
dholbachgood morning07:00
locodir-userany alive?11:59
head_victimBarely :)12:00
locodir-useri have a question is my sabertooth p67 capable of ubuntu 10.04?12:01
head_victimThe easiest way to make 100% sure it works with your hardware is to try it with a livecd or liveusb12:02
head_victimThat way you don't have to install it to find out what works and what doesn't. That being said it's getting harder and harder to find hardware that doesn't just work.12:03
head_victimhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download is a good place to get help on how to do it. If you want to try it to make sure it works have a look at point 3 "try it" and click the show me how button.12:05
locodir-userthank you12:07
locodir-userbut when i download the 64bit i stiock 12:07
locodir-userddnt contenue12:07
rajusome one help me 12:20
rajucprofitt:  hi 12:20
czajkowskiraju: whats up ?12:20
rajuczajkowski:  thanks for coming 12:20
cprofitthey raju 12:21
rajuczajkowski:  i am belongs to Andhra pradesh state 12:21
rajucprofitt:  good to see you here 12:21
cprofittyou as well.12:21
cprofittIf this is loco related czajkowski is the expert and can take excellent care of you12:21
rajuczajkowski:  that seems to be inactive from long time and i would like to take care of it 12:22
rajucprofitt:  i send mail to CC also cprofitt  12:22
rajuczajkowski:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-andhrapradesh 12:22
rajuthats the LP of it 12:22
czajkowskiraju: we only got the mail sent to the LC the other day and was just reviewing it there and discussing it with the rest of the LC 12:22
czajkowskiraju: can I ask why you need to have a sub loco from Ubuntu indian loco 12:23
czajkowskithere was confusion 12:23
rajuczajkowski:  actually i have not created my state LP , but when i found it ,its looks in active . so i wanna take care of it . 12:24
czajkowskiraju: so I think going by the looks of it it was jsut created and most of the work goes on in the main team 12:24
czajkowskiI suspect it's better to have all the focus in one team and work from there 12:24
czajkowskiraju: have you talked to nigelb 12:25
Suprabhati want ubuntu sticker for netbook12:25
czajkowskiSuprabhat: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71812:25
rajuczajkowski:  i send him a mail about this 30-45 min back i think 12:25
rajuczajkowski:  i can communicate with my state people and we can make some progress 12:26
nigelb30 to 45 minutes back? I don't see any email.12:26
czajkowskinigelb: herro12:26
rajunigelb:  you not found in forums right ? 12:26
czajkowskiraju: I think the indian loco could do with working together as one team and become so active and show casing to everyone what they do12:26
nigelbI'm on the mailing list.12:26
Suprabhathow cost for india 12:26
nigelb(actually, I'm one of the moderators on the list)12:27
czajkowskiand then work on regional areas when you all know what you are doing 12:27
mhall119czajkowski: distance in India makes that more difficult, IIRC12:27
czajkowskiSuprabhat: I don't know sorry 12:27
czajkowskimhall119: same can be said for a lotta places though, but yes distance can be a n issue 12:27
Suprabhatcan any licence number required for installing ubuntu in dell inspiron mini 1018 12:27
nigelbmhall119: If we took distance as an issue, we'd only have city level locos :)12:28
czajkowskiSuprabhat: http://spreadubuntu.org/  lots of stuff there you can print and make yoself 12:28
nigelbSuprabhat: Ubuntu is free software, you don't need license numbers.12:28
mhall119nigelb: not necessarily so, Florida is pretty big, but still small enough for everybody to get together in less than 1 day's drive12:28
rajuczajkowski:  i dont know how to answer but i wanna take care of that and wanna some make progress in my state 12:29
rajuczajkowski:  thats the only way i have to communicate with only my state people 12:29
nigelbraju: You are welcome to use the ubuntu-in mailing list itself.12:29
rajuczajkowski:  Indian LOCO is fine but i wanna take care of a Team that seems to be in active 12:30
rajuczajkowski:  thats my state team , 12:31
czajkowskiraju: yes I appreciate that12:31
rajuczajkowski:  give me a chance man 12:31
mhall119cjohnston: did we ever get regional contacts into LTP?12:31
czajkowskiraju: I can see two sides to this 12:31
cprofittraju: please let czajkowski explain12:31
rajuczajkowski:  two sides ? 12:31
SuprabhatIndian loco plz tell me developers requirement  12:32
rajucprofitt:  yeah 12:32
czajkowskionly team right now that has states in that is offical is USA 12:32
czajkowskithat team was created a long time ago and seems to be inactive and all the work is going into the main loco team 12:32
czajkowskiwhat I would suggest right now is that you work with the team 12:32
czajkowskiand then we can see about getting your area covered under the loco team portal as a regional contact 12:32
czajkowskithe other side to this is that it's better t put all the effort and resources into making indian loco great and then spreading the word once everyone knows the correct information12:33
czajkowskiand how to best help one another 12:34
rajuczajkowski:  may i speak now ?12:34
