
infinitystgraber: Where'd queuebot run off to?01:16
skaetslangasek, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/CommonInfrastructure01:23
skaetcan you take a pass and add any other key feature changes that the foundations team has added this release?01:23
skaetogasawara, ^ I've put the kernel in the CommonInfrastructure too, and pulled together the bits from the other release notes.   Edit/improve as necessary01:25
infinityskaet: I'm not sure we need to mention armhf linker changes in the release notes, given that there was no oneiric armhf release.01:29
skaetinfinity,  we do need to mention that armhf is now supported, and the default for arm ports though,  this is one way.01:30
cjwatsonskaet: upstart => James Hunt, not James Page01:31
skaetbut if the specific linker issue isn't worth mentioning in your judgement, am fine with that.01:31
skaetthanks cjwatson, fixed.01:32
* micahg thought aufs was reenabled, did that not happen?01:34
cjwatsonIt did.  Bug 94311901:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 943119 in linux "aufs.ko missing from the Precise kernels" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94311901:35
cjwatsonPeople should still migrate though01:35
micahgright, but shouldn't the release notes reflect reality though :)01:36
micahgAUFS has been disabled, anyone needing AUFS is encouraged to migrate to overlayfs.01:36
cjwatsonOh I agree01:36
cjwatsonJust saying01:36
micahgI agree with what you're saying as well :)01:36
cjwatson(Also, the above is a run-on sentence, which we should avoid)01:36
cjwatsonBut it's >2:30am here, so bed01:36
micahgskaet: ^^01:37
skaetcjwatson, sleep well.01:39
micahgskaet: this should probably also be mentioned under the kernel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-March/034969.html01:41
skaetmicahg,  good point.   added.   Will let leann wordsmith a bit more.    ;)01:44
micahgskaet: did you see the note about aufs above as well?01:44
skaetyup,  just deleted the AUFS has been disabled, part.01:44
micahgskaet: you might want to add that it will be disappear in future LTS backport kernels per https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-March/034880.html01:46
skaetmichag,  will let ogasawara decide if we want to point out future plans, or leave it alone.   Thanks for bringing it up.01:47
skaetogasawara, ^  your call.01:48
micahgsounds good01:49
slangasekskaet: I'm puzzled by the overall structure of this page... this is far more technical detail than we've gone into for release notes in the past, is there guidance on who the audience is and the context in which this is going to viewed?02:31
slangasekskaet: if it's really supposed to serve the same function as release notes in the past, I would cut everything about gcc/python/upstart, none of which rises to the level of warranting top billing in the release notes02:32
slangasek(upstart logging is great, but users will discover that when debugging; until then they don't need it :)02:32
skaetslangasek,  have broken it up to a per-product, and the kernel and foundations bits are in the common section.   Thought here is to give users an overview as to what's in the release and structure it in a way we can extend for the .1, .2, etc. release.02:33
skaetslangasek,  guidance is to give a more general feature overview for the users.    If something is too detailed,  strike it.02:34
skaetI was just merging technical overview information from the prior releases as a starting point.02:34
slangasekfwiw in the past we've scratched the technical overview info and started from scratch when doing the final release notes, because there's such a big disparity in the level of technical detail we want to give alpha/beta testers vs. users who are going to see links to these notes in the installer/upgrader02:36
skaetslangasek, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/982859 - is update-manager appropriate, or should this get directed to desktop/skype?02:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 982859 in update-manager "Upgrade to 12.04 breaks if skype is installed" [High,Confirmed]02:37
slangasekhow is breaking this up by product going to work in practice?02:37
slangasekbecause there's a single release note URL that's passed in the installer... is that going to only point to the desktop bits now?02:37
skaetis the Desktop one....02:37
skaetworking on the server one.02:37
skaetwant the installation requirements, instructions, etc. broken down per image.02:38
slangaseklooking at the skype bug02:38
skaetthen our point releases can be linked off of the pages that have LTS.02:38
skaetskype is priority.   more on this tomorrow. ;)02:38
slangasekthis looks like not-a-bug02:39
slangasekOTOH, most reports of skype causing upgrade problems look like not-a-bug to me, so let me be sure02:40
skaetslangasek,  Ursinha is still around if you want more details.02:40
slangasekUrsinha: can you please file a separate bug report with upgrade logs for your skype upgrade issue?  ^^ 10.04->12.04 vs 11.10->12.04 are going to need entirely separate debugging02:41
slangasekUrsinha: and I expect that any analysis I do on the original submitter's logs is not going to apply to your case (non-multiarch vs multiarch, etc)02:41
UrsinhaI'll do02:43
infinityOh, since queubot's being unhelpful.02:44
infinityslangasek: There's a compiz-plugins-extra upload in the queue that could use someone !me approving.02:45
slangasekUrsinha: taking a stab in the dark, though, I would guess that: 1) you installed skype from the skype.com website; 2) you selected the .deb listed as "64-bit" on the skype website; and possibly 3) you don't have the partner repository enabled02:45
infinityActually, wait.  When does universe freeze?02:45
slangasekinfinity: "later"02:45
infinityMaybe it doesn't need approval, it's a bug fix. :P02:45
Ursinhaslangasek, my skype was skype:i38602:45
slangasekoh, interesting02:45
slangasekI definitely want to see the logs then :)02:46
Ursinhasure, will find them02:46
slangasekit's also possible this was caused by another annoying instance of temporary multiarch uninstallability and that it'll be a non-issue for release... but we'd better make sure02:46
infinityMost M-A upgrade bugs amount to that.02:47
infinityWhich is annoying, when trying to find the real bugs in the haystack. :/02:47
slangasekwell, the timing of this one is odd, because I thought everything of substance went through -proposed02:47
slangasekin the past 24h02:47
slangasek  skype:amd64 Depends on skype-bin [ amd64 ] < none > ( none ) can't be satisfied!02:48
slangasekthat's the original submitter's issue02:48
slangasekand is specific to 10.04->12.0402:48
infinityWhat was the default compiler in oneiric?02:48
infinityOh, kay.02:49
infinityThen I won't blame my gcc-4.5 upload for breaking Ursinha's upgrade.02:49
infinity(gcc-*-base being MA:same and all...)02:49
slangasekI think we might just need to un-blacklist skype02:49
slangasekbecause new skype:amd64 wants an i386 dependency; old skype:amd64 wants ia32-libs; new ia32-libs wants an i386 dependency; old ia32-libs wants lib32v4l-0 which I may have killed with fire02:51
