it worked with starting "gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d" after connect ... starting unity-2d via lightdm works ... did there anything change?06:31
tokinwhitemanActionParnship: the only issue I had was with alpha2 and that was on my desktop with nvidia drivers with dual monitors. Otherwise beta 2 on my laptop has been pretty awesome.06:32
spy6when calling "gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d" via x2go the launcher doesn't appear06:32
spy6was there anything changed with precise starting a unity-2d session06:32
_r00t_Hi, this is strange .... can you upgrade from 11.10 to the beta via do-release-upgrade -d ? src : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta206:40
spy6_r00t_: indeed, that worked like a charme some days ago here ;)06:42
bazhang!info linux06:43
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB06:43
kaushalwhen is 12.04 is going to be released ?06:47
kaushalApr 26th ?06:47
kaushalwhat would be the default FS available on 12.0406:48
kaushalext4 or btrfs ?06:48
magn3tsDoes ubiquity write to a file?06:59
_r00t_thanks spy6 ... I always thought that upgrading to beta and then to stable was not possible. My bad !06:59
magn3tsAnd why is it telling me that it's removing conflicting operating system files... it should bjust be formatting. Should I worried that I'm losing data?06:59
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.07:00
magn3tsI hope this bug gets fixed in the next week. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/92466007:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946663 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #924660 Installer stuck at "Removing conflicting operating system files..."" [High,Confirmed]07:01
_r00t_but apt-get dist-upgrade removes obsolete packages .... isn't this dangerous ?07:01
magn3tsOh there's a workaround, woot.07:02
DrManhattananyone here got any experience with v4l-dvb?07:03
DrManhattanI need my dvb device to have a v4l2 interface07:03
_r00t_do-release-upgrade invokes screen .... how do I detach from the screen so that it runs in the background ?07:06
_r00t_eg ctrl-a d07:06
_r00t_awesome it worked !07:07
_r00t_actually that didn't work :(07:13
_r00t_Does anyone know what the correct procedure is for detaching from do-release-upgrade ? Many thanks07:14
_r00t_ok no problem... I've worked this out. Will post an update today07:21
magn3tswhere. does. ubiquity. log. to.07:31
Star2012hows flash working in 12.0407:41
MasterOf1isasterHi, I encountered this issue with groupwise and precise: http://paste.ubuntu.com/932173/ - The version that I use worked fine with oneiric07:44
=== MasterOf1isaster is now known as MasterOfDisaster
torporcan someone tell me why my fresh ubuntu 12.04 (32bit) install only sees 2gigs of the 8gigs of RAM in my PC?07:57
torpori heard that 32-bit ubuntu can only address ~3.5gigs, but i seem to recall hearing somehwere that 32-bit ubuntu can use more RAM than this if you use PAE or something .. is this something that can be turned on or am i forced to switch to 64-bit?07:58
MasterOfDisastertorpor: user 64bit07:58
torporno other way, eh?07:58
torporso is there some simple way to upgrade to 64-bit from this running system, or is it a total fresh install?07:59
mysteriousdarrentorpor: even if things are switched over, you would have better luck just installing 64 bit07:59
mysteriousdarrentorpor: things break07:59
torporok so i'll re-do this system then.07:59
Jordan_U!pae | torpor08:00
ubottutorpor: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info08:00
torporthanks ubottu thats what i thought.08:00
Jordan_Utorpor: That said, I would still recommend re-installing and going with 64 bit.08:00
torporits sort of a hassle to re-do the running system though08:00
torporone thing: i  didn't install with 8gigs of ram, only 2gigs.  so the installer didn't enable PAE on the system.  i've since put in 8gigs, and how does one enable PAE after installatation?08:01
Jordan_Utorpor: See the page from ubottu.08:04
dupondjeI vote for 64bit also :)08:05
dupondjeno single reason to use 32bit imo08:05
torpori guess it will be easier to just upgrade to 64-bit than it will be to re-build my kernel.08:06
torporbut isn't it the case that 64-bit desktop is not so great right now?08:06
dupondjewhy ?08:06
Star2012most people use 32bit08:06
dupondjeyou wont see any difference08:06
matanyame niether08:06
matanya64 is better08:06
torporok i'll just do the switch then.08:07
dupondjeall computers have 4GB+ RAM, then its recommended to use 64bit08:07
dupondjeand these days all apps on linux are for 64bit08:07
dupondjeand for the exceptions there is always ia32-libs :)08:07
MasterOfDisasterthere were some things to consider in years past, but they have been ironed out (flash, java plugin, proprietary drivers, etc.)08:07
torporgood to know08:07
magn3tsAnother ubuntu release, another release in which the pointer can not correctly be changed08:18
matanyamagn3ts: more details?08:19
magn3tsmatanya: step 1: try to change mouse pointer08:20
magn3tsthere is no step 2.08:20
magn3tsgod golly unity is sure shaping up wonderfully08:21
MasterOfDisasterbtw, in case anyone wonders - I fixed my groupwise issue - missing dependency08:35
jokerdinomagn3ts: did you try gnome-tweak-tool to change your pointer?08:36
ANubwhen is the expected date for release of 12.4 (not beta)08:45
jokerdinocheck the release schedule in the /topic ^^08:45
ANub9 days to go08:47
scienteswow, considering how much is broken08:47