rajuhmm 12:34
czajkowskisure 12:34
rajuczajkowski:  1 . If i make all my state people to be get contacted at one place there we can discuss what we need and what we got .12:37
raju2. Language is main problem , Telugu is the mother tongue . so a better discussion and better explanation we can make in mother tongue if new people not getting what we trying to say in english 12:37
raju3. 12:37
rajunah type error12:37
cprofittto check my understanding your region speaks a different language than the main India team?12:39
rajuczajkowski:  yes 12:39
nigelbIndia has way too many langauges.12:39
rajucprofitt:  yes 12:39
nigelbIt's a bit hard to split into teams based on language.12:39
czajkowskinigelb: is it possible to set up a different mailing list but still on the one team 12:39
czajkowskinigelb: would you see many different languages on the list?12:39
rajuczajkowski:  see this my friend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_India12:39
nigelbczajkowski: There are 22 official languages and 1500 unofficial.12:39
nigelbI still think it is more practical to have one list.12:39
nigelbBecause if you go into smaller lists, lesser people are going to eyeball the emails.12:40
czajkowskinigelb: nods 12:40
rajuczajkowski:  appr 80 Mill people will speak now 12:40
head_victimOur loco has also found advertising to the country means if someone is travelling they notice events in other locations. One release a team member went to 3 different release parties that covered the entire eastern seaboard of the loco (several 1000 kilometres worth)12:41
rajuczajkowski:  if i cant make any progress , i will report you back and you can take me off from that 12:41
czajkowskiwell what it comes down to is right now there are no such thing as state teams outside of the states, we did bring this up alst uds and wanted to change this, I have a feeling we'll need to thing about this sooner12:41
czajkowskiraju: what I would suggest for now is working with nigelb and others 12:41
czajkowskiand talking to them 12:42
czajkowskiand seeing if you can get movement in your area but using the Ubuntu indian resources12:42
rajuczajkowski:  if mailing list is the problem , dont create mailing list , but people still can contact me from launchpad right ? 12:43
czajkowskiraju: I don't understand?12:43
czajkowskiyou mean the contact me function on lp ?12:43
cprofittczajkowski: if that team is old and non-functional is there anyting that can be done to remove it so that people in raju's region are not confused by it?12:44
rajuczajkowski:  i  am still not getting whats the main problem my friend 12:44
czajkowskicprofitt: I'd rather not delete it given this weeks issues 12:45
rajucprofitt:  why we have to remove it ? 12:45
czajkowskias once it's deleted it can never be undoon 12:45
czajkowskiundone 12:45
* cprofitt nods12:45
czajkowskiraju: the LC are gonna have to do some thing about this issue 12:45
czajkowskigiven it's coming up more and more 12:45
cprofittraju: it was a question... and given czajkowski's experience a poor one12:46
rajuczajkowski:  whats the main problem guys ? 12:46
czajkowskibut right now an easy way to fix this would be to have a state contact on the LTP 12:46
czajkowskiraju: at present state doesnt do not exist 12:46
rajuczajkowski:  its existed one already . 12:47
rajuhmm 12:47
czajkowskiyes but seeing as its inactive I suspect all the work is gone to the main team and it's been left there 12:48
rajuczajkowski:  so finally not possible right , but my friend its better to have a team in case of same nation with Different mother tongue 12:48
rajuczajkowski:  ok my friend , give me a chance  . if i cant make any progress in any area of helping then as you said you can remove it 12:49
czajkowskiraju: for the time being can you please work on the main team and I'll bring this up as a mater of urgency with the LC 12:49
Suprabhat ubuntu installer error plz help me 12:49
czajkowskias I do see your issue and I'm trying to work out a solution that will help all teams and not just fix one team each week 12:49
czajkowskiso there is a standard 12:49
SuprabhatNo such file or directory12:49
czajkowskiand a solution to help everyone and keep everyone happy as much as possible12:49
rajuczajkowski:  hmm 12:50
Suprabhathelp me plz how can i do this ?12:50
rajuczajkowski:  thanks for the time man , hope you're doing fine . 12:51
rajucprofitt:  :) 12:51
rajunigelb:  thanks you too . 12:51
cprofittthanks raju 12:52
czajkowskiraju: no probblem aand I'l hopefully be able to try and help more in the coming weeks 12:52
rajuczajkowski:  yeah 12:52
czajkowskiwill get the lc involved and see if we can come up with a solution for this issue for teams 12:52
cprofittczajkowski and the LC are trying to come up with the best solution possible...12:52
czajkowskithank you12:52
cprofittthey are very dedicated to making loco teams work12:52
cprofittthanks czajkowski!12:52
rajuczajkowski:  thank you man .12:52
cprofittthanks raju!12:52
rajucprofitt:  thanks man , :) . howz the day going 12:53
rajucprofitt:  you in forums IRC now ? 12:53
cprofittraju: yes12:54
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