slangaseksigh; unintended consequences02:53
Ursinhahm, I guess one of the uninstallable packages today was lib32v4l-0... will check again02:53
slangasekyeah, can't hold the stack back because it needs lib32v4l-0, which Depends: libv4l-0 (= 0.6.4-1ubuntu1), and we kinda don't want to hold that back02:53
slangasekUrsinha: lib32v4l-0 is gone from the archive02:54
slangasekit went away in oneiric02:54
slangasekso that should not have been implicated in an oneiric->precise upgrade at all02:54
slangasekalthough, libv4l-0's shlibs haven't changed since 0.5.002:57
slangasekif we held that back on lucid upgrades, it should dtrt... there'd just be a handful of packages left to upgrade once multiarch got applied02:57
slangasek(handfull == skype+ia32-libs+libv4l-0)02:57
* infinity thinks it might be time to call it quits for the day.03:05
* ScottK thinks infinity must be getting old and weak.03:06
infinityI won't disagree with that.03:07
infinityBut you forgot fat.03:07
ScottKI haven't seen you in person in awhile.03:08
micahgScottK: lua-lgi synd03:09
ScottKDid someone else accept it already?03:13
infinityThe fat man got there first.03:14
ScottKOK.  Good for you.03:14
ScottKAll the armhf symlink farming didn't entirely rot your brain.03:14
infinityBest bug report ever: "Don't know what happened! I was browsing Launchpad through Chromium browser."03:18
* skaet pondering where to group Netboot images.... 03:23
infinityIn what sense?03:23
Sarvattinfinity: someone typed something there.. are you saying you dont get bugs with "..." as the summary? want some? :)03:27
skaetinfinity,  group them with Server or Core or ...?03:28
skaetown page03:28
infinitySarvatt: Heh.03:29
infinityskaet: From the POV of release notes, I'm not sure they really need mentioning at all.03:29
skaetinfinity,  we put links into where they get downloaded from03:29
skaetneed to find a home for that03:29
infinityI suppose.  Using netinst images is a pretty wildly technical thing, just pointing people at the installer-$arch directories doesn't help much.03:31
infinityPeople who know they need them probably know where to get them.03:32
Ursinhaslangasek, odd enough I can't find any evidences that skype is the culprit right now looking at the logs03:34
slangasekUrsinha: can you post them to a bug so I can have a look too (or post me the bug number if it's already filed)?03:35
Ursinhaslangasek, I haven't file a bug yet, am trying to find a clue of what happened so I can look for duplicates; I've uploaded the /var/log/dist-upgrade folder here so you can look: http://people.canonical.com/~ursula/dist-upgrade.tar.bz203:38
infinityOh, dangit, I forgot all the no-change rebuilds of cross-compilers.03:39
infinityDo dee doo...03:39
slangasekUrsinha: yours is bug #90260303:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 902603 in taglib "When installing Multi-Arch: same (meta-)package for two architectures, dpkg considers one arch as completely disappeared" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90260303:40
Ursinhaoh, it's fix released?03:41
slangasekapt-term.log: (Noting disappearance of libjpeg8, which has been completely replaced.)03:41
slangasekit's fixed /in precise/; needs backporting to oneiric in SRU03:41
skaetslangasek,  mark it for release note?03:42
infinityIt really should be fixed in oneiric before we release.03:43
slangasekskaet: even though it's intended to be published as an SRU before the release?03:43
skaetif SRU for oneiric goes out before release,  then guess not.  :)03:43
slangasekuntil it's SRUed, I wouldn't be able to write a useful release note anyway.03:44
slangasek"sometimes your upgrade might fail.  If it does, turn it over, shake it, and try again."03:44
skaetyeah, not ideal.03:45
Ursinhaslangasek, do you have a safe workaround for that? I almost had to reinstall everything in order to fix the mess03:45
* skaet --> zzz03:46
slangasekUrsinha: dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_*.deb; dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libjpeg8_*.deb; apt-get -f install03:46
Ursinhaskaet, good night :)03:46
Ursinhacool, adding that to release notes might do it for now03:47
Ursinhaand to the bug (if not there)03:47
skaetThanks Ursinha. :)03:47
slangasekUrsinha: feel free to do so... in the meantime I'm going to get that SRU going :)03:47
Ursinhagreat :)03:48
Ursinhaand thanks sladen03:50
Ursinhaslangasek, even03:50
slangasekok, dpkg sru uploading03:55
infinityHrm, I should get added to ~ubuntu-sru so I can officially review and approve that for you. :P04:11
Ursinhanight all04:34
infinityUrsinha: 'Night.04:36
pittiGood morning05:51
infinitypitti: o/06:00
pittihey infinity, how are you?06:00
pittirejecting vte3, asking for reupload to -proposed06:01
infinityI'm alrightish.  Kinda hoping I sleep tonight. :P06:01
infinitypowerpc should recover from my compiler uploading pain in ~7h06:07
infinityReally wish we had that 3rd buildd already. :/06:07
pittiyeah, just noticed06:09
pittistill four compilers to go06:09
pittithere are 3 or 4 remaining gnome 3.4.1 tarballs to do, doing now06:11
infinitygdc-4.6 will fail in the first 30 seconds.06:11
infinityAnd the others are all fairly quick builds, compared to gcc.06:11
infinity(Or the evil gcc-snapshot...)06:11
pitti-snapshot does the full fun of triple-bootstrapping and test suite, I guess06:16
infinityAnd builds every compiler in the suite.06:17
infinityThat's the painful part.06:18
pittiqueuebot is AWOL?06:20
infinitystgraber: Seems to have discovered life outside of IRC and hasn't noticed. ;)06:20
pittiqueuebot: you'll get ice cream when you come back, promised!06:21
infinityErr, 's/: S/ s/'06:21
pitti<fake queuebot> cheese packaging is kindly waiting for a hug06:40
infinityAccepted, and going to bed. :)06:47
pittiinfinity: sleep well06:48
=== doko_ is now known as doko
cjwatsonskaet: if you're breaking the release notes up, please make sure that the web team knows about it for the table of release note URLs by product/release/architecture maintained on www.ubuntu.com, so that the installer will link to them properly09:15
stgraberinfinity: and it's back ;) with some basic reconnection code now, hopefully that'll help09:19
pittididrocks: ^ accepting, FYI09:58
didrockspitti: ah thans, the queue page is still not loaded here09:58
didrockspitti: tried to refresh 3 times…09:58
mvoI have a updated app-install-data upload, should that go to -proposed at this point or can/could it still go to the main repo?10:01
pittimvo: can go to precise, it's arch:all10:18
pittimvo: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/102317906/synaptic_0.75.9_0.75.9ubuntu1.diff.gz10:31
pittimvo: why does that add a 00list?10:31
mvopitti: it will use a different set of patches on ubuntu and debian (well, none on debian, some on ubuntu to set eg. changelog location). this is a side-effect of that its not a sync anymore11:32
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
cjwatsonDoes the fix for bug 982883 require a UIFe?12:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 982883 in ubiquity "Wrong color of top panel in ubiquity-dm" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98288312:24
