
=== jo-erlend_ is now known as jo-erlend
Tm_Tpaultag: nazis are on the moon05:23
dholbachgood morning07:00
nigelbhi dholbach07:01
dholbachhi nigelb07:01
forestpiskiemorning dholbach nigelb07:04
dholbachhi forestpiskie07:04
nigelbhey forestpiskie!07:04
* nigelb tries to stay awake.07:05
nigelb3 hours of sleep. Today is going to be lots of fun.07:05
* forestpiskie tries to look through the rain and wishes he still was07:05
nigelbHi czajkowski07:32
* czajkowski hugs dpm 07:38
dpmmorning all07:39
* dpm hugs czajkowski back ;)07:39
czajkowskinice email to wake up to07:39
dpmfinally found some time to internationalize the code of conduct :)07:39
czajkowskiI think that's pretty sweet07:40
czajkowskidpm: I'd say wait tillmay 2nd as we're doing a review then of any feedback in caese there is an update07:42
czajkowskibut I dont know how translations works07:42
dpmczajkowski, it's up to you guys. I'm happy to wait until then, just wanted to get it out of the door, as it had been on my TODO for too long :) But you can merge the changes and set up translations without affecting the CoC text, i.e. we can set up translations as Closed in LP and simply open them when the CoC text is final07:45
czajkowskiahh didnt know that07:46
czajkowskigetting the CoC translated I think is great to have done07:46
czajkowskiand I think will beneift many people in our community07:46
dpmabsolutely :)07:48
paultagTm_T: 'scuse me? :)11:45
cprofitthey paultag11:45
paultaghey czajkowski, good morning.11:45
paultagerm, cprofitt11:45
czajkowskipaultag: what you mean you didnt want to say hi to me :(11:46
czajkowskino love taggy11:46
paultagczajkowski: good $TIME_OF_DAY, lovie :)11:46
czajkowskiyes dear11:47
Tm_Tpaultag: nazi reference makes me think of moon nazis, nothing else (:11:47
cprofittpaultag: http://www.gennx360.com/firm.php?view=values11:47
paultagTm_T: :)11:47
cprofitttake a look at the second to last grouping...11:47
cprofittlet me know what you think of that wording11:47
paultagcprofitt: that phrasing is fine - check it:11:48
paultagWe value everyone executing on the decision once made...11:48
paultageven when they do not agree.11:48
paultagThat is nearly identical to what I said11:48
paultagit doesn't stop the implementation, and it allows us to keep talking11:48
cprofittexcellent... I was looking for some alternate wording that might work11:49
paultagalright, brb, work commute11:52
cprofittdrive safe11:53
cprofittor whatever mode of transport you use11:53
paultagBTW, I know I was over the line yesterday, and I'm sorry for causing a big fuss, but I really had some issues that I'm happy to see were not malicious11:53
paultagcprofitt: cheers11:53
cprofittthanks paultag!11:53
czajkowskipaultag: no fuss was created discusion is good, and the information is being kept and will be discussed at a later date, going around in circles till then may however make you go dizzy :)11:59
akgranerjcastro - you around and if so do you have about 5 mins for me?12:02
akgranerif not now just ping me when you do  - just want your thoughts on some charms for a demo12:02
* nigelb hugs czajkowski 12:24
czajkowskinigelb: what is it with your loco, doesnt anyone talk to one another :)12:25
nigelbczajkowski: Everyone wants to play leader :)12:25
czajkowskinigelb: never seen it before, but it's a weekly thing now12:25
czajkowskiit's amusing :)12:25
czajkowskijust wish ye'd all talk and work together ;)12:26
jcastroakgraner: HI12:55
akgranerjcastro, hey! pm ok - or would hangout or phone work better?12:56
jcastromhall119: http://askubuntu.com/questions/122774/only-show-a-menu-under-unity  <--- upstream app author12:56
dpmwow, looks like a nice little app too!12:59
mhall119dpm: yeah, OMG ran an article or two about it13:02
mhall119I'll have to get tedg to answer it, I'm not the best way to do what he wants13:03
jcastroit looks really great13:09
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastroI could use some retweets!14:10
