
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5380 trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.10:41
cjwatsonev,stgraber: any ideas on bug 982883?  It's obviously that panel.png no longer exists in the theme, and I've been trying to replace it with something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/933841/, but can't get it to work11:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 982883 in ubiquity "Wrong color of top panel in ubiquity-dm" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98288311:39
cjwatsonjibel: bug 979350 - is that any better now?11:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 979350 in ubiquity "install with encrypted home failed near the end: OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97935011:42
cjwatsonfollowing my webkit cache tweak11:43
stgrabercjwatson: hmm, that looks good ... only difference I see with some code I have around is that I've been using GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION which is IIRC higher priority than _THEME11:43
stgraberbut in panel.c's case we shouldn't have an higher priority override of these bits so _THEME should work fine...11:43
cjwatson_APPLICATION doesn't help, anyway11:47
stgrabercjwatson: do you get the same result if you just add the class to the panel and copy/paste the .unity-panel class to the hardcoded css in panel.c? at least we know that this bit of css gets loaded (took quite a few tries to find the right incantation to have it load, all the others silently failing)11:48
* cjwatson tries shoving it straight into the GtkMenuBar bit11:51
cjwatsoneven that makes no difference, WTF11:52
cjwatsonoh, it relies on definitions in gtk.css, maybe I need to load the whole thing11:53
cjwatsoncopied the entire thing in (http://paste.ubuntu.com/933863/) and it still doesn't work; I'm stumped11:57
cjwatsonmaybe we should just copy the old panel.png into our package :-P12:01
stgrabercjwatson: that sounds like the easiest for now ;) that gtk3 css stuff is really weird...12:08
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5381 trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):12:24
CIA-32ubiquity: Copy the panel gradient from light-themes (Ubuntu 11.10) and12:24
CIA-32ubiquity: use it as a fallback in case other panel images cannot be found. The12:24
CIA-32ubiquity: correct fix would be to use CSS instead, but I can't seem to make this12:24
CIA-32ubiquity: work at the moment (LP: #982883).12:24
jibelcjwatson, it still fails on Precise. It passes on oneiric with the same setup, the system uses slightly less memory (~130MB)12:43
jibelduring an installation of Precise without encrypted home, the system happily uses up to 390MB of swap and 720MB of physical memory12:43
jibel*precise amd6412:44
cjwatsonminus buffers/caches?12:44
jibelduring an installation with an encrypted home swap is off, hence the memory allocation failure.12:44
cjwatsonthat's odd in itself12:44
jibelswap is wiped and turned off in user-setup when encrypt-home is set12:45
cjwatsonhm, well, we have to wipe the swap, it's kind of crappy that it's done so late though, rather than immediately after the swap is created12:45
cjwatsonbut not sure it can sanely be moved around at this point ...12:45
jibelI also compared with i386 and the average physical memory usage is 28.4% higher on amd6412:45
cjwatsonthat's certainly not much of a surprise12:46
cjwatsonother thing that's odd: user-setup-apply never turns swap back on12:47
jibelthis is how memory usage looks like during an installation of precise amd64 with encrypted home with 1GB of RAM http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/installation_memusage/mem_precise_amd64_1024_encrypted.png12:52
cjwatsonev: so why exactly do we have to zero out swap in the ecryptfs case?12:54
cjwatsonev: oh, maybe because there was unencrypted data there?12:59
jibelis /target/etc cleared when a user upgrades from previous release with ubiquity ?13:03
jibelor is bug 983931 cosmic rays again ? ;)13:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 983931 in ubiquity "package ubiquity 2.10.12 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98393113:04
cjwatsonit's supposed to be cleard13:07
cjwatson                for x in bin dev etc lib lib32 lib64 proc sbin sys; do13:07
cjwatson                        [ -e "$tmp/$x" ] && (rm -rf "$tmp/$x" &&13:07
cjwatson                        logger -t clear_partitions "Removing $x from / ($path)." ||13:07
cjwatson                        failed)13:07
cjwatson                done13:08
cjwatsonI have no idea what's going on in that bug.  The ubiquity logs attached are from lucid, and ubiquity shouldn't be on installed systems anyway13:09
cjwatsonfurthermore I don't see how it's connected to clearing of /etc anyway13:10
cjwatsonE: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper failed with return 1.13:11
cjwatsonlooks more like the root cause13:11
cjwatsonso this is either an attempt to upgrade a live USB stick from lucid to precise (probably doomed to failure) or a thoroughly broken installation13:11
evcjwatson: yes, exactly that13:37
ev(zeroing swap)13:37
cjwatsonev: I think the only right answer is to move that code to a partman hook, but I'm not yet sure whether that can be done safely at this point14:47
bdmurraywubi.exe no longer appears on the cd's correct?14:47
cjwatsonit should still be on the CDs, but doesn't offer Wubi installation14:49