cjwatsonIt's a regression from 11.10 and looks fairly awful, so I'd like to get it fixed12:24
pittiI consider it a bug12:25
pittibut terminology aside, I'd also approve it as an UIFE12:25
cjwatsonI suppose I should tell ubuntu-doc@12:25
cjwatsonposted to -doc and subscribed ubuntu-release for the exception request12:28
stgrabercjwatson: the panel was fine 2-3 weeks ago, so it's a very recent regression, don't think we need a UIFe for that12:29
stgrabercjwatson: I spent a day doing bugfixes on the panel during the installer sprint and it was definitely black at that point :)12:29
cjwatsonah, well, better safe than sorry12:30
stgrabercjwatson: according to bzr, panel.png was dropped last thursday (12th)12:32
stgraberprobably part of "Remove the need for gtk2-engines-pixbuf in the gtk2 theme, save some CD space"12:32
cjwatsonrejected apt from oneiric-proposed per discussion on #ubuntu-devel12:59
ScottKkdevelop was me.13:09
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
skaetcjwatson,  re: release notes,  told web team about it last month,  they were fine with approach.  I'll be double checking the linkage as soon as they have the staging site up.14:19
skaetpitti,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/965323 seems to have a fix ready to go,  and fixes a nasty regression.    Any issues from your point of view (bad interactions) with other fixes already approved?14:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 965323 in unity "Panel is transparent when Dash is open; no blur no average BG color" [Medium,In progress]14:20
Cimipitti, here I am for a discussion14:23
skaetpitti,  affected are netbooks in particular.14:24
Cimiall hardware not capable of opengl 2.x14:25
Cimiso all netbooks and not recent laptops14:25
Cimiwas a regression introduced in unity 5.8.0 by a wrong commit, I basically reverted the commit so we can consider this patch safe and tested (it's the codebase of unity 11.10 and tested till 5.6.0, doesn't have any issue)14:27
pittihm, I have a deja-vu about this; wasn't this recently discussed already:14:27
Cimipitti, not that I am aare14:28
Cimipitti, well, maybe it was, but I fixed it safely so I'd like to see if we can ship 12.04 with that fix14:28
pittiso, no objection from me14:29
Cimiubuntu is installed on lots of netbooks, and many people don't even run upgrade, having such a broken experience at first glance it a bit embarassing :\14:29
skaetthanks pitti,  Cimi.14:30
Cimipitti, could you pls add your ack in the bug?14:30
skaetpitti,  will you upload the translations before end of day?   would like to get them included, and make any last minute size adjustment to the images for tomorrow, so we're ready with release candidates on Thursday.14:47
skaethttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule (LanguagePackTranslationDeadline) is today.14:48
stgraberskaet: preparing the ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu upload now, should be in the queue in ~10 min (depending on how quickly LP exports the translations)14:58
skaetThanks stgraber!  :)14:58
deejI'm going to be doing a release upgrade on kapok and disabling builds on there while I'm doing it15:06
deejScream now if this is a terrible idea15:07
skaetdeej,  how long out of commission for?15:10
deejskaet: Probably an hour or so15:10
deejHopefully less, but one never knows15:10
deejhard -> lucid is a bit of a dance15:10
skaetdeej,  not aware of anything critical in that period.   (a day would be different ;) ) no screams from me.15:11
deejI'll let you know when I start and finish15:11
deejCardamom will be next once I've done kapok and ensured nothing went horribly awry15:12
didrockspitti: skaet: so you really want that we pushes this. this code path has not been tested for few weeks. I fell unconfortable pushing that15:12
didrockspitti: skaet: meaning, if it crashes on some various netbook as it did in the past, you agree to take the chance?15:13
skaetdidrocks,  screen shots from netbook look seriously wedged without it.   do you have the bug numbers of the prior crashes?15:13
didrocksskaet: we had some crashes on gboolean vs bool usage on amd6415:14
didrocksand this changes that15:14
didrocksyou can look at debian/changelog for some crashes with it15:14
didrocksskaet: and we released oneiric with worst top panel effect, I'm really unsure why you want this now and not in the first SRU15:15
didrocksbut anyway, if you feel confident, I'll push it. I just don't want to be guilty if there are side-effects15:15
skaetdidrocks,  warning appreciated.    We'll regress it out if side-effects occur.15:16
skaetCimi, ^15:17
didrocksok, I'm pushing the change15:17
didrocksmerging the patch, let's see how it goes15:17
cjwatsongrub2: tested successfully by manjo, isolated to EFI paths15:17
cjwatsonfixes abject boot failure15:17
Cimididrocks, gboolean vs bool is different15:17
didrocksCimi: is it15:17
didrocksCimi: doesn't seem in that case15:17
Cimididrocks, nux returns bool15:18
Cimididrocks, it was wrongly using FALSE15:18
Cimiwhich requires an extra compiler instruction to translate FALSE into false15:18
Cimiit is just saving one instruction, but the value is the same15:18
CimiI can use FALSE, but it is wrong15:18
didrocksI still don't agree that's something that should get fixed now, it seems it didn't annoy anyone for the past 4 weeks (since 5;8)15:19
didrocksbut if you prefer it, ok, meanwhile, we still have wrong matching application on the launcher…15:19
didrocksCimi: please propose a packaging branch I'll sponsor you15:20
Cimididrocks, fine15:20
Cimididrocks, remember that each of us do a different job: I take care of those bugs, other take care of bamf or crashers15:20
Cimididrocks, it's not my fault if nobody is proposing fixes for the launcher15:21
didrocksCimi: I do but we keep having small UI changes and changes of changes for the past 4 months because "last visual change was bad"15:21
Cimididrocks, unfortunately visuals are affected to regressions like other changes.15:22
Cimididrocks, we need to add a strong framework for reftests15:22
didrockswell most of the time it's presented for "harmless visual though" :)15:22
Cimibut it's another story, and I will propose a talk at the ps sprint15:22
didrocksCimi: ready once you propose the branch15:23
Cimididrocks, I am of the opinion that we should not make a fuss on visuals15:23
Cimiwill do15:23
Cimididrocks, what shall I do, cherry pick the diff?15:23
Cimididrocks, and propose with ~ubuntuX15:23
didrocksCimi: create a changelog and bzr merge the commit from trunk15:23
Cimididrocks, shall I wait for my branch to be merged to trunk?15:29
CimiI might need an UNBLOCK :) https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity.fix-965323/+merge/10227815:30
didrocksCimi: yeah, that tests passed and such15:30
didrocksCimi: no, we are not in freeze, so it will get merged at next run15:30
didrockslet me look15:30
didrocksCimi: it's needs review still15:30
didrocksCimi: nobody approved the merge status itself15:30
Cimididrocks, I did15:30
didrocksCimi: next run is at 35, then 30 minutes for building and make check15:32
