
duanedesignan black screen with part of a line00:00
duanedesignsomething like that00:01
jpdoci'm sorry, like i said i'm really a basic user looking to move beyond windows, have no idea what a shell prompt is00:01
jpdocoh exactly like that00:01
duanedesignafter you enter log in and pass do you get another back screen00:01
duanedesigntry typing the foolowing00:02
duanedesignthen hit enter00:02
duanedesigntype that after ---  duane@mycomputer:  startx00:02
duanedesignlike that00:02
jpdocok it says the program startx is currently not installed00:03
duanedesignsounds like somthing got interupyted in the install process00:04
jpdocthen it says "you can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install xinit00:04
duanedesigntry that00:05
duanedesignI was going to say also try installing sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-volume-manager00:05
duanedesignjust type:  sudo apt-get install xinit00:06
duanedesignand enter your login password00:06
duanedesignalso try to install:   sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-volume-manager00:06
duanedesignonce you install startx the GUI should start or give us hopefullt usefull errors00:08
jpdocnow all i get is a long list of failed lines00:13
duanedesignby any chance are you able to run:  sudo apt-get update00:14
duanedesignand:  sudo apt-get upgrade00:14
duanedesignsorry that is updates^^^^00:15
duanedesignso that would be: sudo apt-get updates00:15
duanedesignsudo apt-get upgrades00:16
duanedesignsorry to confure you00:16
duanedesignit is after all: sudo apt-get upgrade00:17
duanedesigni was right the first time00:17
jpdocE: Invalid operation upgrades00:17
duanedesignsorry it is upgrade00:17
jpdocsame with updated00:17
duanedesignok must be no networ00:18
Unit193sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:18
Unit193To test network, you can try pinging
jpdocpinging gives me lines and lines of stuff "64 bytes from icmp_req=221 ttl=58 time 15.2 ms00:28
Unit193So you have networking.00:28
Unit193(And if you are using that computer to connect to here, you surely have networking and DNS)00:29
jpdocdo i have to wait for this to finish?00:29
jpdocoh and i m on my new pc here so...00:30
Unit193No, just hit ctrl+c00:35
Unit193Then try   dig google.com00:36
jpdocdig google.com gives me lots of info, should i be looking for anything in particular00:53
jpdocby the way i have managed to get it to upgrade00:53
Unit193Alright, all is good I guess. (I didn't see the orig question)00:55
jpdocno its still not working00:56
jpdocwhen i put in startx i get a message "failed to load session ubuntu"00:56
jpdocbasically i have just loaded ubuntu today, basic user, and can't get it to work00:58
jpdochave black screen00:58
jpdocwnter user name and password00:58
jpdocthats as far as i can get00:58
jpdocreinstalled 3 times00:58
jpdocno joy00:58
bobweaverjpdoc,  what is computer and have you checked the md5sum ?01:01
ubot2To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:01
jpdocusing my old Dell dimension 515001:02
bobweaverSorry I am just kinda walking into this have you tryed with nomawhatver it is called ?01:04
* bobweaver is googleing 01:04
bobweavernomodeset  is the name I was looking for01:05
bobweaveralso what is gfx card ? thanks01:07
jpdocsorry i really have no clue what gfx card it is, really am a basic pc user, starting to wish i had stayed that way...01:08
jpdocjust reading up on nomodset01:09
jpdocthink this might be beyond me01:09
bobweaverdoes it boot live cds fine ?01:09
jpdocno, nothing01:11
jpdocthanks for help guys, think ill download again and try tomorrow01:20
asterismohi people03:08
asterismodoes anybody figured out how to fix the Google Earth flickerin g problem when using XFCE and compositor enabled?03:08
holsteindidnt know that was a problem.. id ask the package maintainer to do it though03:10
holsteinasterismo: ^03:10
KarmenDoes a Intel SE7501BR2 Dual CPU Socket 604 Motherboard Server Board work with Ubuntu Server?05:50
Karmenits an older board.05:50
deper29hey, I am having trouble with a library thing. I am getting this error: jar: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:55
StepNjump_Hi guys, I am trying to run a command : ls -al >> date. I would like to run this every so many hours. HOw could I do that please?07:56
deper29StepNjump, I *think* you could write a script and set it to run every x hours07:56
StepNjump_yes I don't know how to create a script deper2907:58
deper29StepNjump, hold on a sec07:58
deper29take a look here07:59
StepNjump_thanks a lot deper2908:00
deper29StepNjump, to my understanding, you can just crontab -e then edit that file and set what you want08:03
StepNjump_yes thanks deper29 I appreciate it08:18
StepNjump_Going zzzz can't believe it  4h!08:18
benonsoftwareHiya s-fox09:39
s-foxHello benonsoftware , how are you ?09:39
benonsoftwareFine thanks, yourself?09:39
s-foxReally good thank you, I just had a second interview for a position.09:40
StepNjumpHi guys, is there a way to create a shortcut to a website using the cli?20:07
Unit193Create a desktop file with something like   exo-open http://google.com   in it.20:08
StepNjumphow does that work Unit193 ?20:16
Unit193That uses your default browser to open the link, you can always just use the browsers name.20:17
StepNjumpI don't understand how come there is nothing more easier to do this yet20:18
Unit193Not really sure what you'd be looking for...20:19
StepNjumpwell I tried the command from the cli, works and opens the page but how can I create the link?20:19
StepNjumpln? ln exo-open combination?20:20
Unit193Nope, you can create a .desktop file for it, but there may be a GUI/Unity way to do it.20:20
StepNjumpNo I have no problem using the cli but how can I create a desktop file using exo-open20:21
StepNjumpsomething like? exo-open url ~/Desktop/lnName20:22
Unit193nano link.desktop  and type name=Google  (new line)  exec=exo-open http://google.com20:23
StepNjumpoic... let me try that Unit193 tnx20:25
StepNjumpUnit193: I am getting close to it20:42
StepNjumpUnit193: how do you create a desktop launcher via cli?20:42
Unit193I use nano. :P20:43
StepNjumpI tried it, it didn't work...20:43
StepNjumpok so nano newlink20:43
StepNjumpi guess I could create an alias too20:44
StepNjumpoh it has to be file.desktop?20:44
StepNjumpok thanks again Unit193 that exo-open certainly helped a lot. Thanks21:00
StepNjumptalk to you later21:00
Unit193Sure, adios.21:00
StepNjumpadios amigo21:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
daslinkardWhat's up room?23:07
philipballew_not much daslinkard23:07
daslinkardHow's everyone doing?23:08
daslinkardAnyone from Alabama here?23:14
philipballew_daslinkard, probably the south somewhere23:17
philipballew_im from ca23:17
daslinkardCool Philip...I obviously live in Alabama....wanting to start a LUG in Northern Alabama however it seems that the area may be dead in the Northern Alabama area23:18
philipballew_starting a lug. thats a good topic23:18
=== szczur is now known as bananikus
=== bananikus is now known as szczur
daslinkardYeah, right now the closest one to me is 1 1/2 hours South of me.23:26
bodhi_zazen'lo daslinkard23:53
bodhi_zazendaslinkard: FWIW - I did get you PM earlier, was AFK at the time23:53

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