czajkowskijcastro: is there a words dictionary for juju stuff?14:19
popeyjcastro: done14:21
jcastropleia2: hey do you use xubuntu or are you a you like a xubuntu contributor?14:21
* jcastro needs to find a xubuntu person that is going to UDS.14:21
czajkowskijcastro: thanks14:21
czajkowskijcastro: am looked for the blessing of a charm14:21
jcastrowhat do you mean?14:21
czajkowskilet me pm you a log14:22
paultagjcastro: rt'd :P14:22
technovikingmorning all14:33
dpmoh, man, talk about commitment to the project, this guy is awesome14:36
dholbachwhat a great guy14:46
dholbachhe contributed quite a bunch of things to Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+uploaded-packages14:46
* mhall119 hopes the shuttle lands before 11am, or I'm gonna be distracted for today's meeting14:46
cjohnstonmhall119: runway 1R is clear for landing.. less than four miles out14:49
cjohnstonjcastro: since your now a Floridian are you watching this stuff?14:49
jcastroah nuts, no14:50
marcoceppimhall119: I saw it over the mall in DC, it was AWESOME14:51
cjohnstonnasa tv14:51
cjohnstonprobably any national news channel now14:51
cjohnstonmarcoceppi: jealous14:51
marcoceppiit was pretty spectacular14:51
mhall119I bet14:51
cjohnstonI watched her fly by the Washington Monument.. on TV of course14:52
paultagwhy is everyone in DC atm?14:52
paultag(I'll be down on the 25th)14:52
* marcoceppi lives here14:52
paultagmarcoceppi: what do you do in DC?14:52
paultagah :P14:53
paultagmarcoceppi: I work for Sunlight, so I'm always heading back and forth.14:53
paultag(DuPont Circle)14:54
marcoceppiAh cool, I used to work on the hill for a while at the House of reps14:54
jcastroback up14:54
paultagmarcoceppi: ah, rad14:54
jcastromarcoceppi: you saw it flying over DC in real life?14:54
marcoceppijcastro: yeah man! I left the office around 9:15 and walked down to the mall14:55
jcastroman that is awesome14:55
balloons"So, I just walked down there, and boom! space shuttle"14:55
mhall119no boom for them14:56
mhall119it's sub-sonic14:56
balloonsmhall119, getting the jokes in early today14:56
jcastroI think he means "wow, there it was."14:56
mhall119it's nearly 1114:56
jcastronot boom14:56
mhall119jcastro: always killing my jokes with logic :(14:56
jcastroall in favor of cancelling the IRC meeting to watch the shuttle14:56
jcastrosay aye!14:56
jcastroHey can I go 2nd?14:57
jcastroI have a charm school with QA today14:57
marcoceppiIt was a really weird sight, low flying 747 with a shuttle strapped on top and two jets as they did circles around DC and a huge crowd of people just cheering14:57
mhall119my list is going to be:14:57
mhall119* watching shuttle land14:57
mhall119* still watching shuttle land14:57
mhall119* etc...14:57
cjohnstonmhall119: all about the important things right?14:58
* mhall119 has priorities14:58
cjohnstonIt's 11.. I make a motion that we postpone the meeting until a time when the shuttle isn't landing14:59
jonodholbach, hey, will be just two min14:59
dholbachjono, team meeting or 1-on-1?15:00
jonodholbach, as I mentioned, no team meetin15:00
dholbachah ok, then I misunderstood15:00
dholbachfine :)15:00
jcastrosweeeeet! shuttle time!15:00
cjohnstonjcastro: I had wanted to drive over with the kids.. but ended up not working out15:01
cjohnstoni did take them to the last launch tho... that was pretty awesome15:01
cjohnstonfunny... Dulles tower is like, the whole airport is shutdown, we can give him whatever runway he wants.15:03
paultagfrom one of my co-workers - http://www.nickomargolies.com/big/2012/04/space-shuttle-discovery-flying-over-washington/15:04
mhall119paultag: damn, they were *that* low?15:05
jcastrothere it goes!15:05
jcastroyay science!15:05
mhall119it's amazing how graceful that thing can look15:05
cjohnstonwould be pretty cool to be sitting in a plane there and watch Discovery taxi by15:06
nigelbHah, you guys know brian curtis?15:12