scientesand that its a LTS08:47
kim_ I have problems with the new intalltion of xubuntu 12.04, the CPU-Temp is too high,... 58° but there is no cpu load over 2% (htop)08:52
kim_<kim_> echo -e '\x6d\x6f\x6f' | xargs apt-get , did not help,.. :(, any idea how to solve this prob ?08:52
tokinwhitemanAnyone else in love with the short cuts keys and hud?08:59
dupondjescientes: whats broken ?09:01
tokinwhitemananyone know if you can add a firefox bookmark filter / lense for the dash?09:02
tokinwhitemananyone know if you can add a firefox bookmark filter / lense for the dash?09:18
howlymowlyhi poeple.. short question; I isntalled the new kubuntu/beta and have some problems, when downloading any sort of file it does not recognize any installed apllications to open certain files, like pdf, debian packages, directories..  etc...09:22
howlymowlyis there a speific package I would have to install, to make it work for some reason in kubuntu 11.10 this used to work09:23
MonkeyDustif I installed the beta 2 now, will it be updated to the 'regular' LTS after the official release, or will I have to download and install again?10:37
MyrttiMonkeyDust: it will be updated10:46
MonkeyDustMyrtti  tnx10:46
MechanisMhi after some updates about a day ago or so I'm unable to see unity on login. so i'm using unity-2d or gnome-shell. how to fix unity?10:51
MechanisMi'm pretty sure drivers installed correctly coz I see 3d awn with transparency etc.10:52
MechanisMsystem settings unable to open for a long time10:53
Linthow to change a font?11:02
jdrabLint: the easiest way is to install gnome-tweak-tool or myUnity from ppa11:04
MonkeyDustisnt myUnity integrated in precise?11:06
jdrabi have no idea i'm a kubuntu user11:07
jdrab"MyUnity is a third-party application, not official part of the Unity project."11:09
MonkeyDustjdrab  yes, but I guess it's in the repos, as of 12.0411:09
jdrabMonkeyDust: i don't think it's in repos, i'm using 12.04 but i can't find it. only in myunity ppa11:11
bobweaverthis is the backgrpund for 12.04 I just noticed that there was a ubuntu-wallpaper upgrade on my system two days ago and I like it a lot http://postimage.org/image/vflf6qjet/full/11:17
kim_hallo, any body know how tu activate "energysave" funktion of arandale i5 cpu? It ist always tooo hot in idle ,.. 58°11:47
LintI installed updates, and now have no wired network11:59
Lintmy adapter refuses to obtain IP4 address11:59
Partyschaumhi, just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS beta2. somehow i've the xubuntu splash screen installed. anyone knows how to switch back to the standard ubuntu splash screen?12:01
ironmhello. Does the current ubuntu-server 12.04 image include PV-kernel modules/drivers for xen? Thank you in advance for any hints.12:03
jtrucksironm: I am running it on top of xen...12:04
ironmjtrucks, how do you mean that?12:04
jtrucksmy 12.04 beta2 installation is on a xen based VPS host.12:05
jtrucksis that what you were after?12:05
ironmjtrucks, not quite (even if also very interesting). Just PVM for 12.04 (with XCP 1.5 as host)12:06
jtrucksdunno that, sorry12:06
ironmjtrucks, I have tried to run xen on top of ubuntu-sever 12.04 but stopped it as I didn't find enough information12:07
jtrucksironm: oh I see...12:07
ironmjtrucks, can you run PVM clients (with ubuntu-server 12.04) on your ubuntu-server 12.04 based xen host?12:08
ironmjtrucks, with HVM ubuntu-server VMs the network performance is quite low12:08
jtrucksI don't know... I'm not sure what the xenserver under the hood is (I didn't ask), but my guest (is that the right term?) VPS works quite well.12:09
jtrucksit's been so long since I've managed anything xen related I don't remember enough to be useful :(12:09
jtrucksand I didn't do it much even then.12:09
ironmjtrucks, was is difficult to install your guest VPS on top of ubuntu-server based xen. Can you maybe recommend some links, please?12:11
ironmI am testing in parallel KVM on ubuntu-server 12.04 and it works in connection with virt-manager really great12:12
jtrucksI don't know what the xen server underneath is running. They fired up my VPS guest as Ubuntu 10.10, I did a dist-upgrade to 12.04 beta2, and it runs perfectly fine now.12:12
ironmjtrucks, have you tested your network speed on your ubuntu guest VM?12:14
jtrucksof course, the company that hosts my VPS is owned and managed by a co-author of "Book of Xen" from No Starch Press...12:14
ironmI see12:14
jtrucks> 100Mbps from my colo to the VPS. the colo is several hundred miles away from the VPS.12:14
ironmit is really fast ... I have got only 4 - 12MBits / sec12:15
jtrucksdisk speed tested with dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/somefile bs=8k count=256k gets 120MB/s - 193MB/s12:16
ironmwith CentOS based PVM the speed was over 30Mbps12:16
jtrucksit's on a fairly beefy machine that is not oversubscribed, though, which helps.12:16
ironmjtrucks, I have tested with 500MB sized files (using ramdisk)12:17
jtrucksI have burstable to 6 cores, 4M RAM, too.12:17
jtruckswhat did you use to test the network?12:17
jtrucksI used iperf12:17
ironmjust scp12:17
jtrucksinstall iperf, it's pretty accurate for pure network testing.12:19
ironmmay I ask, what command line do you use for your tests jtrucks ?12:19
jtrucksiperf -c $servername12:21
jtrucksto start the server use iperf -s12:21
jtrucksand it listens on a default port.12:22
jtrucksto test between two points12:22
ironmyes .. thanks a lot jtrucks :)12:22
=== Partyschaum is now known as Partyschaum^away