cjwatson(it also serves for the other autorun stuff)14:49
cjwatsonev,stgraber: do you think we could get an updated slide for bug 983833?  I wonder if that was accidental or deliberate14:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 983833 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu "Time in slideshow is set to 11:10 but should be 12:04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98383314:50
stgrabercjwatson: I'm actually preparing an ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu upload now. The current screenshots are 11.10, the new upload will have 12.0414:52
cjwatsonah good, thanks14:53
cjwatsonstgraber: did you see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2012-April/016546.html ?14:59
cjwatson"Actually, in this case, the installer slideshow is affected by this: it has14:59
cjwatsona blackish band at the top that is meant to mimic Ubiquity. Whatever is14:59
cjwatsonchanged there should be changed in the slideshow as well."14:59
stgraberI somehow fail to parse Dylan's reply :)15:05
stgraberthe installer slideshow (just checked with the one I'm about to upload) has a dark header (same colour as the panel) containing the slide title (white text), AFAIK it's been like that for quite a while15:07
stgraberand the colour matches that of the window border and the panel15:07
cjwatsonok, if you're happy I'm happy15:11
cjwatsonjust wanted to make sure it'd been checked15:11
cjwatsonev: did you get anywhere with the whoopsie-daisy build failure, or do you need help?15:35
cjwatsonjibel: what is the X axis on http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/installation_memusage/mem_precise_amd64_1024_encrypted.png ?15:47
evcjwatson: still working on it. Got caught up in some other stuff for webops.15:48
GrueMastercjwatson: We are seeing an issue on Panda using "Guided Partitioning - Full Disk" in netboot.  It is creating a /boot as ext4, but trying to mount it as ext2.15:57
GrueMasterThis is on a usb drive.15:57
ogra_GrueMaster, partman-uboot should fix that, but i'm not sure it'll make it for precise (i had way to many distractions due to compiz/unity GLES issues the last week)15:59
GrueMasterdoes partman-uboot run on panda?  I thought it was only triggered for dove?16:00
ogra_no, thats the issue i'm working on :)16:00
ogra_it also doesnt know about vfat16:01
GrueMasterOn dove/armadaxp it shouldn't care about vfat.16:02
GrueMasterOnly omap/omap4.16:02
cjwatsonGrueMaster: can I see the preseed file and logs?16:02
ogra_GrueMaster, yes, indeed16:03
GrueMasterNo preseed.  This is manual install.16:03
GrueMasterI'll have to rerun with debugging enabled to get meaningful logs.16:03
bdmurrayin bug 946663 somebody added a patch of sorts16:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 946663 in ubiquity "Installer stuck at "Removing conflicting operating system files..."" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94666316:03
cjwatsonerr.  not adding random sleeps, no :-16:04
cjwatsonthat's bogus, we need a better solution16:04
cjwatsonwho's to say any given sleep time is enough16:05
bdmurrayright, of course16:05
cjwatsonmade a suggestion in the bug16:05
GrueMastercjwatson: syslog is at :http://paste.ubuntu.com/934193/ partman log is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/934195/16:19
cjwatsonGrueMaster: I'm not entirely sure from this that mounting as ext4 is the problem.  That part seems to succeed, and there isn't actually anything intrinsically wrong with letting the kernel automatically choose which filesystem to use and it choosing ext416:48
cjwatsonApr 17 16:15:23 main-menu[246]: (process:6570): mount: mounting /dev/sda2 on /tmp/tmp.8afcc0 failed: Invalid argument16:49
cjwatsonApr 17 16:15:23 main-menu[246]: (process:6570): umount: can't forcibly umount /tmp/tmp.8afcc0: Invalid argument16:49
cjwatsonApr 17 16:15:23 main-menu[246]: (process:6570): mount: mounting /dev/sda2 on /tmp/tmp.smcexb failed: Invalid argument16:49
cjwatsonApr 17 16:15:23 main-menu[246]: (process:6570): umount: can't forcibly umount /tmp/tmp.smcexb: Invalid argument16:49
cjwatsonApr 17 16:15:23 main-menu[246]: (process:6570): mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /target/boot failed: No such device16:49
cjwatsonApr 17 16:15:23 main-menu[246]: (process:6570): mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /target/boot failed: No such device16:49
cjwatsonseems to be the errors here, but I'm having difficulty unpicking that16:49
GrueMastercjwatson: When I went into the shell and mucked with it manually, I was able to reproduce those errors with "mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot -t ext2".  Without "-t ext2" it mounts fine.16:50
cjwatsonGrueMaster: this could be something to do with bug 94666316:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 946663 in ubiquity "Installer stuck at "Removing conflicting operating system files..."" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94666316:51
cjwatsonGrueMaster: which exact error did you get from "mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot -t ext2"?16:52
GrueMastermounting /dev/sda1 on /target/boot failed: No such device16:52
cjwatsonwhat does archdetect say?16:53
GrueMasterThe filesystem is ext4.16:53
GrueMasterOne sec.16:53
cjwatsonHow did you tell that the filesystem is ext4?16:53
GrueMaster~ # archdetect16:53
GrueMasterWhen I mounted it, mount lists it as ext4.16:54
cjwatsonThat just means that ext4 could mount it.16:54