mhall119sounds familiar15:12
nigelbThis is a picture his fiance posted on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/KooshballWX/status/192267669142110209/photo/115:13
cjohnstonjcastro: does Keith have a launcpad SSO>?15:15
jcastroit sounds like No15:15
cjohnstonthats probably why15:15
cjohnstonwe only support that15:16
jcastroah, so proper OpenID15:16
jcastrowhere no one supports no one elses15:16
jcastrogot it. :)15:16
mhall119Ubuntu SSO OpenID15:16
mhall119jcastro: initially that was becacuse they had to have a Launchpad profile15:16
mhall119we're workingon making that part option15:16
mhall119which should, in theory, let us support other OpenID providers15:17
cjohnstonmhall119: I sent you an email15:17
cjohnstonref this convo15:17
* mhall119 ignores is15:17
cjohnstonits from jcastro, im just forwarding15:17
mhall119la la la, I can't hear you15:17
cjohnstonDidn't realize you were 715:17
mhall119you didn't?15:18
cjohnstonnope.. thought you were older than Quinn15:18
mhall119oh, that's just the etherpad he's having trouble with15:18
mhall119nothing about summit15:18
mhall119cjohnston: what have I ever done to make you think that?15:18
cjohnstonstupid etherpad15:18
cjohnstonhad Quinn15:19
mhall119technically that was Michelle15:19
cjohnstonassisted as the Project Manager and community coordinator15:19
* cjohnston just got his first MP into Lava approved!15:20
mhall119cool, now I know who to ping if I need a Lava expert15:21
czajkowskibah why do people edit a lp bug description when  abug is clearly marked fixed released :/15:21
cjohnstonheh.. you still need to set it up15:21
czajkowskiwhy not add a comment15:21
mhall119cjohnston: no I don't, I have an expert now15:21
cjohnstonno cause i want you to see the setup15:21
mhall119czajkowski: better question is why are bug descriptions editable when it's fix released?15:22
czajkowskithis is also true15:22
czajkowskitime to poke lp :D15:22
czajkowskithere are perks15:22
mhall119have fun :)15:22
cjohnstoni thought you were lp15:22
cjohnstondoes that mean your poking yourself?15:22
* mhall119 goes back to blogging15:23
czajkowskicjohnston: back to your lava lark my dear :)15:24
jonodpm, will be two mins15:29
dpmjono, no worries15:29
jonodpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/horsemen?authuser=0&hl=en&shxp=1&eid=15:34
dpmjono, ok, joining in15:34
dpmyou might hear some music in the background, but it's not me, it's the school near my house15:35
dpmat least it's not Celine ;)15:35
czajkowskicould be worse could be Barbra15:35
czajkowskisister was home at the weekend of easter, much barbra and celine being played15:36
jonodpm, hehe15:36
dpmsorry, it seems g+ is taking a while...15:37
jonodpm, I lost you15:42
bodhi_zazenoic I missed paultag =)15:47
pleia2jcastro: contributor15:56
pleia2jcastro: pretty sure micahg will be there too, and he's actually one of the devs (I just do website and marketing stuff)16:04
jcastropleia2: ah ok, so if I were to do a flavors plenary, a "you have 2.5 minutes to tell us what's going on in xubuntu.", would you be comfortable doing that?16:15
jonoballoons, give me two mins, and then I am ready for G+16:16
pleia2jcastro: yep :)16:16
balloonsjono, kk.. rebooting brb16:18
balloonskk back16:26
jonohey balloons16:26
jonoone sec16:26
jonoballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/horsemen?authuser=0&hl=en&shxp=1&eid=16:28
dholbachalright my friends - it's time to call it a day for me16:37
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:37
jonoballoons, btw, I posted http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/17/adopt-an-iso/17:19
jonoballoons, small typo in your blog entry17:24
jonoyou spell digital at the beginning wrong17:24
balloonsjono, thanks17:24
jonoballoons, posting to all the social media resources17:26
balloonsheh.. let's see what happens if we try reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/sehjw/iso_testing_adoption_for_ubuntu_precise_release/17:31