LintI installed updates, and now have no wired network12:25
Lintmy adapter refuses to obtain IP4 address12:25
KoltHi! I have a sony vaio laptop, and I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and its not even bootable, and neither is in recovery mode or with previous versions. With previous versions its a blank black screen with moust.12:51
ironmKolt, you could download current live image for 12.04 and check if you can successfully boot from USB stick12:55
ActionParsnipKolt: tried the boot option: i8024.nopnp12:57
KoltActionParsnip: how do I do that?12:57
ActionParsnipKolt: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub     add it in the quotes with: quiet splash     save the new file, close gedit then run:  sudo update-grub12:58
Koltbut I cant even boot the system12:58
ActionParsnipKolt: hold shift at boot, you can add it there. Do you use proprietary video drivers?12:59
KoltActionParsnip:  I held shift now im in the grub menu13:05
KoltActionParsnip: I dont know about the driver13:05
LintI installed updates, and now have no wired network13:20
Lintmy adapter refuses to obtain IP4 address13:20
OliAnyone how to add a volume applet/indicator to the Gnome Panel?13:25
smallfoot-help, ubuntu shippin in few days14:31
smallfoot-and this bug still not fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/97355914:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973559 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window decoration not showing up" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:31
Daekdroomsmallfoot-, I don't think it's such a big deal because GNOME Classic session is not shipped by default.14:35
agoodmhow do I control which services start at startup?14:39
smallfoot-but unity sucks, so i use gnome-classic14:39
penguingirlHey guys, grub got deleted from my system... how do i restore it?14:45
ironmagoodm, man insserv14:45
Arnoldpenguingirl, you mean the packages, or that it doesn't boot up with GRUB anymore?14:47
xubuntuUSERhi is it in daily build 12.04 rc6 enabled by default ?14:51
smallfoot-xubuntuUSER, idk, but i think that was backported to the kernel in 12.04, cuz i think its supposed to be in 3.3, but ubuntu use 3.214:51
smallfoot-so i think rc6 works in 12.0414:51
jbwivguys, I suspect (based on reading bug reports) that pm-utils is causing some unwanted disk writes. I proceeded to uninstall it with apt, but apt wants to uninstall gnome-session as well? Anyone know why/how to get around?14:52
xubuntuUSERok thx  smallfoot-  i know it will be in 3.3 i  read on site it wil be enabled in 12.04 , im interest is it in daily build ! i will wait for 26 of aplil and install it ! thx14:54
smallfoot-xubuntuUSER, its backported from 3.3 to 3.2, so rc6 works in today on 12.0415:02
fishcookercan i get main repository of PP15:23
fishcookermy country repository is suck15:24
ratcheerPrecise is really starting to shape up. One of my main complaints was high memore use, and it has gone down considerably in the past few days.15:24
fishcookerwith main repository?15:27
=== rymate__1234 is now known as rymate_1234
LintI installed updates, and now have no wired network15:36
Lintmy adapter refuses to obtain IP4 address15:36
ratcheerLint: Is your ethernet card detected? sudo lspci -v15:37
Lintthere is eth0 device15:38
Yojirofishcooker: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/15:38
fishcookeri'll check it yojiro15:39
fishcookerfor quick response15:39
ratcheerLint: Sure. Run that command and let us know what your ethernet chipset is and what the "module in use" is.15:39
Lintit should be sky2 module15:40
philinuxLint:  If not already tried you could left click on network icon edit connections and delete the entry. Network manager should regenrate a new connection.15:43
LintI don have a network icon15:44
Lintwhy dhclient doesn work?15:45
philinuxLint: Try running nm-applet from a terminal see if icon pops up15:59
jdhfrMy network card misbehaves when newest kernel is used, why16:10
moonpythonHey! I installed an instance of 10.04 LTS after I installed 12.04 and now 10.04 is the default boot... how do I fix this?16:13
ratcheermoonpython: Go into Precise. Run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" <<-- or whatever your boot device is.16:16
moonpythonratcheer: I get this fun error http://www.pasteall.org/3097816:18
jdhfrwhen that  junk is going to be released?16:18
ratcheermoonpython: Just the device name, not the partition. E.g., /dev/sda, not /dev/sda216:20
moonpythonratcheer: Okay.. .and that is it?16:21
ratcheermoonpython: Yes, it should put Precise back in control of your grub setup.16:22
jdhfrmy network card doesn't work with newest installed kernel, why?16:22
moonpythonGreat, ratcheer, and then I should be able to delete the 10.04 partition? (Before when I did it, it broke grub)16:22
ratcheermoonpython: Yes, if that's what you want to do. Then afterwards, on Precise, you need to run "sudo update-grub"16:23
moonpythonratcheer: Before a reboot?16:24
BarkingFishevening guys. I'm gonna need some help here.  I have 33.1mb of upgrades to do from the overnight works, and one or more of the packages hasn't been correctly signed - apper is moaning about it, and even sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade at the command line won't do the work.16:25
BarkingFishAny ideas on how to find out which of the packages is unsigned, without me unticking one by one and trying to update?16:26