GrueMaster~ # mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot/ -t ext216:54
GrueMastermount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /target/boot/ failed: No such device16:54
GrueMaster~ # mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot/ -t ext416:54
GrueMaster~ #16:54
cjwatsonYeah, but that's something weird.16:55
cjwatsontune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep 'Filesystem features:'16:55
GrueMasterFilesystem features:      filetype sparse_super16:55
cjwatsonThat's an ext2 filesystem.16:56
cjwatsonThe problem isn't that the filesystem is ext4; the problem is that for some reason ext2 is busted16:56
cjwatsonIt's using ext4 because that isn't busted16:56
GrueMasterI'm not even seeing ext2 in /proc/filesystems.  Weird.16:57
cjwatsonI suspect that the kernel config is wrong16:57
cjwatsonJust trying to verify that16:57
GrueMasterBut on both armada & panda?16:58
cjwatsonCertainly quite possible16:58
cjwatsonRight, so the problem is that ext2 is a module, but your kernel maintainers haven't arranged to deliver the ext2 module in a udeb so that d-i can use it17:00
cjwatsonI don't know why it's a module; it's built-in on x8617:00
GrueMasterLooking at a panda I imaged last week, "CONFIG_EXT2_FS=m", but I am not seeing it in the netboot image.17:00
cjwatsonThis is a kernel bug and I can't fix it in the installer17:00
cjwatsonIt's arguably an RC one17:01
GrueMasterI gave up trying to understand the kernel team's logic a long time ago.17:01
cjwatsonPlease file a bug about this on linux-ti-omap4; I'll be happy to fill in the details17:01
GrueMasterAre you sure ext2 is built-in on x86?17:03
cjwatsonwait, I was17:03
GrueMasterLooks like a module on my systems.17:03
cjwatsonAh, they might have changed that since oneiric17:03
cjwatsonmy local kernel checkout is a bit confused17:04
GrueMasteriirc, there is a qrt kernel test script that specifically looks for this as a module.17:04
GrueMasterAnd I have been running that on SRU kernels since Maverick.17:04
cjwatsonBut on x86, ext2 is delivered in the fs-core-modules udeb.17:04
cjwatsonThis isn't true in linux-ti-omap4.17:04
GrueMasterSo the bug is in the udeb part.17:05
cjwatsonYes.  That's what they need to fix.17:05
GrueMasterOk.  Working on a bug report now.17:06
cjwatson(precise)cjwatson@osageorange:~/linux-ti-omap4-3.2.0$ diff -u debian.master/d-i/modules/fs-core-modules debian.ti-omap4/d-i/modules/fs-core-modules17:09
cjwatson--- debian.master/d-i/modules/fs-core-modules   2012-01-13 10:30:32.000000000 +000017:09
cjwatson+++ debian.ti-omap4/d-i/modules/fs-core-modules 2012-04-11 21:52:55.000000000 +000017:09
cjwatson@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@17:09
cjwatson-ext2 ?17:09
cjwatson jfs ?17:09
cjwatson reiserfs ?17:10
cjwatson xfs ?17:10
cjwatson^- smoking gun17:10
GrueMasteryep, that would do it.17:11
bdmurraycould someone look at bug 980676?17:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 980676 in ubiquity "migration-assistant causes an install failure when encountering another OS with multiple users" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98067617:14
cjwatsonGrueMaster: BTW, just double-checked, ext2 was definitely built-in on i386 in oneiric, qrt script or no :)17:14
cjwatsonGrueMaster: did you say you were seeing this on armadaxp too?  ext2 is built-in in the armadaxp config, so it shouldn't have the same bug17:16
GrueMaster Figures.  I think I was the only one running the qrt scripts on SRU kernels then.17:16
GrueMasterIs it?  I thought they were seeing the same issue.17:17
cjwatsonCan't be.  Must be something else ...17:17
GrueMaster(I don't have one anymore, so can't easily verify).17:17
cjwatsonbdmurray: migration-assistant needs ev, I think17:26
infinityGrueMaster: Where did yours run off to?17:28
infinity(And why didn't it land on my desk?) :P17:28
GrueMasterMy...what?  Armadaxp?  It went to Lexington.17:28
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5382 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.10.1319:26
cjwatsonev:                     if [ -z "$uuid"]; then19:29
cjwatsonev: in ma-script-utils - could be a cause of "missing ]"19:30
infinitycjwatson: Hrm.  I had a user ping me about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/95883919:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 958839 in casper "Initrd/vmlinux symbloic links not in /boot directory on PowerPC" [Medium,New]19:43
infinitycjwatson: If the default yaboot looks in /boot, that seems problematic if kernel-img.conf is wrong. :P19:44
infinityOh, probably more fallout from the livecd-rootfs -> live-build upgrade, I bet.19:45
bdmurrayI find bug 974402 worrisome but wasn't able to recreate it20:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 974402 in ubiquity "No user home directory created on clean install using btrfs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97440220:57
mfischI came across this bug while doing live builds locally and finally realized it wasn't due to my changes.  If you need more info, I'm glad to help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/98444223:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 984442 in ubiquity "the April17 build of the ISO has a white bar along the top in the install screen" [Undecided,New]23:07
mfischThe screencap in there explains more than I can with text23:07

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