
jkylemy preseed late_command is throwing this error on a package install00:31
jkyle(Can't locate Debconf/FrontEnd/Newt.pm00:31
jkyleThe same script can be run either in the Installer shell on an alternate virtual console or in userland without error00:31
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tnachenhi all, I wonder how do you look for bugs to be SRUed?00:58
tnachenon launchpad00:58
Gallomimiascuse me how do i get php installed on ubuntu server? not using it with apache01:08
Bluemalkinhi - does anyone have some tips on using rsyslog/relp for custom logs?01:08
Gallomimiaoh. apt-get install php501:09
Gallomimiathe number tripped me up01:09
hallynUrsinha: (see tnachen's question) do you know of a good query for finding fix released bugs (say in libvirt) which are still open for older releases?02:20
Ursinhahallyn, well, let me think a bit02:26
Ursinha(where think means open ipython and poke launchpad :))02:26
hallynUrsinha: thanks :)  (no hurry, I'm pretty sure)02:34
Ursinhahallyn, :)02:39
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Paladinecan full disk encryption be applied to a running server or does it have to be done during disk setup/partioning?04:08
SpamapSPaladine: if you have spare space, you can use LVM to migrate to full disk encryption.. but its non-trivial.04:16
SpamapSPaladine: probably simpler to do a full backup, reinstall w/ full disk encryption, then restore.04:16
Paladineyeah that was my thoughts, I think i will wait til next LTS when I do a hardware upgrade04:17
Paladinegiven this is a production server04:17
Paladineit is more a "nice to have" feature atm than an essential one04:17
SpamapSnext LTS .. meaning... next week? ;)04:17
Paladineis it next week?04:17
Paladinewell i won't be installing it next week hehe04:18
SpamapSyeah wait for .104:18
Paladinewill have to wait until June04:18
SpamapSThough, give it a test run on release day, and report some bugs, so June will go more smoothly :)04:18
PaladineI would if I had the time, that is why it will have to wait until June04:18
Paladine10.4 has been good to me so far04:19
Paladineit can wait a couple more months04:19
Paladinethanks for the advice though, much appreciated, I know it is late04:20
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KarmenDoes a Intel SE7501BR2 Dual CPU Socket 604 Motherboard Server Board work with Ubuntu Server?05:56
KarmenIt is an olderboard I just purchased.05:57
lynxmanmorning o/08:56
azertyuanyone ?09:00
azertyui get block on ubuntu grub menu09:01
azertyuwhat i have tod o ?09:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #983816 in multipath-tools (main) "package kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98381609:56
cornfeedhello & good morning... I am having some troubles re-installing samba 4... would someone mind taking a look?  http://dpaste.org/gPuVo/12:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #983907 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.1-4 failed to install/upgrade: il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98390712:21
Atlantic777I have a init script in /etc/init/ for redmine and I can use it as "service redmine start" but how to add it to startup with update-rc.d? update-rc.d looks in /etc/init.d/ and there is different kind of scripts.12:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #983918 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in push_ucs2_talloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98391812:31
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pythonirc101after a few hours (or days sometimes), my ubuntu box changes the file system to read only. Can anyone please help. I tried doing touch /forcechk ; reboot...but it still does the same thing over time.13:02
pythonirc101pangolin: any ideas?13:02
rbasakpythonirc101: sounds like a corrupt filesystem, or faulty hardware causing a corrupt filesystem. You should be able to check the cause by examining the bottom of "dmesg" output. If this is the case then I'd boot a recovery image and do a full fsck by hand.13:06
claude2_anyone know if theres a fix/workaround for this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/78917413:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 789174 in rsyslog "rsyslog fails to create tcp socket." [Undecided,Confirmed]13:10
KiallAnyone familiar with ebtables? Wanting to block certain ARP packets from passing out one side of a bridge, I believe ebtables can do this?13:51