ratcheermoonpython: Yes. Drop the 10.04 partition, then update-grub, then reboot. Make sure the grub-install works first, though.16:26
ratcheermoonpython: In Precise ^^^16:26
topylijdhfr: boot into a kernel that does work :)16:26
moonpythonOkay, ratcheer one more question... so if I delete the other partition, I have some space left over, but I cannot claim that space back in precise because (in gparted) the grub instance is in between... what do I do?16:30
ratcheermoonpython: Someone else will have to help you with that one. I have to go.16:31
glosoliwhy the hell Ubuntu One change units from Kilobytes to Kilobits ?16:33
ryegood question16:46
gnomefreakwhat is the apport command to add info to a bug? "apport-support bug#"?16:57
jdhfrWHEN that junk is going to be RELEASEd?16:59
kklimondain a week16:59
BarkingFishjdhfr, What junk?  You mean precise?16:59
BarkingFishBooked date for release is 4/26/1216:59
jdhfryes. it is junk :(16:59
ryeglosoli: thank you for your message, I reviewed the code and found that it's a bug on the presentation, that field is indeed KiB :-/17:00
jdhfrit has tons of bugs17:00
frybyejdhfr - good that you are reporting them so effeciently - soon they will be no more then...17:00
glosolirye: no problem :) Happy to be helpful instead of ignorant :>17:01
BarkingFishthis is why it's being beta tested, jdhfr - the whole purpose of beta testing is to catch bugs and get them resolved before the release goes out17:01
gnomefreakthanks kklimonda17:01
kklimondaplease, don't feed the troll17:01
glosolirye: also tbh honest I am not sure if -1 should be in the place if speed is not limited :>17:01
bazhangjdhfr, file some bugs17:01
frybyekklimonda: good point...17:01
BarkingFishI will say that calling it "junk" is not welcome, imo - a lot of people are working on that "junk", as you put it.  If you don't like the distro, others are available. Find one.17:02
bazhang!bug | jdhfr17:02
ubottujdhfr: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:02
BarkingFishand kklimonda - regardless of troll or not, people are working to fix this, and I'm offended at those comments.17:02
frybyeBarkingFish: can also understand that approach...17:03
spacebug-since there are problems with colors in latest flashplugin and nvidia, how can I get hold of older version?17:03
bazhangspacebug-, blue tint?17:03
spacebug-bazhang: yes17:03
spacebug-shifted channels red/blue17:03
bazhangspacebug-, try fullscreening the flash video then disabling hw acceleration17:04
gnomefreakbazhang: spacebug- someone yesterday had that issue as well. IIRC he was on 64bit17:04
bazhanggnomefreak, yeah its a known issue that usually fixes it17:04
* gnomefreak was unable to reproduce the issue17:04
gnomefreakah ok17:04
* glosoli heard some of his friends on Windows getting something like blue tint with latest flash player. 17:05
spacebug-bazhang: thanks, that could maybe do for a while17:05
bazhangthe only real solution is to nuke adobe from outer space17:05
bazhangjust to be sure17:06
spacebug-many videos on youtobe are converted to html5 now anyway but some still are flash17:06
glosolispacebug-: have you joined HTML5 in YouTube ?17:07
BarkingFishspacebug-, you can opt out of the html5 trial17:07
glosolispacebug-: http://www.youtube.com/html5 here it is in case you wondering17:07
BarkingFishi did, i'm solely using flash playback17:07
spacebug-glosoli: ok, I'm gonna take a loog. thanks17:07
glosoliIt might be just my luck, but I hadn't run in any flash video in youtube since that HTML5 Trial17:08
spacebug-it says I am17:08
glosoliaaah good then :)17:08
glosoliso probably you are just unlucky ;D17:08
spacebug-though it says !h.264 ..hum17:09
glosoliFF ?17:09
spacebug-no plugin for that ?17:09
glosoliNot supported17:09
spacebug-+spelling hehe17:09
glosoliChrome works fine17:09
glosolifor me17:09
jdhfrdoes precise have 2 wines?17:09
glosoliSome problems with WebGL and HTML5 Full Screen on ATI for some people like me, others are just fine17:09
jdhfrand I'm stll waiting for help with my network card17:10
glosolispacebug-: I read somewhere that FF at first denied to use h.264 now they are thinking or doing something for that idea17:10
spacebug-glosoli: oh I see.. hum strange17:11
glosolispacebug-: same goes for Flash Player, afaik no response from Mozilla for Flash Future on Firefox17:11
glosoliin Ubuntu17:11
ryeinteresting, remmina works the same buggy way no matter whether i leave gtk_fullscreen(window) there or comment it out.17:14
ryeumm, should have been in #ubuntu-unity :)17:15
jdhfrwhy nautilius is no longer nautilius?17:17
glosolijdhfr: "nautilus17:17
glosolijdhfr: what's wrong with it ?17:17
glosoliname it, explain it17:17
bazhangjdhfr, you spelled it wrong17:18
jdhfrwhen its docked its not named as it is17:18
glosolijdhfr: it is :)17:18
gnomefreakeveryone picked up on the spelling but not the comment?17:18
bazhangjdhfr, thats not correct17:18
glosolijdhfr: it is just a caption :)17:18
glosolijdhfr: saying Home Folder makes more sense for newbies :)17:18
jdhfrand when i use menu search, it's called my files or similar17:19
glosolijacob: it is called Files ,because it is file management app17:19
glosolijacob: package name is nautilus17:19
bazhangglosoli, its jdhfr17:19
gnomefreakhome folder doessnt fit the full words17:20
glosolioh sorry..17:20
gnomefreakfile seems to block folder17:20
glosolijdhfr:  it was meant for you not for jaco..17:20
jdhfrnow, how to trobleshoot my network card? it is detected but not operanle under latest kernel17:20
bazhangjdhfr, boot to one that does17:21
jdhfrbazhang: and...17:21