didrockspitti: do you want to go with precise-proposed for that one as well? ^15:34
pittididrocks: if it's not too much trouble, yes15:36
didrocksCimi: please target precise-proposed in the changelog instead of precise FYI15:37
didrockshum, no Cimi? ok, doing the cherry-pick then16:05
didrocks[Errno 111] Connection refused ?16:06
didrocksam I the only one getting it?16:07
didrocksah, fine now16:08
skaetdoko,  I've rejected gcc 4.6, neither bugs listed appears to be release critical,   feel free to educate me if I'm overlooking something.16:11
didrocksskaet: pitti: unity uploaded ^16:14
skaetdidrocks, waiting on diff.  thanks.16:14
pittiskaet: apport/kerneloops uploaded now16:16
skaetthanks pitti16:16
skaetpitti, can you review the unity upload?16:16
pittiskaet: I think we should queue at least apport for a while, and upload it at the last minute only16:18
pittiespecially while we are still getting new unity releases, etc.16:18
pittiwe don't want to miss crashes from those16:18
skaetpitti,  fair enough,  will mark it as such on the pad16:18
skaetoh,  speaking of which...16:18
pittikerneloops is probalby fine, we won't get a newer kernel now16:18
pittiyeah, I think we need to fix those pads by UDS16:18
skaetgiven our lovely timeout behaviours16:19
pittithey didn't use to be so unstable16:19
pittiand we are so going to need them for UDS16:19
skaetdo folks want me to switch to tracking on a WIKI instead16:19
skaetat UDS,  we usually open and close, rather than come back to periodically,  so probably won't be such an issue for there.16:19
pittiskaet: TBH, I'd rather reconnect every once in a while than always having to do the wiki overhead, but I don't have a strong opinion16:19
skaetslangasek, cjwatson, ScottK, infinity,  (and other release team members who are using it ;) )  any strong preferences?16:20
skaeton pad vs. wiki?16:20
ScottKI'd prefer Gobby.16:20
Riddellwhat's the downside of the pad?16:20
cjwatsonthe pad is treacherous: it looks like it's up to date but half the time it fails16:21
cjwatsonI find it completely awful in nearly every way16:21
ScottKHave to reconnect all the time and can't tell if what you have is up to date.16:21
Riddellhmm I've never noticed that with etherpad, maybe notes.kde.org is more reliable :)16:21
ScottKWith Gobby you know if you're connected or not and there's not all the overhead of the wiki.16:21
ScottKRiddell: I don't think it requires relogin like the Ubuntu one does.16:21
RiddellGoogle docs is another option16:21
* infinity goes bouncing builds that failed due to ftpmaster being rebooted. :/16:21
RiddellScottK: right there's no login16:22
cjwatsonI don't really care whether it's dynamic or you have to reload16:22
cjwatsonhalf way in between is the worst of both worlds16:22
skaetScottK,  Gobby sounds interesting indeed.  Is there an instance set up somewhere we can use?16:22
ScottKRecall, the Ubuntu one is run by the same people that decided a pastebin that requires a login to download text would be a good idea.16:22
cjwatsonScottK: which to be fair was due to widespread abuse16:23
skaetthanks cjwatson, google search didn't show it.  :)16:23
ScottKDunno.  Other pastebins seem to manage without it.16:23
pittiRiddell: right, and the pad didn't use to do that either16:23
pittiseems like a recent regression16:23
pittiin pad.u.c., not in etherpad in general I mean16:23
cjwatsonother pastebins expire much more aggressively, which seems like a different tradeoff16:23
Riddellskaet: use notes.kde.org!16:24
cjwatsonalso pastebin.com is notorious for hosting some fairly malevolent stuff that I'm not surprised ubuntu.com doesn't want to host16:24
ScottKgobby.ubuntu.com isn't around anymore.16:24
cjwatsonoh, ok16:24
skaetyeah,  was just there trying....  :(16:24
Laneyare other etherpad instances as bad? titanpad / pad.ubuntu-uk.rg16:25
skaetLaney,  pad.ubuntu-uk.org had a nasty habbit of timeing out on me, and not letting me access it at the end of my day.... just when I wanted to do some updates.16:26
ScottKI can probably provide a gobby server.  Give me a minute.16:26
dokoskaet, slangasek: now please could you coordinate your actions?16:28
doko<doko> slangasek, infinity: now that gcc-4.6 is in precise, I assume it is ok to upload the two linaro regressions fixes to precise-proposed?16:29
doko<slangasek> doko: should be, yes16:29
infinityDoesn't Daviey have an etherpad that doesn't require login?16:29
infinityI'd prefer not to have to run gobby just to do this.16:29
infinityAhh, yes pad.ubuntu-uk.rg.  Laney already mentioned it.16:29
LaneyWe should get a Twitter account :P16:29
infinitydoko: I'll just accept it from rejected.16:30
slangasekdoko: if you want the release team to pre-coordinate, get the release team to comment on the bug instead of just on IRC :)16:30
skaetinfinity, would like some discussion first.16:30
slangasekinfinity: they should only be accepted as candidates for an SRU16:30
ScottKskaet: mailout02.controlledmail.com port 6522 for Gobby.  I'll invent and easier hostname in a minute.16:30
infinityskaet: The bugs should be fixed.  Neither is RC, as you note, but this is being staged for -updates.16:30
slangasekwhich means a) the SRU team should be who accepts it, not the release team, b) it should be documented on the pad (or whatever replaces the pad)16:31
slangasekdocumented that it's not for -release16:31
infinityslangasek: Oh, fair point on the SRU team.  But you're on it. :P16:31
skaetslangasek,  infinity - please note on the pad its purpose so we don't loose track.16:31
infinityslangasek: And you already implied it was okay from your POV.16:31
slangasekinfinity: yep16:32
* infinity lets vorlon deal with it.16:32
skaetslangasek,  they python patch there too,  same story?  or release critical?16:32
slangasekskaet: that was discussed on #ubuntu-devel, I've been on the phone though so haven't followed the thread just yet - ScottK has commented though16:33
ScottKIt's not release critical, but doko would prefer it in.  I understand why he prefers it and since we're going via proposed, we can't break the archive like we did last time we tried it.16:34
dokoskaet, I don't care, as long as it get's into 12.04.0116:35
infinityThe only thing that breaks is if all arches don't build together.16:35
infinityWe can fix this.16:35
infinityThough it means me offlining a PPC buildd to make it happen.16:35
skaetScottK,  is there a compelling reason we can't just get it in as an SRU at this point?16:35
ScottKAsk doko16:36
skaetdoko,  would like more testing and ease it in as SRU if possible.   10.04.1 should be ok.16:36
dokosure, we can do this. but then again, we'll have the parallel build issue, and that with hundreds of packages in sync16:37
* ScottK hands skaet at 12.16:37
dokoaway now until midnight16:38
infinityThere's nothing (afaict) dangerous about the change, the danger is all in the build.16:38
* skaet isn't seeing a good option here.16:38
infinityAnd we should have fixed that instead of reverting and forgetting about it, IMO.16:38
infinityBut oh well.16:38
skaetinfinity,  can we do this in proposed, after the current set clears out?16:40
ScottKskaet: gobby.kitterman.com exists now if you want to use it.16:40