jonoballoons, nice!17:45
mhall119Top 10 independent app downloads from USC, upvote it! http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/seijw/top_10_ubuntu_app_downloads_for_march_2012/17:50
cjohnstonI hate upboating17:52
jcastrojono: dunno if you want to go today or not but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdqoNKCCt7A18:05
jcastroor we can just talk tomorrow when I am in town18:05
jonojcastro, lets sync up when you are here18:09
jonojcastro, unless you have anything to discuss beforehand?18:09
jcastrojono: yeah we had to move some plenaries around due to cloud summit18:09
jcastrobut it's no biggie18:09
jcastroI can't think of anything time-sensitive right now18:10
jcastrojono: in case you haven't caught the mail, the cloud summit audience will not be intermingled with UDS for plenaries18:10
cjohnstonjono:  wish I knew about the show sst.. would've figured out how to get there a day early18:12
jcastro"Unfortunately we were not able to get U2 to play for you this UDS, so instead we present ... Severed Fifth!"18:12
jonojcastro, yeah, I saw that18:14
jonowhich is fine18:14
jonocjohnston, yeah, we only confirmed it recently :-(18:14
mhall119dpm: nice banner!18:17
jcastromhall119: good reddit unity comments today18:18
jcastro"How can a toolbar and a dock be "unbelievably frustrating", are you trying to press the buttons with your face? That's all I can think of."18:18
dpmmhall119, thanks, courtesy of gimp :)18:18
jcastroI have a vision of a guy pounding his face into his monitor18:18
jcastro*clunk* *clunk*18:18
mhall119jcastro: lol18:19
mhall119jcastro: which one was this on, the Mate release?18:19
jcastrodpm: mhall119: http://www.uservoice.com/blog/founders/trello-google-docs-product-management/18:30
jcastrosaw this scroll by on my reader18:30
cjohnstonjcastro: what else do we need to do to prepare for UDS?18:32
jcastrowhat about the track lead permissions thing?18:35
cjohnstonmhall119: got it done18:35
cjohnstonjust needs to be released18:35
jcastrowow nice!18:35
jcastrook so theoretically I'll be able to schedule too?18:35
jussiAlanBell: or czajkowski about?19:14
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czajkowskijussi: *whack* shall I google for you too also :p19:38
czajkowskijussi: posted in plain sight and all, all you had to do was open them all up like I did to check :)19:38
AlanBelljussi: hi19:47
* jussi hides from czajkowski20:03
czajkowskijussi: :) just saying ;p20:16
jussiczajkowski: you could have just been specific in the first place ;) :P20:17
* czajkowski peers at jussi 20:17
czajkowskiI wouldn't if I were you :)20:17
jussiczajkowski: btw, hows the back?20:17
czajkowskinot bad now thats still not standing up full striaght but a lot better than I have been in a year20:18
czajkowskiand hopefully have some traction done for the next 2 weeks when back in the UK to help20:18
jussigood to hear20:20
czajkowskiseeminly I've to retrain by brain to what it is to stand straight as currenly I feel I'm standing straight but am lobsided but when I try and fix this I feel off balance20:21
mhall119czajkowski: you're still in Ireland?20:22
mhall119I thought that was just a short visit home20:22
czajkowski3 weeks20:23
czajkowski2 familky events20:23
czajkowskisaved flying over and back20:23
mhall119flying?  What, they can build a tunnel to France, but not to Ireland?20:25
czajkowskiit's barely 60 mins from LHR to Shannon20:26
mhall119you probably spend more time in the plane on the ground than in the air20:29
czajkowskiit;ss the getting to and from the airport is the long bit ,20:32
czajkowskiI ge the heathrow express to paddington, about 25 mins. then it's a abotu 30-40 mins on the tube20:32
jussiI had a similar length flight today20:35
jussiOulu -> helsinki20:35
jussiit was nice, airports here are either small or well designed20:35