glosolijdhfr: May I ask you something  ?17:21
jdhfrjust ask17:21
bazhangjdhfr, you really should not be on a development release if you dont want to file any bugs at all17:21
glosolijdhfr: I  don't want to sound rude, why you are not using Oneiric ?17:21
jdhfrbazhang: its not devwelopment release its NEXT WEEK release17:22
glosoliPrecise Pangolin is yet for people who like to experiment17:22
glosoliIt is STILL IN DEVELOPMENT17:22
gnomefreakjdhfr: still devel17:22
bazhangjdhfr, thats wrong17:22
glosoliWe are gathering here because we like to report problems, we like Final release to be as stable as we can make it :)17:22
glosoliWe are always expecting that everything in DEVELOPMENT Release can go wild17:23
jdhfrstill, april is being done in two weeks, and if you want to say EVERYTHING will be fixed, I don;t believe you17:23
bazhangjdhfr, so being in here and calling it junk, not filing bugs and demanding fixes is not the way to go17:23
glosolijdhfr: drop that attitude.17:23
bazhangjdhfr, so stop doing that17:23
cypher-neoI found an interesting possible bug related to the latest update on Precise. Can anyone help me confirm this?17:23
cypher-neoHere's what I've found...17:24
cypher-neoIn the latest update, when you install something from the USC the icon flies from the USC screen to the Dash bar on the left hand side of the screen.17:24
cypher-neoPretty cool, by the way!17:24
philinuxcypher-neo: thats not a bug but a new feature17:25
cypher-neoAnyway, the possible bug I noted is that when you uninstall a program that exists in the Dash bar, the icon and program do not go away, except once you restart.17:25
gnomefreakwhat is USC?17:25
philinuxgnomefreak: software center17:25
bazhanggnomefreak, software center17:25
DrManhattanis it possible to get a v4l interface to my dvb card?17:25
gnomefreakoh that17:26
cypher-neophilinux, Oh I know! And I love the new feature. But uninstalling doesn't remove the icon.17:26
philinuxcypher-neo: just right click and unlock from launcher17:26
gnomefreakcypher-neo: try removing it from synaptic or terminal see if it works as excpected17:26
cypher-neophilinux, I know I can do that. But what I'm saying is, the update was included to make it easier for new users to find their programs... how would a new user react if the icon stays after uninstalled?17:27
cypher-neophilinux, Understand my reasoning?17:27
gnomefreakhow would it work if you installed say 10 packages, do all of them show up in the launcher (doesnt make sense to do that)17:28
philinuxcypher-neo: raise a bug17:28
* gnomefreak wonder what happens when i fill y launcher 17:29
philinuxgnomefreak: you get a down arrow to expand it17:29
gnomefreakphilinux: thanks :)17:29
cypher-neophilinux, Okay, I'd be happy to bug report this. Where do I do that?17:29
philinuxgnomefreak: I've got rid of most of the default ones17:30
gnomefreakphilinux: me too17:30
philinuxcypher-neo: terminal > ubuntu-bug unity17:30
philinuxcypher-neo: you need a launchpad account17:30
gnomefreakcypher-neo: in launchpad.net, you really shouldnt be using devel release if you dont know how/where to file bugs. if you have an account in LP just use ubuntu-bug packagename17:31
cypher-neophilinux, I'm not sure if I remember my Launchpad password...17:31
philinuxcypher-neo: https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password17:32
philinuxgnomefreak: Hey we need new testers. Peeps gotta start somewhere17:32
jbichacypher-neo: I think that's already been reported as bug 98148817:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981488 in unity (Ubuntu) "Program's icon stays in Launcher after removing the program" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98148817:33
gnomefreakphilinux: to an extent but i agree17:33
philinuxjbicha: Nice and fix committed too17:34
cypher-neojbicha, Ahh! You are correct!17:41
cypher-neojbicha, Instead of reporting a new bug, I just confirmed that bug 981488 affected me too.17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981488 in unity (Ubuntu) "Program's icon stays in Launcher after removing the program" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98148817:42
philinuxcypher-neo: get your password sorted 12.10 testing not far off.  https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password17:42
cypher-neophilinux, I got it sorted. :)17:42
philinuxNice one17:42
PatrickCI have an external HDD I want to install 12.04 on.. how would I go about doing that?17:44
PatrickCthe external is almost 3x the size of my internal.. hence the wanting to install ubuntu on it :)17:45
philinuxPatrickC: I'd just use it for data17:45
philinuxPatrickC: What you got installed on the internal.17:46
jtaylorhow is the external connected?17:46
PatrickCphilinux: but if one wanted to install ubuntu on the external, for you know, portability reasons, how would he go about it?17:47
PatrickCUSB 2.0, yes17:47
jtaylorits likely to not perform well via usb connected externa17:47
PatrickCreally? that stinks17:47
PatrickCso internal would be the best bet?17:48
philinuxPatrickC: I got 12.04 on a 4gig usb stick. Thats nice and portable17:48
jtaylorI recommend putting lvm on your internal for better flexibility when partitioning17:48
PatrickCjtaylor: is lvm available for windows?17:48
PatrickCthat's the main OS :P17:48
jtaylorprobably not17:48
PatrickChence why I want ubuntu on the external17:48
PatrickCno need to repartition windows then17:48
philinuxPatrickC: Shrink winders and dual boot of internal. Use External for storage17:49