ScottKI copied the current pad over if you want to look and see.16:40
infinityskaet: We can do it any time, but let me block off a PPC buildd for it.16:40
infinityskaet: It doesn't break builds while it's building, what breaks builds is if one arch lags and they skew.16:41
skaetThanks ScottK.  :)    Lets try it out, and see if we can reduce the coordination frustration factor.16:41
infinityskaet: So, we accept at :04 (ie: right after a publisher run starts), and make sure all 5 arches build in the same 30 minute window, done.16:41
skaetScottK,  hmm...The server at gobby.kitterman.com is taking too long to respond.16:42
infinityI'll have a PPC buildd for us to steal in ~23 minutes.16:42
infinitySo, we could do the python-defaults accept then.16:43
skaetinfinity,  go ahead and accept.   If you think we can pull this off.16:43
ScottKskaet: What port number are you using?  Should be 6522.16:44
infinityskaet: I will accept when we're ready, then.16:44
* infinity goes back to fixing *&$! linker issues for now.16:44
skaetScottK,  was just entering it as path  http://gobby.kitterman.com16:44
ScottKskaet: Gobby needs you to use the gobby client.  You have to install the package and use that.16:45
ScottKIt's not a web service.16:45
skaetScottK,  sorry, didn't realize that.16:46
ScottKSorry I didn't mention it.  Since we used to use it for UDS, I assumed everyone knew.16:46
* skaet had forgot16:46
skaetScottK,  still seeing connection timed out from inside the Gobby client.16:51
skaetprobably user error still on my part.16:51
skaetanyone else able to access?16:51
ScottKWhat version do you have?16:52
skaetGobby 0.4.93 on this system16:53
ScottKLooks like you installed gobby-infinote (which is too new).  You need just plain gobby.16:54
ScottKShould be 0.4.12-2ubuntu1.16:54
infinityWorks for me.16:56
ScottKAnd I see skaet made it.16:58
skaetyup. had wrong version of the client16:58
ScottKThe server side for the newer version isn't packaged, AFAICT.16:59
skaetis there a history mechanism with this?16:59
skaetso we can see what's changing over time?16:59
ScottKBut, if you're connected and can see the document, you can be sure you're seeing the latest state.17:00
skaetHmm... history is useful.   If we could agree that things don't get deleted until the 1600 rendezvous time, it could be made to work (ie. snapshot off).  But that might be a bit more complicated than folks want.17:06
skaetslangasek, cjwatson, pitti,  Laney, Riddell -  that reasonable ^ or just stick with pad?17:06
slangasekI'm not thrilled with gobby as a solution for this17:07
slangasekwhat was the problem with using a wiki page?17:08
cjwatsonEither gobby or wiki is fine with me17:08
skaetslangasek,  overhead of waiting for it and refreshing.17:08
skaetpitti's comments ^ earlier.17:09
cjwatsonwhich is strictly less than the overhead of reauthing to the pad17:09
cjwatsoncertainly for me since it means I have to fish out two-factor-auth17:09
slangasekI would still prefer the wiki as a solution, since it doesn't require me having to remember to launch another client17:10
slangasekbut if the consensus is for gobby, I'll cope17:10
infinityYeah, I'm not wildly fond of gobby as a solution.17:10
infinityA stable (and not authed) pad would be fine too.17:10
slangasekthe pad is javascript-heavy and annoys me (and my CPU) for that reason alone17:11
cjwatsonGrueMaster just noticed that the linux-ti-omap4 udebs don't include ext2 despite it being modular in that kernel configuration, so effectively you can't do anything sensible with ext2 filesystems without horrible confusiong17:11
cjwatsonHe's filing a bug, but thoughts on this being RC?  I'm not terribly happy about releasing that way17:12
slangasekseems RC to me17:13
skaetcjwatson,  we don't have much arm testing yet, and if its pretty much unusable without, yeah, possible RC.17:13
skaetGrueMaster,  thanks for finding.    bug number please when you've got it filed.17:16
infinityARM is remarkably close to unusable and untestable until I fix initramfs-tools and d-i too. :P17:17
infinity(Working on that right now.17:17
cjwatsonso that needs linux-ti-omap4 upload (only affects arm) plus debian-installer upload when that's done (affects all arches)17:17
slangasek"pretty much unusable" is an overstatement; it's only ext2 (not ext3 or ext4) that's affected17:17
GrueMasterskaet: cjwatson:  bug 98418017:17
slangasekwhat exactly is the impact?17:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 984180 in linux-ti-omap4 "ext2 module missing from fs-core-modules udeb." [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98418017:17
slangaseksince we need FAT for the bootloader partition, not ext217:18
GrueMasterVerifying that it does/doesn't affect armadaxp as well.17:18
cjwatsonGrueMaster found it while trying to create an ext2 /boot17:18
GrueMasterActually, doing a manual netboot install with "Guided - Use entire drive".17:19
infinity^--- Doing co-ordinated build of python-defaults.17:19
slangasekdoesn't rise to the level of "pretty much unusable", but is something that's very easy to fix17:19
cjwatsonAh yes, the default recipe uses ext2 for /boot17:19
cjwatsonWe could change the recipe, but honestly, I'd rather see the kernel packaging fixed17:20
skaetinfinity, ack.17:20
slangasekext2 for boot is still sensible.  We don't need journals.17:20
cjwatsonWow, gobby now makes the launcher pop up a wobbly icon whenever somebody joins or leaves.17:24
infinityAnd python-defaults all built.17:25
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, that seems like a really silly use of urgent window hints. /17:25
GrueMasterMy bad on the armadaxp.  I had thought they had seen it as well, due to the firestorm of issues this morning.17:26
cjwatsonOh, could somebody review the UIFe in bug 982883 and ack/nack it?  ubuntu-doc@ seems fine with it.17:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 982883 in ubiquity "[UIFe] Wrong color of top panel in ubiquity-dm" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98288317:29
cjwatson(stgraber has checked the concern Dylan raised there.)17:29
slangasekso which is the authoritative page now?  Gobby or etherpad?17:30
* ScottK looks at skaet.17:30
stgrabercjwatson: done17:31
* ScottK wonders if the ubuntu-docs upload should be allowed in since it by definition affects documentation.17:31
cjwatsonI'll get that uploaded later, want to check bug 946663 first17:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 946663 in ubiquity "Installer stuck at "Removing conflicting operating system files..."" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94666317:32
skaetslangasek,   based on your comments and cjwatson's I was setting up a WIKI,   will point the pad to it.    Need the history feature,  and timeout feature on pad is causing too many problems.17:32
cjwatson(dinner now)17:32
ScottKskaet: Should I shut down the Gobby then to avoid confusion?17:32
skaetScottK,  yes.  Thank you for setting it up to let us try.17:32
ScottKIt's gone.17:35
skaetslangasek, cjwatson, ScottK, pitti, Riddell, Laney, infinity, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/FrozenArchiveStatus is up.   Have redirected the pad to it.17:40