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gary_posterhallyn, hi.  we are running with lxc 0.7.5-3ubuntu52 on ec2, which should have the fix for bug 974584 AFAIK (from 0.7.5-3ubuntu51).  We're making lucid containers on precise.  We still see the semaphore problem until we manually make the change you described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/974584/comments/6 .  Is this unexpected/buggy, or according to plan?  (If we have to add the manual change from now14:39
gary_poster on, that's ok, but I'd like to verify that this is the intent.)14:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 974584 in sysvinit "Semaphores cannot be created in lxc container" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97458414:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 974584 in sysvinit "Semaphores cannot be created in lxc container" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:39
hallyngary_poster: it's expected14:39
hallyngary_poster: in lucid it'll have to be fixed with lxcguest14:39
gary_posterhallyn, oh ok cool14:39
hallyngary_poster: since lxcguest isn't in the archive there, I just need to fix it in the version in ppa:ubuntu-virt/ppa, but haven't had time14:39
hallynoneiric will require sru14:40
gary_posterack, thanks hallyn14:40
hallyngary_poster: if it's urgent, please yell at me and I'll fix the lucid one14:40
gary_posterhallyn, we'll add our own automation for the workaround, it's ok14:41
hallyngary_poster: I don't see a knob to mark that bug as affecting lxc in lucid and oneiric14:42
hallyngary_poster: cool, thanks14:43
hallynjamespage: btw, i now do have a complete pyunit based lxc testsuite.  pls lemme know when you have a minute to show me what i should do with xunit so i can hand it to you :)14:44
jamespagehallyn, sure - can we do that next week?  ODS'ing ATM14:55
hallynjamespage: that'd be great, thanks14:56
koolhead17hallyn, hey there14:59
hallynkoolhead17: hey15:00
koolhead17hallyn, are we having libvirt the 0.9-11-rc2 with precise?15:01
hallynwe'll merge with debian in a few weeks, soon as q opens.  but p is frozen15:01
hallynthe version in the archive now is, as far as i'm concerned, final15:01
koolhead170.8.3 is still buggy15:01
koolhead17am asking the guy to join us15:02
koolhead17and tell u issiue he had15:02
koolhead17gimme a sex15:02
hallynwe're on 0.9.8-2ubuntu1715:02
koolhead17ooh cool then. should not be an issue15:02
hallynif there is an urgent bug, pls open a critical bug :)  certainly there are issues (some still upstream and definately in 0.9.11)15:02
koolhead17yes. thanks :)15:03
hallynmy kingdom for someone with the time and inclination to fix up the races with qemu hooks15:03
* koolhead17 wants to use openstack with lxc on precise15:04
hallynpretty sure zul has made sure openstack+lxc on precise rocks15:05
RaziqueHello :)15:08
koolhead17hallyn, Razique is our friend here15:11
Raziquehello hallyn :)15:11
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hallynRazique: hi.  I"m afraid I'm running around like a headless chicken, but I'll respond as I can (just will seem unpersonable some of the time).  what's up?15:12
RaziqueI'm fine thanks :)15:12
miceikenis there any tool i can run to verify that my drives are intact?15:23
patdk-wkmiceiken, fsck?15:29
resnoRoyK: ping15:29
RoyKresno: pong15:30
resnoRoyK: buying the sas board... you need other parts dont you?15:32
RoyKwhat sas board?15:32
RoyKhow many ports/drives?15:32
resnoRoyK: the lsi 9211-8i15:32
RoyKyou'll need gaffer tape15:33
RoyKjust in case15:33
resnodo i only need the lsi 9211-8i controller card or another thing?15:33
RoyKresno: given you have room for the drives, all I can think if, is a mini-SAS-to-4-sata-plugs-cable15:36
RoyKpreferably two of those15:36
resnoRoyK: ah, thats what i was missing. i only see 2 connectors on the card, so i wasnt sure how the connecting worked15:37
resnoi knew it could do more... but its not magic15:37
resnoRoyK: can you recommend another sas card, thats "affordable" this for my own home useage15:41
RoyKresno: AOC-SAT2-MV8 is a good board, but with good-old 32bit/33MHz PCI, it'll probably be too slow for large drives15:43
resnoRoyK: large drive being 2TB?15:43
RoyKLSI 3081 is a good board too15:43
RoyKonly 3Gbps (not 6 like the LSI 9xxx boards), but still, that's quite sufficient for spinning drives15:44
resnoRoyK: can i assume all lsi boards are good?15:44
RoyKand seems you can get that for sub $100 on ebay15:45