PatrickCI think I'll just use WUBI again17:49
PatrickCthen external for storage17:49
PatrickClike you suggested17:49
philinuxPatrickC: wubi not meant for long term use17:49
philinuxPatrickC: yep developer says so. Just to test buntu17:50
PatrickCI've been trying to stay away from repartitioning... hmm...17:50
philinuxPatrickC: I've an acer 1410 with win 7. I used win 7 to shrink windows then installed as dual boot. I also used easybcd to boot to ubuntu17:51
philinuxPatrickC: choices eh17:52
philinuxPatrickC: the acer is running 12.04 really nice too17:53
PatrickCbdedit with a GUI :P17:53
PatrickCmy Gateway ran 11.10 really nice too17:53
PatrickCtill the HDD crashed lol17:53
philinuxPatrickC: Mt acer was still under warranty so I installed grub to the partition not the MBR17:53
PatrickCis there an online tutorial for that?17:54
philinuxPatrickC: if I installed again I'd just pt grub on mbr17:54
PatrickCwhat's the difference?17:55
gnomefreakwas a name selected for +1 yet?17:56
PiciGetting late too.17:57
gnomefreakQuail is about the only animal with a Q at least that i know of17:57
gnomefreakassuming we are sticking in order17:58
BluesKajQuakking Quagga ?17:59
jtrucksI like that one.17:59
jtrucksor Quiet Quail.17:59
__r00t__Just went 10.04 -> 12.04 and have lots of lovely problems to fix :)18:00
gnomefreaklooks like a mix between a shorse and zebra18:00
jtrucks__r00t__: workstation? server?18:00
jtrucksgnomefreak: yes, basically. extint iirc18:00
philinuxgnomefreak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames#A12.1018:00
gnomefreak__r00t__: you need to upgrade in order dont skip releases or you will get problems18:01
gnomefreakphilinux: thanks18:01
__r00t__Actually looking at the history of the machine it was 8.04 -> 10.04.02 (server) -> now18:01
philinuxgnomefreak: LTS to LTS is supported18:01
jtrucksgnomefreak: 10.04 -> 12.04 is in order. LTS -> LTS18:01
jdhfrcan someone explain what 'partial upgrade' does?18:01
gnomefreakphilinux: it is but 10.10 was not lts\18:01
bazhangjtrucks, not til release afaict18:01
* __r00t__ agrees with jtrucks 18:01
__r00t__bazhang: true but o_O18:02
philinuxjdhfr: It can bork your system18:02
jtrucksbazhang: it did work though (for me) :)18:02
philinuxjdhfr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185924018:03
__r00t__well all is not lost .... the upgrade was 'technically' successful18:03
gnomefreak__r00t__: did you disable proposed repo before upgrading?18:04
__r00t__gnomefreak: proposed from lucid ?18:05
gnomefreak__r00t__: yes18:05
__r00t__gnomefreak: ouch ! Yes I know that is where my problems reside.18:05
gnomefreak__r00t__: libnux is broken in proposed repo in 10.04 and removes ubuntu-desktop and Unity18:06
gnomefreaklibnux 2.10.*18:06
__r00t__gnomefreak: I've got more pressing issues than that :)18:06
gnomefreaknot having unity is not a major issue for you? what DE are you using?18:07
* jtrucks doesn't have unity.18:07
jtrucksor gnome.18:07
__r00t__gnomefreak: no need for a DE :)18:08
jtruckssame here.18:08
__r00t__I've got udev looping and I bet linux-firmware shafted me too18:08
* gnomefreak doesnt only use gnome either :) i like a few Des18:08
jtrucksI don't have X installed at all. headless server18:09
gnomefreakfinish these 2 cds than call it for the day, brb smoke18:09
__r00t__anyone else had problems with udev ?18:09
__r00t__gnomefreak: give up the weed.... vape instead bud18:10
jtrucksI didn't have any issues, but I was on a fairly clearn 10.04 install on a VPS, did dist-upgrade, and everything is good.18:10
__r00t__jtrucks: I went from 10.04 that need 200+ updates straight to 12.04...... I didn't feel the need to update first LOL18:12
jdhfrI don't belive that article18:13
jdhfrupdate manager proposes partial upgrade for several days18:13
philinuxjdhfr: Use synaptic or terminal.18:14
philinuxjdhfr: your system your choice18:14
__r00t__philinux: terminal for me18:15
philinux__r00t__: Same here during developemt.18:15
philinux__r00t__: since I usually update via a chroot18:15
jtrucks__r00t__: doh. you should have done updates first :P18:15
__r00t__well I'm a hero... I'm going to save this m***** f****** !18:16
* __r00t__ hopes LOL18:16
jdhfrwhy default applications are in "Information" applet?18:17
jdhfr"Information" is for information, not for changing anything18:17
gnomefreakjdhfr: proposes partial upgrade is most likely due to libnux problem18:18
__r00t__is there any documentation on the libnux issue ?18:19
gnomefreak__r00t__: not sure but i found it18:19
gnomefreaktopic tells you to disable proposed repo18:19
georgelappieshi all, hope everyone is well. Is there a way to reinstall system packages and tell them to replace any current config files with the defaults ?18:19
* gnomefreak should really fix the topic18:19
jdhfrhow "proposed" repository is called?18:20
jdhfris it "updates not included in official release" or "updates which officially not supported"?18:21
Debrohow i can find command for web browser..?18:22
__r00t__when was the issue with precise-proposed noticed ?18:22
Debrolike chromium of firefox..?18:22
Debroor firefox*18:22
=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Precise Pangolin | Release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule | Oneiric Support in #ubuntu | Beta 2 Released! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/precise/beta2 Warning: due to ;ibnux 2.10 being broken in Precise proposed repo please disable *-proposed repos before upgrading to Precise.