pittiskaet: ack, thanks17:41
slangasekScottK, doko, infinity: are we thinking python-defaults for -release then?17:45
slangasekwith the PEP394 fix17:45
* ScottK is not thinking about it.17:45
ScottKIt's clearly nothing RC about the changes (also nothing SRU worthy), but if someone wants them in, I don't object.17:46
infinityslangasek: I think a few of us should test upgrades with -proposed on !i386 and make sure nothing went goofy before we discuss it. :P17:46
slangasekI'm asking whether, in principle, we're considering it for -release17:46
slangasekif *not*, I was going to mark it on the pad17:47
infinityI think that was the kinda sorta consensus that led to me doing the build.17:47
slangasekI didn't think the multiarch stuff needed to be .0; didn't know if folks had a different feeling on the python2 stuff17:47
slangasekpitti: ^^ accepting the sync17:50
infinityThat initramfs-tools is more armhf linker fallout.17:51
ogra_yeah, why would it be initramfs-tools, it didnt change17:52
infinityhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/934301/ <-- Diff for the impatient.17:52
* pitti waves good night17:53
micahgquick question, I forgot a bug in the changelog for the thunderbird stable release migration in natty, but the packages are already built (there are 2 other packages with it with the bug number), do you want me to respin (multi-hour builds) or can we copy them?17:56
infinitymicahg: I'm sure people can live without the bug ref.17:57
micahgScottK: ^^17:57
infinitymicahg: You can go all revisionist history and fix the old changelog entry in the next upload. :P17:58
micahginfinity: indeed :)17:58
infinity(And obviously close the bug task by hand this time around)17:58
infinityCan someone review and (hopefully) accept that initramfs-tools upload?  It's blocks some testers from doing testy things.17:59
ogra_infinity, it looks sane to me from your paste17:59
infinityThank god my shell is better than my English.18:00
ogra_shouldnt it also cover arlem though ?18:00
ogra_.oO(how did i mess that up)18:00
infinityogra_: We didn't change the linker on armel.18:00
ogra_ah, k18:00
ogra_well, i'd say go for it and upload18:00
infinityIt's uploaded, I'm being a good boy and waiting for $another_archive_admin to accept it.18:01
ogra_i have forwarded it to two guys in #ac100 that had the issue but havent heard back yet ... with luck we'll get some testing even before it is published18:01
infinityogra_: Patching mkinitramfs and running "update-initramfs -u" should fix them up.  But how they boot in the first place is another question. :/18:02
infinityogra_: I guess if their recovery is sane, they can boot recovery and chroot in.18:02
ogra_they both have sosboot installed18:02
infinityI tihnk I might have hosed recovery on my ac100...18:03
ogra_(took me half my sunday to help them with that)18:03
ogra_we should hack up the ac100-tarball-installer to just blantly dump sosboot.img into the recovery partition :)18:04
infinityAs for d-i (which will suffer exactly the same problem), it won't break until it's rebuilt, so I'll stage the change in bzr until we need an upload for another reason (which looks like it'll be an omap4 kernel bump).18:04
bdmurrayI'm pretty sure I have an upload of update-manager in oneiric-proposed that needs approval which affects upgrades from O to P.18:08
* infinity lunches for a bit before hacking d-i's Makefile.18:18
infinityslangasek: Would love a review/accept of initramfs-tools when you get a chance.  It's tested locally to DTRT.18:18
ScottKpitti: Why are we reintroduing postresql-8.4 for precise?18:19
infinityslangasek: If there's concern over "what if those things are symlinks" or similar, keep in mind that they got there via copy_exec, which does cp -pL18:19
infinityScottK: To be able to upgrade databases.18:19
ScottKOK.  Makes sense.18:19
infinityScottK: Need the tools from 8.4 to dump, so 9.1 can reload.18:20
deejskaet and any others who may be concerned by it, I wanted to make sure it was clear I was taking kapok/cardamom from hardy to lucid and make sure everyone was okay with doing that this close to release18:20
skaetinfinity, slangasek, ScottK ^ any issues on holding off?18:21
infinitydeej: Was that my livefs builder ticket?18:21
deejinfinity: Why yes!18:21
skaets/on/to indicate we should/18:21
slangasekskaet: for which?  the builder upgrade?18:22
skaetslangasek,  builder upgrade18:22
infinitydeej: We might be getting too late to take advantage of that, though I'd really like to.18:22
slangasekskaet: I think we should get it done18:22
infinityKay, let's do it, then.18:22
infinityslangasek: Does this mean I get to switch wubi to ext4 too? :P18:22
slangasekhaving the builder env closer to what everyone's using for development can only benefit us18:22
skaetdeej,  thanks for letting us know.18:23
slangasekinfinity: FFe bug and talk to ev?18:23
deejI have been told there's no pressure but that I shouldn't fuck it up18:23
deejYou know18:23
deejI'm sure it'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine18:23
infinityslangasek: ev and I already confirmed wubi will DTRT, I just need to un-revert the livecd-rootfs and cdimage changes I made earlier.18:23
slangasekinfinity: "already" in the recent past? :)18:23
slangaseki.e., is he happy for this change to be made 2 weeks before release?18:23
infinityslangasek: Oh, yeah, we haven't discussed doing it 1.5 weeks before release, no.  I'll re-discuss after lunch. ;)18:24
slangasekok ;)18:24
infinityBut, IMO, there's value in having wubi installs using the same default FS, and exercising the same codepaths.18:24
infinitySince it's the only ext3 consumer right now.18:24
slangasekyes, I agree18:26
deejinfinity: Sooooo, quick question, the ticket (51116) mentions i386 builders, but kapok is x86_64, do you care/does it matter?18:33
infinitydeej: The ticket says "x86".18:45
infinitydeej: One is amd64, the other is i386.18:45
deejinfinity: So it does, apologies, I thought I'd read i386 the first time through18:46
deejRight on18:46
pittiScottK: see bug 905454, I left an explanation there18:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 905454 in postgresql-8.4 "'postgresql-plperl-8.4' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90545418:46
infinitydeej: Heh, I had to go check to make sure I wasn't lying. ;)18:47
stgraberinfinity: looking at initramfs-tools, isn't it possible for someone to have lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-linux.so.3 in the initramfs but not /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 outside of it?18:52
cjwatsoninfinity: would it make sense for a d-i upload to wait until linux-ti-omap4 is in and built?18:52
stgraberinfinity: if initramfs-tools gets upgraded before eglibc18:53
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, d-i won't break until it's rebuilt anyway.18:54
infinitystgraber: Oh, perhaps it needs to depend on the latest eglibc, nice catch.18:54
deejAlright, the upgrade is running on kapok and I've locked out the buildd user for the time being18:55
deejLest anything get started mid-upgrade18:55