RoyKresno: AFAIK, yes, although on some platforms (solaris), the mpt driver used for the 3Gbps boards, sucks rather badly15:45
resnoi wont be gong solaris so, no wories there15:46
RoyKI don't think there's a problem with the linux driver for those boards15:46
RoyKand for <$100, it's dead cheap15:46
resnoyea. i agree15:47
resnoRoyK: i appreciate your continued help..15:47
resnonow to get a bigger case and more drives lol15:47
* RoyK is in a brilliant mood, just signed for a new job at hioa.no15:47
resnothat in norway?15:48
RoyKmost of .no is in norway ;)15:48
resnoah, i didnt even think that... i saw oslo and guessed15:48
andolRoyK: congrats15:49
RoyKthanks :)15:49
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ironmhello. Please allow me one question. is it possible to install PVMs from local iso image (ubuntu-server) on XCP 1.5 host? The "Other install media" template is for HVM and works as expected however the network performance is quite low :(16:15
ironmthank you in advance for any hints.16:15
dknis there an easy way to forward localhost mail using an outside smtp.example.com server? i don't need incoming capabilities, i'd just like my root and user emails to forward to my real email account16:19
mulljamespage, do you still maintain a hudson / jenkins PPA somewhere ?  The ones I was able to find seem rather inactive.16:24
* mull now sees that that might be a stupid question16:25
hlanI really really really need to upgrade the kernel... 3.0 keeps crashing on me16:47
hlanI use BTRFS and other candy16:47
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hallynhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds/15536/testcases    <-  server qa test cases, fwiw17:54
hallyn(looking good so far)17:56
hlanare there some official precise prerelease EC2 AMI?17:57
hlanI really need to upgrade ASAP to get a newer kernel17:57
hallynhlan: ubuntu-cloudimg-query precise17:57
hallynshould be the latest one17:58
hlangreat... our production is crashing once a day17:58
hallynsame way every day?17:58
hlanI'm on Oneiric now17:58
hlanI'm using lxc and btrfs so I guess one of them is causing it17:58
hlanprobably btrfs17:59
hallynyeah, btrfs promises so much, but...17:59
* RoyK mumbles something about ZFS17:59
hlanand can't get any crash logs, EC2 really sucks for debugging kernel crashes... no output at all17:59
hlanI switched from ZFS to BTRFS because ZFS on linux was horrible. ZFS crashed every day as well and finally had to switch because it crashed consistently on boot18:00
hlanBTRFS is at least better because it's much simpler to work with subvolumes and it doesn't hog memory18:01
jcastromatsubara: That Michael Hughes guy on the maas-devel list tested like 3 of the PPAs, he should be your new best friend!18:01
RoyKhlan: zfs-fuse isn't good, but btrfs isn't ready and probably won't be in a year - or three?18:01
RoyKhlan: zfs on solaris/fbsd is *very* stable18:01
hlanRoyK: btrfs should not be that unstable... it was considered as the official file system by some distro18:02
RoyKhlan: which distro?18:02
hlanthe main concern is the lack of diskcheck18:02
hlanwhich exists now18:02
hlanthe main problem is that btrfs that is bundled with Oneiric is from like 2010...18:03
hlanRoyK: don't remember18:03
RoyKhlan: but which distro? or is that your average {{citation needed}} ?18:03
hlanRoyK: "Fedora17 to seriously consider Btrfs as default file system"18:04
hlanRoyK: I need linux for other reasons so solaris is not an option.18:05
matsubarajcastro, will take a look. thanks for the pointer and for getting me lots of new BFF18:05
RoyKhlan: so do I ... but I use solaris for storage18:05
hlanIT might not even be btrfs causing the crash... wish I could get some damn error dumps :/18:05
hlanEC2 FTL....18:05
RoyKI wonder when that fsck tool will appear18:06
RoyKit's been at least three years since I read it was almost finished18:06
jcastromatsubara: how has the testing been so far?18:07
jcastromatsubara: this will continue to be tough, the kind of people we need to test maas probably won't be paying too much attention until 12.04.118:08
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matsubarajcastro, we got some feedback. I still need to go through them and improve the docs. I've busy working on the Lexington lab18:09
* jcastro nods18:09
hlanIs precise on the 3.3 kernel?18:10
Nafallono. 3.2.018:11
hlanNafallo: what does this mean then? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.3.2-precise/18:11
ogra_it means what the url says :)18:12