gnomefreakthere long but fixed18:23
jdhfrhow proposed repository is called in Software Sources?18:23
=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Precise Pangolin | Release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule | Oneiric Support in #ubuntu | Beta 2 Released! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/precise/beta2 Warning: due to ibnux 2.10 being broken in Precise proposed repo please disable *-proposed repos before upgrading to Precise.
gnomefreakjdhfr: not sure i stay away form software center every chance i get. you can just comment the repo out in sources.list file18:24
Debrognomefreak, do i need to do that..?18:25
gnomefreakDebro: if proposed is enabled doing an upgrade will result in removing unity and ubuntu-desktop18:25
Debrobut i alredy have Precise18:26
gnomefreakthat goes for local updates as well as dist upgrades (apt-get dist-upgrade and from dist to dist)18:26
Debrognomefreak, ty where i can disable proposed repos..?18:27
gnomefreakDebro: run apt-cache policy libnux-2.0-0  tell me installed and canidate versions18:27
gnomefreakDebro: in synaptic software center or sources.list file. i only use the latter so i dont know where you filnd them in the 2 former apps18:28
gnomefreakupdate-manager can do it too18:28
Debrognomefreak, both the same.. 2.10.0-0ubuntu118:28
gnomefreakDrManhattan: run same command on unity18:29
gnomefreakDrManhattan: sorry not you18:29
gnomefreakDebro: run same command on unity18:29
Debrognomefreak, how you mean that..? i did it with unity installed18:30
gnomefreakDebro: run apt-cache policy unity18:31
Debrognomefreak, Installed: 5.10.0-0ubuntu3;   Candidate: 5.10.0-0ubuntu418:32
gnomefreakDebro: upgrade18:33
gnomefreakmaybe the packaged was fixed since last night18:33
Debroi need do restart18:33
gnomefreakDebro: you can upgrade first18:33
gnomefreakthis is not windows18:33
Debrook :)18:34
Debrognomefreak, do you now command for firefox or chromium..?18:34
jdhfri turned off all updates except security ones, and still have 427 updates/partial upgrade proposal18:34
gnomefreakDebro: what?18:34
gnomefreakjdhfr: libnux may have been fixed so it maybe a different issue for you18:35
Debrognomefreak, i want how to find way to launch programm from terminal..18:35
gnomefreakDebro: ok for firefox type firefox or you can run firefox www.blehbleh.bleh18:36
gnomefreaknot all apps allow that but most do18:36
jdhfrwhy konqueror browser is not detected as browser in gnome?18:36
gnomefreakjdhfr: what do you mean?18:37
Debrognomefreak, chromium dont allow that18:37
jdhfrit has no entry in web-browser application selector, only bloatfox stub is there18:37
gnomefreakDebro: chromium-browser18:37
Debroand firefox show what profile is missing or unaccessible18:38
gnomefreakjdhfr: not sure than if you open dash and use the search does it show up right than?18:38
jdhfrobviously yes18:38
gnomefreakjdhfr: i thought you meant you used the top right options you didnt say you used serarch18:39
jdhfrall urls are opened with stub, I meant default apps selector18:40
gnomefreakDebro: you can also choose the profile you want to use but i dont recall the command options for it. see man page or --help18:40
Debrognomefreak, it allows me to open firefox with sudo..18:42
micahgDebro: don't open firefox with sudo18:43
jdhfri like that ubuntu doesn't regenerate initramfs 3-4 times during app installation now :)18:43
Debromicahg, ok, so how to fix firefox profiles18:43
Debromicahg, firefox show what profile is missing or unaccessible18:44
jdhfr-profilemanager, I believe18:44
philinuxAnyone noticed on a clean install the startup Apps has nothing in it. Even login sound has gone18:44
Debrojdhfr, do i need run firefox -profilemanager18:44
Debrowith sudo?18:45
micahgusing sudo with firefox will break it in bad ways18:45
FernandoMigueland kill kittens18:45
Debrothis is what i get in terminal "Error: Access was denied while trying to open files in your profile directory.18:45
micahgwell, not necessarily bad, just kill kittens as FernandoMiguel said :)18:45
micahgDebro: sudo chown -R YOUR_USER:YOUR_USER ~/.mozilla you need to substitute YOUR_USER18:46
jdhfror just $USER18:47
=== stkrzysiak_ is now known as stkrzysiak
Debromicahg, jdhfr, ty works everthing now.. ;)18:49
jdhfri don't like that update manager doesn't group updates by severity18:55
holsteinjdhfr: probably gets into a matter of opinion at some point18:56
Debrois it posable to make unity faster..?18:57
jdhfrno. it's glued together with compiz junk19:00
=== stkrzysiak_ is now known as stkrzysiak
lostogrein precise, ubuntu-notifier-common stalls when trying to download adobe-flashplugin. What is the fix?19:07
jtaylorthere seems to be no progress output anymore19:07
jtaylorits possible still loading19:07
jtaylorconfused me too19:07
lostogrek. I'll wireshark it.19:07
philinuxlostogre: I did that update today and it went fine.19:09
lostogrephilinux, thx. I'll try it again.19:10
philinuxlostogre: maybe use terminal and update and upgrade19:10
lostogredid that. I'll try it again.19:10
BluesKajlostogre, avoid the flashplugin , best to just download it from the adobe site ,and extract the taeball in ~/ then copy the libflashplayer.so to usr/lib/mozilla/plugins19:10
jtaylorBluesKaj: thats a bad idea, unless you regulary check for updates manualy19:12
jdhfrwhat should I do to have window previews in the switcher?19:15
BluesKajjtaylor, I haven't had to change my method so far..flash still works fine...adobe doesn't change their linux flash players often19:15
jtayloryes they do19:15
