
gotwigI have a question where can I find the translation templates for ISOLINUX?06:04
gotwigjono: morning06:10
jonohey gotwig06:10
gotwigI have a question where can I find the translation templates for ISOLINUX?06:12
gotwigkelemengabor: morning06:12
kelemengabormorning gotwig06:12
jonogotwig, no idea06:13
gotwigits important for german precise translations06:15
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Mirv16:20 < mvo> Mirv: hey, I fixed the ddtp import stuff today I think so hopefully by tomorrow LP has merged the updated strings13:51
dpmMirv, \o/ cool, thanks for the follow-up13:55
dpmbug 89490214:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894902 in Ares "Varients on charges and gattling logic for infantry" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89490214:27
dpmsecond try...14:31
dpmbug 89409214:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894092 in Developer registration portal "Allow review comments that don't change the app state" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89409214:31
hanniedpm, hi, do you have a minute?14:32
dpmhi hannie, sure14:33
hannieok, a question:14:34
hannieWhat happens to upstream translations made in LP?14:35
hannieOne of our translators has made changes to gnome packages, and we are not happy with that14:35
hannieShould we manually import the packages from Gnome or does that happen automatically?14:37
* trijntje is reading along14:37
hannietrijntje, please join the discussion14:37
dpmhannie, in short: a) if you change something on Launchpad overriding the upstream translations, the Launchpad translations will be used until someone manually undoes that. If you translate something that wasn't translated upstream before and later on it is translated upstream and imported, the upstream translations will be used14:38
dpmsorry, the If... part was supposed to be b)14:38
hannieLet me try and understand it14:39
dpmso in summary, I'd suggest undoing the changes in LP14:39
dpmif you show me one of the translations we can perhaps be all on the same page and I'll be better able to help14:39
hanniedpm, have you any idea how much work that would be?14:39
hannietrijntje, could you give dpm a link?14:40
hanniedpm, can you see pulseaudio, string #6?14:41
dpmsorry, got disconnected, just a sec14:42
dpmlet me paste my previous answer:14:42
dpmhannie, it's just a matter of changing the translations in LP. So if it's one or two translations, it should take less than 30 seconds, if it's like 100s, it will take... well the time it takes to manually modify 100s of transaltions in LP14:42
hannie https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/pulseaudio/+pots/pulseaudio/nl/+translate?show=changed_in_ubuntu14:43
hanniedpm, can you see pulseaudio, string #6?14:43
trijntjedpm: and if we would merge upstream translations into the template from launchpad and import those, would the translations make it in before the deadline?14:43
RawChidBut as hannie suggested, we can upload a .po from upstream manually?14:43
dpmwait, I believe you are making it a bit more complicated than it is. Can't you just choose the right translation in Launchpad and press Save?14:44
RawChidYes we can dpm14:44
hanniedpm, we are talking about A GREAT DEAL of translations14:45
RawChidtrijntje: can you  tell us how much strings we're talking about?14:45
dpmhannie, how many exactly is a great deal, 200, 100, 500?14:45
dpmare this the 187 strings I can see in LP?14:45
hannietrijntje has the statistics. just a sec14:45
trijntjeover 800 probably14:45
hannieoops! That many?14:46
RawChiddpm, other question (also for my knowledge) . If we upload an upstream .po (by hand in web interface) Will it override (again) the current translations?14:46
trijntjeyes, from looking at the 'changed from upstream' column on the overview page14:47
dpmtrijntje, where do you see 800? I can see "1 → 50 of 187 results"14:47
hanniethen that seems to be the only way14:47
hanniedpm, pulseaudio is just one example.14:48
hannieThere are many more packages where changes have been made14:48
dpmRawChid, yes, it would. But today is the last day for translations, and the imports queue in LP is quite full, so if you upload a PO file, it will take a couple of days to import, whereas in the LP web interface it should be instant14:49
dpmalthough it's going to be a bit of a pain to change them manually14:49
hannieguys, perhaps we have to wait till the first language pack update14:50
dpmyou can start doing it for a few packages if you want, and it shouldn't take that long. Here's a trick:14:51
dpmYou can append &batch=50 to the url to return more results. For example, you can change all pulseaudio translations in say 10 minutes by pointing and clicking:14:52
dpmI need to prepare for a meeting, bbl14:53
trijntjehannie: you never get a chance to make a first impression ;)14:53
hanniethanks, dpm14:53
hannietrijntje, RawChid we can go back to mwanzo, ok14:53
RawChidOke, thnx for the heads up14:54
trijntjegood to know that imports wont make it in for the deadline, thanks14:54
dpmtrijntje, yes. As a rule of thumb it's a good idea to do any manual uploads a week before the deadline, as the imports queue tends to be quite full on the last days before that15:03
dpmbut anything you save in LP through the web UI makes it to language packs up until the deadline instantly15:04
hanniedpm, thanks for your help and useful information15:04
dpmnp ;-)15:05
gotwigkelemengabor: PM? IMHO a critical situation17:20
kelemengaborgotwig: it's better to ask here :)17:21
artnayMirv, dpm: if ddtp just started working today, isn't there a need for a rebuild? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline was on the 12th of April17:47
Mirvartnay: it's not built, it's uploaded to be part of repository translations content. so, it's just one of the items usually scheduled to be done already earlier, but can be done at any point.18:45
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