infinitycjwatson: So, I'll figure out how to fix it, and stage it in bzr for the next rebuild.18:55
infinitystgraber: Wait, no, it'll already have that dep.18:56
evcould someone please reject that apport upload18:56
infinitystgraber: initramfs-tools (all) depends initramfs-tools-bin (any) depends libc6 (>= good_version)18:56
evI definitely sent it to the wrong place :)18:57
infinityev: Gone.18:57
evand thank goodness for frozen archives18:57
infinitystgraber: The libc6 shlibs take care of that.18:57
infinityev: Since you're here...18:58
evwuh oh18:58
infinityev: deej is upgrading cardamon and kapok to lucid, which means we can finally switch wubi to ext4.  Are you comfy with me un-reverting my previous changes and making that happen?18:58
evmostly because on your head be it :-P18:58
evbut equally because it looks sensible18:59
evand as we already discussed, it should be fine18:59
evright, gone18:59
stgraberinfinity: oh, good. Then feel free to accept, that's the only potential issue I spoted.18:59
infinitystgraber: Danke.19:00
slangasekinfinity: how do any shlibs take care of this?19:00
infinitystgraber: (And I totally missed that implication, so thanks for making me trace it through to discover it was a non-issue) ;)19:00
slangasekn/m, read scrollback19:00
slangasekinfinity: why is it not sufficient to test for [ -e "${DESTDIR}/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3" ]?19:01
slangaseklikewise, why do you have to remove that and recreate it?19:01
infinityslangasek: Oh sure, ask questions after I accept.19:02
slangasekwell you're a little quick on the trigger :P19:02
infinityslangasek: stgraber told me to!19:02
slangasekwho ya gonna listen to!19:02
slangasekanyway, accepted or not, I'd like to understand better what the actual issue is that it's fixing19:03
infinityslangasek: If I think it through a bit more, perhaps you're right, that /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 will always be there on new initrds.  I'd have to look more closely at the library reduction logic.19:03
slangasekthen I think the check there is overbroad but not dangerous; I just wanted to make sure it wasn't needed for some other scenario I hadn't understood yet19:04
infinityslangasek: The issue is fairly obvious (binaries wanting two linkers, but only one present), the fix might be a bit carpet-bombish, cause I was more interested in having it work than having it be elegant.19:04
infinityslangasek: But yeah, you might be right that in a two-linker scenario, it'll always get reduced to only /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, and I just need to link that.19:05
infinity(This carpet bomb approach works for now, though)19:05
ScottKpitti: Thanks.  Makes complete sense.19:06
infinityslangasek: I think I was thinking of a case where something actually checks the ELF headers for the PI, where things might end up feeling a bit non-deterministic, depending on the binaries included, and in what order.19:07
slangasekfair enough19:07
infinityslangasek: But copy_exec is dumber than that, it just checks ldd output, and on a two-linker system, ldd says "/lib/triplet/ld-linux.so.3 => /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3", which should always reduce to the new linker.19:08
* slangasek nods19:08
slangaseks/dumber/saner/ :)19:08
infinityslangasek: d-i/mklibs, on the other hand, try to be more clever, so I'll stick to the carpet bomb there to avoid an aneurysm. :P19:08
ogasawarawe received a fix for bug 984180, is it okay to upload linux-ti-omap4 to precise-proposed?19:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 984180 in linux-ti-omap4 "ext2 module missing from fs-core-modules udeb." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98418019:09
infinityogasawara: Pretty please, mit sugar on top.19:10
ogasawarainfinity: thanks, uploaded19:10
* skaet --> lunch, biab19:11
infinityOh, classy.  The one time I use gobby in the last 3 years, and it crashes on exit.19:13
infinityDear apport, tell me all about it.19:13
pittiScottK: I don't particularly like it, but it's IMHO much better than causing data loss and frustration for upgraders19:15
infinitypitti: Do they then end up with two versions of postgres installed?19:16
* infinity wonders if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/972208 really is a GnuTLS bug, or just gobby being gobby.19:19
slangasekreviewing that kernel19:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 972208 in gnutls26 "gobby crashed with SIGABRT in __libc_message()" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:19
ScottKThere is also Bug 984206 that I filed today.19:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 984206 in gobby "gobby crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_rc_style_finalize()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98420619:21
ScottKActually that's a different one.19:21
=== scott-work_ is now known as scott-work
cjwatsonlinux-ti-omap4 looks good to me; accepted19:33
stgrabercjwatson: ubiquity diff looks good19:42
slangasekaccepting update-manager19:55
pittiinfinity: yes, inevitably; that's how it has worked for the past 10 years or so19:59
pittiinfinity: there's a debconf note and docs how to do the upgrade, as there is really no solid way to do it in-place during dist-upgrade19:59
* pitti -> really off for the night now19:59
deejinfinity: kapok is back up if you guys want to give it a once over before I start in on cardamom20:09
infinitydeej: I'll poke it in a sec, I'm multitasking a bit too much right now. :)20:11
deejRight on, no hurry20:11
slangasekdid these comments about apport/kerneloops on the wiki get added to the wrong section?20:14
slangasekI don't see either of these packages in -proposed, but they're in unaccepted for -release20:15
slangasekskaet: ^^ looks like this is your edit?20:15
skaetslangasek,  yeah, my bad.   Thought they were going in proposed.   At any rate,  hold off on accepting based on timing in there.   Will fix.21:12
balloonshello all.. continuing a conversation on non-pae kernel support here. it appears we are not shipping a non-pae kernel on our iso images for today..21:26
balloonsaccording to a few kernel members, the non-pae kernel support was kept, but it's not on the installer21:27
balloonsis this intended behavior or a bug?21:27
slangasekballoons: intended behavior21:27
slangasekit's available for upgrades only21:27
hggdhslangasek: what happens if someone tries to install precise on a non-pae machine?21:28
balloonsslangasek, why upgrades only?21:28
GrueMasterhggdh: Failure.21:28
ScottKslangasek: I thought it was meant to be different for Lubuntu?21:28
balloonsI'm not trying to stir up dirt here :-).. my apologies if I am.. I can simply take the answer21:29
hggdhactually, seems to be worse, installation preceeds to end, and then fails on reboot21:29
slangasekScottK: Lubuntu may be using the non-pae kernel, I don't know21:30
slangasekballoons: because supporting it for installs means taking up a very scarce resource - space on the CD21:30
balloonsslangasek, ScottK lubuntu is afaik.. I'm having the tester in question use it instead.. no negative feedback thus far, so I'm assuming it's working :-)21:31