jtaylorthats why you have a new update today19:15
jtaylor~once per month I guess19:16
BluesKajwell. i haven't changed mine ...just watched a BBC news story..all woked fine19:18
BluesKajthe plugin came down yesterday , btw19:19
BluesKajBBL ..gotta do some errands19:19
jtayloryeah ... it are security updates so you won't notice much breaking until its to late19:20
jdhfrwhat should I do to have window previews in the switcher?19:23
jbichajdhfr: you can press the down arrow while you're in alt-tab19:24
jdhfrthat's inconvenient19:25
jbichajdhfr: Super+W then?19:28
trismjdhfr: alt+` has window previews19:29
jdhfralt` looks broken here as it doesn't cycle windows19:30
trismjdhfr: it also seems like waiting a second pops up the previews with alt+tab in unity19:30
jdhfrtrism: it doesn't19:30
trismjdhfr: no, alt+` only cycles between windows of the same app. and hmm, it is doing it for my terminals19:31
trismjdhfr: seems to only show previews if you have more than one instance of an app19:32
jrrI dealt with this before, but can't seem to find the answer - how to disable the dual-display mouse "bump"?20:38
jrrfound it! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/94795020:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 929991 in Ayatana Design "duplicate for #947950 Launcher pointer barrier is bidirectional" [Undecided,Won't fix]20:43
BarkingFishEvening all. Anyone able to check something please?  If you have KDE, can you confirm that you're getting a sound from it at startup?  I get all my system notifications, network manager, etc, making all the right noises, but no startup sound, despite it being set.20:50
BarkingFishI'm using KDE 4.8.2 via the beta, all updates applied20:51
lostogrephilinux, either it is stalled or it is taking a VERY LONG TIME. Unlikely since I am on a T1.21:05
alteregoasomeone smells me if kernel 3.4 is working with nvidia default gfx drivers from bulbul, or do i have to compile them by symelf?21:22
__r00t__omg that was painful21:36
bastidrazorrunning as root probably does cause issues21:36
* __r00t__ is also in group -1 :p21:36
__r00t__so I've 'sort of fixed' my 10.04->12.04 upgrade21:37
__r00t__rm -rf /etc/udev && /etc/network/interfaces have patched me into a bootable working 'ish' machine21:38
__r00t__my only problem is working out what to do with my RAID0 array as it's not recognised21:38
__r00t__I'm getting a ton of these :/ md: sdg1 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!21:39
__r00t__does anyone have any suggestions ?21:40
=== avis is now known as rahonavis
ulrichardSince I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04, Ican no longer build packages where cmake is called from debian/rules with an avr-gcc corsscompiling toolchain.21:54
ulrichardThe message I get is : The C compiler "/usr/bin/avr-gcc" is not able to compile a simple test program.21:54
lostogrein precise, ubuntu-notifier-common stalls when trying to download adobe-flashplugin. What is the fix?21:55
__r00t__seems like the fix is to :q! precise21:56
lostogrenot really an option.21:57
blamilostogre: downloading plugin tar.gz and extracting it into your favorite browser's plugins directory will solve the problem22:00
lostogreblami, with that make it skip downloading it using apt?22:00
blamilostogre: yep, it will override distro-way of installing software completely22:01
lostogrek, i'll try it. thanks.22:01
blamilostogre: i do it that way for everything non-free/3rdparty keeping such stuff in /opt22:01
lostogreblami, understandable.22:04
__r00t__precise bust my RAID array :s22:13
FernandoMiguelI Can't Believe This is Butter! A tour of btrfs. - Avi Miller22:23
FernandoMiguelI always called it BetterFS :S22:28
cc11rocksIs a release candidate planned for today or the 19th?22:32
bekksNeither nor. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule22:35
cc11rocksOkay thanks. I heard that a RC was supposedly being put back up for today or the 19th22:36
cc11rocksI DO know it was removed...Just heard recent rumors22:36
cwillu...by popular request.22:38
cc11rocksCould any of you explain to me why Ubuntu 12.04 (image from 4/17/12) contains an alpha stage piece of software? << http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu << xy : 5.1.1alpha22:42
Daekdroomcc11rocks, it's possible it was synced from Debian unstable.22:47
DaekdroomOr done on purpose in order to obtain a feature.22:48
cc11rocksOkay thanks22:48
cwillualso, it's xz, not xy :p22:48
Picithe same version is also in wheezy and sid.22:48
cc11rocksAny easy documentation on this specific include/change?22:48
FernandoMiguelwb cwillu22:49
cwillu!info btrfs-tools22:49
ubottubtrfs-tools (source: btrfs-tools): Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19+20100601-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 794 kB, installed size 1724 kB22:50
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Picicc11rocks: this might be helpful: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xz-utils/+changelog22:51
cc11rocksThanks :)22:51
cc11rocks!info unity23:10
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.8.0-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 1164 kB, installed size 3316 kB23:10
cc11rocksHaha, it works23:10
cc11rocksThank you guys for answering my questions...Looking forward to Ubuntu 12.04 (going on mine, my mother's, and a friends computer - who is using GNU/Linux for the first time) soon...Currently using LM12...Can't wait!23:11
FernandoMiguelnity nite23:13
__r00t__thanks for the help guys23:39

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