
jhodapphello, anybody around?16:54
jhodappHas anybody been doing much with Ubuntu TV so far in a volunteer capacity?17:18
tgm4883jhodapp, not much with Ubuntu TV yet, but I'm finishing up a Unity scope for MythTV17:24
tgm4883once Ubuntu TV has the right parts in place, it will fit nicely into that17:24
jhodappthat's pretty cool tgm488317:24
jhodappdo you have a URL for that?17:24
tgm4883jhodapp, yea, it's just a BZR branch right now, I'm still working on the packaging17:25
jhodappawesome, Ubuntu TV is going to be awesome17:35
tgm4883hmm, I'm not at home to test, but I may have the packaging done for that now17:36
jhodapptgm4883: in what ways are you interested in helping out with Ubuntu TV?17:36
tgm4883I want to see MythTV functionality in it17:36
jhodappsuch as?17:37
tgm4883I think that rather than roll a new backend for DVR functionality, that we should connect to existing platforms (such as MythTV) to provide the recording capability17:39
jhodappIt's a major undertaking to implement full DVR functionality, I've done it professionally at a previous employer.17:42
tgm4883popey, is progress still happening on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/MergePlan17:43
jhodapptgm4883: I'm a member of the Ubuntu TV team for Canonical just for your reference, but I'm new to the team so I'm coming up to speed on things.17:45
tgm4883well then I redirect that last question at you, is progress still happening on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/MergePlan17:45
jhodappI don't have that knowledge quite yet, so it was still to direct that to popey.17:46
jhodapp*still good17:46
tgm4883my understanding is that Ubuntu TV still can't handle episodic content very well17:47
tgm4883but admittedly, I haven't looked in a few months17:47
jhodappThat's right, what's implemented right now is mostly just demoware too so much of it will most likely be modified or replaced.17:48
tgm4883right, so if you look at the code I posted earlier (which still needs cleaned up a bit) I had to kinda mangle it into something that could be useful for seasons/episodes17:49
tgm4883What I really need is something in Unity that allows me to send that info separately, that way it could be searched for (and better yet, organized in the Ubuntu TV frontend)17:50
jhodappSo you're looking for a more formal metadata interface from guide data for the current program being played17:51
tgm4883jhodapp, so the DVR functionality that I've seen in Ubuntu TV looks like this  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntunewsru/6668617505/17:52
tgm4883but AFAIK that is all fake and there is no format right now that I can present the info in that will do that17:52
tgm4883There is a lack of documentation right now (expectedly)17:53
jhodappyeah, I think after this upcoming UDS, you'll really start to see the project kicked into high-gear17:53
tgm4883which kinda sucks because either A) nobody can write stuff for Ubuntu TV yet, or B) we write stuff for Unity and when the functionality does get added in Ubuntu TV we might have to rewrite everything17:54
tgm4883I hope so17:54
jhodappA would be risky right now and B is accurate.17:55
tgm4883and that kinda sucks for something that was announced at the last UDS and shown off at CES17:55
jhodappyeah, that is a long time to wait around17:56
jhodappwell the waiting time should rapidly be over17:57
tgm4883I'll plan on attending any Ubuntu TV sessions remotely this UDS17:57
tgm4883I talked to Will Cooke a bit at the last one, but it was pretty early17:57
jhodappexcellent, that's a great idea17:57
tgm4883A bit of background, I'm a developer for Mythbuntu17:58
tgm4883There have been quite some changes in the latest version of MythTV that make it work really well with other frontends now (eg. ubuntu TV)17:59
jhodappvery good to have you helping out with Ubuntu TV then17:59
jhodappSo you're very familiar with the inner workings of MythTV?17:59
tgm4883I'm pretty familiar, I don't work on MythTV directly, but I've worked with the MythTV developer18:00
tgm4883There is a new services API they have that is meant to fix issues with 3rd party frontends  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Services_API18:01