ogra_its a nightly mainline 3.3.2 build18:12
hlanogra_: of the kernel?18:13
hlanwhy is it labeled "precise"? is it just for testing?18:14
jcastroso basically if you report a kernel bug they ask you to try it on those to see if it's still present in a newer upstream version.18:14
cjohnstonrobbiew: ping18:23
robbiewcjohnston: pong18:23
cjohnstonrobbiew: For some reason (a decision above me) the decision was made ro rename Server & Cloud to Cloud & Server.. With that the track slug is now cloudserver...18:24
cjohnstonrobbiew: BPs are being filed under servercloud, so not being imported correctly into Summit18:25
robbiewWHO made that call?18:26
robbiewcjohnston: who told you to change this?18:27
cjohnstonBug #95921218:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959212 in uds-project "Amend Hardware track lead on UDS-Q schedule" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95921218:27
cjohnstonrobbiew: would you like me to send out an email about the change or....?18:29
robbiewcjohnston: do you have to change the slug?18:30
robbiewis the title on the web page somehow connected to what gets pulled from LP?18:30
cjohnstonI could change it back to servercloud.... then it would just be backwards from the "name" of the track18:30
jamespagemull: its in the archive for oneiric and precise - but you can get backports from ppa:hudson-ubuntu/backports18:31
robbiewthat's fine18:31
robbiewI've already sent multiple emails out telling people to use servercloud-q-18:31
cjohnstonrobbiew: the way it works is in the Summit admin, the track name and track slug are defined.. then when Summit imports from LP it checks the slugs against the name of the meeting (community-, servercloud-, etc) to assign a track18:31
cjohnstonok... I will switch it back18:31
cjohnstonsorry for the confusion.. :-/18:32
Blah1any preseed experts in here?  For the life of me I can't get 'disable_dhcp boolean true'  to work.  No matter whether i pass it as kernel param or in the preseed file, it always tries to do dhcp and will only use the static ip *IF* the dhcp server lease fails.   If I have an existing dhcp service on the network, it will always try to grab that dhcp lease instead of using the static ip i've preseeded it for.   (ftr this is a18:32
Blah1 local preseed file on the custom cd i created)18:32
robbiewcjohnston: no worries....we've got too many cooks in the kitchen this time around18:33
robbiewcjohnston: thanks for letting me know...as apparently others didn't feel the need to18:33
cjohnstontrust me.. I agree.. I have Linaro cooks too18:33
robbiew"lucky" you18:33
cjohnstonThey are taking me to Connect in Hong Kong... I guess that's lucky18:34
SpamapSanybody have experience getting rsyslog to log both remotely and locally?18:37
cjohnstonrobbiew: done18:39
robbiewcjohnston: thanks!18:40
robbiewSpamapS: run it twice :P18:40
Blah1anyone else preseed expert?18:43
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jsmith-argotecI'm getting an error when trying to add a user using smbldap-useradd if I include a mail address...19:59
jsmith-argotecwithout the mail address it works fine19:59
jsmith-argotecthis is the error: failed to add entry: objectClass: value #0 invalid per syntax at /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd line 629, <DATA> line 46620:00
tyler_dhello all, I am trying to mount an ssd (kingston), I can see it in dmesg(but only 1 line) hep me please20:38
iToasti cant speak in ubuntu e-e21:03
iToastCan I cluster my ubuntu servers togeather with windows..21:03
iToastI wan't to throw togeather a bunch of ubuntu machines in a cluster to assist in video rendering..21:04
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jkyleI'm not getting a boot menu with 11.04. where could I set the timeout to higher? or force a menu?21:33
Patrickdkdid you use the left shift key?21:33
Patrickdkedit the timeouts in /etc/default/grub21:34
jkylecool, hidden_timeout was set. commented it21:37
Blah1anyone else preseed expert?21:53
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sakohey guys how do i check what is set to startup at boot?22:40
sakowhich of my services are set to startup*22:40
JanCsako: if you have a recent Ubuntu system, that's somewhat difficult to predict, as services are supposed to start only when they are supposed to start...22:50
hlananyone here familiar with crashes on amazon ec2? I never get any debug output when my instances stop responding... :/23:34

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