balloonsslangasek, thanks for explaining21:32
sbeattiehggdh: wait, what? we're shipping the non-pae kernel in the live cd but booting into a pae kernel? I don't think that's accurate...21:32
sbeatties/booting/after installation completes booting/21:32
infinityhggdh: That seems unlikely, since the CD also uses the pae kernel.21:33
hggdhballoons: ^21:33
slangasekhggdh, sbeattie: we are certainly not shipping a non-pae kernel on the Ubuntu CD in precise21:33
slangasekthat was changed early in the cycle21:34
sbeattieslangasek: right, but then I'd assume the livecd would fail to boot, not have a failure upon rebooting after the installation has completed.21:34
GrueMasterI highly recommend release noting this at the very least, as a lot of system recyclers will be very displeased to learn they can't recycle older systems due to this issue.21:35
balloonsright.. I took that as the cd has pae kernel only.. archive has non-pae kernel21:35
slangaseksbeattie: correct.  The CD will fail to boot.21:35
sbeattie(hence my boggling at hggdh's failure description)21:35
GrueMastersbeattie: That is the behavior I am seeing here in VirtualBox with PAE/NX disabled.  Total boot failure on the cd.21:35
hggdhsbeattie: heh. I was just the messenger21:36
sbeattieah, okay, I'll stop shooting bogglement bullets in your direction. :-)21:36
dokoslangasek, I'm fine with python-defaults as a sru21:54
slangasekdoko: ok21:54
LaneyScottK: ^^^21:56
micahgcan someone take a look at the flashplugin-nonfree upload ^^22:31
ScottKinfinity: Is it you putting buildds on manual again?22:39
infinityScottK: Yep.22:39
ScottKinfinity: Would you please let haskell-bloomfilter go before you grab powerpc.  It's s quick build and getting it done will let me do another sync.22:40
infinityScottK: I have no intention of angering powerpc.22:40
infinityScottK: The only stuff on manual (other than two broken Pandas) are "old x86 builders", so we can give the new ones a workout.22:41
micahginfinity: can you review flash?22:45
infinityDid I break it?22:46
micahginfinity: well, not upgrade is closer than break :)22:47
infinityHuh.  I grepped.22:47
infinityLet me guess, the SHA256 in the post-download-hook doesn't have the same variable name? :/22:47
micahginfinity: sbeattie added a README.Debian to make it easier in teh future22:48
micahginfinity: correct22:48
* infinity sighs.22:48
micahginfinity: 'rgrep -i sha256 *' should've caught it22:48
infinitySimple fix, s/SHA256SUM/Sha256/ in the other scripts, so it matches the hook, and an rgrep works.22:48
infinityI didn't think to grep insensitively. :P22:49
infinityOh well.22:49
micahgwell, there's documentation now to help the next victim^Wvolunteer to look at updating flash22:49
sbeattieas I've said elsewhere, the real fix is to only specify the version and sha256sum in one location, not three.22:50
infinityHonestly, if you find the SHA256 in two places, you won't read a README to find out there's a third.22:50
micahgyeah, that too :)22:50
infinityYou'll just think you're clever for having found two.22:50
micahgthere's a note above each telling you what else to update22:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgwon't help if you're using sed though22:50
infinityOh, that's vaguely helpful. ;)22:50
* infinity needs food.22:56
skaetis it my impression or is the wiki ...crawling....23:05
slangasekI had a server-side error a little bit ago23:05
skaetslangasek, yes,  seeing Error reading from remote server now as well.  :P23:10
Laneydoomed to not communicate23:10
Laneyalso, the topic could do with updating23:10
skaetLaney, yup. meant to earlier23:11
* skaet handles that at least while she can't update WIKIs... :P23:11
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Archive: frozen | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/FrozenArchiveStatus | Precise Pangolin Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or chocolate covered ants | melior malum quod cognoscis
skaetLaney, done.23:14
Laneyexcellent work23:15
skaetwe strive to communicate....  and yes, had to get the link from the pad.  *sigh*23:16
LaneyYou should entertain my idea for a Twitter account. We could come up with an efficient set of hashtags :P23:17
ScottKI'm not sure how the wiki is better than the pad was.23:20
ScottKYou still have to refresh it to get current data.23:20
skaetScottK, don't have to sign in to see it, was the hope.   but with the current behaviour....23:21
Laneyat least you know you have to refresh it23:21
micahgskaet: just use Daviey's pad if you don't want to have to sign in23:23
ScottKAlthough I knew that by now about the pad.23:23
ScottKmicahg: Daviey's pad was deemed insuffiently reliable.23:23
skaetwiki appears to be working again...23:26
infinityI never had issues with Daviey's pad, FWIW.23:30
infinityBut whatever.  We can stop caring again in 1.5 weeks. :P23:30
ScottKRight.  That wasn't my assessment.23:32
slangaseksbeattie: fyi, the problem in bug #983559 is by design; see bug #979477 for the unfortunate anti-bug23:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 983559 in update-notifier "package-data-downloader utility does not honor apt http proxy settings" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98355923:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 979477 in update-notifier "ttf-mscorefonts-installer installation popup and probable failure" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97947723:39
sbeattieslangasek: except that the flashplugin-installer *is* pulling from a valid apt archive.23:41
sbeattiewhere ttf-mscorefonts-installer was not.23:42
sbeattiethis suggests an inflexibility on configuration of package-data-downloader plugins23:42
slangaseksbeattie: the fact that it's an apt archive is a curious implementation detail; it's not *using* it as an apt archive, it's not even downloading a .deb, and I don't expect the users who are affected by bug #979477 to have an apt proxy that knows about partner23:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 979477 in update-notifier "ttf-mscorefonts-installer installation popup and probable failure" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97947723:42
slangasekthe real bug behind 983559 is not having the proxy configured for *non*-apt software, and flashplugin failures are just a symptom; probably bug #98268423:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 982684 in sudo "sudo doesn't apply global environment settings from /etc/environment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98268423:43
slangasek(filed in direct response to this issue, and being worked on)23:44
sbeattieslangasek: well, I have to admit that I wish the flashplugin-installer did use it as a correct apt archive, so that it would pick it up from my local (non-distributed) mirror of the partner archive.23:47
slangaseksure... I can't see any way to make that work in the general case though23:48
slangasekexcept that flashplugin-installer does support debconf preseeding to point at a local file23:49
slangasek(but not a local mirror)23:49

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