tgm4883Basically an official way to stream shows from the backend now, without having to hack the myth protocol18:02
jhodappso it's a high level frontend web api to get the backend to do what you want18:03
jhodappsoap/wsdl is an interesting choice for that18:03
tgm4883version 1 of my scope just searches the available shows and will stream it in either the default video player on the desktop or mythavtest if it is installed18:05
tgm4883one of the advantages of mythavtest is you still get automatic commercial skipping18:05
jhodappthat is a cool feature for sure18:05
tgm4883version 2 will add some configuration to it allowing on the fly transcoding in case you are on a different device, slow network connection, etc18:06
tgm4883jhodapp, oh, another feature that would be pretty important is having a way to trigger the show being marked watched after it hits a certain point18:08
tgm4883the streaming functionality will just stream the show, I don't believe it marks it as watched (nor should it by itself)18:08
jhodappgood point18:09
tgm4883but, this is all still too early to worry about18:10
jhodapp tgm4883: how familiar are you with GStreamer?18:11
tgm4883not too familiar18:11
jhodapptgm4883: well hopefully we get to collaborate and work on Ubuntu TV together in the near future.18:14
msvbI had some ideas today about the upcoming Raspberry Pi ARM devices and putting the Ubuntu TV distro/package on them.18:27
msvbThink that could be a marriage made in heaven.18:27
jhodappIt certainly would be a fun project :)18:29
jhodappI've been wanting to get my hands on one of those boards18:30
msvbNo idea how long we still wait, but word was out that they would soon ship.18:32
msvbOn their website they show the first crates that arrived from manufacturing.18:32
msvb…and of course a few hundred (probably) have been given out to the pilot groups.18:33
msvbHeard something about a school somewhere that got the first ones.18:33
jhodappthat makes sense since that's one of their primary targets (schools)18:33
msvbProbably Ubuntu TV + Raspberry Pi = very nice experiment.18:34
jhodappI wish the second version had dual ethernet as it'd make a fantastic network appliance platform18:34
msvbYou're right, it could take a battery and be a portable router.18:34
msvbWireless and so on.18:34
msvbRoute to a GSM gateway, maybe on board.18:35
jhodappyeah, I want to use it for a low power, inexpensive Linux firewall18:35
msvbMuch dreaming.18:35
msvbSeems that the only missing thing to taking a chunk of market from PC Engines and Soekris are the NICs.18:35
msvbThroughput is probably sufficient for routing as well as the Alix boards do.18:36
jhodappSo what are your thoughts on Ubuntu TV? Are you thinking you'll be interested in helping out with it in the near future?18:36
msvb…at 1/4 the price with additional features like HDMI (great to have on a firewall of course.)18:36
msvbI'm trying to organize things at the upcoming UDS for Ubuntu TV.18:37
msvbPartially out of egocentric reasons (to happily be involved.)18:37
jhodappExcellent, are you a Canonical employee or just eager volunteer?18:37
msvbEager volunteer.18:37
msvbSounds like we have similar goals.18:38
msvbYou going to the UDS in Oakland next month by chance?18:38
jhodappyes, though I get to work on Ubuntu TV whether I volunteer or not :)18:38
jhodappyes, I'll be there!18:38
jhodappmy first UDS ever18:38
msvbHey cool, me too. Quite confusing but I suppose things will clear up when the teams stop working on 12.04.18:38
jhodappUDS will be a major kickoff for Ubuntu TV18:39
msvbIf they give me the privilege of coordinating the Raspberry Pi + Ubuntu TV meeting (that's what I proposed today) then we should plan the meeting together.18:39
msvbSet the starting agenda and make a website or whatever.18:39
jhodappyeah, I'm excited about Ubuntu TV to contribute in many different ways18:40
jhodappI'm not sure what our reference platform will be (if it's not the PC by default), but Raspberry Pi may be a good choice (not sure without more research)18:42
jhodapphey kenvandine18:54
kenvandinehey jhodapp!18:54
jhodappwelcome to ubuntu tv! :)18:55
popeygosh, busy in here this evening21:52
tgm4883popey, you mean this morning. You are on some strange UK time22:04
popeyer ☺22:24

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