akgranerjono - isn't there a "how to" for leading a session at UDS somewhere? Or am I making that up?21:19
jonoakgraner, I think jcastro had something21:19
jcastrostolen from linaro!21:20
akgranerjcastro, HAHAHA21:20
akgranerI totally forget about our readthedocs :-)21:21
akgranerbut that's not what I was looking for :-(  - I'll share what what I write with you  - once I get it finished :-P21:22
akgranerI don't think what I am looking for has been written for uds or connect yet :-(  I just didn't want to re-invent the wheel21:24
akgranerthanks though :-)21:24
cjohnstoni thought there were some guidelines somewhere21:31
jcastrooh, _leading_ a session21:34
cjohnstonuh huh21:34
jonojcastro, hey22:05
jonobtw, tomorrow when you fly, get on BArt and get off at Embarcadero22:06
jonogive me a call when you get on BArt22:06
jcastroroger doger22:06
jonoand then I will meet you at the BArt station and we will drive to Oakland with Chuck22:06
jonoand then I will drop you guys off when we are done22:06
jcastrook so you'll snag chuck first?22:07
* jcastro nods22:07
jonoI will get his cell and we will both meet you at BArt22:07
jonoand then walk to the car22:07
jonowe can stick your suitcase in my car while we are in Oaktown22:07
jcastroexcellent, along with the server22:07
jcastrothe trunk in a car in Oakland, the safest place in the world!22:07
jonojcastro, hah, it is a closed trunk22:08
jonoshould be fine, it is covered22:08
jonowe might bring the server into the studio22:08
jcastro"where is the nova compute node you were supposed to bring?" "No clue, all we have left is this rim."22:08
cjohnstonI want to come hang out22:09
pleia2the openstack hotel is on my way to the gym, guess which girl walked past it all in a sweaty linode t-shirt? this one! doh :(22:11
* pleia2 will take an alternate route home tomorrow22:11
daker__hi everyone, can anyone help with this http://i.imgur.com/xUt6t.png22:15
jcastropleia2: are you attending?22:15
pleia2jcastro: no, work :(22:16
czajkowskidaker__: what are you stuck on ?22:16
daker__czajkowski: visa application22:16
pleia2I don't have the budget for it anyway, if I did I might have been able to sneak it past my boss for at least one day22:17
jcastroOh no he didn't!22:17
jcastrobkerensa: so if we plop that in front of subway .... and serve over spdy instead of the built in node server thing ...22:17
daker__czajkowski: i need thoses informations22:17
czajkowskidaker__: not filled in a visa, have you asked marianna what detail you need or ask nigelb as he's filled them in before22:17
pleia2jcastro: grantbow and I are doing a 12.04 presentation tonight in chinatown, if you have a juju person in town tonight you're welcome to send them over to crash our presentation22:17
jcastropleia2: I am not in town until tomorrow22:18
pleia2too bad :)22:18
jcastrodang, they're all on demo-prep duty all night22:18
daker__czajkowski: ok will ask marianna22:18
jcastropleia2: I should just  ping you anytime I go over to that coast, I could have come a day earlier. :-/22:18
pleia2jcastro: indeed!22:18
pleia2I live right downtown (one stop from embarcadero station bart stop) so I'm always aroundish22:19
jcastrooh cool!22:19
pleia2so you can wave as you go through montgomery station :)22:19
jcastrohey so the charm school is thursday at 5:30 if that works out with your work22:19
pleia2not work, but that's the same time as my last americas membership meeting ever22:20
pleia2I could probably sneak in late though, do you need conference badge to get in?22:21
jcastroI am not sure22:21
jcastroI am sure I can work something out22:21
jcastrothe summit part is not sold out22:21
jcastroerrr, the conference part is not sold out22:22
pleia2I spent $500 on the r2d2 xbox instead of the openstack conference22:22
jcastroa wise investment22:22
pangolinopenstack is just a fad anyway23:24
pangolinr2d2 xbox will work forever!23:25

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